tv Hannity FOX News December 9, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PST
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over john line exchanges you should what is known as obama care will have limited access to some of the nation's leading hospitals including two world renowned cancer centers amid a drive-by insurers cost to limit costs, the majority of insurance plans being sold on the new health care exchanges in new york, texas, california. for example will not offer access to sloan kettering memorial in manhattan or md anderson cancer center in houston. two of the top cancer centers, or cedar sinai in los angeles, one of the top research and teaching hospitals in the country. experts say the move is to limit consumer choices and steer them away from the hospitals considered too expensive or inefficient, reflects a new competitive landscape in the insurance industry since the passage of the affordable care
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act, barack obama's 2010 health care law. tucker carlson and penny lee. i don't know if either of you, i'm sure, would know somebody that had cancer. >> of course. >> somebody you love, you care about gets cancer wouldn't you want them to go to sloan kettering or md anderson? two of the top cancer research centers in the country? >> i do. my mother just passed away from cancer. >> i'm sorry. >> thank you. that's exactly the hospitals in which we were searching for to get her that type of care. under medicare there were restrictions. it would have required some of the out of pocket expenses. some of the decisions are already decisions being made under the old system. we need to put pressure on the insurance company --
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>> stop shifting the blame. >> no. it was a decision -- sean, that is a decision by the insurance companies, not by the obama administration. >> stop it. you have to understand something. >> this is a decision by the insurance company. >> stop for a second. it's not true. we have a president that said if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor if you pay for it. that's not what the president promised. >> i have said before i am disappointed in the categorically untrue statements made by the president. >> thank you. in this case the blame is on the insurance companies. [ speaking at the same time ] >> in the mayo clinic they were denied and petitioned insurance companies to be allowed to be include and they expanded it. >> this is the problem. i think politically, long term for the president and democrats. every day, every week, every month people get cannes litigations, rate shock -- cancellations, rate shock and the understanding they can't go to sloan or md anderson.
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for a president consumed with inequality in america this exacerbates it and ensures a two-tier system. do you think rich people will buy into obama care? of course not. 20 years from now people who have money won't participate at all. they will just buy their own. conservatives who think this debacle will convince people, yeah, a lot of people are convinced. but with also a lot of folks, it raises the expectation that if government does it badly, they will take care of you and health care. i'm afraid mediocre as it is over time people will assume it ithe government's responsibility to take care of
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your health care. >> tucker -- >> that's why it's pernicious over time. >> i agree with you. but young people aren't signing up. the system is designed for the young and healthy to pay for the older. they aren't. >> doesn't matter. they have to. somebody has to pay for it. we have been focused on the website. >> it's nothing. >> somebody hases to pay for it. if it's not young people it's anybody with a job. taxes will go up because the bill will be massive. they will force young people to buy in and employed people to pay more, period. they have to.
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>> penny? >> under the existing system we were paying for the young and healthy to get into a car wreck and go into the mrnl room. taxpayers were already paying for it. for them to have affordable health care at a base minimum of what the package could be, some of it could be $50. it will be able to lessen the burden. >> a young person would rather have catastrophic care with with a high deductible because odds are they aren't going to get sick at a young age. if they got cancer or this a car accident they would be covered. this doesn't give them the option. >> it does, if they sign up. >> no, it doesn't. >> if they sign up at the base level, yes. they are able to have catastrophic coverage. >> why are people losing coverage they like? it doesn't meet the, quote standards in the law. >> there is an improved standard. >> you have to take the plan --
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>> you're making my point. lots of people gave money to legislators in the administration so whatever they are selling had to be covered under obama care, period. it's a money-making deal. >> we have to go. >> i'm paying for prenatal care. i don't need it. >> and i don't need prostate coverage. >> it's true. >> good to see you. appreciate it. these problems will continue. we'll learn more about them every day. good to see you. up next here tonight on "hannity" -- >> the word was conceived of by a group of wealthy white men who needed to put themselves above and apart from a black man to render him unequal and inferior and diminish his accomplishments. president obama has been labeled with this word by his opponents. >> nbc news strikes again. the word she's referencing -- obama care. you won't believe what she said. and the always hilarious larry the cable guy stops by straight ahead.
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called a derogatory term and accused them of using it as an attack against the president and his race. you have to see it to believe it. take a look. >> i want to talk about a controversial word. a word that's been with us for years. like it or not it's imprinted in the pages of american history. a word that was ornlally intended as derogatory meant to shame, divide and demean. it was conceived of by a group of wealthy white men who needed a way to put themselves above and apart from a black man to render him inferior and unequal and diminish his accomplishments. president obama has been labeled with this word by his opponents. first he rose above it hoping he could make a cause for what he
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achieved his opponents would fail in making the label stick. no matter how many successes he had as president he realized many people, he would never be more than that one dispa rajjing word. a belief held by political opponents and a significant portion of the american electorate. he decided if you can't beat them, you have to join them. he embraced the word, made it his own sending the opposition a message they weren't expecting. if that's what you want me to be, i will be that. y'all know the word i'm talking about -- obama care. >> with reaction to that and more rudy giuliani. i thought of you when i heard this because when you tried to turn new york around, end crime and the murder rate you were eviscerated in the press. >> absolutely.
