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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  December 21, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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four american service members are recovering tonight after being wounded after flying a rescue mission on the other side of the world. unknown forces were shooting at our u.s. military planes as they were evacuating american is thes in remote parts of south sudan. here is the picture of our troops trying to get people out of harm's way. the military just released the picture. the pentagon confirmed the aircraftoused by special forces were approaching the evacuation
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site when they were hit with small armia far. just yesterday a united nation helicopter was taken down. president obama was just briefed after landing in hawaii today. he condemned the violence and saying south sudan leaders have a responsibility to support our efforts. and any effort to seize power through military force will result in the end of long-standing support from the united states and international committee. and also from texas republican congressman mike mccall who said i condemn the attack on u.s. troops. we will not tolerate violence against our soldiers who were evacuating aides and diplomats.
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retired general bob scales are talking about why we are rescuing that area. he will join me inside of the fox report later. for now millions of americans in stores and parking lots and this weekend trying to get their christmas shopping done. the timing of the next story stands out. police arrested the four men seen on the television in connection with the murder of a new jersey man in a carjacking at a mall. two of the men drove away in the couple's range rover. brian has more in the newsroom. nharris, those four men were arrested and charged overnight. the men now face life pre behind bars and a custed of shooting dustin friedland in the parking
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garage. one is ford and roberts and thompson and tlo year old henrow. in addition to murder they 73s charges of carjacking and possession of a weapon. police confirm four men were targeting friedland's 2012 silver range rover. he was about to get in the suv when he was approached and shot. the attack is the latest in the carjackings in essex, new jersey. there is an all- time high. and according to the national crime scenes bureau. there is an increase in 2012, for the first time in eight years and that number is expected to rise again this year. the nicb said the new york and new jersey area has the highest number of thefts in the nation
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and officials sent out an alert warning more lux row cars are targeted. there are 2,000 carc stolen every day in the u.s. but experts say the threat of viulent carjackings has increased. >> the old days of hot wiring a car is that. you can't do that. your only option is to get the co from the owner and then you have the car. and if you can only do that when the owner is present in the vehicle. you have a set up for a carjacking. >> stolen lux row cars of the friedlands are hardest to recovery because many are stripped down or shipped out of the coup row intact where they are worth more. >> and police investigations in two malls in california. 20 miles east of san francisco. yesterday authorities say a man
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opened fire in a argument in a shopping parking lot and other man was hit and expected to beoc. that shooter got away. 40 miles east of there and in the town of tracey, a gunman opened fire in the entrance of the mall. again they are searching for the shooter. i want to show you what is happening in the shopping season and what police in new york are dealing with. see that police officer waving his hat in the avenue. there is a crush of shopping that is going on. authorities have their hands full particularly here in new york. if you go along the sidewalks, hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of new york street after street tonight. it is very, very brave police officers foregoing the traffic lights to cope everybody safe tonight.
