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tv   Forbes on FOX  FOX News  November 23, 2013 8:00am-8:31am PST

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i love, love, love japan. i think they are coming back strong. >> caroline kennedy there. all right. give us a break, the same week we hear about obama care breaks like special perks for lawmakers and potential big tax breaks for unions and a possible bailout for insurers, we're finding this out. a department of justice brief showing the administration knew in 2010 that a huge percentage of employee-provided health plans would be canceled once the employer mandate kicks in. if you do the math, that adds up to about 80 million americans who could lose their policies once the employer mandate kicks in. so while the insiders get the breaks, do the rest of us just get broken? welcome to "forbes on fox." i'm david asman.
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sabrina schieffer, elizabeth mcdonald, rick hunger and john canny. more special favors for friends, but are the rest of us getting shafted? >> yeah, you know, and we should have seen this coming. i mean, in the same 2010, president obama said in the run-up to congressional elections that elections are about rewarding your friends and punishing your enemies. so obama's friends get these breaks. now here's the dilemma they are in. young people overwhelmingly supported president obama, and young people, even young liberals, are very intolerant of two things. number one is technological incompetency, which the health care program has exhibited. and two, and bigger, is hypocrisy. and the hypocrisy issue hangs over the health care issue like a dark cloud. you cannot treat people differently. that creates a very hypocrite call situation for obama and will tank his whole project. >> well, rick, that's the thing,
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it's the hip ok racy. a bailout for the friends, but if you're like the rest of us, you get shafted. that's not fair. >> i'm confused on the bill. the president said there would be no bailout for insurers. he still has not even come close to agreeing to the $63 a head break for the union. if the perk you're referring to in congress is that their employer is going to pick up a percentage of their cost, then that's the same perk that everybody who works here gets. so i'm having trouble understanding what the special perks are. >> we'll explain it, but go ahead. >> okay. well, the fact is that there is a tax that is supposed to capitalize a reinsurance fund for obama care. it's another obama care tax. originally there were not supposed to be any. to $25 billion cost, that is the cost of this fund. be as rick said, $63 a head, except if you're in one of these union plans. >> a lot of the unions got waivers, over 1400 waivers. listen, let's just go through
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the boondog or the pork barrel that it's turning into. the employer mandate has been delayed. the drug companies got a lot of help. gone are the income verifications for the tax credit inexchanges. and the waldorf historia for politicians in congress, they have a hotline into the insurance companies. and also special help on capitol hill, sort of like how they had the irs agent on capitol hill helping them out with the tax returns for the tax laws they wrote. it goes on. and the irony here is, the tradeoffs that are going on for this pork barrel that's a whale of a bill. the whole bill is built on a tradeoff meaning the upper income people have to help out the lower income. we get it, we want to help the uninsured, but is this really the way to go? >> sabrina, president obama delayed this until the end of 2014, but i'm wondering how much more delaying can he do before he admits that the whole thing
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isn't working? >> right. he's certainly losing political capital, but what i think that's good coming out of this mess is that people are seeing the result of progressive government that deems itself god, choosing who shall flourish and who shall fail. what michael kale said we have turned into a country with the ruling class versus the rest of us. and obama care is for the commoners, but the problem is, of course, the commoners are facing loss of insurance, increase in premiums, insecurity not knowing if they're going to have insurance next year or not, loss of jobs and hours on the job, so there's real problems here. >> mike, at the risk of giving you a free plug to the new "hunger games qush games" moviee population has to pay for those that live in the capitol. >> i just want the concierge service that the congressional aides get. if you're wired in and one of these big political guys or one
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of their aides, you can help out a lot during these times while a lot of people are having trouble navigating the site. right from that point of view we see the preferential treatment. >> and john, i know we're going to hear explanations for this and suggestions, but after all the lies and all the broken promises, who is the american people going to believe? >> they are not going to believe obama. and this was inevitable. all federal legislation inevitably has handouts for preferred con stitstituents. when you look at obama, you say he's the gift that keeps on giving because he exposes the lie that's the government on a daily basis. thank goodness he has a few more years to transform the elect rat in 2014. >> rick, the fact is that a lot of these things are being delayed, which means a lot of the payments will be delayed, which means we're going to go deeper into debt in order to pay for this.
