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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  November 19, 2013 12:00am-1:01am PST

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astonishing. >> thank you for being with us tonight it. see you tomorrow night at 7 p.m. eastern. o'reilly factor is next. good night from washington. welcome to "red eye." tonight -- >> coming up on "red eye." awkward fist bumping. this friendly greeting could be responsible for global warming. plus, does the white house hate people who sthings it is gross to put ketchup on hot dogs ? >> in the not too distant future we as a country will look back at this moment and pretty clearly recognize that those who oppose were wrong. >> and finally, world's tiniest man or world's largest motorcycle? our panel settles it once and for all. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight. >> let's welcome our guests. we are down with the browns. that sounds almost disgusting. down with the browns sowppedz
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-- sounds like a euphemism from the urban dictionary. it is patty an brown. and andy levy. and bonnie mcfarland. and next to me once again tom shillue. his latest comedy album is called, ironically, "don't force it" because he does force it. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. finally got my tattoo finished, greg. your face looks even better on my back. >> excellent. something to stare at. they threw ford overboard. toronto city council decided to strip away many of ford's power, cutting his budget 60% and leaving him with no legislative authority. but he can represent toronto at official functions so that's fun. on monday he spoke directly to his foes. >> this, folks, reminds me of
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when, and i was watching with my brear, when -- with my brother, when saddam attacked kuwait and president bush said i warn you, i rn what you, i warn you, do not. well, folks, if you think american-style politics is nazi, you guys have just attacked kuwait. >> he is amazing. at some point during the meeting the crowd in the gallery was yelling shame, shame, shame. i don't know why. ford seemingly charged toward a spectator and ran over a city councilor in the process. >> so we have some angry exchanges going on. the mayor just attacked somebody. that is another counselor.
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he ran at her and grabbed her. >> he moves with the grace of a gazelle or somebody that ate three gazelle and has diarrhea. he is looking for a wait room and trying to crap. i didn't realize you were from can can. this must be a proud moment. >> if anybody represented canada it should be somebody like rob ford. he is so canadian. >> he seems like the opposite of canada. >> he is funny and jovial. >> big. >> the only thing that is different is he is a crack addict. that's new for us. in the 90s right now. to him it is the united states in the 90s. >> we talked about canada. >> it is canada. he is just getting into "friends." he helped up the woman. he didn't mean to knock her over. >> he is a big man. >> it seems like he was at the
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beach chasing that frisbie. you know how sometimes you do that and there is a kid building a sandcastle and you step on the kid? >> it is not intentional. are you friends with big, fat people? they will bump into you and throw you into a wall. >> it is saintly the way they do it of the it is almost as though they are generous with their form that they can't help but run into things. he has a great record in toronto. the crime is down and real estate prices are down. >> they want to bring this guy down. th is a battle. this is the battle of the new century. it is a battle between the cities and the country people. >> really? i did not know that. >> obama is all about the urban people. we are going through it as well. it is the tax money and whether it will go into the cities and the suburban taxpayer will make use of his or her money. he is taking money out and putting it back into the rural
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communities. they don't like him in toronto. the big city people don't like him. >> you are basically portraying him as a populous. pab, you used to be addicted to crack cocaine the last seven or eight years. can ford do the same? >> first of all to tom's point about the economic statistics there are people now questioning and saying some of it is exaggerated and some is smoke and mirrors. >> there is definitely smoke and definitely motorcycles. and mirrors. the unemployment rate has gone down among crack dealers and the prostitutes and bartenders. >> he is putting his money back into the community which is important. he could be putting it in investments. instead he said the guy on the corner wants to make some money. >> you wouldn't think he would do any of that.
