tv Happening Now FOX News November 20, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PST
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bill: check anywhere right now. martha: we will be on radio in just a few moments with bill hemmer. goodbye, everyone, "america's newsroom" again tomorrow morning. jenna: president obama giving the onerous to 16 recipients of the honors award. the highest civilian honor for civilians who have contributed to our country in different ways. either in security or different ways. and as you see why that is when you get a picture of this. since 1963, more than 500 individuals have received the presidential medal of freedom. the honorees include president bill clinton, oprah winfrey,
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loretto lynn, lori simon, richard lugar, and ben bradlee just to name a few. we will bring it to you live when it happens. ♪ ♪ jenna: great to see you, everyone. i am jenna lee on "happening now". bill: jon: and i am jon scott. welcome. taking a toll on the approval of the law, obama health >> we are investing in the failure and that makes, i think, the kind of ability to fix
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glitches more challenging. i'm optimistic that we can get it fixed. jon: 31% of americans approve of the affordable care act and 61% disapprove. let's bring in mark hanna and charlie hurt. welcome to both of you. the presidency is to say that republicans are really at fault here for the laws failed implementation. do you agree or can you explain? >> there is no question that republicans are more determined to hurt obamacare and to help americans get affordable and universal health care coverage. i do not think they have been cooperated were partners to help collaborate with the administration necessarily in making this rollout successful, which is what most americans want to be.
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most want to be pro-obamacare orient thai baht in turn obamacare. opinions are usually in the middle. they want to see their neighbors and sons and daughters be able to afford health care that is high-quality. i think if you asked obama himself, he would disapprove of the way that the rollout has gone thus far and i think what is more important is the approval rating two years from now. jon: i imagine he would sing that it's the republicans fault. >> it's absolutely absurd to suggest this. it is 100% owned by president obama. the fact that republicans were opposed to this to begin with doesn't mean that they have contributed to the failure of the launch. it simply means that they are now being vindicated that this isn't the right way to try to get more health insurance.
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>> this is -- the republicans are saying. >> they are talking about how the law is fundamentally flawed. it is based on competition. jon: let mark answer and then we will get to you. >> okay, what they are doing is trying to fan the flames. what they are doing is saying because the implementation of the law has been a debacle, somehow it is inherently flawed and that is just not accurate. both the market logic creates a new demand for the law and it's something which the president was reelected and that most americans agree with coming even if most americans are admittedly
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very frustrated with the way it's been implemented. jon: but this was a president who said if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. >> absolutely, that is the single biggest untruth that people were told to get this passed. but republicans or these conservatives have argued that this kind of social engineering by the federal government to give between people and their doctors and it doesn't work in people that were making that argument have been vindicated. but none of that has anything to do or has contributed in any way to the plans that we have seen with obamacare. >> the points have dropped nine points in a month, down to 37%, primarily because of obamacare
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unless you see it differently. is he going to be able to reverse that somehow? >> i think it's right because predominately due to obamacare and the negative attention. i think that absolutely he must reverse that. it's a signature policy and we will see how successful it is a month going forward. his approval rating will be tied to the success or failure. the republicans scary movie strategy, as it was called, it may backfire. if they scare so many americans not to go on the exchanges and sign up for affordable and private health insurance, there will be more government subsidization. and takeovers which is what republicans fear in the first place. so this could be a backfire if it doesn't work out. and ultimately the end of the day. of course they want to repeal the law.
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the practicality of that is very questionable. >> i think if you look at the cbs poll where apparently he is taking a beating in the polls right now, one of the most alarming part of that pool for president obama is that he is now underwater with women and to have more women disapproving of the president than approving, that shows his strength from 2008 in the reelection. and i think that those numbers have to be very troubling. and if the trend continues with the failed obamacare rollout, i think that that number among women voters will devolve further. >> i do agree. let's not forget as well as the approval rating is, it makes them about is twice as popular
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as republicans in congress. >> you realize you're comparing yourself to congress. [laughter] jon: mark hanna and charlie hurt, thank you so much. we will have to leave it there. jenna: one of our top stories today. you don't want to forget about this one. negotiations underway. our military's future role in afghanistan. the united states to the night admitting in a letter that the united states made mistakes in afghanistan. jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with us. so there is a big day tomorrow and what exactly is happening and why is this significant? >> about 2500 carbo tribal
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elders will decide the fate of whether any u.s. troops will be able to stay in afghanistan post-2014. it's called a loya jirga and it's so important to the process of getting a bilateral improvement. remember he flew out to afghanistan last month when it looked like the deal was on the rocks. and the reason this is so important is you have to remember that the u.s. failed to reach an agreement in iraq and had to go all the troops out at the end of the war and none could stay behind and train iraqi forces or carry out counterterrorism operations. a lack of agreement would severely impact droned strikes being carried out. so all of us are going to have our eyes on the loyola lilla jü.
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>> that came out of the office yesterday now it appears that susan rice said there is no letter, and this is different from what we heard yesterday. >> more broadly i would reiterate that we take every civilian casualty seriously and we always regret when people are killed. reporter: this is a sensitive issue for the afghans and the 2500 tribal elders who sign off on any security agreement and there will need to be more compromised in negotiations and it may suffer an agreement and this will have a big impact on
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how many troops if any troops can stay in afghanistan after next year. jenna: okay, waiting and watching for the headlines as well. we are continuing to watch that. thank you, jennifer. jon: operations are underway under way after a shopping mall partially collapses on those inside. and a congressman in the united states pleased guilty to cocaine possession and what he has to say for himself.
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screen, former president bill clinton. one of the recipients and also on the list, sally ride as well as oprah winfrey. and these are some of the folks that will be receiving the presidential medal of freedom, which is the nation's highest civilian. jenna: interesting as we approach the death of president kennedy. he was the one who sort of changed this award and really got it moving. the 50th anniversary as well of the new way of preventing this award. the reverse, maybe the reverse of this award. >> thank you. jenna: it goes to people who have contributed in different ways. you will see loretta lynn, the country music singer. a wide variety of different people including oprah winfrey as well.
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jon: send us a tweet if you have some thoughts other than the 16 people that are there. we will be getting underway momentarily. vice president joe biden had an interesting comment today. jenna: that's right, he celebrated his birthday and he was asked about his age and he said that he feels a natural age of 34 years old even though he elevated another birthday. so that is pretty comical for joe biden. [applause] >> the crowd is assembled. the president is entering the room and let's listen in. [applause] >> the morning. good morning, everyone. everyone, please have a seat.
