tv The Five FOX News December 25, 2013 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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definitely looking out for you. hello, everyone. merry christmas. i'm andrea tantaros along with with bob beckel. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." welcome. we are so happy you could join us. many of you are probably drinking eggnog or exchanging gifts with family. we'll exchange gifts in a moment, too. first we want to talk about some of the worst gifts men and women give each other according to the new york post. let's look first at some of the worst presents women give to men. okay. clothing like ties. that's always a popular one.
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couples mani-pedi, but i'm tempted for bob. onesie pajamas aren't on the list but they are more popular this year than before. >> do you know what else? nose hair trimmer, >> what are ? >> he will? okay. listen. guys, there is no bad gift. if a woman gives you a gift, nose hair trimmer, sweater or tie, it's awesome. >> would you go to the mani-pedi. >> i will go if you go. >> that was a wonderful thing you did for me and put it in the closet. first of all, the mani-pedi, forget it. >> i thought you liked massages. >> i do. but a different kind of place. a cheese tasting course? who would go? >> i would like that. >> really? okay. good. and a watch? first of all, to get you a watch would be $30,000.
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can't afford it. and gadgets, you get something nobody uses. anything that looks like a wrench is a gadget. you get things that are european style. millimeters instead of inches. >> one time i gave peter one of the remote volume helicopter fly around thing. that was a good gift. >> how long did it last? a day and a half? >> these are good gifts except for protein powder. a cheese tasting course, i think, would be fun or a cooking class where you can drink when you' cooking. doesn't that sound fun? >> no. and the grooming says you look like hell. >> these all smack of oh self-improvement. if you say, this will help you, it's insulting. nobody wants to be told they need help at christmas. >> or a nose hair trimmer. >> exactly. >> the thing you give them should be fun. a bottle of booze or a sport equipment. it should never take up much room.
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if you hate it you don't want to have to look at it. it needs to fit in a drawer. so once you look t at it, you put it away and never again. >> the sports things they give out, i can't tell you the number of times i have gotten sports fan memorabilia from teams i hate. >> really? >> they get it wrong. i i'm a redskins guy. they bring me cowboy crap. >> don't get bob cowboy crap. how about the ten worst holiday presents men get women. i don't see the problem with some of these. but some are bad. a digital pedometer, high end scale. don't buy a woman a scale. that's stupid. vacuum cleaner, toaster oh even. no appliances, men. >> what's wrong with the vacuum? you can use it more. >> that's the problem, bob. i need a tool kit. >> my parents -- >> every time someone comes to my house, hey, do you have a screwdriver. i don't have it. >> i think they're asking you for a drink.
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>> santa themed lingerie? what's the problem? . >> i'm all for that. what's wrong with that? >> my parents gave my sister and i tool boxes for christmas. we were so annoyed like what kind of gift is that to give? i used that tool box for years. it had everything you needed in it when a guy was not around. >> great story. >> i'm trying. >> you have given your wife chocolates, the teddy bear, everything on the list here. >> do you know the big, huge life-sized teddy bear? she put it in the back seat for, i don't know, valentine's day. it was there for three months. so she was crazy. don't ever get a woman a diet book. >> that's a great way to break up. >> talk about a quiet night. >> or break up. >> what about this one? cheap jewelry. isn't that the truth? if it turns her finger green, don't get it. >> it doesn't turn green for a
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month. >> do you plan on dutching her in a month? >> i'm going to get you stuff for selling the stuff out there. the thing that bothers me here is when they talk about a diet book, i can understand how that's a pro. when it says a teddy bear, how about just a teddy? >> it says that. santa themed lingerie. >> oh. >> one of the worst gifts apparently. >> i would push back on that on the worst list. >> that would be wonderful. wonderful thing to find under the tree. >> let's hope somebody isn't receiving santa themed lingerie in our gift exchange. up first, secret santa time. to eric. >> oh! >> before you open it, we have to the play this sound from earlier in the year. >> i had three years of pictures and videos. three years of great baseball, various vacations and whatnot.
