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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  December 12, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> over 30 years ago i learned of nelson mandela and it stirred something in me. the whole world talking about the sign language guy who was a fraud. and possibly dangerous. >> sometimes i will react violent on that -- >> how can that possibly happen? he was within striking distance of the president. we'll analyze it tonight. at medical center we celebrate the birth of jesus and the season of giving. >> why espn reject a christmas commercial seeking funds for a religious hospital? is that good business? we'll have a follow-up report. also tonight, the factor is
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now world famous. mad as hell segment. >> i'm smart and i want respect. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly, thanks for watching us tonight freedom of speech around christmas time, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. as we reported last night, the espn network, refused to run an ad by the cardinal glenn and center in children's medical center in st. louis. would not provide a spokesman and define why they rejected this advertisement. >> each christmas, thousands in our community send messages of hope to sick and injured children who may not be able to come home from the holidays. at ssm cardinal glen medical center we celebrate the birth of jesus and the season of giving.
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bringing hope to the many families that we serve. our patients are filled with hope as they receive a message each day from the treasure chest beneath our tree of hope. >> they make me smile. >> help us reveal god's healing presence this christmas. send your message of hope at >> espn has a legal right to reject the ad. it's their candy store. they can pretty much do what they want but it is a foolish decision as millions of their viewers think the way that i do. what's the beef? the birth of jesus offends you? have you not heard of the federal holiday? it doesn't make business sense either. as 80% of this country is christian. so, who are you pandering to espn? the result of the controversy is that the children's medical center in st. louis folded, not only would they not come on the factor to talk about the story, but they now submitted another commercial without any religious reference. so, espn gets their money. but why on earth would the
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cardinal glennen hospital cave? don't you people realize have you been insulted? your faith has been demeaned. do you not get that? apparently they don't. gutless says it all. there are plenty of other networks that would accept the original ad because there is nothing wrong with it. it it violates nothing. it only offends maniacs. if an ad for a catholic children's hospital offends you because it mentions the birth of jesus around christmas time and, quote: god's healing presence, then you are a loon. write it down. you are a loon. espn is simply dumb. i cannot understand why they made the decision. it's insulting to christians, it's bad business, and it is just plain stupid. especially when you consider that the family-friendly walt disney company owns espn. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction, joining us from miami, advertising executive
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turkel and here in the new york studio a marketing consultant. you are siding with espn. >> espn has the right to do it is their station. >> as you pointed out. >> they are not pandering. 80% of the country might be christian. espn does not serve christians but sports fans. espn produces sports shows. they have the right to air commercials when which they do and people expect to see commercials. people don't expect to see religion. two different things and espn has a set of standards and practices and they chose to those into place. >> they didn't define standards and practice for us. >> they have standards and practice for every commercial that goes on. >> why won't they tell us what those are. >> they don't have to. just like fox doesn't. >> you are a marketing guy. all right? this is is stupid marketing, is it not? >> it's -- here's the thing. we are going to make it a couple days story right here and it will be be forgotten about. >> it won't be forgotten about. >> no, it won't. it's already on drudge. it's. >> the people who watch espn don't care. they are sports fans. >> most of the people who
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watch espn i will agree are not going to not watch espn if there is game they want to see. >> it would have offended. >> is there anything to say about goodwill towards an operation? this is stupid, it makes no sense. >> they're letting the ad one. they want it change. >> no, they are not letting the ad run. they said they wouldn't take the ad. what do you say? >> i say that peter is right. they care about eyeballs and they care about their customers. they don't care about the supreme who support it they care about the people who wouldn't like it. >> this lunancy is going to help espn draw more eyeballs in? is that what you are telling me? >> no, what it's going to do is keep people who would object from tuning out. maybe what they are afraid of is if you like a religious commercial you go to church and you won't watch a ballgame on sunday. >> that's what they care about. >> they care about eyeballs. they care about revenues. >> if they are selling eyeballs, this is alienating 80% of the eyeballs. >> but it's not. you are both wrong. because they may not not
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watch. i'm not going to say that they will boycott, but there will be ill will by people who are christian. because there is no reason on earth and they won't provide their standard and practices which says they don't have a boycott about this ad. some idiot made the decision and now they are too proud to back down. >> bill, there could be another point. the point could be about the charitable request. it's very possible. >> they took jesus in god's presence. you are wrong again, mr. turkel. that's two for two. they took jesus out and they took god and they ran the ad. >> maybe it's because they don't know where the charitable money is going. maybe they having 501 c 3 paper. >> maybe doesn't exist on this many pra. we asked them for a spokesperson. they said. no why? they are afraid. we asked them for their standards and practices. peter rightly pointed out. let's see what your regulations are okay?
