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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  December 15, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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that let's people prosper even the poor because the riding tied of prosperity lifts all votes. that is our show. see you next week. >> tonight on huckabee. >> it is details and illustrations about killing a large amount of people. >> a reporter with a big scoop protecting her confidential sources she faced jail time unless she named names. tonight the story of her. >> he spent the last moments of his life making sure his classmates lived. jessie lewis the 6-year-old hero from new york. >> the president's greatest
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hits. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor like huckabee. >> thank you. thank you very much. we have a great audience here in the studios of new york. welcome to "huckabee. this weekend marks what would have been my mother's 86th birthday. she died 14 years ago but her persistent voice is so embedded in migraine i can still hear some of her admonitions and demands. i don't think she used the word civility but she insisted on it. in her world it was called manners. she drilled into my sister and me that money can't buy manners and manners can take you places that money has never been. i used to think, yeah, but money can take me to disney land.
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well, i never made my childhood dream of going to disney land but the lesson on manners was not forgotten. if i failed to say please, thank you, no sir, yes sir, no ma'am, yes ma'am, i could get an icy scare verbal rebuke or defending on the circumstances an abrupt reprimand. i would sometimes be challenged with her question, were you raised by wol -- wolves. when beyond reach i would say you and dad raised me, well you tell me. she never thought it was as funny as i did. >> we could always afford to treat others like we wanted to be treated. our culture today seems devoid of manners. people shout at each other. they talk over each other.
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they use profanity gratuitously. rude and selfish behavior is routine even in business and political circles. technology has given us the capacity by smart phones but smart isn't the same as polite. selfie photos so ubiquitous world leaders snap them even at memorial services of other world leaders. that dem crates how far we slipped from social norms of impropriety. can you image roosevelt snapping a shot of himself with churchill and yalta or ronald reagan grabbing his ipad and asking him to ham it up with him for a quick pick. it belittling and degrading comments are made behind a how ashed lilla by facebook posts. why should we be surprised when
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government is dysfunctional. it is not just the two political parties going an at it. fighting imaginary demons and labelling other republicans who might have a tact tyke a rhino. if my mother was around she would have laid down the ten command ams. number one if you can't say something nice about someone don't do anything. wait your turn to talk. number three respect your elders number four don't talk back. number 5 never curse in if front of a lady. number 6 never mistreat an animal. number 7 let others go in front of you. number 8 always say please and thank you. yes sir and no sir.
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number nine never take more than one piece of candy. keep your clothes and mind and mouth clean. i think those rules could make washington better. but then again maybe the people in washington were raised by wolv wolves. >> the president has made a lot of headlines this week for acting like a more moan over loaded teenager. but as ryan reese found out the president's honest for taking selfies has grown into an obsession. >> we are in times square where the president made an unannounced visit. let's find out why. >> what are you doing in new york city? >> lathes week i took a picture with the president of south africa that turned out to be very popular. i figured i would come out here and have some fun. >> fantastic. is this part of your new program? >> actually, it is. my staff at the white house
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figured out in order to have folks with obamacare we would let them take a selfy with me. >> you signed up for obamacare. all right. thank you so much. >> have you signed up for obamacare? all right. come on in. let's take a selfie. >> you get yourself fee with the president? >> we did. >> you sign up for obamacare? >> yup. >> why are you hitting your friend? >> you get yourself fee with the president? >> yes, i did. >> you sign up for obamacare? >> no, i haven't. >> are you going to keep your doctor? >> that's what you think. >> that is not captain america. i am captain america. >> you signed up for obamacare? >> absolutely. >> let's take ourself fee. >> i see you just took yourself fee with the president. >> yes, i did.
