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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  December 17, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PST

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heros, go to building homes for that is all the time we have left this evening. ainsley starts at 5:00 with fox and friends until "o"o"o"o"on tt now. this is a fox news alert, a gunman bursts into a medical center and suddenly starts shooting. one victim is dead and two victims are injured. about 15 minutes after entering the hospital, the shooter committed suicide. all this happening just a short time ago at the reno medical center in nevada. the two wounded victims are now in surgery. we don't know their condition. "on the record" will track developments in this story. and do tea party members, do they know science or are they a bunch of dummies? and why is our government investigating that? yes, the government forking over almost $400,000, your taxpayer money, to study the cognitive ability of tea party members and
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the results are "surprising." it turns out, and perhaps to the great dismay of tea party critics, tea party members have a better scientific comprehension than non tea party members. another way to say it, they're smarter? well, the study highlighted in senator tom coburn's waste book, and wait until you hear more about the shocking waste in this book. first, former congressman, tea party member allen joining us. how are you doing? >> smarter, apparently. >> apparently, the government thought you were a dummy because all this money was spent to study it, and lo and behold, turns out you know more science than non tea party. >> well, it's amazing that our federal government would spend, like you said, almost $400,000 to try to study the cognitive abilities of a certain segment of the electorate, in this case, constitutional conservatives, but i can tell you this, i have the cognitive ability to understand that obamacare is going toward a death spiral,
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that it does not work and it's not just the website. i have the cognitive ability to understand and be able to discern when the president of the united states is telling the truth or not telling the truth, and i have the cognitive ability to definitely not say anything, such as we have to pass the bill in order to find out what is in it. so, i think that perhaps that professor and that funding should have been pointed toward those people that are definitely failing the american taxpayers. >> well, this $400,000 went to a yale law professor for his story. apparently, he was stunned. he certainly had his thoughts beforehand, because he said he found the result puzzling and had predicted the cognitive scores would be negatively correlated with right-wing ideology, although i think a lot of tea partyists would say they're not necessarily right-wing ideology, but that they are fiscal conservatives. >> well, you're absolutely right, and i think when you look at deductive reasoning and the ability to have a rational assessment of the issues and come up with solutions, you know, the people that support
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the tea party, constitutional conserve advertiatism conservatism, they believe in our founding fathers and when you look at the writings of george washington, george mason, alexander hamilton, john jay, those founding facilities were brilliant men and look at the documents they produced. so, i find it unconscionable that people on the left would believe that just because you believe in our founding documents, the ability to understand and comprehend the federalist papers, that for some odd reason, you're going to be somewhat, as you just said, a dummy, or not have the right kind of cognitive abilities. i think it's quite to the contrary, and i think you will find most tea party members are very astute. >> you know what i find, though, probably most shocking about it is the fact that it's taxpayer money to do this. and why we needed -- why do taxpayers need this explanation or this study? what was the point of it? if the researcher had assumed that, for lack of better words, the tea party people were
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dummies in science, that had been his assumption, was he trying to get that information so he could go out and say, ah hah, they are stupid in science, these tea party people. was that the point? >> oh, absolutely. there was a nefarious intent there, without any doubt, to be able to come out -- because if this had been a different result, i can guarantee you that abc, cbs, cnn, msnbc, pbs, all of those alphabet soups of the mainstream media would be talking about this report. instead, you don't hear a thing about it. but let me bring out one incredible point. what i find offensive is that we have a federal government, once again, with all of these billions of dollars of wasted money, and then they're going to turn to military retirees such as myself who gave two decades of my life and others, and also those who have been medically retired. think about this lone survivor in marcus latrell who was medically retired u.s. navy s.e.a.l., and they're going to tell us they're going to take $6 billion away from us. instead, look at all this
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wasteful spending. that's offensive. and really, it's a curse upon every single person up in washington, d.c., in the house and senate that voted to support that budget. >> it's -- the amount of waste, and you're going to hear a lot more about it. and studying the tea party's cognitive ability, of course, isn't the only thing that taxpayers have been buying lately. congressman, thank you very much. we bet not one of those items was on your holiday shopping list, either, and you bought all of it. little green man cartoons for nasa, red wine for the chinese. they need red wine. a bone yard filled with abandoned planes, and that is just the tip of the iceberg. senator tom coburn has made it his personal mission to get to the bottom of government waste. he joins us. nice to see you, sir. >> greta, good to see you. thanks for having me. >> it is horrifying. this book you've written about all the government waste, stunning. >> well, you know, i'm not amazed or shocked anymore. i know the stupid, incompetent things we do. what is even worse than that
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book is that the members of congress aren't fixing it. you think about it -- you know, people can pick at that book and say, well, that's just your philosophy. you don't think that's an appropriate way to spend money. and i'd get them, actually ask them to think about it a different way. at a time when we're borrowing $750 billion a year and we have almost an $18 trillion debt, is now the time, even if you think i'm wrong, is now the time to spend money on those kinds of things? the nsf granted a study to check -- i mean, why is that something we need to do? our problem is, is we're spending money that we don't have on things that we don't need. we don't need that study. >> well, in the introductory, first part of the book, you talk about how the president and his cabinet issued dire warnings about a cataclysmic impacts of sequestration that taxpayers, you know, what was going to happen to us, yet, we just spend money like crazy on these projects.