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remember, that other promise that obama made, it's not going to add a dime to the deficit. it already has. >> there's some truth in what you're saying. i certainly wouldn't deny it, but the real issue on that is how long will the delays be? there was a delay we heard yesterday morning that another 30 days, they'll add to the sign-up period next year. these delays are not critical. they can get to a point, i will absolutely agree with you, where they can become very critical. i do want to add one thing quickly. sabrina said something i really like. she said that obama care is for the commoners. yes! because most of us are commoners, and that's precisely what -- >> precisely what she said was paying for obama care. >> but hold on a second, one thing, one thing i want to say about the recent delay we heard about, the delay is until just after the next election, remember? that's why that delay was important. the one that was just announced. go ahead.
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>> yeah, what a surprise. i mean, 2014 is going to be a real referendum. you already see a tell-tale sign. cay hagan is looking in grave danger. terry mcconnell went from a 12-point lead to a 2-point lead in the virginia's governor race in the last two weeks. democrats are looking for cover and they are not going to find it because the administration just keeps stepping in it. >> well, back to that point, i'm wondering how much that delay will have -- everybody knows if they delay the next part of the rollout until a week or two after the next election, people still know what's going to happen. people still will remember what has been happening, right? >> the approval ratings are -- i like that line of beerends, congress will be neck and neck in the mud stuck. this is what happens when you whip through a bill nobody reads and it's really difficult to read. and it is causing insurance premiums to spike across the board. and people are losing their
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doctors by the score. this is worse than the sequester fights. this is worse than the government shutdown. it is nailing people and hitting people directly in their wallets. and the middle class families combing home for the holidays are really feeling it. >> sabrina, guess who the administration is picking on now as being the cause of all this from doctors? doctors are paid too much. >> first of all, isn't that the argument where back in the 1990s, sometimes i wonder if this administration just hits rewind all the time. they never seem to have anything new to offer. one number they should pay attention to is 94% of americans who think that it is fair that congress must follow the same rules and the same law as the american people. that was an independent research that the women's voice did. that's something to think about before the holiday season. >> the two americas, most of us who pay for it and the ones who get exceptions. >> i think doctors will be the obama administration's next target. i think they will look to regulate doctors pay. and i don't think obama cares that you're going to see less
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doctors, in fact, instead of going to see a doctor, you will see a doctor's assistant because doctors make too much money. >> there are a lot of people to cover that haven't been covered. that's the last word. coming up -- >> no. >> no. >> no. >> no. >> to wire more internet security, they are saying no. this may say to pull the plug on the website right now. and both of these are public servants and both still admit to illegal drugs. so why do they both still have their jobs? how to keep our elected officials from getting fixed. get ready to get fired up coming up next.
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good morning. i'm jamie colby.
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another difficult round of talks over iran's nuclear program today. still no deal. secretary of state john kerry joining five world powers in geneva this morning. the only country not at the table, iran. the goal is a six-month agreement to freeze iran's program and offer them limited negotiations. if that deal holds, final negotiations would be to hold tehran from building a nuclear weapon. and a powerful mixture of rain and snow caused hundreds of wrecks leaving thousands stranded between california and arizona. three people drowned in california alone. another body found along the flooded banks of the santa cruz river in arizona. dry conditions there left the water with nowhere to go. i'm jamie colby and back at 1:00 p.m. here on the fox news channel. have a great day. well, first we heard this -- >> yes, i have smoked crack cocaine. >> have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years?