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if a lady hating kenyan socialist interloper can become president of the united states why can't a crack smoking, pill popping joint blazing drunk become prime minister of canada? >> i agree. >> the one function they left him is to represent toronto? >> because that's the kind of figure head you want. >> maybe adjust your pry majorities. priorities. and him running and you put yakity-sacks and it is benny hill. >> i don't understand. did he think she ate the last donut? >> as usual he always mentions his brother. he is like lib -- liberacci. except straight. i said lberaccci. no, i think his brother was there and he was trying to get his brother's attention and he
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was running over -- but it seemed like somebody had thrown a frisbie and that's why you don't play frisbie in the parliament because people get hurt. >> why is this such a big story? this is canada. we don't talk about it much. >> it is changing. it is not just for goodie two shoes anymore. >> i like andy's point though. i would rather have a mayor chasing the flame than a mayor telling me i can't drink sodas or i can't have trans fats. he can't cut out trans fats because he is trans fat. >> that's why i think he will actually become prime minister. he does things people don't think are humanly possible like do crack and be that fat. >> he moved quickly. he moves very fast. >> i like his brother too. his brother says he hasn't been charged with anything and he hasn't broken the law. he admitted to smoking crack. >> that's not illegal in
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canada. >> i had no idea. >> his brother is chris farly though, right? his brother is chris farrley, right? >> he can't help but rant. it is at least another tirade. linda schmidt is accused of knocking his wife's teeth out with a microphone. >> you are the one who almost hit my microphone in the face? >> i did not. >> do you want to apologize to her on camera? i asked you a question. i asked you a question. >> i did nothing wrong. >> i did nothing wrong, alec. >> baldwin said he wanted to press charges against schmidt who was covering baldwin's
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stalker trial. here is when the reporter approached baldwin's wife. >> do you have any comments about the woman being found guilty today? do you have anything to say? >> i have something to say, get away from me. >> being found guilty today? anything to say? >> i have something to say, get away from me. >> i think we almost just witnessed a murder. after msnbc suspended baldwin's show for anti-gay slurs baldwin threatened to quit show biz forever far the sake of his family because of paparazzi. provoked me daily by getting close to me with their cameras as weapons hoping i row act. if quitting the show biz business is -- means bringing safety to my family, that is an easy decision.
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bald -- baldwin wants the paparazzi to get off his tail. >> let's leave him alone. we have been analyzing this. >> what? >> it is only the most famous in the world. >> she should go to prison. she came close to her face, no? >> i don't think this linda schmidt deserves to get famous from this. you know what it is? alec baldwin can no go around yelling at everyone like they are his 11-year-old daughter. he has to pull back sometimes. >> exactly.
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he needs to have more kids so he can yell at them. my feeling is he will never be happy. he is always walking around with a big bucket of rage. if you run into him he will spill the rage all over you. >> a bucket of something. and by the way, he looks like hell without all of the stage make up on and everything. >> it is the hair. he should have his hair like jock donahee and not like that. >> we all know that alec is a crazy person. but i really thought she is, you know, a yoga instructor. she was going to be the calming influence. she is strumming up -- trumping up the false accusation. the microphone was never closer than a foot. she said this woman assaulted me. >> her mother was murdered by an m-65 microphone to be fair. alec baldwin's grand parents were killed by a tele-photo lens. >> if you look at that tape when the reporter has the mic she puts the hand between them and there is barely six inches
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on either side of her hand. i would be scared. >> it is true though. she is supposed to be a calming influence. it is like she goes -- basically she did get him. >> she didn't even do that. she just goes, that's the reporter. that's such a woman thing to do. >> how dare you? somebody remove him. >> it was go get her. oh that's the reporter that did that knowing full well. >> letting loose a pittbull. >> i think she is under a lot of pressure. she has just had a child. they are going through this whole court case where she has to pretend like she doesn't know he slept with that canadian stalker. i believe you. >> it is always canada. >> is the stalker canadian? >> yes. >> why are all stalkers canadian, andy? don't answer that question. >> i will not. wait, can you ask that question again? >> tom, will anyone -- will he actually quit?
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he has done this before, right? >> yes, he has. he obviously is complaining about the press and he is right. the press is ridiculous and they wait outside his apartment, but he is indulging them because of his crazy behavior so they will camp out more because he is always threatening them. why does he say i asked you a question? you don't have to answer people's questions. >> you never have to answer the question. >> that's true. >> he needs to learn the difference between paparazzi and reporters. there is a difference. paparazzi are scum. reporters, i mean, they are legitimately covering a news case with the stalker trial. >> is any of it legitimate? >> absolutely. >> it is a news story, but it is a tabloid news story. and who are you to say that -- >> oh my. >> catching somebody of a bikini line is interesting.
