tv Huckabee FOX News December 15, 2013 2:00am-3:01am PST
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>> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. >> thank you, thank you very much. got a great audience in the studio in new york. it would have been my mother's 86th birthday. her persistent voice is embedded in my brain i can hear her admonitions and demands. i don't think she ever used the word sevillity e. in her world it was called manners. and we didn't have a lot of money growing up. but she drilled in my sister and me that money can't buy manners and manners can take you places that money head never been. i used to think that money can
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take me to dizz no land. i never made my child hod dream of disneyland. but manners were not forgotten. if i failed to say please, thank you. or yes, ma'am or no ma'am. i got an icy stare or physical contact. if i failed to live up to the standards of her behavior it was a question were you raised by wolfs and beyond arm's reach i would display my smart aleck self and i would say you and dad raised me so you tell me. it was drilled no matter how little the material things we could afford to treat others like we wanted to be treated. our culture seems devoid of manners and people shout at each other and talk over each other
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and use profanitty. and rude and selfish behavior is are you tonight in business and political circles and technol dpaf us a capacity to communicate by the way of smart phones and smart is not the same as polite. selfie photos and world leaders snap them even at memorial services of other world leaders and that is how far we slipped from courtesy and propriority. can you imagine franklin roosevelt whipping out a iphone and snapping one of he and churchhill. or ronald reagan asking margaret thatcher to ham it up? it is public service replaced with self service. it is made behind the cowardly wall of screen names and blogs and facebook post. why should we are surprised when
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government is dysfunctional when mean knowledges replaced manners. >> not only parties. but fellow republicans gnaw on each other like dogs with boeps. and they label each other a rhino or squish or whacko bird. if my mother was around she would lay down ten commandments on things. number one. if you can't say something nice about someone don't say anything. two, wait your turn to talk. three, respect your elders and four, don't talk back. five, never curse in front of a lady. in fact don't curse. and six, never mistreat an animal. and number sen. let others go in front of you. and eight, always say please and thank you and yes, sir, and no, sir. nine, never take more than one
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piece of candy and number step. keep your clothes and your mind and mouth clean. you know, i think those rowels could make washington better. but then again, maybe the people in washington, were raised by wolves. (applause) respiratory so the president made a lot of headlines for acting like a hormone- overloaded teenager. but the president's fondness for attacking selfies is now an obsession. >> governor we are here in new york city's times square where the president made an unannounced visit. what are you doing here in new york city? >> last week i took a picture with friends in south africa and it was popular and i am out here having fun. >> is this part of your new program?
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>> my staff figured out to get young folks to sign up for obama care, they could take a selfie of me. >> sure. thank you so much. diagram vusigned up for obama care? all right. come on in and take a selfie. >> you guys get a selfie with the president. >> you seen up for obama care? >> really. what do you like about obama care? >> you got yourself a picture with the president. >> you sign up for obama care? >> no, i have insurance. >> are you keeping your doctor? >> yes. >> that's what you think. >> that's not captain america. i am captain america. so you signed up for obama care? >> absolutely. >> all right. we'll take a self authority ie. >> you tock your selfie with the
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president? >> yes, di. >> are you signing up for obama care. >> no. you told me you did. check this out. deleted. >> mr. president, we received word from the secret service that michelle wants you in the white house right now. >> in that case i have to go. before i do. i would get a selfieshg e. it is a selfie for you. have you signed for obama care? . mauz mrauz >> i doubt cookie monster will need obama care. joining me is the editor of la.comand communing're communication director for california. thank you for being here. >> and we'll start with the controversy over the selfie photo. ella, did the president take the
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dignity of the president so down a notch over there hamming it up with the other folks. >> i don't think he was hamming tup. governor, you live in the world. you are sitting next to the dutch prime minister and it is not a selfie. it was her picture, right. she asked you governor can i take a picture of you. what are you going to say, you are talking about politeness and all obama did was be polite to the prime minister of holland? >> it was denmark. she is a danish. >> big nutshell. >> tarra when you saw that. i tock more note of michelle's response. >> yeah. >> were you taken aback or did it bother you? >> it looked like you are the president of the united states and you need to have respect for the office instead of act being like a bunch of tone agers hamming it up in the funeral.
