tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News December 9, 2013 10:00am-11:01am PST
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i am bbll hemmer. 3 >> and i am allsyn cameerta. some peopll rying to sign up >> anddout off occet ccstt inn% some states. >> chris stilewart is with us.. >> hi, ally.. p> nowwthat the website s working better ann a windoo -pshopping elementt were eeple can see. %ne cooule as ciork times might how does it work? e. 33
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not well. 3 the ppesiient likes to say you can get insuranceeforrthe price% there is a cahave at. to get ratts thht oo, you have tte mmney to spend before the inssrance kicks in at high if you want a llw montthy payyenttyyu ay throuuh the nos% beffre it kickk in. %--pnext yyarrwhhn people maae throughhthe gauutllt of obama ann sayyyou ave to spend 3 $13,000 beeore yyu have % >> ittis nottjust deducttbbees. you from fox news sunday rrm %
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about the premiums. people will have he choice 3 of whether ttey wann to pay a selectee amount or ooe ffr's% >> premiums wiil go up? % >> that's a choicc. >> preeiums may gg p over hat you are payyng. premium wouldn't increese. you docctr. for it. >> deductibles and preeiums % going up. >> first thing is a flag froo -pthe white house to telllezeki emmanuel tt quit ssyinng that it was under queesiionng froo dr. waalace hht heefinally we have ddssected the first paatt -pif you liie your inssuanceeyo
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can keee itt ittwas not true ao -ppe trueewwen the ppesident mm get tte care? can you get the care hat youu -ppreviously ecomeeacqqaintee with that you and your family 3 rely on? morr to get top qqality carr an that's something that americaas weer not tood abouttin thhoee teerss. -plet's listtn. trial said pisurance through a poollso ttat yoo can get the same good ates as aagroop that if ou arr an that meeas your prrmiumm will g%
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-pdown. everyoneebehavee differeetly thann hey are. issantthetical offliberty nd % theer ameriia, eerything % hanggs and thh president said eventualll yes, raats will come down once it worrs. 3 -pphe proolem is. if yoo onnt eliver in phase % one and the people lose their to the coverage and care that s -pconttnue down thattpath? >> that is house of cards. all of these iif before it
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ccris, thank you ffr explaining it?? >> the adminiittation pussing medicare. %puus. traae commiision. m the %->> i. er to you. %pphis is one of the strongest sellinggpoiits on obamm care, is >> they will add 5 million people o thh mediiaid roles. thhy get health caae, not the bess carr, but thhy gettit for % -pfree. >> all riiht, can they get 24 pemaining states to go along, novemmer. rinia.
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care hey on't have now. pventually they will ine 33% because thh federaalgooernment it issmuch moreeexpensivvethaa budgeeed. is this the kind of thing % phat breaks states? edge right ow. phe reimbursement thaa are hing, proviiing doctors so lowwdoctorr will opt out. at thii point, the ffderal reimbuusemenn ates. can illiiois afford any more
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that's a great poiit. wwy do theestates ppyyforr t s -p>> abssluteey.. >> ii issclassii democrat politics. robbiin peter to pay ppal to wii poww et someone eese pay the pipee. oofthingg hat went on in detroit nation. we ggve people's money way ndd the pressdent afttr the next president as headache on their hands. >> it issgetting expensive. tte woman inncharge f
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maryland exchange resigned. a longgthanksgiving holiidy. on the legal battll beeween ble ccnnraccors. and much of thh coontry in -pthe grippof he astyywinter for the riiers out theee. massiieepile up in wissonsin aad and flights leaving travellers strandedd %ppallas- fort worth. 3 neaaby pllno, texas. % apartmenn complex. -pthat'' going o love a mark. molly.. 3 logist said holy that is riiht. ->> theeamount
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pountry. p7 percent of thh coverrd we have not seen thissamount of snow, things are not melting. we are in a deee freeze. ttese areecurrent air minneapolis. minuusone in and 33 inndallas. city. anddit is just oo melting. the road wayysbecause of a threat f black ice. wind chill what it fels like if yyu areennt proteeted.. yyu get the ppctuue, it is still la ttnight. to 37 degrees in airportt e layy, a lot of them. that is just laauaadia. newark
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the effect in the country. . phh bad news another storm system that is ooinn n. it is not a hugg weather maker getting any betttr.. ystem ride hooefulll latee on this week, clear skies and a tiiy bit of % panes. kid.. the pressure is on you, >> aybb eople areepptting christmassdecorations up. >> silverrlining. >> how bad s it where yoo live? senn us a picture through twitter. p> send me a tweet at bill >> nd alisyn camerota. we would looeeto see yyur piccs.
