tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News December 27, 2013 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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join us for "on the record" monday night at 7:00 p.m. eastern. have a great weekend. good night. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> we have in the first year an immigration bill that i strongly support. >> broken promises. most of president obama's big pledges have come up short. how is the white house planning to turn things around in the new year. fox's ed henry joins us with a special preview will governor chris i have -- chris christie play across the land. new poll finds chris christie and hillary clinton leading the pack for 2016. can anyone derail their path to become their party's nominee? we will analyze. i don't got time for mukes.
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i have to pay attention to the kooks right now. >> hold on to your hat. >> it's miller time. >> it's the very best of miller time. >> lighten up, pal. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. thank you so much for watching us tonight. let's get right to our top story. president obama's broken promises. he has promised everything from closing guantanamo bay to restoring trust in government. but many of those vows have gone unfulfilled. >> i have said repeatedly that i intend to close guantanamo and i will follow through on that. >> what i can guarantee is that we will have in the first year an immigration bill that i strongly support and that i'm mow proght and that i want to move that forward as quickly as possible. >> despite those failures to follow through, the white house has a whole new game
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plan and a whole new set of promises prepared for the new year. joining me now from washington with the inside story fox news chief white house correspondent ed henry. ed. >> good to see. >> you let's look back a year, february of 2013. state of the ready address, 3 million plus people watching. 33 million as i recall. huge audience. the president promised immigration reform he promised tax reform. he promised more people for preschool and after school. he was promising even that there would be increase in the minimum wableg. i don't think any of it happened. am i wrong? >> you are right. he had a head of steam coming out of the last election. got reelected. felt like he had a mandate. between the inaugural address in january and the state of the union you mentioned at the beginning of february, those two speeches he laid out a very progressive end aggressive. almost none of it has fulfilled. he would make the case and
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his. like immigration reform. trustworthiness has taken a big hit. because of not just you know the broken promises from 2008. but more recent if you like your plan you can keep your plan, period put that sprangs at the end. it didn't turn out to be true. that has wounded him and demand a whole new game plan from him in january and beyond if he has any chance of salvaging this. >> you make a good point. what you see in the declining poll numbers for president obama is a similarly close in terms of tracking decline in people trusting him in part because of the rollout of obamacare. i have got to believe people also remember all those broken promises. so, let's look forward, ed. what's on the agenda. what are his top promises going into 2014? >> look, is he going to make a whole new set of promises at the end of january with another state of the union address, those laundry lists
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of some new initiatives. some things we have heard before. i think a minimum wage hike is going to be a big part of that he thinks that is going to rally his base and upset a lot of conservatives that think look, you hiked the minimum wage, other people get laid off because small businesses won't be able to keep up. they are also getting hit with new regulations from the healthcare law, et cetera. so he is going to have new initiatives what somewhat on the economy. the problem is he is going to be pinned down on issues like implementing healthcare reform. what is going to be a bigger part of the game plan, what you will not hear in the state of the union is bringing on john podesta the old clinton white house chief of staff, a democratic operative, very close to hillary clinton, which is interesting if you look forward to 2016 is that john podesta is a big proponent of executive orders, executive action. impeachment, all the rest. what they did was a lot of executive moves that infewer united states conservatives. here is president obama has
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done some of that already. i think they are going to do that on steroids. because i think john podesta believes don't try to work with this congress that has blocked you, go around it so they are going to pile on more regulations having to do with healthcare and dodd franks and the rest. >> this year coming up, the campaign, the primaries are already starting. so is he going to be almost a lame duck pretty early in this calendar year his sixth year. don't forget, if you look back to george w. bush, george w. bush lost the house and the senate in 2006, his sixth year in the presidency. even ronald reagan lost, i believe, control of the senate in his sixth year. president clinton, he lost, i think he actually might have picked up some seats, he didn't change control of any house of the congress, so, ed, what you see is more executive action on an issue like immigration, like promised fence and do immigration. not go through congress but say can't do without
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congress, something grand pass immigration reform bill that he might not twook it. i think he is going to try to do stuff on the margins on immigration, on the economy, other initiatives like that continue to change the healthcare law on his own because he has a congress that doesn't want to work with him. he is going to go out and try to be aggressive, rally his base. you are going to see him on the campaign trail even i'm told before the state of the union address. usually they travel after the state of the union. is he going to do it before. >> he is in a campaign mode and we haven't even started since the first of the year yet. >> the next campaign is comi noted, is he running out of time, juan. >> ed, thank you so much. that was terrific. >> thank you. >> next on the rundown, many african-americans farrowing poorly under the obama administration. that's no secret.
