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tv   Geraldo at Large  FOX News  December 14, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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nchtsd you have to be really careful out here. i'm just more easing only along down the road and being real careful. >> slow and steady wins the race. but it really does. everybody wants to drive like a madman out here. just nice and easy. >> what do you think of this weather. is it going to affect people out there in the holidays? >>. hi, everybody, i'm grks e geraldo. snow all up and down the northeast kwoes has been dumping
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sixz and twelve inches of snow. ark accuweather meteorologist is here with what the latest on the sform and what it's doing. what is up? >> next in line, that's going to be northern new england, much of the 95 corridor right now. we're also dealing with a mixed bag of precipitation. we peeve seen snowfall amountds ranging back to illinois. next in line, new york city, right at that fine line right down between the sleet, the rain and also the snow. i think the city itself, we're looking at 3 h-6 inches. i'm talking five, six, seven, eight miles, and that's half a
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foot. >> here's what's also happening. t the low pressure system is strejt bing. it's near blizzard conditions. it's going to be a snowstorm, none the less. here's what the accumulations look like tomorrow. very slippery conditions. and, needless to say, it's going to stay cold out there. >> so, justin, let me ask you, this is seemingly turning to rain. it's going snow, rain, rain, snow. is that what new york at least
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can expected. >> could see a little mix back over to all snow. but i think the worst conditions will stay off to the north and west in the city and in boston. >> justin, thank you very much. ladies and gentlemen, we'll bring you any changes in this forecast later in the show. we also have a live report on what's called santicon. it's happening right here in new york and else where in the country. we'll have that report. cops are cracking down on the celebrating jolly old elves.hap this hour, bud we begin with this fox news alert. >> we saw it was a relic of the bad old days. but the country has been hit by a new epidemic of heroin abuse. the number of addicts is up to
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426,000 nationwide. and the junk kies are very different today. >> i went undercover. that's me in the beard and bandanna and found that doech deals are easy to come by.
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back on the street, we found a virtually unlimited supply. we could have purchased just as much as we could take for him. we need a work and a dime bag. >> at one point, we had two dichbt de different dealers come peeting for our business. the desperate people standing on this pa ththetic lienl are relae
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newcomers. these business people and even parents with their young children have come from cities and towns all over this country. they buy heroin from other junkies whowork for the pusher man. >> they have no sense of conscience about stealing from people's property. you wake up sick in the morning. the first thing you think about is where are you going to get money? you feel bad, but you toent feel bad enough to stop. >> smoking heroin. when you smoke the stuff, it's called chasing the dragon. until recently, nobody even talked about chasing the dragon. now it's become so hip in holy
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wo holywood, steely dan wrote a song about it. >> chasing a dragon is chasing the dragon into held. see, once you start to use the drug, you lose control. there's no -- you're powerless behind it. and the most important thing in your life becomes getting the drug. what you pay for it and how much it costs is secondary. most important is getting the drug. >> many of today's add ikts are middle class in the suburbs. heroin is easier to get than medical marijuana. sometimes with tragic results. that story after this. mush push
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. this is a fox news alert.
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millions of people around the world turning their attention to south africa. that's the hometown of nelson mandela and where he'll fw laid to rest about an hour from now. the anti-apartheid icon in south africa's first black president died at the age of 95. if the rights are not carried out, his tribe believes the dead will come back in spirt to demand that they are performed. after the ritual is completed, the body will be handed over to the church for the sfat fun yal. we can see the proceedings going on live right now. a full state funeral here wrapped in the flag.
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of course of the first freely e elected president with south africa and the government turning the first for the country and state funeral for him. full ceremonial honors. more than 100,000 citizens to say farewell to medeva. earlier in the week on tuesday, in a soccer stadium, 1 10s of thousands of world leaders were on hand.
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a giant of higs ri. mandela sharing with the president's clerk who freed nelson mandela and ending apartheid transitioning to a peaceful state there with the first peaceful elections there. the service about to begin and what they call a marquee. they set it up with a shepherd at the age of five years old growing up there. it's ginling now. and if you want to continue watching full coverage of nel son-in-law mandela's funeral. you can find it streaming live on foxnews.coh.