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this is indicative of the way he approaches the president so. this is not the first time that he has done things that are unbecoming the president of the united states. she asked him and they all should have known better. this was supposed to be showing respect. it was not appropriate and not matower and that was indictive of the way he carries himself as president all of the time. >> all right. talking about obama care, one in four americans rather pay the fine than sign up for obama care. are people abandoning the whole concept. is there any way to salvage it? >> it is word to me. i don't find we should be happy that people that don't have insurance are so annoyed with the program don't want insurance. it is a failure in the roll out and discourse. in the end of the day we want people to have insurance and people not signing up out of
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spite. that is not what we want. >> how many of it is out of spite and others it is money they can't afford. middle-class people hit with a 6,000 deductible and premiums. their first dollar to get coverage is over 12,000. a lot of people will take the risk. you think they are walking away because they can't afford it or afraid? >> it is a compiination of both. we don't want. who the hell are you? we the government? i should decide if i want insurance or not and not a government or bureaucrat or ivory tower saying what i should have. that is a problem here and the american people woke up out of the fog and saw the pr job that the president he was a liar through the whole thing and now, oh, my god, this is costing me money. look at the harvard study that
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shed 13 percent of the millennials are signing up. without the young healthy people signing up. they can't pay for six folks. the redistribution of wealth is not working. >> you each have 30 seconds to respond to the budget deal. republicans and democrats universally hate it. >> in the holiday season, obama has a spirit of compromise. nice to the danish prime minister and nice to republicans in congress. and this is it making me filled with yuletide joy? >> final 30 seconds. >> this is status quo. what happened in washington this week, i was not thrilled with it. it was a establishment decision and neither side liked. it the fact that the president liked it should have scared all of us. that should have told you that something is wrong with it
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because of how different we believe that the fiscal operation of the country should be. it was a status quo decision because no one wanted to fight anymore and it gets pushed on to the next thing and it was a political decision. i think republicans didn't want to take away from the obama care issue and the failure in that. and not saying it was the right thing to do. i would have voted against. it we'll let them fight another day. >> bottom line of the budget deal it didn't do anything. but the fact that it a democrat and republican standing side by side and not screaming at each other was a step forward. did it accomplish anything? not much. the accomplishment was not what, but how. at least you had people who acted like they could work together it. elle, tarra, thank you for being here. >> thank you. >> and she risked going to jail to protect her sources and in
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energy lives here. sometimes it may not cross your mind why it is so important in our society to have a free press. the fact is, without a free press we don't have a free country. if they are not unrestricted in reporting it is not their liberties at stake, it is yours. that's why the first amendment is protected and sacred and why my next guest risked everything to protect her sources. she was signed to the report on the a urora movie theater massacre that killed 12 and injured others. citing two unidentified sources she reported that the shotter
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sent a notebook about his plans to a university of colorado psychiatrist. the deputies said it violated the gag order. he demanded that she reveal her sources and under subpeona to appear in colorado state court this month. the new york court of appeals ruled that she will not be forced to name her sources. jana winter joins us now. and i think you underestimate that you are a hero to people. not only in journalism. and importance of free press. . did it occur to you that you let it sink in that you can go to jail for this. yes, i it has been brutal.
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what what did you prepare? >> i went back to colorado, i put my dishes in the dish washer and tried to clean my apartment and made sure i paid the bills. not a lot to do. and try to complete kind of a pregel bank account list. and these are the things i buttoned down and get ready. you don't know how long you might be there. >> indefinite imprisonment. >> you could be in jailer for simply not revealing a source than people who killed somebody? >> correct. i would be in jail before the defendant in the case who pled
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not guilty to killing 12 and injuring people. >> what kind of reaction did you get from fellow journalist. my competitor fox families is ridiculously supportive throughout the whole thing. and i heard from reporters out in the fold on stories who said i don't like you till and we don't have to be frnds and i never want to hang out with you. and what you are doing is amazing and i am proud of you and thank you. and i never had that conversation. okay. i got it, thanks. at least they were honest about it. >> what is the big deal and give up the sources. and since this has happen and she was threatened with jail. has her sources dried up. and did they decide not to talk to you? >> and one hit in the subpeepa and in the middle of the nows,
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you are toxic and even though my sources told me for years and years and trust me and before you were subpoenaed. we are trusting you. but you are under subpoena and we'll talk to you after it is over. >> some of them came back to me and the other is plose come back to me and i miss you. and we'll see what happens now. it was horrible in the thing. >> your courage is remarkable and stamina. and on behalf of freedom loving american and i will be the first to admit i am the object of the stories and not pleased with it. and i would hate for the government to dictate it. and with all of the government's resources, i always believed they had as many resources as they have. they can find out what you can. and it is yours.
