tv Justice With Judge Jeanine FOX News December 21, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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i like ducks. i don't know why. i just like them. i like the way they waddle. i like the way they quack. i like the way they hang out with their kids. and sister euphemia would have been proud how they walk in a straight line behind their mother superior. what i want to know is, where are the animal rights activists in the latest "duck dynasty" debacle. >> never been so humiliated in all my life! look, mack. just what's going on around here? let's get organized, huh?
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>> hello, welcome to "justice." thank you for being with us tonight. i could wax eloquently about the constitution and the free speech and the price so many paid to protect the american freedom. i could also talk about freedom of religion, the right to privacy and capitalism which includes the rights of private companies to pretty much do whatever they want. but this week's "duck dynasty" controversy seems more about the left and the right and the lengths that they go to defend their views of the world. now, unlike most other nations the united states is a mosaic of countless nationalities and cultures and religion. we are all different. some of us pray at the altar. some of us pray at the bema. some of us pray to mecca. some of us just don't pray at all. i went to catholic school and i
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happen to have a bible in my bedroom. i don't know what drives people but i do believe that people are who they are. that we cannot change who we are. does anyone think it's easy to be gay in the world that we live in? you might want to talk to matthew shepard's mother and father if you do. or note that uganda passed an ant anti-gay this week punishing gay people with life in prison and we give uganda about half a million dollars a year? maybe the gay and lesbian community ought to focus on that. gays have been told not to show at the olympics in russia by macho man himself big bad vlad putin. personally, i don't give a damn what you do in your bedroom, who you do it with, how often you do
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it. that's between you, your partner and god. i also think having been schooled in the constitution and rendering legal decisions on the constitution that phil robertson has a right to say whatever he thinks. as far as i'm concerned, the thought police should get the duck out of here. now, i must confess. i have never watched "duck dynasty" although my mother loves it. what do i know? what i do know is that phil is self-described red neck who often quotes from the bible has the right to his view of the world. especially if it's based on the bible. and if it's considered blasphemous for phil to repeat directly from the greatest book on earth and that he should be censored for those beliefs, when's next? will we stop publishing the biblple are offended by what's in it?
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will this be america's kristallnacht? robe a&e said the viewers feel safe watching with their children, yet his statements were not even made on a&e. really, a&e? this is the same network that aired "rodeo girls" with an episode bikini or bust. the same network that did a man on man sexual assault in prison. where sexual content including people in bed together seemingly naked was aired. did a&e kowtow to the gay and lesbian community? maybe. did they disregard the constitutional rights of robertson? maybe. did they suspend him based on a morals clause in the contract?
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maybe. but in the end, does it matter when it comes to money and a&e made a spectacular amount of it off the show i suspect a back room deal will resolve the controversy and the right and left using any issue to stay at each other's throats. so where do i come down on the "duck dynasty" controversy? i go back to the real villains in this controversy -- the duck murderers. they set them up, they entice them and they murder them before our very eyes. i am personally offended by the torture, the vile torturing and killing of innocent web-footed beings. these babies shouldn't be reduced to victims for sport when clearly the odds are so against them. ducks have rights.
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where are the animal cruelty people? where are the ducks' rights activists? even the ducks want to know. and i want the know why people peta doesn't object to duck feathers in pillows and winter coats. i think that we should start our own online petition not to save "duck dynasty" but to save the ducks. and no, i don't eat duck and i don't buy duck. forget "duck dynasty." focus on duck justice. with me is president of the family research counsel, tony perkins and one of the world's leading branding experts, bruce dracel. they say that suspending robertson was a brazen act of anti-christian bigotry. was it? >> well, first off let me say that i think ducks are probably down with your suggestion it is all about the ducks.