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they won't provide. they are afraid. disney is all over christmas, all right? so, hypocrisy here? >> no, it's a different market. it's a different market. >> wait, wait. wait. mr. turkel. so you are telling me that the sports market doesn't want to hear the word jesus? >> doesn't want to hear it but it's not appropriate. >> what do you mean it's not appropriate? it's a spot. >> they are not turning in to hear the word jesus. >> it it's a commercial. >> same reason they don't share commercials for women's products. they are not going to tune in for that either. >> there is no ban on women's products. >> advertise on espn selling things that wouldn't necessarily appeal to the market. >> this is a charitable solicitation for a hospital that helps children and espn says we're not going to then those children. >> change two words. >> there is no reason to change them because they are in concept. one in christmas and one catholic hospital imposing insanity. >> hospital, i'm not denying
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it's advertisement to help children. maybe. >> the hospital, they are cowards. all right? they are cowards. i'm not sticking up for them. >> my real question is why would the hospital choose espn in the first place? >> who knows. because maybe they think that guys watching sports are generous. all right? >> because guys in stadiums say jesus and god a lot when they are watching games. >> well, mr. turkel you were 0 for 2 but now you just brought up a brilliant point. the next time a football player goes thank you, jesus, we won. they have to blip it out go. on delay and blip jesus out mr. turkel. >> i wouldn't count on that, bill. >> no. if they want to be -- if they have standards, can't have jesus, they say jesus -- >> -- vs. player standards i guess. >> you guys are both wrong, merry christmas. pope francis is selected as man of the year by "time" magazine. what do the atheists think about it? we'll find out. later, how did this guy get
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so close to president obama? the sign lang person is a fraud. gutfeld and mcguirk will analyze it and the factor will be right back.
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in the impact segment tonight, time magazine has selected person of the year and thank god it's not miley cyrus. actually god may be involved with the decision as pope francis is the magazine's choice. pontiff is 76 years old. native of argentina. has made some conciliatory statements about social issues. also a champion of the poor. joining us from madison, wisconsin to react. atheist and president of freedom from religion foundation. what do you think about that choice? >> well, first of all, happy winter solstice, bill. i think the pope -- the current pope popular, i think part of the reason for
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it is that he is -- i ron nicly he appears to be less catholic than his predecessors, minnesota catholics in america, 90% of catholics in america disagree with the vatican on social issues and birth control. and it looks like the appearance is that this pope is more concerned about the real world. this world than puffing up the glory of the church with its mid evil principles of fighting human progress. >> you have got that out of your system now? you have got it out? >> not quite. if you give me a couple more minutes i will go on. >> you can do that on somebody else's dime. let's go back to "time" magazine. so you don't object to the choice? >> no. i think he is popular. he has said some things which appear more liberal than the church. and i think that's part of the popularity. >> okay, so your group isn't going to denounce "time"
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magazine for promoting a religious icon. because, some will. i mean, some atheists will attack and say that, you know, "time" magazine. liberal magazine, pretty secular, they shouldn't be promoting this, because they are really promoting pope francis. they are promoting his philosophy. maybe that's not fair because "time" magazine has had some people of the year who have not been good. but, by giving him exposure, pope francis, more people will read about him and his philosophy of life. and i thought that maybe you would object to that. >> well, i'm not saying he is a good man. i think he is window dressing. if he is still endorsing the archaic principles. >> all right. so then you are mad at "time" magazine. >> i'm not mad at "time" magazine. >> no? >> no we are not. "time" magazine is a private magazine. we only go after the government, when the government promotes religion. we think "time" magazine is within its rights to acknowledge the fact that --
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>> you can either like the choice or not like the choice. and i'm getting mixed signals. do you like the choice or not like the choice? >> it makes no difference to us. >> all right. so, you are gnostic about the choice then? >> well, of course, but. >> how about this one? >> the point i'm trying to make is i think his popularity is due to the fact that he is more liberal tharch the church. >> more inclusive than some of the other church leaders have been. in times square, "time" magazine to times square they put up obnoxious ad. who needs christ during christmas. this is not mr. barker's group. this is another atheist group. so nobody needs christ in christmas. this is, you know, you are walking through times square, this is what you see. and you react to that how? >> well, because, december is not owned by christians. nobody thinks jesus was born
