tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News December 30, 2013 11:00pm-12:01am PST
11:00 pm to learn how you can change the lives of more great americans. thank you for being with us. a big happy birthday to sean hannity. the new year is coming, whether you like it or not. hello, everyone, i'm dana perino, in for great great. it's that time of year when everyone pledges to be bettner the next year in very important ways. president obama telling the press his resolution was to be nicer to them. kanye west pledging to stop talking trash for six months. glenn beck says he would like to be a better man in 2014. greta says her resolution is to clean up her office. and joining me now, a couple of my co-hosts from "the five." this is an amazing peanut butter chocolate coming together for new year's eve.
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it's like a perfect combination. what are you going to be doing tomorrow night? >> who is peanut butter and who's chocolate? >> you now how they meet on the stairs? it's like the perfect combination. >> i'll eat those any day of the week. they're delicious. >> explain what you're going to be doing. >> we're going to have the first hour of the fox special, going from 9:00 until 12:30. and we're going to have 9:00 to 10:00. since kimberly and i have been through this for several years, i think we know each other well enough, but we're going to start, at least i'm going to start by asking the viewing audience if they can make recommendations for a new husband for kimberly. and she's going to ask if somebody can find a date for me. but it's going to be fun. i'm a little nervous about it. we're down there with a million people. and the energy will be there for sure. we've got lots of components, a
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lot of reporters coming in. >> we have an exclusive with "duck dynasty," and a lot of the fox stars will be there to help ring in the new year. hemmer is a veteran of this, he's been doing this five years. he gave bob some advice. so i'm excited to spend an hour live with bob. >> i wondered if your -- on your worst day in your deepest, darkest moment in your life, did you ever think that you would be ringing in the new year with bob beckel at your side? >> that fantasy never crossed my mind. >> what's that all about? come on! >> but sit a good combination. >> yeah, it is. >> it's sort of like ma and pa kettle. >> do you have a new year's resolution? >> i do. but on "the five" there's a five-second delay because somebody on that show swears a lot. but we don't have any delay tonight or tomorrow night. so i will be on my best
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behavior. my new year's resolution is to lose 20 pounds because i want to stay healthy for my two children. and i want to be around to continue to stick it to conservatives. >> we appreciate that. >> i just want to know for the record, because we're "on the record," right? that bob said originally he was going to lose 30 pounds and would go stop a sugar free diet. >> i lost eight already. >> any resolutions, kimberly? >> i'm resolved to keeping bob beckel honest throughout 2014, and i'm going to go for the health thing, too, we're going to go to core fusion together and i'm going to get dana in fighting shape so i have staying power against the bob beckel. >> will you take us to yoga class one day? >> i go to a bar class every
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day. so i'll take you. maybe we'll get a private session. >> can you show me how to do the dipping dog? >> can you imagine? >> stick around so i can ask you real questions. beyonce is getting slammed for using real video from the space shuttle disaster as part of a love song. it starts off like this. >> looking carefully at the situation. obviously a major malfunction. ♪ >> some nasa workers are calling beyonce insensitive, and her response is that the song was recorded with the intention to heal those with lost loved ones. are you buying that excuse, bob? >> nope. i don't know how old she was, even if she was around then. but that was a devastating day in the life of america and the life of the space program. it was the first teacher in
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space, and it was -- and her class, i can't remember her name, but she was from new hampshire. her class was all watching when this happened. it was devastating. i don't think it has a single place in a music video. i don't care if it's a love song or hate song, it shouldn't be there. >> do you think they were caught by surprise, meaning beyonce, but were they caught by surprise were they trying to invoke a reaction? >> i don't know. i don't think they necessarily anticipated the extend of the reaction, but you should if you care about human beings and grieving family members, you should know better because it's in poor taste. it's disrespectful and no amount of money or selling records should matter more than human dignity. >> also, that one -- those two lines from the nasa spokesman who always cover those things were the most memorable of the two lines of the day, a major
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malfunction here. it wasn't as if they took something that was a sideline discussion. this is when they blew up. i saw it, you saw it. >> poor choice. >> i remember we were watching in the school library. hopefully the nasa families can get some peace. >> it's important to know your history. here's another question. if you were president of the united states, which tv shoes would you watch to relax? president obama's picks don't seem to be much of an escape from the stresses of the white house. the president saying he watches "house of cards," "breaking bad," "board walk empire" and "game of thrones." that's some pretty good taste in television. what do you think? >> it's a little dark. there's no comedy in there. he's picked some wonderful shows and he thought one of the greatest shows of all-time was "the wire," which was a very