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>> everything you said -- >> everything i said was seen as somehow racially motivated. the thing that was strange and counter productive, everything i was doing had tremendous benefit for the minority community, more than the white community. when crime was at 2,000 murders a year, proportionately that was affecting the african-american and latino community. when the number came up by $65% the lives that were saved were primarily african-american lives and latino lives. i'll tell you these commentators are one thing. when you talk to people, they are appreciative of it. >> i would go into a community that had a lot of crime. they were begging for more cops. forget civilian complaints. they wanted more cops. how about more cops. >> i want to look down the road. if you say obama care that's a -- >> we really have to stand up to that. it's ridiculous. romney, care. was that anti-mormon? hillary care? is that anti-woman?
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>> this is a problem i think conservative candidates and i want conservatives to win -- face that they are anti-woman wo, anti-minority, anti-hispanic. they want to kill old people and children. >> it's pure propaganda. absolutely outrageous. i believe it's racist. i believe what they are doing is racist. obama care is a neutral way to describe a program that, after all, is the president's center piece program. we use words like nixonian, clintonian, hillarycare, romney care. nothing racial about it at all. >> especially in campaigns that the tactic, there is a reason they bring it up. >> it works because we don't stand up to it. i wouldn't be surprised if a republican doesn't want to use the word obama care at this point. it's absurd. they are the ones playing racial
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politics. when you try to make something racial out of the description obama care which the president himself has used. he's proud of the program. we know his program -- >> even now? >> he claims to be proud of the program. it was ill conceived. hillary was lucky hers didn't get passed. if it had she wouldn't be running for the president of the united states. >> you got briefed. you are still in the security business on the situation in iran. the new president of iran may run into obama at the funeral of nelson mandela. >> first of all, it recognized the regime. by reaching an agreement you bless and recognized them. we should be for regime change in iran. if you take out mubarak, gadhafi and assad, how can you justify not wanting to take out the mullahs who are worse than all three combined and have killed more americans.
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that's all the table. second, in the interim agreement is the recognition that they will have nuclear power for peaceful purposes. six u.n. resolutions prohibited that. six u.n. resolutions understood that we are never going to be able to tell whether they can just easily move over to becoming a nuclear power if they can enrich uranium to use it for peaceful purposes. finally, i spent the weekend with many knowledgeable iranians who know what's going on there. they don't need the peaceful use of nuclear power. this is an oil-rich natural gas-rich country. the last thing they need is nuclear power. this is a phony. for the president not to get it is frightening.
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>> do you know what's worse? we don't have access to all the facilities. only those they determined we could have access to. >> and they are trying to wipe out the mek, the source of our information in 2002 that rohani was lying in 2002. >> oh. last question. do you think israel has another option than to take out the sites with or without u.s. approval support? >> that's a tough decision. >> i don't think they have a choice. >> it's a tough decision. number one, i am not sure it can be effective. i don't know the military capacity of israel and whether they can be effective in doing it. even if they could be, at this point they would be so ostracized it would be a heavy
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burden. in order to do it, they have to develop pretty strong relationships with saudi arabia. they are doing that. with the emirates. with jordan where i think you have an equal amount of fear. turkey, but they will probably be less open about it. turkey has a tremendous amount of fear of what's going on there. >> do you know what bothers me? you know this about the saudis. our government doesn't but with they played both sides of the middle. jordanians play both sides of the middle. you don't have an honest broker to come out against the radicalism and the rise for fear there may be repercussions. they work behind the scenes. >> at this point the saudis are so worried about an iranian domination and the saudis have been vocal. they turned down a position on
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the u.n. security council in order to protest this. that's a strong statement to make. there is a way for israel to put something together but it is very hard. prime minister netanyahu has been put in a terrible position. why we, as america, make life difficult for our friends and easy for our enemies is something you can't explain. it's counter productive to a foreign policy that just about doesn't exist anymore. >> good to see you. thanks for being with us. coming up, a group of illegal immigrants filed a lawsuit demanding in-state division in georgia. should they succeed? we'll check in with bob beckel and andrea tantaros. and larry the cable guy, get 'er done. what he thinks of obama. log onto on twitter @sean hannity. comment on the show and anything else on your mind ahead.
