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tv   The Five  FOX News  December 20, 2013 2:00pm-3:01pm PST

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hello, everyone, i'm kimberly guifoyle, along with greg gutfeld, eric bolling and bob beckle. this is "the five." the firestorm over "duck dynasty's" star phil robertson comments continue today. a&e may be fine walking away from phil but the family made clear they're sticking by him, saying, we are disappointed phil has been placed on hiatus for expressing his faith, which is his constitutionally protected right. we are in discussions with a&e to see what that means for the future of "duck dynasty."
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the gay community has been split in their reaction. here is glaad reacting last night on "the kelly file." >> this is not a free speech issue. what the defenders of phil robertson are seeking is freedom from consequence. none of us are entitled to that. if right now i were to say something to you completely outlandish, glaad would not let me interview you again. we all have to answer to an employer. >> but openly gay feminist professor who is a liberal, slammed the backlash, saying the legacy of free speech is all but dead. >> this is the level, okay, of punitive pc, utterly fascist, utterly stalinist, okay, that my liberal colleagues in the democratic party and on college campuses have supported and promoted over the last several decades. this is -- the whole legacy of the free speech 1960s has been
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lost by my own party. >> okay, greg, you have been sending e-mails, things about this professor. >> she's a renegade thinker. the interesting thing that glaad guy said is we all answer to our employer. what he leaves out is the employer is terrified of glaad. it's all about suppressive tolerance. they're scared of what glaad might do to them. you know who's really offended over this? radical islam. they look at robertson, they say, you call that hateful? we kill gays. but punishing robertson for a religious belief or part of a religious belief, which is actually the integral success of the show, is the fact they're very religious, is like grounding a member of "glee" for singing. it makes no sense. a&e, they're in their rights to to it, but they're hypocritical for doing it. they know this is part of the success of the show and they're sitting with 30, 40 hours for a marathon of shows that they're going to do. that's millions of dollars in
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advertising. i don't think they're going to be donating it to aids charities, are they? >> eric? >> i think what's going to end up happening is that marathon is going to rate through the roof and they'll go, wow what did we do. also saying, what did we do in a good way, because now everyone's tuning in, finding out what's going on. those episode, in fact, going forward, there's some episodes with phil robertson, what's called in the can, they're going to continue to air. going forward, look, again, don't -- i got destroyed on facebook last night because i said, yes, phil has a right to say what he says. yes, a&e has a right to pull philadelphia off the air and you viewers have the right to say i'm not going to take it, i'm changing the channel. that's the free market. that's the constitution. i'm as catholic as they come. you don't have a right to tell me i'm not christian. i will tell you, everyone, i believe, is in the right right now and a&e will walk this back before phil ever misses an episode. >> was this a complete mishap in term of the communications from
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a&e how they handled this? doesn't seem like it's going to work out well for them in the end. i wouldn't be surprised if the family went and walked to another network. >> i was without an internet signal yesterday for hours. >> yeah, she literally can be out of a pocket. >> and in a pocket. >> that's what i thought. >> so i finally get a signal, i'm looking at my e-mail, start looking at twitter and i think, wow, america has lost its collective mind. here's a question i have about the a&e thing. when you do an interview like this, you have to make a couple of choices. when you are dealing with a conservative and a religious person, it is different than dealing with somebody like leonardo dicaprio who's going to be a -- who is a superstar already. you have to think twice before you go and do something with -- an interview with a magazine that -- you don't need to do an interview with them. a&e had to have done this interview a while ago. phil robertson had to do the interview a while ago.