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and new outreach campaign by the g.o.p. bring those voters in the republican party's corner. then later, a white man in texas charged with a federal hate crime after a knockout game attack against an african-american. huh. why aren't black assailants being hit with the same charges? the factor will be right back. ick with innovation. stick with power. stick with technology. get the new flexcare platinum from philips sonicare and save now. philips sonicare.
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in the unresolved problem segment tonight, despite the fact that more than 90% african-americans voted to reelect president obama they haven't faired well under his presidency. when he first took office in 2009, the black unemployment rate was 12.7%. last month, that number had dropped to, well, 12.5, you know, .02 percentage drop. that's more than double the white jobless rate. even some of president obama's strongest supporters in the black community are
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not optimistic. >> the data is going to indicate sadly that when the obama administration is over, black people will have lost ground in every single leading economic indicated category. on that regard, the president ought to be held responsible. >> but is this dissatisfaction enough to drive african-americans into the arms of the g.o.p.? joining us now from washington orlando watson, the communications director for black media at the republican national committee. and raffi williams, the deputy press secretary for the rnc, mr. williams happens to be my son. gentlemen, welcome. now, let me just quickly say when you look at unemployment in the black community, often cited by folks on your side of the republican committee, the national committee, they say he is not doing well, but, in fact, you know, black unemployment has dropped slightly under president obama's watch, it went up under president bush's watch. raffi williams, how do you respond? >> well, what's look at what the president has said he wants to do for blacks, which is nothing. is he not out there trying
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to help them. not pushing a legislative agenda that will drop unemployment down. when he goes to latino leaders he says is he direct. wants immigration reform and tries to accomplish it is he ignoring a whole segment of the american population. i see that as a problem. what we want to see or black people want to see is a discussion about how he can help them. you know, that's something that i think the g.o.p. wants to discuss with black people is well why isn't he out there talking with you. we want to have this conversation about how we can help and move the ball forward. you see paul ryan going around the country with bob woodward. you see rand paul going to detroit. >> you mean bob woodson. >> bob woodson, sorry. >> you see an effort you think on the part of the g.o.p. to do outreach. orlando, you are in charge, in fact, of doing that very job for the republican national committee, outreach to the black community. i think a lot of people seeing the two of you seeing here orlando would say how come these two young black men are republicans. why are you republican? >> i'm republican because the republican party, we care about people and we care about improving
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people's lives. and one thing that i want to see one thing i definitely want to see is a thriving black community. in order to have that you need a few things. you need a community that's built on a foundation where we revive the entrepreneurial spirit, where we focus on educating our youth. where we are focused on having strong moral principles and mutual assistance. these are things that republicans stand for. these are things that i believe would attract blacks to the party why need to rediscover these republic values and principles. it will make the community successful. >> you think that the party is in fact doing that, that the party is dedicated, committed, invested money wise into making that effort, mr. watson? absolutely one thing we had was a growth in opportunity. we have to expand the electorate and reach out to people in the black community and hispanic community and asian community and we have devoted resources i'm talking time and money and people all sorts of
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different states building relationships. >> raffi your job to s. to reach out to young people and conservatives. do you see along the lines that orlando watson is talking about. do you see a party committed reaching out to young people, young people in polling showing more and more dissatisfaction with president obama, what's your message to young people to get them to join the republican party? one what young people care most about is being entrepreneurs, getting on the right career track and jobs. that in essence is what obama is presenting them from success in life. having a conversation talking about fewer regulations how that can allow you to have more success in the workplace. career track. time and time again young people are getting college glop thats not even get a job that requires a college diploma and not even move out of their parents' house. we are trying to talk to them and talk to them about what's pulling you back. >> i understand. now, you know, the thing about this is i think lots of young people, especially
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young black people, would ask the question, wait a second, you expect me to turn away from the first black president? all across this country you have the republicans and the democrats. in the black community it's been a one party system for far too long. the black vote has been taken for granted. what we are asking is for people to give us a choice-i excuse me people give us a chance. if we talk about our message and issues that matter to folks like the economy, like jobs, and education reform you will see we will be very successful and people will be successful. >> this is an interesting question, raffi williams, because here i am, i'm your dad, i'm older generation, i'm a registered democrat. you are a registered republican. you expect to see inroads more so with younger black people changing parties at least independent if not republican than do you with people my age.