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never synched it. never backed it up on a computer. those are gone probably forever. so, parents, very importantly, parents out there, synch the phones. make sure your pictures are on a computer or if someone steals your car. >> your car was stolen, phone went with it. >> right. >> this is something that can help you preserve your memories in the future. >> wow. check it out. this is fantastic. i put my iphone on it and it sinks the photos to the memory. >> and you can print them. it's a printer. >> i like the little handle. >> wow. >> you can take it wherever you want to go. >> that's an awesome gift. thank you. >> nobody prints pictures anymore. >> it depends on the pictures you want the to print from your phone, bob. >> you cannot borrow this. >> don't let him near it. >> who's up?
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>> to day that. >> oh, dogs. >> santa paws. >> pretty paper. oh, it will fit the dog. i love it! this is so cute. greg really could fit in this. >> it looks like a leg warmer for a fat person. >> it does. >> there is another gift down there. >> is that for your dog? >> yes. you put the legs through there and like this. american flag, see? that's weird. we got each other. >> freedom has the same one. >> they can get together and be twinsies. >> i see a photo in the future. >> i love it. thank you. >> another one, but we'll find it. >> christmas should last all year. >> ready?
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>> bob! from secret santa. >> who is it? >> guess what, it's me. i thought long and hard about what to get you. i feel good about it. i think you'll be happy. >> i will? >> something i can show on television? >> it's heavy. >> okay. >> that's awesome. >> who is it from? >> it's the new paperback of "the joy of hate." that's my book. >> if you haven't bought these yet. >> that's a good one. >> "score card." oh, i missed that one. everybody taking notes? go to amazon and they are all
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available. and -- "the bible of unspeak able truths by --" you got it, greg gutfeld. i'm so moved. >> and this new book is ordered for you. "not cool." i have paid for it. >> these will be on the top shelf of my bookshelf. okay. when this new book comes out we'll promote it for six months. what's it called? >> "not cool". >> thank you very much, greg. i appreciate it. >> i couldn't resist. >> so next. >> who is that? to you? >> it's to me. >> that's from me. >> i love it. you draped in a greek flag. it says greek heavy weight boxing champ, bob beckel. >> you will see why. you have another thing there.
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>> oh, boy. opa! thank you, bob. really terrific. >> well, the greek flag is to put around you when you get in the boxing ring with me. >> that's cute. >> here is the reason why. here are your own greek boxing gloves. you and i have been boxing for seven years. geez, they don't fit your hands. greg, do this. >> at first i thought it said greg. >> you always hit me on the leg. >> i poke you. >> don't drop your flag. this country is in enough trouble as it is. >> okay. gregory. >> ooh, a serious present. >> like something you get in a box. >> how did you know i wanted
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paper? i love paper. i love -- >> it's beautiful paper. >> awesome. >> there you go. >> an adam le vine t-shirt. you know i will wear this. >> what does it say on the -- >> i finished second. >> the back is the best part. >> oh, i finished second. >> the original t-shirt -- >> hey, i'm sorry. go ahead. >> the ornlal t-shirt was actually adam le vine basically naked. >> i have that one. >> i figured you had a fitted tee. >> do you see one down there? >> two more. santa just delivered it. >> dana. >> oh, wow. >> can i swap the gutfeld books
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for that? >> i would trade anything for those. >> can you exchange? >> very fun. this will provide hours and weeks of entertainment -- a chia willie. not that kind of willie. from "duck dynasty." >> by the way -- >> it grows a beard? >> he has a medical condition. >> we are weeks prior to the controversy. good timing. >> that's cool actually. >> is that from you? >> the beard grows. >> ironically. >> he's growing a beard. >> who is this? >> another one -- i'm guessing from you? >> yeah, yeah. are you sure you don't want to trade? you get four more one. >> this a statue of the acropolis or something? >> four for one. do the deal. let's see. what is this? >> you bought something at
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brookstone? you are the first person to buy something there. >> i know. >> oh, how cute. >> that's really cute, bob. >> yes. slippers. >> comfortable shoes. i don't own any. >> i thought i would give you something serious. >> do you know how cool -- they have tempurpedic bottoms. >> you will never juan to take them off. they will be great after the couples mani-pedi. >> those cost about the 1/1000 of what your shoes cost. >> they will feel better. >> a lot better. you have to go. >> okay. coming up, lots of hot movies out. we'll tell you which ones we'll go see plus some of our favorite christmas movies of all time up next. movies of all time, coming up next. i'm overhe hill.