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dark tv show about the baltimore police department. but i'm a little interested in this, because i watch "board walk empire" and it is about the mob back in the '30s. of course, the story about the meth -- "breaking bad." these are not what you would call uplifting. >> also takes a lot of time of your day to watch these shows. >> i do watch "scandal," so that's my recommendation to the commander in chief. >> and you gave me the "house of cards," the first year of it. i was transfixed. i had to watch the whole thing. it was great. their new second season starts soon. >> it's coming up, they're finishing production now. i'm going to give you one more
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topic. check this one out. a grocery list of receipts showing 60 cents for cake, $8 for macaroni, and $1.80 for a bar of soap. this belongs to al qaeda, and it's a snapshot of the terror group's accounting practices. would you have pinned them as being that meticulous in their planning and in their accounting and expense reports? >> i actually would, because when you're a terrorist organization, unfortunately they have been a successful terrorist organization. you do have to be meticulous about details to plan these events, especially when you have so many intelligence agencies trying to thwart your activities and destroy you. you have to be ten steps ahead of everyone else to be successful. so it doesn't surprise me that they're that focused. >> where do you think they were that they got cake for 60 cents? >> not here. >> sounds like my shopping list. so i don't know if that makes me a terrorist or not.
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>> macaroni, donuts. >> i used to have donuts and cake and you made me stop eating them. can you imagine -- first of all, she's been on my case for months about being healthy. if you do one single thing wrong, she's right there. out of the ether, bob, don't eat that! >> we got all those banished, dana got us healthy snacks. >> bob mixed water mel op with his tomatoes and ranch dressing, which looked kind of gross. >> i was not alone with those doughnut trays. >> yeah, but look at her. >> how do you eat so much and keep a figure like that? >> every time i would shove a doughnut in my mouth, da
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there. >> thank you, guys, so much. it's tomorrow night, fox news channel's new year's celebration live from times square. they're going to host with bill hemmer and elisabeth hasselbeck. straight ahead, whose comments landed them on "the washington post" list and who earned the biggest pinocchio of all? that's next.
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president obama taking the top spot on a 2013 year-end list. but he's not going to be happy about it, because it's "the washington post"'s biggest pinocchio of the year list. the if you like your health care plan you can keep it tops the list. glenn kesler joins us. glenn, i've dealt with you many times over the years. i've been reading news since you've been doing these pinocchios. why did that particular lie get the biggest pinocchio of the year? >> well, first of all, because it was -- had such huge impact. second of all, the president said it repeatedly. he said it week after week while he was passing the health care law. and since the health care law was passed, and it -- >> go ahead. >> i'm sorry. >> i can hear him, too. >> well, also there were two other factors. one was that -- one of the main
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reasons why so many millions of people were affected by this was because they had a very early effective day. it was effective the day the president signed the law. the insurance companies said make it effective december 31, 2013. if that had happened, you wouldn't have had all these cancellations. finally, the administration itself had made very strict regulations implementing the law, which made even more plans get grandfathered out. >> for all those reasons, it gets the honor. let's take a look at another presidential pinocchio. this was that the capitol hill janitors got a pay cut. >> the janitors, the security guards, they just got a pay cut, and they got to figure out how to manage that. that's real. >> what about that one, glenn? >> well, that actually wasn't real. they didn't get a pay cut. after the president made those
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remarks, the administrators in the house and the senate issued a statement saying what the president said was not true. i think he just kind of assumed they would have a pay cut, and then after that, the white house doubled down on it and said they lost overtime. but actually they didn't lose overtime either. so i thought this merited inclusion in my list, because it was emblematic of the inflated rhetoric the administration had about the sequester. >> and president obama also getting another pinocchio for what he said about the benghazi attack. listen to this. >> the day after it happened, i acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism. >> that's relevant today, glenn. >> yes, it is. it's still relevant. what happened there is that the day after the attack in the rose garden, he called it an act of terror. it was kind of thrown in there as a patriotic mention, like no much act of terror is going to
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harm our country. when a president, when an ambassador is killed, it is an act of terror. the key question is, act of terrorism. and you know this from the white house, those words can make a difference. and immediately after that appearance in the rose garden, he was interviewed by a "60 minutes" correspondent who said, mr. president, i notice you didn't call it an act of terrorism. why did you do that? the president didn't answer. he danced around it. and then two more times over the next two weeks, he was asked about why is this an act of terrorism? and he skated around that question. so this was a matter of after the fact -- >> certainly he remembered -- he misremembered at the debate with mitt romney in 2012, as well. the nra also making the biggest pinocchio list. i want to get to this one. it's a tv ad that made this claim about president obama's children.
