tv The Five FOX News December 13, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST
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it's 5:00 on the east coast, and we'll get right to the five in seconds now. but first an update on a school shooting today at half past noon at a colorado high school, we're waiting for a news conference coming out of there but we know a student came into the school, according to authorities, armed with a shotgun looking for a specific teacher, named the teacher by name, went looking for the teacher and the teacher left the building and the student instead shot another student. that student was in critical condition, another student was hurt but it is unclear whether that student was shot or injured
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in some other way. the student responsible stop and killed -- killed himself. and let's get to alicia. the students have been through so much today. >> yes, they are. in talking to parents, there are still students in the building texting with their parents and i'm on the west side of the building and we're watching students go from the field out over into the waiting bus stops to take them to the reunification centers set up at a local church and local junior high school. from what we've been told, one of the mothers said her son has been texting her that the problems here are the teachers because they are keeping things calm and when things were happening they were sending the students out of the window when they knew there was a gunman unside of the high school --
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inside of the high school. >> the pictures coming out of there were incredible to watch. when we get new information we'll bring it to you from the fox desk. right now, it is time for "the five." >> hello, i'm and re, along with eric, greg, kimberly guilfoyle and dan perino. >> north korea as a regime armed with missiles and weapons of mass destruction, iran aggressively pursues these weapons and exports terror. iraq supports terror. states like these and their terrorist allies constitute an axis of evil, arming to threaten the peace of the world. >> nearly a dozen years later, there is still a threat from these terror states. the north korea dictator just
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executed his own flesh and blood, his uncle yang. iran is getting closer to making the bomb and there is now word that the american it is holding has been hostage for nearly 7 years, he may have been working for the cia. in iraq, ten years too the day of the capture of saddam hussein. but let's start with robert levinson. i want to discuss the operation and then a.p.'s decision to run the story. eric, the administration is saying this was unsanctioned that this was a rogue group of analysts who sent him in to do spy missions and he didn't have the authority to do it. do you think the cia just giving itself from plausible deny ability. >> jay carney said he didn't think that leave -- that levinson was not working for the government when he went over to iran in 2007. i'm not sure anyone knows that.
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i would like to know how he knew that. the a.p. is reporting he did work for the cia in 2007. but the interesting part is the a.p. and the new york times knew about this for three years and they are looking for levin son, can't find the guy, they sat on him because the administration said don't go with this story yet because we're still working on leads. three years later said look, we keep trying and go with the story and the administration says how could you do that. you are jeopardizing the guy. well he's been gone for six years and for three years they've said sit on the story. at some point -- transparency, we need to know what is going on. >> eric, they decided to run the story and it said u.s. officials knew that the iranians knew he was cia. if they didn't know, i could imagine them not running the story. but can you see them doing it to
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put pressure on an administration dragging its feet. >> i do believe in operational security for american citizens, whether they are working for the government or not. and i think the state department and cia and other intel agencies have so much responsible in -- responsibility in thinking ahead of the new story, that they used it in order to protect people. i'm hesitant here because this is a story that i used to get asked about quite a bit and i'm not able to talk about it a lot in particular. on the news front, when newspapers like "the new york times" decided to run the terrorist surveillance program in 2005, that was after many months of the white house and maybe a couple of years of the bush administration asking "the new york times" not to do it because it was disrupt our ability to track down terrorists and i think that news organizations try to do a fairly good job of balance but my gut instinct is to error on the side
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of caution for protection of these individuals. >> bruce peters was on gretchen carlson earlier today and he said why didn't the administration try to negotiate before the sanctions. is this a diplomatic approach. >> this guy was taken in 2007. but the real question in my mind is, we don't have a lot of information here. why this guy went to the island, which is an iranian resort island, if you are an american, you are most likely going to get picked up. he left his hotel and disappeared. the cia paid his family $2.5 million. something in this story smells to me, but i think there is more to the story to play out. >> it is an incredible story. we assume there are spies all