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>> that was good. ducks are down. that's good. >> look. i think what it is is there's a growing hostility to anyone who speaks out publicly about a politically incorrect topic. and we're seeing this increasingly. we are seeing people that are targeted for their religious views. we saw just, you know, in this comes in the context of legal cases. this is not a legal case, obviously. we saw a couple of weeks ago a colorado baker forced by the court to participate in same-sex weddings even though he has a religious objection and photographers the same way and follows in a string of those like g.l.a.d. wanting to target anyone who says, hey, i have a traditional view of morality and i see natural marriage as a marria union of a man and a woman. >> bruce, let me go to you. do you think christians lost the right to quote from the bible? >> well, judge, first of all, i have to say your opening statement is more eloquent than
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i could ever put any of this. i agree with you so 0%. my question is, how long are we going to continue to watch this unfortunate rubber neck at the unfortunate accident? i think there's something bigger going on here. i think what we're seeing is a conflict that was just going to happen. don't you agree? >> well, i think, you know, well, let me ask you, tony. do you? >> i think that the reason this is getting so much attention is that we are seeing case after case after case. i mean, look. go back to the summer before last with chik-fil-a and the response and had the biggest sales ever. people are now more interested in what's happening with "duck dynasty" i think because they see it as a trend in culture of political imposing of cultural elite and people feel like they're being silenced and want to speak out. >> let me ask you something. bruce, i'm sure will back me up
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on this. tv is act the demographic and, bruce, i think that you have indicated in the past that, you know, "duck dynasty" wants very much to keep the younger demographic or a&e i should say. the younger people. therefore, what they want or what they have to do is kowtow based on money. >> well, of course. a&e is going to look at the bottom line. they're a business. what's important to understand is the consumers, viewers on both sides of the argument are looking for authenticity. who do you drus? who's being authentic to who they are really? >> interesting. >> i think bruce is absolutely right. this is -- i mean, after all, this is a reality show. and these guys are supposed to be real. they live in the bible belt. this is who they are. and a&e is surprised by that? i think in part that's why people are attracted to the
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show, why it's a top rated reality show. >> you know, one of the thing that is you just said, you know, a&e is surprised by that. i would bet dollars to doughnuts they edited out statements that phil made that they thought might not be, you know, palettible to the audience. >> i agree. that was a rhetorical statement. you're right. >> yes. >> they know exactly what they're dealing with but pressure was applied to them by g.l.a.d. that organization. >> right. >> that targets anyone that speaks out in a view that's contrary to theirs on the homosexuality. >> bruce, you are the branding expert here. what about -- you know, when they made the decision to suspend this patriarch here of -- can he sue them? i know you haven't seen the contract, but i wonder if he can turn around and say, you know what? even if there is a morals clause in my contract, you're suspending me. any money i may have lost, i'll
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sue you for. >> well, that is possible if you look at the contract. look at the big picture. he's not losing any money because of this. he's making more money than ever. he's on your show, judge. he wasn't on it before. this is working out for all of them. that's the issue. this is not an issue of authenticity which is what we all want. these are two business organizations trying to do what's best for their businesses. the question is, who is doing what's real and who's only thinking about the bottom line? >> and then the other piece to it is you have the right and the left fighting over whatever issue they can to stay at each other's throats. >> right. exactly. >> and then you have got, you know, the evangelicals a ten gay and lesbian community, the bible, the first amendment. i mean, it's fascinating on so many levels. >> it is, indeed. tony, let me give you the last word here. >> to bruce's point, i think what people are looking for is that authenticity and also fairness. they're struggling with it.
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even those who may not agree with what the bible says about homosexuality, is this fair what's happening in the culture and those that speak about traditional morality are targeted? i think that's a question that's going to have to be answered. >> clearly. tony and bruce, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, actor and investor wayne rogers weighs in on the debacle of "duck dynasty." should patriarch phil robertson have been suspended? facebook or tweet me. we'll read your answers later on the show. you know how painful heartburn can be.
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of wayne rogers and company and a leading investment expert and economist and joins us from los angeles. wayne, you were a star of a hit tv series that i loved to watch. what do you think about this "duck dynasty" controversy? >> well, you know, one of your guests said earlier, it is good for both of them because they'll make a lot of money and if you take it in that context, i think it's wonderful for everybody. create a big, you know, brouhaha about it and then everybody cashes in. from a personal point of view, i think your morals, your religion and your politics are personal to you. that's nobody else's business. that's your business and you have the right to express that any way you can in a free country and what we hope we think we are. >> it is interesting, wayne. when you say that you're basically saying someone wants to be gay they should be able to act openly and be a gay person. >> exactly.
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>> if someone wants to quote the bible, they should be able to do that. >> exactly. >> that's what america should be about but we're at each other's throats now. >> it's become -- for everybody to criticize somebody who's not in the mainstream. you know, writing in 1831 once said, americans would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom and some sense to that that you get dumbed down everybody to an equal level and instead of, you know, say, hey, we are free. we can say what we want to say. >> and you know, as i said earlier, the whole idea if you cannot quote the bible, you know, it's some point man says the bible is offensive, it shouldn't be published anymore? this is frightening stuff. >> well, it's a little nuts when you think about it. it's really off the deep end. when you seriously -- i'm surprised that so many people have -- you know, taken this thing that seriously. that's the other thing that's remarkable.
