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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  December 16, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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me this year? >> maybe. i might do that. i don't know if i can keep up. >> good to see you. and that is all the time we have left this evening. as always, thanks for being with us. don't forget to start each morning with fox and friends. r do you sometimes do you sometimes wonder if the white house thinks you are stupid and if jay carney believes this? >> we are focusing on the savings that millions of americans are receiving because of the health care laws. >> most americans don't agree with jay carney. you have heard horror stories right here "on the record." and 59% of americans say that their co payment is increasing. joining us is tim scott. nice to see you. jay carney thinks that millions
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of americans are seeing savings. >> just remarkable. there is no way in the world you can have a $400 million website and see premiums go down and not up. the facts are simple. a person sent me a letter. his premiums are going up 75%. his deductible is going from $10,000 to $25,000 and his prem i'ms are going from 450 to $800 a month. if he wants to go to a co pay plan, $1500 a month for his family of four. but the unfortunate part is premiums are about price. deductibles and co pays, those are about the cost. the cost are also exploding. and we are going to see more bad news once the 7 million young people do not enroll, then next
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year, the premiums will be based on the actuary information. >> why would jay carney put his neck out on this. maybe somehow this miracle is going to happen and the prices are going to crash down. but why is he sticking his neck out. >> if they control the price on the front end it rises the cost on the back end. if the insurance company provides a policy that is not rate sufficient the taxpayers pick up the tab on the back end. >> the taxpayers have been generous with the people who are down and out. as we expand medicaid it will
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cost more. someone has to pick up the cost. >> in south carolina if we expanded medicaid we would see $2 billion of cost. >> what do you do about those people? i assume the people in south carolina want people to have health care what do you do? >> one of the things to lower the cost of health insurance we could allow for competition across state lines and allow for small business owners to group their funds together. >> why didn't we do that? >> that is one of the failures of the preobamacare world is we could have addressed medical tort reform and we didn't do it. we have to reintroduce common sense into the marketplace.
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and we could fund insurance pools to give those with preexisting conditions more opportunities. if you are in a group plan, preexisting conditions are absorbed. when you are in an individual market there is no group. you have to pay higher rates to find your insurance. that is going to be the challenge. that coupled with out of pocket expenses going from 6,000 to as high as 12,000 means those who cannot afford insurance they get the free health care checkup but they can't take care of the challenges in that checkup what do they do next? >> there is a heart breaker. i want to talk about the bipartisan budget bill. the senate got to vote on it this week. the military retirement benefits will be cut by $10 billion in the next ten years. will it pass the senate. >> >> i think it will pass the
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senate it seems like the votes will happen which means that you only need 51 for the underlying bill. if you are a young guy who sign up for the military, you get a promise. that promise says we are going to do what we're going to do for the next rest of your life. you retire at 42 and look for america to honor the promise and we say we made a promise but we are going to change your retirement benefits. and for a 42-year-old e 7 he loses $75,000 in the next ten years. >> that sounds horrible. that's the same thing we are hearing when they restructure in detroit when all of a sudden people lose their pensions. that is always the situation. how do we accommodate that. what would you have done differently? >> one of the things i would love for us to have a
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conversation about in congress is the fact that we have over 1200 doubled programs. we can reduce the spending and deal with realities and challenges face on. and not put that on the backs of our military. >> but for the life of me i cannot figure out why that never happened. the gao has the report every year and everyone ignores it. we pay for a report that we ignore. why does that keep happening? >> there are a number of bills that suggest how to deal with this in a pragmatic approach and -- >> why? >> call senator reid. >> you blame him? >> i blame the process and the leadership. at the end of the day we are not tackling the tough issues.