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in december, if he was born at all. >> i have that in my book. i'm sure you have read "killing jesus." i have that in my book. he was born probably in late april. >> it's in my list. while shepards watch their flock at night. your book is on my list somewhere down there, bill. december is the month we're celebrating the real reason for the season and we are happy to share it with christians that is the birth of the sun, not s-o-n. >> the shortest day of sunlight in the northern hem miss fierce. the romans celebrate it we atheists and gnostic. >> sun is having a birthday, i just wouldn't know what to get it. look, we don't ask to you believe in christmas. nobody is asking you, mr. barker to do that. but to attack it in times square, you know is, that
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really a nice thing to do to celebrate winter columns tis is, that nice? >> winter columns tis is the winter holiday. >> is it nice to put up the billboard, mr. barker? >> >> we put up our own billboard in times square. >> i will put you down as being gnostic on the naughty or nice question. mr. barker, you have a blast for the sun's birthday and we appreciate your appearance. directly ahead a man in san diego charged with revenge porn. first case of its kind in california. herald on that. then a female teacher gets 38 years in prison for having sex with a male student. judge janine will render her verdict. those reports after these messages.
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first in california. 27-year-old kevin is facing 31 felony counts for running a revenge porn web site that's where people angry with other people post salacious pictures of them on the net. caught up with him. >> everything on the web site was posted by other people content. held responsible for any of the content it. >> i wasn't expected to be in jail maybe in a courtroom but not being in jail. >> here now to analyze geraldo rivera. this guy is in trouble. >> he is in trouble but it's not for revenge porn per se. let me explain if i have an ex-girlfriend i'm mad at and together took nude pictures of her and went off with w. someone else. post nude picture 's gave me in the most intimate moments or allowed me to take in intimate moments.
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>> she was trusting you. >> could happen' to me had she trusted. now, even though i'm destroying her life. even though she has gone on and gotten married and became a senator or congresswoman or wife of some prominent person she could up until very recently do nothing then california and new jersey passed these revenge porn laws that make it a crime for me to post those photos of you with malicious intent to destroy your reputation. >> let me stop you. but this guy, he didn't post them of anybody he knew. he just allowed people to post them on his web site. right? >> and that's why this is a unique and landmark case, because, up until now, the web sites have been in the clear. >> that's right. >> the third party web sites because of the lobbying clouds of google and fain and twitter and all the rest of them, there is no third party liability. they can get the google and the facebook ironically if they violate copy rights but not for posting pictures, however nude pictures, however. >> or defamation or anything like that. >> here is what this guy did
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that makes it special. he had this change my web site. in other words, if i'm offended or hurt by a picture that's on the web change web site and he would then effort getting that picture off the web to remove it from the web what he did which was really areally egregious is he then posts, he then started a web site called you got posted. in other words, he solicited the pictures of the nude people and then his other web site, the change my reputation web site. he was then getting the pictures, posting the pictures and charging them to remove the pictures. >> this guy is a sleaze bag. >> state of california is doing a noble thing here. they are trying to protect the privacy of people who live in that state. and this guy is charged with 31 felony counts. he could go away for a long time. >> and he will be in a lot
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of trouble but, again, is he not a revenge porn person. he is a person who created the web site. >> we got that we're not seven years old. all right? you're a lawyer. you are a lawyer. ookay? this is going to be a hard case for this guy to defend because he broke this new law, all right? and they're coming after him, the attorney general of the state is he a extortionist, blackmailer, just like anyone else found out something embarrassing about you and said if you don't pay me i'm going to release that that's what he was doing. he created a web site to attract these salacious materials and then he says we can fix it for you. >> we don't have any evidence that he took money then took something off, do we? >> yes, yes. >> we do. >> that's what his crime is his crime is that he took over $10,000, which makes it it a felony in his particular case. he took about 300 to $350 per person, per picture, per web site. >> he says to these people,
