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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 7, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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>> these rules are 0 "war on the little guy." each and every one of this is incomprehensible to me. >> i have no idea what its in this books and i'm a constitutional lawyer. >> the government adds the government adds thousands of pages are new rules every year. >> tough reforms to protect consumers. >> they say we need more. >> there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom. >> we have to depend on the federal government to protect our children. >> we keep passing more laws, now we're drowning in red tape. >> can't drink water the way i want, poop the way i want.
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>> it is like a disease, a mold. >> get out of my life. >> this magician must have a license for his rabbit? these men were arrested for offering home improvements. >> are you kidding me? >> how is any normal human supposed to understand this and follow it? >> i don't have an answer. >> the constitution says i have a right to bear arms. but where i live, i can't do this legally. capit can't we get through some of this? >> you can get through the red tape so families have a better experience and i can drive a cab. >> welcome. >> all these people are combatants on the war on the little guy. >> certain amount of regulation is good, the problem is they don't stop. >> i would be out of business. >> with every phone call there
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came more bureaucratic red tape. >> they say laws, endless rules strangle them. >> our government adds thousands of pages are new law every year, on top of 175,000 pages they passed in prior years. this is just what you see here, just the federal part, states, local governments add much more. if you want state, county, city laws, you need to rent a bigger building. >> lawyer jeff rose helps little guys deal with the red tape. >> this is an agenda of control for its own sake. that's why regulators do what they do. >> come on. control for its own sake, they're not freaks? >> they like rules and live to enforce rules. >> underpaid government functioning. >> i call the regulators little emperors. they justify by creating
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regulation. >> even marty the magician is regulating. >> got into being a full time physician, how can i be regulated. marty entertained kids 30 years. like many musicians, he uses a rabbit. >> have the birthday child have the magic. >> i was signing autographs, taking pictures. suddenly a package was thrown in the mix and they said let me see your license. a license for a rabbit. >> she's not embarrassed? >> she's very serious about
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this. >> marty was in violation of the animal welfare act. ten times regulators have shown up unannounced at marty's house. >> you can't argue with them, can't even talk logically. >> she would love it if everybody said awe. >> i got a new inspector, said did the first one retire. she said no, good news, we increased the budget, we have more inspectors. we can visit more often. >> got this letter. dear members of the regulating community. it sounds like a family. >> unfortunately it is a community i don't want to be part of. they wanted a comprehensive written disaster plan, detailing everything i would do in event of a flyer, flood, tornado, ice storm. >> there are 20 possible disasters they lit, intentional attack. tornado, hurricane. the government calls them common
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emergencies. you say come on, this is ridiculous. yeah, it is but we have to do this? >> they don't laugh and say ever. >> there's always more. you're not doing your job unless you add more of this. >> that's why government grows one direction and doesn't shrink. america was conceived as a sea of liberty with islands of government power. we're now a sea of government power with ever shrinking island of liberty. >> let's go to the sea of government power. i would like to show you around. >> you want a washington, d.c. tour? $10. that's the capitol. this is the irrelevancy building. i can't tell you that, that's illegal. segs in the city offers guided tours on segues. one problem. >> it is illegal if you talk. >> bill main had an idea. tours by segue.
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>> business grows tremendously. >> but guides in d.c. must take a test and get a government license to give tours. >> you have been giving tours? are you a bad person? >> i am not. >> she tried to get a license but that's not easy. >> had to get four personal references from people i knew over a year. had to get a criminal background check, passport photos. >> total cost, $200. >> two, three weeks later they said i could sign up for a test date. i took it a week and a half ago and failed by five points. >> after this interview she tried again, jumped through more hoops, paid another $115. retook the test and finally did pass. aren't they trying to make sure they get a proper tour? >> we give them a proper tour. i passed a bar exam.