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we have two more years of spending. but we are going to pay for it over ten years. remember back to 2011 when we were going to pay for the increase in the debt ceiling over the next ten years. here we are 24 months later looking for a new way to deal with the challenges. >> you are voting for the bill tomorrow? >> i'm not. it's a step forward. it's good that both sides are talking. we are having pension reform. but there are two steps back. the bad is the fact is that we are paying over ten years and the ugly is we are asking the military to pay for it ourselves and not cutting spending. we are just shifting two pays in the active duty military. >> what happens when you get to the debt ceiling issue in february or march? >> hopefully we will not have a one year increase and ten year pay for it. hopefully we look at the underlying debt and give ourselves an opportunity to have a serious conversation.
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it's good that senator murray and congressman ryan are having conversations. hopefully we can find a way to cut spending enough to have discussion on the debt ceiling. >> and straight ahead, new information about obamacare navigators. should there be a criminal investigation. what are they doing and could it get you in trouble? you can hash it out with us. will obamacare save your family money in the long run or will it crush your finances? tweet or post on facebook right now, use #greta. we're aig. and we're here. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises.
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to help you realize a better tomorrow. from the families of aig, happy holidays.
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the hunt is the hunt is on right now for two killers behind a deadly mall carjacking. a young couple out doing holiday shopping is attacked in a parking lot outside a nordstrom's store. the husband opened up the door for his wife and walked around to the driver's door when it happened. what is the latest? >> reporter: what a sad story just before christmas as well. what you reported is true. he was just as the mall was closing he and his wife returning to their suv and getting in the car. a 30-year-old dustin free lander of hoboken. he and his wife attorneys.
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he is just about to get in the driver's side door when he is ambushed by two thugs who are trying to carjack his expensive suv. they shot him in the head, police say and sped off in his car. his wife was screaming. the small, the short hills mall, an affluent, expensive luxurious mall was in lock down for a short time. tonight police have not found gunmen. they are looking for two suspects who sped off in the stolen car and another vehicle, a green subaru. there is a reward being offered for their arrest. and we had breaking developments on this story. the stolen sufficiev was found newark in a high-crime area next to an abandoned home which is known for car thieves. they often drop the stolen cars
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there in that area. one of the possibilities tonight they are looking at is whether these two carjackers are connected to a larger car theft ring. but no arrests have been made. the short hills mall has reopened. we talked with shoppers today. and people are on edge. security here is very, very tight there is a visible police presence. the mall has added police officers. and they are going to be looking at any security cameras that may be in the mall level parking lot or any of the stores around there to see if that will assist them in solving this crime. >> you know, for life of me i can't figure out why they haven't released the tape already. this is a manhunt for two killers they could kill again. this happened saturday night and the videotape because the place has to be loaded with security
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cameras. why haven't the videotapes been released already for people to help? >> absolutely, that is something that the prosecutors office is the lead investigator on this case. that is something that you would think would help in this case especially the high end retail stores, nordstroms and sak's fifth avenue. that would be helpful if we could see that unless the police are closing in on who they are looking for. one of the things the investigators have said is that usually they steal a car but don't shoot and kill the driver as well. that part is highly unusual. and in this area of short hills it's an affluent and low crime area. this is an unusual event in this area. >> when you carjack a car you
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leave a lot of clues, you leave fibers and dna all over the inside of that car. that car could be a wealth of information to track down these two killers. we are going to stay on this story. >> thank you. >> and obamacare navigators telling you to break the law. what are they doing and why are they doing it?