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>> well, this book is half of the sequester. there's over $31 billion in this book, and i've got another 200 or 300 projects that i could put into a list that could easily give us $100 billion a year. so, the question the taxpayers ought to be asking is why isn't congress fixing that? >> but i don't understand, why isn't the media -- you asked why congress doesn't fix it, i don't know why the media doesn't jump on it. you say $400,000 to determine whether or not the tea party people are dummies in science or not, and the media will say, well, that's just $400,000, that's another, it's $400,000. >> the way you get rid of trillion-dollar deficits is a billion dollars at a time. so in that book you have on your desk is $30 billion worth of stupidity and incompetence. >> give me examples. >> uncle sam looking for romance on the web. >> wait, we're paying for romance on the web? we're looking for it? >> we're studying it. >> why? >> the national endowment of humanities has spent $914,000 to look at romance on the web and
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romance throughout all romance novels throughout the world, not just here, and that's a study that they put forward. now, maybe somebody somewhere ought to research that. >> private money can do that. >> sure, but should we spend $1 million doing that at a time when we're going belly up as a country? >> what else do we have? >> the ft. hood killer. because the administration said that was workplace violence rather than a terrorist attack, we paid him over $250,000 all the time he was waiting trial. >> meanwhile, we're cutting the money for the military. >> yeah. we pay the guy that killed, what, i think 12 people and injured some 20 or 30 others? and we continue to pay him until he was convicted. he's not collecting money now, but had it been declared a terrorist incident, he wouldn't have gotten any money, but yet, we made a decision to do that. so, somebody somewhere made a stupid decision. you know, when you're yelling allah agbar as you're killing
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american soldiers and civilians, that's not a workplace violence episode, that is a terrorist attack. so, we had that. we spent $415,000 supporting wineries so they could sell red wine to red china. so, that's a private business. we're spending the money to support them to go over there and market their wares, and all of these are highly profitable vineyards that sell out their product every year. >> can you -- is it possible to find out whose fingerprints are on these, i mean, who's putting these in? >> well, that one came from the u.s. department of agriculture. >> but who asked for it? >> well, you can't find that. as a matter of fact, one of the problems with the obama administration when we write a letter, we hardly ever get an answer. >> in other words, even if you're asking -- >> i can't tell you the individual, which comes to the other side of it. where's the accountability? in other words, if you make a decision that wastes money, should you not be held
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accountable as a federal employee? >> i think so, but anyway. senator, it's a great book, and once again, you know, i tip my hat to -- >> then get it on the website, >> i'll put it on mine as well. >> thank you. okay. let's all go "off the record" for just a minute. i don't get it. waste, waste of your money to the tune of not thousands, not millions, but billions of dollars, and all done by people we choose, the very politicians we vote in to office to help us. we never demand that they stop wasting our money, and there are no consequences for the billions of dollars in waste. why does it never stop? well, politicians know they can get away with it. we don't do anything except keep voting them in. ever hear the term enablers? that's us, the voters. we're the enablers. the politicians have decades of proof that we'll do nothing about their waste of our money, and with rare exception, senator
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tom coburn being one of those rare exceptions, politicians seem to have no guilty conscious about it, zero. it's almost as if they don't have relatives themselves back home working hard to make ends meet and paying taxes. instead, politicians have developed a cavalier attitude what do they care if it's other people's money? and yes, that would be your money. so, if right now you're sitting there furious at the billions and billions in waste -- and you should be -- you have two choices, either pour yourself a drink, a big one, or get active. start exercising your voice. it doesn't have to cost you a dime. you can even do it on your laptop as you watch tv. start speaking out, encourage others to run for office, write your politicians daily, maybe hourly. it may drive the politicians nuts, but let's face it, it's payback. they're driving us nuts. and that's my "off the record" comment tonight. if you have an important issue you think i should take "off the record," go to and tell us about it. straight ahead, will you be safe if you use a new warning that's next. also, suspected four new knockout game attacks.