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i know how to give a proper tour. if you look to the right, washington, d.c., to the left, virginia and the pentagon. >> the tour rules aren't about safety on segues, they're about what they're allowed to say. many are limits on speech. john was told he had to get a license for his advice column. if john roseman is a criminal for giving advice, dear abby was on a 50 year crime spree. >> his column is in hundreds of papers. but this year. >> i received a letter from the attorney for the kentucky psychology licensing board telling me that i was practicing psychology without a license. cease and desist. >> people are getting in trouble for giving advice without a license. i represent a blogger from north carolina giving out dietary advice over the internet. he got in trouble. i represent a vet helping people overseas with no access to
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veterinarians. that guy got in trouble. >> it is often the little guy who's the biggest victim. >> am i being arrested? >> suspicion of unlicensed activity, we need to check you for weapons. >> they had the nerve to offer home improvement. >> are you kidding me? >> because these job seekers didn't put up thousands and take several tests, government crackdown. >> bureaucrats at a state licensing board offered jobs to people that posted ads on craigslist saying i seek work. when the workers showed up, this happened. california is proud of this. they posted this video online, at a time when unemployment is high, our government attacks people who want to work. stops people from starting businesses. >> she was told you need a
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license to help people with taxes. >> free enterprise is at stake. >> this man after selling t-shirts here for 30 yyars was told you must stop. this is just the rules from friday, december 16th. tiny fine print here. >> yep. >> every day is another book. and you have to know everything in here or you can go to jail? >> that's right. here i am a constitutional lawyer and i have no idea what is in these books. >> each and every one of these is incomprehensible. >> and unnecessary. i flip open this book, this is department of energy regulations on the formula for determining the energy efficiency of a commercial ice maker. somebody that runs a bar or restaurant can go to the manufacturer, say give me an ice maker.
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if it works, the market says what's the best -- >> we don't need reviews. >> we don't need the federal government printing mathematical formulas, requiring everybody to conform to this sort of bizarre bureaucratic standard. >> i keep every day getting more of this stuff. >> and it doesn't go away. >> like a disease. like a mold. seeps through slowly and you don't exist any more. >> the mexican gray wolf. the humpback whale. the sea lion. these are endangered species and they need protection. >> the endangered species act seems like a good idea. i want those animals protected, most of us do, but the bureaucrats always take a good idea and run too far with it. >> it is our job as ambassadors
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of this to protect species for future generations. >> they want to use land in louisiana to protect one type of frog. >> we are haunt by casper the frog. >> he is the mississippi gopher frog. he calls him casper the ghost because none of these frogs currently live anywhere near ed's property. >> i looked it up on the website and found out by their own publication, the frog has not been seen in the state of louisiana because our land is not suitable for it. >> this frog doesn't exist in this area. >> it doesn't right now. it has historicalll. >> why is it fair to impose this on this poor guy? >> that's a good question. right now there are less than 100 of these frogs in the wild. previously thousands. they used to be in louisiana. this land owner has five great ponds in his property. >> the government went after the land after a group at the center
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for biological diversity sued fish and wildlife for not doing enough to protect casper here. the government can say this is a good spot? >> technically, yes, but that isn't how i would put it. you would think wild america is cool america. >> people want to protect endangered species. >> absolutely. >> i didn't know there were 9 million species and that some go extinct all the time. do all 400,000 species of beetle need to be preserved? >> economic, spiritual, and ultimately they're god's creatures. there's a limit, a line how far we're going to go. i don't pretend to know where the line is, i sure as heck will try to save a species. >> such rules have unintendedco. now land owners know that if government finds an endangered species on their land, they will -- >> take this land out of commerce to stop it being developed. that's what they really want.
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>> this led to a new response called shoot, shovel, and shut up. >> in other words, land owners see an endangered species on the land sometimes shoot the thing and then bury it. then shut up about it. their job is to protect endangered species, shouldn't they preserve them? >> they should, but the frog can't live on the land, needs three elements. >> says you. >> says fish and wildlife. >> it is true, to make a new home for the frogs, the government says he will have to change his land. >> remove all the trees, replant new trees, dig ponds that have to be maintained and drained every six months, put the frogs back on. burn the forest every year. >> he wanted to build houses on the land. he got them rezoned for that. no problem, says fish and wildlife. we work with land owners.