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if you pay me this money, i won't post it or i will take it down. >> if you pay me this money, my web site will have it removed from that the other web site. what they didn't know is he owned both web sights. he owned the web site that posted it and removed it generating his own person. >> i'm thinking 10 years in prison, what do you think? >> oh, a year. >> i know one for start. >> what's justice if you ruin someone's life as you said the person who did this was trusting another person and they may have responsibility. children and a everything else. 10 years i think is a good justice sentence. >> california and new jersey already have it -- marilyn and wisconsin and new york it's pending but the whole thing is you can't give people naked pictures of yourself. >> everybody knows that. people make mistakes. especially young people. geraldo, everybody. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. including our mad as hell segment: evening.
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goes after. then gutfeld mcguirk on the phony south african sign language guy. how key get so close to the president of the united states. we hope you stay tuned to those reports.
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mad as hell segment tonight, we have five letters from very disgruntled americans. here to help us out with it, fox news anchor heather nauert. >> hi, bill. >> first letter comes from kim godfrey she says quote: i was very angry while
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listening to james carville disagree there will be a doctor shortage because of obama care. i found out that my two doctors are going to connells area concierge coverage. do we have any hard data? >> not really. we are seeing a trend in this kant area concierge care. it sounds fancy and it is is practices in this concierge care which is basically where somebody pay as doctor a retainer either annually or monthlily to be able to access that doctor really at any point. doesn't pay for the cost of tests or anything like that. that's the road we are going. >> coming thing. >> doctors don't know what their reimbursement rates are going to be under obamacare. those rates haven't been released just yet. >> that's right. i said from the very beginning i don't want to be boring and repeat it again but obamacare lives and dies off george january mad as hell about fox news anchor
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compassion for them and failure to look at his performance on the job. first of all, what's the latest with ford? he is still there, right? >> mayor rod ford is still mayor rod ford. his duties are ceremonial. >> they took all the power away. >> a bunch of his staff left he still had a christmas party at his mom's house just yesterday. >> at his mom's house? >> at his mom's house. >> so his mom picked up the tab. i hope there is no crack. the city council members were invited three showed up. >> to be fair to the mayor, and he did do some good things in office, did he not? >> is he a conservative. that's not an angle that has been covered a lot. >> yeah, but that doesn't matter. did he do any good things? >> no. here is why people like him and voted for him. he won three years ago with 47% margin in a three-way race. people liked his anti-big government stance. he talked about doing away with the grave train of politicians and for people
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who work for city government. >> i hear that he cut spending and all of that. >> christmas and cleveland, atheist i'm mad as hell that some nonbelievers are attacking religion. as long as i'm not forced to worship in front of a nativity scene or menorah i see no reason to oppose their presence. i'm certain that even the most ardent christian does not refuse holiday wages. you get triple time if you work on christmas: i use that letter because not all atheists are loons. >> sounds like a level-headed lady. both you and i are people of faith. she doesn't look down on us. >> i think she looks down on >> no. no heather just said what's true. a lot of people do. here is the next letter comes from faith foster who says, quote: i get so upset with robo calls tormenting he and i cannot take a nap. very important those naps. now, easy solution for
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faith, is it not? >> no, not so easy. robo calls by the way largely illegal. it's very difficult to prevent those because technology allows these companies to place thousands of calls -- >> -- can't you get a block on your phone? >> no, not necessarily. >> no. no we don't accept calls unless you put in your -- >> -- that's different. the robo calls use these spoofy numbers so it's very hard to find out. >> you can't block them. >> to find out exactly where these calls are coming from. >> you can block them, i think. >> and prevent them. >> just call your carrier. you can block these calls. i'm almost porch of it. final letter comes from santa barbara near miller, i guess. bill, i'm mad as hell at you calling megyn kelly her little show. i would rather watch kelly than the factor. i hope you will apologize to megyn. shear what i said. >> thanks again for watching us tonight. ms. megyn kelly, just got off here, ran back to her little program, and is ready to go. now i'm going to get in trouble for saying her little program.
