tv FOX Report FOX News December 29, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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fox urgent, growing outrage over a report by the new york times which claims there was no terrorist involvement in the deadly attacks that killed four americans in benghazi, libya. i'm harris faulkner. fox news sources on the ground in benghazi the night of the attack, said there was no doubt the assault was a coordinated effort and they are denying claims in the new york times report that the assault was spontaneous and related to an anti-islamic video on the you tube as the white house first claimed. four americans died on september 11th, 2012. our ambassador to libya, christopher stevens, state department employee sean smith and navy s.e.a.l. glenn
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doughtery and tyrone woods. and adam is following the story. and it seems like the latest report takes the latest line and has stirred up this community who has been trying to get their story out without losing their job? >> reporter: yeah, harris. as soon as it was posted, a number of us working the story got phone calls and e-mails and they had to be careful not to give away classified information but right away the community was upset. people need to realize there were a number of people there. the cia, the fbi, you had military and contractors. we heard from a number of people since this times story post, saying this was complete bologna and another quote was about how these men went into the compound, how the terrorists came in. they weren't random attackers. one guy was shooting, one guy was running, others were watching the gates and the bosses on the ground were coordinating and that was a
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direction action -- a direct action planned attack and those are the sources we've been dealing with over the last year and a half. >> it seems like we are going backwards. the article that wrote this, part of a book he was working on, he is saying that the islamic video had something to do with this. so where does the investigation stand right now? >> the frustrating part, harris, for a lot of people reporting the story, is there is a lot of spin on both sides of the political aisle and various agencies and it is hard to wade through it because some of the men have had their jobs threatened. and i've spoke to them and i believe them. we've vetted them. within man made it clear there was no warning about al qaeda in this area is bologna. the quote this one guy kept using over and over again, in particular there was briefings all the way up until september 10th, 2012, the week prior talking about al qaeda as the largest and most significant
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element infiltrating libya. i don't know how that isn't a threat or to tell people that al qaeda wasn't there because it was. >> adam, our own sources here at fox news have gone on the record and some of them, and we've known for quite sometime that the video had nothing to do with this. in fact the white house had put out susan rice as the talking point carrier on the five networks after this happened in 2012, and since then we've known this was not spontaneous. so where is this coming from, exactly? and again, i mention this guy is writing a book and this is chapters out of the book and we know sometimes can have an agenda when they want to sell books. >> reporter: right. and that could be part of it. there were some suggestions coming from some of the agencies or the administration, because obviously -- the reason why people are upset, and harris, the one thing that has taken so long, these men and women, they are so far -- most americans have no idea about this. they can't talk about a lot of
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stuff they do. it is clarified, even to their family members. so the frustrating part for them and they tell us, it is unprecedented. it matters to them because it is unprecedented that you don't go and try over a ten hour period because that is what everybody needs to realize. we didn't have a confirmation that the ambassador was dead until the next morning so why wasn't anybody rallied on the coast of the mediterranean. it wasn't like in antarctica. and that is what the mep and women have told us over the course of the last 15 months. and that is what is most frustrating on this is, is the spin coming up. and the reporting we've done and other colleagues at fox news, we've done whatever we can to ensure we are getting the absolute accurate information and in this case these guys may have stirred the bees nest, so to speak in the new york times because a lot of them are saying this is complete bologna. >> i want to talk about that briefly before i let you go, in
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terms of stirring the bees nest. if you are sitting and worried about your job and watch this, when do you put this aside and say i'm motivated to talk and go on the record now. >> and here is what a lot of americans don't know, they don't make a lot of money until they can go into the private sector. so they work with different agencies as a private contractor. that is how they have a chance to make money for their family and that is where the hard work came working in the military or wherever, to become a private contractor. and so when you take that ability away and threaten to take away jobs or security clearance, he he take away their ability to make a good living they worked so hard for. you have that threat that takes people away. and to keep in mind, they have so much information that is classified, they don't want us -- they trust us, but they don't want to give away information hurting anyone else over there. there are still men and women in harm's way.