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they wouldn't agree to be interviewed about his complaint. instead, they posted this video. >> we are looking forward to work with land owners in louisiana. >> they tell you how they can cooperate, they have this handbook. >> it is an enormously complex, tedious, bureaucratic road map. >> 300 some pages. unbelievably complex. certainly couldn't have a life and deal with this. >> you couldn't. >> this is reasonable? >> yeah. >> i think the lawyers are capable, if i can understand it, they can understand it. >> you're an environmental lawyer. what about normal people trying to live their lives? i see why you lawyers love this. >> 30 days here, 40 days here. >> i would probably write it differently, but i think it makes sure the government commits to a process that's transparent and fast. >> fast? >> telling someone they can't do something with their own property to protect an animal that doesn't even exist there
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meets everybody's definition of crazy. >> the environmental rules are supposed to preserve endangered species. >> nobody is going to disagree there isn't a core of legitimate government regulation out there. but on top of that core which is small, there's a giant mountain of useless, life crushing, time wasting, paper generating regulation. >> how much money are you out? >> $34 million. they say that's inconsequential. if my land can be taken for no reason and no animal at all, anybody's land anywhere any time can be taken. don't sell it, don't build a garage or swing set on it, don't even cut your grass. >> all around america, land owners shoot, shovel, and shut up about it. coming up, the supreme court says i have a right to carry one of these, but will my city let
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what if you want to carry one of these for self protection? i thought the supreme court said you could. >> the majority concluded the right to own a gun belongs to each law abiding american. >> what does that mean to me? in new york city, politicians
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say. >> majority of the people want sensible gun restriction. >> sensible restriction. what does that mean? >> photocopies not accepted. >> i tried to get a gun license. they make it very hard. first you must fill out a 17 page form. the form says i must promise i know the definition of "other weapons" like switch blade knife, gravity knife, pilum ballistic knife. a kung fu star. i don't want a kung fu star, i just want a gun for safety. people sometimes threaten me because they don't like what i say on tv. >> that's common sense. >> i think they have too much security now. >> after this appearance some said i should be shot in the face. when i travel around town, i like to have the option of protecting myself. guns often stop crime. >> robber got more than he bargained for. >> turned the tables on a knife
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wielding intruder. >> laws allow people in every state to carry a concealed gun. many feared it would lead to a surge in gun crime but the opposite happened. >> violence appears to be dropping. >> yet some towns like chicago, washington, d.c., new york city, make it nearly impossible for people legally to carry a gun. this is 50 pages. who understands this. >> it took hours and hours to fill the forms. we had to call the police department to clarify what questions meant. finally it was done. i have to get this notarized. >> sign here, i will fill in the rest. >> then you have to go in person to police headquarters. here they fingerprinted me, asked me to list reasons why i should be allowed to have a gun, and then charge me a $430 application fee. they said they'd get back to me. at least they were polite. others tell a different story.