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this has been a fox news alert. for now, back to "geraldo at large." >> four years since the compassionate medical use act. they don't carry the type of medical marijuana that could be given to children. >> we've taken the steps we've taken. set up a regulatory scheme that makes this a very narp row and medically based program. that will not guilty lead itself to the abuses that wed eve seen particular lil particularly in california and colorado. >> these plants take time to time to grow. >> the largest get passed for edible. so it obviously takes time.
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in the meantime, these families shouldn't have to pick up and move to colorado. they shouldn't have to leave new jersey. they shouldn't have to leave their family. they should have it shipped to them. >> i have no doubt if she was on this oil and all of these medications have stopped working, i've seen, i've been in hospitals and spent hours and hours and somedays and days in the hopt with her. i've seen what these drugs have done to her. i have no doubt that medical marijuana and the oil and whatever marijuana can do for her would have saved her. no doubt. >> have you seen it firsthand? do you know of the clinical trials who have been helped by
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these oils? >> i've watched the videos of the little girl in charlotte, colorado. i've talked to her mother. fill has talked to her. you know, the clinical trials are starting right now. the fda just approved the clinical trial through nyu. that, alone, is going to work. >> this is something that we need to try. >> how do you think it would improve jenna's quality of life? >> immensely. she's not eating like she used to. she's lost almost 20 pounds in the past year. >> i have my moments, you know what i mean. i have a mission that i'm driven. myhearted hurts so much that it's unbearable. no one should ever go through this.
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no one should ever lose their baby. 15 months is so short. >> it's a damn shame. it really is great. >> in nnk ew jersey, they allowe edibles for kilds that have these aillementeds to ingest. the problem is that the oils aren't available here in nm nj h here you feel kids that the product is not in any of these medical marijuana clinics. there's the proposal to allow shipmented from colorado that already has this plant, this oil, this extract that that i had can take to help with these ailments. christy is refusing to sign this. it's a moot point.
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>> in that case, i think that chris christie is being hard for no real reason there mplgt it's also evidence that have more than a dozen states where it's totally legal. that's really why i need a sfral policy. >> you're still breaking federal laws. even though we had this approved in our state. the abuse in california, i have a headache, a foot ache, a permission slip and they say come out with the sweed: the oils that we need don't have thc and it's not going to get you high anyway. >> it's so ironic.
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cheech and chong are playing in atlantic city tonight. the world has gone so far in the evolution of attitudines toward marijuana. >> find out why it's so familiar to us from back in the heyday. and the world is watching the ns arksz. what in the world are they doing snooping on gamers.
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will far rerks l's ron burgundy is not the first to parody the local news scenes of the 1980s. >> and there's an old saying. behind every successful man, there's a woman, a loving, caring woman. but you wouldn't know about that, dan. because there's no saying about what's behind a miserable failure. >> the former anchor who is set to be the inspiration for ron burgundy. >> i don't know if inspiration is really the proper word. you foe, people have asked me if i'm offended by the fact that the burgundy character is based on me. i've always enjoyed ted baxter
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on "the mary tyler moore shee." it doesn bother me in the least. but i still think most of the peemt who sit at the anchor desks and do this job are pretty serious people. >> it's definitely the promotion. the promotion almost more than the actuality. i remember feeling all of these commercials with my eyewitness news team. >> my good friend -- i'd like you to meet my good friend melba, roger, tex, flank, bill and jim. >> and we did have an era of the blow-dried look, didn't we? >> we did. i'm just sorry i don't have nufl hair to blow dry. >> have you seen the film?
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will you be at the premier? >> we will be at the premier. he has said that he plans to plant a big kiss right oon my lips. >> along with santa's visit, families can enjoy wagon rides, carolling. >> so hue real is ron burgundy's take on local news teams. the one and only regis f lirks bin. >> i'm so familiar with the ron burgundy thing. i got such a tremendous kick out of it. it was the sports guy and the weather guy. they were all calling the shots. >> what about the relationship
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between the teen, you know, the daddy figure, the rebelled, the mustached one. >> you're not the only one with a mustache. >> i was just like the guy with the mustache in the movie. there was one of everybody. we had a lot of competition with the other team, the nbc team and the cbs team. and we were the eyewitness news team. they still are. i still see it today. and i watch it. and the fun nny thing about the movie is so much that i can rerate to. >> there are some of them. some of them get carried away with the fact that they are running the local news in this city. i guess it goes to your head. it is a big job.