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but, again, i asked orlando why is he republican? raffi, your dad is a democrat. why are you a republican? >> because of you, dad. i mean, that's the bottom line, right in the american dream, the ability of the free market to lift everybody up and to give everybody a shot at a better life. i mean, that's what it did for you. that's what we believe. in that's what i want more people to have a chance like did you. i want that to be the standard in american is define success and however you can do it. i believe the free market allows people to do that. so i support it and make sure that everybody has a chance to be as successful as you. >> you see what happened there? that wasn't fair. i don't know where you learned these tricks of argumentation from not from me. but you have absolutely shut up your dad. gentlemen, thank you very much. a new fox poll finds governor christie and hillary clinton on track to become their party's presidential nominees. can anyone sink this 2016 matchup? we will analyze it a might man charged with a federal hate crime after a knockout game against an african-american. why aren't the feds charging black attackers with the same thing?
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in the impact segment tonight, chris christie and hillary clinton's game to lose. a new fox news poll finds they are the favorites to become the presidential nominees of their parties in 2016. hillary clinton is miles ahead of the competition with 68% support among registered democrats. vice president joe biden comes in second with just 12% and he is trailed by massachusetts senator elizabeth warren, new york governor andrew cuomo. both of them in single digits. chris christie meanwhile facing a much tougher battle among the republicans. he leads there with 16% among registered republicans but former florida governor jeb bush, senator ted cruz,
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congressman paul ryan aren't far behind. each of them have 12%. senator rand paul is at 11%. so, given those numbers, can clinton and christie be stopped from becoming their party's nominees nominees in 20? with us now to analyze democratic strategist robert zimmerman and joining us from atlanta radio talk show host alice stuart. let's start with the republicans. when you look at this fight right now with christie at the top, i wonder do you think to yourself i don't see tea party folks embracing chris christie after his embrace of barack obama after that big storm in new jersey first it you will this goes to show that the g.o.p. has a strong bench that's very important. these numbers are very early and hearted to get a good predictor of what's going to happen in 2016. in terms of chris christie what he did embracing barack obama he had to do.
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his state was in dire needs. he needed help. i worked in governor's office. what you do when you work for a state you elect people more than anything, he needed federal assistance. if that meant him embracing barack obama who could sign that check that's what you do. >> alice, i don't understand to you defend chris christie, that's fine. i'm saying do you think that tea party folks who didn't like that would ever decide yeah, i'm going to support. i'm going to put my passion behind chris christie? what the tea party folks are going to do is stand behind the person who best reflects the values of the republican party. here is what the americans and republicans are tired of, they are tired of someone like the president who will look them square in the eye and give them a self-serving lie if you like your healthcare you can keep it give hard truth as to inconvenient truth. >> barack obama is not running. what we're really talking
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about at this point is primaries on both sides. i'm struck by a couple things. one, if you ask republican women who they like, they like this is no surprise, paul ryan and senator rubio, if you ask republican men this poll is the equivalent of political twerking. gimmick port political bases of both parties. it has no basis in reality. no substance to it. here's the point. as much as chris christie is this year's winner in my opinion an excellent governor in so many ways, the reality is any republican nominee has to get through the extreme right wing in iowa, new hampshire, south carolina to get that nomination. those three states are the bermuda triangle of the republican party because they suck down any moderate conservative governor or candidate for president who for that matter recognizes
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science as a reality. >> who can win independent voters that are critical to winning the white house in the general. >> that's why republicans have lost five of the six last presidential votes. >> but here's the thing. i was getting at this with alice you have an issue over the identity. speaker boehner getting mad at heritage action the freedom works because he feels they're undermining his leadership. you have a battle with the chamber of commerce saying we are not going to support tea party type candidates in the primaries. how does a democrat like robert zimmerman see this playing out for the republicans. >> here is the reality. republicans are immersed in the civil war. much like the democratic party went through in the 70s and 80's until bill clinton brought them together. the reality, i don't see much changing here, when the the smoke clears, you see republicans who try to work with democrats, for example, charlie crist from florida who tried to work with president obama. he was drummed out of the party by the tea party.