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obama care are obamacare navigators breaking the law? a new report shows that many of them are telling you to commit
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fraud. some are telling people to lie on their health care publics to get better credit and subsidies. but that is a fraud and illegal. you can go to jail for that kind of stuff. >> how are you? >> very well. am i right that this is indeed one of the suspicions that navigators are telling people how to commit a crime? >> it's more than a suspicion. they are at least two tapes that i'm aware of. one was lie about your finances and the other was lie about your preexisting habit of smoking, both would impact your premium and subsidy. >> i'm looking at the u.s. house of representatives report. i'll read the part you are talking about. navigators from the urban league of dallas were captured on video encouraging people to lie on their applications. navigators were recorded and asked to lie about smoking
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habits to obtain a lower monthly premium. has this been referred to the local u.s. attorney? >> i doubt it. i don't know whether they have lost their job. i know the young lady who made the mistake of answering hannity's questions on the phone lost her job. i don't know if these two lost their job. there is no background check and 20 hours of training. you undergo more training to be a life guard at a reflection pool than to be a navigator. and you can take the test as many times as you need to. think how well we could have done in school if you can keep taking a test until you pass it. it's a shame you is to have to have a navigator than no back grounding check and 20 hours of training. you can take the test as many times as you want and you can
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counsel people to commit fraud. >> if you participate and you aid and abet someone in committing a crime you are just as guilty as the person who did it. right? >> we can't get -- >> you are exactly right. is it aiding and abetting. taken you know about it and don't report it you could be prosecuted. i hold out no hope. i will settle they don't keep their jobs. >> why do you have to all the way to justice? why can't you have the u.s. attorney in dallas or the first assistant to call them up and say look into this? you don't have to get permission from eric holder. if you start an investigation and eric holder stepped on it from d.c. to dallas that would
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raise holy hell in the ranks of u.s. attorneys. >> it's happened before but you're right. the u.s. attorney in that district could do it. and for all i know they may be working on it. i just think it's an absolute shame if you have on tape someone counseling someone else to commit a fraud against the taxpayers, and there is no sanction or consequence i think it would be a nice start you just lost your job before you are referred for criminal prosecution. >> when you talk about the subsidies. if you lie about your income so he or she gets a subsidy that means that the taxpayers pay extra money out of their pocket to some insurance company. the taxpayers are the ones who suffer financially. >> you have the whole concept of unjust enrichment. but for whatever reason people treat government money than they do their own and it's okay to
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lie to get a higher subsidy. we have a lot of issues in this country, morality is a one of them. the taxpayers are paying the salary for as navigators is counseling someone who defraud taxpayers out of money. i would love to prosecute the case myself and the one you referenced in the last segment as well. >> let me ask you about the contracts taken subpoena. i have a copy of a letter sent to darrell issa. this is the m.i.t.r.e. corporation. he wants to explain why he doesn't want to comply with a subpoena from the house oversight committee. he is one of the contractors. what is his excuse for not complying with the subpoena? >> there is a contract that forbids him from making disclosures to third parties.
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but i have news. congress is not a third party. and my guess is that gentleman if he has not sought legal counsel and decided he has to talk to congress, he soon will. you are much better off doing what darrell issa tells you to do. >> you know, but will congress -- will chairman issa actually put their foot down and get these documents? we know it's a long dance in getting them. if they are subpoenaed, they should provide them. no questions asked. >> yes. and we'll fight of redactions. we don't know what we don't have. underlying your question is also
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why does nothing ever happen to people who don't do what congress tells them to do. the fact that kathleen sebelius, i would encourage chairman issa to investigate it. it's not alls well that ends el. if you counsel someone to impede a congressional investigation even if they don't take your advice i would love to see them investigated. and my suspicion is that my advice would be well received by chairman issa. >> but they all work for us. the contractors is getting paid with our money as taxpayers. kathleen sebelius works for us. and we're the only ones who who don't get the information. they are taking our money and having secret contracts we can't see and we don't know how they are spending the money or what is in the contract.
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>> they are taking your personal information. this is what all of this is about is whether or not your information is secure and i've got colleagues on the other side of the aisle who want to convene a college of cardinals to keep darrell issa from getting information so he can know whether your data is security or not. >> it's also your personal stuff. congressman thank you very much. thank you, sir. >> yes, ma'am. have a good night. >> coming up, he has the hip and flashy hands and big celebrities in his back pocket. but are young americans turning on president obama and why? ♪ [ male announcer ] if we could see energy... what would we see? ♪ the billions of gallons of fuel that get us to work.