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aad you ssemm o far away today.. whhttis te story? is it ssmething i sad? 3 -> noo wheee my chair wass pllced. i wwil wwok on ttaat %-p pr %piran. ion an aarrement with our alliesshavv serious douubs could hat be a deal breaker.. -p plus, ssthee sa sppyng vvrtual reality may nottbe safee from theprying eyee offthe government. new wwrries that obamm are can limit your options. to more visit tots emergeeny 3% room? afterrall? >> we have to pass the bill -pbefore you can finddout haa
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ccuusiig the viitual world informants. erroriit ann undercovvr officees spped on pamers foo yeers and sucking uu all of hh data for users onn% popular gaaess care will afffct your medical oppions aad health. pany doctors re opttng oou and reports thht many ill not havee access to naaion'' hossiials treeaments. 3 p caacer 3 ii you can't have acccss to the
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bbst hospitals for treetment wwat s the coveragg? >> having been on the faculty % are typically ood in terms of -ptaking care of people with cooplex roblems and sick ppople. ii you look attthe kiid of 33p nned more sophisticaaed carr. it costs more money to provide drchlt thee illlend up in the a a booerang affect from the % >> we are right back o wwerr w
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and consumers will find it difficult to find out if the doctors are in the plan and they may have to call the doctor's office to figure out. >> one last development to have you comment on. many drugs will not be covered under the affordable care out, why? >> getting brand names and speciality drugs is a challenge for consumers even with an employer sponsored health insurance. now an individual that buys insurance off of the marketplaces, they need to know whether the insurance companies formulary is going to cover those drugs. find out if theyç have the rig formula, i think of training navigators they will have to give consumers ph.ds to navigate the marketplace. the information is not available. they will pick a cheap plan and when they need to go to the
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doctor and get a prescription filled it is not covered and then what? >> just at the time you don't need that level of confusion. >> dr. peete, thank you. >> part of the problem is a lack of pr to sign up the young people. how do you make a second impression? is marketing the issue? we'll talk about that. >> the bride said it was an accident. prosecutors are calling her a cold- blooded killer. there are new developments in a murder case. >> and then there is this. >> this is a verbs soccer riot that went on and on and on and on. >> and it happen in a country that played host to the next world cup. we'll play you more of this in a moment. [ male announcer ] did you know
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vici >> violence delayed the key soccer match in brazil. police fired rubber bullets in the crowd to break things up and four people were sent to the hospital and one was air lifted from the field. this brawl is fuelling concerns about safety when brazil hosts next year's world cup. and then the helicopter came in, too >> this thing had everything. oh. >> for all of the westerning wrong reason. jury selection in a murder
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trial of a bride accused of pushing her husband off of the cliff. the prosecutor say it is cold- blooded murder. jury selection starts today. william, hello. >> reporter: jordan graham has no credibility. she lied about her husband three days and lied about where she was and where she wasç with an created a murder. not the acts of a crest fallen bride. she looks more like a sunday school children than a stone cold killer. a week after getting married. she allegedly pushed her husband off of a cliff in the park. she said it wasap accident after the argument. prosecutors believe she pushed him in the back face first. she told police she hadn't seen cody after going to church.