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>> are the president's kids more important than yours? then why is he skeptical about putting armed security in our schools when he kids are protected by armed guards at their schools. >> what did you make of that one, glenn? you put that on the pinocchio list. >> i did. there was a longer version of that ad, too. it made it clear they were talking about armed guards at the school. they referenced other elite people in washington that sent their kids to that school, such as david gregory. and you saw david gregory's face i think in the shorter tv ad. of course, the president's children have secret service protection. that's required by law. but that's not what the ad was talking about. it was talking about armed guards at sidwell friends, which is not the case. apparently it was based on some
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items out on the blogosphere. they don't have armed guards there. there's security that's no different than at any large school. >> one last one, the biggest pinocchio's list of the year included this from michele bachmann, her comments about where food stamp money goes. >> of every dollar that you hold in your hand, 70 cents of that dollar that's supposed to go to the poor doesn't. it goes to benefit the bureaucrats in washington, d.c. 70 cents on the dollar. >> where do you think she was getting that information, glenn? >> i looked into that. she kind of misunderstood what an analyst had written and applied it to a program that the statistic wasn't relevant at all. point of fact, 1/3 of 1% of the food stamp program goes to salaries for the department of agriculture administrators.
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and the food stamp program is very efficient. it sends out cash to people who use it to buy groceries. >> 2014, we'll be watching for all the pinocchios that you'll have to uncover this year. thank you so much, glenn. >> you're welcome. does this sound fair to you? a pregnant nurse has been fired for refusing to get a flu shot. the company refused to make an exception even though she was pregnant. a spokesman for the company says all health workers member vaccinated. so the company fired the nurse. still she says she stands by her decision to protect her unborn child. so was the company right to fire the nurse for not following the rules or should they have made an exception? go to and vote in our poll. coming up, an al qaeda plot
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on that controversial anti-islam video. congresswoman trey gowdy is here to talk about a surprising new investigation and the outrage that it's causing. that's next. it's, well, impressive. it's got the brigest hd scree super-fast 4g lte, so my son an play games and movies almost anywhere, and it's got ofce for school stuff. but the best part? i g the lumia 928 for my dahter for free, with the best low-light smartphone camera this side of the north pole. dad for the win. mm! mm! mm! ♪ honestly, i want to see you be brave ♪
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there is growing outrage over a "new york times" repo there's growing outrage over a "new york times" report on benghazi. its investigation turned up no evidence that al qaeda played a role on september 11, 2012. the newspaper reporting that the attack was partly fueled by anger at that american made anti-islam video. the one the administration, obama administration first blamed for the violence. sources on the ground in
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benghazi that night are calling those claims false. congressman trey gowdy here. congressman, what do you think "the new york times" got wrong? >> well, first of all, dana, i want to congratulate "the new york times." it only took 15 months for them to figure out how to spell benghazi. so maybe their reporting will catch up with the truth. i'll tell you two things i got wrong. number one, the video was translated into arabic in early september of 2012. early september of 2012 is when that video was translated into arabic. what in the world explains the violence in benghazi prior to the video being translated and released. the british ambassador was almost assassinated way before the video was released. the international red cross was attacked twice in benghazi well before this video was released.