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okay, on behalf of michelle and myself, welcome to the white house. this is one of my favorite events ever. especially it is so special this year as i look at the extraordinary group of individuals in our opportunity to honor them with our nation's highest civilian honor, the presidential medal of freedom. this year is a little bit more special because it marks the 50th anniversary of president kennedy establishing this award. we are honored to have with us one of my favorite people and a pretty good basketball player, president kennedy's grandson jack. [laughter]
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[applause] in this metal has been missed out on more than 500 deserving people and tonight i am looking forward to joining some of the honorees and members of the kennedy family as we pay tribute to these 50 years of excellence. we are honored to god team new names to this distinguished list. today we salute the competitors who became trooped champions in the sweltering heat of a chicago summer, tony banks walked into the room and didn't like what he saw. everyone was sitting around with their heads down and depressed, he recalled. so he piped up and said what a great day, let's play. [laughter] >> that is him, the man who came up through the leagues making $7
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per day and became the first black player to suit up for the cubs in one of the greatest hitters of all time. he became known as much for his 512 home runs as for his cheerful demeanor and optimism and paternal faith that someday the cubs would go all the way. [laughter] and that is a serious belief. that is something that even the white sox and like myself can respect. he is such a wonderful man and a great icon of my hometown. and speaking of sports, we have one of the winningest coaches of college fastball history. even if he won 70% of his games, he graduated 96% of his players and he's the first coach to use
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multiple defenses in the game, a pioneer who populated the idea that after a basket, a player points to the team made the pass him the ball. so he did have the good sense to give the ball to a 19-year-old kid named michael jordan. although they used to joke that the only person who held michael under 20 was dean smith. [laughter] coach smith couldn't join us today due to an illness that he's facing with extraordinary courage, we also honor his courage in helping to change our country. he recruited athletes to north carolina and help integrate a restaurant in chapel hill. that's the kind of character that he represents on and off the court. this includes innovators to change how we see the world and
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ourselves. sally ride write about the space update in the paper almost everyday and she thought was the coolest thing she had seen. she seemed to be opportunity is the first american woman in space, sally just didn't break the stratospheric glass ceiling, she blasted through it and when she came back to earth she promoted her life to helping girls in fields like math and science and engineering. she said young girls need role models and you can't can be what you can't see. barry have inspired girls on the world, including my daughter's, because sally show them the way. all of us have moments when we look back and wonder what was i thinking. i certainly had that quite a bit. [laughter]
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[laughter] the psychologist, daniel kahneman, has made this question his life's work. in israel and america, he basically invented the study of human decision-making and he has helped us to understand everything from gabriel economics to does living in california make people happy. he has also been called an expert on irrational behavior. so i'm sure that that could shed light on washington. what truly sets them apart is his curiosity and he is still discovering new insights just so we understand each other and doctor mario marinas in a homemade laboratory and that
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passion led him to the nobel peace prize not only for his groundbreaking research but also for his insistence that when we ignore dangerous carbon emissions, we risk destroying the ozone layer and our planet. the world came together to address this common threat and expired in turn inspired by the example, we are leaving this planet safer for future generations and we also have great musicians to bring joy to our lives. loretta lynn was 19 years old the first time that she won at the local fare. fair. her canned vegetables brought home 17 blue ribbons and made her the cantor camera of the year. and that is impressive.
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[laughter] [applause] for a girl from kentucky, that was fame. fortunately, for all of us, she decided to try her hand at other things than canning. her first guitar cost $17 and with that this coal miner's daughter gave voice to a generation singing when no one wanted to talk about and saying what no one wanted to think about. and 50 years after she cut her first record she still reigns as the record-setting clean of country music. and our next artist loved jazz so much that landed him in jail. it was the only radio station where he could hear jazz is the voice of america. but he listened anyway and later
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he defected to the united states, knowing that he may never see them again. without freedom, there is no life. he said he wanted freedom and there's no place like america in the world. there isn't any place where people don't know about jazz. that's true in part because these physicians like him have sacrificed so much to fight. a baptist minister, this is one of our luther king's closest advisers. it taught us, he said, that we need to find out who we really are in time and again, vivian was one of the first to be in the action. joining us in an illinois westrum, one of the first freedom rides helping to register blacks to vote, for
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which he was beaten and bloodied and jailed. even after things had been supposedly taking care of and we had our right, he was still out there, inspiring the next generation, including me. helping kids go to college and that 89 years old, still out there, still pushing us closer to our founding ideas and early in the morning, the day of the march on washington, the national mall and trent mall was far from full and some would begin to wonder if the event would be a failure. but the chief organizer did not panic. he looked at a piece of paper and looked back up and reassured reporters that everything is right on schedule and the only thing those reporters didn't know was how it would work out.
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but that he had an unshakable optimism and nerves of steel and a faith that if the cause is just and people are organized, nothing can stand in our way. this great leader was denied his rightful place in history because he was ultimately gay day and no metal can change that and today we honor his memory by taking his place in true quality no matter who we are. [applause] speaking of game changers, there was a young girl named gloria steinem who arrived in new york to make her mark as a journalist and magazines only wanted her to write about how to cook without really cooking for men.
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[laughter] and gloria notice things like that. and she has been called a champion noticed her. she has been working in all the ways in which women had been continued to be treated unfairly and as a writer and a speaker and an activist, she awakened the public to problems like domestic violence and lack of affordable child care and unfair hiring processes because of her work around the world, more women are afforded these opportunities including how women thought about themselves. continues to pour her heart into teaching and mentoring are one piece of advice to young girls is do not listen to my advice. listen to the voice inside of you and follow that.
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and this woman's law firm as it should come back after having her first child, she said she'd like time off to focus on her family. she devoted almost 10 years to raising five children. but she never lost the ability to practice law and she would hit the library on weekends. at the age of 40 she went back to the courtroom to show the young kids a thing or two and as the first female judge on the dc circuit, she was a top candidate for attorney general and her idea of retirement was to preside over the trial of war criminal and she says that she hopes that enough women will become judges but it's not worth celebrating anymore, but today we celebrate her and along with courier she shows that we are on all kinds of paths and we must listen to our own voices.