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>> oh, wow. did you see that? right on the lens. >> what's up? >> what's up, player. >> there is a new player, me. the player's player. >> if you touch ron again i will burn your face with a curling iron. >> then i will drown you in a dirty fish tank. >> this is awesome. >> i will definitely see that one. do we have "the wolf of wall steet"? take a look at this. >> this right here is the land of opportunity. >> you just tried to bribe a federal officer. >> this is america. >> this is my home. >> good for you. >> he's a little man. >> the show goes on. >> they need to send in the national guard to take me out. i ain't going nowhere. >> both look good to me. also, greg, your thoughts. >> first of all, i don't need to see anchorman 2.
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i have seen it. i mean, i have seen so much of it. also the one scene where he's dating a black woman, i'm so tired of the white clumsy guy acting stupid in front of a black family. i expect more from what's his face. >> will ferrell? >> what's the question? i don't go to movies during the holidays. i don't like going to see movies where people who don't normally go out don't go out bauds they don't know how to take care of kids crying. i like to sit home and cry. >> your favorite? >> favorite christmas movie is "blue velvet." i'm not sure it's a christmas movie but it reminds me of christmas. there is a lot of ni the tris oxide. >> all righty. dana, planning to see movies? >> i like to watch movies at home now. whatever is available on netflix or appletv, whatever, i will catch that.
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also i have the grandchildren from scotland are coming. 7-year-old twins. i have a feeling we'll figure out where the disney channel is. my favorite movie ever, christmas movie really is "love actually". >> don't do it. no, no. >> it's a great christmas movie. the only one i own. >> worst movie ever. it's not even a real movie. >> how can it not be -- >> i love it. i got it five years ago. i i didn't watch it for two years ago. i'm due. >> these two don't like to go to theaters because they can't see over the people in front of them. >> my mom used to -- >> i don't like it because i can't stand to see guys with baseball caps sideways and women who look like they walked off -- >> what's yours? >> "the wolf of wall street." i want people to be exposed to how bad the capitalist system
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was ripped off by wall street. only one went to jail. he's one of them. >> we give the producers our favorite movie of all time. they pull it and we talk about it while they roll video. >> you have a favorite? >> correct. my favorite of all time -- christmas movie -- is "miracle on 34th street". >> of course. now we have video of that. i agree with you. best christmas movie ever. >> i never saw it. >> you didn't? oh, you have to. >> i didn't see "it's a wonderful life". >> that's good, too. >> you haven't seen it? >> i refuse. >> it's timeless. >> that's what i should have gotten you. >> the title is a lie. >> he'll get more use out of the adam le vine t-shirt. >> your next book, "it's a terrible life". >> are you going to see a movie? >> probably not. but i want the to see "dallas
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buyers club," "american hustle," and wot the wolf of wall street." the guy was interviewed for for vanity fair. it was fascinating. drugs, money. sounds like bob's life a little bit. >> we did a lot of it. >> they found a way to bilk small time investors, not wealthy investors. that's pretty darn accurate. your favorite movie? >> "white christmas." every year we watch it as a family. it's classic humor. very, very funny. rosemary clooney is great. i love it. >> i haven't seen that either. >> do you know what christmas movie was good? the laurel & hardy one with. every morning it was on. >> is that a movie? >> the little soldier -- >> you can walk around as grinch around your neighborhood.
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>> i think i have a. i'm seeing two bobs. >> a great fun movie, watch "fred claus." this is one of my favorites. famous brother. stephen baldwin, that was clinton's brother, roger. the boxer's brother. rocky. >> frank stallone. >> and one more. they are all in like an a.a. meeting being the brother of a famous person. >> who doesn't love vince vaughn? >> like grant beckel. >> he should have been in the group. >> yes. he should have. he turned out all right. >> he was in scandal. >> is he? >> yeah. he played a bereaved father.
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>> i didn't know. >> we have to go. >> not even christmas is sacred in the eyes of the t president. what he's asking americans to conow and bob decks his home for the last time and our cameras followed him. don't miss it. the beckel christmas extr extravaganza coming up. [ male announcer ] if we could see energy... what would we see? ♪ the billions of gallons of fuel that get us to work. ♪ we'd see all the electricity flowing through the devices that connect us and teach us. ♪ we'd see thatlmost 100% of medical plastics are made from oil and natural gas. ♪ anan industry that supports almost 10 million americanobs.