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so if the video was the impetus for the violence, what explains the violence prior to the release of the video? secondarily, with respect to al qaeda, whether it was al qaeda or a holding company or a limited partnership, to quote hillary clinton, what difference does it make? who cares whether it w? >> on fox news sunday, congressman mike rogers and adam shift, a republican and a democrat, both said that they thought "the new york times" reporting was wrong, that based on their investigation and these are the chairman and the ranking chair of the intel committee, i have to imagine they have access to information. they think "the new york times" is wrong. who should the american people believe? >> adam shift, who happens to be in a different party, a former
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federal prosecutor, both of those men dedicated their lives following the facts wherever they take you without respect of trying to prop up somebody's political career. wherever the facts go, that's where they go. so the fact that they both debalk this "new york times" article, in addition to the people who were on the ground that night, good investigators talk to everybody, not just folks whose testimony may buttress your position, they talk to everybody. the fact that so many people are debunking the mythologies of "the new york times" reporter is instruction. >> does the reporting that the committees have done on the hill, does it tell us that maybe we had some intelligence failures of our own, that we need to address and make sure that our embassies are protected? >> dana, i thought we had no
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business being in benghazi. we were the last flag flying in benghazi. so to the extent that "the new york times" article tells us what we already knew, we had no business being in benghazi. but that begs aquestion, why were we there? why was chris stephens in benghazi that night? who was the secretary of state when benghazi happened? because her name wasn't mentioned a single solitary time in this exhaustive "new york times" piece. >> most people when they read the piece assumed the "new york times" was trying to clear the deck so hillary clinton wouldn't have to deal with benghazi in a potential presidential run. >> oh, heavens no. that couldn't have possibly have been their motivation, to support a democrat running for the white house? oh, heavens no. >> i've got to tell you, i love your cynicism.
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>> well, it is cynicism. the fact that the editor of "the new york times" had to explain today that they haven't yet endorsed anyone for 2016, all you have to do is read the paper and you can tell who they have endorsed and what political ideology they have endorsed. i congratulate them on figuring out that benghazi happened and that it's a big deal. >> congressman, thank you so much. >> happy new year. coming up, the most admired man and woman of the year. who tops the list for 2013? the answer is next. and hash it out with us. two do you think should be the most admired people of the year. tweet your post right now.
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first, in georgia, firefighters rush in to save a little girl after she fell into a well. no word how the 7-year-old fell in and to the gulf coagot stuck. no word on her injuries. in russia, two suicide bombings in two days killing 31 people. first, a railroad station was attacked, then a bus was bombed. russian authorities and the international olympic committee insist the site of the games is safe. now to france. formula one driver michael shoemaker fell and suffered a serious head injury. he's famous for his record 91 wins. now back to the u.p.s. and what football fans call black monday. less than 24 hours after the
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regular season ended, six nfl coaches getting the ax. today, the washington redskins, browns and others got fired from their jobs. tim tebow will be a college football analyst next summer and appear all around espn and that's tonight's speed read. now to the most admired man and woman of the year, at least according to the annual gallup poll. president obama and former secretary of state hillary clinton winning the titles, again. according to this year's poll, the president getting 16% of the vote and secretary clinton getting 15%. those numbers are down from past years. joining us to discuss our political panel. sam baker, jonathan easily and julie reginski. any surprises, sam?
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>> no, probably not. i think gallop said the sitting president has been the most admired man in the country for something like the past 30 years i think it was. and obviously hillary clinton has been pretty far out there, as well. so i would expect that this is about what you would expect and both of them also saw a smaller share that they've gotten in the past, which would track with president obama's poll numbers. >> jonathan, when you look at this, the people down just slightly below, at least on the man's list, was george w. bush. do you think that surprised the democrats at all? >> it is a little bit surprising. if you had told george w. bush back in 2008 that by 2013, he would be number two on this list, i think he would be ecstatic. >> believe me. >> bush came out and showed his personal side and he got his paintings, he went on the late shows. it reminded people that this might be a guy that i would
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enjoy having a beer with. we're a few years out from his presidency, and people are remembering him more fondly. >> julie, do you think -- is hillary clinton being at the top of the list for women, is that at all predictive of anything to come? >> i don't think so at all. look at who the competition was. kate middleton. i'm for her fashion sense, but she married into the right family. and queen elizabeth, who was born into the right family. so she doesn't have much competition. you have hillary clinton, sarah palin, who is still up there. oprah is always popular. oprah, if she still had her show and didn't go to her own network, she might have been beat the top of the list. >> i thought it was interesting. sam, i wanted to ask you, if you ore a republican and looking at this list and thinking maybe i'll throw my hat in the ring for the 2016 presidential race, you've got a big hill to climb,
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because your name i.d. is pretty much zero. >> that's right. you saw president obama way up at the top and then george w. bush and the pope and everyone else was at about 1%. i think ted cruz was on that list. as you point out, it's another indication of exactly how wide open things are. there's nobody on the republican side other than someone who has been a two-term president who even ranks in this. >> jonathan, let me get your take on the rnc. they posted some new year's resolutions for president obama. kind of a gimmick, but one being i resolve not to lie to the american people. i resolve to spend less time on the golf course and resolve to help lose weight. jonathan, fun little gimmick or is there some underlying digs at the president that might have staying power? >> it is a little gimmicky, but
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it's telling us what the republicans will be focusing on in 2014. three out of six of those resolutions focused on obamacare. it's been a better month for the health care roll. enrollment surged, the website is working better. but there's still a lot of unanswered questions and republicans are going to really keep their foot on the throttle to go after democrats on this issue in 2014. so the fact that half of these resolutions focused on obamacare is telling. >> julie, what might the democrats have recommended as republicans as resolutions? >> don't shut the government down, a whole host of not let people like troy aiken get the republican nomination and snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. if i was the rnc, i would make that number one, to make sure no more troy aikens -- >> sam, do you have a personal resolution that you're making?