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and some have been threatened with more than just jobs. and i believe them because everything they have told us thus far has come true. >> and some people may be scratching their heads and saying what happened to the whistleblower coordination in this country? has that been talked about with these sources you are speaking with. >> reporter: we are. but some people in congress are not allowed to be talked to because they are not classified cleared. the whistleblower thing, and as you know we had a special operator on in may who gave us credible information that has not been disproven. a few went in front of congress and there has been battles within the congressional committee looking into this, evening amongst the republicans there are battles. there are a lot of different variables and i think what this article did, was it an intent to sell books or an intent to cover agencies, we don't know. a lot of it is wrong from our
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reporting and what it did possibly do is stir up the hornet or bees nest where some of the men and women on the edge, enough is enough, this now means we need to come out and let america know as much as we can without putting people in harm's way. >> and there is still so much to learn. and i want to remind our audience, we've been on this story since the very beginning and all along we have told people we will get to the bottom of the story. it is interesting to see if this is enough to get the sources to come out of the shadows and talk on camera or on the record. adam housley, great reporting tonight. thank you very much. and by the way, you heard adam talking about the fact he is writing about this., our website, go there and check out his work, your other news source. let's stick with the story. new reaction from lawmakers over "the new york times" report and benghazi. senior white house affairs wendell goler is traveling with the president in hawaii and joins us live from honolulu and
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what is the white house reaction tonight? >> reporter: well i think it is clear this is very complex, not simple. officials traveling with the president won't comment publicly but they say they don't have any issues with "the new york times" report. remember the benghazi attack occurred less than two months before the election. he and then secretary of state hillary clinton were protecting themselves from the suggestion they weren't tough enough on al qaeda or vigilant enough to defend against the group but the times found that some anti-gadhafi leaders were just as anti-american and they boasted about it. and the experience of armed libyan rebels still controlling parts of the country helped to explain the president's relukt aps to arm syrian rebels. the film seems to have played a role in the attack even if it didn't grow out of attention to the film. >> we know what the article said
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and we heard from adam housley and other correspondents we have counter information to that article, wendall. what is the other reaction wider on capitol hill? >> reporter: well we have counter information to a simplified explanation of that article. some republicans are saying they have more information than "the new york times" reporters, that al qaeda wanted to attack the consulate even if they don't have proof at the time that tied al qaeda to the 9/11 attacks. democrats say it is more complex. here is mike rogers and california democrat adam schiff. >> there was aspiration to conduct an attack by al qaeda and their affiliates, we know that. the officials on the ground talked about a planned tactical movement on the compound, before they went to the an ex. >> i don't think it is accurate to characterize this was a long term preplanned al qaeda
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operation or something completely unaffiliated. i think the intelligence reports that some people came to murder and some came to destroy property and some came to loot and some came in part to be motivated by the videos. >> adam schiff said it does not exonerate americans but left them vulnerable. >> wendall, thank you. a surge as americans scramble to get health insurance in time for the new year. 1 million people signing up for obamacare this month, nearly 10 times more additional people than in the first two months of the disastrous rollout combined and good news on the surface for the white house at this point which for months have been battling the fallout surrounding the beings, the crashes and here comes the word -- glitches -- associated with which was supposed to deliver the exchanges and choices for health care. and critics continue to point out that just more than 1
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million enrollees will include a high number of people signing up for medicaid, poor americans. and that enrollment still coming far short of the 7 million people who were expected to sign up for insurance altogether. california republican congressman darrell issa said the enrollments don'make up for plans that were canceled because of the affordable care act. >> this 318 million americans, 1 million getting on subsidized health care and in many cases probably another million getting on medicaid as a result of obamacare and 6 million people who had plans they liked that have been thrown off of it. i don't think there is anything to celebrate. >> jim angle is live with the news in washington. a big improvement isn't big enough? >> reporter: harris, that is the question. it is the best news for the administration since the rollout began but that is a low bar.
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with the enrollments like we've said sever times over the last few months but one analyst said they are way behind. >> they only announced 1 million and they were at 900,000 and we don't see the rush we thought we would see. >> this doesn't include state sign-ups and it doesn't come close to covering 5 million canceled because they didn't cover all that obamacare requires. each of those plans could affect a couple or a family, meaning 10, 15 or 20 million people that had their coverage canceled and trying to replace it. so still a long way to go just to get back to even, harris. >> that is so interesting. if you do the numbers on that, all of the cancelation notices and 1.1 million people siping up -- signing up. the beginning of the year will bring us new information about how this thing will work. jim, i'm curious and i told our viewers about the fact, moments ago, the types of income, if you
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will, income strategy or categories people are in that are enrolling and that is a complication with that. why? >> reporter: that is right. the early signs are troubling to those of all stripes. the key is how many young and healthy versus older and sicker americans are signing up which will determine whether obamacare is financially viable. listen. >> if you look at the demographic data of the underlying trends and who is enrolling. there is evidence that it is a less healthy population and what the plan hoped for, and certainly order. >> less healthy people are signing up and younger people are signing up less frequently than hoped. >> reporter: and obamacare plans make it difficult to see specialists and deductibles of $5,000 means many people have to spend their own money before they get financial help. howard dean argues republicans have long favored higher deductibles. listen. >> have patience and put more skin in the game and they'll be care r careful about how they spend and now we have the republicans attacking the high
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deductibles because they are desperate to attack this plan on any number. >> reporter: but the uninsured may be shocked after the administration touted it $50 to $100, making it sound less expensive. jim angle, good to see you. happy new year. >> thank you very much. a bomber targets a busy game station weeks before the olympic games are set to start there. and what will happen to a girl pronounced brain dead after a surgery. what the family is calling for in their last moments of hope. stay with us. mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971.