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a&e knew about this for three months. and they don't do anything to get ahead of it beforehand. it makes me wonder if a&e dropped the ball on purpose -- >> exactly. >> in order to get people to watch the marathon that's coming up at the end of the month. >> it's perfect. >> the young pr people sitting there monitoring the interview probably on their blackberries or i-phones the whole time texting with their friends while their client phil robertson is doing the interview probably didn't even notice it. now they've created a huge firestorm. americans are at each other's throats. we should be realizing all the blessings we have in america and let this thing go. >> all right, i go to my last, literally. >> last, yeah, right. the thing i found most interesting was what the family said. we cannot imagine moving forward without our patriarch. now, if i'm a&e, i would be scared to death of that language. they say we're in negotiations with a&e. if they're going to stick to what they say and they're not going to go forward without phil, then i got to assume
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there's going to be other networks that will want to pick them up. >> that's what you do, take the opportunity? >> sure, but what he said was outlandish in the gay community and i understand that and i appreciate it. he should have been more cautious. he wasn't. the pr people should have picked it up. a&e still has the right not to put it on. a&e i think will dig themselves in a hole and lose a show that is a dynamo show and getting a lot of an audience. >> the interesting part is that advertisers are so -- they're so tuned in to "duck dynasty." they're not going to leave "duck dynasty." the only way it falls apart for a&e is if the crew decides they don't want to do it anymore. they're probably under contract and either have to do it or not be on tv for a certain period of time. that's how a&e will lose. the advertisers go with "duck dynasty" no matter where they go or if they stay. it may be a really, really smart move on their part, knowing they're not going to lose any advertising revenue because no one's going to go anywhere because advertisers are -- i
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don't know, they don't want to leave "duck dynasty." so smart, though, continue to get the ad revenues. question is is will the duck fellas play. >> the "duck dynasty" people, one of the things that's so appealing is their entrepreneurial spirit, they made this empire, then a media empire as well. i do wonder one thing. >> and now retail -- >> -- companies that grow too fast and forget who their custom to sell too much things and there has to be a regrouping. think that happened with the "duck dynasty" dynasty. the medium empire. i think they forgot and got a little bit ahead of their skis in doing an interview with "gq." what conservative has ever done an interview with "gq" and it's turned out well. >> it's like "vanity fair." >> they should have just sent the q & a to phil robertson's people and said, can you send us your five best grooming tips. he wasn't even on the cover, it wasn't supposed to be about him. >> this outrage is based on
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robertson -- some of it was crude who knows, saying that gays are sinners. gays should not feel special over that. if you are friends with religious people, everybody's a sinner. everybody's a sinner. so i don't think you should be too insulted about being called a sinner. the other thing about this, it drives me nuts, is words do not wound. there's no linkage to robertson's beliefs to violent action. that's why i brought up radical islam in the beginning. they're -- they follow up their words with beheadings. all robertson did was state his religious belief. he didn't say i'm going to go out and cut off somebody's head. that's why this trend of bullying, about how words hurt, is so dangerous. because it's actually going to limit debate and the only way you can find truth, and sides can come and meet, is through debate. >> okay, let me try to do one thing, correct a little bit of this religious views, the bible. a lot of what he said was not
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biblical. bestiality was not biblical. the comparison between female parts and male parts was not biblical. for people who have contacted me and others here saying we have lost track of our bible and what the bible says. a lot of what he said was in the bible, a lot was not. don't hang it all on the bible. >> let's also not -- let's not put too much on phil. i mean, the guy's -- he's not a priest. he's not a pastor. he's a duck dynasty guy. >> reality show. >> yeah, it's a reality show. >> -- on a regular basis. >> here's the -- look, okay, so he maybe took things a little too far. his general i guess idea was he adheres to -- he believes in the bible. he follows christian beliefs. that is something -- >> you got to stick to the word. >> the question, if it was a gay man or woman who was condemning being straight, would a&e pull
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the plug on that show too? i would think no. >> well, this is -- >> the question is do activist groups hold too much power with the media. >> i think they hold much sway with the media, with decisions and with thought police and about what's politically correct and what's appropriate. also comes down to what are your rights. there's some interesting thoughts from karl rove. take a listen. >> he doesn't have a right, a first amendment right, to have a tv show, but he does have a first amendment right to have opinions, and his view that homosexuality is a sin is a religious tenet of many, many americans. and we ought to respect people who belief that. but his language was crude. and offensive. and why he allowed himself to be drawn in to an interview by a magazine on this topic is beyond me. >> i don't fault phil robertson for that, being led into an interview, because there are so many people that are surrounding them that should have more sense. they should hire some better
