tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News November 23, 2013 9:00am-10:01am PST
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citizenship and blacks the right to vote. so when democrats call republicans racist or anti-minority, read a little history, pick up your pocket constitution and you'll figure it out. see you on the 5:00, have a great weekend, everybody. this is a fox news alert, waiting on word about iran. no deal yet to curb iran's controversial nuclear program. secretary of state john kerry and world leaders just wrapped up a meeting in geneva where they were hoping to hammer out a plan. ed royce is here to share his concerns about offering iran a deal, but first let's turn to molly with the very latest on the negotiations in geneva. >> doug, secretary kerry has been meeting with his counterparts from britain, france, germany, china and russia this morning as they discuss what kind of deal, if any, to make with iran. the chinese foreign ministry says the negotiations have
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reached their close final moments, but so far no announcements of a deal. perhaps the key sticking point is iran's uranium enrichment program. iran wants to keep enriching uranium for peaceful purposes, the islamicing republic says. other nations wants iran to stop enresearching uranium which can be made for making weapons in exchange for relief from sanctions. here the state department spokesman from yesterday. >> to be very clear, what we're working on right now is a first step. so on the enrichment front, the first step six months would include significant limits on iran's enrichment capabilities and existing stockpiles of uranium will in order to halt the progress of iran's nuclear program and roll it back in key aspects. >> iranian foreign minister seen here with russian foreign minister says iran's right to enrich uranium is a close right that needs to be respected.
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>> an enrichment program that iran has will continue with any agreement. that is our red line, that any agreement should include the enrichment program for iran. we will not accept anything else other than that. >> israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu met with secretary kerry a couple of weeks ago and pressed kerry not to make a deal that allows iran to continue to enrich uranium. netanyahu encourages kerry to increase sanctions on iran, not weaken them. >> here at home, members of congress are except i cal about any plans that would loosen sanctions on iran. one much the concerned members is the chair republican ed royce. thank you for joining us, mr. chairman. >> good to be with you. >> you and the ranking member of the committee wrote president obama recently about your
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concerns about this potential deals. and among your concerns are what it does not require iran to do. let's look at some of those tinges. iran will not be required to suspend enrixment and reprocessing activities, will not be be forced to halt production and installation of additional centrifuges. and iran will not be required to halt all construction or other activities at the iraq heavy water facility, which is intended to produce weapons-grade plutonium. enkacapsulate what it means for me. >> well, what it means is that i think the french are right when they say this would be a sucker's deal. the reason it would be so dangerous for us and for our allies throughout that part of the world is because iran in the past has made certain representations and then walked back from them. this is the first time we've had the opportunity it, with such
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pressure on iran with the sanctions, sanctions which had passed the senate 100-0 and yet the administration opposed those sanctions, if you'll recall. those sanctions are causing capital flight. they're causing a situation where the economy is imploding inside iran. iran is desperate to get out from under them, and under the negotiations that are under way, iran would actually be able to continue its enrichment, still have not -- not dismantle its plutonium operation there at iraq and on top of it alls sanctions would begin to unravel on the country. as a consequence, it would be very hard for us to get them back into place. if we're going to do a deal, the deal has to be that iran stops its nuclear program. if that isn't the deal, we need to ratchet up saingszs. we just passed a couple of months ago out of the house a vote of 400-20 for additional sanctions on iran that will frankly collapse its economy.