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brain dead. there is permission to pull her off the ventilator at 5:00 p.m. local time tomorrow unless the family makes an appeal before then. a nursing home nearby had offered to help and give her long-term care but now the facility along with another one that offered to help have both backed out. the family is turning to a hospital in new york. dominic gina tele is live for us, that the story is about to shift 3000 miles in a different direction. >> reporter: yes. i must say they are keeping the name of the new york hospital private, out of the two california -- after the two california locations ditched them. now according to the family lawyer, chris dolean, a conversation was due to take place between the new york hospital and medical directors. we haven't had details on how far that has gone but the lawyer dw describe the hospital an organization that believes in
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life. children's hospital in oakland is believed to given the family false hopes by having the girl assigned to another facility, even though she is brain dead. >> the judge declared her brain dead and deceased. this becomes at a certain point a very sad thing for the attorney to perpetuate a myth that mcmath will get better. she, unfortunately won't. she's dead. >> reporter: well last night the family issued an impassioned and realistic statement saying that they were defending dollan and he has not given us any hope, much less false hope, other than hope that we get from having her heartbeating one more day, we are not ignorant, we understand that she has suffered a tragic and perhaps irreversible catastrophic injury to her brain. this afternoon children's hospital told us they have not received a single call or message at all from the new york
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facility. and the language of their messaging suggests they are trying to do what they can to work with the family before the court order deadline to switch off the life support comes. 12 hours and 40 minutes from now. >> it is keeping to -- it is creepy to think about. and the hospital would have to do that feeding tube and breathing tube in order for her to travel and that was just down the road. i wonder how difficult that travel would be to come across the country? >> reporter: it would be very difficult. i mean, she probably couldn't travel without that. and if the hospital isn't willing to do it, how will that be resolved and as time is of the essence. this is a tricky one harris. >> dominique, thank you very much. our prayers to the family. so close and still so far way -- away, a rescue is nearly in sight for a ship full of people stuck in the frozen seas of antarctica. but tonight another setback in the mission to rescue them.
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right now, seven time formula world champion michael schumacher is hospitalizedar a -- after a skiing accident. he retired from racing at the end of the 2012 racing. he was on a ski trip with his family and fell and hit his head this morning and airlifted to the hospital. now the hospital has released a statement saying he arrived in a coma and underwent brain surgery immediately for serious head trauma. it is still not clear if he is in that coma, but the statement said he remains in critical condition. we'll continue to follow the situation. we'll bring you updates as we learn more. well it is already monday
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afternoon in antarctica and a snowstorm has moved in, stalling the efforts to rescue 74 people stranded on a ship. they have been in the same spot in ice since christmas eve. the leader of their expedition went to twitter and tweeted from the deck earlier. >> the winds have picked up but we have been in contact with the rover and it is trying to reach us. >> that was difficult to hear. and he tweeted out last week they were on the deck in their sunglasses and looking happen. he looked stressed out there. people are optimistic rescuers will reach them. and as we reported, an ice breaker from china had tried to get to the group and they could see him and not that far away and then that chinese boat had to turn around. france tried and had to turn away and now it depends on the ship from australia it. got to the area hours ago and the snow is getting in their way. paul tillsly has been monitoring
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the rescue for us. >> they managed to get food to the trapped ship and spoke to the leader and the 74 people onboard. they first managed to do it by video link. i could see incredible bad weather conditions. the leader was trying to talk to us in a severe storm with snow flying sideways past the camera. then the video circuit was lost and we were able to to get him back in voice only. professor tourney said they were not in immediate danger. the mood on board is very good but there is frustration because they've been stuck in the ice for a week now. he did add there is concern about icebergs. rescue authorities told fox news that there are icebergs in the area and these massive, solid chunks of ice, some far larger than ships, have blown across the sea by wind which at the
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moment is gusting strongly. the possibility of an iceberg coming into contact at speed with the expedition ship stuck stationary is causing real concern. making light of the situation, though, the professor tourney said penguins were appearing from across the ice, looking at them curiously. lisa martin of the australian maritime safety authority who are coordinating the rescue attempt told fox news earlier that the weather in the area where they are trapped is currently deteriorating and they can't therefore say when or if this latest ice breaker, the aurora australia, might be able to get through to bring an end to the crisis. martin added that the stuck smip is too far to be reached by air from the two countries which normally assist with operations, australia and south aftera -- africa.