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>> they're rude from the get go. >> robert martinez served in iraq and afghanistan. >> i have ten years military experience. >> i think a military vet could keep a handgun in his home for protection. >> it is not so easy. >> why do you want a gun permit? >> i want to protect my family. >> martinez works at a new york city housing project. >> couple months ago a man was beaten to death in front of my building. you hear a shot go off, it is like boom, boom, boom. >> he thought he would get a gun license. that turned out to be an ordeal. >> they'll have you there at 9:00 when they open at 10:00 and have you sitting there until almost 3:00 in the afternoon. >> they say within 90 minutes. >> john stossel coming to get a license. >> for you it was 9:00 in the morning until 2:00. >> yeah. >> did you get the permit? >> no. >> their attitude is people don't need guns. we're the police. the police can't get there. >> you have a better shot hitting the lottery than getting
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a cop on your street the same time you get into problems. >> the process itself was set up to be an ordeal. >> glen herman runs a website that advises people on navigating the regulation. >> if you're this expert, i would think it would be easy for you to get people guns. >> it is still an ordeal. it is being used as a weapon to deter people from following through the process, which can take as long as a year. >> for me it took eight and a half months. first they told me i had to return to police headquarters for another in person interview. this time they demanded i prove an accusation against me had been dropped. they said this headline was not enough. i was supposed to produce the original court document. they also told me i had to document threats against me. fortunately, i could show them things like this. 52 days later, they sent me a letter rejecting my application for a carry permit. they said i could get a license to keep a gun in my apartment, but i feel safe in my apartment.
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i want a permit to carry where i might feel threatened. but i was told you failed to demonstrate a special need. the license adviser told me i applied for the permit the wrong way. >> friends of the ruling class, that's who gets it. everyone else, you're out of luck. >> donald trump got a permit, so did howard stern, robert deniro. >> should be done through the cronyism way. maybe if you've done work for someone, that's the approach you make. they will get you in front of a judge and within two to three days, you will have your permit. these individuals can afford to pay for security, my family can't. there's no way in hell i am going to let this lie. >> when we return, the red tape keeps coming. with my united mileageplus explorer card. i've saved $75 in checked bag fees. [ delavane ] priority boarding is really important to us. you can just get on the plane and relax. [ julian ] havg a card that doesn't charge you foreign transaction fees saves me a ton of money. [ delavane ] we can go to any country and spend money the way we would in the u.s.
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away. eustis conway lives off the land in north carolina. people call him mountain man. >> with my own hands, built everything. when i moved here, there wasn't a clearing, there wasn't a building. >> over 20 years, his turtle island education center became popular. he taught a thousand people how to live like pioneers. but last year the county told him to shut down. >> he hadn't gotten permits. >> nathan miller heads the county board that oversees the building department. >> people said his camp was unsafe. we don't necessarily know it is unsafe or not. >> mountain man told county inspectors go away. so they came back with lots of people. >> they brought all these different departments from health department, tax people, fire marshall. all of a sudden a whole team, cars or trucks as far as you could see showed up, blocked our driveway, came in with armed guards and took over our home. >> doesn't it seem like overkill? >> not really. they just merely had their pistols in on the side. he had the opportunity,
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mr. conway did, to cooperate. >> that raid led to this 78 page report on what the mountain man must change. just more government overkill. >> we created this report in anticipation of litigation. >> a lot of it is just crazy, like they have a picture of our dog house for a german shepherd, it is four feet long. said this is the interns housing. i don't know if they thought we have midgets here or what. >> they say you have unsafe buildings resting on a piece of rock. >> like a rock solid foundation. we have been working with the health department every year over 20 years. they're telling me i can't live this way, this is the way i live. i can't eat the way i want, can't drink water the way i want, can't poop the way i want, can't sleep in a building the way i want. every year you have a stack of permits they permitted every year, all of a sudden it is
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completely ptable. >> do you ever think there are too many rules? >> yeah. i think that all the time. but we don't write the building code, we're merely the enforcer. >> how is any normal human supposed to understand this and follow it. >> i don't have an answer. they -- i don't have that answer. if you look behind me, we have 24 statute books. i am aware i am supposed to know all those statutes. builders obviously can't possibly know all this, but they are taught how to look this stuff up. >> why don't you do what they ask? >> if we do what we want, we destroy the reason we're there. we want to teach about primitive, natural living. they want us to have modern buildings. i'm not going to do what they want me to do. >> so what will happen to him? we'll get back to that. but first, what will happen if i try to be a cab driver?