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and that's the deal we should offer them, economic collapse or stop the nuclear program. >> right. indeed it's kind of a, critics say, peculiar way to negotiate because it's the sanctions in all likelihood what brought them to the negotiating table in the first place. why get rid of that very important tool that led to this in the first place? >> and the other point is that sanctions are psychological. so you already see a number of countries lining up and beginning to try to anticipate breaking the sanctions because they're trying to begin the process of negotiations with iran on oil. so if we're going to lift sanctions on petro chemicals, on gold, on a certain amount of oil, if we're going to allow them to repatriation of earnings back into the country, what we're actually signaling for those who want change in iran, for those who really saw that the ayatollah was under an enormous amount of pressure, we're signaling that we're going
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to release that pressure valve, that we are going to make it easier for the ayatollah to simultaneously keep the program, simultaneously, what was this, two or three weeks ago he had the marchers out and they were yelling "death to america" again. death to america, death to israel. >> one other important point is where it leaves israel. as you just suggested, israel perceives a nuclear-equipped iran as an existential threat to their existence. will israel attack? >> here's the other problem. you relieve sanctions, you give iran more money to send to hezbollah, hamas, support the muslim brotherhood, do all the work they do to try to undermine other arab states. across the gulf states there are shia minorities in those states, and iran is fomenting problems
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for other governments throughout the region. it's not just israel, by the way. is it the other governments that surround iran that are so concerned about this drive to capability but also iran getting its hands again on the types of funding that they need to support their revolutionary activity and their instability. >> chairman royce, we need to move on. a lot of other news to get to. appreciate your time, thank you. >> good to talk with you. the pakistani doctor hailed as a hero after helping the cia find is osama bin laden now faces a murder charge. his attorney says his client is accused fd killing a boy with appendicitis several years ago. earlier today, robert loish of the campaign called the murder charge ridiculous. >> clearly this is nothing more than a sham on the part of the pakistanis to continue their efforts to humiliate and embarrass the united states as bad partners and in order to extort continued amounts of
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dollars in addition to the $1.5 billion we already send them for being bad partners. >> the latest charge comes amid increasing international pressure to free the man. he's been sentenced to 33 years, a charge he denies. that auguconviction in august w overturned. in her first public statement, wife of 85 year old merrill newman. a korean war vet has been detained in north korea for nearly a month. no official details about why he was detained. a man traveling with newman back in the united states says newman had a difficult talk with officials about his experiences during the war in the 1950s. the obama administration is
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change t changing the affordable care act. people have another week to sign up for the health care law. that's not the only new extension. in 2015, the administration is delaying the enrollment period for obama care from october 15th to november 15th. that's very important. republicans point out that will be after the 2014 midterm elections. but our next guest says forget the extensions. everyone, doctors and patients included, should opt out of obama care. dr. richard emerling is the president-elect of the association of american physicians and surnlgeons. he joins us now. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure, doug. how are you? >> i'm great. thank you very much. you have written an op-ed, sort of a declaration of independence for physicians to reject obama care. you describe how basically the united states, ever since world war ii, has faced ever
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increasing impediments on the doctor/patient relationship, which in your view is sacred. tell me how this has progressed through the decades. >> well, that's the cornerstone of good medical care, a good patient/physician relationship. that's where healing occurs. and everything the government does pretty much gets in the way of that relationship, and obama care is the ultimate expression of that. it's going to create massive distance between doctors and their patients, and in many cases doctors are not going to be able to continue to follow some patients if they stay on this third-party payment system that has gone haywire now with obama care. >> so in your view we should return to a system where patients pay their doctor for the service the doctor provides. i think that's probably pretty frightening in the minds of americans. how can you reassure them that's not something they should be afraid of? >> sure. well, doctors are going to take care of our patients for very
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reasonable fees. if anybody wants to come see me in new york, i will take care of them for perhaps a small multiple of their current co-pay. so if you lose your insurance under obama care -- and many people are -- or you're being offered a plan that has a much higher deductible and higher rates, which is what's happening, you're self-insuring, you're paying for your own health care that you're probably not going to use. so i would suggest, don't sign up, try to find a catastrophic plan if they are still available in your state, and pay doctors directly for their services. you'll get a much better deal. you'll get prompt attention. you won't be waiting in line at a clinic or hospital emergency room, like medicaid patients do now, by the way, and obama care patients which john goodman is going to be medicaid plus are also going to do. they're not going to get good private individualized personal medical care through that