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the university of georgia's system and the board of regents say the students don't qualify for in-state tuition because they have a lawful presence in the u.s. under the program. a judge said he needs more information and time before decide it is case and asks both sides to submit additional filing within 60 days. here, good friends bob beckel and andrea tantaros. tell everybody what a good cook i am. i saw you over the weekend. >> cooked it fast, too. you have another profession as a short order cook. >> kicking me out of my seat? >> very good, yeah. >> he hasn't cooked a meal in four years. >> who knew you were top chef? >> like you, i worked in restaurants all my young years. >> he was a short order cook. >> and a bartender, waiter, busboy and everything. i was a dishwasher first.
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>> why don't you relive -- >> i'm not reliving them. why should somebody in the country illegally get in-state tuition prices when they are not here legally? >> they are here legally now when the president of the united states says you are allowed to stay here. the dream act should have passed. >> it doesn't pass. so he dictates -- that's the right word. >> you are trying to get dictator. >> i didn't say that. >> the fact is they are here by executive order. they are legal in that sense and should be getting tuition. >> so laws don't matter in obama beckel's world. >> why don't the democrats just repeal the law on the books currently saying if you come here legally it's a crime. why not repeal it with a stroke of the pen? just make it official and it's not a crime anymore. >> tell him. they did it. >> these kids came here young, grew up. they have made a contribution to society. >> are they legal? >> they are now, yeah. >> they are illegal. >> this is my issue and i am
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sensitive to the immigrant community. my father was an immigrant. >> mine was, too. >> we worked around imgrants. they are hardworking. you feel sorry for the children brought here. >> of course. >> however their parents haven't been paying taxes. they have not been on the books. their parents broke the law. it is a crime. i tweeted earlier i would be on hannity and this was the topic. parents saying, i can't qualify my kids for in-state tuition. i'm already going into debt. it's an issue of fairness. >> you're right. the president did try to get the dream act passed and he failed. >> barely. >> where does the president get off just, you know, i don't like the laws that exist. we won't enforce them. >> every president issues executive orders around laws. they are not written specifically. they depend on regulations and executive decisions made. >> why have laws if he can do
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that? >> leaving that aside, the kids, through no fault of their own. >> i'm asking you about the law. you are talking about kids. do we have a system with coequal branches of government. the house and senate pass a bill with. the president signs it. he doesn't get to rewrite it, bob. >> we are a nation of laws. why are people who hire illegal immigrants -- >> they should be held accountable. >> i don't see a republican saying -- >> i'm not a republican. i'm a conservative. enforce the law. >> and i don't see democrats saying it either. >> i say it all the time. >> the immigration bill went down in the senate. it was unbelievable crimes if you, me or you committed we would be in prison. they can commit them one, two, three times, identity theft and they are still allowed to get citizenship. i'm all for smart immigration, but small. start small. not like with obama care. they want all the new voters.
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>> there is no point in having any immigration law until you control the borders first. you should support that. >> look, the obama administration sent more people back across the border than any other administration in history. >> where did you pull that out of? >> 400,000-some. >> you make it up. >> you have to deal with the immigration problem. >> does he make it up? >> there was a study from the beckel institute done a couple of days ago. >> ten seconds ago. that's where he got the information. i never understand why republicans haven't seen the opportunity with unions on immigration reform. if you talked to a lot of union workers they are angry about the bills. they feel the democratic party is in bed with the latino caucus. i always thought it would be a smart move. >> do you know where we have a bunch of voters?
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>> the president's numbers are down 23% with hispanics. >> they don't hate republicans. yes, they do. >> when we come back, what does larry the cable guy think about health care, obama and christmas? and we'll talk about his new movie. tomorrow on greta's show, 7:00 p.m., dr. benjamin carson. tomorrow at 7:00 on fox.