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over the world. whose story are you buying? >> spying entails risk. without risk everybody would spy. if you don't have risks, spying would be hanging out. but i completely totally forgot that there was a whole other world out there. because we have money administration for the past, i don't know, three or four years that have been obsessing over remaking one sixth of our economy, his legacy, he is assumed with vacuuming one part of the house while the rest of the house is falling apart. there are so many things going on in the world, it hasn't changed or gotten better, but we have an administration so focused on one thing that all of these other things are being ignored. >> you got obama care in there, didn't you. >> it is an issue. >> and one thing being ignored, the jailed pastor in iran, she spoke out and had harsh words
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for the united states government saying tehran is testing president obama. >> i anticipated i would battle the iranian government for my husband's freedom, i never anticipated i would have to battle my own president. so right now my husband sits in that cell being tortured for his faith. he refuses to deny his faith in jesus and return to islam. this season i not only pray for the release of my husband, but i hope and pray that our government would realize where we have fallen from and how far we have fallen. >> eric, why is the administration not doing more? >> i don't know. here is an opportunity -- by the way, lifting sanctions is the worst idea this administration has had. only obama care could be the worst idea. lifting sanctions is a mistake. if you are going to do something, lift part of the
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sanctions, tell us what is going on with levinson and we want freedy back. >> it is surprising they don't look benevolent and let the pastor go. if they have intelligence concerns when it comes to the other individual, there is that. but on the pastor, it would seem to me that it would work in the iranian favor in terms of worldwide recognition of, oh, yes, they are trying to turn a corner, even though i don't believe that, it is surprising that they don't take this opportunity to free the pastor. >> and the new leader, rou hahny, they said it would be a new iran. so to dana's point, why aren't they doing something. if he has no intention of harming the united states? >> he doesn't have to do anything. he has learned we'll come to him. by the way, let's face it, the world is an awful place.
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and it speaks to a contrast in perspectives in this world, us versus them. and there are people within the united states who will feel the prevailing system is the u.s. is the rootd of all evil. anything that is happening. whether it is global warming or poverty in the east, it has to . but when we see the stories over and over again we are reminded that the world, like dana, is nasty, brutus and short. and the only gleaming hope in this world is the united states. and we're educating people every year that this place is rotten and we're the only hope. >> it is all those dam professors. >> very quickly, bob, before we get to north korea. you worked in the white house. >> right. >> what would you advise them to do? >> i would be careful saying we haven't made progress, and the sanctions is the biggest stau you -- straw you put out there. if we have a chance to negotiate
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and get rid of the nuclear grade material, it is worth doing it. but leaving that aside, i think dana has a good point and the iranians should take advantage of that with the pastor. this other one, i'm not so sure -- >> you know one of the oldest -- it goes right by the book, don't negotiate with terrorists or kidnappers, you are negotiating with kidnapping terrorists. >> reagan negotiated with weapons and birthday cake and i think he thought there was an opportunity. and if there is an opportunity here, we ought to take it. >> well speaking of no opportunities. north korea, eric, kim jung un executed his uncle for alleged womanizing. >> yang is dead? >> he's dead. >> uncle yeng. >> embarrassing an official. and when you think about rodman
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going over there and trivializing it and then we realize how nasty these people are. >> after killing his uncle and his ex-girlfriend, this man has his finger on a nuke. >> the closest we have is dennis rod mab going over there. >> when it comes to press the button or not, you're not sure what he's going to do. >> it has got to be hard being a relative of a dictator. because you never know -- you never know, i think the threat of death outweighs the perks you get, like the free cars. because if you send him the wrong gift he kills you. if the world were a neighborhood, north korea is ariel castros home and we're lucky enough not to live nearby. but sooner or later you have to go over and get into that house and evict those people, save the people in there. we sit there and we talk about doing good in this world, north korea really is the sore of this