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and more than a dozen intensive battles, ben bradlee is joining "the washington post"'s says 65 years ago and he transformed that newspaper and one of the finest newspapers in the world and he has been charged with the pentagon papers revealing the involvement of america in vietnam. and holding leaders accountable and this includes the freedom of the press in this includes when daniel patrick moynahan questioned him. a rare ben bradlee has been here is the nation stands and the strength increases. i also indicated that he can
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pull off those shirts and i can't, he always looks so cool and i'm. [laughter] and earlier in oprah winfrey's career, her bosses told her that she should change her name to susie. [laughter] i have to pause here to say that i got the same advice. [laughter] people can relate to susie, that's what they said. it turned out surprisingly that people could relate to oprah just fine. in more than 4500 episodes of her show, her message was always you can. you can do and you can be and
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you can go you can be better. and she is living proof. rising from childhood poverty and abuse to the pinnacle of the entertainment universe. but even with 40 amines and the distinction of being the first black female billionaire, her greatest strength has always been her ability to discover the best in ourselves. michelle and i count ourselves among her devoted fans and friends and is one of those fans wrote, i didn't know that i had a light in the interloper told me it was there. what a great gift. finally we salute the public services that have strengthened our nation. daniel moynihan didn't wear his medal of honor very often. to behavior it takes a lot.
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you must behave yourself and i want to honor him even though this country didn't always honor him. after being classified as an enemy alien, he joined the japanese-american unit that became one of the most decorated in world war ii. the second longest serving individual in american history, including one kid growing up in hawaii who noticed that there was somebody that didn't look likeryone else and maybe i had a chance as well do something important as well. he thought all of us, no matter where you come from, this country has a place for everyone who's willing to serve. and dick lugar has served america for more than half a century from a young navy lieutenant and i will always be thankful for him to taking me
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under his wing as a new junior senator and the destruction of cold war arsenals in this former soviet union. something that is always get a lot of notice, but was absolutely critical to making us safer in the wake of the cold war. and i should say that you get close to unexploited landmines, test tubes filled with anthrax and the plague. [laughter] >> his legacy, however, thousands of missiles and bombers and warheads that no longer threaten because of his extraordinary work in our nation and our world are safer because of this. and in a time of unrelenting service, he's a model of what things ought to be.
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last but never least, we have a leader who we still remember with such extraordinary confidence that he still remembers as a child waving goodbye to his mother as she went to nursing school so she could provide for her family. latino families like his own became the story of bill clinton's life. he remembered what his mom had to do on behalf of him and he wanted to make sure that he made life at her and easier. for so many people all across the country that were struggling in the same way as and how those same hopes and dreams. as president he proved with the
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right choices you could grow the economy and lift people out of poverty and trigger deficits and still invest in our families and our schools and technologies and in other words we can go farther when we look out for each other. and as we have all seen, he was just getting started. he helped to lead relief efforts after hurricane katrina and the haiti earthquake in his global initiative has helped to save hundreds of millions of people, and of course, i am most grateful for his patience during the endless travels of my secretary of state. [laughter] and so i am grateful for the advice and counsel you have offered me on and off the golf
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course and most importantly for your life-saving work around the world, which represents the very best in america. so we thank you so much. [applause] [applause] >> these are the recipients of the 2013 presidential medal of freedom in the men and women who in their lives or minus all of the beauty of the human spirit and the values that define us as americans and the potential that lives inside of all of us and i could not be more happy than to participate in a ceremony here today. with that, what i would like to do is invite you to have a big
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so here we go. would you like to go ahead with this? >> the presidential medal of freedom recipients. ernie banks. [applause] [applause] >> with his unmatched enthusiasm, ernie banks sprinted his way into the record books, he played an extraordinary 19 seasons with the chicago cubs during which he was named with 11 all-star teams and had over 500 home runs and run back to back most valuable player honors. he was elected to the baseball hall of fame in 1977 and he will forever be known as one of the finest power hitters and dynamic
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testing the limits of a free press during his tenure as editor of "the washington post" and he oversaw coverage of the watergate scandal and challenge the federal government over the right to publish the pentagon papers. his passion for accuracy and unyielding pursuit of truth continue to set the standard for journalism. [applause] [applause] [laughter] [applause] >> the honorable william
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clinton. [applause] [applause] among the finest public servants of our time, president clinton argued cases for the people of arkansas and serve his state and the governor's mansion and guided our nation into a new century. as the 42nd president of the united states, he oversaw an era of challenge and change and prosperity and progress and his work after leaving public office continues to reflect his passionate unending commitment to improving the lives and livelihoods of people around the world in responding to needs at home and abroad and as founder of the clinton foundation he has shown that through creative cooperation among women and men of good will, we can solve even the most important problems. [applause]
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[applause] [applause] >> excepting on behalf of her husband daniel iouye. he understood the power of leaders with common purpose that we cherish as americans. as a member of the 442nd regimental combat team, he helped to free europe from tierney during world war ii for which she received the medal of honor.
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representing the people of hawaii from the moment that the islands joined the union, he never lost sight of the ideals that bind us across our 50 states. the senators reason and resolve help make our country what it is today and for that, we honor him. [applause] [applause] >> doctor daniel kahneman. [applause] >> his groundbreaking work won him a nobel prize in economic science for his research and development process very after escaping from not the occupied france as a young boy and later joining the israel defense forces, he grew interested in
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understanding the origins of peoples believes, combining psychology and economic analysis and working alongside partners. he used experience as to how people make decisions with uncertain circumstances and he changed the way we view human judgment. [applause] [applause] >> the honorable richard lugar. [applause] [cheers] >> representing the state of indiana for over three decades, he put country above party to forge bipartisan consensus
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throughout his time in the senate he offered effective solutions to our national and international problems, advocating for the control of nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction. working with sam young, he established the cooperative program, one of our most national security initiatives helping to sustain leadership and engage leadership after decades of confrontation and he remains a strong voice on foreign policy issues and his informed perspective will have broad influence for years to come. [cheers] [applause] [applause] [applause]
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>> loretta lynn. [applause] born a coal miner's daughter, she has followed a bold have to become a legend in country music. a singer and songwriter and author and she has written dozens of chart topping songs and released albums and won numerous accolade. breaking barriers, she opened doors for women not only by winning tremendous achievement, but also by raising issues, fearlessly telling her story with candid humor. she brought a strong female voice to mainstream music and captured the emotions of women and men alike and reveal the common truths about life as it is lived.