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>> i will tell you who i am. i am andy levy. >> that's not enough for me. >> all news is news to somebody. >> the difference i am saying are paparazzi are generally the ones who stand in your bushes and are border line stalkers. a news reporter in the middle of the street in a public state. >> will hit you with the microphone. >> may put a microphone a foot and a half away from your wife's mouth, but you have toking accept -- but you have to accept that. >> do you have any reaction to that. >> the name is hilaria. that's a pharmaceutical drug to somebody who can't stop laughing. sometimes things aren't always funny. laughing at an inopportune moment can be embarrassing. don't be the butt of other people's jokes. >> may cause dry mouth. >> sexual symptoms. >> could include diarrhea,
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constipation. >> and an itcher trigger finger. >> hilaria, consult your doctor. she thinks her sister should marry a mister. that was a good rhyme. >> that was nice. >> i didn't come up with it. who did? i can't remember. where am i? liz cheney opposes gay marriage. her sister, mary, is married to a woman and now the political is perm. is personal. >> your sister, mary, who is married to a woman put out this post. she said for the record i love my sister, you, but she is dead wrong on the issue of marriage. >> and listen, i love mary very much. i love her family very much, but this is an esh you where we disagree. >> i love watching him read facebook posts. there is a whole hour there. mary responded as she should on facebook saying, liz, this isn't just an issue on which we disagree. you are just wrong and on the
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wrong side of history. she should have said her story, but that's okay. mary's wife chimed in, when mary and i got married in 2012 she didn't hesitate to tell us how happy she was for us. to have her say she doesn't support our right to mary is offensive to say the least. mary tells the new york times that while the whole family will be in town for christmas, which sounds fun. it does! she says liz is going to be there and she is not going see her. here is the big dog in the little bed. >> good boy. is that comfortable? >> i don't think that is comfortable considering there was a cat at the bottom of that. pab, on monday, dick cheney and his wife, lynn, said we are paying to see this become
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public. liz has always treated her sister and her sister's family with love and respect exactly as she should have done. is this good or bad for the cheney family? limit your answer to yes. >> yes. it is sad. it is causing problems if they will not see each other over the holidays when they are in town together. the bottom line is liz is 50 points behind in the latest polls in her senate race. at that point i would say don't push the politics. why don't don't you worry -- why don't you worry about making your family priority and put this aside. your political career is not going anywhere anyways. >> i didn't realize how far behind she was. >> you know why she is far behind? a republican super pack is running ads saying that liz cheney is soft a -- soft on gay marriage. >> that's awful. >> her position is she thinks it should be left up to the states. the other guy running whose name i am blanking on says no
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there should be a constitutional name. enzo or something like that. >> that's wonderful. >> i can't help but think this will be a richard curtis movie and it will happen on holiday where they get back to christmas and some high jinx will happen and somebody will fall into a pond and freeze to death. that's all i've got so far. >> i feel like liz is going to come around at the end. she is going to be a little softer. >> here is the thing for the movie. they falter and they don't freeze to death. they make a chain and the lesbians are in the middle. >> their rings are welded together. >> and they save everybody. >> andy, are you a lesbian. have you ever gone through anything like this in your family say with somebody who hates cats and you want to marry your cat which you mentioned many times. >> yeah, i don't -- there is
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not a single word in that question that made a lick of sense. >> lick? >> i married a jew. i feel like i can speak about this. >> every time i hear the story i think one thing. let's play the feud. i want to see -- there has to be an snl cheney family feud. >> i thought you were throwing to something. >> no. i feel bad for dick and lynn cheney and i feel bad that this whole thing went public. it wouldn't have been public, except liz cheney is running for public office. if you don't want things to go public don't run for public office. >> thank you. and on that note we have to take a hard break. that's tv talk for -- i don't know. "red eye" after dark. kids, get your parents' permission because andy levy will be shirtless. and are you allowed to secretly film people? that story is done.