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planet, and the way they treat their people and execute people for having bibles or seeing movies. it is a horrible, horrible place and we're the only people that can do something. and shifting geerz, moving on to iraq, ten years later since the capture of hussein, al qaeda has infiltrated iraq, it is at risk of being a failed state. what do you think about this? president obama said al qaeda is on the run and they've been decimated and now the security on the border has been completely obliterated and you see them infiltrating and trying to overthrow the government. >> it doesn't come as a great surprise. when you had the border between two former enemies, iraq and iran, and now the iranians are running over iraq and having a lot of control, i'm not surprised to see it. i would be careful that a big swath of the country is in the
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hands of al qaeda. we just don't know. >> but iran does have a interest, they are both shiite and al qaeda is trying to over throw the government. >> and for years iran has been giving money to al qaeda to help target and kill our soldiers and innocent iraqis. i maintain it didn't have to be this way. i think the -- president obama had an opportunity to continue with the surge policy to move forward with it. what? >> go ahead and finish. >> well now i've lost think train of thought. >> i was going to say if we haven't had that war, iranians wouldn't be crossing into iraq. >> but you have to play the hand -- the cards you're dealt and the president decided to go a different direction and i think that is one of the reasons -- >> how do you know? how do you know they are not looking to take over the whole middle east. >> who do i know who? >> i know the iraqis lost a
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million fighting -- do you think they would be aloud to have a nuclear warhead. >> no, you said to dana, if we haven't fought the war in iraq, the iranians wouldn't try and take iraq. >> you don't think there would be a nuclear weapons race in the middle east, beyond iran. >> well i think hussein -- well it is another -- >> you worry about the chinese more than the iranians? >> i worry about north korea, frankly, worst than -- >> al qaeda is growing and it is now a brand. they are not the typical cells they used to be. and our president said that we've decimated them. all right, got to go. things got heated in the white house briefing room between reporters and jay carney. >> we did not create the internet, this administration and -- [ overlapping speakers ] >> that is right, al gore did. we'll tell you what that is all
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breaking news from the fox news desk. we'll get right back to the five in a moment, but the news conference from the sheriff in arapahoe county has ended with new information about the school shooting. a student went into the school, arapahoe high school in centennial, colorado, at half past noon, saw other students, was carrying a shotgun out in the open and said where is a specific teacher whose name they are not yet giving, name or sex. he began -- the yung man began looking for this teach -- the new england man began looking for this teacher and he confronted other students and he shot one student that is slised in critical condition at an area hospital. there is a question about the way the other student was injured. police say that other student
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was shot but expected to be released shortly. who is this teacher? we don't know. but there is another new matter. we knew the authorities were searching this suspected shooter's locker, who is now dead and they found something. listen to the sheriff from minutes ago. >> we believe that we have one device in the school, initially it was reported that it was a molotov cocktail but my bomb squad is working that, trying to identify it. >> so a device in the school. when we learn what it is, we'll get back to you. now back to the five. so hell hath no fury like reporters denied access to a president. things came to a head yesterday after photographers weren't allow on air force one, or not allowed to take pictures. >> hasn't it always been okay for reporters to take pictures. >> we did not create the
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internet, this administration -- and -- guys. [ overlapping speakers ] >> our problem is the access -- you can put out a million pictures a day from a white house photographer and you bar -- and you put -- >> and wa i'm saying -- hold on. [ overlapping speakers ] >> hey, guys -- >> it looks like they are having more fun than a barrel of monkeys. here is my point on this, photo journalists don't get enough credit for being historians. and president obama never takes a bad picture. they're just asking for an opportunity to take pictures like they've done in the past, recordless of the internet. why don't they let them in to take a picture. >> we've talked about this before, i think the picture of obama and bush together would have been a good picture for obama, frankly. did you ever get yelled at like that? >> i'm sure i did.