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[applause] [applause] [applause] >> doctor mario molina. [applause] the curiosity and creativity that inspired him to convert his family's background into a laboratory as a child had driven him through decades of scientific research. born in mexico, his passion for chemistry brought him to the united states for his investigations of carbons lead to breakthroughs in our understanding of the ozone layer. the impact of his discovery extends beyond his field coming affecting international
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awareness as well as earning him the 1995 nobel prize in chemistry. today, he remains a global leader continuing to study air quality and climate change and the environment that connects us all. [applause] [applause] mrs. o'shaughnessy, accepting on behalf of her life path partner, sally ride. thirty years ago, doctor sally ride ride soared into space as the youngest american and first woman to wear the stars and stripes above the earth's
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atmosphere. as an astronaut, she sought to keep america at the forefront of space exploration as a role model she inspired young people to become scientifically literate in science and technology and engineering and at the end of her life, she became an inspiration for those battling pancreatic cancer and for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community. the tale of a quiet hero, her story demonstrates that the sky is no limit for those who dream of reaching for the stars. [applause] [applause] >> walter nagel, excepting on behalf of his partner, byard
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rustin. [applause] byard rustin was a giant in the american civil rights movement, openly gay at a time when many had to hide who they loved, his unwavering belief that we are all equal members of a single human family took him from his first freedom ride to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered rights movement. thanks to his unparalleled skills as an organizer, progress that once seemed impossible appears in retrospect to have been inevitable. fifty years after the march on washington, he organized and he is honored as one of the architects for social change and a fearless advocate for its most formidable citizen. [applause]
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[applause] arpuedoarturo sandoval, one of t jazz musicians, held back by his government, he risked everything to share his gifts with the world, defecting with the help of dizzy gillespie, his mentor and friend. this astonishing trumpeter and pianist and composer has inspired audiences in every corner of the world and awakened a new generation and he remains one of the best ever to play. [applause]
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[applause] [applause] >> linnaeus smith accepting on behalf of her husband, dean smith. dean smith spent 36 seasons taking college basketball to new heights and as head coach at the university of north carolina at chapel hill, he led his team to 11 final games, retiring as the winningest college coaches for
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his players greatly help students graduate and in an era of deep division, utah players to overcome bigotry with courage and compassion and he will forever stand as one of the greatest coaches in college basketball history. [applause] >> gloria steinem. [applause] >> atrial eight trailblazing writer fighting for social justice for more than four decades. from establishing newsmagazine and take our daughters to work
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day to pushing for women's self empowerment and an end to sex trafficking. she has promoted lasting social change in america and abroad and through the reporting in speaking, she has shaped the basis on the intersection of basis and rates. and she has forged new opportunities for women in media. gloria steinem continues to move us all to take up the call of reaching for a more just tomorrow. [applause] [applause]
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>> reverend ct vivian. equipped only with courage in an overwhelming commitment to social justice, she was a stalwart activist on the march towards racial equality. whether at a lunch counter or a freedom ride or behind the bars of a prison cell, unafraid to take bold action in the face of resistance. by pushing change through nonviolent demonstration, she supported understood underserved communities including combat injustice will shyness a generation example to come. [applause]
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[applause] and patricia gallen waltz. [applause] patricia wald made history for the district of colombia circuit, and she always strove to better understand the law and apply it. after leaving federal service, she helped to institute standards for the justice and the rule of law at the international criminal tribunal. hailed as a model judge, she laid a foundation for countless women within the legal profession and help them to unveil the humanity within a
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law. [applause] [applause] >> oprah winfrey. [applause] [cheers] [applause] oprah winfrey is a global media icon and when she launched the oprah winfrey show in 1986, there were few women and even fewer women of color with a national platform to discuss the issues and events shaping our times. but over the 25 years that followed, or any gift for
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tapping into our most fervor and hopes and deepest fears through millions of viewers across every background, making her show the highest rated talk show in television history. offscreen, she has used her influence to support underserved communities and lift up the lives of young people, especially young people around the world. we are reminded that nothing can happen when we refuse to let life's obstacles keep us down. [applause] [applause] [applause] [cheers] >> please honor these residential medal of freedom honorees. please.
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[applause] [applause] [applause] [applause] >> back includes the formal part of today's ceremony. i want to thank you, thank all of you for being here, obviously we are deeply indebted to those that we honor here today. we will have an opportunity to take pictures with honorees and their family members. i understand the food here is pretty good.
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and i hope you enjoy the perception and i hope we carry away a reminder is what is understood to be the essence. it is represented here and some of us may be less talented, but we all have the opportunity to serve and open people's hearts and minds in our smaller orbits and i hope that everyone will be as inspired as i have been. i thank you so much. [applause] jenna: the president ending about an hour long ceremony for recipients of the medal of freedom. but that is the way the award is given out, to a wide variety of different people from former presidents to country music stars and the president himself
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has mentioned jfk to reestablish this award the jfk memorial, at the gravesite to recognize the anniversary of his death which is this friday. jon: what a great group of americans represented there. i'm sure all of us might disagree with the politics or policies or the passions of one or maybe many of those people but in that room they are all recognized as great americans and the thing that struck me, jenna, how many of those folks were born in poverty in this country. bill clinton, oprah winfrey, loretta lynn, arturo sandoval who was born in cuba, the list goes on and on but in this country you can start out nowhere and rise to the very, very top and that is amazing thing about america. jenna: well-said, one of the big themes that come up with so many stories we do, what does the american spirit look like today? where is it exactly. in that group you really see it,
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don't you? jon: congratulations to each of those recipients. we have new developments on top stories and breaking news this hour. jenna: we'll move back to politics this hour. the troubles for obamacare keep piling up. congressional hearing with stunning revelations about the site and costs to all of us. one of the 11 men accused in the new york city biker road rage as prosecutors revealed the driver's wife and young daughter were also terrorized. our legal panel takes us through this crazy case as we learn new things. are you sitting on a fortune? we hope you are. someone is. an unclaimed lottery ticket worth $17 million. the deadline for claiming it is coming up. it is all "happening now." jenna: that would be a surprise. jon: what were you doing memorial day weekend? jenna: i wasn't buying a lottery ticket. i wish i was at this point.