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are they being an ass for wearing google glass? that's the stupid looking thing on the guy's face that is actually a computer. it is supposed to tell you if the creepy looking guy is recording you. a red light is supposed to go on. enter chris barrett who invented something called sun shades which is useful when looking at the screen on the glasses in bright sunlight. and it is also conveniently covering up the red in use light. he said it was an intent to allow peeps to record their peeks. it is up to the user to decide how or when they will use the camera to record video or take photographs. it sounds terrific, bro. speaking of terrific.
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>> that is how they invented the segue. it took them 10 years to come up with the segue. and now nobody uses it because nobody made any roads for segue. stupid pets don't think ahead. that's why we put them to sleep. pab, during the break you said "i effing hate google glass and given the chance i would beat the crap out of anybody that recorded me." those were your words. >> it is not a bad paraphrase, but i wouldn't go that far. as far as the recording thing we are being recorded no matter where we go. if you are out in public you have to assume don't do anything you want recorded. what is the difference between somebody seeing it live and somebody seeing it on tape. if you are private and you are having a private conversation
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with somebody get those stupid glasses off. you should not bewaring them. >> i thought they were talking about me. >> those are elegant. >> they are elegant. i ordered them on-line. you should try that. bonnie, google glass? >> we are being recorded everywhere we go. and i suddenly realize this is probably what it feels like to grow up catholic. we are always being watched. >> that's true. is that a bad thing? it makes you a better person. as a catholic i did not kill anybody. can you say that? >> but that is the top of what you did. you did everything else under that. >> that is true. >> i feel like if somebody -- i would be worried if somebody came under the bathroom stall wearing google glasses and i would have to say take the glasses off. you know what i mean?
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>> or go to the bathroom outside which gets around that whole thing of people peeking at you. i just do it outside. tom, bigger issue, can you physically attack somebody if they are watching you? like if somebody is filming you, don't you have a right to just pull it right off his face and go smack? >> why not? >> i don't know. maybe i'm wrong. >> is that a bigger issue? >> it wasn't really. it is not a bigger issue. >> alec baldwin thinks it is. >> these glasses are not really a problem. there are little, tiny, cameras you can put on anything. they didn't have a camera out there. he had it in his corsage or whatever. >> the corsage gave it away. why was the exterminator wearing a corsage. >> that's why the google glass is not going to be such a problem. you can see them. they are on your head. whether there is an eye shade over it or not people know it if there is a recorder strapped to your head. >> good point.
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even though you are sick it sounded all right. i can't say google glass. it sounds like i am drunk. >> as a taste maker. >> explain to the public what that joke means. >> they are giving -- or they are allowing the early adopters of the glass to be the people they are calling taste makers. yet i haven't gotten a pair. >> rob ford has a pair. >> that's what he calls his underwear. >> i permanently would love to -- i personally would love to have these things. it would give me something to look at while i am pretending to listen to your daily tirades in the office. i do as far as getting the crap getting beat out of them, i predict a lot of early adoptions. not because they are doing something they shouldn't be, but because they are stupid. they will be in a gym locker room and i decide i will check my e-mail. people say what the hell are you doing? or they are on a subway
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reading a book. people are going to be stupid about this. >> and you just encouraged them to do just that on national tv. >> the other thing? you know what it is -- >> is this national? >> the result would be hilarious. >> it is national. it is in a lot of local markets. technically it is national. >> the interesting thing is the camera will be so small and the computer will be so small it will be in our head. and whoa will have two brains. we will have our natural brain that deals with the emotional content and this other thing that is doing the other crap like maybe i will watch another episode of "breaking bad" and that is going on over here and that's what will happen and we will have no choice. >> it is for nothing but watching porn. stop pretending you will be watching "breaking bad." >> by the way, there should be a food called porn chips. i don't know. maybe not. i have no idea how that would taste. frankly, pab, i don't want to
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know. >> do not put the dip on them. >> exactly. coming up, the c block. tonight's c block is sponsored by clouds. clouds are fluffy. can't get enough of those clouds. thanks, clouds. you're welcome, greg. big fan of the "red eye." >> thanks, clouds. >> love to see you. shut up, clouds. he built a strange statue in his backyard. not cool, mr. daabs, not cool.