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i understand that it's actually doing very very well thanks to a lead-in by someone we know. [ laughter ] i'm killing a lot of time here and getting in a lot of trouble. >> all right, heather. >> did you not. >> everybody knows that i was just joshing around. >> i heard you say that. it caught my attention. but i thought you were just being ironic because no one who has a prime time show here at fox is little, right? >> callum didn't quite get the guest. do you know why she didn't get it. >> because she doesn't know what a teddy bear you really are. >> because she wants to be mad as hell. there are some people who go through life wanting to be mad as hell. and even though i said it was a joke, it's not enough, she wanted to get upset because she is protective of ms. megyn. and that's she is mad as hell. >> she has got her fans. ms. heather, everybody, take one last look. if you are mad as hell, please write us about it at mad as hell when we come right back, female teacher spends 38
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years in prison for having sex with a 12-year-old male student. then, how could this sign language guy get so close to the president? those reports moments away.
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thanks for staying with
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us, i'm bill o'reilly in the kelly file segment tonight. kelly isn't here. however, in her stead, judge jeanine pirro who joins us now. so, first case we have for you, the former florida teacher, 31-year-old ethel anderson has been sentenced to 38 years in prison for having sex with a 12-year-old boy. a student. we have seen a lot of lenient sentences for female children. why 38? >> i called the chief investigator in the hillsborough county office. what he said to me is we have sentencing guidelines. whenever you talked about la favreau never spent a day in jail. >> both of them in the day in jail. >> same d.a.'s office. something in the water in florida. but what he said to me was, look, the student in that case, the mother did not want her son to testify and be associated with this high profile case. >> the kid was older too. >> the kid was older. you know what?
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she benefited from that. then there was stefanie, another teacher braids and a grin. she got 10 years because she took a plea deal. here, in this case she refused to take the plea deal. convicted guilty as charged nine counts. >> what did she do? >> what she did was and, you know, to her disdiscredit, there are 230 pages of explicit sexual text messages. >> with a 12-year-old? >> with a 12-year-old over a significant period of time she is having oral sex with think this boy at his home while she is tutoring him. >> we got that so 38 years so she is done? >> she is cooked. >> it's over and the shame of it is she will have a child who will be 44 when she gets out. here i think is the point. home school your kids in florida. >> that might be a little drastic. i taught high school in florida. >> did you? >> it is a different situation. >> did you ever go out with those teachers? there were teachers in my school that were doing that. >> no? >> yeah. i can't exactly pinpoint
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why, but it did happen. fox news correspondent jana winter, you may remember. this she got up with some information about the shooter in aurora, colorado, the mad man who gunned down people there. the colorado authorities wanted her to testify about who gave her the information. she said no, it's an anonymous source. what happened? >> what happened was the highest court in new york, the new york state court of appeals said no way, colorado. in new york state we have a history from john peters zinger we are not going to issue the subpoena from colorado to reveal the source. that issue is she revealed that this psychiatrist had received a book where home study was going to kill these people that's big.
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the psychiatrist had a duty to report it but the journalist has a right to protect confidential sources. so we are happy that jana won it. she lives in new york. they are not going to extradite her. zimmerman, the trayvon martin case, you laugh about, this right? >> enough with this guy. the d.a. in florida says, look, we are not going to prosecute this guy even though there are charges filed because girlfriend called and said she threatened her with a gun she recanted. what a shock she recanted. bottom line. >> you are confusing me. did the girlfriend who initially called 911 to say that zimmerman was assaulting her, did she recan't? >> yes. she issued a statement. radio canted and said what? >> he really wasn't pointing the gun at me even though i was on that 911 call d.a.