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>> well, i think what it does, wayne, is it reflects how strongly we are feeling about our beliefs and how divisive things are. wayne, let me move on to obamacare. my mean, what do you think about it its affect on our economy and people and freedom. talk to us about that. >> well, i think the law itself is obviously imperfect. we all know that. it's terrible. it is not -- and, you know, people justify it saying both houses of congress passed it, the supreme court sprinkled holy water on it therefore you shouldn't question it. that's the same thing of the 18th amendment and turned around 12 years later and got rid of the 18th amendment. this thing should be -- they should start all over. we know it doesn't work. not just the, you know, the computer part of it that doesn't work. the whole thing is badly -- and the part that i'm most curious about because you're a judge.
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desperately wanted to ask you this. this is substituting a constant tweaking, the president uses that word. tweaking of the law of the -- the process. if it's a law, it is a law. you can't tweak it. he's constantly changing it as you go along. that's government by man. not by law. >> you know, wayne, there are three -- you're so right. there are three branches of government. executive, legislative and judicial and when the judicial branch passes a law, you know, the executive branch can't then come in and say, i think this part is no good because i really messed up myself so i'll change it. by the way, insurance companies, you should give these people free coverage even though they're not paying the premiums. are you kidding? i mean, is this -- is this a free country? is this a capitalist economy? i mean, it is so beyond the pale, wayne, but that's why you're on. i wanted your opinion. >> well, i agree with that but i
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don't understand. what do you do about it? you're a judge. you know this. what does one do about this? if a president takes it upon himself to like a totalitarian to say, i'm just going to make it up as an i go along, which is, in fact, when's happening, it doesn't matter what the congress says. either the supreme court or the congress, somebody has to stop that. >> well, this will end up in the courts. the's no doubt about it. but i think even before that the 2014 elections are coming up. anyway, wayne rogers, thanks so much for being with us this evening. >> thank you, judge. all right. and coming up, more on "duck dynasty." what's the catholic church think about the controversy? why does our government apologize to anyone and everyone around the globe for who we are? you won't want to miss my take on that one. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing.
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so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? ...are the hands that do good things for the whole community: the environment, seniors, kids, and animals. that's why we created the share the love event. by the end of this year, the total donated by subaru could reach 35 million dollars. you get a great deal on a new baru. 'll donate 250 dollars to a choice of charities that benefit your community. it feels good to be a helping hand. yep. got all the cozies.
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with christmas just days away, it got me thinking. is religion still important in america? with me is the pastor of the church of the holy family in new york, father gerald murray. father, thanks so much for being with us again. it's good to have you here. now, many believe that the "duck dynasty" patriarch and i'm sure you've heard us talking about this already, phil robertson, what he said on the show quoting from the bible was the reason that he was suspended by a&e. >> yep. that's what i think it was. you said it very well earlier. is it a prejudice to read the bible out loud? absolutely not. it's created by the proponents of gay marriage and the other things.
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the church's message is eternal. if you don't agree with it, fine. but leave us an i loan to be able to preach it. >> it's even beyond the issue of, you know, first amendment to say what you want. this is fundamental when it comes to religion. you cannot, you know -- but what about the idea, father, of a contract? if that company feels that, you know, our viewers don't agree with what he said, should they be able to suspend him? >> well, i thought it was ironic, a morals clause. usually that's invoked when you do bad things, not read the bible. i was laughing about this. >> it's an interesting plan. where the whole thing, there's a great irony to all of it. but father, let me ask you about christmas. i mean, just a few days away. i remember as a little girl, you know, growing up and christmas was about jesus an the birth of the baby jesus and there was a spirit that seems to have dissipated and for this to happen now i think is, again,
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another irony. have things changed in the catholic church, in our society as you see it? >> in the society, yes. last week i was walking on 14th street and it was the bad santas or the santa con. dressed up like santa going from bar to bar acting like college fraternity kids. yeah. society, there's too much focus on self. on partying and enjoyment and all the rest. the focus of christmas is on god, jesus, mary and joseph and then the family. you know? giving gifts is a sign of love. it's not buying friendship. it's love exists in a family. that's what we should celebrate. the greatest gift is jesus. >> you know, the president now is recently as a month ago or a couple weeks ago, you know, has admitted that he was wrong when he said if you like your doctor you can keep him and your health care. do you think that politics based