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first official day of winter. a storm with a 2,000 mile foot print just days before kress chris. it is threatening travellers from texas to canada. and while it is unusual warm here in new york city. elsewhere they are dealing with ice, snow and wind and threat of tornados in december. the nasty weather affecting millions of people. so far just 400 flights are cancelled and not a lot unless you are on one of them. it is happening in the last major travel woke week as you know a head of the christmas holiday. >> jana if >> harris, we'll so the delays stretching tomorrow and especially in the northeast and we have a lot of major hubs. we have tornado watches and latest issued at 12 o'clock a.m. central time and lewisville and mississippi and the other watches going up to down down. several tornado warnings
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southeast of greenville and up to the southern or northern portion of mississippi and south of memphis. tornado warnings there and we have thunderstorm warnings. that will continue in the over night if you can believe it, the first day of winter. and the flooding concern. we could so 6- 8 or a to the of rainfall. incredible amounts and the cold side of the storm, a to the of storm and inches offose. and take you in the evening and overnight and we'll so the line of potential showers and thunderstorms and severe weather. and look at icy weather for southern canada and in to northern new england. we could see the two inches of ice on the rods and power lines and that will be crippling for them. make sure you have generators in
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northern now new. and ice in northern oklahoma and that is wrapping up. and ice storm warnings for several states. this is going to be a danger zone monday and sunday. record- setting temperatures. we set records in the midatlantic and northeast. tomorrow in the 70s in dc. and 70 in new york. it is incredible and whacky weather. >> this time last week it was a opposite. it upon drop like a rock. and two american astronauts taking a break inside of the international space station after an emergency walk outside. >> it is btt, now. upper. it is the lining down your leg with the shaft pointed away from
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your body. >> this went on five and half-hours. and the mission needed to repair a faulty cooling system and nasa said it went great and faster. there is more work to be done. dom nick has the news from los angeles. when i was on the air a couple of hours ago. they told us monday and now tuesday. a delay in the next pace walk. phase two of fixing the problem, why in >> they needap extra day to fix the space sought. in weak pressuration of theary log today, soughts configation put the sought he was in question for the next excursion that was dow for monday. they still managed to get done the critical job they needed to
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today. when they remove the bad pump modual from the truss. they had to disconnect and removed the mounting bolts and got it out and parked it in a temporary parking spot. >> and so come tuesday, that pump will have to be removed and transferred to a now sight. they will put it in a place and reconnect it. and maybe it will be a possibility of getting it done on the wednesday. they are braving risky conditions. >> and let's talk about that danger. today went well and at 1.1 of the astronauts was concerned about toxic chemicals off of the
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station. how much danger were they in? >> flaeks of frozen ammonia brushed against his sought and he radioed it, it was a steady stream of those flacks coming in. they had to have feceses because of a water leak. and they fastened the absorption pads just in case and thankfully no problems were reported but another risk and tricky situation. >> they are amazingly brave, aren't they? >> and a confusion for the health care law. if you need it by january 1st you have to be done by
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december 23rdrd. and the latest on the robertson family and the hit reality show. and the patriarch and the four storm over the comments he made about homosexuality and the growing fight over fro speech. stay close. you know how painful heartburn can be. for fast, long lasting relief, use doctor recommended gaviscon®. only gaviscon® forms a protective barrier that helps block stomach acid from splashing up- relieving the pain quickly. try fast, long lasting gaviscon®.
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confougz and frustration over obama care. monday december 23rd and expect to have the coverage january 1st. the obama administration and late as yesterday announced several now fixes and waiving the individual man date for 5 million people who had their old plans cancelled. president obama is now enjoying his christmas vacation in
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hawaii. his aides said he will receive updates on the affordable care act. and doug is live from ho noluyendyk where there is plenty of day light and sunshine. and sign of the president since he landed? >> reporter: not from us anyway. we are 40 minutes away from where he is. there is a couple of security perimeters and he has privacy. and presently at this moment he is playing golf and getting in the vacation mode in the marine corps base. the white house said the president is being updated on obama care and resonating in a powerful way is the exemption from the individual man date that he granted to people who are losing health care. the insurance company said it is
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a tweak. the president will tweak away as is necessary. >> there is a bunch of things that we are taking a look at and i will make appropriate adjustments when we get through this year and initial surge of people signing up. and the president is taking tremendous heat from the republican opponents who say the various tweaks are at best a case of executive fiat and at worse unlawful. is the president planning to sign up for obama care. now the deadline is approaching. >> he has to do it before monday. he will sign up for obama care. but the interesting thing before the friday press conference the website crashed again and obama care is coming up unrelenting
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criticism. >> with this health care law. there is less choice and nower opportunities and larger bills. this is not how it is supposed to be and everywhere i go people come up and say we should do something to stop the law. they are right. joishgs obama care faces another deadline on december 23rd that's when people who want health care on january 1st. will sign up. there will be a surge on december 23rd and create more chaos in the insurance industry. >> doug, before i let you go. i know the president is briefed in the situation in south sudan? >> reporter: a presidential vacation is not an entire vacation. he was told about it immediately
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after getting off air force one and indicated that he is happy four wounded americans are in stable condition. >> doug thank you for much. target is in spin mode after the massiveidate breach. a lot of e-mails to the customers today. jp morgan- chase will limitous of debit cards. that will be the ones whoous debit cards in target store. they are only allowing cash withdrawals and purchase was throw hundred a day. target is offering a ten percent descount in the store in the wake of the breach for this weekend. >> it was an act of terrorism that claimed 189 american lives on this day. 25 years later.