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but there is security camera footage of the couple entering the night and e-mailing a çfrid also about her dance moves. prosecutors plan to call half of the friends who say that the marriage was disaster waiting to happen. they said she was silent. cody was different but moved away with the marriage anyway. >> cody put in 110 percent. and we were not sure if she felt the same way. >> reporter: prosecutors expect it to last ten days. the jury poll is 150 people because so many people in montana who know about the case, prosecutors are concerned about eliminating bis and getting
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a fair trial. >> it may take a woke and half and also a national story getting national attention, too. thank you. we are seeing chain reaction crashes like this from texas to new york. how bad is it where you are? we'll tweet your pictures at the end of hq. stay inside under a blanket right now. >> i have a special surprise coming up. and is the real problem with obama care poor promotion. we'll debate that. >> no one launched a big pr campaign. and we are about to launch a big pr campaign. ♪ ] a. dvepa pi
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of lennn. >> brrving the cold for aacause. %-swimsuut run in wisconsin. a the people helping tt raise mmnny for a local children's charitt.. there is a gingerbread man. 3 he looks warrer. option. not attractive and i ddn't phink hhs wife oo proud of him when he got bacc home. >> and no one launched a big pr caapaign to get them igned up because of the problems wwth thh weesite. they are aaout o launch a pr campaign. >> only harvard polls 20 percent is signing up. not a probably but definitely. p> other than the pr cammpignn
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that was a architect of ooama care. pee young eoppe siined up with a good pr push. foccs n promotion. bbite will droves that re predicted is >> it is facttr. probably the biggest factorris % -pii we emember when ww were tt age.. -pwe push thingg off until the lass-minute. theeopen enrollment. and the one thing to keep in %
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a quartee of people not y interested ii signinn up for obama care. a pr push would help. >> that study shoos yyu where the minds of young eople are. pr and marking? it is a probl obama care. it is core material and facts of obama care that youth are rejecting. no amount of pr will change what has been the first impression of obama care. the youth realizes it costs to which and they don't need it. pay the $95 fine to get out of the obligation and you get sick you can sign up without penalty. the whole scheme is you need volume of young people to pay for those who need care now.
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>> chris, one thing that every young person in the country knows about obama care is that it is a lousy website. that is a union versal truism. but beyond that what is in it for 20-year-olds to sign up? >> we agree that the role is not good and hurt the perception of obama care. that is a fact. in terms of what is in it. you are talking about preventive care and caps if you get really sick. >> i think for catastrophic illness everybody needs insurance. but brad's point, if you are well and a healthy 20 something-year-old why go through the rigamarole? >> preventive care and birth control and other types of assistance, there is a lot of elements to it allow you to
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basically. >> you got to overhaul the system for birth control? >> no, you are talking about preventive care and talking about limits on lifetime caps. and making sure insurance companies are providing coverage for certain things. and talking about the various plans, people have a choice. they don't have to get a gold plan but they can get a bronze plan. >> bringing you back full circle. the idea for the segment was marketing and pr. i can't think of a story that hasn't been on a website and newspaper and tv station for three months than obama care. you can make a case of three and half years in the build up. >> they have had more unpaid media than any other story in the history of the government program. they started out with a failure.
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young people will not be emboldened to sign up when they are techies. they know that facebook gets 300 million hits and google. they have no confidence in the president and they believed they have been lied to and don't feel they need. it what kind of pr roll out will convince them. >> did anyone expect him to say it differently? >> we'll know by march 31st whether the assumption of young people signing up happening or not. >> that's what you said about november. it is always we'll wait down the road. >> the administration has three months with the pr push, as well as the young people come to terms it is a good thing that they can afford and have decent health care coverage. >> what about brad's point that the penalty is not so punitive
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as their deductible might be. it is a disincentive? >> i agree with that. the first year penalty at $95 and that is a hard sell that the administration will make. the numbers pan out or not. if they pan out brad will i have no doubt he will admit he is wrong. >> i will not be wrong. the system is flawed and there is no incentive for the youth to convince them to buy something they can afford and something they will never use. >> great to see you guys, thank you so much >> an attack of a virginia law maker. and raising new concerns about mental health care in america. in far too many cases, facilities have to turn people
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away. here's more. >> hi, alisyn. usually when there is violence debate goes to gun control and not health care. you don't need to look farther than cook county to see the practices of revolving door and turning them to the street and repeating the process. >> dealing with mentally ill people in the throes of a psychotic episode. this is part of every day in the cook county jail. >> you have the voices? >> the and jail is now the largest mental health care in the nation. >> you can see they are not supposed to be here. we are not equipped to treat them. >> the problem started with closing of mental hospital. they turn to the street and
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jail. >> it is now where the jails have become the de facto mental health institutions. >> crimes are usually nonviolent. stealing food and drugs. the staff at cook county sees the same person dozen of times! when you get arrested is there a relief? >> i know i will get my medication there. >> on thursday, congressman tim murphy of pennsylvania will introduce the legislation if passed will change the treatment standards of someone in imminent dangerer as to someone who just needs care. it will increase the in patient beds and remove the legal barrier to prevent parents and guardians from speaking about the mental health care of a loved one. >> something has to be changed.