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>> yes, i have. >> okay. now it's not toronto's mayor rob ford that you just saw. u.s. congressman trey radel, a republican from florida pleading guilty this week to possession of cocaine. and neither official is stepping down. but elizabeth, you have a private sector solution, what is it? >> it's fire him. and here's the deal, congress can do it, the article i section 5 can expel, i'm tired of the double standards. we are jailing people for drug use, i get it, i understand the pain of drug addiction. i feel for him and his family, but we deserve better with our elected officials. and i'm tired of the anthony weiners and eliot spitzers, step down or be pushed out. >> john, just fire them? >> no, i think the bigger question is why we allow politicians to legislate private decisions. the drug war has been a miserable expensive failure
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that's imposed on our liberty. if voters don't like drug byes, let them boat the politicians out, but let's not pass another out empowering government to do something else. >> this is one of those cases, rich, where i see a difference between public -- public officials are different. rob ford, for example, has to always be prepared for that phone call at 3:00 in the morning saying there's been a terrorist attack in toronto. if he gets that when he's stoned, we're in trouble. >> yeah. i agree with you, david. and i agree with elizabeth. also, i agree with my good friend john. we go way overboard in our society prosecuting people of small amounts of drugs, but that's not the issue. the laws are on the books whether you like them or not. and public officials should be held to a higher standard. that almost seems impossible right now, but the very pillars of the civil society depend on such. >> sabrina, when you're a public servant, you're supposed to be on duty 24/7, right?
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>> you are. and i love the idea of this, but corruption and scandal is as old as itself. we all know the fable, the scorpion will sting no matter what he promises the frog. the bigger question is, why can't we attract more people to public office? trying to root them out is a waste of all of our time. we have to look for better people to run for office. >> i have to get you to be specific on this, sabrina, should we fire them? >> i tend to think let's let the people fire them at the next election. >> next election. rick, what do you think? >> first of all, i'm actually with you on what you said about mayor ford. i don't get that at all. you're right, if that call comes at 3:00 in the morning, this isn't the guy i want to count on to be ready to handle it. i actually have bleeding heart liberal love even though he's a republican. from what i know, there's extenuating circumstances, let's give the guy a shot. but here's what's fascinating to me, there's no mechanism to fire him. there's no recall of a united states congressman in the
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constitution. there is no opportunity in toronto to recall him. it has to be done by the state government. shall we not be addressing that issue? >> it's against the law, right? >> it's drug use. article i, section 5, you can impeach. and we had william blunt in 1797 yanged out. the founding fathers put that in there for a reason. we are tired of -- the american people are tired of the kongmen exhibiting poor judgment. i get it. i'm synthetic for drug addiction, but this is cocaine. people are in jail for drug use. the voters deserve better. >> john, as misguided as the drug war may be, the fact is that this guy has responsibilities now, both of these guys do. they can't afford to be sleeping or stoned on the job, right? >> he does, but i think you're describing the problem. if it matters what we say to a congressman at 3:00 a.m., that's
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3:00 a.m. that speaks to a congress and government that has way too much power. the founders were explicit -- >> i understand that, but the founders didn't have to deal with the level of terrorism that we're dealing with right now, did they? they didn't have to deal with communication instantaneous as it is now. >> yeah, fair enough, but i think at 3:00 a.m. a congressman is not going to have too much of a role in that to begin with. and i think that's the extreme circumstance that we can always use. in general, the problem is that we give these guys too much power. maybe bad judgment, vote them out of office. >> i've been on the fence about this and thinking about it all morning, actually, but i think that i've been convinced that we need these people to be able to respond adequately. one of the big reasons some of his constituents are calling for him to resign is that he has been out there saying we need to be drug testing welfare recipients. so if we're going to have the double standard, it makes us look foolish. >> e-mac is an incredible
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converter. impeachment is not an action by the people. it's an action by the house of representatives. >> that's what i said. >> we can get rid of them by impeachment. a new push to go green by attacking the american dream of owning your own home. sleigh bel♪ the bass pro shops 5 day sale starts wednesday with huge savings on great gift ideas. like a 6 pack of bass pro led flashlights for under $9. great deals on these popular bass pro spinning and baitcast combos. and save $30 on select north face men's and ladies' fleece jackets.