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huma. even when weross our t's and dot our i's, we still run into problems. namely, other humans. which is why, at liberty mutual insurance, auto policies come with new car replacement and accident forgiveness if you qualify. see what else comes standard at liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? ♪ ♪ i know they say you can't go home again ♪ ♪
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♪ i just had to come back one last time ♪ ♪ ♪ you leave home, you move on [ squeals ] ♪ andou do the best you can ♪ i got lostin this o♪ ♪ and forgot who i am i take prilosec o e for my frequent heartburn.rtrn.! frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill ea mor 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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on this christmas the weather outside is frightful for millions of americans. bitter cold making it a tough holiday from michigan to maine. half a million people without power after an ice storm rolled through the region last weekend. repair crews working to restore service. in the meantime a lot of folks without heat are spending christmas at warming centers. a whole different scene in hawaii where the first family is enjoying a warm christmas holiday. president obama spending time on
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the links. he and the first lady took time to deliver tanl white house message. vice president joe bide and his wife visited the walter reed military hospital in maryland to thank patients for their sacrifices for our country. i'm juliet huddy. now back to the 5's christmas special. have a merry christmas. may your days be merry and bright and may your christmas include obamacare. it's an ugly activity to keep the other guys from ruining your lives. if there was no republican party your life would be run by the
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government. you say it if the reverse were true. if there were no democrats the republicans would stare awkwardly at one another and play golf drunk in their underpants. obama suggests contaminating your private life with public nuisance. it's so ingrained in him. for your christmas why not talk about benghazi, fast and furious, the irs. if you want to make our christmas political, do the same thing. discuss people losing health insurance for no reason or the rampant cronyism in your government. wait, is that unsavory for dinner? you're right. the it is. i would never ask for that. i may be a weirdo, but i'm not a jerk. >> when you go and meet with with your family, is there anybody that talks politics? >> yes. banl did come up during thanksgiving. it came up because even was whining and screaming about how
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terrible it was. then it turned into what a bad president he is and we get angry and drink red wine and get drunk and say inappropriate things. so it does the come up, believe it or not. but not in the way he wants. >> i feel bad for bob. you don't drink. the only solution is when you are involved in a political thing is to drown your sorrows. >> i will be happy to talk about obamacare. it's getting better. millions of people are signing up. >> all right. what about you, eric? >> they are not paying yet. most are signing up for medicaid. >> so president obama wants to talk about obamacare at christmas. i will make you a deal. we'll talk about obamacare at christmas if you let us take pictures of what's going on behind the scenes at the white house. you're on vacation in hawaii. love to see what's going on. remember when he became president, the first year with pictures of him surfing, having ice cream. >> shaved ice. he loves shaved ice.
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>> now you can't get pictures. i would love to see spimt are there words you should avoid completely. >> at family dinners? >> i think so. i think america needs a time-out. >> yeah. >> a little bit of a political break. talk about different things. there are little games you can get if you need a conversation starter because you can't think of anything else to talk about besides politics there are tools to help you. >> i play a game where i get a bottle of wine. i find a closet, close the door and drink the whole bottle. >> it's like seven minutes in heaven but by yourself with wine. >> four minutes in heaven. >> you make it sound like christmas dinners are wonderful things. >> they are. >> a t lot of food gets thrown. >> maybe at t your table you have food thrown at you. >> we're going out. >> that's a good thing to go out. >> it's just me and peter. we'll probably just talk about jasper. that's what we do. >> he probably can't wait.
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we're aig. and we're here. to help secure retirements and protect financial futures. to help communities recover and rebuild. for companies going from garage to global. on the ground, in the air, even into space. we repaid every dollar america lent us. and gave america back a profit. we're here to keep our promises. to help you realize a better tomorrow. from the families of aig, happy holidays. would you like apple or cherry? cherry. oil...or cream? definitely cream. [ male announcer ] never made wi hydrogenated oil. oh, yeah. [ male announcer ] always made with real cream. the sound of reddi wip is the sound of joy.