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upon the president not telling the truth an i've used harsher words is influencing the society so the morals within the society are reflected, you know, by the president's not telling the truth and then getting away with it and people losing their insurance? >> it's certainly a terrible situation and i think you're absolutely right. the president likes to get away with things like telling people to keep the doctor and then you can't and then his apology wasn't really an apology. i'm sorry you find yourself in the situation. you put me in that situation, mr. president. be a man. take responsibility. when presidents do things that are dishonorable and don't take account for it, that's a signal to everybody else in society, you can get away with a lot if you're powerful. people want to be powerful. that's whatnot what we want. >> the ripple effect is a bad one. father, the catholic church, the last question. the catholic church in court. >> right. >> suing, trying to -- united states supreme court saying you are forcing us to do something
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against our beliefs. very quickly -- >> absolutely. >> how do you feel about what? >> when mother theresa came to america, she was invited to the white house and yet the very things she stands for, the white house saying we can't uphold. the president acted disgracefully in this regard. he said we won't hurt the catholic church and went ahead and did and then losing in court all over the place, thank god. it is time for him to back up and say it's not just the computers, the lost policies. we won't be the sovereign of the conscious of the american people. let them believe what they want to believe. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> see you in the new year. god willing. what's with all the obama administration apologies? why do we apologize to countries that don't like us? you don't want to miss my take on that one. and don't forget to vote in the poll. should "duck dynasty" phil robertson have been suspended? facebook or tweet me. ♪
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♪ and forgot who i am live from america's news headquarters, i'm harris faulkner. police say they made a break in the case by arresting four men in connection with a murder of a new jersey man during a carjacking at an upscale shopping mall. the man was shot in the head trying to protect his wife and the suspect police say drove away in the range rover. the arrests coming as millions of americans pack the stores and parking lots trying to get the christmas shopping done. and a storm with a 2,000-mile footprint threatening holiday travel plans from texas to nova scotia, canada. new york city is having unseasonably warm temperatures, especially where it's snow, ice and threat of tornadoes. nasty weather affecting millions
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of people. hundreds of flights canceled in the last major travel weekend before the christmas holiday. i'm harris faulkner. now right back to "justice" with judge jeanine. why is the obama administration always apology apologizing to other countries who absolutely hate us? why do we endlessly apologize for our belief system? what we stand for, who we are and what we do. exhibit a. an indian national a deputy counsel general is a subject of united states department of justice civil rights investigation along with a state's department. the diplomat is charged with evading united states laws for employees after trying to pay the housekeeper thousands less than what's required. she is arrested, given several hours to make phone calls,
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offered food and then taken to jail. where she is fully searched in a private setting by a female u.s. marshal. the government of india goes ballistic, stating that they are shocked and appalled at the despicable and barbaric treatment of their national by the united states federal government. john kerry, secretary of state, that great american, you remember him from vietnam, rushes to throw all of us including his own state department under the bus apologizing, lamenting and regretting the actions of the united states while the government of india retell yates by removing security barriers surrounding our embassy compound. a little preher here, john. everyone, young or old, citizen or noncitizen is fully searched before he or she is jailed.
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it is standard operating procedure. the reason? so they cannot hide something that will allow them to harm themselves or others. instead of standing up for the government of india to whom we sent almost $100 million this year, john kerry offers his mea cu culpa. as a father of two daughters about the same age, the secretary empathizes with the sensitives we are hearing from india about the events that unfolded after her arrest. really? in america no one is above the law and no one is below it. there is no cast system in the united states. and instead of standing up for the rule of law the american system of justice, the downtrodden and the victims and the united states constitution, john kerry folded. just as his boss did right after
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our ambassador and three americans were killed by apologizing to other nations who hate us and burn us in effigy. and if anyone out there has any doubts about how this diplomat was treated, a little factoid for you. the united states attorney who approved the charges of alleged slavery against this indian diplomat was himself born in india. i suspect that no one is more sensitive to the rights of indian nationals. john kerry needs to remember who he represents and the oath that he took to defend the american way. shame on him. and with me now, former united states ambassador to the united nations, and fox news contributor, john bolton. good evening, ambassador. >> glad to be with you. >> all right.