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>> that is putting me on the spot. i'm trying to keep my in box at sow r zero. >> i tried that today. i got down to 12. jonathan, anything on tap for you? >> i'm going to say that you guys are not going to succeed in your new year's resolutions of keeping your inbox at zero. >> especially when the candidates that you follow that send -- you follow them on twitter and everything, they send you all their press releases. >> my resolution is not to steal anymore junk food in the green room. >> panel, thank you so much. been a fun year. look forward to seeing you in 2014. straight ahead, does this sound like a waste of money. millions being spent on empty
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school buildings. our next guest says there's a simple solution to that problem. so what or who is standing in the way? find out next. and ah, so you can see like right here i can just... you know, check my policy here, add a car, ah speak to customer service, check on a know, all with the ah, tap of my geico app. oh, that's so cool. well, i would disagree with you but, ah, that would make me a liar. no dude, you're on the jumbotron! whoa. ah...yeah, pretty much walked into that one. geico anywhere anytime. just a tap away on the geico app.
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after tonsil surgery earlier this month. the family will sue to stop a hospital from removing the teen from a ventilator. now the family winning a court order to keep her on life support until at least january 7. we'll continue to follow this story and bring you breaking news when we have it. g. g. i saw my doctor. a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can store t levels to norm in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger an 18 or men with prostate or bret cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of por increased acneor in women may occur.air report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlaed or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs.
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does this sound like a smart use of taxpayer dollars? wisconsin taxpayers spending millions on the upkeep of empty buildings. the buildings are former public schools and haven't been used in years. but the milwaukee public schools district refuses to sell the buildings to charter and private school operators. henry tyson joins us. the competition was compared between mps and private and charter schools to coke versus pepsi. do you think of yourself as competition to mps? >> no, that's absurd.
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we're not talking about product but we're talking about children. kids, tens of thousands are currently trapped in very substandard schools with profound negative life long implications for those children. >> why are there so many vacant buildings? >> the number of charter and voucher schools that have sprung up in the district has been los about 1,000 children a year. they're down about 20,000 kids. and so as recently as 2011, there were 26 or 27 vacant mps buildings that taxpayers were paying to maintain. >> you would like to get one of these buildings or more than one, because you think you've got some children that need some education and you need a place to do it. >> that's correct. we don't think, we know. we've been at this for well over
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100 years. our schools have grown from about 100 children a decade ago to 730 today. we just spent about $15 million building a new campus for those kids. we know that they perform at an incredibly high level. 96% of our students go on to graduate from high school. most of them through a traditional model. that compares to a graduation rate of just about 50% for african-american students in our city. so we know that our students are thriving and we know that parents are loving it. we literally every summer end up with hundreds and hundreds of children on our waiting lists, and we know if they don't get in, they're going to remain trapped in a failing school. and we're passionately committed to meeting the needs of these students. and so recognizing that there
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were three vacant mps buildings within eight blocks of our campus, we asked if we could buy one at market rate, and we were told soundly that they wouldn't sell us a building. our parents, our community, our school was unwilling to accept that answer. we made some noise, and finally the district continued to refuse to sell us the one building that makes sense and instead offered us some buildings that were built in the 1800s or were so far away from the campus that they were unusable. the outcome therefore is that we are not opening a new campus in the fall of 2014 and hundreds of children will remain trapped in schools where they will fail. >> do you think they might change their mind? >> you know, the district has a real problem.