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it is about 22 miles away from the ship but stormy conditions are making visibility extremely difficult, harris. >> and those icebergs, we have some experience with that in our history. and i dare even speak the name of a ship that we all know i'm thinking of right now. icebergs can literally come out of nowhere as windy conditions are up there. paul, i want to talk to you about the morale of the crew. they are been tweeting on twitter regularly and they sound like they are optimistic but they haven't visibly seen the help any more. >> reporter: and that is it. and i think the next 24 hours are critical. that is the time the rescuers will have to decide whether this latest ice breaker can get through to the trapped ship. if not, they have to bring in a helicopter from a nearby chinese ship. the ice by the expedition ship will need to be firm enough to land on and then of course it will take several trips to lift the 74 people off. and they've been joking about what will happen to their luggage as they won't be able to
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take much on the helicopter, as the trapped ship is russian. one said it is okay, we'll just sell your effects in the markets back home in russia. but one can't help but think of what you were referring to, this upbeat scenario on their tweets and videos. we can't help thinking those on board are facing these issues with bravado. it is a serious situation playing out in the vast wilderness that is the antarctic, harris. >> one last thing before i let you go and i want to talk to about the time line because we know they have food on the ship and can sustain for a little bit, but there is some urgency now? >> reporter: there is indeed. the plan is -- and one of the things that the professor told me is that for the second day running, he's seeing a little bit of ice breaking up around the ship, he's seeing little bits of open wharf around the ship and he is hoping the australian ice breaker can get
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in there quickly because the ice is really thick around the ship and he said it is old ice, which is particularly dangerous because it is not level, it is not like being on an ice rink, harris, some of it is more than two meters high without it being an iceberg. so it could affect the hull of their ship if they can't get this ice breaker through. if they can get the ice breaker through, what they'll try to do is turn the ship around and get it out through the clear channel that the first ice breaker will have made. harris? >> paul tillsly following the story and we'll continue to stay on it as well. the stranded ship in antarctica. thank you, paul. the white house touting what it sees as progress with more than a million people enrolling in obamacare but that is far short of where the white house said they should be. about a third of the big number they had as their goal. coming up, we'll go in depth on what to expect on the affordable care act and what it will look
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♪ ♪ get great gifts from the person who knows you best. you. that's powerful. verizon. get new year's countdown deals. save $50 on select droid devices, like the free droid mini. i'm harris faulkner. this is the fox report. it is the bottom of the hour. if you are just joining us, the obama administration is claiming new numbers for the health care program. 1.1 million people for december.
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they say the bugs that made the website useless are a thing of the past. but the surprising number from the white house still far below the 3.3 million enrollees the administration was hoping for by now. and with the new year will come a new test for president obama's signature law. as hundreds of thousands of americans will begin to use the program's new medical coverage for the first time. john fund is a columnist for national review and been along the ride throughout the journey since october, looking at the website and the restart and so on. what do we watch for, john, in the coming days? >> well, january 1st, people who signed up before december 24th, will be eligible for coverage. now a lot of them will have their records misplaced and won't be in the system or they won't have sent in the premium payment. you can't get health insurance unless you pay for the premiums. the administration is telling insurance companies, please tide
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these people over and we'll square up with you later. but that is voluntary. so in theory people will be turned away because their records are inaccurate or they haven't played the premiums. >> wow, you gave us a lot of information. well the misplaced information, why is that happening? >> well just the other day in one state, i believe it was massachusetts, they had to go back to 16,000 who signed up and said you have to resubmit everything because we can't find everything that you sent in? >> so where does it all go? and again i have to harken back to security here. you put it out on the inter-web, where is it? if they can't find it, is it a good sign? >> i think this website is flawed. and last week tagt had a security flaw and that was being sold on the black market. target had to inform consumers they had a security breach.