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families of the lockerbie plane bombing caused to remember loved ones and this is a robberiy, police hope someone will recognize the suspect or their golden gun. by using one less trash bag each month, we can. and glad forceflex bags stretch until they're full.* so you can take them out less often. to share with family. [ woman 2 ] to carry on traditions. [ woman 3 ] to come together even when we're apart. [ male announcer ] in stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy and more, swanson makes holiday dishes delicious.
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>> today it marks 25 years since 189 americans were killed in the lockerbie terrorist bombing in the skies over scotland. family members of the victims laid wreaths in arlington national cemetery. it was one of the semimarries held in memories of those who died. pan am flight blew up and
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everybody on board died along with 11 people on the ground. molly, the attorney general spoke in the ceremony today. what did he have to say? >> reporter: eric holder spoke to the victims familiar fames and friends. he said it is difficult to understand the mag to youed of the crime. >> a quarter of the century passed since the world was shaken. no amount of time and distance can ease the pain or erase the loss inflicted on that day. >> reporter: the libyan intelligence official was the only person convicted in the attack. he was sentenced to life in prison in 2001. scottish authorities released
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him when he was diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer. they expected him to do i in throw months but he returned to libya and lived another three years and he died in may 2012. >> yes, that was unforgettable video. you hear the attorney ynl and others how it might feel to lose people on that day. we heard from the family members. >> reporter: it was a difficult day for them some attended in arlington national cemetery. and others went to lockerbie. one mother said she needed to be there and a father talked about mourning his daughter. >> i live with the lovely memories and every day and every year. and bereavement is a life sentence. >> i wanted to stand in the
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place where my son tock his last breath and say a small prayer. >> there was a memorial today in london where the flight originated, harris? >> molly thank you. four u.s. service members wounded trying to rescue americans in south sudan. a fox nows military analyst is about to join us and weigh in on the mission and what dangers we are learning at this hour in south sudan. and the world of reality tv. real drama off screen and who is dropping duck dynasty products from their shelves and why the americans will so more of theroberson family son. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer.
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and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? is there a lot of worry building up around a daily problem? well ladies, now there's big news in controlling your overactive bladder symptoms.
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thank the best werbs and prayers and support of the wider community. they know you are mourning with them and asked for privacy. this was praking news in littleton, colorado. the hospital giving the news of this and in the high school where this happen, tonight students were set to pray for the recovery of the classmate. clare davis is remaining in their hearts and they are learning the nows she did not survive and carl peterson died. >> i am harris faulkner it is the fox report. joining us there is this.