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jon: i was in texas. i know i wasn't in florida. if you were in the florida, tampa area, check your pockets. jenna: dire new warnings about obamacare following a report of a second wave of policy cancellations is actually coming and it could happen just best 2014 midterm elections. welcome to the second hour of "happening now." i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. 50 to 100 million policy cancellations set to happen for both large and small businesses. that is well beyond the 5% the administration likes to cite. as of today more than five million americans received insurance cancellation notices leaving them in limbo when it cops to their health care. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel is live at the capitol where a senate committee is examining small business exchanges. what's going on there, mike? >> reporter: that's right, jon. the senate committee looking into the small business impact of the president's health care law, the hearing continues at this hour. lawmakers have heard from a business owner from baltimore,
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maryland who says it is personally important for him to provide good coverage to his employees but says he is suffering from health care sticker shock. >> i was startled, i was shocked when our health insurance went up 49% this year. i want to provide health insurance for my employees and their families. we've been doing it for 15 years since i bought the company but now because it's so high, our plan in effect is not viable because it's not affordable. >> reporter: lawmakers are also hearing from state health care officials from places like kentucky where the hope is that obamacare will ultimately improve health in the bluegrass state. >> our population is about 4.4 million. 640,000 of those individuals are uninsured. of grave concern to our governor, however, is the health status of our state.
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we're 44th in overall health status. >> reporter: it is expected as many as one-half to 2/3 of small business health care policies in this country are likely to be canceled over the course of the next year because they don't meet obamacare standard which experts say will have an impact. >> it will be a surprise especially for sort of smaller, younger, entrepreneurial firms who often have healthier employees than the mean because they will be faced with higher premiums on the new, on the new small business exchanges because you know as you know, like in the individual market, there will be a lot of redistribution from healthy, from sick to healthy, from old to young. >> reporter: some business groups are predicting that a large number of business decisionmakers are planning to drop health care coverage, instead opting for a fine for their employees. jon? jon: mike emanuel inside the
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capitol building for us now. mike, thank you very much. for more on the fallout of the launch of obamacare we're joined by jamie weinstein, senior editor of "the daily caller." jamie, republicans are out there saying i told you so. that it is more than just the rollout of the website which still has plenty of problems but the devil here is in the details and when you get into the details of what is required under the obamacare law, a lot of people are not happy. >> absolutely. a lot of people are being thrown off their insurance and when they try to sign up, if they can even get on the exchange website, they're finding the insurance is more expensive and deductibles are higher than they had before. in many ways it is unaffordable care act. there is story out of washington now, a lady who signed up originally on the washington exchange, it looked like she would get insurance for her and her family under $200 a month. she wrote a letter to president obama and president obama mentioned her in a speech as example of what the affordable
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care act could provide. turns out there was a glitch in the website, she will pay $600 a month and not 200. she can't afford it. she will go without health insurance. this is not turning out to be affordable for many americans. jon: for instance, that business owner who was testifying before congress in mike emanuel's report, your health care costs to insure their employees and families go up 49% in one year? what kind of business can afford that kind of inflation? >> well that actually puts the lie to the claim that the administration was initially peddling that only 5% of people are going to be affected and may lose their health insurance because of obamacare. the truth is, that even in the, in places like the small bismarckket where people are getting insurance through their employer, these health premiums are going to go up. either they will have to pay more for their insurance, the employer will pay more and downgrade the insurance and get a lesser program because the employer can't pay an increase in premium or employer will drop
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them all together. they will be forced into the obama care exchange. the idea this only affects 5% of the people in the individual market i think is just bogus. and that testimony shows it to be so. jon: story in the "washington post" about maryland, a state really been welcoming obamacare, been pushing it, advertising it, trying to get people signed up. 1278 people have signed up for the private plans. next door in delaware, another state that has been, you know, pushing and welcoming obamacare, it is after all, the state once represented by and still the home of vice president joe biden, in, in delaware you've got less than 200 people signed up. now is that because they can't use the website or because they are seeing the product and don't like it, jamie? >> well, could be a mixture of both. i think at this point it is the website problems. oregon which has been very favorable to try to institute the affordable health care act,
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up because the website doesn't work or they have not been enrolled yet. you have a lot of people forced off the health care. forced to go without health care because of obamacare. they can't even sign up and when come january 1st, they may have no insurance at all. so this is, you know, turning into quite a catastrophe and even president obama's former health care advisor, eseek eel emanuel, pushing obama-care, says if the exchanges are not operable by november 30th. that will be a big problem. that is 10 days away. no one believes they will be operable to the extent they need to be get people signed up by november 30th. >> jamie weinstein, senior editor at "the daily caller." thanks for joining us today. >> thanks for having me. jenna: up next another angle on the story of the obamacare rollout. this time at colleges. we're live from the campus of the university of maryland where many cash-strapped students are forced to shell out more for the new plan. jenna: also someone out there,
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and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. we're keeping eye on another group taking a major hit from the health care law. college students, bare bones policies often offered by many universities don't work under new federal guidelines. now some students are facing much higher premiums or schools are canceling the plans all together. peter doocy is live on the campus of booey state university in maryland. peteer? >> reporter: jenna here in maryland, basically right between baltimore and washington more than half of campus was covered until recently by a plan
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that only cost $49 a semester for up to $5,000 worth of coverage per incident. that is not enough coverage to comply with the affordable care act. so the university looked at a plan that would comply and it would jack up the price from $49 a semester to $1800 per year. instead of leaving students on the hook for that dramatic price increase, they have decided here at buoy state, to bowie state. cancel the plans and students that need insurance to the maryland state exchange. as you can understand, some students are riled up about that. >> i think students are caught in a trap. they're now stuck trying to figure out how they're going to either find coverage, be covered or deal with a sickness if it arises. >> reporter: they surveyed students and entering the exchange was their preference, adding quote, cost-conscious in