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-mile-an-hourkowski -- bennett. >> you like chris christie but if it's not chris christie, who do you see being the republican nominee? >> well, as i said we have a deep bench and i think that's the key thing. keep in mind, this poll is a great poll the fox news poll. it's a national poll. the polls that really matter when we get closer to 2016 are the ones that are state by state early states specifically iowa and new hampshire and look at the latest iowa poll. >> we have to run. i want to thank you both because we are going to be following this. it's just getting started. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. a stunning twist in the outbreak knockout game assault. a white man charged with a federal hate crime after he his alleged attack on african-american. why aren't black assailants being charged with the same thing? and we get ready to say goodbye to 2013 with the
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very best of miller time so buckle up. all of that just moments away. i'm nathan and i quit smoking with chantix. when my son was born, i remember, you know, picking him up and holding him against me. it wasn't just about me anymore. i had to quit. [ male announcer ] along with support, chantix (varenicline) is proven o help people quit smoking. it reduces the urge to smoke. chantix didn't have nicotine in it, and that was important to me. [ male aouncer ] some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood, hostility, agitation, depressed mood and suicidal tughts or action
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sleep number. comfort individualized. in the factor follow-up segment tonight, an unexpected twist to the wave of knockout game assaults taking place around the country. >> 27-year-old conrad barrett hasn't been in a whole lot of trouble with the law. now he is charged with a federal hate crime. according to federal court documents, on november 24th, barrett approached a couple
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at a restaurant and asked if they had heard of the knockout game. the knockout game is an attack like this one. in which the attacker tries to knockout and unsuspect ising victim with one punch. the attacks are usually posted on line, barrett, according to federal prosecutors, showed the couple video of the knockout game he had played that day in katie. the 80-year-old victim had to undergo surgery to insert two metal plates in his jaw and remove three teeth. >> he wasn't doing good at all. he couldn't eat. he couldn't drink nothing. his jaw was all broke. >> another videos prosecutors say barrett uses the "n" word and states that african-americans haven't fully experienced the whether he blessing of evolution. >> some are accusing the justice department of a double standard. joining us now from houston, attorney, who are was cooper and nicole deboard, also an attorney and former prosecutor.
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clearly evidence of a double standard. look on the department of justice web site you can't find one press release regarding this knockout problem. liberal allies in the media try to down play it now all of a sudden the very first time they get a chance to weigh in on the matter, they find the one white guy out of the dozens and dozens of dozens of cases where this is has overwhelmingly been a problem where black thugs have been preying on others and too many instances people who were innocent, minding their own business who happened to be white. >> well, ms. deboard, i'm not convinced that every case is is a knockout game case, but didn't barrett really give the government this case on a plattedder because he videotaped it and he spoke about racial an moss and, therefore, i think, hate crime. >> he does the thing on
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video, which he then shows to witnesses and he comments on it saying that the reason he selected this particular victim was because of his race. and that fits exactly into the statute. the justice department acted correctly in making the decision to charge this individual if the allegations are correct. >> but, ms. deboard, you understand mr. cooper's point that previously all the other examples that we have heard of, you have black people attacking white people and here you have the justice department led by eric holder, an african-american never taking action against any black assailant. doesn't that strike you as a double standard? >> it really doesn't. because in those cases there hasn't been any indication that the victims in question were selected based on their race. and in this case the attacker actually goes on video and says that the victim he chose was chosen because of race. and that's the difference. >> okay. wait a second. let's challenge this. first of all, one of the other names of the knockout game is polar bear hunting. where they are targeting
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whites purposefully. and in many of the instances, part of the game is you post the video. it's curious to me in the george zimmerman trial there were texts involving trayvon martin which appeared that he played this particular game. but no investigation. you have got a city council member in brooklyn saying this is happening to too many orthodox jews. young black thugs are beating them up and now we have four or five or six reported deaths that fox news has counted. what we're talking about is a real question why hasn't the justice department gone after these cases. >> hold on a second horace cooper, everything you just said seems to me to be circumstantial or a report, not quite clear in the case that ms. deboard is discussing. is he heard talking about it. using racial language to justify his attack even sort