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people to be able to manage them. because they've got a wonderful show going. you know, he gave an apology that possibly is sincere. a lot of people that have personal experience and family and friends have a different viewpoint. it wasn't just that the gay community was offended, a lot of people were. he said he was apologetic for that. i think would be of the things we can do in america is say, okay, he said it, there's been an apology, a&e has done what they're going to do. a&e doesn't get to choose who's part of the -- who's head of the family and who's not. they can't just cut out a family member that's the head of the whole show. i have a feeling this will, like other outrage, will dissipate over the weekend and we can start fresh and have a good christmas next week. >> so head off the crazy and echo -- we're all going to say, no, we're not coming in if beckle's not here. >> we can't have a "five"
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without our patriarch. >> i was very close once, remember. >> once? >> once? >> but, you know, here's the other thing about it. "duck dynasty" has gotten lots and lots of publicity. did you really need one more magazine story? >> no, absolutely -- >> that's the thing, they stand -- the guy -- there may be second only to that anchor guy, whatever his name is. but they've been everywhere. it seems to me you ought to be a little careful because the more you do, the more interviews you do, the bigger the chances are -- >> the hardest thing to do when you get to this level, the hardest thing for the public relations and publicity people to do is to say no. say, i'm sorry, i know you really want to talk to hip, he's the most popular thing, he's going to help sell your magazine, we're going to take a pass. saying no will actually increase the supply and demand thing and make your client even more attractive. >> but the underlying message behind that is don't say what you think. because you're saying just don't allow options for him to express
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his beliefs. what you're saying is don't say what you really, really think. let him -- tv will edit out anything you say about gay people. we'll make sure you're completely sterilized. he finally says what he says. a&e know what he believes. a&e knows. >> for months. >> if you were phil, you think you'd do this interview over again, if you had to do it over again? >> yeah, i guess. don't think he gives a damn. >> remember, he's the one who walks away from an interview with barbara walters, for "most fascinating people" so he can go duck hunting. i'm not trying to suggest that he shouldn't say what he thinks. i just think they should be smarter about the interviews they decide to do. >> i would say there's -- from here going forward, there's a real opportunity. there's an opportunity for the "duck dynasty" crew to handle it the right way, where they don't -- by the way, if they go too hard apoll juiogizeapologiz going to tick off their whole audience. they have to be careful how they
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handle an apology or bringing phil back on. >> they should just be themselves. >> he made his apology already. now they're pushing up hard against a&e. i think a&e, it's your move now. advantage, duck. ahead on "the five," more on the "duck dynasty" controversy, of course. did the producers want to cut out mention, of the word "jesus" from the show? that's the allegation. you'll hear it. later, a very exciting announcement coming up in "one more thing," some big news to report, don't miss it.
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that is a great song, greg. the obama administration made a surprise announcement yesterday saying that millions of americans who had their health plans canceled will be except from the obama care individual mandate. this comes right before monday's deadline to sign up for coverage starting january 1st. the president was asked about it today at his year end press
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conference. >> how do you expect americans to have confidence and certainty in this law if you keep changing it? this one here, this new waiver last night, you could argue you might as well have delayed the mandate. >> we, that's not true. what we're talking about it is a very specific pop ligs that received cancellation notices from insurancecompanies. the majority of them are either keeping their old plan because the grandfather clause has been extended further. or they're finding a better deal in the marketplace, with better insurance for cheaper costs. >> greg, at the beginning of that, the president has a little signal like this that he says -- what do you think that means? >> oh, when he does this? after somebody asks a question he doesn't like, this means you will die. >> or be audited. >> whenever -- you know, when there's a road hazard, you know,
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people company out, they put out these road blocks and detours. what the government is doing is it's doing that for their friends. it's putting up road blocks and detours for specific people. while everybody else goes head straight into disaster. that what makes me so angry, they're watching out for the people -- >> what you're talking about is the senate democrats and the house democrats that are concerned about their re-election were getting ready to ask the president to do this and he did it proactively. eric, can you explain, what exactly did the president just do? because i think most of america was not reassured by that. >> he came out and said we don't know how many have actually paid so we don't know, there are still another million who signed up for medicaid which means they'll be taking out of the system. he forgot to mention the 5 million people who were yanked off their health care. the numbers are skewed against them. what he did offer -- we have the employer mandate that was delayed a year. then all these waivers added.