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and thank you for being the courageous staller. >> thank you. >> the obama administration came up with a new way to sign young people to it obama care. my reaction to the video and the quotes of the week coming up next. diagram and ah, so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car,
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ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app. i get times are tight. but it's hard to get any work done like this.
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place plan. and with nearly 365 people selecting a plan. and so 365,000 out of 310 million signed up for a plan. and let me put it in perspective. 677 million and counting on developing the website. the website that most experts said could cost 5 or 10 million. four and half billion. billion with a b spent promoting obama care. and we signed up 365 people that bought it. that is 14,000 per person to get them to sign up. we could have written them a $14,000 check to live off of it a while. imagine if a movie company had envested four and half billion to promote a movie and 677
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million to make the movie and no one went to the theater to see. it somebody would have been fired. they should. >> and media outlets are frustrated that the official white house photographer has access to the president in certain events and that photois distributed to the media outlets everywhere. this week jay carney got an earful and played the bush card. >> anyone here can tell you that there is less access than under the bush administration. >> ouch! there is nothing that would hurt the administration more than to be compared unfavorably to the bush administration since they blame the bush administration for everything in history. sinking of the titanic and the
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press corps realizing that this administration wants to control the press and i guess they can. and you know how president obama is trying to get young people to sign up for obama care. a pro obama adwill do the trick. >> you need new health care. ♪ sign up cause it is hot. ♪ commander in chief and to terms strong and health care. i am ready to seen up because of that. my health is reduced to a rap video. and all part of a campaign get covered and the white house photographer took this photoof president obama that shows a sign get covered. no one should go. no one is nice on the internet. and so here is the thing. get covered because obama care
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cancelled the plan you like. and you are covered because with drone strikes, and i am going to give you an assignment. i would like for you to fill in the blank. and tweet this and thanks to our friends. reggie brown joining us as president obama and if you would like to have him in her event. jesse louis was a victim and his ♪ mm. mm-hmm. [ enne revs ]
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sandy hook in newton, connecticut taking the lives of 20 first grade students and one of the people killed was jesse louis. his mother wrote a bock called nurturing and healing love. scarlet thank you for joining us. and you had the news that jesse had been killed in school you found that jesse was instrumental in saving nine lives. the shotter entered jesse's class rom and killed his beloved miss soto and his gun ran out of bullets. in the short time it tock him to disinn gauge his clip and reload. jesse sensing the delay yelled
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out to nine of classmates and said run. they ran and were saved. >> jesse was a hero that day and not only a victim. a six-year-old having the presence of mind to take that kind of action. i think he would be likal of them just terrified. how surprised were you when you found out jesse acted courageously and unselfishly. >> i was in the fire house and all of the parents were reunited with the loved ones and jesse was not among those and the hours kept going forward and i kind of realized that jesse was not coming back, i thought to myself, i know if jesse is not coming back, i know he did something brave and probably tried to save his beloved teacher and i was not surprised at all. i was very proud but not surprised. >> heart broken as a mother but
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proud your son spent his last moments on this earth, looking after his classmates and instead of turning and running to save his own life. how does that make you feel inside as a mom? >> i feel incredibly proud of him. i believe honestly that he fulfilled his purpose that day, very bravely. and i just only hope to fulfill mine as bravely as he did. >> you have written a book about healing and nurturing and loving. and a lot of people are saying scarlet, your son was murdered in a school classroom, a place that was supposed to be safe and how could you forgive the person that murdered your son and created carnage? >> nurturing and healing love. those words are jesse's words. he left them on the chalkboard
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shortly before he died and i found them after he died. if you see those words, they are profound. nurturing and healing love is definition of compassion in all cultures. i believe it was a spiritual message and not in his ve knackullar. he didn't know those words. but the meaning is very clear and that is my purpose now to spread nurturing and healing and love and forgiveness is a part of that. forgiveness is so important and we don't talk about it. it is the only way to cut your pain and move forward with all of your personal power intact. and i want to provide perspective for everyone and to say i have forgiven. it was a choice and a process and something that i do sometimes every day. today is the year anniversary and we gathered in jesse's grave and i had to do it several
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times. forgive again. and each time i it makes me feel better and i do it for myself and my son and my foundation and my message and i do it for everyone else to show them that this is a choice. you can do it and it frees you and dpoifs you your personal power back and everyone can do it. if you look inside of your own life and think about the hurt that you are carrying, you can release that. >> what you wrote in the bock it is not only a message for jesse and how you coped with it. it is a message for anyone who is struggling with anger and bitterness and personal hurt and a lot of people will say. if she can forgive that. i can't think of anything worse than someone murdering my child. do something that my which were or grandchildren. i don't know how to handle that? i think that is the message of
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your bock. you can get through and find a way to find a way to forgive and heal your own life. you can't bring jesse back. but you can keep it from destroying your life. >> absolutely. you can't always control what happens to you. but you can always control your reaction to it and choice is a huge part of my life. i can see how everything is a choice and my reaction to this is a choice. i have found meaning in my suffering and the book is my journey of hope and forgiveness and i think it is sad in the beginning and i think when you finish reading it. it gives you an equation to health and joy in your own life. and healing from sorrow or pain and that equation is gratitude plus forgiveness and compassion, and it kind of walks through that clearly.