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i'm sure i handled it very well. >> it seemed pretty out of control. >> i thought that was fairly tame. >> it was? >> who would want that job. >> and andrea, what do you think? are they making a mountain out of a mole hill. >> i don't think so. this was a theme a mo couple of months ago, led by ed henry and the only thing they got from the president was a picture of him golfing with tiger woods. the white house said we're going to be transparent and give you access and won't even let them take a picture. i'm not surprised they are cutting back the access for the reporters. things are not going well. it makes them look like complete control freaks and ridiculous. it is late for the media to complain about access. where they were when they
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executed fast and furious. >> do you have anything to say? >> i do. boo hoo, this is knot a k-- nota conflict. now that he's elected, now they are whining. i have no sympathy. from 2007 to 2012, they were roofies by the white house and now they are waking up all groggy and saying what the heck happened, why is this guy being so mean to me. it is like grounding your kid after he's moved out. >> i think they said they seeded so much -- >> and when you control that, it is not journalist. >> and he used to be a photo dog. >> if you don't let the indeposit -- independent photographer in there -- >> it is a strange thing to
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complain. >> it is a strang battle -- a strange battle right now. the president takes great pictures, just let them take the pictures. >> and from yesterday, the lie of the year is if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. that was said by president obama over 36 times. he added period. anybody have thoughts about the lie of the year. >> hold on. let's be fair. that exactly wasn't the lie of the year. he said it 30-something times. the lie came on november 4th when he said, was i said was you could keep it period, if -- and then he went on to say he was saying it all along. and in the age of video, knowing we're going to pull a tape on it, that was the lie of the year and boy was it a -- >> and andrea here is nine people who also told the lie that are up for election and
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hillary clinton started it. >> we are approaching january 1st and this should be the message, dana, on january 1st more people will not have insurance because of this law than have it. it is very, very simple. it is the exact opposite goal of what the law intended and it is not a political crisis any more. this is a legitimate crisis. a crisis, not a political one. and they need to get on board. >> greg? >> the new lie is going to be that the democrats will be running on obama care and i say go for it, you'll have better luck playing tennis on ambien, which is often fun, i've tried it. >> especially when you are half a sleep -- aseep. >> bob, you're done. >> well they give me so much time. >> well don't give us so many topics. >> the secret santa, don't kill the co-host messenger.
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welcome back. what do britney spears, nelson mandela and james bond have in common. i've give you a second. times up. they are part of the fastest seven minutes. the sign language interpreter who claimed he was schizophrenic is accused of murder, rape, theft and more and was able to stand next to the most powerful people in the world, including our president. you pointed that out a couple of days ago, scary and this is scarier. >> south africa is not a good place if you cannot find an interpreter at the time of your
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largest historical event. here is a question. did anyone stick around after the funeral or do world leaders leave south africa like they were driving through a bad neighborhood? the sad statement is that tutu -- that while he was at the funeral, his house got robbed. >> i would say it is supremely irresponsible and you should think about our own security work force. how much money they spent on protecting president obama and we should do a better job of protecting that investment. >> and i think when you get credentia credentials, don't they check your back ground. >> fir of all -- first of all, i'm surprised you are so worried about obama. there were 60,000 people and why didn't a deaf person say something? >> bob. >> i mean, how could they say
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something. >> how would they say something. >> they could do sign language. they are not doing this right. >> i don't know where to go from this. >> here is a good idea, we'll just move on. >> he got a job as a third base coach. >> i like britney spears better any way. >> i hot new video out, they are okay with the sex stuff but guns, not so much. watch. [ music playing ] ♪ and while i wait, i put on my perfume. i want it all over you ♪ >> so what happens here, this is video they take and they pull the scene that had guns in it. i think we have a picture. can we go to the picture? so they pulled this scene out of the video. >> good. finally someone has a little bit of responsibility and that is what they are saying. she has younger listeners, if you want to watch the version