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>> are you going to sign up for obamacare? >> no. >> you told me you already did. so check this out. >> the president we received word michelle wants you back at the white house now. >> in that case i have to go. before i do i always wanted to get a selfie. i will be back. get a selfie for you. all right. have you signed up for obamacare? >> >> i doubt cookie monster is going to need obamacare. joining me is editor of and dana rohbocker kara set meyer. thank you both. >> thank you for having us. >> we will start with the controversy over the selfie photo that was taken at the memorial for nelson mandela. do you think the president might have taken the dignity of the presidency down a notch by being
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over there photographed hamming it up with the other folks? >> i don't think he was hamming it up. governor you live in that world. you are sitting next to the dutch prime minister. this isn't a selfy. we know this was her picture, right? she asked you governor can i take a picture with you? what are you going to say? no. you were just talking about politeness. all obama did in this situation was be polite to the prime minister of holland. >> it was denmark. >> i took note of michelle's response. were you a little taken a back? >> you need to have respect for the office. >> this is indicative of the way
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he approaches the presidency. this is not the first time he has done things that are unbecoming of the president of the united states. oh, well she asked him they all should have known better. this is supposed to be showing respect. i understand it was festive but i don't think it was are appropriate. it wasn't very mature. that is indicative of the way he carries himself all of the time. >> let's talk about the fact that one in four americans said they would rather pay the fine than sign up for obamacare. are people just abandoning this whole concept? is there any way to salvage it? >> it is weird to see because i don't see why we should be happy people that don't have insurance are so annoyed with this program that they are willing to keep not having insurance. that is a failure in lots of different levels failure in the rollout a failure in the discourse about this program. we want people to have insurance at the end of the day. people not signing up potentially out of spite that is
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not really what we want. >> how many out of spite and who you many it is we are talking about money we can't afford. you are going to hit them with $6,000 deductibles $6,000 worth premiums their first dollar to get coverage is $12,000. do you think people are you can with aing away because they are afraid of it or because they can't afford it? >> i think it is a combination of both. >> we don't want. who the hell are you? we the government? i should decide if i want insurance or not not the government or a bureaucrat or someone sitting in an ivory tower saying what they think i should have. the american people realized they woke up out of the fog and realized the pr job not only was he a liar through the whole thing you are saying oh my god this is going to cost me money? particularly millennials.
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13 percent of millennials saying they are going to sign up. without the healthy people they can't sign up the sick folks. he thought he would institute on the american people that's not going to work so well. >> you have 30 seconds to respond to the budget deal. seems like republicans and democrats universally hate it. is that reason to say it is no good? oo what we are seeing is compromise. he is nice to the danish prime minister and the congress. p ill filled with yuletide joy. >> this is status quo. what happened in washington this week i wasn't thrilled with it but any one who knows it was a very established decision. that's why neither side liked it. the fact that the president liked it should have scared all of us.
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>> the fact that you had a democratic republican standing side by side not screaming at each other was at least a step forward. did it accomplish anything? not mchl. the accomplishment was not what about you how. at least you had people that might have worked together. let's hope it is a foreboding of things to come. always a pleasure. >> is it a risk going to jail to protect the sources in the end justice prevailed.
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>> sometimes it may not cross your mind why it is so important in our society to have a free press. the fact is without a free press we don't have a free country. if the press is not unrestricted from the government in being able to recording whatever they wish remember it is not their liberties that are at stake it is yours. that's why the first amendment has to be protected. it is why it is sacred. is it is why my next guest risked everything to protect her sources. she was assigned to the report on the aurora colorado movie theater massacre that killed 12 and injured 55 back in july of 2012 siting two identified sources she reported the alleged shooter sent a notebook full of details about his murderous plans to a university of
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colorado sipsychiatrist before e attack. defense attorney said her reporting denied the client a fair trial and violated the judge's gag order. just this week they ruled she will not be forced to name her sources. john gnaw winter joins us now. thank you for being here. >> i think you probably underestimate that you are a real hero to people not just in journalism but the people who value the importance of a free press. but did it occur to you did you really let it sink in, you could go to jail for this. >> that is all i would think
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about is jail, jail, jail, jail, jail. >> did you prepare here is what i have to do if i go to jail. >> ever since i went back to colorado, i put my dishes in the dishwasher and tried to clean my apartment. made sure all of my bills were paid in case i didn't gom whack. there's not a lot you can do except try to put your life in order. trying to create a prejail bucket list. i wanted to go to the bronx zoo with my dad. >> if i go to jail these are the things i have to button down and get ready because you don't know how long you might be there. >> right. indefinite imprisonment was the phrase of the colorado judge used. >> indefinite which means you could be in jail longer for not revealing a source than people who killed somebody. >> i could have been in jail before the defendant was in the case who already pleaded not
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guilty to killing 12 and injuring three other people. >> what's the best reaction you got? is>> people have been so supportive my competitors and fox family ridiculously supportive through out this whole thing. but i heard from reporters that i competed against out in the field on stories who said, i don't like you still and we don't have to be friends and i never want to hang out with you, but what you are doing is amazing and i am so proud of you and thank you. but also i never had this conversation. >> at least they were honest about it. >> there are a lot of people who say what's the big deal why don't you give up the sources. let me ask, since this has happened and you have been threatened with jail have your sources tried up? have they decided not to talk to you in the same way as before? >> one hit with a sustain very publically in the news it's you are toxic.