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what do you think about this apology apologizing? >> well, i think you're right on target. it's embarrassing to have the secretary of state apologize. but, you know, jean kirkpatrick put her finger on this phenomenon. she said there's a group of people, she called them the san francisco democrats because that's where they had their convention in 1984, the san francisco democrats she said always blame america first. and that's what john kerry did. look, i have had experiences in my own career with foreign diplomats abusing their servants and some prosecuted, some simply expelled. this is a charge with a lot in back of it and you were right to say the indian diplomat not treated any differently than any other american citizen. if i had heard an allegation she was treated worse, i would be prepared to listen. what she is really saying is i don't want to be put in the same procedure with all of these mere americans. i'm a diplomat and it just
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doesn't cut it. >> and, you know, it's almost as though they were saying, ambassador, you know, the americans should look the other way but when the diplomats come to the united states, two things come to mind. number one, they cannot ignore our laws. number two, some of them think they can do whatever they want because they have diplomatic immunity, although i don't think this applies in this case begin the specific nature of the charges. >> her immunity is a little bit different and why end why's moved her to their u.n. mission because they want to try to shield her with the broader immunity but there's something more serious here. forget whether the charges are accurate. let's assume they're not. i don't believe that. let's assume she was mall treated. the worse part of this is the government of end why's response was to remove security barriers from around our embassy in new delhi, thus putting our diplomats and their own
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citizens, the foreign service nationals who work in our embassy, putting their lives at risk. even if you assume we did everything wrong, their reaction was really unacceptable. the apology we should get here is from the foreign minister of india. >> right, right. but ambassador, let me move on here. you recently wrote about president obama fiddling in the white house like nero while national security burned. how bad is it? tonight, even in -- i believe in the sudan there's a lot going on around the world. >> yeah. look. this president simply doesn't consider american national security important. it is not high on his list of priorities. he's trying to fundamentally transform the country. that's what he said expressly in the 2008 election and confronts foreign affairs only where he has or get political credit. we'll suffer from that. we already suffering. look at iran's continuing nuclear weapons program. terrorism on the rise around the world. ukraine slipping back under the
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control of moscow. the chinese making claims and the east and south china sea. the president pays no attention. his secretary of state is busy worrying about israel with apartment buildings in east jerusalem. we're in decline because this president's policies. not because of the fundamentals of the country, itself. it takes a while to around. >> you know what? when you think about it, ambassador, when he first came into office, the president got the nobel peace prize and everybody thought he was so great and he apologized for america going to egypt and now i think the rest of the world is seeing the veil kind of -- a little different than they saw. ambassador, thank you so much for being with us this evening. >> merry christmas. >> merry christmas to you! coming up, another last-minute obamacare change. congressman lance joins me after the break. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer.
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and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it. but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps signicantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symcort doesn't replace a rese inhaler
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to skirt the individual mandate with a hardship exemption? and why are those people now able to buy cheap bare bones policies that before now were only available to those under 30? the changes brought outrage not only from republicans but from the insurance companies, as well. will this law ever get fixed? with me, new jersey congressman leonard lance who is a member of the energy and commerce committee. the committee that heard from secretary sebelius. congressman, what are the last-minute changes that the president announced or that sebelius announced on thursday? >> there have been quite a few changes. the most recent on thursday says if you have lost your individual coverage you'll be able to have catastrophic coverage instead. and this is not in the law and this is just another example, judge, where the administration unilaterally is changing the law. >> you know, wayne rogers, we talked about this earlier in the show and he said, what do you do
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about that? you know, about the fact that you have got the executive branches basically amending laws that the legislative branch passed. >> this is a president of the united states who taught constitutional law at the university of chicago. he of all people should know that what he is doing is not based upon the american constitution. what should we do about it? we in congress have repeatedly tried to repeal and replace the law but i think what's going to happen is that the american people are going to make the decision next november. >> in the november 2014 election. >> absolutely. and this is going to be the issue on the plate of the american people next november. >> but you know, they try so hard. you heard the president in that sound or in that press conference saying, you know, all these people have coverage but the bottom line is 7 million people have lost their coverage and now he's saying to the insurance companies, you have to cover these people even if they don't pay their premiums.