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with the guns in it, go to this website and watch it. but i think it is very smart and responsible. and britney spears is not a hypocrite. she's not an entertainer that goes after people with guns in psa's and has them in her videos. i say good for you. >> i have a 15-year-old son, i'm not sure if i'm more concerned about him seeing guns or britney grinding on someone. >> well i see some guns in that. >> well, okay, following bob talking about that -- the music is not for me. i don't like it. >> it is good to see she's becoming more thoughtful as she's heading into her late 40s. she's probably one of the sexiest grandmothers out there. because the teenage base, if you leave the market place for two
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years, you lose your audience, they quit listening. >> and in ten years if we're lucky enough to still be doing this show, miley cyrus will be the subject of the same kind of thing. she'll be making her comeback. >> first they are messing with santa claus and now they are saying james bond is an alcoholic. he is cool as they come. anyone sick of the -- trying to do something wrong. >> can i say something for you, mr. bond. >> just a drink. a martini, shaken not stirred. >> a martini, shaken, not stirred. >> you say this happens often. >> it is time for a new james bond. he is a bully. i would like like to see someone who solves world problems
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through massage and leg warmers. >> and a fleece and a beard. >> how do you follow that one? >> i'm an alcoholic and this guy wasn't an alcoholic but what he did do is get a lot of other things. >> did you have a problem saying with his martini shaken, not stirred. >> they have vermouth in it. why do you have to dispute vermouth. >> because of the alcohol he's consumed he couldn't get that other thing you were talking about, i assume it is bond girls, because he -- you know. >> he got them in every movie. >> they said he had like impotence or something. >> all right. >> we have acts for it, why can't we talk about it. >> he drinks booze, he gets in a car crash and ends up in the hospital, that is not a car crash. >> let's stand up for the american male.
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individual and those who know better than the government. one embraces charity and the other coercionment i accept safety nets but the argument for redistribution is based on brandishing you as selfish. this erroneous notion of greed persists because the media is lazy and most charity is private. evil, rich, god fearing freaks like mitt romney, they don't brag, claiming someone can roll back the oceans when he can't roll out a website. that is the difference between charity and government. one works and the other shirks. they feel great spending your money because it doesn't affect their wallets. it is why taxpayers has paid hundreds of thousands of for obama care so far. who knew the god faring 1%ers -- one percenters would be better
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at giving. >> they can't even speak english. >> what was the charity work you were doing? >> i like to help people in need, bob. i often drive around in a van and volunteer whenever i can. >> you pick up wayward teen-agers? >> yes, i do. they are over 18. let's get back on topic. survey sent by gallop to mark the anniversary of sandy hook, they found 50% volunteer time and 80% donate money. surprising to you? >> yes. -- actually it is not surprising. t"the new york times" reported that 90% of americans have more faith in nonprofits than the federal government and even though we pay not as much as other countries in taxes, we are the most benef leapt country -- benevolent country in the nation. the jane fonda who didn't pay very much to charity. when you look at biden's 369 of
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paltry, they want us to give money to government so they don't have to. >> and my charity is waitresses and bartenders throughout the neighborhood. >> and very generosity. >> and they found charities is on the decline. is that because generosity is waning. >> i think the pope francis will change that because he is bringing a new renewed hope to christian love. philanthropy is an industry. there are consultants to figure out who are the best charts to donate to and i think private sector and nonprofits do better because they can touch someone's heart rather than giving them a handout. >> one of the most charity -- givers i know right here, was saved by the government -- >> its with girl scouts.
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>> they could have done it without the government. >> i don't understand. >> while you were watching the girl scouts, i was watching the government. >> what is he talking about? >> he saved his house. >> do you want to respond, eric, or should i move on. >> let's move on. >> all right. didn't see where that was going on. did espn ban a commercial to raise -- how can you laugh at that? did they raise money for -- did they stop a commercial because it had the word jesus and god into it.
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hope at >> espn reversed that decision. it will air on saturday for a college basketball game. good for them. but what was the big deal in the first place? what was the big deal? >> they say according to their rules they can't have anything with religious or political con notations on their airwaves. now they have an onslaught of bad p.r. and this is the same network running commercials for obama care, so clearly they can make an exception when it fits their political association. >> do you think it would be because it would offend other religions like muslim. >> and it is for a children's hospital. come on, give me a break. for kids. >> if an e-mom would have put it out, do you think the response would be the same? >> and it shows how out of touch they are with viewers and fans.