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even though my sources told me people i have spoken with for years and years we trust you but you are still under subpoena. we will see what happens now but it was horrible during this whole thing. >> your courage is remarkable and your stamina through it all. i want to say on behalf of all freedom loving americans. i don't always like the way they do their stories. i have been the object of some of the stories and i wasn't pleased with it always. but i would hate the government to dictate what can and can't be written. with all of the sources i always believed if they got as many resources as they have they can find out what you can. if they can't it is your problem not your their problem not
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yours. thank you for being the courageous staller. >> the obama administration came up with new ways to get obama to sign up for obamacare. it is a rap video my reaction and other quotes of the week coming up next.
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>>able to testify before congress once again. telling lawmakers how much better had become since the relaunch. how many people had signed up? >> in the first two months nearly 1.2 million americans either selected a marketplace plan or receive add medicaider ship eligibility determination
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with nearly 365,000 people selecting a plan and 803,000 received a determination. >> $677 million and counting on developing the web site a web site most experts say should have cost between 5 and 10 million. 4 and a half billion dollars that's right billion with a b. 4 and a half billion dollars spent promoting obamacare. we have signed up 365,000 people who actually bought it. you realize that's 14,000 dollars per person just to get them to sign up? that is not how much they are getting. image if a movie company had invested 4 and a half billion dollars to promote a prove sri
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677 million to make the movie and nobody went to the theater to see it. somebody would have gotten fired. maybe some day somebody will get fired because of this. they should. they are frustrated the white house photographer is the only one who has access to the president in certain events. that photo is distributed to the media outlets every where. white house reporters gave jay carney an earful they even played the bush card. >> any one here can tell you that there is less access than under the bush administration. >> oo oo there is nothing that would hurt this nation more than to be compared unfavorably to the bush administration since they blamed the bush administration for pretty much everything the sinking of the titanic and everything. this is an administration that
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wants to control the press and i guess they think they can. not any more. you know how president obama is trying to get young people to sign up for obamacare a pro observe group has come up with this ad he thinks is going to do the trick. >> you need that healthcare plan sign up because it's hot. ♪ commander-in-chief and i am two terms strong plus i have this healthcare which has got it going on ♪ >> i am ready to sign up because of that. my health is reduced to a rap video. it is part of a campaign called get covered. the white house photographer took this photo of president obama said get covered because. nobody should go broke just because they get sick. that's nice. but not everyone is nice on the internet. they are vl a really good time with this. get covered because observe care canceled the p plan you like.
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this one get covered because of grown strikes. i am going to give you an assignment. here is what it is. i would like for you to fill in the blank. get covered because and then tweet me. at huckabee's show. tweet me what you would fill in in that spot. when you do it we are going to read the best ones on the show. i want to say thanks to our friend reggie brown for joining us once again as president observe. go to presidential it has been one year since 26 people were killed in the school shooting in new town connecticut. he was put on earth to be a hero. she will tell us why can.
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>> live from america's news
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headquarters i am robert gray. a bipartisan budget deal may prevent another government shut down. senators talked about the proposal today in a rare sunday session. the bill the result of negotiations between senator patty murray and republican congressman paul ryan who passed the house last week. harry reid scheduled a closure vote on the budget for tuesday. hollywood icon peter o'toole has died. the irish actor passed away at a london hospital yesterday after a long illness. he shot to fame in lawrence of arabia and went on to have a successful career receiving 8 of his oscar nominations such as my favorite year and the lion winter. peter ol tool was 81 years 'ole. i am robert greg, now back to "huckabee."