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there is new video. you'll also want to know where it is and hash it out for us. if you could put words in the we're aig. and we're here. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises. to help you realize a better tomorrow. from the families of aig, happy holidays.
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is dangerous, dangerous to you? documents obtained by oversight committee chairman darrell issa show that 19 of 28 known security flaws are still there,
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not fixed. darrell issa joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening, greta, and thanks for covering this great question of is your information safe today. we know that it wasn't safe on october 1st, and we can't get answers for what has and hasn't been fixed. >> how do you know that it wasn't safe on october 1st? of course, i've read your letter you sent today hhs sebelius secretary. >> i've asked for a meeting with her. hopefully, she'll agree tomorrow. this is one of the challenges that the reports are gleaning. let them know that on october 1st, they weren't ready. and that's the challenge, is why did they go forward knowing they weren't ready? why is it that they consider these risks reasonable with your information? >> all right, the miter report, what is that, for the viewers? >> well, miter was a company that was hired to do assessments of security risk on these sites, and they found endless security risk. >> prior to october 1st? >> prior to october 1st.
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and although their report wasn't issued until early october, and it took us until last friday -- >> well, they could have made a phone call and just said, preliminarily, before we launch this website, how does it look? is it secure? and why so late than before october 1st? that was stupid. >> the beauty is that we now have documents that show that in september, the outcome of that report was known. it was actually published 11 days later, and it took until last friday with a subpoena over the objections, over the obstruction of health and human services, where cms actually wrote and told vendors not to turn over this information pursuant to our subpoena in order to keep us from finding out just how bad it was in the weeks leading up to october 1st. >> so, what happens? is anyone held accountable in any way? >> no. >> not at all? >> you know, even in dallas, where i was yesterday, and even when you had people telling people to lie on their applications so they could get your tax dollars funding their health care, only one of the two
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was fired for doing it. >> and i think you have a video of this, don't you? >> we do, we do. and this is the challenge, is somebody's saying, say you don't smoke, somebody's saying falsify your income and only one of the two got fired. >> which is fraud, by the way. >> of course. of course, it's criminal fraud, but criminal fraud by people acting on behalf of the government doesn't necessarily lose a job. that's the absurdity -- >> well, usually, if you commit a fraud, usually your investigation is a criminal prosecution for fraud. that's what's supposed to happen. what does secretary -- secretary sebelius, you've written her this letter, you want to meet with her. do you think she's actually going to sit down with you and answer those questions? >> well, to my amazement, on monday, i found out she wanted to meet with me, but of course, we never had the request. so, i flew back here and said, absolutely. and we conveyed in that letter that i'd be happy to sit down with her tomorrow and discuss the state of security, the documents we now have and the release of some but not all of that information. >> all right, what time did this letter go over to her today.