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of saying blacks haven't benefited from evolution, i don't understand how that is that chron temporary to what she is swhag she says this case has been served up to the government as an example of a hate crime. >> we have got a case going on in syracuse new york in which a person was accused of this. we have got audiotape and witness testimony. yet, no observation by the justice department that were this case to go south they are going to intervene. we have got case after case of evidence here in the state of texas where i am where this very same crime justice department hadn't gotten involved could get you 25 to life. why is the justice department picking this case? >> and your answer. >> it's the kind of evidence. >> you are answering your own question, there horace cooper. >> why do you think the justice department is getting involved in this case? >> the justice department. >> it's the kind of case -- it's the kind kind of case show hate crime laws are primarily laws used to prosecute white americans. and not to prosecute.
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>> how would you prosecute? i will give you the final word. >> the justice department has to start somewhere. why not start with a case where it appears they served the perfect case on a silver platter through the assailant's own words on video. >> one thing we can all agree on. they should go after anybody who engages in this kind of horrible behavior, regardless of race. ms. deboard, mr. cooper, thank you. when we come right back. our beloved dennis miller at his wildest and craziest. it's the very best of miller time. and then, twerking pop star miley cyrus says she is a good role model for women. how can that be? we'll debate it. we hope you stay tuned. we'll be right back. you know how painful heartburn can be.
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thanks for staying with us, i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. in the factor flashback segment tonight, miller time. let's take a look at some of dennis miller's best moments right here on the factor. we will start tonight with bill and the d-man talking about the crack-smoking mayor of toronto, canada. >> the mayor of toronto just said this, go. >> you have purchased illegal drugs in the last two years?
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>> i didn't, i have. >> the reason he took so long to answer is he smoked so much pot he forgot. >> listen, if this guy does need to be treated for crack addiction, trust me, is he coming down to participate in what's left of our healthcare system because is he not getting it up there. he goes in there, they think he is chris farley doing a character. >> that guy in little -- >> cog night toe and i are doing a remake of three amig goes together. he will be the ones saying his lines too fast because is he is on track. >> you are in a lot of trouble, mister. >> i was going to book a bolder fresher show in toronto but i don't think that's a good idea now. do you know what i'm talking about. >> i'm off the reservation. this whole thing is going to hell in a hand basket. >> if i'm perceived as a problem because i'm candid, so be it. >> here in new york city, we can have the big gulp again, we can drink as much soda as we want because the courts
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ruled that mayor bloomberg and the board of health cannot limit the size of sodas and you say? >> well, it's about time, mayor lucky charms got shot down. >> they're always after me lucky charms. >> they are magically delicious. >> beware of the dwarf star who fancies himself a quay caesar. >> what have we got on this thing a queefn nature. last term. you are not that important. go back and cash checks off the stock ticker. that was a good idea. where do you get off? how about a rule where 5 eu9 people cannot eat flag gras. 5ity and. >> it doesn't taste very nice. does it? >> what about this miley cyrus person? lots of people were offended by her performance on tv the other night. were you? >> first off. i want to see carville and
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were with the horns she had on. miley i and most of america are officially bored. we are bored with people like you incessantly feeling the need to shock us squares. you are insipid because you don't have an act. that foam finger you used is going to last longer on the landfill than your career. and you know something? i would say i hope you have got something tucked away. if i was robin ethic i would fire -- thick i would fire my people. he has the hottest song. the guy can actually sing. all of a sudden he is in a gulliver's travels on spanish fly. >> i can lick anybody my size. >> but i will say this to miley. i got a good look at that tongue and the coloration was bad, baby. that's the same pallet that picasso worked in. you have got to get that