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four american service members wounded in an evacuation mission in the country of south sudan, they were hurt after the aircraft that arous -- are used in special forces mission. they are expected to survive. they are used to getting an unknown number of americans. they were being used to get them. it is threatening a civil war. law make ares are condemning what happened. the president calling on south sudan government to support americans and keep them safe in the region. joining me now is a fox news military analyst. just a couple of days before christmas, we are glad to you. >> hi, harris. >> tell us what the mission is like. as i am learning, we are secowering the embassies and it
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is ratcheting up. >> yeah, it locks like south sudan is descending in civil war and there dozens of americans are trapped. the mission was a traditional noncombatant mission to evacuate throw dozen americans working for the un. captain aircraft came in on the final approach. they were raked by machine gun four and in that engaejment four solid yers were wounded and they were evacuated to kenya where all four expected to survive. harris, to your point, that brings up the issue of what happens next? americans are trapped in a counter going into sieve will war and the problem is how to get them out. >> as we watch this many americans didn't know the
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mission was going on. this is fairly are you tone when things break out in a nation where we have diplomats and the families. it doesn't always make news when the goes go get them. how typical that forces would fire on u.s. military aircraft? ntotally unexpected. they knew there was ground four in the city, but the u.s. command thought they had clearance from both sides in the contest to fly an evacuation mission and get the americans out and fly home. but the rebel group didn't get the memo and when they saw the three aircraft on final approach they opened fire. it is a traditional mission and every combatant command has neon missions and the aircraft, the v22 osprys are suited for long
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range and very dangerous missions in environments and unfortunately this was not successful. >> can you talk to me what it was like in south sudan. this is a situation that the pentagon is watching closely if they made the determination to get the people out. other countries are shutting down embassies and going to get their people, to. >> not only embassy but western oil workers in south sudan. and there are nongovernmental organizations that are providing aid. this is very sad. this is the newest country in the world that was independent in 2011. the united states took great pride in helping south sudan a chief its independence and now in central africa like any jerria and congo and rwanda, often they go into trouble
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warfare and turns into a civil war that lasts decades and we have westerners and americans that are trapped. >> talk to me about the aircraft. they generally are tough to takedown. they didn't takedown our planes. >> no know one of them was hit in a foul line. as the viewers know. vc 22 is a tilt rottar aircraft. takes off and lands like the helicopter and the wings and then turned forward and flies like a regular aircraft and carries about 24 or 25 troops to a speed of 50 or so miles per hour. and has long range and can go thousands of miles. it is an ideal aircraft for evacuation. and we have used them for a couple of years and they have taken ground fire and they are tough. >> and that's how i know about
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them. watching them trying to takedown the planes and the pilots are awesome as well. and you know before i let we go. i asked our brain group to look something up. we have throw million and 367,0 367,000 dependents and military personnel. and a quick thought from you as we head to christmas? >> i have to salout all of the men and women who are standing on freedom's frontiers today particularly in afghanistan and south sudan and other places. 64 countries in the world. they are global scouts out there and interacting with the allies and coalition partners and gatheri gathering strategic missions it
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can be tough situations. >> general, always good to have you a long and merry christmas to it you and your family. >> and merry christmas to our troops, harris. >> and the final homecoming for the families of two american worry heroes. they were once pow's in the korean home. they are back in texas and in lewisville. escorted with full honors by patriot guard riders. >> it was sad. i always hoped he would survive. >> they deserve to be home here on our soil and not in a foreign country. but here where people show appreciation for their sacrifice. >> the daughter of corporal nowton wanted just nothing more than to have her father home.
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now technology is making it easier to identify the remains of soldiers missing for decades. >> we learned that a time of experts have begin president obama a list of changes that he can make. it is in the wake of revelations about the nsa make on on spying on our phone calls. now today. president obama declass foyed documents and showing how it was author otherwised to collect the data in the first place. elizabeth? >> reporter: president obama acknowledging that he has work to do over the holiday break. he will be reviewing the intelligence review of the national security agency. 46 recommendation urges the administration to dial back the
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collection records. >> in january, i will be here to make the recommendations that are making since. and still are to be refined further. >> the president said no evidence that is the agency acted inappropriately. and they are reformed. and in exchange for safety. namericans are going to have to decide whether or not they have defined the war on terror as a war which i happen to believe it is or a crime. >> and on saturday. the director of the national intelligence showed when the nsa started to collect data. in a statement, dni director writes in part about the policies and procedures to assure nsa's mission and
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functions are conducted in a manner of constitutional rights of u.s. persons. it was replaced by a law and requiring the court on the spoiing. two men bobbing up and down in the ocean waves after their boat sank. as we go a round the world in 80 seconds. australia, those men spent 15 hours clinging to a large collar after their ship took on water eight mills from land. they managed to call for help and grab life preservers and then the australia air force plucked them out of the sea. they are recover nothing the hospital. >> somalia a canadian navy ship intercepted a vessel loaded with
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drugs. on board they found more than 1 100 million worth of heroin. chuna, government officials trying to stop people from stealing bricks from the great wall of china. rural areas are unguarded and making it a easy target for thoefs. parts of the monume are on the virj of collapsing and dow to the lotting and erosion. ireland. ♪ more than 10,000 carollers belting out carols. that is a wrap on the fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. >> a restaurant chain is taking sides in the duck dynasty debate after the gq magazine comments.