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>> i forgot which camera. >> just look at me. >> three cameras? shoot. that's 30 pounds. >> it's actually 20. that's 60 pounds. >> i haven't been here in a while. >> i'm skinnier than you and you were doing the weight loss commercial. >> it so what, it's the christmas season. i have sleeves on, too. >> you always have sleeves on. >> no, i come with no sleeves. i'm the sleeveless guy. you're on medication. >> let's start over. >> first of all, where is combs? >> you have been gone a while. >> we're working on a book. >> what's it called? >> "killing beckel." i love him. it's more like noogeying beckel. >> we'll be right back with
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merle haggard. >> are you following the health care thing? >> sean, it's a disaster. >> i know. >> i have figured a lot of it out. >> yeah? >> i figured out the bronze plan. >> you did? >> it's what color your fingers will look like after you give yourself a prostate exam. and the gold plan -- >> yeah? >> is when you miss your wedding ring after you had to pay the deductible. the silver plan is what color your hair is after you're done signing up. 60,000 people signed up? >> something like that. >> 60,000? >> more than 6 million got their plans cancelled. >> art linkletter has more twitter followers. i have eaten more girl scout cookies which is the reason why we need health care. >> next question. >> how long can i stare at that? >> you talk about your family,
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your kids. your grandparents are fans of the show? >> they are. they're doing good. my grandpa, you know, he's an alcoholic. >> you never told me that. >> i said, why do you drink so much? he said, look around, i'm responsible for all this stuff. i need a rim shot or something. >> i'm slow. >> my grandma -- well, first of all, i have a great grandpa. he was over at the house at thanksgiving. 87 years old, on a date. she says she's a virgin. i said, maybe you just forgot. he said, hey, do you think she's hot. i said, i think she is now. her face has been in the soup for ten minutes. my grandma is on medical marijuana. >> what? >> she's bugging the tar out of me. calling me every day. come over and play hackie sack.
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i said, you're smoking too much medical marijuana. she said, how do you know? i said, meals on wheels has been by your house seven times today. that's too much marijuana. >> that's a lot of munchies. >> this halloween, my wife dressed up as miley cyrus. >> did she do some dwerking? >> no, but i dressed up as a foam finger. i'm glad she didn't twerk or i would have a busted neck now. >> did you hear about bill gates? he's spending a hundred grand on a new -- >> trying to develop a new condom. bill gates will offer anybody $100,000 for it. how about a bill gates mask? that ought to do it. >> scare every woman. >> let me say this. if i think of a new condom, two words i don't want in my condom
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-- micro and soft. >> definitely not. did you hear about the guy with the 130 -- >> no, no! >> forget it. >> it's a show on tv. the man with the 132-pound -- >> scrotum. >> yeah. 132 pounds. that has to be a record. what does al gore weigh? >> more than that. >> we'll come back. what does larry think of obama care? >> are you trying to get me in trouble.
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little bit. >> you better wear a cup. >> that's comforting. >> my buddy "larry the cable guy." "madea christmas". >> comes out december 13. friday. this friday. >> so how did you like doing the movie? >> how did you get the -- >> did you even prepare? what's going on? >> i'll go see it if you're good. you said i would be in your next movie. >> i've got another movie coming out about male strippers. you're going to enjoy it. >> what's my role? >> a chunk and dale. >> you're going to be the chunk and dale. >> you'll be magic sean. >> oh, like magic mike? thanks a lot >> say it one time real sexy. go, looks like we've got a lot of lawbreakers in here.
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>> no, no, no. >> come on. >> i can't do it as good as you. >> all right, so the movie. >> the movie. >> tyler perry asked me to be in this movie. i play a great part, buddy. i play the father of the son. i got to be honest with you, it is fun. tiler is a great guy. love his story. he's a great success story. he had a rough childhood. he persevered. and that's a good story. >> grandmother's sloppy joes? >> i like those kinds of story, sean. let me finish my point. the move is basically about keeping christ in christmas and the hope that brings everybody. that is a good movie right there. >> fist pump. good for you. i'm going to go see it. i'll take my kids to it. >> yeah. they'll like it. >> what are you doing for christmas? >> well, good lord. hanging out at the house. >> just hanging out at the ho us? >> i was reading the christmas story to my kids the other day. and you know, i'm reading the
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christmas story. i'm like this is the christmas story. and they're doing this. finally they leave and it's like, honey why aren't these kids interested in the christmas story? >> she said because you're reading it because you're on the toilet. >> oh! did you do that? geez! >> it was unbelievable. >> did you have your grandmother's sloppy joes before? '. >> what's the deal? i have to ask you one question about obama. you talk about him in the dr like for example, you talk about too big to fail. what are you talking about? >> well, i remember when the government was coming out with too big to fail. the banks are too big to fail. what does that mean too big to fail? evidently the government hasn't seen two fat people playing twister. you can be too big to fail. are you ready for christmas? >> yeah. i've been a good person all year. >> me, too. i am ready to role on the
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christmas season. it's going to be me, my kids, my wife, the way it ought to be. i celebrate the jewish holiday, too. that's how -- i love all that stuff. rosh hashanah, christmas, oscars. i lo all of that stuff. >> you got them mixed up. >> kwanzaa, you celebrate that, too? >> yeah, whatever. whatever, go ahead. i'm an equal opportunity se celebrator. look how fat i look on this tv. seriously. can't you bring one small camera in here? >> why don't you go become on nutrisystem? >> it's the holidays. november 10 through december 28 is horrible. no, january 1 is horrible. and you know what's worse than that? january 1 through october 31. that's even worse! what do you do? what's a man to do. >> give them one get her done. >> get her done.
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