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♪ we'd see all the electricity flowing through the devices that connect us and teach us. ♪ we'd see thatlmost 100% of medical plastics are made from oil and natural gas. ♪ anan industry that supports almost 10 million americanobs. life takes energy. and no one applies more technology to produce american energy and refine it more efficiently than exxonmobil. because using energy responsibly has never been more important. energy lives here. ♪
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now get ready to speed read your way through the news. a federal judge ruled the nsa
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domestic phone spying untugal. and tomorrow president obama meets with the heads of tech companies to move forward from the scandal. a winter storm sweeping across america. many people getting a second battering of wild winter weather and many places hit with more snow paralyzing much of the midwest tonight. are you ready to play who wants to be a millionaire? the jackpot is $586 million. the drawing is tomorrow. if no one wins before christmas it could be a merry holiday for someone. the jackpot could climb to $1 billion. that's tonight's speed read. and the ads of big name celebrities and social media push. hhs is trying to get the young
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people to sign up for obamacare. a poll just out showing a majority of young people disapprove of the president's performance. 46% disapprove and 45% approve. and our panel going on the record. amy, first to you. your description of the obamacare rollout is a turn off to the young people. >> it's going to take a lot of work. this is a generation of kids who are well-informed and internet savvy. they are struggling to find an anchor in the middle class and get their first few jobs and establish themselves with financial security. they know if they read about this, it's off to a rocky start. just because you get into the website doesn't mean you end up
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purchasing insurance and they might have found out the noncompliance fee is only $95 and difficult for the internal revenue service to collect. all of the signals to from the administration to these people is we can't handle what we promised. they have to talk about the benefits and ease of getting insurance. otherwise these people are going to say there are a lot of waivers and problems, maybe we'll sit it out. >> so now we are going to have this pr campaign to tell everybody this is great and fan fast snick. >> that's what they're going for but it i don't think it is going to help. 80% of people under the age 30 are going to pay more. unless you make less than 200% of the poverty level you are worse off. you there are millions of people who didn't have health insurance. they made it cost more.
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why for it now. >> i agree with that. and most young people feel like the law is not going to be around much longer and it will be repealed. why sign up for something that won't be there for them. they are willing to wait overnight for an iphone which they can have something for it but it's for people with student loans, their parents don't have the money. they are struggling to pay their rent and cell phone bill. i look at the cost for young people and you are looking at $200, $300 a month for a plan that covers 60%. it's not going to add up. it's going to be tough to get them enrolled. >> what happens if they don't. there is a grim view. if they don't sign up who is going to pay for this? >> the prices for 2014 are set. the companies are going to look at how many people were
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enrolled. the administration said they are looking at a risk balance of three to one. one young healthy person to every three sick elder people. if they doesn't work out and that equation is out of whack. the prices will rise in 2015. >> spike or rise? >> i don't know. i don't know if we are going to be doing a taxpayer bail out of the insurance companies. >> what is the best news for the obama administration on obamacare? >> i'm stumped. >> is there any good news coming out of this? >> if they can find a way to help the insurance companies through these risk corridors where there is money they don't have to go through congress to sustain it for another year. if they have hollywood on their side trying to promote this thing they may get more people
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enrolled. they have hollywood backing them. >> the insurance companies are trying to knock the -- like mayo clinic, trying to keep them out of the mix. they are not particularly sympathetic. >> it's easy to jump on the insurance companies when things go bad just like when president obama had to admit that people could keep their policy just lost it and couldn't have it. the law would never let them. it is easy to knock the insurance company. >> isn't the president joined at the hip with the insurance companies? >> the insurance industry cannot collapse. they insure us. if it's not made right for them the thing collapses on itself. the death spiral of price increases. the insurance companies have taken in the sick. this has to work.
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the best news for the obama administration is that in some states some of the targets are reached for enrollment. those are in states running their own exchanges. if they can somehow align the enrollment with the purchasing and make sure that more people are insured and enroll more young people. president obama delayed regulations to keep his job. new evidence points to the white house. these men and women hitting the streets in santa costumes. more of this wild video, next. oe
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try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on.