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>> mike,nasty air travel grounding in chicago. a look to what to expect from the new king in the airline world. u.s. and closest middle eastern ally not seeing eye to eye. what is next after the prime minister of is roll said this. >> this is a regime committed to our destruction, there must be a demand alongside the negotiations in geneva for change in iranian policy. this must be part and parcel of negotiation. heart healthy, huh?!
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i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn't treat all that. it doesn't? [ male anner ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh, what a relief it is! plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. prefer the taste of gevalia house blend over thtaste of starbucks house blend? not that we like tooting our own horn but...
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law. and unqualified people are pushed in medicaid. what does that mean for the average taxpayer footing the bill. remember the guy who cut off his arm when it was trapped under a boulder? he is now under arrest for domestic violence. the american airline's merger with u.s. airway system official today. the justice department had sued in hopes of stopping this from happening. the judge approved the deal last month and the secretary of state of delaware cleared the way for the world's largest airline. so what does that it mean for all of us travellers? casy ste gal is in dallas- fort worth international airport. >> reporter: first of all the merger is complete but people like you and me, you are not going to notice many changes because it will take quite sometime for the two carriers to
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merge their operations. today is administrative and business side of things and two carriers will operate separately. you will see u.s. airways planes and frequent flyer programs. they will gradually disappear like we have seen but not for a year or so. today american comes out of bankruptcy. senior management changes and combined carrier trades on the nasdaq as one company. the department of justice said it would mean higher ticket prices and less competition. the lawsuit was dropped after american gave up valuable gate space in our nation's airports. a lot of travellers said that will not solve the problem. >> the best thing to happen to consumer is robust competition. with each of these mergers
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compresidentiters are exiting the market and therefore more domination. >> reporter: while that plays out, look at this. thousands of people stranded here over the weekend in dfw international airport. the big ice storm grounded thousands of flights over the weekend. folks sleeping on cots because the hotels were full. the good news to report that the problem is easing slowly. 700 or so cancellations in dfw today. a large number but lower than what we saw saturday and sunday. >> all of those people looked relaxed and maybe they needed a nap in the airport. very comforty. casy, thank you. i think what we have said, we can envision a comprehensive agreement that involves
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extraordinary constraints and verification mechanisms and inspections and permits iran to have a peaceful nuclear program. >> v words verification. president obama is adding a lot of fine print. the deal that the u.s. and five others reached allows some uranium enrichment. the next guest said the issue is verification. john bolton is here. good day to be here. verification is the elephant in the room. explain. >> if you listen to the president, he puts a lot of weight on the ability of somebody to have intrusive inspections and comprehensive verification. and that really is a misplaced trust in the verification. it can't make a bad deal in
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a new deal. and eliminate ambiguities and defeat a country that is determined to evade the arms control commitment. at best it is a insurance policy. >> what is built into the deal that guarantees verification and gives you a chance at it, anything? >> well, well, it said that the international atomic energy agency will be allowed to visit sites and iran will cooperate. that is all very interesting as to the sites that are declared to the ia ea. and famous iraq heavy water reactor that produces plutonnium. what what is not covered is sites that iran is already enriching uranium and sites that
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we would like to see where the weaponization work is going and ballistic missile program. >> you conclude the report ronald reagan said trust but verify. and he meant what he said. does president obama not? >> first you have to trust. i wont trust the iranian government ch which lied for 20 years. i wont trust them with spare electrons and if they end up with the capability to enrich uranium even to reactor grade that violates a score or half dozen un security regulation they are at the break out point to nuclear weapon. >> john bolton, thank you. thank you, mr. ambassador. alisyn. >> marijuana in the center of a city wide feud and politician and police blame each other for
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all of the problems. we'll have all of the finger pointing coming up in a live report. er's seafood bakes. combinations of your favorite seafood from lobster to crab, shrimp and mussels in a savory broth. try one today, and sea food differently. now, try seven lunch choices at $7.99. sandwiches, sads and more. i have a big meeting when we land, but i am so stuffed up, i can't rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is.