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say good-bye to the white picket fence and a yard. why global warming alarmists are trying to get you to move into one of
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well, liberal social engineers are at it again.
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this time trying to encourage folks to give up their single family in the burbs and move into multifamily buildings in the city. this is part of the green agenda of the san francisco bay region to help cut pollution and the white house is on board, but john, you say hands off our homes! >> this is silly. it's the american left at their self-righteous worst. >> how do you really feel? go ahead. >> if individuals want to live in low-energy houses, be my guest. but back in the real world, we're not running out of energy. we're never going to run out of energy, so the rest of us will live how we want without the self-denial that makes some people feel good. and it's a small percentage at that. >> this is like carpooling where your passengers never leave your house. we should all get together and have rick mow the lawn. only rick has to do the household chores. here's the deal, everyone lives
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together. get this! indoor air pollution is such a problem to cause sick nbc multifamily homes. >> it's the social engineering problem that bothers me about this. >> your problem is the same one john has. both of you think we live in a capitalist country still. we don't. we live in a country where basically we are moving toward socialism, but my solution is this, all those who think we need these tiny little homes, please, you be the first one toss move you and your families into them. then after a couple years, tell us how you like it. >> rick, one of the things we talked about with hypocrisy in the program, a lot of people are advocating this and looking over the san francisco bay, right? >> allow me to rely. guys, come on, i read this report. i know you have, too. it's a small, tiny bit of it. >> so it begins. >> oh, please. your whole concept here is based on back in the days when they were worrying about driving to work from the suburbs. that's not what this is about. this is planning in san
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francisco because they expect more employment that begins to rise there and they want to plan the housing. guess what? nobody's going to make you buy one. >> what starts as voluntary and small soon becomes kind of big and mandatory, doesn't it? >> that's right. and we know that president obama has been interested in trying to contain the way people live since his days as a community organizer. i live in one of those small houses already. i know why people drive from the suburbs, but people should think about where this could go to. has anybody been to manila in the philippines? we are talking a million and a half people living in under 15 square miles. there are environmental impacts, but there are also noise and health concerns. >> rich, you only have 30 seconds, i'm sorry, my friend. you live out there, what do you think of this? >> you know, i think one of the great virtues of the u.s. is we have 50 states, multiple cities, and we get to conduct these experiments. it might appropriate in the san
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francisco bay area. i'm a country mouse, i like living in the burbs myself, but if you don't like it, move somewhere else and vice versa. >> well, it will be an experience. we'll see how it works. coming up, before you carve the turkey, find out which stocks you should be buying now to thank yourself later. huh...fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. yep, everybody knows that. well, did you know the ancient pyramids were actually a mistake? uh-oh. geico. fifteen minutes could save you...well, you know.
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we are back. thanksgiving is around the corner and we have stocks to make you very thankful if you buy them. >> it's spdr stock, mmtm. >> that's a basket of different stocks. >> i love it because the top two are holding. what are we doing on thanksgiving? i'm going to be very lazy.
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in my laz boy. >> i like lzb, too. >> that's it for me. have a great weekend. thanks for watching. i'm see you later as a guest host of the journal report. keep it here. the president's affordable care act. is it affordable? college kids are losing their school health plans. >> i'm disappointed because it was supposed to solve problems and help a lot of people and it's not. >> and how is this for irony, the president doing a victory lap reading a letter from a woman thanking him for affordable care. guess how that turned out? >> it was a huge disappointment. i just felt really embarrassed. >> so we asked, the affordable care act, is it really affordable? plus, we warned you, your privacy is not safe on the obama care website. so security experts, what do you think? >>


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