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it has over $1 billion in unfunded liabilities. retirement costs, health care costs for retires. as the student population shrinks, they're not going to be able to continue to pay those costs. so the district is tragically going to fight tooth and nail to prevent us from using any of their buildings that we might realistically use. so we'll go to plan b. we'll start raising money. we'll raise enough to build a new campus or equip a commercial building and find a way to put 700, 800, 900 kids into a school where they will be set up for life long success. >> thank you so much for coming on. >> thank you, dana. coming up, why are the obamacare enrollment numbers so low? you'll have to hear one democratic lawmaker's answer.
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okay everyone. it is time to hash okay, everyone, it's time to hash it out to talk about a big year for pope francis, from being named "time" magazine's person of the year to receiving this stylish honor. esquire magazine, tweeting the best dressed man of 2013, pope francis. admitting that the choice is unconventional but praises the pope for his modest way of dressing. and a thief turning his nose up at an old technology.
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and this big fish is ready for its closeup. shark photo bombs two young surfers, a mom snapping this picture of her son and friend surfing in california. later she spots a shark. the woman telling her son it was just a dolphin. now it's your turn to hash it out with us. and coming up, a democratic lawmaker offering an unusual excuse for obamacare's low signup numbers. charles krauthammer is here to talk about that next. like calcium supplements can help your bones, osteo bi-flex can help your joints.° osteo bi-flex... also in joint & muscle and joint & bone.
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touting what it call the obama administration touting what it calls a surge in signups. obamacare enrollment passing the 1 million mark, but falling far short of signing up 3.3 million by tomorrow. and now congressman ellenor holmes norton saying that house republicans have convinced millions of americans that obamacare was repealed. charles krauthammer is here. he's the author of "the new york times" best seller "things that matter." charles, it's an amazing trick to meet only 26% of your goal and still to call it a major success. >> well, considering where they started from, which is zero percent of their goal. but it's comical to see how democrats are desperate to blame the failure of all the disasters around obamacare, and inside of obamacare on the republicans,
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who if anything have the cleanest of hands, having opposed it from day one, having made the arguments way back two, three years ago on exactly why it would go wrong in precisely the way it is. it's a bit sad, i think. democrats ought to be able to come up with a slightly better story. blame it on the tsunami maybe or global warming. >> one of the things -- i think it was a poll about a month ago that during the obamacare website major confusion at the beginning, there was a report that said a lot of people thought obamacare had been repealed. do you think that was the triumphant of hope over experience? >> i don't think anybody took it seriously. if anybody has been involved watching the news, hearing the news even peripherally since the beginning of october, the only story has been the disaster. the president's on tv all the time talking about it, making up excuses. if anybody hears about obamacare, it's about why it's
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not working. there might be people living in the woods who haven't heard about anything. but that it was repealed is far-fetched. >> do you think that obamacare as a story will carry into 2014, will we continue to talk about this because of all the new developments? >> the reason it will, and the answer is absolutely yes. because it's not an abstruck shun or idealogical issue, it's a real thing. and health care is about the only issue there is that affects everyone right now. you talk about social security, it doesn't affect people under the age of 65. there are all kinds of programs that affect parts of the population. there is nothing that intrudes into your life as much as health care. and there's nobody exempt from what obamacare is going to do. the story of the year is going to be the tens of millions of americans who, as we get to the middle and the end of the year,
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will realize that they're going to lose their insurance that are now provided by their employers. if you thought that we had problems when the private insurance was canceled, wait until that happens. >> if i could just get your thoughts on one last story before i let you go. the other one we've been talking about today is benghazi. do you think that story that has dominated a lot of 2013, do you think that has any staying power in 2014 as a story or fades away? >> the only reason it has faded in the past and will again is because the main stream media have no interest in it, understanding that it would cast a dark light on the administration, the way it conducted itself, and are staying away. it think it is a real story. it is revived temporarily. but i'm afraid that it will die again of neglect. >> charles, thank you so much and happy new year. >> pleasure. >> thank you for being with us. i'll see you again tomorrow for a special new year's edition of
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"the five" tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern. good night. are of paragraph the the o'reilly factor is on. tonight,. >> there is just no chance that this was an al-qaeda attack. >> the new york times claiming al-qaeda was not involved in the embassy attack in benghazi, libya, but congressional investigators on both sides of the aisle disagree. >> we will get to the bottom of the dispute. >> what difference at this point does it make? >> and how will the new benghazi report impact hillary's chances in 2017? we will take a look. >> "duck dynasty" is part of a white culture. >> and allowing phil robertson back on "duck dynasty." we will look at the decision and the fallout.
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