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system. >> you know, at the heart of obama care is the doctor/patient relationship. that's where the rubber meets the road. give me a sense of how people in your profession are reacting to obama care, just generally speaking, what it's doing to your practice and to the practice of your colleagues. >> well first of all, there's the imposition of an electronic health record. electronic health record may provide some benefits, but it is extremely costly and time-consuming, especially learning how to use it, and then entering all the data that the government wants you to enter. and by the way, report to them, it's time-consumer and that directly interferes with the even counter going on in the office. you're looking at a computer screen instead of the patient. you're interacting with your computer and clicking on the mouse instead of talking to the patient and figure out what's going on with them. that's a huge obstacle right there. and there are all these standard it's for reporting which ultimately are going to lead to
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payment for performance mandates to practice in a certain way that is essentially cookbook medicine, one size fits all, which to my mind is the antithesis of good patient care. >> i wonder and a lot of americans i think are fearful of where our future doctors are going to come from. what is the mood of those who are now in medical school, just entering their president densecy, about this new world of medicine we're entering? >> well, the current round of residents -- by the way, very talented and very skilled -- are looking more towards having regular hours and a shift type of setup. and many are staying within the hospital system when they graduate. this is a turnaround. in the old days, people couldn't wait to graduate so they could go out into the world and set up their practice and practice the way they saw fit. that has stopped. now the majority of graduates of residency programs, that is, are deciding to take salaried positions within the hospital setting or in clinics run by the hospital as opposed to going out
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on their own. and this is going to make them less productive because they're into the not going to be working on a fee for service basis and it's going to lead them to follow the mandates of their payors as opposed to the imperatives of the patient. >> dr. richard emerling, a kidney specialist operating out of new york city, thank you very much. we appreciate your opinion, offers us a lot of food for thought. thank you, sir. >> thank you. another person at princeton university has been diagnosed with meningitis. that makes it the eighth case at that school this year. health officials are performing tests to determine if this latest case is the same strain as the seven others. school officials are working to vaccinate students in light of this outbreak. an auto accident and false reports triggered panic and evacuations of about 2,000 people at lax friday night. first a loud car crash outside terminal 5 at lax sent passengers into a panic.
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several passengers thought the crash was gunfire. then and shortly after the crash, police in another terminal got anonymous call reporting there was a gunman at a gate there. that led to police ordering another evacuation and performing a full sweep of both terminals. they found no gunman. it this string of incidents happening just three weeks after a gunman killed a security officer and killed three others at lax. suspended miami dolphins football player richie incognito will miss his third game. he met with an investigator a second time to talk about the bullying scandal will earlier in the week. earlier in the week he agreed to delay his challenge. he was indefinitely suspended after allegations of harassing jonathan martin. another obama care horror story. one woman who wanted to pick out a new health care plan was told her only option was medicaid. >> the pride is from being able
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to take care of yourself in all ways and health insurance, for example, is just one of those things you do. >> coming up next, what she and others like her are saying about their lack of options. also, still to come, senate democrats vote to change the way lawmakers vote on presidential nominees. the fair and balanced debate on the political impact of that. and witness intimidation in the digital age. how criminals are using social media to keep people from talking to police. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. including carbsteady ultra to help minimize blood sugar spikes.
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it's the best from glucerna. [ male announcer ] new glucerna advance. from the brand doctors recommend most. advancing nutrition for diabetes. setting the perfect wedding day beginsith her arthritis pain, and two pills. afternoon arrives and feeling good, but her knee pain returns... that'swo more pills. the evening's event brings laughter, joy, and more pain when jamie says... what's that, like six pills tod? yeah. i could take two ale for all day relief. really? and... and that's it. [ male announcer ] this is kathleen... for my arthritis pain, i now chse aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy open red arthritis cap.