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>> midday. >> all right, so noonish? >> okay -- >> okay, it's 7:30. we have phones, we have blackberrys, this is a small town, it's six blocks away. why can't you get an answer? why can't you pick up the phone? if she wants to meet with you, why didn't you pick up the phone, the two of you pick a time tomorrow and do it? >> i look forward to the meeting, i'm waiting for it. the fact is, they verified she's in town. i don't know what's on her schedule, but i'm free morning, noon and night. >> well, she's not working on the website. that's not her job. >> no, she doesn't have too many answers on that, apparently. >> look, she can find a half an hour to meet with you and straighten this out and figure out what's going on. >> this is the most important thing right now for my committee. we have a lot of investigations, but the privacy of the american people is paramount, and this is one where the jury is not just out, but the information continues to come in telling us that we're not secure. >> congressman, nice to see you, and do tell us if you have a meeting tomorrow with the secretary. >> i will, greta. >> thank you very much. and developing now,
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suspicion the knockout game is ♪ [ male announcer ] if we could see energy... what would we see? ♪ the billions of gallons of fuel that get us to work. ♪ we'd see all the electricity flowing through the devices that connect us and teach us. ♪ we'd see thatlmost 100% of medical plastics are made from oil and natural gas. ♪ anan industry that supports almost 10 million americanobs. life takes energy. and no one applies more technology to produce american energy and refine it more efficiently than exxonmobil. because using energy responsibly has never been more important. energy lives here. ♪
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this is a fox news alert. four new suspected knockout game attacks are now under investigation, and there is fear tonight the suspected vicious trend is spreading. this video of a new attack under investigation is from rochester, new york. it was posted on facebook and police are looking into it. police are also investigating two attacks in new york city and one attack in washington, d.c. joining us, our "on the record" legal panel, defense attorney bernie grim and defense attorney and former d.c. homicide detective ted williams. ted, i don't know if these are just regular assaults, random,
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or whether they're part of a pattern with a specific method of doing it where people gather and hit someone and laugh and -- >> well, greta, i don't think it's random, and being it's a knockout game, this is not a game, this is the knockout crime. and i think that legislators all over this country, because this thing is spreading, are going to have to get together, and i want to see mandatory sentences if a person is convicted of this kind of a crime. >> yeah, except a lot of these are probably juveniles. >> i don't give a damn about juveniles. >> we've always treated juveniles -- >> they should be held responsibility, greta. >> i agree they should be responsible and i don't know where their parents are and all that, but juveniles have always been treated different from adults. bernie? >> yeah, this is frightening for this reason. all these people, or i think 90% of them, have been knocked out or knocked down to the ground and there's no motive. they don't steal anything, there's no sexual assault, and that means to me that they just don't have empathy, they can't feel the pain of some other person. behind that i think is video games, where people get shot,
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run over, raped, everything. it's ugly. the kids -- and greta, you know, you can only keep a juvenile locked up for so long. i agree with ted, but i don't know. >> listen, i don't disagree that the punishment should be firm, strong, long in juvenile facilities or whatever it is. the problem i always have is with mandatory, because each situation is so profoundly different. and i'm not saying that someone should walk away from this. >> right. i mean, they -- >> go ahead. >> the other trouble i had, we watched the film clip right there, they're doing knockouts, then they're taping it and then they're going back and watching it, not to mention, what are they thinking? they're just identifying themselves in a crime. >> well, bernie's right, they're big thugs in a neighborhood showing off to their boys and girls, should we say that. look, i think if you can do this, knock somebody out like this, i don't think you should be in the juvenile system. i think you should be treated as an adult if you are able to carry out this type of a crime,
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and this is serious. >> ted's right. at 15 in most jurisdictions, you can wave somebody to adult court. these kids all belong in adult court. if you want to do something like this, you have to face it. the problem is -- >> i hope you don't feel i don't think they should be waved to an adult court. my only thing is each one should be looked at individually, firmly, strongly and hammer the person, you know, if necessary. >> right. >> the thing about looking at it individually, it seems like it's the same pattern. the pattern is someone is walking down the street minding their own business, and all of a sudden, someone comes and tries to knock the dickens out of them and knock them out, people laugh about it. and so, since that pattern is there and the responsibility -- these are young adults who know that they're harming somebody. >> right. ted mentioned the last show, this is going to provoke probably a bernie getz situation where somebody's walking, sees the knockout coming and just takes out a firearm, and then it's atrocious. look at this clip. these things are just so ugly.