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a marijuana debate is blazing in seattle where police blame the politicians and the politicians blame the police for an ongoing problem of homeless people and drug dealers on the streets. dan springer has more for us from our seattle bureau. what's going on out there, dan? >> quite the power struggle. the bottom line is rank and file cops feel like city leaders don't have their back. now the city attorney is accusing the police of not doing their job. part of the battle is over marijuana. even though it is now legal in the state, you still can't smoke it in public. but if you walk around downtown, you're likely to see this. people lighting up out in the open. when people complain to the cops
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to do something about it, well, they blame the city attorney, saying he wouldn't prosecute even if they did enforce the law. the city attorney, pete holmes, said that's not true, and accused the cops of depolicing. >> if you ever hear of an officer saying i'm not going to because x, y and z, i don't care what the reason is. recognize that you've got an admission that they're not doing their job. >> so far this year, seattle police have written a grand total of just 28 tickets for open use of marijuana. the business community is noticing a different feel to the downtown area. tourist areas are loaded with homeless and drug dealers. business leaders complain the level of crime is unacceptable and people don't feel safe down there. police say they sympathize but they're just doing what they're told. instead of enforcing these so-called quality of life laws, they're supposed to warn pot smokers and direct the law breaking homeless and mentally unstable into social services. >> we do have somewhat of a
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fickle group of folks that we serve. they want order. they want a crime free area. but they want it done in a particular -- what we call the seattle way. >> the big winners in this battle over how to enforce the laws on the books? the criminals. >> oh, okay. good news story. dan springer, thanks so much for that. if you're in the path of that big storm, you asked you to send us a picture of what it looks like where you live. man, have you responded. >> i can't wait to see your surprise as well. >> i've got a nice one for you. >> one minute away. >> one you would not expect. >> really? >> how about them apples. >> okay. just two minutes. but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with applicati sites. discontinue andgel and call your doctor
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if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with bt cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breast-feeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased risk of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about yo medical conditions and medications, especially insulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%.
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pop in. stand out. i need a newn't investment pn. i need to rethink the core of my portfolio. ishares core etfs are low-cost funds. so you can keep more of what you earn. get started with the new ishares core builder. design a personalized plan that can help you achieve your investment goals. ishares by blackrock. call 1-800-ishares for a prospectus, which includes investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. read and consider it carefully before investing. risk includes possible loss of principal. all right. we asked. you answered. how bad is it where you live? >> this tweet comes from someone named janice dean. she's famous. she writes, a little light dusting of snow on rudolph and santa. >> doug alexander, x enia, ohio. >> sandy mckee. greetings from frisco, texas.
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>> you asked for pictures. this is outside of our front door. >> let's see it. i'm waiting. >> you're killing us, kelly! >> that's beautiful. nicely done. thanks so much for watching. >> here's gretchen carlson on "the real story." see you tomorrow. thanks, guy. today on "the real story" could american's volunteer firefighters be the next to take an obama care hit. a concerned congressman joins us. there's word federal exchanges are pushing unqualified people into medicate. that could leave them paying more than they should. plus, the guy who amputated his own arm inspiring a hollywood movie now charged with domestic violence. and a newlywed couple accused of using craigslist to kill a man just for the thrill of it. hi, everyone. hope you had a fantastic weekend. i'm gretchen carlson. we kick off "the real story" today with a big change to the obama care website which for the first time now lets consumers see plans before they have to actually sn
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