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their choice, students realize the provisions of new health care law enable of them to avoid any additional costs since they can be covered by their parents health plans up to age 26. some students here are siding with the administration. >> i think the university made the right decision as a university. if they were to have that plan, there are still a lot of students, it's a tough economic time. students are having trouble affording college loans, having trouble to afford school as it is, to add on 1500% increase on to their fees, it is kind of asking them for a lot. >> reporter: across the country the federal statistics suggest that only about 7% of students in this country buy plans similar to the ones that bowie state is canceling. most of the rest are on their parents plans. they can stay there until they're 26. jenna? jenna: interesting part of the story. peter, thank you. jon: wealthy back to memorial
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day weekend what were you doing? were you in florida, tampa, maybe? did you buy a lottery ticket? if so the intense search is underway for the owner of a 16 million-dollars power balticket purchased there. that ticket becomes worthless in a matter of hours. jamie colby live in the new york city news room. she has the story for us. >> jon this is one of those snooze and you will lose stories. who wants to be a millionaire? apparently not the person who bought the $16 million ticket last may in tampa, florida. if it is not turned in by midnight tomorrow, which is 180 days since the drawing the winning ticket is worthless. the owner of the store where the tickerket was bought is standing by to losing his prize, $25,000 for selling it. you're looking at video of the store. they're trying to get the word out. if you're one. people there, here is news you can lose and may 25th,
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numbers, 2, 6, 19, 21, 27, powerball of 25. this would be largest unclaimed lottery jackpot in florida since 2003, when someone failed to collect, if you believe this, jon, $53 million. the it was florida's lotto. the owner of the store asked all regular customers to check their tickets, speculating it might have been thrown away or bought by someone out-of-state. they may be taking their sweet time collecting. all i can say is this. ticktock. jon? jon: yeah. check those lottery tickets. >> 16 million is not nothing. jon: no, that is about eight million after the feds get their tax but still worth, worth looking for. jamie colby, thank you very much. >> take care, jon. jenna: republicans are pushing back in a big way after the president accused the gop of being quote, invested in failure when it comes to the affordable care act. we'll take up that topic. plus a major shake-up on wall street as banking giant
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jpmorgan adegrees to a record settlement for its role in the 2008 housing crisis. jon: its role a controversial one. a love report just ahead. okay ladies, whenever you're ready. thank you. thank you. i got this. no, i'll get it! no, let me get this. seriously. hey, let me get it. ah, uh. i don't want you to pay for this. it's not happening, honey. let her get it. she got her safe driving bonus check from allstate last week. and it's her treat. what about a tip? oh, here's one... get an allstate agent. nice! [ female announcer ] switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. only from allstate. call an allstate agent and get a quote now. just another way allstate is changing car insurance for good. her busy saturday begins with back pain, when... hey pam, you should take advil. why?
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jenna: well, right now, some new fallout as the president spreads the blame around for the botched health care rollout. at a w is j event yesterday, president obama accused republicans being quote, invested in failure when it comes to the affordable care act and saying support from the gop would have help eased the launch. >> in terms of expectation-setting. >> yeah. >> there is no doubt that, in an environment in which we had to
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fight tooth and nail to get this passed, it ended up packed on a partisan basis, not for lack of trying because i met with an awful lot of republicans to try to get them to go along but because there was idealogical resistance to the idea of dealing with the uninsured and people with preexisting conditions. there was a price to that. and, it was that, what was already going to be hard was operating within a very difficult political environment and we should have anticipated that would create a rockier rollout than if democrats and republicans were both invested in success. jenna: steve moore, senior economics writer for "the wall street journal" and joins us now. steve what is your reaction to the president's comments? >> two words, jenna, revisionist history. i was covering this story back in 2009 and 2010 when the president was promoting obamacare. when he said in every meeting with the republicans whenever he
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did meet with the republicans look, i won the election, i get to write the health care bill. when you think about it, jenna, the kind of ideas that republicans wanted in any kind of health care reform were basically left on the cutting board table. things like tort reform which would save hundred of billions of dollars in the health care system. things like allow being people to buy insurance across state lines, something you and i talked about over the years. those kind of things were completely left out. republicans weren't idea lodge chill opposed to -- idealogically opposed to covering people with preexisting conditions. what they were idealogically opposed to was the massive tax increase to pay for this. jenna: pick up on what the gop is for and what it is not. >> right. jenna: dana milbank wrote in the "washington post" how the gop rhetoric is scaring people away and is damaging the law and success of the law because of the scare tactics. steve, whether or not you agree with that point there is a big question about the gop tactics
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here. we've heard for the last three years about how horrible this bill is according to republicans. their tone hasn't changed. their poll numbers also haven't changed. their few of health care hasn't come through. so should the gop revisit their strategy? should there be a change in tone? >> it is difficulty for the democrats and the president ordain that milbank or any of these people blame any of these problems or on republicans since it is quite true the republicans have basically clean hands on this they didn't vote for it. they haven't supported it. they didn't write the web page that isn't working. now look, it is true that republicans are not invested in it, they don't want to see this thing succeed. by the way that is one of the reasons, jenna, when you do a major reform in america, to major social program, you've got to do it on a bipartisan way. if you have one entire party that is against it, it is never going to succeed. that is the lesson of getting social security passed, medicare passed, the welfare reform that
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is bill clinton did in the mid 1990s you have to have both parties invested and republicans never were because the president never adopted any of their ideas. jenna: here is line of reporting from "the wall street journal" also quoted by the washington post today how maybe these politics don't even matter in the success of this plan and here's their explanation. they say insurers had billions of dollars on the sidelines ready to come out in advertising to get people to sign up through the state exchanges for their benefit and regardless of what democrats or republicans have to say, that may, quote, unquote, save obamacare. what do you think about that? >> look, the insurance companies are anything but angels here they deserve a lot of the blame for failure of the rollout and the fact that people are not signing up. the insurance companies, look without the insurance company support obamacare would have never passed. the insurance companies thought they were going to get huge numbers new customers. they made a deal with the devil in my opinion on this and now
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they're suffering the consequences. so what i'm saying -- jenna: the theory is private sector comes in here and actually the reason why obamacare succeeds because they're going to recruit the people because it necessary their benefit. >> of course. look the health insurance companies want obamacare to succeed. they want all the additional customers but the problem is people can't, because the website is not working, because of the huge increase in cost, the fact, as you just reported a lot of young people aren't signing up, now the insurance companies are realizing, wait a minute, we'll not be able to make any money on this because the only people signing up for the insurance under obamacare are the sickest people and oldest people and healthy people and they are supposed to cross subsidize. they are not signing up for obamacare. that to me, jenna, is the fundamental economic problem why this can not succeed even once the website gets up and is operational. jenna: will be very important next few weeks, steve. i know you will be watching it along with us. thank you very much. >> thank you, jenna. jon: the white house is out with