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jasper's having a last scratch -- and shake. off we went to africa on a more than 6,000 mile journey to be part of the first mercy ship mission to the congo. we flew from new york to germany and gabon and finally to congo. shortly after we arrived peter and i were greeted by the founders of mercy ships. they launched their organization in 1978 to help the forgotten poor. >> i just want to welcome her, thank her for coming. >> over the past 35 years mercy ships visited more than 575 ports in 72 nations. it is the first time to the congo and they will be there for ten months. most people don't have ak sesds to basic medical care and many
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haven't ever seen a doctor. on board the floating hospital i met the man who steers the ship, captain tim and took a tour of the bridge. i also met buck, the 180-pound taning and drill exercise dummy. i got a tour of the kitchen by head chef ken hatfield the from north carolina. he and the staff serve from 1200 to 1700 meals a day. when i go home, if i have gained any weight -- >> you can call it mercy hips. >> i can call and complain? >> call it mercy hips instead of mercy ships. >> the entire crew including the doctors and nurses are volunteers. nearly half from the united states. you never know who you may meet including the security team. the ship is in good hands.
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on screening day more than 7,000 people waited patiently to be seen by the volunteers. alishandra is a screening nurse who determines whether doctors can treat them. >> hello, sweetie. [ speaking french ] . >> she told me about the joy she feels when she knows she'll send somebody through who mercy ships can help. >> nothing that compares to seeing a patient come up who you know we are going to be able to help. so being the first one and being able to say yes is saying yes to everything. >> reporter: perhaps the hardest part of the job is when she has to inform others that there may not be anything mercy ships can do for them. >> unfortunately the problem
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with his feet is caused by a problem that's in his brain. so because of that, it is not something that a surgery will be able the to correct. >> reporter: over the next ten months thousands will undergo surgery to remove tumors, have cleft lips repaired. >> one of the most moving things is you show them quickly on when they are waking up, show them their face in a mirror, they are moved that their face that's always caused them shame is now -- they can see it's better, even with the bandages on. >> reporter: there are so many angels aboard the africa mercy like dr. gary parker, or surgeon mark shrine or finance director john wall to name a few. i marvelled at how well they work together and how devoted they are to helping others. a lot of people asked me for my deepest impression from the
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week-long trip in the congo. it was a great reminder that kindness is at the heart of humanity. we can learn a lot from the people who make mercy ships possible. that brings back great memories. good news to report, mercy ships signed a contract for a new built, the largest charity ship ever. many of you helped. donations have been pouring in since that rt ro. in order to say thanks peter and i made a donation on behalf of the five. the equivalent of ten surgeries. it will happen within the next ten months. we got a message from the ship. >> on behalf of the crew and all the ships we want to thank the five for their participation and interest in us. we want to wish you a very merry christmas. >> she's so cute. what do you think? >> i love it when people make donations on behalf of me! >> do you? then you don't have to?
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you don't get claim it with the irs. >> it's a wonderful thing you did the. but think about this. these people, you have the soldiers and these people will be spending christmas helping people. that's what christmas is about. >> christmas on the mercy ships might be one of the most wonderful, joy wous places. >> thanks for doing that. >> thanks for your support and for fox's support. coming up, don't miss bob's last christmas light show in maryland. it's not something you will want to miss. christmas at bob's is next. bob. [ male announcer ] playing in the nfl is tough.
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♪ doing it with a cold, just not going to happen. ♪ vicks dayquil powerful non-drowsy 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪ no matter what city you're playing tomorrow... [ coughs ] [ male announcer ] can't let a cold keep you up tonight. ♪ vicks nyquil powerful nighttime 6-symptom cold & flu relief. ♪
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cameras followed me as we hung up my lights for the last time. here you go. it's the end of an era. another day, another christmas. all righty. you know, i tell you. i have been doing this for 20-some years now. i don't suppose i will miss all the work that goes into it. but i know the kid wills misds it. that makes me feel bad. it is a little sad. i bought enough christmas tree lights to wire manhattan. they make these things so they can be absolutely sure that by the time you get to the next christmas season, they are all broken. every year i have to go to the store. why build anything that lasts? hell, if they did, they couldn't sell it every year.