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what if before i could get my tv show i had to first get permission from the competition? if dan rather, diane sawyer said no, i wouldn't be here. that makes sense. rj krooner of kentucky thought he could start a moving company without having to get his competitors' permission. >> schedule this one and this one first. >> so he started one. >> put an ad on craigslist, pickup truck and enclosed cargo trailer, we were very busy all summer. >> more people wanted your service. now in a couple years, you have 30 employees, six trucks. >> over 30. clean cut, young guys that really sell the moving industry.
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>> this customer is pleased. >> it has been great, the guys showed up on time, they have been loading, working hard. >> rj learned that pleasing customers isn't enough. he got a threatening letter from state regulators. >> in order to continue to operate, we need a household goods permit, basically a certificate of necessity saying there is room in the market for us to operate. >> certificate of necessity, meaning -- >> a necessity within the moving market in kentucky for another mover. >> what? a business has to profive it's needed? >> you have to essentially get permission from the competition. >> he took the case for free. >> when starbucks began, it would have to get permission from all of the other coffee shops? >> that's right. but if you had to prove then america needed a new national chain of coffee shops, you couldn't have proven that. >> no, we don't need that. >> turns out america did need a chain of coffee shops, we know that because they're so successful. >> competition sorts this out
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better. >> that's right. the consumer is in the driver's seat. >> but not when the competition has veto power. >> we're worried about consumer protections. healthy companies in kentucky. >> ryan flota is president of kentucky movers association. he has his own moving business. kentucky, like half the state, allows existing companies to protest new competition. over the past five years, 19 companies were prevented from entering the moving business because competitors said the existing transportation service is adequate. competition would diminish their revenue. >> affordable moving, all these other companies say no, we don't want to allow that. what gives them the right? >> we're not against new companies coming into kentucky. >> yes, you are, you don't want a moving company stealing your business. >> we don't want the scenario of a licensed company going bankrupt. >> but companies go bankrupt all the time. >> it is end of the line for
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circuit city. >> borders bookstore went belly up. >> part of the creative destruction that makes competition work. >> say a town population of 20,000 people, would it be beneficial to consumers to have 15 moving companies in that area? >> maybe. >> no. >> how do you know? >> you have companies that are not in a position to provide a good service to the general public. >> the bureaucracy can't decide whether there's a public need for a new moving company, not even the moving companies know that. they have to try it and find out by an experiment. and these laws prohibit that kind of experiment. >> wouldn't home depot like to say no, new hardware store in the neighborhood, you can't open. wouldn't gm like to say that to toyota and honda? >> i'm sure. i'm not the one that set the law. i'm just abiding by the law. >> also he says older moving companies want to protect
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consumers from shady operators. >> say i am coming to pick up your furniture. i tell you it is $80 an hour. when i get to the new house, i say well, you know, going to charge you 155 an hour. >> now we have this thing called the internet where people can find out if a company has a bad reputation. >> consumers go for the cheapest price, john. >> she checked the web before she hired rj. >> somebody operated a company poorly, said they didn't take care of their items, that would raise alarm bells for me. >> had you had complaints from people you moved? >> no, no complaints. in fact, we are the top ranked moving company in the state according to angie's list. >> startups create muchhof the job growth in america. >> entrepreneurs are the wealth creators of society. >> i assume if i want to start a business, a moving company would be a good way to enter. simple, need a truck, some
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strength, go compete. >> it should be. you buy a truck, paint the word mover on the side and you're in business and if customees like your product and services, they'll buy from you, if they don't, they won't. >> regulators aren't just mean, for safety and orderly marketplace, shouldn't there be some rules? >> orderly marketplaces are precisely what we don't want. we want a free marketplace. if you have an orderly marketplace, who is doing the ordering. should be consumers doing the ordering, and the law stops them doing that, not to protect the public but to protect established businesses against having to compete fairly. that violates liberties. these laws are outrageous and all ought to go. >> what's with the stupid mustache on my car? that's next.