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now it's time to show you what we are watching. we put together the most fantastic videos out there. nutty or nice? this group of santas getting naughty, throwing puchbnches an throwing themselves to the ground. this is santa con. this group of santas hit the bottle a bit too hard. and winter sports are not just for humans. the bird turning a jar lid into a sled. watch as this creature slides down the roof. that looks fun. next time would will easier.
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and this is the strangest but coolest christmas card we have met in years. >> ♪ dancing in the front yard and neighbors walk by ♪ >> i will wait until the staff does theirs first. that is what we are watching tonight. new evidence that president obama may have dragged his feet about something important to you to get re-elected. what was it? and is he different than any other president?
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test test president obama delayed environmental regulations to keep his job but it's there is evidence he pushed back epa changes until after the 2012 election. do all presidents do this? just play us.
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the president obama administration has been playing the delay game to get re-elected. what is the problem? >> i think the important quote is the word went out from from the white house that they were not anxious to have these regulations under review because of the election. they were concerned about their re-election prospects. it goes beyond the environmental regulations. there is suspicion that the health care law, things were promised when people realized those promises would not be kept because they wanted to sell the president to voters. there was word about changing the knew yonuances of how he ex the health care law. it cost him the trust of the public. and democrats overall are not trusted. they will be on the hot seat in 2014. this is a campaign that writes itself. >> is president obama worse than
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other administrations? that is part one. and second part pushing off the l regulations, congress puts all deadlines after the elections. the president obama is doing something that congress does overtly. >> it is politics as usual. from a president who said he wasn't going to give us politics as usual. i think a lot of people don't think it was a coincidence that campaigns in iraq happened right after the election and not right before. i think people obviously if you lose the election you lose the agenda. when crow the president you are saying i'm not doing it for political reasons but i think right here what is interesting you have the post saying this is worse than his predecessors. i think it is coming back to haunt him with the health care.
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there have been complaints from the contractors who have been quiet. when day have responded why did thing go wrong? they said a lot of the regulations went out late. with the website in terms of how they structured it. these decisions weren't made until after the election. a lot of the problems with the health care website we might find out is it because of the political decisions. >> does he have any credibility stock? you know, the health care is a nightmare and he doesn't have a lot of friends on capitol hill. what does he have going for him? >> three more years. that's about it. as an economy, i would mention is going in the right direction. if it were to make considerable gains in the next 16 months it could turn things around for him. >> except for one problem and that is he -- if he loses the senate he's got nothing.
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>> and that's possible. like i said i don't know that the economy will make gains to convince the public he did the right thing. between now and next year we will look at a scrutiny of the regulations process. what will he release in 2014 or afterwards? he will have a night and day oversight of the affordable care act. he is really in a bind right now because there is no path out. they can talk about immigration reforms but it's not something that republicans are interested in as a party. maybe in the summer but maybe not. for president obama the only thing he can the do is work night and day to restore his credibility on health care. his presidency tied to whether that turns around or fails. >> panel, thank you very much. and let's all go off the
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record for a minute. on thursday i flew to iraq with samaritans first and went to a refugee camp in iraq. i want to do a good job for you. i want you to know what is going on in the world. that's my job. and i do that better when i see it firsthand. second i go because i care and i know you care too. things are not perfect here at home and we need help here. but americans have big hearts and we try to do as much as we can for everyone including refugees. they are so desperate and cold and hungry. it's a grim scene. reverend graham and i walked the refugee camp and saw people in this frigid weather. there are a few heaters but thousands of refugees are there and winter has set in with a
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vengeance. the team bought 2,000 heaters and got them there immediately. so many of you have donated to samaritans first. you make a big difference in people's lives. americans can't help everybody in every place but it's we try to do what we can. and that's how i spent my weekend. you can see more of this trip on fox files. i have posted more of this on greta wire. that's my off the record comment tonight. if you have an issue you think i should take off the record go to my website and tell us about. nick diaz went on the record telling you about his cancelled health care plan. has he found a new one? hannity is talking about the obamacare navigators telling people to commit fraud.
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that's tonight at 10:00 p.m. eastern.