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but i got a big kick out of that. of course it is the extreme. i loved the movie. i can't wait to see the next one. >> he's accused of rape. did he deserve that trophy? is it just about football? after this.
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this is a fox news alert. remembering an icon. millions of people around the world turning their attention to south africa where the funeral of nelson mandela is underway. the smaller group of guests will attend mandela's burial. the burial will end a ten hfl day me moore yal. if you'd like to continue watching the coverage, you can stay tuned to your local fox station. i'm rob ert grey, now back to geraldo.
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>> it appears, to me, to be a complete failure of an investigation of rape case. do i believe that that complete failure of investigation of a rape case was related to the fact that this gentleman was on the football team. i do. >> she made a complaint: you look at her -- >> she made the complaint immediately that nightment she didn't know that your client was this famous guy. >> geraldo, i take that back. she did not make a skplant. her friend made contacts to get ahold of her mother. it wasn't as if she went to the police department on her own: shef she was talking to cops.
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and the winner is jamus winston, florida state university. >> no one is denying that jamus winston is the best there the country. burr isn't it ironic that an allegation of steroid abuse is far more serious than the world of sports and an allocation of ra. this case has the sync of hometohom hometown justice. enough about that. here in snow wee, raining, new york city are te nighing local p cos. that i had're hiding from bar and pup.
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either the snow or the mayor, they both not tampen the revelry, huh? officer the most part, they're going to get a couple of that. to anyone else thigh definitely were not dressed for this mess. they also worntd breaking the law. . >> santas shouting, santas drinking. >> any beer they want to give you. >> namosa. >> jack and coke.
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>> for his first before most santas had finished their breakfast. it's evolved as bromageddo. and when he wasn't breaking fire codes, santa smokes cig rets and occasionally, santa had to have a talk with the police. >> one gie, he was in, like, 20 cart wheels in the snow. >> all the local railroad, the alcohol and all of them trained until noon tomorrow.
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>> thanks a lot. i thaerd that he had pan ned >> the revelry went on. with all of the whack ki revelations provoided by the fugitive, none, absolutely none as bizarre as the fact that if tsa playing world of rich skraft or the activity by nsa after this short break. pu
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i guess that does make sense, then, how islamic terrorists love to be surrounded by 72 virgins. >> oh, yeah. >> you know, it sounds like gross overkill to me. bup what do i know. maybe there is some logical reason why the nsa is spying on millions of gamers playing world of war, perhaps, and dungeons and dragons. what's with us right now on the drawing side, to put all of this in perspective, fatality wefdell is called the world's most confident gamer. well, from miami, if former nsa. he's not a space guy, a fliem guy that runs his own ad company called community incorporated.
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why would they be looking at gamers? >> if i was a terrorist, they'd be thinking of better ways to do bad things. nchtsds i thi . i think as long as they're not doing anything, you shouldn't have to worry about anything. i think for a lot ooft gamers, we feel pretty safe. we have a blast doing this. this is a lot of fun for us. >> before i go to dave, do you guys, are we all talking about this amongst yourselves on the
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net? >> yeah, i've been talking to a lot of them on facebook and twitter. i have a couple friends from cia and nsa and so forth. so just talking to people in the military and not. basically, they all congresswoman back and they think it's note very smart for a terrorist to be doing this through video games. how do you think the agency really is? how invasive do you, dave, do you think they are. the problem you've asked the nsa to solve is to find terrorists in the world and listen to them.
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they noticed that the terrorist organization run mostly by iran, and they had their own game and used special forests to. will so, you know, of course, the nsa's job is to take a look at hesbolah. so if they weren't, you'd probably say that they are not doing their job. >> here you sail hesbollah or the iranians may be using this game to encrypt some message. but doesn't that represent a tiny percentage of the millions and millions of gamers.