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what if i could make some money driving my own car and help you, too? wouldn't that be great? >> your lift has arrived. >> thousands already do that thanks to cell phone technology that let's ordinary car owners offer rides to people. people who want a ride open an application. this is called lift. others include side car. they press a button and that flags a nearby driver. in this case, me. we got one.
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lyft makes drivers put a ridiculous mustache on the car. it is a marketing gimmick, also helps a person that wants a pickup spot the car. i also have the passenger's phone number. >> your destination is on the left. >> and his name. tim? unlike normal cabs, lyft drivers invite customers to get in the front seat. welcome. is this your first lyft ride? >> yes. >> jim signed up because it is cheaper than taxis, maybe 20% cheaper. >> i have friends that used it and raved about it. >> he likes it that the passengers sit in front. lyft founder says it makes for a friendlier ride. >> you see the passenger smiles, you get in the front seat, it is a fist pump, it is another way of connecting with people in the community. meet someone with different political beliefs, different
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music taste. companies have been formed with drivers and passengers. >> thank you, sir. >> have a good day. >> no cash changed hands, payment by credit only. if he didn't like me, he could tell the app to pay me less. then he will have a tougher time getting the next lyft ride. >> i will rate tim. liked him, give him five stars. that will make it easier for him to hire the next lyft driver. give you a fist pump. have you used lyft before? >> i have. >> why would she feel safe getting into a stranger's car. >> everyone i have taken so far has been very nice. >> first of all, not everyone can be a lyft driver. my car had to pass inspection, i had to pass a background check. but the real reassurance comes from passengers and drivers rating each other. >> you see pictures of them in the car, their ratings. >> if you get bad ratings, you
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can't drive any more. >> what if the passenger is obnoxious. >> goes both ways, there's ratings on drivers and passengers. >> people get rides, i make some money. what a great deal. who would object to that. taxi drivers, that's who. >> cabbies lined up their cabs, then let them sit in protest of car sharing apps used in the city. >> new ideas like lyft make established industry players angry. >> damn right we are, it is our families. >> we have to pay big money for licenses, get fingerprinted, have commercial insurance. pink mustache has nothing. side car has nothing. >> not nothing. there is a background check and the ratings. but lyft drivers don't have to obey all the taxi rules. >> they don't comply with the law. >> bill runs the biggest cab company in los angeles. >> you want to ban the competition. >> we're not trying to ban the competition.
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we would like to be competing with companies that follow the rules. >> lyft cars have to meet safety standards. >> who's safety standards? their license is private vehicles. there's no safety standard there. this is the honor system. >> actually it is something better than the system. >> if i am checking my app, oh, this driver's been criticized by passengers, that's not the honor system, that's the world policing him. >> that's all after the fact. >> in washington, d.c., bureaucrats got so upset with car sharing businesses they even did sting operations. today, however, d.c. tolerates services like lyft. they became too popular for regulators to strangle. there's no evidence that regulated cabs are safer. >> here in new york a licensed cab driver jumped a curb, hit a woman, admitted i shouldn't be driving. >> that doesn't cry out for less safety regulation, it actually
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cries out for more vigorous enforcement of safety regulation. >> of course, that regulation makes it hard for outsiders to compete. most of the rules that exist in the transportation industry are designed to in the transportati industry are designed to protect them from competition. >> in nashville, tennessee, bureaucrats demanded that every car service but established companies must charge at least $45 a ride. >> i have to charge them $45 for going four blocks. nobody's going to ride for $45. >> it's protectionism. to protect taxi industry. >> when he started metro livery, it was a great success. but the new $45 minimum ended that. >> we lost all the clients and they went back to taxes. >> he fought nashville's rules in court but the bureaucrats won. why would they want to protect
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existing bil ining businesses? >> because existi ining busines are politically connected. >> and what about rent? i'll explain. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest.
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[ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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got some extra space in your house? got some extra space in your house? want to make some money renting it? now you can. >> here's our room. i think it's pretty nice. here's the stairs. i think it actually looks cool. >> reporter: they, who's they? >> i think this is their office.