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[ bleep ]! >> police forcibly removed an unruly passenger from a spirit airlines flight in atlanta. another man recorded the man screaming, claiming to have a bomb. the pilot say the man was disruptive the entire flight since they took off from ft. lauderdale, florida. once the plane landed, police took the man into custody and into a psychiatric hospital for observation. >> maybe he's suffering from some type of mental illness we're not aware of. our policy, though, is in policies like this we take him to the grady hospital. >> no bomb was found on the
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plane and police say the man may still face criminal charges. winter storms are hitting the west with heavy snow, rain, and strong winds, causing problems for people trying to get a jump on holiday travel. meteorologist janice steen live with more on who o's getting th worst of it. janice, what's up? >> oh, doug, not great news unfortunately. see this beast across the southwest? that is going to affect travel along the east coast in the next couple of days. but for now we're getting a lot of rain and heavy snow ahead of that, some rain and some freezing rain even some ice for maybe dallas-ft. worth area tomorrow. let's take a look at this low pressure that's bringing heavy rain and up to two feet of snow in the highest of elevations. we have winter weather advisories across the four corners into much of texas. dallas, you're under a winter weather warning, if you can believe it, temperatures 20 to
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25 degrees below average. that's of course one of the main ingredients you'll need for a mixture of wintry weather as we head into sunday and monday. and look at this pink stuff. that's freezing rain and/or sleet, ice. it's going to be very dangerous, if not impossible to travel on sunday across portions of central texas. so let's look. we could see heavy rain and up to two feet of snow, doug, and all of this is going to move towards the east coast for thanksing gifg travel on wednesday. we're goinging to have to watch this very carefully as you know this is the busiest travel day of the year. back to you. >> the timing simply could not be any worse for the east coast. >> i know. we'll certainly keep you posted, keep everybody safe. >> thanks, janice. criminals once papered the streets of pictures of so-called rats and snitches. but the age of social media, criminals are going to new high-tech lengths to intimidate
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witnesses. brian has more on that. >> doug, witness intimidation is not a new phenomenon phenomenon, but with the rise of social media web sites, intimidation is becoming eveni easier. the philadelphia district attorney says witness intimidation is reaching near epidemic levels in his city. just two weeks ago an instagram called rats 215, the account dedicated to, quote, exposing rats posted witness photos, testimony and police statements. the account reportedly outed more than 30 witnesses to violent crimes since february. there have been no arrests in the case thus far, but the city is taking an aggressive stance against witness intimidation, charging over 1,000 cases since january 2010. the city's first assistant d.a. says intimidation through social media is on the rise. >> folks are going to be less likely to put their names out there if they know that there's
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a possibility that not only are the people in their immediate circle going to know, but potentially thousands of people or tens of thousands of people are going to know what they said to police. retired philadelphia judge renee cardwell-hughes says witness intimidation is a real threat in every courtroom in america. she and her colleagues wrote a manual outlining how judges should combat intimidation, urging the ban of sunglasses, cell phones and gang attire in courtrooms. >> witness intimidation affects the entire community. when people are afraid, they don't report crime. when people are afraid, they don't come forward to testify when a crime has occurred. it undermines our constitution. >> some of the district attorneys we spoke to around the country say since social media can be anonymous, it makes it difficult to track down threats, both facebook and twitter say they cooperate with law enforcement requests.
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doug? >> that's good to know. brian, thank you very much for that. appreciate it. so how does a dog end up on a health care plan? we'll get to the bottom of that story a little bit later on. but first, is the latest extension of the health care signups politically motivated? allen combs and michael graham here for a fair and balanced debate, when we come back. f c is .