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kid who lives here. how are you? >> good! >> what do you think? do you like it? it's pretty twinkly. look at the dog. >> look! >> reindeer and -- >> really, it's a great job. santa way up on the roof waving. ♪ o come all ye faithful >> well, here we go. this is the end product of a lot of work. we have to see if this thing will come on. this is the last one we are going to do here in brookmont. in fact, the last one i will do of the house. we are going to try this. three, two -- ♪ hallelujah >> whoa! it worked. there you go. by golly. another year, another house. last time.
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you're getting it. lights there, darks there. to show them that higher education means a brighter future. [bullhorn whoops] [laughter] my name is nnamdi asomugha. i don't just wear the shirt, i live it. announcer: you can be a reader, tutor or mentor, too. take the pledge at do you wear this?
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it is time for one more thing. dana, kick it off. >> did you know that 62% of homeowners in america have a pet. and that over 53% of them are going to buy their pet a gift. a dog or a cat or like greg has his ferrets to buy a gift. you know what jasper is getting? >> what. >> a 12 pack of tube socks. >> why don't you give him a cadillac. >> they don't know. he'll think the tube socks are fantastic. >> no thumbs. can't drive. >> oh, i bet jasper can drive. he can do anything. >> oh, anything? >> he'll get a driver. it is lou dobbs, he can drive
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>> gregory, you are up next. >> some people might think it is a live show. it is only a couple of hours old but i wanted to surprise my mother because i wasn't supposed to be home for christmas but i'm home for christmas right now watching this show, because i told her i was busy. i told her i couldn't make it. >> what do you want to say to yourself? >> i want to say greg, that is a stupid collar. why do you wear these giants? it is a giant. like a stealth bomber landed on your head. >> you're probably going to be drunk. >> right now, i'm drunk and i'm going, mom, look it is you and the weird guy with the collar. merry christmas, mom. >> that's sweet. >> i hate to ruin the surprise. i'll be back home for christmas today -- actually this morning we had our first christmas opening of presents. and then my two kids are coming over. but i want to thank santa, because worldwide he makes the world a better and happier place
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for big kids and little kids. i'm a very firm believer in santa's mystique and being such an important person. >> go, santa. eric? >> i was going to put up a picture frame. don't put it up. people don't get a lot of thanks. so thank you to our producers. josh mccarol, sean o'rourke, joe stein. >> not sean. >> yes, shun, too. >> and our senior executive producer. merry christmas. you guys do a great job. >> merry christmas. >> they did okay. i don't think they did great. there is always room for improvement. >> if you say great, then they don't have to think about next year. >> pretty good. >> next year could be better. >> i don't know. >> they are average. >> we have the best team at the fox news channel. >> well, maybe. >> well you have a red eye team. i just think the five is the best. and this is a picture, since you didn't put up a picture of your dog. i will continue with the theme. >> more dogs? >> bob, look at this picture.
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my sister texted me this last night, it is a yellow lab and it says i ate the elf on a shelf. and next to it the shepherd says and i helped because he was creepy. >> they were shaming them. >> dog shaming. >> why don't you take all of your dogs on a cruise. >> like a doggy cruise? i bet there is such a thing. >> for christmas, if you have the ability to do it, go rescue a dog. there are so many dogs that need to be rescued. it's a great time to do it. >> i have to put them in jeopardy so i can rescue them. >> or give to charity. >> i would be happy to pay someone to rescue them. >> one year my family didn't give each other gifts. >> you can do that. >> now he's talking about jasper. >> i was saying something nice about giving to charity. >> i am. i'll give to charity, i'll give them a dog that is bummed out. >> what's wrong with that? >> give to a military charity instead of buying each other gifts. >> we want to wish you all a very merry christmas and to all of the troops that have gone in
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harm's way to serve our country. thanks for joining us tonight. merry christmas. >> and merry christmas to all of you dogs out there too. good evening. i'm charles krauthammer. welcome to this fox news special presentation of "firing line." for 33 years and over 1500 episodes "firing line" set the gold standard for public affairs television. when it went off the air 14 years ago and william buckley, jr., signed off for the final time the show was the longest running news program in television history with a single host. for more than three decades, buckley sparred with presidents, politicians, and
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