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>> where are the parents? where are the teachers? where is everybody? i mean, you know, and these horrible thugs on the street doing this. and you know what i find even more -- as appalling as the thug who lands the punch are the thugs who sit and laugh. >> yes. look, i think they all should be co-conspirators. i think they should all be treated equally, don't you, bernie? >> right off the top, though, greta's right. i mean, 14 and under, there's going to be so much only we can do with respect to kids. you can't keep them in a juvenile facility. juvenile life is 21 years old. >> i suppose if someone gets a really long sentence, that may send a message out, so maybe, but you could do that without the mandatory sentence. anyway, panel, thank you. coming up, it's catchy, but will it work? the new push to get young americans on board with obamacare. we're going to ask a group of millennials what they think, next. and meet george zimmerman, the new artist. a surprising, new occupation. so, what's he painting? and wait until you hear how much george there's a saying around here,
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you stand behind what you say. around here you don't make excuses. you make commitments. and when you can't live up to them, you own up, and make it right. so people think the kind of accountability has gone missing in e placesets where it's needemost. but i know you'll still find it when you know where to look.
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okay, now get ready to "speed read" your way through the news. developing right now, a gunman bursting into the reno medical center in nevada, shot three people. one is dead and two are in surgery. about 15 minutes after entering the hospital, the shooter then shot and killed himself. there is thno word on the motiv at this time. now to afghanistan. six u.s. troops killed in a helicopter crash, all aboard a nato black hawk helicopter that suddenly came under enemy fire and was shot down. one american soldier on board did survive with very serious injuries. now to california and flames blanketing 550 acres of big sur right now. the fire growing tonight just off the pacific coast highway. several homes burning down and many more are in the fire's path, and that's tonight's "speed read." and it's the latest push to win over millennials. the song might be catchy, but is the message catching on? ♪ if you need that new health
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care, sign up 'cause it's hot ♪ ♪ commander in chief and i'm two term strong, plus i've got this health care which has got it going on ♪ ♪ i am a nice dress with some nice drinks, see this flag pin ♪ >> so, is the fight to win young americans working? three of them are joining us. andrew leonard is an i.t. consultant who recently had his health plan canceled. james schindler is a corporate lawyer here in washington and karen agnus is with the independent women's forum. first to you, andrew. did that rap inspire you to go out and want to buy health insurance and your friends? >> it's a catchy tune, but it doesn't really make me want to do anything. and as far as my friends are concerned, it doesn't really motivate anybody, i think. >> james? >> well, first and foremost, there's something strange going on. typically in a democracy, it's the people that tell the government what we want, but here you have the government trying to coerce us into getting something that they want.
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and it didn't convince me. i didn't address the reasons why i didn't want to buy the health care in the first place. it doesn't make the penalty any more than the original premiums, and it doesn't make me more able to afford it than i could before. i still have student loans and rent and food to buy, and right now i just have to say that health care isn't the top priority for me. >> agnes? >> yeah, and here's the problem -- >> karen, i should say. >> health care's a serious issue and it's a serious cost, and yet, we're seeing more and more attempts by liberals to kind of make a joke of it and try to reach people in a very unserious way. we have a rap video, we have ads out in coloradoere trying to reach young women by saying that they needed to get health care so that they could get guys. and then we had other ads showing guys doing keg stands saying they needed to get bro-surance. >> do you have liberal men and women friends and do you think, have you ever talked about, would something like this be inspiring to them? >> i think they're actually
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quite insulted by it. on the left, they always talk about how they want to reach young people and take it very seriously, and yet, these things are just unserious attempts. and no, i think they're actually insulted. >> the president tweeted just a short time ago, trying to encourage you young people. he said in had i tweet to wear pajamas, drink hot chocolate and talk about getting health insurance. i guess that's what he wants you to do over the holiday, and he adds that picture of that young millennial. i guess that's redundant, young man doing it. andrew, that tweet, do you want to wear pajamas, drink hot chocolate and talk about health insurance with your friends? is that something you're likely to do? >> well, probably, because my premiums are going to triple, so everyone's going to hear that from me, but the reality is, is that we all talked it out plenty. we all know what's going on with this, we all know about obamacare. i don't know what the reach is to try to tell people about obamacare. we all know about it. stop telling us that it exists and tell us how it's going to help us or -- i guess they're