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at my thick, flaky red skin. do i tell them it's psoriasis? do i speak up and say it's not contagious? or do i just say... have a nice day!" when your psoriasis has gone from uncomfortable to unacceptable, visit to connect with a psoriasis patient advocate from abbvie for free one-to one education and support. sign up at, and talk to your dermatologist. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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this is a fox news alert. secretary of state john kerry and representatives from five other world powers still have not come up with a deal for the country's controversial nuclear program in iran. it's our top story in today's fox news flash. kerr riff decided to go to geneva to make a last-minute push for that deal. the agreement being worked on calls for iran to reduce its nuclear program and in exchange some u.s. and international sanctions would be eased. the obama administration is offering people a few more days
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to sign up for health care this year because of massive problems with their web site. the deadline to sign up and get coverage for next year is now december 23rd, just a week before the deadline the administration set to fix all the problems with the health site. the usaid program is under scrutiny after reports of fraud. according to the "wall street journal," more than 20% of the malaria drugs sent to africa were stolen each year between 2006 and 2012 and sold on the black market. and a federal audit has uncovered that half of the $1.4 billion the u.s. set aside to spend on rebuilding in haiti was wasted on a port and power plant that both failed. the government says it is taking steps to address the problem. and the virginia state senator who was stabbed by his own son is now out of the hospital. state senator deed was stabbed ult am times. his son killed himself. he sent a tweet after he was released saying, quote, i'm
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alive and must live. some wounds won't heal. those are some of your top stories. despite its name, the affordable care act is not affordable for everyone. and that has led to drastic changes for some of the country's most vulnerable and ironicingally most invulnerable. here is a look at how some people's lives and dignity are being affected. how has it come to this, nicole hopkins wrote in a "wall street journal" op-ed about her mother's bout with obama care. >> my mom has worked hard. she has an indomitable spirit. >> so the pride is from being able to take care of yourself in all ways and health insurance, for example, is just one of those things you do. >> reporter: but like millions of other americans, when her health care was canceled this
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fall, sharlene hopkins went to health which gave her one choice, medicaid, which covers the uninsured poor. the white house maintains that obama care expands options. >> they'll have choices they didn't have in the past, including a range of options when it comes to levels of coverage. >> but that doesn't apply to the millions who will be directed to medicaid. >> the system will automatically sign them up for medicaid even if they don't want to be on medicaid. >> another case, a virginia family who asked to remain anonymous, the father owns a house paid for, his kids attend expensive private schools. but because he doesn't work, the web site put him on medicaid. he protest in the web site's chat area, quote, let 60 minutes show up in front of my $5 million paid for house and tell america this guy is on medicaid and the american people are paid for it. a navigator replied, i do understand your frustration. however, i have no other options to offer. there is strong evidence that medicaid is substandard. the manhattan institute wrote last year that hospitalized
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medicaid p patients were, quote, almost twice as likely to die and 42% longer and cost 26% more. many doctors refuse to accept medicaid patients. >> one woman in boston told me she had to go down a list of 20 doctors before she could find one who would see her. that tells you something about access to care under medicaid. >> the cbo projects medicaid expend of spending will rise rapidly overt decade not just because of obama care but the aging population and rising cost per beneficiary, which may make medicaid even more substandard than it is now. joining us for a fair and balanced debate, allen combs and michael graham radio talk show host on the new england talk network. welcome to you both. good to see you. >> hi. >> happy to be here. >> let's talk about this medicaid issue because we're seeing more and more people being turned into medicaid recipients here through the obama care act against their
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wishes. and many of them are not poverty stricken. you saw the example of the case in the piece that just ran of a guy who, for all intents and purposes, is a millionaire but he doesn't have any income coming in technically speaking. i guess the web site does not use assets as a measure of wealth. allen? >> i think they need to tweak the law to make sure people have options besides medicaid. i feel for nicole and her family who we just saw. we always kind of knew that the law would need to be tweaked. so the options should be there. they should fix that. i think the media is doing a disservice, not just this one but all over the media, they are focusing only on those people having problems and not the 95% of those in the affordable care act who are keeping their plans or getting better plans. i think it's unfortunate that is all we're hearing about over the last few weeks. >> tell us a good story because i haven't heard many of them. >> well, 80% of people stay on