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a brand new report on obamacare and what it is costing americans. you might be interested in what some perceive as the white house spin. we are live there with details. stunning new report that is the president plans to write a letter, adm mistakes in afghanistan. is the president caving in to pressure? ♪ i want to spread a little love this year ♪
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new report analyzing recent trends in health care costs and their economic benefits. the source of this report is the white house and our chief white house correspondent ed henry is there live to tell as you little bit what we're hearing from the white house. he had ed? >> reporter: good to see you jenna. the white house put out a report that health care costs as we factually have seen have been trending downward, at least the growth in health care spending. they're touting as the affordable care act is implemented in the days ahead they think the costs will continue to come down. one of the factors has been the recession of course that meant less health care spending. there are other reports suggesting, look, as we pull out of that recession health care spending will start going back up. in fact while premiums will go down for some, premiums will go up for others as we've seen play out in recent days. the bottom line this is a report to try to shift the focus of course away from some of the negative news that we've seen in recent days to what the white house sees as a move
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positive development. we saw the president also yesterday trying to shift some of the blame away from the white house when he speak at this "wall street journal" ceo council forum and shift some blame to republicans. take a listen. >> one of the problems we have is one side of capitol hill is invested in failure and that makes, i think, the kind of iterative process of fixing glitches as they come up and fine-tuning the law more challenging but i'm optimistic we can get it fixed. >> reporter: you can hear his optimism there. obviously they're coming up with a pretty hard deadline at end of november as the white house determined it, vast majority of online users, that will work smoothly. that deadline is fast approaching, jenna. jenna: and republicans pushing back and polls are turning on the president? >> reporter: we've seen a series of polls suggesting that the president's trust that the american people have in the president has been trending downward because of some promises he made that have now
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been broken. we've also seen that support for the affordable care act has been coming down in recent weeks, through varies network polls and others. and you have republican marco rubio this morning suggesting to fox that the president blaming republicans for some of this is off the mark. take a listen. >> it is one of the silliest statement that is i heard made so far about the law. there is nobody's fault on the republicanside that the exchange website isn't working. it is nobody's fault on the republican side that millions of people are in fear of losing their existing coverage. this is the way the law was designed. it is, it is going to fail because the design doesn't work. >> reporter: now, most worrisome for the president in some of these polls, "cbs/new york times poll" out this morning for example, suggests 40% of the public beliefs the law should be repealed and over 40% of the public believes it should be changed if not repealed. that is something the white house is resisting is legislative change to the law, there is pressure not from republicans but from some
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congressional democrats that they need more than the executive fix from the president last week. jenna: thank you, ed. jon: to a major shake-up on wall street. jpmorgan agrees to pay a record $13 billion to settle with the u.s. government over its role in the 2008 housing crisis this after the giant bank admitted it regularly lied about the quality of mortgages sold to investors. gerri willis is host of "the willis report" on the fox business network and has more. >> jon, that's right. here is what is going on. jpmorgan is saying hey, we lied about the quality of mortgages now facing a record $13 billion fine. here's the detail. you dig into these investments which were sold to some of wall street's biggest investors. you find in the loans made in 2006, 2007, 27% of them were going bad but they were packaged into investments anyway. here's where this money, $13 billion, is going. 3 billion will go to federal and state governments.
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two billion to credit unions and the fdic, a regulator. 4 billion to fannie mae and freddie mac. and 4 billion to consumers. it will go to consumers in the form of loans. we'll wait to see about that. guys? jon: gerri willis from the fox business network. what a fine. thanks. jenna: there is new reports that the united states and afghan officials are closer than ever to some sort of a deal for our troops to stay in afghanistan after the 2014 withdrawal deadline. but there's a catch. afghan officials refuse to sign any deal apparently unless the president submits a lerach knowledging mistakes made by the united states in the war. it is important to remember of course that 2276 american servicemembers have been killed since the war there began. we never want to forget that. jessie jane duff is former marine gunnery sergeant. she serves on advisory committee for concerned veterans of america. jesse, president's advisors say there is no letter in the works,
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nothing of the sorts, this will not happen but read us into a little bit what is at stake here? what are the negotiations really about? >> it appears the afghan officials stated that the letter will be coming, jay carney definitely avoid question in the white house press briefing. he said we will not comment on a letter that hasn't been written. that sound opened ended to me. this would be in the like apology. karzai doesn't run what is goings-on. we lost close to 2600 american lives on their soil and their blood in their sand. what about the 2700 or 2900, over 2900 americans that died on september 11th as a result of the lack of afghanistan control of usama bin laden? jenna: what, we're understanding is, that the united states wants to negotiate some sort of presence in afghanistan in the years to come. what are your thoughts on that? what should that even look like?
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>> well the negotiations are imperative to protect americans from being under the judicial system of afghanistan. when we look into what this is about, they're indicating they want control over any american who should commit murder of an innocent civilian. now how could we hand over our american soldiers and marines and sailors and airmen to the afghanistan government what? beheading? execution? things in war happen and which have to understand that it is a tragedy when the american people $360 billion to sustain the freedom of the afghan people have not been gratefully appreciated. jenna: so how crucial are these night raids that the united states wants to continue in afghanistan for the years to come, to our national security? >> see, now this is what is really tricky. when you look at the letters and agreements going back and forth, karzai doesn't want us to have access to any of their households. that is where al qaeda hides. how can you say, we want you here to stop al qaeda but we're
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not going to let you go get al qaeda? it's a ludicrous insult to us on our forces there. we're providing great security to them, to the very forces they helped create called taliban and al qaeda. yes we need access when we suspect there are embedded terrorists within their homes. jenna: jessie, always great to have you on the program and we thank you for your service. >> thank you for having me. jenna: look forward to having you back, thank you. jon: if you think obamacare is a nightmare for the federal government wait until you hear what it is doing at the state level. republican governors are now joining forces. we'll tell you what they have to say. plus, new developments in the new york city biker road rage attack. one of the accused men is back in court today. the whole thing going down just a few blocks west of our midtown manhattan studios. our legal panel takes on the latest developments in this case. that's next. i couldn't wait to see her again.