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packing a van isn't their plan. yep, 20 somethings aren't moving much thanks to the crap economy. mobility for young adults in the u.s. has dropped to to the lowest level in 7,000 years. with the job market mill 11 yells don't have the cash to rent a u-haul and pursue their path in life. they are doubling up with hot roommates or living with their hotter parents. it is 25 to 29. 23% moved in and the 12 months ending are ma of of 2013. the lowest since 1963. can we have more numbers? what do you think this is? >> i didn't even write this. >> this is awful. awful. the economy has had a similar effect on young kangaroos.
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>> that's amazing. >> that's weird. >> i am troubled by that. i'm telling you, first gay marriage. the world is going to hell. adult kangaroos. he can live there until he is 26. he is on his kangaroo health insurance. what does it mean for young people not moving around so much. at least we can keep track of them. >> i foal like we would be better off if we got all, you know, like the young people in some medically enduced coma and just waited it out. >> you know what, isn't that how it really is in obama's america? >> you know, it is funny you are losing a whole decade of employment. people are in their 30s and they haven't been working in their 20s, pab. they are delaying their career, marriage, buying a home.
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maybe that's not a bad thing since the afnlg life span is -- since the average life span is 120. >> i believe that. >> it is going to be by the time some of these -- >> why not putz around until you are 40? >> eventually we will all run out of money. you have people with master's degrees who are -- they say they are dog sitters and pulling up weeds and they are living with their parents. i disagree with the whole thing they are not moving. i know a lot of young adults who have moved out of their parents' bedroom and into the basement. they really are moving. >> and good for them. it is a big move for that. you are still in the same area code. >> and i just have to point out as far as the average life span goes, it will not be 120. since obamacare started it has dropped to 49. it has only been like two months . it has already dropped to 40. >> we worked in this segment four obamacare jokes. we have our -- what is it called?
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quota. what's wrong with me. i am forgetting simple words. >> they called this the generation wait. they are just waiting. it used to be we were an exceptional group of people who took something and now we are waiting. >> i was about to go on a tirade about obamacare, but we made a good point. there are too many people that are in college and in grad school when they should be ironing my shirts. they should be working. >> for you. >> yes. they should be making my breakfast. they should be doing things instead of going into $100,000 of debt and then they live with their parents because they can't pay it back. stop going to college and start doing work. >> that's the ashton kutcher philosophy that a lot of people feel certain jobs are beneath them. they won't weed and they won't do certain things. you know what it is? they watch so much tv they think the moment you get out of college you are like an ad director. you know what you are? you are an architect or a
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veterinarian. you are a veterinarian married to an architect and you are 23. >> or if you are a hot woman you become a photographer. >> yes, exactly. it is a -- no, it is a foreign correspondent and you are in some foreign country alone and hot and with a camera. andy, moving for you, you are always against it. you usually stay in one place. i envision you at the age of 60 and they have to take a crane with a wrecking ball and take your fat, gruesome hair-covered body out in a big bag and drop you into an ambulance that doesn't have a roof so they can drop your disgusting, festering body and all of these hundreds of cats will follow you to the hospital and they will wait for you, and then at the end they will eat you. moving for you has never been an issue. >> do i have time to answer? >> yes. >> that's actually not true. i usually move every couple years or so. usually after two or three
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neighbors discover there are cameras in their apartments. you know, before they start narrowing the list of suspects. i think maybe it is time to go. obviously people aren't moving. they are staying home with their parents other than adding this to the list at the impeachment hearings. >> you know what it is great for? hitchhiking. after the man son thing, a lot of people stopped hitchhiking. now it is leak hitchhiking is coming back because it is affordable. that's why i kept my van. i stopped driving it around. >> you don't need to hitchhike. you have apps now to tell you when people will give you rides. >> they can't afford that. >> i wouldn't put my thumb out ever. it is too much work. >> i moved from san francisco to arlington and then to allentown. people are too picky. i moved to the worse city in the world, allentown. at the time it was the worst city in the united states in
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19-- 1990. >> on a semiserious note i think it is bad if people aren't living in different geographic locations. by living in different locations you learn different customs. you live in the south and you learn things are different there. you live in the west. it is good for people to experience that. i think it is an unintended bad consequence. >> well stop going to college. >> we have to take a break. put your finger up all you want and it has no effect on me whatsoever. got more stuff. joy of hate, if you haven't purchased the book i will hate you, but if you order it right now i will love you.