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now the president says if you're an individual and your insurance is too much, we'll offer cheaper catastrophic insurance as a temporary fix. which by the way, the inshurners say, not so fast, we're not sure we want to jump on board. basically, he's backing into, quietly, so it doesn't look like it, backing into a delay of the health care law, which is what ted cruz said from the very begin, just delay it. >> the beginning of the press conference, i thought president obama gave excellent spin on the situation. he's had a bad year. the pull numbers are down. what they're talking about, i thought it was pretty good. but do you think there's any risk of looking too disconnected from reality? >> look, you're going to -- sure, there is, but the fact is is this thing is getting better and better, despite what eric says. for the people who got cut off, he said 5.9 million have. you say 10 million people were
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given cancellation notices. it says -- unless our research is wrong, 500,000 have not found new policies. >> i said 5.9 million policies have been canceled. now president obama's going to offer maybe a couple hundred thousand these catastrophic plans. that's a drop in the bucket. >> there are going to be well other 9 million people who will have plans in effect on january 1. >> with the administration's numbers they gave today, they're still 2.9 million short of their own goals. >> yes. >> okay. so we only have a few days. kimber kimberly, what kind of added stress do you think this is providing to a lot of americans who are wondering -- >> i'm feeling superstressed out about it, it i tell you that much. so are the smaller insurance companies who, by the way, are going bank rupt. this is what the administration does. as soon as they get a bad poll number, they're like, ooh, better do something about it. they have a knee-jerk reaction. adding more problems on to already this completely
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compromised infrastructure, if you can even call it, of obama care. he says, we're going to add this on because we want to appease you. but they've got big democrats in states that are going to lose their seats and they're under pressure. that's the reality. this is more appeasement partisan politics. >> -- doing very, very well -- >> they're not the states that matter. >> there are a lot of people doing very well out there with this plan. >> before his press conference, the website crashed. and i'm thinking now we can safely say that obama care is officially what you would call a thing. remember jumping the shark or drinking the cool aide? obama care is now a thing. it's not just screwing the pooch. you screwed the whole pound. >> it's the new new coke. >> it's the thing you go, dude, you just obama cared that. >> how do you guys know this, how do you know it's going to be so bad? >> what do you mean how do you know? >> all your talking points --
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>> i don't get talking points from anybody. >> give me one single metric that shows me obama care's working. >> kentucky, they've signed up 200,000 people who were ininsured. california, 500,000 people who were ininsured. >> 2.8 million under their own estimationing, estimation,s. they need 7 by march. >> you said metrics -- mistakes where they took on the exchanges themselves, unlike the republicans who want to kill health care. >> i used to have a goatee but one thing i never did, i never let the goatee hair grow longer than the hair on my head like chuck todd did. >> maybe you had a choice. i don't know anything about men's hair though. coming up, another point for his nanny state agenda. i think he obama cared it. he's snuffing out e-cigarettes and the reason why city hall banned them may surprise you. next. don't go away. michael, tell us why you used priceline express deal
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and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back,
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so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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♪ okay, the new york city council just voted to ban electronic cigarettes from indoor public spaces. these smokes heat up nicotine and emit a harmless water vapor. it effects no one but the smoker. you ban this, you should ban tea pots and clouds. you want to know the reason for the ban? city council speaker christine queen said quote because many of the e-cigarettes are designed to look like cigarettes and can lead to confusion or confrontation. so let me get this straight, laws are being created based on
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the cluelessness and confusion of stupid people. a dope's emotional discomfort is now more important than actual medical facts? i say this is nuts, but someone might be allergic. you realize, you can apply this i ill logic to any behavior. talking loudly to your wife? maybe you're threatening her. let's regulate voices. a woman's breastfeeding. no, that baby's attacking her. wrestle it to the ground. look, in new york city, we got thugs knocking people out, drunks mowing others down, psychos pushing women in front of subways and this is what these morons concentrate on, this? new york, you had a great run, but now it's over. the big apple is now run by the wormings. which may be an insult to actual worms. i'm very sorry, worms. >> that's true, worms are better than that. >> worms wouldn't do this. >> are you smoking? >> yes, i'm smoking. >> you're banned. >> this is fantastic. this is an e-cigarette.