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didn't have any choice but to drop it? you could have prosecuted it. >> i would have produced it what she said is the police intimidated her. that's hogwash, is he breaking the table, is he threatening me with a gun. is he breaking this now. on the 911 tape. i would have gone with it. >> is she back with zimmerman? i don't know what he is doing with a gun. this woman is a loon. if this woman would go back to him? he's the loon. she is the victim. >> fine, fine. i think loons of a feather i don't know if they can make a case in this girl is back with this guy and recanting. that's all i'm saying. >> last word real quick. >> i had a case. the woman said the guy -- boyfriend didn't beat her up with a hammer on a roof and leave her for dead.
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she came in to testify for him. convicted him of attempted murder. >> okay. but you are a genius. >> no, i'm not. >> jeanine pirro, everyone, watch her on the weekend. gutfeld and mcguirk on deck. how on earth did an imposture get within feet of the president in south africa? the boys are next.
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before we get to gutfeld and mcguirk, i just received a statement from espn. isn't this interesting? it comes from josh, the vice president offer there. he says, quote: we have again reviewed the ad submitted for the cardinal glenon medical center and concluded that we will accept that we will accept the original requested
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commercial. very good, espn. and i'm glad. i'm glad. [ applause ] >> we didn't want to do that. i like sportscenter. okay. come back to me, please. >> enough of the kids. >> yeah, we have seen the kids. >> i like spesht. i don't want to go after them. i know the guys who work there. good guys. i'm glad you are going to do this. >> another notch in the o'reilly belt. >> not about me. >> they want to hire tim tebow. >> not about me. amazing story in south africa. >> here is a man of flesh and blood, a son and a husband. a father and a friend. and that's why we learned so much from him and that's why we can learn from him still. >> the problem is that that sign language guy, see that guy? 34-year-old tom giangi. is a fraud. he doesn't even know sign language. standing just feet away from president obama. "the today show" ran a report this morning. >> in a series of interviews, thamsanga says
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is he currently a patient receiving treatment for schizophrenia and had a breakdown during the event. >> i was excited, start hearing things in my ears. >> the interpreter tells nbc news he has been hospitalized because of his skin friend i can't which also has led him to be violent in the past. >> wow. >> so farther south african government has not explained this. here now to react is gutfeld mc. gutfeld, here is the deal, the american secret service is responsible for guarding president obama. i mean, you can't depend on the south african government. and this guy, who admits he gets violent, was feet away. >> it's -- here's the conflict. he is a violent schizophrenic which qualifies him for the u.n. >> he could have been a u.n. officer. >> but, you are absolutely right. we spend billions of dollars protecting the president. this guy is 2 feet away from him. anything could have happened. >> it's amazingly scary
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story. we don't spend billions, we spend millions protecting him. >> i think billions. >> very disturbing, and we want the secret service, whom i like personally, to give us a statement and explain how this could happen. is that fair enough? >> that's explain how this could happen. fair enough? >> very fair. who was in charge of security? guillermo from the jimmy kimmel show? >> wherever the united states president goes, u.s. security is in charge. they take the lead. here you have a guy who looks like flip wilson. >> right. >> he doesn't even know sign lang wanl. he's within inches of this guy. he's a violent schizophrenic. this is scary. >> security was as tight as bob beckel's sweatpants. i was wat on dana perino. i thought he was doing the dougy or the froog or whatever.
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>> the reference to beckel is a "the five" reference. out of oregon, another bizarre story. a university of oregon has a good football team. some of the playerses decided to have a snow ball fight. this is on campus in eugene where the ducks live. oregon ducks. [ honking ] >> the snowball fight gets out of control. the guy in a car doesn't want to be stopped. he stopped because he didn't want to run over anybody. they are stopping cars and doing all this. now the cops, the police whom you are familiar with with on a number of occasions may charge some of the guys. >> yeah. i watched the whole videotape. to me this is not the l.a. riots. >> no. >> it's kids getting overexcited over snow. if i told you it was one of the liberal professors in the car you may change your opinion. >> no. i'm an equal opportunity
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protector. i want everybody protected from rowdy kids on campus. gutfeld, there was a rumor you were involved. >> yes. this was a noble protest against the tyranny of fossil fuels. i saw the car and said get them. >> how can there be global warming with with snow in oregon where it never snows. >> you know, i'm okay with this behavior. >> you are. >> if the adequate response is okay. for some reason college kids are immune from getting their butts kicked. you have every obligation to punch them in the nose and get away with it. >> these are oregon football play ers. >> i'm a ninja. >> there you go. >> we were all teenagers once. >> gutfeld and mcguirk. >> i still am at heart. >> we asked on the poll how much would you spend on gifts this season? 32% say between $100 and $200.