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last saturday's "red eye" aired at 2:00 a.m. only and not 11:00 p.m.
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what happened was your dvr didn't catch it and we decided to take the best part which was the frightened correspondent which is one of the funniest things we have done in awhile. here is a segment. take it away. >> as we mentioned earlier, scientists in belgium discovered traces of the herpes virus on library copies of "50 shades of grey" and no one is more scared than joe mackey. here to discuss that is joe. how are you? >> terrified, terrified, greg. >> you should be terrified. they say the virus cannot beacon tracted by touching the book. are they lying to us? >> first off, greg, i have been researching herpes all day. 70% of the people that contract herpes get it when their partner has no visible outbreak which is terrifying, but not as terrifying as 30% of the people have sex with somebody who has a herpes outbreak. as for the books, sure scientists will say you can't
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get it from a book. they are just trying to protect books. >> it is true. if you knew you could get it from the book, you would get -- you would burn the book. >> it is true. it is so greedy. do you think most copies might have the virus? >> the study said most do have the virus and most have cocaine. i tell you what, that will be one heck of a valtrex commercial. sitting around a and doing cocaine and reading smut. >> he's right. it would be a great commercial. how many people do you think have gotten the disease from reading the book? >> i think we got lucky, pun intended, is most people who read "50 shades of gray" already had herpes. >> will you avoid dating a woman if she has read this book? >> i am terrified of women who have read this book, but i will not avoid a date. i am not in a position to turn down dates. i am not going to do the
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asking though. what if she says no. >> that's true. even she has san derdz. standards. next story, this week, this is a horrible story. a cleaning robot may have committed suicide. according to reports from austria, the gadget that looks like this one was left on a kitchen counter after taking care of spilled cereal. it somehow switched itself on and moved to a kitchen hot plate burning itself to death. joe, i will come right out with it. if they can kill themselves, they can kill us, right? >> if that is what one robot without any arms can destroy a house, think of what a robot that can win jeopardy can do. we are in trouble. >> it is bad. are you terrified that an appliance could murder you in your sleep? that could happen. >> it could surely happen and i hope it does -- it doesn't. i am not going to sleep tonight. i will tell you that much. >> you are not. i don't think you ever sleep. you are too terrified.
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>> thank god for coffee. >> yes. you know what, you probably stand watch, don't you? >> yes, i am alert. one eye open, baseball bat. it is not easy. >> do you think this is maybe not a suicide. it could be a robot on robot murder? >> i hope it is robot on robot murder. end result, less robots and more jobs for us. >> so true. >> should we as concerned citizens and consumers chain all of our appliances down at night? >> well, i don't like having that many chains around either. after that "50 shades of grey" stuff. >> that's true. you can have a robot nto something. i >>- q. i haven't read -- >> i haven't read the book yet. >> i have time for one more story. this is about a bunch of climate change experts saying they found the world's oldest creature. unfortunately by opening the
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clam they killed it instantly. if a 500-year-old clam is not safe how will we be safe? >> we are not safe. heck, you have a bunch of scientists out there. what if one asks you how old you are and the only way to find out is to kill you? that's ridiculous. >> why not just let the thing not die and wait? >> that's the thing. they didn't want to wait. it could be 500 years from now. they were impatient scientists. >> we should just kill everything to learn about them. the herpes books. >> i just don't know how -- you know what, maybe you are normal for being frightened all the time. >> maybe i am. i think a lot of people, some on the panel, owe me an apology quite honestly. i am waiting. >> i truly am sorry. joe, always a pleasure having you here alerting and scaring the crap out of our audience.