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their corporate plan physician they have jobs. 15% of people are going in and getting better plans than they used to have. there's about 3% to 5% who didn't have good plans to begin with, are now being told they don't have any choices or can't get good plans. we're focusing on that number because there's this narrative in the country about how terrible the law is, which is unfortunate because it's not true. >> michael, do you want to respond to that? >> who thinks it's terrible? i can't imagine why. what could be terrible about a mandatory health care web site 40% of which isn't built that can't collect any of your money. so nobody has signed up for obama care because nobody has paid for it. alan reflects entirely the hubris and arrogance of the people behind obama care. your plan stinkss. i know the perfect plan for a guy for a $5 million paid for home. government options don't have options. they have orders. i order you to buy something no matter how bad it sucks. we have a litany of horer stories, which alan says 80% of
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the people on it love it. what are those, nine people? meanwhile, in wealthy massachusetts we're shoving another 100,000 people onto the medicaid dole. 100,000 people who will be riding the wagon, getting free money from their working friends and neighbors, many of whom don't want to be on medicaid because everybody knows that medicaid is, to use the beer analogy, the -- of health care. >> i want to repeat a statistic. i'll let you respond, alan. he want to repeat the statistic from the manhattan, medicaid patients almost fwies as likely to die, their hospital stay 42% longer and they cost 26% more. alan? >> the manhattan institute is a conservative think tank clearly all against obama and obama care. they do need to tweak the law. michael, i hope you get decaf next time before you come on. the fact is we're talking about a small percentage of the people -- they say need to fix
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it. to fix the doughnut hole, i agree. but don't throw out the entire law. we're talking about people on the other side of me who never wanted this law, never wanted it to succeed and it works consistently to it try to see that it would fail. >> alan, you can talk all you want -- >> when did republicans get magic super powers to use their energy to change -- the law is collapsing because the staff of the president spent, quote, two hours a day overseeing its implementation according to "time" and it collapsed. the computer doesn't work. the math doesn't work the alan knows this more than most. if you don't have young healthy people overpaying there's not enough to pay for the older sicker people. what we're seeing all over the country state by state is the sicker people getting more money out are signing up and the people paying in are -- >> michael, you get the last word for mao now, but we'll get your thoughts on the senate going nuclear and changing the senate rules on presidential nominees. we'll also look at why high school kids in south dakota may have to learn a new morning
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routine. at the heart of this controversy, the pledge of allegiance. e,ash back card. this is the quicksilver cash card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so let me ask you... at's in your wallet? target is in sight. so let me ask you... yes, dad, i see him. now pour some chloroform into a white rag and.... no. hi. i unrstand you're looking for a hotel with a pool. with priceline express deals, you can save big and get exactly what you need. do i have to bid? use the stun gun. he's giving you lip. no! he's just asking a question. no bidding.
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majority. the senate democrats say they did it to fix a broken system. our panel is back to weigh in. welcome back. alan, i want to give you first shot at this. before we do, please listen to then-senator barack obama when he was part of the minority party in the united states senate talking about the republican threat of a nuclear option. >> what they don't expect is for one party, be it republican or democrat, to change the rules in the middle of the game so that they can make all the decisions while the other party is told to sit down and keep quiet. >> and, my, how things change. now listen to the president obama reacting to the polling of the nuclear trigger after he became president and was in part of the majority party. >> today's pattern of obstruction just isn't normal. it's not what our founders
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envisioned. a deliberate and determined effort to obstruct everything, no matter what the merits, just to refight the results of an election. >> alan, no party has a stranglehold on hypocrisy, but that kind of speak forz itself. >> i don't know who the first guy was, obviously an obama impersonator. many republicans have flip-flopped, too. they were before they were against it. with can play that game on either side of the plate. president obama has had the filibuster used against him more than any other -- every other president combined, something like 62 times, when other presidents have hardly had it used against them. nothing's been able to get done. let's not forget this pertains only to executive nominees and lower court nominees, not supreme court nominees or bills so it's a very narrow and i would say nuclear is an overstating of it. more like a constitutional option. >> michael, can it be spread to include other functions of the united states senate? >> of course. all you need is 51 votes.