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47% say they will spend more than $500 on christmas and holiday gifts. my column this week is about what kids want for christmas. post it now on you'll like it. new information "killing kennedy. the tip is moments away.
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factor tip of the day. surprising "killing kennedy" but first the mail. david from new jersey. i appreciate your making us aspare that espn declined to run an ad that mentioned jesus. i will find it a problem if anyone in my family turn thes on espn from george in california. little ton d colorado. bill, you're wrong. there is nothing wrong with the ad and nothing wrong with espn refusing to run it. so if there is nothing wrong with the ad why won't espn say why they won't accept it?
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what if the naacp put in an ad and it was rejected without explanation. espn has reversed themselves but the point is there. we'd like to know from espn and anybody what are their standards and practices? steve from maine, many athletes say "thank god" after they win and let a hospital mention god in an ad and espn bans it. what hypocrisy. espn now stands for the ebenezer scrooge programming network. i think it was just one or two guys not the whole corporation. howard, you kept referring to sharp ton and bashir making mistakes. they were intentional falsehoods designed to injure. carl, sharp ton will be fired after the irs makes him pay the $538,000 tax lien he owes.
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>> the tab is now $871,68 # to the irs. bob from texas. bill, you are fixated on msnbc because they ignore you and they are breathing down your neck. i hate to interrupt your kool-aid drinking with facts but you have to be educated. the factor beat that is network at 8:00 p.m. eastern time by more than 300%. if you'd like the truth about nelson mandela's political leanings check out the website frank from bedford, texas. i went to and got gifts for the family. blue mugs for the guys, white for the ladies and a free book. excellent frank. you get a free copy of the factor tip of the day book which you can't buy if you spend more than $59.95 on as a premium member you get any
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of the books free including that one. you can get two free books if you play it right. all the money on's website goes to charity. every cent. sharon and dick from sacramento, california. we gave our priest "killing jesus" as he was leaving on a trip. he said when he got back it was the best book he ever read ichl appreciate that. merry christmas to you. finally the tip of the day. new information about "killing kennedy." the fox news channel seen in 109 countries, the reach is enormous across the globe. my book is being translated into many languages. here is the portuguese version. you can buy it in portugal, brazil, other places. in denmark, this is what you will see in the bookstores. the netherlands has "killing kennedy" portrayed this way.
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germany where jfk was popular because of the historic berlin speech, this is what you will see. in poland they are displaying this one. in bulgaribulgaria, that one. rob lowe was nominated as best actor by the screen actors guild for playing jfk in the "killing kennedy" movie. lowe deserve it is win. s.a.g., give it to him. he was excellent. hard to do what he did. that's it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website which is different from we'd like you to spout off about the factor. name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not be a coxcomb when writing to the factor. we got 20,000 pieces of mail for mad as hell this week. we preach kuwait it. it's ab fun segment and i enjoy it. thanks for watching us tonight.
6:00 pm
ms. megyn is next. i'm bill o'reilly. remember, the spin stops here because we are definitely looking out for you. tonight on "the kelly file," breaking news on what's being called the biggest political lie of the year. plus -- with a growing number of doctors worried about the cost of obama care we are investigating suggestions they could be forced to take patients they don't want. plus, weeks after the administration held up death benefits for military families, congress votes on a budget that has a painful surprise for those in uniforms. and this may be a first. a teenager killed four people in a dui and tells the court he's a victim of his parents' wealth. >> money always seems to keep


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