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i hope you get home safely. >> one eye open. sleep with one eye open tonight. >> i will. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us -- i am having belches. it is at red eye at fox if you have a video of your animal doing something click on submit a video. we might use it. coming up, an extremely strange statue.
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coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" we have a very, very interesting show i am excited to tell you about. joe devito, ellison barber and thornberg. >> e block. the last story. that's the last story. >> that's ra, the rugged man. i don't think he goes by rugged man. >> his finger will always linger. a detroit man, is there any other kind, bought the house next door to his wife and erected a 12-foot tall statue in the backyard. it had an adorable message. there it is. it is a finger. wow. that's great. allen is a strip club owner,
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no surprise, and says he put the bronze "fu" up to get even with his ex-wife's new boyfriend. isn't that always the case? he showed her. she lives with a guy now and apparently had an affair while she was still married. this is where he decides to get back at him, pab. i have to add fire his dedication. no? >> oh yeah. this guy went to great lengths. i just have to figure if he had paid half as much attention to this woman while he was married to her, maybe she wouldn't have taken a lover in the first place. >> that's an interesting point. men don't really care until you dump them? >> he is now obsessed. i wonder about the zoning regulations. we have seen things where they say you have to take down a cross orie lig general -- a cross or religious cymbal. but a big, giant [bleep] yes. >> a big, giant [bleep].
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>> plenty of bountiful milk is flowing across america because of your foul mouth. >> it is not just children who bred feed. >> i don't need to hear about the club you formed. if you look at it this way he could have punched the guy in the face, but he had a nonviolent way of sending a message. >> and he said this was not supposed to be a big public thing. this is a private message between me and the man. he said he put it on his lawn. >> he said i didn't want this to get in the press ssments it is my way of giving a message to the people next door. >> i don't think this is a promotional thing for a reality show he hey be in. do you respect this or find it strange? >> when i hear a story like this i think what did she do
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to make a class see guy like -- a classy guy like this act in such a way. she should be ashamed of herself. >> what a surprise that a strip club owner would do this. he probably would have found some other way at getting back at her. andy, this is something you would do. it is something you have done. >> it wouldn't be a finger i assure you. >> this guy is getting a reality series on cinema? >> sin -- sin gnaw max. >> do you think this is a stunt in -- a stunt? >> i don't know. i did some research. he has been shot a couple times. once he was shot by a dancer because he fired her for having sex with a customer in the bathroom. and then when he left at night she was waiting with a gun and shot him in a lung. the mob put out a contract on his life. he has been sued by a bunch of his strippers and he wrote
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this book called "topless profit" that they are making a reality show with that name. and one of the clubs he owned was called boobie trap. >> he is clever. >> the story got picked up or part of it is his wife's daughter tweeted it. i checked out her twitter feed and she is hot. show is really, really hot. that's not apropos of anything. it is apropos of a really hot girl on twitter. >> just don't compete with the strippers. >> he said the real for just happened to show him the house next door to his ex-wife. >> i was as surprised as anyone. >> you know he is bringing the hospital values down. is that what you do in your revenge? >> no. you would be surprised. all of my ex-girlfriends, we have good relationships and
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exchange baked goods and everything like that. >> somehow that is niece to know. pab, bonnie, andy shillue, time to go. see you tomorrow, people. bob wi, which would be fine if bob were a vampire. but he's not. ♪ he's an architect with two kids and a mortgage. luckily, he found someone who gave him a fresh perspective on his portfolio. and with some planning and effort, hopefully bob can retire at a more appropriate age. it's not rocket science. it's just common sense. from td ameritrade.
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these unions bashing him. on fox business tonight at 8:00. hello, everyone, i'm dana perrino. i think that's greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." 12 more days until we hit the president's self-imposed deadline of getting working. the administration promises the website will be up and running by november 30th, and by up and rupp i meaning, they mean 80% of the time. jay carney was asked about that today. >> you're looking at that statistic simplistically because the issue here is can we make the website function effectively for the vast majority of users who go on it? >> now, very few democrats have


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