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afraid if they give us some real information on it, we're going to discover all the problems with it. >> james, a lot of celebrities have their names assigned to it, adam levine, jennifer hudson. they're going to come out and try to tell you -- is there anything they can say that would inspire you to think, i want to go out and buy health insurance? >> well, whatever they say, it's going to have to convince young people that this is a good bargain for them. and right now, we're not convinced that it is. we don't see that. we look at this as a transfer of wealth from young, healthy people to older, less healthy people, and -- >> is that -- but you didn't vote for president obama, right? >> i did not. >> okay. do you know anyone who voted for president obama who might be particularly inspired by a celebrity doing this? any of your friends saying anything? >> no, because my friends that did vote for obama, just because a celebrity is telling them that they should sign up for it, it's not putting the money in their bank account that allows them to. they expected it to cost a lot less, and right now it's not. >> actually, it's harvard institute of politics poll just came out showing that now president obama's approval rating is the lowest it's been with young people since he took
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office. it's now at 41%. and 57% of young americans now disapprove of obamacare. so, we're actually seeing young people turn on this issue. >> and of course, it's very important, because young people are needed to buy obamacare in order to make this financially viable. thank you. thank you very much, the three of you. thank you. >> thank you. >> thank you. and now, you be the judge. sexual harassment or completely innocent with an over-the-top punishment? a high school student is suspended for hugging his teacher. the 17-year-old will miss a complete year of school. he hugged his teacher from behind. it was caught on camera. the teacher claiming the student's lips touched her neck and cheek, but the mother claims he comes from a family of huggers and now his entire education is being thrown out the window. so, now you be the judge. is this sexual harassment or is the high school teacher just a tad bit too sensitive? go to and vote in our poll. straight ahead, the heads of the biggest and best tech
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companies descend on the white house, but can they even save an "on the record" tech expert will be here next. also, a mega star on "duck dynasty" says no thanks to one of the biggest
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okay, everyone, it is time to "hash it out." george zimmerman picking up a
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new hobby, and it could turn out to be very profitable. "the huffington post" tweeting "george zimmerman is now selling paintings on ebay." the first is a blue american flag with words from "the pledge of allegiance" written across the stripes. bidding on the zimmerman original starting at 99 cents and skyrocketing to more than $110,000. now, the cash could help zimmerman begin chipping away at legal fees after being found not guilty in july of killing trayvon martin. zimmerman's lawyer says his client's debt is more than $2 million. and beyonce's surprise, new album blazing up the charts, so why is one store saying no to queen b.? "e" news tweeting "target refuses to sell beyonce's new album." physical copies of herself-titled album will be released on friday, but target will not carry the cd, saying the early digital release could hurt physical sales. beyonce's new album selling more than 600,000 digital copies in just three days after an unannounced midnight itunes release last week.
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and forget dollars and cents. a thirsty florida man has a new kind of currency in mind. yahoo! tweeting "florida man ticketed for allegedly trying to trade a live alligator for beer at a miami convenience store." the man trapped the 4-foot-long gator in a local park before trying to exchange it for a 12-pack of beer. a store clerk alerted police to the strange payment. authorities citing the man for illegally capturing and trying to sell the gator. wildlife officials releasing the unharmed animal back into the wild. and nothing interrupts hunting season for one "duck dynasty" cast member, not even a major tv interview. drudge report tweeting "duck dynasty star snubs barbara walters." phil robertson missing out on walters' most fascinating people of 2013 special, opting to go duck hunting instead. his wife explaining his hunting dedication to walters, joking that she doesn't plan to die between november and january because her husband may not be at her funeral. and now it's your turn to "hash it out" with us.