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worked this at. >> you. >> i had a long long look at it because it was constantly unfurled like the fire hose that bruce willis used to go between floors in diehard. [explosion]a lot to digest in that, miller. >> that's what i think, billy. >> i want to recommend to mr. thick's tailor that he might get glasses. what about that suit, miller? i thought the kingston trio was on stage there for a minute ♪ a worry song ♪ i'm worried. >> you and i come out in medallions. >> now, are you an angler? areare you a fisherman? do you throw that line out there once in a while. >> i have been known to work an angle, of course. >> putin and miller and i are big putin fans. >> yeah. >> apparently putin went to siberia and caught a pike that weighs 46 pounds. >> billy, the monitor is
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partially obscured here. did you just put up another anthony weiner photo. >> there was no time for small thoughts. >> that was putin. >> just scared the living hell out of me. i thought this is getting really weird. that's beyond limit. you can't keep that. >>. no. >> so he got it but here's the controversy. fishermen tell me putin is fudging it here. >> yeah. well, i love putin because he wears camo out on the lake and waders when he is inside the forest. i don't know what the hell that is about. is he the most interesting man in the world. >> stay thirsty my friends. >> put on the shirt after he caught the fish. >> that is a solid cup. >> do you want me to wear a bra? >> no, no. a bra is for ladies. meet the bro. >> and the problem is is that you can't tell -- russians can't tell putin that he is funneling the fisher he they will throw him in jail with those girls. ♪ ♪ >> the world's gone insane. you know what?
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putin ought to solve their fiscal problems and come out with a double d cup of the month calendar. >> so what are you going to do with those guys? wield like to remind you of two upcoming bolder fresher shows featuring bill and dennis just 20 v.i.p. seats remain for the show on friday march 28th at charlesston, south carolina at the north charlesston performing arts center. tickets on show the next day march 29th in knoxville, tennessee at the knoxville civic auditorium selling out very quickly. and, please check out bill o' where we have big discounts in the christmas store and, remember, premium members get additional discounts. up next, a federal judge says the nsa phone surveillance program is legal. but leaker edward snowden still thinks he did the right thing. we will hear from him upcoming.
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in the second unresolved problem segment tonight, edward snowden and the national security agency. today a federal judge in new york ruled that the nsa's massive collection of domestic telephone data is legal. and dismissed the lawsuit brought by the aclu. but, a week ago, another federal judge ruled the opposite way, increasing the odds that the supreme court will eventually decide the matter. and earlier this week, nasa leaker edward snowden released his own christmas message. >> a child born today will grow up with no conception of privacy at all. they will never know what it means to have a private moment to themselves and an unrecorded, unannualized thought. and that's a problem because privacy matters. privacy is what allows us to determine who we are and who
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we want to be. >> joining us now from washington cliff may, the president of the foundation for defense of democracies and camille foster, a co-host of the independence which airs at 9 p.m. on the fox business network. mr. foster, let me begin with you, do you agree when i say that we face a tears threat in this country? >> undoubtedly,. >> do you agree when i say to you that we have now new types of technology previously unavailable and it gives us an advantage in discerning a terrorist threat? >> that is generally true as well. >> how you can, as i understand it side with edward snowden in saying that, you know what, the united states government should not be looking at telephone data? >> well, fortunately for me, in making this argument, those first two questions don't make it absolutely necessarily true that edward snowden has behaved inappropriately here. there are at least inappropriately here. there are three questions to remember.
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the first is the question of the constitutionality of the program. it's clear that's in dispute. two federal judges said different things. there are two other folks who weighed in. this is the president's council and at least one court judge who cited consistent abuses of the program. one other thing to look at is are the programs effective. that's in serious dispute. the judge cited three incidents in which meta data is used but it is not clear this program was used. there is every reason to look at if the programs are effective, whether abuse happened and if they are worth the investment. >> cliff, you heard mr. foster say you had a judge say this was
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illegal search and seizure. and there is no evidence when the government was able to find terrorist information based on looking at the data. >> reasonable people disagree. what i don't think they can disagree on is the following. edward snowden was a government contractor. government employees take ab oath not to disclose information that's secret and proprietary by the u.s. government. if you violate the oath you should be criminally prosecuted. snowden could have come to talk to you, bill o'reilly, talked to congress about this. what he did was steal information and reveal it. what he did is reprehensible. he should be brought to justice.