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>> in new york why those familiar red kettles that you so in the holiday season is lighter this year. we are looking live at avenue of americas. and an edition of the fox report. shake it. shake it. honestly, i'm not looking for five-star treatment.
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i get times are tight. but it's hard get any work done le this. then came this baby -- smal but with windows and office. it runs my work stuff. ...and i can use apps like flipboard for news, or xbox video to watch the shows i'm never home to see... and i can still get work done at the same time. cuse me, do you mind if i...
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yep. ♪ honestly, i wanna see you be brave ♪
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the drama surrounding a tv reality doesn't so many to be taking a hiatus. the hit show duck dynasty is in
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the conflict of fro speech. a &e suspenned one of the main family members after he expressed his bloefs. a &e will benefit as it runs a marathon. tens of thousands of angry fans have supported robertson. but the network is stepping up security in manhattan after threats were made against phil robertson. the network is not commenting. >> and it is a tough case. so now police in philadelphia are releasing the video of a armed robbery. it is our top story in america. pennsylvania, two men and one armed with a gold ak 47 and
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caught on tape robbing a mini market. one robbing the clerk and others going after the bystanders. the weapon appeared to be spray pained. >> and suspended without pay. the men are iraq war veterans and served in the air force reserve now. bloomfield police department is accusing them of abusing military leaves. >> they are saying the officers military love and including the deployment were interfering with the other officers vacation schedules. >> the officers say the time they took was legal and now they are trying to provide for a family. >> there is no christmas presents for them right now. >> and north carolina, a couple
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of throw hundred to the tall smokesstacks and they set explosives in goldsboro and once help to provide energy to the state. maine, santa claus spreading holiday cheer and cash. handing out $100 bills to a make a wish foundation. >> the tors were astonishing. it is hard and things are happening and this is a blessing and a surprise. >> he plans to pass out $20,000 this holiday season. >> that's the fox watch in america. namerican skater lend say vaughn is hurt while competing in france. are her chances for olympics gold going downhill? ♪
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>> the agony of defoot for american skier lipped say vaughn. hurt her know compoting in the downhill. tiger woods watched from the sloin. it is the same knee she hurt last winter in the crash. her latest injury cast doubts to compote in russia. but she remains optimistic she will be ready by then. she locks like she's in pain there. >> the salviation army is providing food for the nation's por. and this familiar red kettles may be holding less pocket change than usual. sal vague army officials expect a 20 million short fall when the cam 59 ends. you could blame the late thank
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thank holiday and frigid weather keeping peopled in. >> we hoped to raise 150 million in the red kettle effort. we started five days short because thanksgiving was five days closer to christmas eve. and that represented 22.7 million from those five days. >> if you are wondering where the change you toss in the red kettles to provide 58 million moles for homeless people and assistant for drug abuse and after school programs. you can host your own red kettle campaign. and you can text the word kettle to 8008 listens. and when you do that you will donate $10. and anchorman two having a fabulous woke week in the box
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burgandhi don't act like you are not impressed. >> a retired horse is getting a new lease on life. metro the horse paints. no kidding. that is impressive and consider his works of art that bring up to 700 a pose. >> he saved his life. eventually his knows would lock up. and he would loy down and not get back up. >> i thought it would slow things down and i didn't expect it to reverse. >> the master poses are on pillows and canvass and they are working for a book deal. >> a quick reminder of a store tore. 17 year old clare davis died
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a week after being shot by a classmate in a high school in colorado. the classmate then killed himself. she had been in critical condition since then. that's it for us. in two seconds, huckabee. >> tonight on huckabee. in 2010, the president dismissed his reextendation for catastrophic injury. >> would you be satisfied if every member had catastrophic insurance. >> it makes sense in which we are transitioning to a system that is higher and folks are caught in the tranition. >> the wyoming's senator reaction tonight. >> christmas a time for giving. he's giving those who can't afford to to get home for the holidays. plus your twee


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