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and i hope that everybody takes that from this pook. >> they will take it. thank you, skarllet for sharing the story. you not only give insight to a mother's love and capacity to forgive. you have done a lot to help us cope with the hurts and pains in our lives. thank you for sharing it with us. thank you. next month joined by holocaust survivors. they are going to be there to hold a historic meeting. hold a historic meeting. the young man ick with innovation. hold a historic meeting. the young man stick with power. stick with technology. get the new flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare.
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from 1942 and late 1944, more than one.throw million jews were transported to the conelectrician camp. 1.1 million never left. each person was stripped of their identity and indicated only by a ta to number on the arm. forced slavery was required by everyone including children for unbelievable lengths of time. known 43, crematories and gas chambers made it a industrialized killing machine and taking the lives of 6,000 people a day. and those not murdered in mass killings would do i of starvation and executions and medical experiments. the now that survived the camp in neap 45 were liberated. by then more than 6 million jews
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were killed in europe. today auswiowa tz is a memorial. the tribute to the millions of souls lost there and never forgotten. israel's parlamount will be joined by holocaust survivors for a historic meeting on the growns to mark the holocaust remembrance day. theentious vent is organized by johnnie daniels. johnnie joins me now. this day is going to bring more than half of the members of the knesset and could be almost all of them. they will be accompanied pie holocaust survivors and going back to what many of them think of unspeakable horror.
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this is personal to you. tell me why. >> it is very difficult to talk about and my family and those who were killed in the holocaust, my great grand parents were lucky to survive and go to england. my wife's great grand parents were not that lucky and my wife's grandfather survived and his wife and two daughters in the beginning of the holocaust were taken and killed and murdered on the site. in just over a month's time i will bring in the knesset. it is important to honor those lost to us. >> you will be a few feet away from the very place where your wife and grandmother and daughter were murdered.
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what do you expect to happen to you and your wife that day when you are standing on that ground and seeing the israeli knesset and the force of the international community to stand on the grounds where there was an attempt to kill every jew on the planet. >> i have to tell you governor, when we go to austwitz. it swamps everything away from you. you feel sad. this will be one of the few occasions that we will go rejuvenated and feeling strong and empowered and being in the sight 69 years ago, these people wouldn't have imagined survive another minute and the majority of the government of israel and stand in the symbol of force, this is our victory.
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i was called by 93-year-old survivor in tel aviv, he said johnnie, i am not in the best of health. at my age, i have to be there, for me to stand in this place, with my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. this is a sign of victory and for me is closure. standing there in a symbol of force and strength. we say never again. that turned bo a phrase that is used all of the time. never again and never will happen again and the reason it will not happen again, we have our own state and a strong people and our own government, it is truly remarkable. >> i plan to be there myself. it is it a wonderful moment of history where israel said to the
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world, we are still standing. and at this time, the israelis and holcast survivors will stand there on their own terms and leave austwitz on their own terms and go back to a nagsz of safety and security. this is why israel must be safe and secure. johnnie, thank you for the remarkable vision. i want to point out the symbol has half of the star of david, that was forced to be sewn in the clothing of the jews in the holocaust and the other is the star of david, the symbol of the modern-day israel. what a wonderful reminder out of the depth god raised israel up again. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much, governor.
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when grammy award winning violinist joshua bell decided to put together his new holiday album, he asked for a little help from his friends. well, it turns out he's got a lot of friends. joining joshua for a song from the album "musical gifts" the young people's chorus of new york city led by francisco nunez. i hope you will get this wonderful christmas album. we will leave you with a selection from it. "silent night." ♪
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