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it's time to hash it out. one of santa's elves may be on the naughty list. the first family joining the elves at a benefit for the children's national medical center. but the little elves striking this pose with the first family. now that's a keeper. and from them to you, the daily mail online tweeting the beatles forced to release unreleased songs on itunes. that means that recordings of from me to you and i saw her standing there will be released on tuesday but it's not every song will be released yet.
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so i guess you can say some fans will still have a hard day's night. that was a stupid joke. and waiting for minutes for a burger is too long. one company is taking a page from electronic toll passes. it's come to this. now you can get fast food faster because some drive throughs are using easy pass. you can peel through the drive through using the technology that lets them pay tolls. if it is successful it can happen at your local store. coming up, nearly two months ago. he told you about his cancelled health care plan "on the record." has he found a new health care plan yet? he's going to tell you next. sot the windows nokia tablet. it's, well, impressive. it's got the brightest hd screen, super-fast 4g lte,
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so my son can play games and movies almost anywre, and it's got office for school stuff. but the best part? i got the lumia 928 for my daughter fofree, with the best low-light smartphone camera this side of the north pole. dad for the win. mm! mm! mm! ♪onestly, i want tsee you be brave ♪ where does the united states get most of its energy? is it africa? the middle east? canada? or the u.s.? the answer is... the u.s. ♪ most of america's energy comes from right here at home. take the energy quiz. energy lives here.
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across the countryquiz. has brought me to the lovely city of boston. cheers. and seeing as it's such a historic city, i'm sure they'll appreciate that geico's been saving people money for over 75 years. oh... dear, i've dropped my tea into the boston harbor. huhh... i guess this party's over. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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our next guest went our next guest went on the record in october. an insurance company cancelled his plan. has he found any new plans? >> i know your wived a breast cancer and you had challenges is trying to find the right policy for your family. have you found that? >> we have not. >> well, you're coming up on december 23rd what has been the problem? >> there have been a number of
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problems, greta. as you know we tried every way possible to find some coverage and every time we went in one direction we got turned around and had to start trying again. come to find out the other day that the insurance companies that are offering aca plans in south carolina are not offering the doctors and hospitals that we have been accustomed to using. so now we're in a quandary. we don't know what to do. and i found out from an insurance agent today i was trying to work with that since we didn't get our application in by this past weekend we are definitely going to be without coverage january 1st. we will go one month without any coverage. >> you know, nick, i find it absolutely cruel that your family has had to deal with cancer and i know from just studying for the segment tonight that your wife can't have the on
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oncologist. you have a doctor who has treated your wife's cancer and your lives have been turned up side down. >> it's a terrible situation. you know, strike one we found out we could not keep our plan. strike two we can wa't keep our doctors and january 1 we lose coverage altogether. just for like me who is accustomed for doing what is right and kept our family covered for the last 35 years and now we are at a loss for what to do. >> there are two companies in south carolina that provide service, is that correct? >> is your oncologist not on the
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list? >> the doctor is part of a university in south carolina and as i understand it, the entire medical university is not going to be part of the plans. >> and that would be a decision of the insurance company or the medical center? >> i don't know the answer to that. >> i suspect -- i maybe they have made it untenable. but i know that doctors want to be a part of successful plans so they can help people and take care of the patients. nick, you know, i hope that things turn around for you on this. it doesn't look likely in the short run. but i wish you and your family the best of luck. and thank you for joining us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow night right here at 7:00 p.m.
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eastern. don't forget dvr. pick up your dvr remote and set a series recording. good night from washington. good night from alberto, have you now entered the all greg zone. let's welcome our "red eye" desk. she gets men and women off, that's because she is a criminal defense attorney 6789 dash. keep smiling you defender of murderers. and he had plays steek surgery to add frown lines. tv's andy levy, dressed like me as usual. and he is as funny as a clown shoe with gangrene. it is ely brady. he is in camouflage so you can't see his pecks. and senior -- singer -- senior song writer -- singer song writer and producer. the lask


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