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so call now to request a free decision guide and learn more. after all, when you're going the distance, it's nice to have the experience and commitment to go along with you. keep dreaming. keep doing. go long. jon: a new york city under cover officer busted in connection with that biker road rage attack is set to be arraigned today. the detective seen here covering his face with a hood was indicted for gang assault and other serious felonies. you might remember when the video went viral back in september, just after a group of bikers was seen attacking an suv. the motive here was that the driver allegedly hit one of the riders and the pack took off after him. the under cover cop claims he was just a witness but police have video allegedly she shows him smashing a rear window of the suv, terrorizing the driver's wife and two-year-old
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daughter who inside. 11 members of that motorcycle club have been charged. this is the driver, alexian lien and his wife. they were out celebrating their anniversary. a picture after the brutal attack, in the hospital, badly hurt. for a fair and balanced debate. jennifer brandt, a trial attorney. brian silber a former prosecutor. jennifer, what kind of trouble is this cop in? more trouble than the others because he is after all supposed to be an officer of the law? >> well i think he is held to a higher degree of responsibility because he is an officer of the law and he has the duty to protect the public. so obviously if he was involved in the beating and the smashing of the window he was not only violating his duty as a police officer but not stopping the violence that was surrounding him and not defending a member, an allegedly innocent member of the public the driver. it will be very difficult for him to beat some of these charges. maybe more difficult than some
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of the other, some of his other fellow bikers. jon: and, brian, again, the argument is this guy was undercover. that he couldn't, that he couldn't blow his cover by stopping the attack but, you know, the allegation here is that he actually participated in it. >> let me tell you something, that defense is absolutely ridiculous, okay? there is no law enforcement officer in this country who should not have intervened in that case. he could have saved what would, turned out to be one of the worst beatings we've seen in a long time. i don't buy this undercover business and i bet if we look into it is a flat-out lie. you know what? shame on him. he is a law enforcement officer. he should have stepped up and done his duty and above all else, not join in an participate in this crime. that is outrageous. jon: i need to correct myself from an error i made at the top.
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the photo of the fellow intubated there is one of the biker pack who is alleged was run over by the suv but that is after the suv was stopped on the westside highway and surrounded and apparently had its tires, you know, the they were jumping out flatting its tires and that kind of thing. you see in the video the driver takes off, runs over a motorcycle and apparently in the process that guy. alexian lien, who is the driver of the suv was slashed. his face was cut pretty badly but he never had to be hospitalized. so, jennifer, how do, how do the police go after one of their own? i mean he can say, look, i was undercover. i was, i just couldn't tell these guys to stop because it would blow my undercover role? >> well i think that is his best defense in this because he was in a role as under cover cop. if he let the others know there
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would be a problem with that. i think that is his best defense. and, also the fact that maybe he wasn't involved in the actual beating. he didn't, he didn't commit the felony if he didn't actually assault the driver, because that would be one of the elements of the crime, the actual crime he is charged with. so that is the way, he can handle it but the fact is, you know, he still is a police officer and does have a certain duty to the public. jon: brian, in your experience do courts tend to go easier or tougher on police officers who are involved in something like this? >> that's an excellent question and the answer is always tougher. you know when you're an officer of the law, by the way, this includes attorneys who get in trouble as well, we're all held to a higher standard because of the oath we take to uphold the law and because we are officers of the law and that is rightfully so. this guy had a higher duty to live up to than an average joe citizen and he should be punished accordingly.
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jon: well, that under cover is to be arraigned today. thank you both. brian, jennifer. >> thank you. >> thank you. jenna: prescription drug abuse is one of the leading causes of death in our country. a stunning new report shows a problem is not just about rural counties anymore, it is spreading to nearly every corner of america. why doctors say kids today are not as nearly fit or fast as their parents. the shocking findings next. farmn idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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be fixed? >> a little squishy on that. is afghanistan about to get apology? colorado nell ralph peters will talk about that. >> grab a jack yet. jenna: eye-opening study about the health of our children as a new report shows our kids can not run as fast or engage in as much vigorous activity as their parents at the same age. jamie colby live in the new york newsroom with this. >> not setting the best example sitting here but before you tell your kids to hurry up, you should know how much slower they are when we were in the playground. at an annual meeting the american heart association announced that kids fitness levels are declining, jenna, and fast. one scientist calling the public health risk dire. more than 25 million kids were studied in 28 countries. so it's a huge comprehensive study. and they found children run a mile 90 seconds slower than we did 30 years ago. makes less sense that less
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activity is higher risk of obesity. the connection was proffered conclusively in this study finding rediced cardiovascular endurance in kids these days. dwindling 5% a decade as this generation's kids gain more fat mass and less muscle mass. heart association is recommending one hour of physical activity a day and best way to keep the kids healthier. we should get out there and join them. right, jenna. jenna: sound like a good idea. jamie, thank you. >> that's the plan. take care. jon: i like to tell me kid they were better than they were. a teenage girl raises the bar in a big way. we'll tell you about her amazing achievement in a male-dominated sport. that is coming up.
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talk about girl power. one oregon teenager soaring to the top in a male- dominated sport. we mean that in this case. meet 13-year-old ryan who set a world record for bench pressing 127 zuéqpounds. that is more than she weighs by the way. ryan said it is all about training and focus. >> it is the world record and i will make it or break it. but it was really easy. i did what i was trained to do. >> real easy, john. >> piece of cake. >> ryan got interested after watching her dad and she trains once a week to allow her young
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muscles plenty of time to recovery. >> you don't want to overdo it when you are run. >> you shouldn't mess with ryan by the way. that is a good deterrent for the boys. >> you would know about that for your daughters. >> thank you for joining us today. america's news headquarters starts right now. >> you are looking live at the eternal flame. minutes from now president obama lays a wreath at the final resting place for president kennedy who was laid to rest 50 years ago today. >>im bill hemmer. >> and i am allyson camerota. it is a tribute to the president whose life-and-death forever changed the country. >> hi, --
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>> reporter: first lady obama and former clinton and hillary clinton. and the kennedy family x. his daughter ca roline is not there. she is the newest u.s. ambassador in japan and presented her creditials to the japan yesterday. president kennedy signed the excutive order 50 years ago this friday. most of us who were old enough know where we were when we learned of the death of jfk. mr. kennedy never got to present the award though he selected 31 people to receive temperature people who med notable contribution to american culture and security and private or publicing endevors. this is what president obama had
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to say in today's ceremony. >> i hope we carry away from this, a reminder of what jfk understood to be the essence of the american spirit. that it is repreponderated here and some of us may be less talented but all have the opportunity to serve and to open people's hearts and minds and you know, in our smaller orbits. in addition to president clinton, mr. obama preponderated the award to notables. opera winfrey and ben bradley. and loretta lynn. there will be a formal dinner for the recipients in the museum of american history. kennedy was an iconic president and many tried to emulate him.
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