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>> it took the lives of 26 people including 20 first grade students. one of the children killed was 6-year-old jessie lewis. his mother scarlet has written a book called "nurturing, healing, love" and joins me now. i am so glad to have you here. thank you for joining us. when you had the devastating news that jessie had been killed in it school you found that jessie had been instrumental in saving some of the other kids lives. >> nine lives. >> how did it happen? >> the shooter entered his classroom killing jessie's beloved ms. zoto and his gun run out of bullets. in the short time it took him to disengage his clip and reload jessie sensing the delay yelled out to nine of his classmates
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and told them to run. they said it was because he yelled run that they ran and they were saved. >> jessie was a hero that day. a six--year-old having the presence of mind to take that kind of action. i would think he would be just like all of them terrified. how dowry act when you found this out? >> when i was at the firehouse i got there when all of the parents were being reunited with their loved ones and jessie was not among those. the hours kept going forward. i realized jessie wasn't coming back. i thought to myself i know if he is not coming back he did something braver. i even thought he tried to save his beloved teacher. when we found out that's exactly what happened i wasn't surprised at all. i was proud but i was not surprised. >> harlt broken as a mother but
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proud that your son spent his last moments on this earth looking after his classmates instead of turning and running to save his own life. how does that make you feel inside? >> i feel incredibly proud of him. i believe honestly he fulfilled his purpose that day very bravely. i only hope to fulfill mine as bravely as he did. >> you have written a book about healing and nurturing and loving. i think a lot of people are saying scarlet your son was murdered in a school classroom a face that is supposed to be safe. how could you for give the person who murdered your son and cry ated such carnalinger carrage on a school campus? is>> nurturing healing love those words are jessie's words. he left those words on our kitchen chalk board. he found them shortly after he
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died. if you see sthoez words they are so profound. nurturing healing love is definition of compassion all across cultures. i believe it was a spiritual message. it was definitely not in his vernacular. he was fen netcally spelled. he didn't know those words. the meaning is very clear my purpose is to spread newurturin healing, love. forgiveness is so important. we don't really talk about it. it is the only way you can cut the cord to pain and move forward with all of your personal power in tact. i want to provide perspective to say i have forgiven it was a choice it's a process. it's something i do sometimes every day. today is the year anniversary. we gathered at jessie's grave. i had to do it several times
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this morning, for give again. each time i do i feel better i do it for myself, my son, my foundation now and my message. i do it for everyone else to show them this is a choice it frees you and gives you you personal power back. if you look inside your own life and think about the hurt you are carrying you can release that. oo when i think about in the book it's a message not just about what happened to jessie and how you coped with it this is a message that anybody who is struggling with anger and bitterness and personal hurt. if she can for give that, i can't think of anything worse than having somebody murder my child. do something to my children or grandchildren. i think that's a message of your
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book you can get through and find a way to for give and heal your own life you can't fix what's happened. you can't bring jessie back. you can keep it from destroying your own life. >> you can't always control what happens to i see how everything is a choice. my reaction to this is a choice. i have found meaning in my suffering. the book is my journey of hope and forgiveness. i think when you finish reading it it gives you an occasion to health and joy in your own life. healing from any type of sorrow or pain and that equation is gratitude plus forgiveness plus compassion. it walks clearly and i hope
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everybody takes that from this book. >> thank you for sharing the story. also into a mother's capacity to forgive. you helped all of us cope with the hurt and pain of our lives. thank you for your courage in sharing it with us. god bless you. thank you very much. >> thank you. >> next month hole cast survivors at all swits. they are going to be there to hold the historic meeting. the young man who is oirg niezings that event joins me next.
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>> 6 million views by nazi germany in the holocaust is one of the most horrendous acts of injustice in all of history. it often fades with time. it is important to not forget the suffering. >> the genocide of world war ii took the lives of nearly two-thirds of the population of europe during the start of the war. one of the most brutal and terrifying was the concentration camps in all wits.