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use #greta on all your tweets and posts. coming up, a meeting of the minds at the white house, big wigs from apple, google, facebook and nearly all of america's biggest tech companies. is there anything they can do to help fix
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tech company big shots were in town today at the white house, from apple's ceo to the head honchos at facebook, google and yahoo! and even telecom giants like at&t, some of the biggest tech names in one place at one time, and talking everything from the nsa spying scandal to so, what kind of advice would they give president obama? and more importantly, did we, the taxpayers, get anything out of this? tech expert and president of media temple, russ reeder joins us. how are you doing, russ? >> how are you doing, greta? >> i'm fine. do you think we got anything out of this meeting at the white house? >> i hope so, right? you can't pull a better group of talented executives. i mean, this is a dream team of
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global technology executives, so hopefully, we got a lot out of it. >> but the dream team are they management guys or are they guys who are actually hands on who can actually fix things and give good advice? i mean, sometimes in these companies, you know, the people at the top, they're managers, they're business people, they're not the tech people. >> well, obviously, they're not going to roll up their sleeves and do any coding, right? even though maybe some of them could. i think what's important is that they have access to the resources, but maybe what's even more important is the level of caliber that president obama was able to pull together, that he could look at them as someone in their stature to say, look, president obama, please, take this seriously. and who really owns it? because right now, i think it's, when you look at it, no one is really owning the problem. and if you can't own it from a technology company, i mean, we host millions of websites. if there's not one person that owns the performance and
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security of it, it will never get there. >> i don't know why you need those people to tell him that. if he doesn't get it right now at this fancy meeting, to take control, to own this, that this is serious, if he needs all these people from these big companies to come in and tell him, we're in big trouble. i mean, i was hoping that with this meeting, that someone -- you know, i think it's a photo op, because unless these people are going to roll up their sleeves and fix this, i see this just simply as a photo op. >> right, well, there are big items on the table right now. we've got the health care website that was supposed to be fixed by now, and it's not, right? they're still admitting. most of these websites, they're 40% to 60% not complete on the back end. the provisioning system to send your personal data over to the other insurers isn't working. so, there's not even that handshake. and the website is only up 90% of the time. i mean, most websites, 99.999%
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of the time. and so, the sla that the government's giving the people is that only 90% of the time it's going to be up. and then the security question's a whole other question. >> which is just -- which is my point, is that i would think that he needs to be talking to kathleen sebelius and the people in there. why he brings these outsiders in to tell him this, that the website's pathetic. i mean, if you watch any television show on any network any time, you would have gotten that. you wouldn't have gotten the nice pictures with all these very important people. but i don't get, like, you know, what is it that they could tell him or get him to do or change things for the american people by sitting around that table? >> well, i'd want to see kathleen in front of those executives and what those executives would have told her if it was their website and their mastermind project that was failing. >> what's the security situation on this website now? how do you evaluate it? >> right. so, like the congressman just reported, that there's a number
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of security issues that are still open. so, the issue is not only from the front end aspect of making sure the site is secure, they're asking you the right questions, but also from the whole process, because you're only as strong as your weakest link, right? so, if you have people that are actually taking the data, and having gone through background checks and if the provisioning system through those companies is broken, those are all weak points that people from around the world that are trying to hack into this system would love to take your personal data away. >> would you say that this is on the mend or would you say this website is a mess? if you had to choose those two choices, a mess or on the mend? >> can i say yes? i mean, both. it's definitely getting better. no, it's getting better. there's obviously a lot of talented people that are working on it. president obama is asking for help, but do the people -- like, for instance, there's new talent that is coming in. do they really have the power? are they empowered to say this
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isn't working, this is our level of priority and this is what we're going to fix? like, those are questions that you and i will never get answered. so, all we can say is that they said it'd be fixed by now and it's still not working that well. >> all right, here's a question i ask you as the expert. would you put your personal information on it right now? >> if i could log in. first you have to see if you can input your information. but no, i mean, i have health insurance, luckily, so i don't need to. >> but i mean, is it secure? would you feel comfortable securitywise putting your personal information on it as it is now? >> i mean, i'd feel secure enough. i'm okay with technology. there are a lot of -- and i know that my identity on a lot of other sites, for instance, when i'm shopping online for the holidays, could be stolen. so, i mean, wherever you put your information, if you're very worried about it, then you should be worried that it's on a site that's maybe -- that still has 18 of 24 items that are not secured. >> russ, thank you very much.
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hope you come back. >> thank you, greta. thank you. take care. and listen up. if you or anybody you know is thinking of popping the question, you're about to see the ultimate wedding proposal. and here's a hint, someone famous helped make the proposal mission a success.
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now it's time to show you what we are watching. we put together the most fantastic videos out there tonight. take a look. attention, boyfriends, you will need to step up your game if you are proposing. check out what this guy did with a little help from justin timberlake.