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i think this program is constitutional. there aren't guys listening into your phone conversations. they are taking billionses of electrons and storing them. to connect the dots you must collect the dots. that's all they are doing. >> that's a good point. mr. foster, that's an important point. there is not one example of where the government has been snooping in someone's telephone or computer data. oh, they are looking at nasty pictures or something. >> fair point. but that's not the standard. meta data is a powerful and invasive tool. you can know people's associations. >> you can, but there is no evidence they have done and there are terrorists trying to kill us. >> i don't need to demonstrate the abuse happened. only that it is possible. >> look -- >> there are at least two other issues i brought up. the effectiveness of the program
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and the efficiency. >> final word, cliff. >> let me start with this. of course abuses are possible. when you give guns to policemen abuse is possible. you do it to protect the citizens. same thing. the checks are are the courts. you cannot collect the dots. >> this is a terrific argument. we'll come back. bill will be back. thank you for coming in. >> my pleasure. >> in a moment, pop star miley cyrus said she's a feminist and a good role model for women. what a? we'll debate it next. (vo) you are a business pro.
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you can separate runwayridi. seeker of the sublime. from fason that flies off the shelves. and from tional. because only national lets y choose a car in the aisle... and go. you can even take a full-size or above,nd still pay the mid-size price. (natalie) ooooh, i like your style. (vo) so do we, business pro. so do we. go national. go like a pro.
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antics, telling the new york times, quote, i know i'm not putting down women. people got a rise out of me saying that i was a feminist. but i am. i'm telling women, be whoever you want to be. is that true? with us now, contributing editor for the washington post magazine, kathy arua. sex and selling sex makes her a feminist? a woman's role model? >> well, this is today's feminism, yes. it's showing people you can be with who you want to be which is what she said. she's leading by example, breaking rules. she's pushing that envelope. she's crossing the line. so, yes, this is today's feminism. it's not gloria steinem, mary wolfencratz. >> she has a new video called "adore you." she's under the bed sheets and engaged in what looks like self-exploration -- this is -- i
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don't see how this makes you a role model for young women trying to make their way in the world. >> she's doing what she wants to do. she's saying if this is what she wants to do she should be allowed to do it. no one is holding her back. she doesn't have disney, a daddy, a man telling her what to do. she's in control and chooses to romp in the sheets, sing this way, act this way and do what she wants in her videos. >> you think she's a role model because she owns her image and is taking control. >> entrepreneur, yes. >> let me suggest that to say to young women the way to make it is by looking cheap, trashy, sexy. >> that's not what she's saying. she's saying the way i'm making it is this way. you make it your way. she is making it. she made millions of dollars. she knows what she's doing. she's in control. she's a genius, a wonderful artist with a beautiful voice.
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she is a hit. she knows what she's doing. >> she's making money. between $120 million and $150 million this year. >> fabulous. >> she's above lady gaga and outstripped madonna. for a young woman to look up to miley cyrus and say, i should dress in a revealing manner and i have to show boys everything in order to make it in the world. >> not what she's saying. she's saying do what you do, what you love and you will make millions. follow my lead. >> oh, so in other words you would say go ahead and do pornography, miley cyrus? >> do what you want to do. don't let someone tell you what you have to do. >> no standards for you? >> well, i'm not saying there are no standards. women can be free to do what they want to do. they can entrepreneurs like men. men aren't running the show anymore. >> i find it troubling and i wonder if young women don't get the wong message.
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you say it is a matter of control. she's in control. >> she's empowering them. it's power. >> thank you so much. that's it for us. thanks yor wat s for watching. i'm juan williams in for bill o'reilly. the spin stops here because we are always looking out for you. tonight on "the kelly file" -- the letter that's gone viral. a kelly file exclusive. why he calls the folks in washington clueless. plus, it is the lie of the year. >> if you like the plan you have, you can keep it. >> the campaign using obamacare to hit vulnerable democrats in the next election. people are taking the law into their own hands because of big budget cuts. breaking
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