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this is water vapor. >> the private sector -- these are fabulous -- look at this innovation. >> this is the point. >> this is not real cigarettes. it's like candy cigarettes. >> let me get this straight. private enterprise creates a solution to a problem, government destroys solutions. that's what it does. >> i think dana wanted those. >> you can have these. you can climb in there and -- >> i used to pretend smoke with the candy cigarettes. >> those were good times. >> i loved those. >> i'm angry. who wants to talk? >> stay angry. >> no, no, even you got to admit, nuts, nanny state, crazy. >> i thought bloomberg and these people have been nuts from the time i moved into this city. the idea that somehow -- i mean, all these people who walk around -- when i smoke my sa garr outside, i've had people come up to me and say, what are you smoking for, you ruining my air. there's lots of air. if you don't like it, go some place else. the idea you've got something
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now that doesn't emit this horrible smoke. and then you say no? i mean, i don't get it. this makes no sense to me whatsoever. they've lost their collect itch mind. the new york city council has got to be -- they ought to be in the bellevue psychiatric ward. >> i agree. >> eric, this helps people quit. >> is that the only drawback to the e-cigarette, because people might be thinking there's something wrong, not that there's -- by the way, there's no indication, medical indication, that smoke is dangerous to anyone else or you. >> water vapor. >> i'm taking in nicotine but that's my choice. >> whenever -- the smoke you're blowing out won't affect me healthwise, right? >> it's water vapor. >> did they also -- did they also address the issue of people retooling those to smoke weed in those? because that's what's going on too. >> that just shows you the brilliance of americans. they take something and they make it into something else. i think they do. people are using these devices
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to probably smoke other things. >> is that part of the issue, that they're actually smoking weed in public? >> no no, they're doing it -- >> it is just because it looks like you're smoking. >> it's people who get angry when they see other people having a good time. it's the fact that i'm smoking. >> blame it on the haters? hater legislation. >> yes. >> look, there doesn't seem to be a reason, a thought process behind this. it seems to be micromanaging that's not really effective and there's other problems they should focus on. perhaps we should focus on the fact it's better that people are treeing to get off cigarettes and heal themselves? i don't know. >> wouldn't it be good for the bars? one of complaints from the bars is the smoking ban drove people out. it might have created new customers as well. now this, everybody wins. in new york, everybody loses. >> right, bob cannot take it out. he's got to -- >> what's the charger for? >> to charge your cigarette. >> because it's electric. >> the point that dana's making
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is correct. when people would leave the bar, that's less drinking in the bar it the bartenders make less money. then there's people standing outside that get in fights. they make noise. there are noise complaints. >> but christine queen says this could cause fights. maybe i come in and i'm concerned about the smoke and i think you're actually smoking and i'm going to get into a big fight with you and i'm going to punch your lights out. >> all right, guys. >> bob is almost almost passin from the exertion of trying to put together the e6-cigarette. >> you have to charge this? >> batteries are included. >> all right, they're telling me to tease. >> oh, i see -- >> there you go. >> that's not bad. >> yeah, it's pretty good. yeah. >> not as good as my cigar. i'm going to continue to smoke my cigar. >> the avalanche of reaction continues to pull in over the "duck dynasty" scandal.
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will a&e regret their decision? sarah palin sounds off. keeping up with these two is more than a full time job and i don't have time for unreliable companies. angie's list definitely saves me time and money. for over 18 years we've helped people take care of the things that matter most. join today. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state.
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what are you -- >> welcome back to "the five." sarah palin thinks a&e may come to regret its decision on "duck dynasty." here's the governor on "hannity" last night. >> a&e has chosen to marriaginae and try to stifle the freedom of someone that is filled with faith and the gospel, that being phil, from "duck dynasty," and americans, we're smart enough to understand what's going on here. we're also smart enough to understand that we do not have
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to promote and give business to a network like that. if we, you know, don't believe in the action that they just took. and a&e's going to feel it. >> all right, k.g., so they say vote with your feet. a&e made a business decision. good or bad business decision? >> terrible. if you're in the business to make money, i don't know who they're trying to please, but it's not pleasing the people who watch that show or particularly tune in to that network. so perhaps it was, you know, short sighted for sure, because ultimately, they have an obligation, right, to make money. it's a private sector business. and they should be concerned about ratings and ad sales and all of the above. i'd be very worried right now if i was a&e because "duck dynasty" could walk. >> it's obviously a bad business decision now in retrospect because the family says they're not going to go on without the patriarch. if they're serious about that, that means they'll have a lot of open space that could have made them a lot of money.