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>> that is some wing man. maybe he'll be the couple's wedding singer. and boy, do wisconsinites love their cheese. icy roads in the state are being thawed by a smelly combination of salt and cheese brine. yes, only in wisconsin. this make me miss my home state. and that's what we're watching tonight. and coming up next, are president obama's poll numbers will to take another nose dive? you won't believe who is giving the president heat now, and president obama probably thought some of these people were his friends. friends.
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♪ friends. you know, ronny... folks who save hundreds of dollars by switching to geico sure are happy. and how happy are they jimmy? i'd say happier than a bodybuilder directing traffic. he does look happy. get happy. get geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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i'm kathleen sebelius, secretary of health under president obama. now, a lot of folks have been talking about our new health care enrollment website, how it's been crashing and freezing and shutting down and stalling and not working and breaking and sucking. >> didn't know there would be problems until the day it launched. this is your signature program. your name is on it! look it'd be like the charmin bear just found out what people actually do with his toilet paper. >> we fumbled. that's what he said, we fumbled. you know, a fumble is a turnover. that can happen to anyone. this is more like, we told everybody we're good at football, we actually really suck at football. >> the obamacare website remains a disaster, even though now the administration's website gurus
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are bragging that is working more than 90% of the time. that's good enough for government work. get on the school bus, kids, principal obama says the bridge is 90% complete. >> well, it took them a while to pick on the president, but now comedians are turning president obama's second term into one big joke with the president's poll numbers hitting the bottom of the barrel. is there anything he can do to get back on track? democratic strategist joe trippi joins us. they used to laugh because he was cool, now they're laughing -- >> that was funny. the last couple were good. >> that was funny, but it's not always funny if it's about you. >> yeah, it's not good if you're the president. >> right. >> it doesn't help. >> so, what does this mean? >> look, two things have got to turn. first, the economy, which there are signs that it's happening, but you know, jury's still out on that, and obama care. the implementation's got to start working and people have got to start signing up. those two things happen, his numbers will get better before november 2014. if they don't, they're not going
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to get better and the consequences of that are pretty severe, because the one thing that matters more than anything is the favorability rating of the president of the united states. whatever party he's in, that party doesn't do well, the lower his approval numbers are. so, they're down this low in november of 2014, it's not going to be a good year for democrats. >> the economy's linked to health care, though, in many ways, because health care's such an enormous part of our economy. so, it's not -- like, one could start to rise, the economy could start to rise, but health care could drag it down. >> well, but that's not happening. and the interesting thing is the jobs numbers are going up. and remember, one of the big attacks -- >> well, what jobs? >> well, they were better paying and full time in the last report, the increases, which is not what the gop and detractors of obamacare said was going to happen. they said it was a jobs killer and it was going to create more part-time jobs, not full-time jobs. i'm not saying obamacare did or didn't do any of that, i'm just saying, if that trend were to
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continue and the gdp and employment continue to rise, you're going to -- it's going to be better for the president. >> here's the problem, though, is if the young people don't buy health care, when we get to our next numbers, they're going to be spiked high, and that's going to be very attraunattractive, b that will come after the election? >> no, i think he's actually going to get the numbers on millennials. >> you think he's going to get millennials? >> the harvard millennial poll, the survey they did was really revealing, because it said that 29% of uninsured millennials said they were going to do obamacare, enroll. 29% of 12 million is 3.5 million. that's what that number -- it was low, 29%, but that's 3.5 million. they only need 2.5 million to sign up to do it. so, i'm looking at the numbers, i'm looking underneath them. and look, a lot of people didn't listen to me about the last elections either, so don't listen to me if you don't want to, but i'm telling you, when i looked at the numbers underneath
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in that poll, it said they can get there. there is a possibility they can get there. >> thank you, joe, and thank you for being with us tonight. we'll see you tomorrow night at 7:00 p.m. eastern. up next, "the o'reilly factor." and go to you have now entered the all greg zone. now with 43% more greg. let's welcome our guests. she is so smart, all of her pants are smarty pants. i am here with washington free bea a con reporter allison barber. and he is jewish, tv's andy levy. just thought i would remind everyone. look who is here. he is not just smart. he is evil. if you haven't purchased his latest book, the end is near. you are probably dead. and he is funnier than two clowns spit roasting a mime. joe devito. don't frown. >> a bl


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