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is the nsa shooping on everyone? >> well, i think you should be paranoid if you're a terrorist in the middle east. so there are good reasons to be paranoid if you're one of those people. but if you're not one of those people, like natal si said, it's business as usual. this is the environment we live in. >> so you are broad day su portive of the nsa snooping on gamers. to say that they're snooping on
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gamers may be a miss gnomer. and in fact they found a few other organizations were on the gaming traffic. >> so how have they used the gang? the fact that they're there means that you can be swresed in that traffic around start writing reports about them. they could release they're location around peernl information about themselves that they worntn't normally do. that's something you need to know. >> i gotchya. so fatality, has the jus tisz department or the nsa contacted
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you. >> a couple years ago. there you go, ladies and gentlemen. okay. up next, as promised, you will meet the new middle class fate of heroin addiction after this. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior.
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or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain.
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vrjts unfortunately, we have the purest heroin in the entire country. and, unfortunately, we have the cheapest. when you have the combination, you're going to end up with profits. and that's what we have. that upscale, the diversion on the jersey shore ocean county has 107 overdosed deaths this year alone. most of them from heroin. many of them just 18 to 20 years old. ironically, they're using her win, ladies and gentlemen, because it is dirt cheap.
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it is amazingly powerful. and it's easier to get your hands on these days than the prescription drugs that the kilds were abusing. kids like angela. she started at the age of 16 with xanax and perk set. by the age of 18, she was onto oxicontin. at 20, she starlted on heroin. why her win? >> e i think it's important to realize that drug addiction does got discriminate against anyone. starting off as social and partying can turn to a lifetime and a -- >> describe what your life was like? where did you get the drug? where did you get the money to pay for it. >> i was in a very dark place for a long tiemg. i think it's important to realize that when you are in the grips of an addiction, you turn
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into a different person. so if things that you do and the people you surround yourself with. >> where did you get the pun to buy the dope? >> i actually did a lot of illegal things. selling drugs off the streets and doing things that are not me today, as a person. let me go to the executive director for a partnership for a
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drug-free new jersey. are we the victims of our own success, in a sense? we've cracked down on the abuse of prescription drugs and now heroin has come back to bite us on the but. >> geraldo, we have found that the main reason that so many people are impacked by heroin in new jersey is because they started using prescription drugs. and these primgs drugs became so accessible because most of our homes are full of med sinl cabinets with these drugs. and for a long time, young people didn't understand the consequences or the seriousness ofl these prescription drugs. we saw a progression take place in new jersey and throughout the country. so severe was this problem that the center for disease control designated prescription drug abuse as an epidemic. we're really in the midst of an epidemic here in new jersey and throughout the counsel trifl with regard to prescription drugs and the link to heroin
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abuse. >> my point is yet 107 overdose depth in ocean county new jersey. i live in monomouth koun till is the ajay sent county. is the suburban largely a white middle class community. here, they're getting their hands on heroin. not only that, but they're overdosing. why are so many kids dying? >> geraldo, that is an excellent question and the question that we all need to be looking at. >> if 107 was there, we're putting all the resources we have in why these dolphins are laying on the beaches. we have 107 families, many more, v sli. we all have to be looking at the reasonables and trying to find the solution to this really devastating problem. we know that parental involvement is one way to start
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that. we know that parents feed to become aware that this is an issue. you mention the issue that's affecting people throughout the region and throughout the country. and we have to take on all the steps necessary. >> you never want to believe someone you love could be doing any of that. i think it's so porntd for families to know. >> bfrl you give us -- everyone's giving me, you know, the big picture lecture today. i want to know, how did your parents find out that you were a junkie. >> after my first arrived. >> what was the charge of your first arrest? >> possession. >> did you ever get busted for sale, as well? >> yes. >> and are you a convicted fell only right noi. >> i am.
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i'm ak chum lilt participating in the drug court program. >> how do you feel about yourself now. >> it's taking a while to get where i am. there's a better way of life. i will continue to try to help anyone who needs it. >> there are so many good families and goopd kids out there getting addicting to prescription drugs and moving onto heroin.
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>> wharvel it is, change of behavior, watched them like hawks. it could be something awful. angel angeloangela. thank you, ladies and gentlemen for sticking with us. we decide today do the show on a beautiful, snowy night. i do think it is pathetic that it's easier to get heroin than medical marijuana in new jersey. if you remember one thing from the show, that's it. pushl push
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