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>> any thoughts, smoking man? >> i just think it's because they refer to him as a patriarch. that's a great word. yeah, happy patriarch's day. >> i hope they don't ban it. >> patriarch knows best. the fact, it's not a freedom of speech issue, it's a cowardly issue. a&e is scared. they're frightened of what might happen. the hypocrisy is, this is a program steeped in religion. the guy made a religious point. they're drowning in his money. >> that is an interesting point. the decision then to continue to run the marathon means that a&e does understand business. i think that it would be -- i do agree they were scared. i just wish they had been a little bit smarter. since they knew about this for months. they could have gotten in front of this. maybe they could created a way to bring some people together. >> they could have done it on purpose. >> they should have a debate with glaad and "duck dynasty." >> i would watch that.
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>> pay-per-view. >> take a look at phil robertson a couple months ago. listen, how he weighed in -- he kind of preempted this whole conversation. watch. >> the other thing was, when we prayer, it's in jesus' name amen. they would have me saying, thank you, lord, for the food, thank you for loving us, amen. i said, why would you cut out "in jesus' name"? they said, well, those editors are doing that, they don't want to offend muslims. i said, i don't think it hurts. your calendar's based on it. so now they're kind of -- every once in a while, they leave it in there. >> so the point there is that as far back as april, bob, he knew how phil robertson felt about this stuff. >> the idea they would have him take "jesus" out, that i find absolutely -- this is -- this guy is an evangelical
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protestant. this is what he believes in. the idea of taking that away, the word "jesus" away from somebody like this, it's like taking a baseball bat out of the hands of babe ruth. >> he believes -- part of his belief is spreading the word. he believes in spreading the gospel. if you're going to do an interview with "gq" magazine, you can expect phil robertson is going to spread the gospel. i'm not saying it's how everybody believes. but they knew what -- they knew what they were doing. you got to -- if you're going to have him there, let phil be phil if that's what you want to do. >> maybe they knew exactly. maybe they knew exactly what they're doing right now. >> this the most press "gq" has gotten since they did a foldout on how to could a bow tie. >> very useful. >> are you still smoking? >> come after me, christine, i'm here. >> coming parents are not staying silent about this one. a school cuts "jesus christ" out
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of "christmas carol," "silent night," and we have the tape to prove it. later, a big announcement coming up. [ male announcer ] marie callender's knows all white meat chicken was made to be blanketed in golden breadcrumbs. with whipped mashed potatoes, topped with a thick homemade gravy. so she makes her country fried chicken to be eaten together. so they savor every last bite. marie callender's.
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♪ you know it's christmas ♪ and it's our favorite i'm in the dog house. talk about taking the christ out of christmas. one school changed the lyrics to "silent night." and purposely left out religious references because they didn't want to offend other religions. ♪ sleep in heavenly peace sleep in heavenly peace ♪ >> the fifth graders never sang the lyrics "holy infant" and "christ the savior is born."
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some parents are obviously upset. >> it's "silent night." if you're going to remove words to not offend other religions, what about the religion that that song belongs to, which is christiani christianity? >> the school board apologized. i agree with that guy completely. this song is about the baby jesus. why in the world they would take that out of there. if people are offended by it, leave. don't sing it. but don't take it away from people who believe. i mean, it's just outrageous. i mean, i'm just fed up with it. >> i think it's awful, it's terrible. by the way, these are 10-year-old kids. if my son was at a school and they pulled those words out, i'd pull him out for sure. >> you would. >> the way they explain, the superintendant, the principal says the chorus director pulled the lines out because they didn't want to offend those of other faiths.
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let me tell you something, you offended christians. which occupy a vast majority of americans and the globe right now. you're out of your mind. this is a big mistake. walk it back, take it back, put "christ" back in "christmas" and that song. >> no one ever takes mass out o >> do you know everyone never takes "mass" out of christmas, it is always "christ" and i wonder if there is a industry that you can hire that will tell you, if you take out these lines, you will get outrage in the community and you can get on tv. >> greg, what do you think? >> i'm editing. i don't like children singing, so i'm all for shortening the songs any way they can. >> kimberly, from grinch to you. >> i felt that. this is about the birth of baby jesus. how offensive they did this to
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the song and they would subject children to their political maneuvering. and i would pull my little kid out of there. >> i would too. what are they worried about. they say there is a bunch of muslim students. they don't have to be in there, they can leave or be in the chorus, they don't have to sing it. >> if they were offended, why would they go to the christmas concert any way if they are offended. [ overlapping speakers ] >> so instead let's say we'll offend 83% of the population. >> you have to stop this. it is just too much. >> be nice. >> one more thing is up next. >> thank you. ♪ farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer.