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now he is getting himself involved in the medical system and in the private sector. >> absolutely, judge. he wants to be apparently not only the president but also the head of insurance companies as well as acting as if he were in the congress of the united states. >> and at the end of the day, what happens, congressman, to those people and there is a woman on this show several times stage iv breast cancer, supposed to have a round of chemo. lost the insurance. can't get the chemo. when people, you know, who need life-saving medication or medical treatment, can they sue? >> i'm very concerned that there are far more people in that category than we really know and, of course, the president's statement if you like your health care insurance policy you can keep it and keep the doctor you can keep it is very often not the case. >> is there anything that you and your colleagues in congress can do or is this really a
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function of the next election? >> we repeatedly have said that the law should be replaced. and we'll continue to say that in the house of representatives. unfortunately, that's not the position of the united states senate. and that's why we have to have a resounding victory next november. >> all right. congressman lance leonard of new jersey, thank you so much for being -- leonard lance. people done that before? >> all the time. >> thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you, judge. >> all right. good luck with this health care effort. up next, the one and only ben stein on president obama's dismal approval ratings. last chance to vote in the poll. should patriarch phil robertson have been suspended? facebook or tweet me. what do you think, congressman? ♪
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just when you thought president obama's numbers couldn't get any lower, in his fifth year of office or in office, a new poll says the approval rating has sunk to a whopping 43%. in fact, out of all the post-world war ii presidents, obama has the second lowest approval just above richard nixon and fifth year ended with a 20% approval rating. with me now is nixon's former speechwriter and economist, our friend, ben stein. good evening, ben. >> good evening, your honor. >> all right. ben, the current president is rated down there with your former boss richard nixon but
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you say the two couldn't be more different. why is that? >> well, first of all, nixon has low ratings because he was the object of permanent press attack. attack by the beautiful people. attack by the powers and the academic world. he was a non-stop target. but nixon had accomplishments. he brought peace to the middle east. nixon brought about a relationship with china. nixon was the best peacemaker there's ever been in the history in fact united states of america. obama has done -- also has achieveme achievements. wrecked the health care system of america. wrecked the prestige. but the beautiful people still worship him. the hollywood celebrities, the celebrities in the mainstream media. they love him and worship him. so he will never get to a really low approval rating and never be kicked out of office. there's too much press and media
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and beautiful people power around him. >> but, ben, is this really just about a democrat versus a republican? i mean, are -- >> not at all. not at all. >> talk to me. >> no, not at all. no, no. ronald reagan had the most consistently high ratings of any president we have ever had and he was of course a republican but the media didn't attack him and hate him and loathe him the way it loathed and attacked nixon. i mean, no president's ever been loathed the way nixon was loathed except for lincoln by the southerners. they loathed lincoln the way the media loathed nixon. so, nixon's a very special case. the media was after him because of his communist activities and made mistakes they went crazy going after him and a way that's not imagined now. i mean, it would be -- it can't even -- the hostility was unimaginable. >> but let's talk about the fact that, you know, now that you
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have got obama who's doing these drone strikes and, you know, killing american citizens without due process and all of the thing that is he's done, contrary, hypocrisy, 7 million people lost their insurance or bumped from their plans. it's estimated 75 million will lose their, you know, employer insurance. i mean, will this change, ben? does he have such a halo over his head that he's safe from everything? >> he has a halo over his head from the people who count. he has a halo over his head from the mainstream powers in the media, mainstream powers in hollywood, mainstream powers on wall street. he has a halo over his head from the shining thought police who run this country. they will not let him sink to really low numbers the way nixon did. there's just too much media power guarding him. >> ben, i can't let you go without asking you about "duck dynasty." whose side are you on, phil, the
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ducks or a&e? >> drama is about conflict and a&e says no drama against power centers in america, xeps gay power center. you are out automatically. the thought police weigh in there, too. they should have a gay person come on and confront him and then you will have some drama. >> ben, always good to have you on. thanks so much for being with us tonight. >> thank you. >> all right. >> thank you. and now the results of tonight's poll. we asked, should phil robertson have been suspended? majority of you said, no, keep his job. janet simply writes duck no. james tweets, yes, i do think he needed to be suspended for his inappropriate remarks. jan fires bag by tweeting, the publicist that approved the interview should be fired. that's it for us tonight. thank you for joining us. remember to facebook and friend me on facebook. follow me on twitter. remember, my book "clever fox."
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7:00 pm
this was the year of -- >> obamacare. >> i apologize. >> and that other terrible thing. >> government shutdown. >> could put the baby panda at risk. >> i did not notice anything. >> spending and debt kept going up. and poor people felt the most pain. >> detroit is broke. bankrupt. >> and our government spied on us and lied about it. >> nobody's listening to your telephone calls. >> and many politicians are eager to go to war. >> this is not the time to be silent spectators. >> the left was eager to pass more gun control. >> newtown. >> columbine. >> moved to cen
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