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do you know who is exempt from the law? >> what. >> is exempt and you don't have to notify anyone. last week we learned that the top information security at hhs, the cabinet office in charge of the website, said the website wasn't secure in october when it launched. her boss also said it wasn't secure and it was put up for activity because of the political appointee appointed by president obama signed off on it. so this is a website that professionals say isn't secure and they are not obligated to tell us if it is breached. i think it is unsafe at any bandwidth. >> frightening and interesting at the same time. you talk about the premium payments. now this gets complicated because each state has different time lines for when you can pay for your premiums with the insurance companies operating in their states. the federal government is saying you have insurance on january 1. but if they haven't paid
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anything, you don't have it and they want the government to float you. who will make up the difference? that is our tax making up the difference. >> we have learned that younger people and healthier people aren't signing up for the. changes. we know this from the 14 state exchanges releasing information. the feds aren't. that makes it imbalanced and the insurance companies could lose money on the exchanges. if that happens, there is a reinsurance fund that would pump in $25 billion of taxpayer monies to bail out the insurance companies. that may not even be enough. we may have to have a bail out beyond that. i don't think the people who designed obama care considered what this will do to insurance companies. >> i can imagine people not getting the doctor they want. >> and these plans on the exchanges have very narrow networks so example in san
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diego, there are only seven on televisions for the whole county in some of the networks and plans. in some of the other states you only have one or two insurance plans available. in fact 60% of the counties in america, largely rural and suburban areas, only have one insurance plan available to people on the exchange. >> so we are all vying for the resources in those 60 counties -- 60%. >> unless you have a plan that doesn't have those narrow experts and you hope your employer can hang on. i think that is at risk too. >> and the prices have gone up for those of us getting it from our employers, even though they have been trying to keep that low, it is over time. >> and the problem is obamacare has made it easier and more, shall we say, profitable for employers to drop the coverage and throw their employees into exchanges. >> i want to get what darrell issa said today.
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can we see that and get your response. >> obamacare is a reality and a failed program taking a less than perfect health care system from the standpoint of cost and making it worse. so the damage that obamacare has done on january 1st, 2nd and 3rd, will have to be dealt with as part of any reform. >> i didn't hear him say repeal, he said reform. so are we in a new chapter for obamacare. >> it is hard to repeal a program which has the president's name on it, obamacare, in which he is proud of. so i think that we do have an obligation, even if it is not repealed, to make the program work better. you can do both. can you push for full repeal and say we have to do something for people, the 6 million people who have lost their insurance and do something permanent, not have ad hoc administrative decisions on friday evening when the white house said you are excused for the next few months and we'll work something out for you. >> john fund, thank you very
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much. after january 1st we'll bring you back. and i guess technically that is next year but it is next weekend. i would love to hear your thoughts once it gets rolling along. happy new year to you. >> thank you. happy new year, harris. >> absolutely. a political leader confronted by a guy with a gun. see what happens after this. it is one of the most unbelievable moments caught on camera this year. [ male announcer ] this store knows how to handle a saturday crowd. ♪
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critically wounded responding to the bank robbery. they released the photos of the suspects on friday. authorities say he was also involved in an attempted bank robbery in atlanta. >> there were numerous similarities between the bank robberies that occurred in atlanta, tupulo and phoenix. including the clothing worn by the subject. the object the suspect used to prop open the door. statements uttered during the robbery and over all modus operandi of the suspect. >> how did they track him? the suspects cell phone was at all three places at the time of each bank robbery. terror strikes, a crowded train station in russia, raising fears about the upcoming olympic games. a bomb went off, triggered by a person wearing it. 16 people died, many more were hurt. a massive flash from inside of
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the windows is advisable followed by smoke. the u.s. state department has issued a statement denouncing this attack and saying the u.s. stands in solidarity with russia over terrorism. it comes in weeks after a cheshan called for attacks in sochi and after another bombing on a bus in the same city killing six people. students at one of the country's largest universities clashing with riot police for a second straight day. it is our top story around the world in 80 seconds. egypt, the government accusing pro-muslim brotherhood students of trying to violently derail their school year and call off exams. one student has already died when protesters set a campus building on fire. and last week egyptian leaders
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named the muslim brotherhood a terror group. in england, the royal air force scrambled helicopters to pull some of the 496 people on board this vessel to safety. others evacuated in life boats. six people hurt, minor injuries. police arrested one passenger suspected of starting the fire. mexico, a 300 yard section of highway collapses after a series of small earthquakes. one stretch south of tijuana is so bad parts of it fell into the ocean. some vehicles buried in the mess but no one was hurt. bralz -- brazil, thousand g at rio to honor the goddess of the sea, dancing and singing and giving presents and asking for blessings for their country which will host the world cup next year.