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and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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♪ ♪ i know they say you can't go home again ♪ ♪ ♪ i just had to come back one last time ♪ ♪ ♪ you leave home, you move on [ squeals ] ♪ andou do the best you can ♪ i got lostin this o♪ ♪ and forgot who i am
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avoid if you te clopidogrel. for many, relief is at hand. ask your doctor abouxium. it is time now for one more thing. we have some fantastic news to share with viewers today about the new year's eve show. bob and i, who knows what will happen that night, new year's eve i'm ringing it in with big bobbie and we'll start off the show at 9:00 p.m. eastern time so put it right here on the fox news channel. we have an outstanding show for you. >> you are hosting the first hour. >> yeah, we are hosting 9:00 to 10:00 and staying there all night. so we'll stay with you all
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night. also on the show we have bill o'reilly, duck dynasty, will and cory joining us and we have fantastic fox news hosts like kris jenkins and bill hammer and elizabeth hasselbeck will be hosting. >> we are excited about that. but the thing is, don't get too close to kind of tickle me or anything. because you tend to do that. but i promise i won't yell at you during any of that. it will be a lot of fun and we'll have a good time with these people coming in. i dent know we had all of those people. how did you know that? >> because i was prepared. >> because they're going to let you take the lead most of the time, which i can understand. and i know a lot of conservatives are watching this, but don't turn it off because i'm john because i'll give you stuff that isn't liberal. >> they have to ring in the new year with you, your commentary and your wild antics and nobody knows what you will say. >> bob loves a party.
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>> and i've -- i haven't been to a new year's eve party since i got sober. bill was there and got run over. >> the last time i will ever do it. >> i'm looking forward to it. it will be fun. i'm hoping the weather is not too cold. >> you know what i wanted to do -- why i wanted to do it to you. >> so you could snuggle up next to me. >> correct. because of body heat. >> and foot warmers. >> and i'll do just about anything -- anything to stay warm. >> that means you'll huddle with me. >> what about the reveal. dana is next. >> okay, can you play this sound bite real quickly please. >> you don't believe it. you can make these calendars now -- >> oh, my gosh. >> how cute is he. this jasper. it is a whole calendar, like from when he went swimming and we went to the beach. >> i'm dying right now. i was not prepared for that. >> what is wrong with you.
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oh, my gosh. >> are you happy, i made it for you. >> very happy. i'll put this in sp special -- in some special place. >> if i come to your office, i hope it is up. so this is the big reveal. the calendar for the year for my host. and if you go to the facebook site you can download it and look at it. >> i'm skipping my one more thing but i want to get to the calendar. generally this is one picture per month but dana can't decide so there is four pictures per month so it is not 12 -- >> so you get four times the worth. >> because she couldn't figure out which picture is better. >> in the program you can put four pictures. >> i think it is value-added. this calendar, you get your money worth. >> is that cute or what? the hat. >> i like the hats.
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>> i'm a big fan of this. >> i think it is cute. >> well i can put it up on e-bay. >> it is different from the pictures you send me. >> well check the cover. >> okay, i got these more. jasper junk. that's all i have. >> dog porn. >> i worked all year on that. >> with his paw like that -- >> high iq, he was my other choice for co-host but he was unavailable. he was booked. >> bob, you are there because jasper was unavailable. >> and tomorrow morning, the show is hot, tomorrow morning we'll talk about the big duck dynasty issue and free market, capitalist, libertarian, we'll let you know what we think. >> and she put in another dog. it was jasper. >> that was grady. >> i look the pool float. greg, you still have time. >> this is now the second day in a row that i've been the last person. >> you have 30 seconds.
3:00 pm
don't you have any books to sell. this is your moment. >> come back in in styx months -- in six months. >> yeah, order not cool. >> don't forget to set your dvr so you don't miss an episode of the five. the president takes the blame for a screw-up on health care, but points to a comeback year in 2014. this is "special report. " >> good evening, i'm bret baier. president obama will leave for a huh wine -- hawaiian vacation in about an hour, but a speech on regrets of obamacare, cautiousness over the nsa and defiance over his eroding public standing. chief white house correspondent ed henry was in the middle of it this afternoon. >> reporter: every cl way --


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