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it could be, wear your underwear on the outside of your clothes by 51 votes. there's no limit. that's the point. it's the wide-open west, why the "new york times" absolutely opposed this change when george w. bush was president and the republicans controlled the senate, but they loved the change when bill clinton was president. so they were for it before they were against it before they were for it. but alan is right. the hip oypocrisy is beside the point. the problem is we're now going to move toward a straight-up parliamentian whatever party has power besides -- that power of moderate things, forcing people to a 60-vote majority was fundamentally good for democracy. obviously harry reid and president obama don't care about democracy. they care about the fact they're going to get their heads handed to them in 2014 and they want to push through every extremist judge they can. >> really we don't have a united states senate, what we have is
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two houses of representative. the founders were extremely concerned about the tyranny of the majority, and that's what this is all about, the filibuster process, was to limit the tyranny of the majority. >> well, what was happening wasn't working. i want torate what i said. this applies -- it doesn't apply to bills or supreme court nominations. >> that's today. >> ezra kline pointed out in "the washington post" that prior to this current congress and a couple of congresses ago, when there were not so many ideologues in each party, everybody votes along party lines. it didn't used to be the case when you had conservative democrats -- >> you think this will help? >> the system had to be fixed. everything is along party lines. >> you think this helps. very quickly, i want to ask alan, does he think that video we just saw is going to be a problem for president obama, the problem with keep your health care plan was it appeared rightly or wrongly to be a lie to so many typical voters. the problem with the web site seemed to be incompetence to
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typical voters. now you have flagrant hypocrisy that most people get. as dean warner said in animal house -- >> nice to do name calling. >> we're out of time. i want to close with i think it was senator thune who said yesterday that said this thing basically is a situation where the democrats may have sown the wind. taxpayers will be picking up the tab for a failed gamble by the department of energy. the government announced it will lose nearly $140 million on a loan to electric carmaker fisker automotive. the bankrupt has a new owner in which says it will keep running. a school pledge debate raging in south dakota is getting national attention now. some local veterans petitioned
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the school board in sioux falls to allow all students to say the pledge of allegiance every day. right now elementary and middle schoolers can say the pledge daily, but the board decided it would be too hard to allow high schoolers to do it. the school president told megan kelly the response from the community has been overwhelming. >> we went out with a survey this past week to our parents and guardians, and it was overwhelming that 70% of them actually wanted the policy revised to have kids have the chance to say the pledge of allegiance at the high school level. >> monday the school board votes on whether to put the pledge back into high schools as well. it's a scary potentially deadly game that isn't really a game at all. after the break, we're going to hear from a victim who was punched in a face by a group of strangers. and we'll get to the bottom of another obama care mistake when we come back.
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>> there's been a lot of headaches that's come from all of this, you know, all the phone calls, all the nonsense, you know, they ended up giving me good coverage. who knows if they're going to take it away. who knows. as long as baxter's covered, that's all that counts. >> i'm not sure america agrees with that. our thanks to kent from our affiliate in denver for that report. and an elementary school principal was chased up a tree by his own students. hang around after the break to hear why he spent the whole day up there. and some people will go to any length to be the center of attention. we'll talk about some potentially dangerous eye candy that the fda has not signed off on as of yet. okay, listen up! i'm re-workin' the menu. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here!
9:55 am
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9:56 am
do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. [ cellphone beeps ] this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. this is the age of taking action. stick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the flexcare platinum. new from philips sonicare.
9:59 am
these elementary school kids aren't monkeying around but their principal is. he promised his students he would dress as a sock money and sit in the tree if they read over 445,000 minutes in a week. >> if me sitting in a tree is going to foster a love for reading, than i'll do it every day. >> this isn't his first rodeo though. one year, principal roth dressed as a human hot dog. before we go, here's an eye-popping story our producers found on eye jewelry. can you imagine this? it's the $3,000 procedure that is gaining some popularity in europe. now fox 5 in new york reports a woman there is getting it done because she says it will be a conversation maker. the doctor performing the procedure says it's relatively safe. even so, the procedure is not approved by the ffa in the u.s.
10:00 am
sarah palin talks exclusively with chris wallace about the latest round of obama care troubles. and the reaction to harry reid going nuclear this week. thanks for watching. hello, everyone, i'm kelly wright. welcome to a brand-new hour of america's news headquarters. >> hi, everybody, i'm jamie colby. topping this hour for you, secretary of state john kerry arriving in geneva for a new round of talks about iran's nuclear program. as other top diplomats involved in the negotiations suggest they are closer than ever to striking a deal. we'll have a live report on that. >> also, panic at los angeles international airport. coming up, new details behind the incident that led to this very scary scene at l.a.x. >> plus,
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