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>> here is a p.r. suggestion for espn, lay off the children's hospitals. it is not a good target. it is a layup for o'reilly. now he won't shut up about it. did you see what i did to espn? yeah, we get it. would they have rejukted a muslim children's hospital? i googled and i found one in india. >> i have some information on how o'reilly whether handle that later on tonight. i'll break the news later. >> well he'll handle it -- are you on or is he on? >> you'll have to wait and find out. >> well you'll follow in his footsteps. you won't do that. you would just say o'reilly said he was wrong. >> don't we have to go. >> yeah, we have to go. one more thing up next.
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it is time for one more thing. but before we get started. it is 12 days until christmas so it is time to do our secret san antonio pi-- secret santa picks. and so first, let me reach around in the hat, dana. >> can i open it? >> yes, but you cannot say who it is. >> did you tell bob the same rules? >> and then -- here we go.
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pick out of the shat here, and then greg. >> greg is like -- >> i hope i don't get lou dobbs again. >> trying to get extra large swim trunks. >> i can't get the dang thing open. >> you thought i was going to say something? just for that -- >> don't say. >> oh, i got andrea. >> well if they hadn't scooped me up -- >> i'll show you the pair of shoes i want after the show. >> and one more thing. >> i had my favorite night in new york city was last night. i went to the beacon theater and got to see dirks bentley, and i took joshua the producer there on the left and nash 94.7 fm is the first country station in new york for a long time and they held this event. and my husband peter went. and i did something like night
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that you would never see me do on the show and joshua captured it here. [ music playing ] >> that is good. >> i danced the whole night and i know the words to every song and he has a new album coming out called riser. >> why don't you dance for us. >> i don't dance on set. >> so in the huffington post there was an argument about greek wisdom so i thought i would pull some tips and share them with you. here is some wisdom. they take naps. they appreciate the value of a good walk. they ask the big questions. they take hospitality and generosity very seriously and they take time for leisure and come together over good food and drink. >> where is the working part? where is the go to work and job
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part. >> that is not in there. >> they don't do that. >> i'm an anomaly. >> and the ones that came to this country. >> you all have diners. bob, you are up. >> they sent it back twice and the tea party got it in in the primary, and then they lost their seats. these are republicans who are up -- incumbent republicans being challenged by tea party candidates. tea party keep at it, where do i send the contribution because you have done nothing but screw up the republican party. >> they also got the house to -- >> that is true. that is what i want for christmas, donate money to the tea party. >> i'll go very quickly. so i'm walking through the hall this afternoon. take a look at who i bumped into. i was like where is the secret service. i'm going to host the o'reilly factor tonight and i asked that guy to show up and so you have to stick around. >> are those his real ears?
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>> have you ever seen a picture of eric? >> who are you talking about? >> never mind. >> greg. >> red eye tomorrow, 11:00 p.m. on saturday, governor huckabee is going to be making a very announcement on red eye tomorrow. it is here first, it is not on o'reilly or hannity, i got it first. and in other news, media matters has declared victory over fox news and other news, flees have declared -- fleas have declared victory over cats. stupid media matters. >> who is media matters? >> who knows. >> and what do you want for christmas, bob? >> i'm dumping you, you're too expensive. >> you're dumping me? >> no, i'm only kidding. i didn't get you. i got someone else. dana. >> can i get the dirks bentley
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house. >> set your dvr so you never miss an episode of the five. have a great weekend. special report is up next. a friday the 13th reminding us how dangerous america can be. a deadly school shooting in colorado and a plan to blow up an airport in kansas. this is special report. >> good evening. i'm bret baier. two more wake-up calls at how vulnerable anywhere in america can be vulner to attacks. one student is dead, two others were hurt in colorado and the twin threats of domestic terrorism and islamic extremism came into sharper focus this afternoon when we
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