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from 18942 to late 1944, 1 million jews were transferred to a they were identified only by a number tattooed on the arm. barracks intended to house horses were filled with hundreds of innocent lives forced labor required everyone including children for unbelievable lengths of time. by 1943 they made auschwitz a killing machine taking the lives of 6,000 a day. for those not murdered they would die of starvation, infectious decembers individual executions and medical experiments. the few that survived the camp were liberated but by then more than 6 million jews have been killed in nazi occupied europe
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over 1 million of them from auschwitz. today auschwitz remains as a memorial a silent reminder of the horrors that once existed on the land and a tribute to the souls hlost there but never forgiven. israel's par iment will be joined by holocaust survivors by a historic meeting on the grounds of awes switch to mark the international holocaust remembrance day and statement against anti-semitism. founder and executive director of from the depths. this day is going to bring more than half of the members by the time it actually comes to be almost all. they will be accompanied hole cast survivors going back to what is for many of them an
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unthinkable horror. >> it is difficult to talk about but my family and my wife's family they were lucky enough to escape to england. my wife's grandparents were not that lucky. my wife's grandfather survived. they were taken to the erie canal auschwitz and killed murdernd on the site in over a month's time i will be bringing the snesset to come and gather there. it is important to all of us especially in israel and jews around the world. >> you are going to be a few feet away to the very place where your wife's grandmother and her grandmother were
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murdered. what do you expect to happen to you when you are standing on the ground and you see the symbol of a strong powerful force of the international community standing on the grounds where there was an attempt to kill every jew on the planet? is>> governor, we when we go to auschwitz, now when anybody goes there it takes everything away from you. you go there you feel deflated you come out you feel sad. this i honestly believe will be one of the few occasions that you are going to come out of auschwitz feeling rejuvenated. to be at the site 69 years ago these people wouldn't image surviving another minute. the majority of israel to stand there in the symbol of force this is our victory.
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i was caught by 93-year-old survivor. he said listen i am not in the best of health. he said to me at my age i don't like for me to stand in this place with my children grandchildren and great grandchildren this is my sign of victory. this to me is closure of standing there again in the sim polytheists of force and strength. we say never again. never again has turned into a phrase that we use all of the time. never again. can't happen again. never will happen again. the reason it won't is we have our own state. we are a strong people now. we have our own army and own government. to be there as a symbol of force is truly remarkable. >> i think it is going to be an amazing day. i plan to be there myself. i want to see this wonderful moment of history when israel
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says we are still standing and this time when the israelis and holocaust survivors will go on their own terms and more importantly they will leave auschwitz on their own terms and go back to a nation of safety and security. i hope the whole world understands this is why israel must be free and safe and secure. johnny, thank you for the vision of this remarkable day. i want to point out that the sim polytheists of the event from the death has half of the star the of david. the jews during the holocaust and the other is the star of david the symbol of the modern day israel. what a wonderful reminder that out of the death god has raised israel up again. thank you for joining us. >> thank you very much governor. >> coming up next, world we nouned violinist is joined by
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the young people's chorus of new york city for a christmas concert. hi, i'm terry and i have diabetic nerve pain.
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it's hard to describe, because you have a numbness, but yet you have the pain like thousands of needles sticking in your foot. it was progressively getting worse, and at that point i knew i had to do something. once i started taking the lyrica the pain started subsiding. [ male announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain.
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when grammy award-winning violinist joshua bell decided to put together his new holiday album, he asked for a little help from his friends. well, it turns out he's got a lot of friends. joining joshua for a song from the album "musical gifts," the young people's chorus of new york city led by francisco nunez. i hope you'll get this wonderful christmas album. we're going to leave you with a selection from it, "silent night." ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ silent night ♪ holy night ♪ all is calm
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♪ all is bright ♪ round yon virgin mother and child ♪ ♪ holy infant so tender and mild ♪ ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ sleep in heavenly peace ♪ silent night ♪ holy night ♪ shepherds quake at the sight ♪ glory streams from heaven afar ♪
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♪ heavenly hosts sing hallelujah ♪ ♪ christ the savior is born ♪ christ the savior is ♪ ♪
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the year began with a victory lap. >> republicans said they would never agree to raise tax rates on the wealthiest americans. obviously, the agreement would raise them permanently. >> it's ending in frustration and apologies. >> nobody's more frustrated than i am. >> what's behind the obama breakdown? >> there's no question we can fix this. >> the stories you haven't heard. >> i'll go to obamacare, right? >> this hour, fox news reporting "behind the obama breakdown." from washington, d.c., here's bret baier. >> who'd have thunk it? a tech-savvy team obama struggling to get a website up and running. conservatives going for defense cuts, confounding democrats. washington w


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