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and that is a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. a developing story that we've been following this hour. one of the greatest formula drivers in the world has been critically injured in i skiing accident. champion michael shoo maucher underwent surgery for serious head trauma just a few hours ago. we'll have an update on his condition. also -- >> he's alive. he's alive. a miracle at the bottom of the sea. a man trapped in the bottom of the sea in a boat. and the best of 2013 caught on camera.
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the french alps. he is 44 years old. fell and hit his head this morning e. was wearing a helmet and skiing with his 14-year-old son when the accident happened. the director of the resort said that he was unconscious when he was first taken to a local hospital. doctors are treating him, saying that he arrived in a coma and had to undergo brain surgery immediately. and the hospital said he remains in critical condition. spectacular crashes, dirty jobs and heroism, all caught on camera. jonathan hunt with some of the most eye-catching video we saw all year. >> now the top five moments of 2013. number five, imagine if this was your job, slicing into a two-day dead sperm whale washed up near the pharoah islands. a marine biologist trying to rid the car cuss of the methane gas.
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we are not sticking around while this happens. and number four -- a loaded gun meant to kill the leader of bulgaria's ethnic party ends in an assassination attempt. a security guard tough on the suspected assassination, arresting him and beating him all in view of the press. and number three, a ten ton meteor racing at around 33,000 miles an hour through the atmosphere in the skies over russia. a fire ball of blinding bright light said to have the power of an atomic bomb. nearly a thousand people were hurt, 100 people were hospital i ized, no one was reported killed. >> he's alive, he's a live. >> a rescue diver finds a hand reaching out for help in the murky waters of the atlantic.
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alone and shivering at the bottom, able to breathe in an under water air pocket after the tugboat where he worked as a cook capsized 12 miles off the coast of nigeria. rescuers coached him the whole way through. our number one moment on this caught on camera 2013 -- doing his job, trying to get a bus full of high schoolers to their destination. >> are you -- are you all right? >> a driver went above and beyond when he saw a woman in need. >> ma'am, are you okay. >> he approaches the woman who he said was barely hanging on. he put his hand on her arm. she turns around toward him and as he supports her, she jumps down to safety. in new york, i'm jonathan hunt, fox news. negative people make
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positive people sick. so if you have a few negatives in your life, it is time to cleanse. did you know there is a good riddance day. this weekend people shaking off what didn't work for them in 2013, making room for something that makes you feel like this. ♪ [ music playing ] mine was earned orbiting the moon in 1971.
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afghanistan in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former military members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. [ male announcer ] if we could see energy... what would we see? ♪ the billions of gallons of fuel that get us to work. ♪ we'd see all the electricity flowing through the devices that connect us and teach us. ♪ we'd see thatlmost 100% of medical plastics are made from oil and natural gas.
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the seven nl annual good riddance day had people filling up times square. the chance for new yorkers in the city to say so long to problems of the past year and in the middle of the cross roads of the world, they dumped everything from pictures to paperwork into a shredding truck. one family with a 3-year-old is ready to embrace 2014. >> he were wanting to say good riddance to body's cancer. he was diagnosed last year and he's in remission now. >> thank goodness.
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congrats to body and all of the others who kicked the baggage of 2013 to the curb. and a fox fast forward. tomorrow is the last chance for a california family to save they are daughter aptd keep her on life support. a judge set a deadline of 5:00 p.m. local time for the hospital to take her off the ventilator unless the family can make a last-minute appeal. they are hoping a new york hospital will accept her after two california hospitals backed out. on wednesday, john kerry is expected to arrive in jersey lem -- jerusalem for peace talks. it has been a great joy and honor serving you each week with what is happening around the nation and the world. and i do it with a fantastic team. thanks to them for their hard work and passion. 2014, get ready, fox news, always unafraid, ring in the new year safely.
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i'm harris faulkner. give me 10 seconds to get to huckabee. have a good one. i am harris faulkner. huckabee is next. >> tonight on tonight on huckabee. >> has this been the worst year of your presidency. >> a failed obamacare rollout and a lie that you could keep your doctor cost the president and handed him his lowest approval ratings of his presidency. but does bad news for the president mean good news for the republicans? we have more on the political landscape tonight. and last-minute changes are making insurance companies scramble to accommodate the president and his law after a disastrous skart for obamacare in 2013 and what surprised still lie ahead. and the catholic church wins a court vic
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