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>> victoria doesn't know much about this apartment because it belongs to strangers. they're from florida but they wanted to visit new york city for a few days and they'd prefer to stay in a home. >> a lot better than being in a hotel. being in the city with a child, it's much more doconvenient. >> he renovated his apartment, then decided to make some extra money renting his extra space to tourists. >> i love meeting people from all different parts of the world. >> he advertises extra space on websites. trendy loft, steps from times square, $149. in this neighborhood, that's cheaper than a hotel. plus, julie liked the pictures on the website and comments from
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previous guests like "the apartment is cozy." "home away from home." >> not only are we able to use the fridge, we have a microwave, fresh hot coffee. >> julie likes staying in homes because this way her daughter gets to learn a little about how different people live. >> it's comfortable. >> the website is run by jia. she and her husband created it because they travel a lot. >> we said, hey, there must be thousands of apartments empty right now. how do we find it? >> why not just go to craigslist? >> because on craigslist, you don't know who you're dealing with. we had people would refused to pay. that's why we started. >> how do i know i'm not going to get some guest that's going to trash the place? >> well, there are reviews on the site so everything's very transparent for both sides. >> the reviews, the internet feedback. this crowd sourcing is what makes cool ideas work. julia and
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alastair's a good host. >> i'll try to do, once i get their name, i'll try to do a facebook search on them. generally, i've had really good luck. >> this wonderful new business, strangers with complementary needs finding each other, keeps growing. so of course politicians crack down. >> -- have a terrible experience -- >> this politician got a law passed that bans anyone from renting their own apartment to anyone for a time period of less than a month. if you do, you're an illegal hotel and can be fined up to $25,000. the hotel industry supports the law. to protect tourists, they say. >> they walk in a situation that is not safe, not clean. >> really? when we asked for names of complainants, her office didn't provide any. >> there are people begging
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legislators for the law to be overturned. >> the good news is that despite all the laws, sometimes entrepreneurs and their customers still win. room for rent website listings are up since new york's law passed. people like alastair make some money. tourists save money. and both have an experience they normally wouldn't have. >> bye, enjoy your class. >> it's amaze, great, easy, fun. >> the cheaper taxi services survive. >> the regulators pounce and the business grows. >> yeah, the business is zbroeing incredibly fast. we've had people say multiple times that it has restored their faith in humanity. >> lifts and sidecar now in more than a dozen cities. the mountain man refused to close his camp. his passion nall supporter, got north carolina's legislator to change the law to prevent primitive camps. sounds like the bill was written
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just for him. >> it was written just for him. they fixed it so he was pretty much exempt. >> so the mountain man teaches kids again. and the seque tours continue. and r.j. keeps moving people while he fights in court. >> look at that, everybody! >> marty can keep his magic show alive. it's a happy ending here. >> yes. >> after his story made headlines, the government backed off. marty no longer must have a disaster plan for his rabbit. >> with a little magic and a rabbit, because we now are what they call -- >> you had such a dramatic story, you were on the front page. >> most victims of big government suffer in silence but these people fought back. >> these regulators really do believe they're making the world a better place when if you listen to all of these stories, we are making the world a better place. >> some may never win but it's great to think fight. >> good to be in a room with these other people. >> good to be here together.
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we're not the only ones. >> but the bad news is that in there and in state capitols everywhere, they keep adding more red tape. they should stop, but they won't stop. we'll stop. that's our show. thanks for watching. so good to see you on this saturday afternoon. welcome to a brand-new hour inside america's news headquarters. >> i'm gregg jarrett. glad you're with us. snow, ice, subfreezing temperatures, pounding much of the country, causing massive problems out there. we're live in the fox extreme weather center. >> and new anger over obama care. as the white house admits that many of the people who had signed up for the health insurance through the online exchanges may not actually have coverage. >> and the day that lives in infamy.


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