tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News January 3, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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should be done. butch thank you very much. good luck. >> have a a good weekend. >> thank you for being with us tonight. see you all again monday night right here at 7 p.m. bill o'reilly is next. and go to gretawire. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> >> what about money and jesus? is the new pope against capitalism? the american left says yes. you will hear our take tonight. >> you are being an idiot. if you are being an idiot, i'm going to call you an idiot. if you don't like it, then stop acting like a idiot. >> new polling says presidential race of 16 may be hillary against christie. has problem with women voters. also gutfeld mcguirk with the pinheads of the year and their predictions for 14.
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caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor gipps right now hi, i'm bill o'reilly thanks for watching us tonight. the pope, capitalism and the far left. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. you may remember the pope ignited controversy by speaking out against unfettered capitalism and the greed that can follow. to quote the pope: the worship of the ancient golden calf returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an impersonal economy lacking a truly human purpose. the worldwide crisis affecting finance and the economy lays bare, therein balances and their lack of real concern for human beings. the pope is correct in portraying greed and
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exploitation as wicked. but the far left is distorting his words, trying to co-opt the pope to impose so-called economic justice, which is really socialism forcefully taking from the haves and giving to the have notes. i can tell you with certainty that pope francis opposes that form of tyranny as much as the polish pope john paul did. nevertheless the democratic party is getting ready to launch a huge social justice campaign to try to keep power in the u.s.a. the far left nation magazine recently published an article a guy named robert shearer who is about as left as they come. shearer writes quote there can be no doubt that a quality equality christian doctrine. every infant has the soul as significant as any other. that we all be judged by how well we respect the sanctity of the lives of those born into the most forlorn of circumstance. the key words in that equality of opportunity and
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that a noble goal that every american should support. a noble goal that will never be reality that's because the human condition dictates that some people will not do what is necessary to succeed in this world. that is work hard, be honest, stay sober, and get educated. some people will not do that. and so their children will suffer deprivation. no matter how much money the government hands out when he said the poor, we will always have with us. the truth is that the united states provides more opportunity to more people than any other nation that has ever existed. that is why millions of folks all over the world want to come here. and we have done that by developing a free market system even poor americans here have material thingin the n only dream of.
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yet, the left wants to tear down the capitalistic structure that has provided vast opportunity. if you want to oppose a nanny state that redistributes income. that strategy has failed everywhere it's been tried. the left doesn't care about the facts. it's all about hating america. let's let robert shearer the come pat that the guy the booster of pope francis has the last word, quote: what americans stand for is a a launching pad for multinational corporations that wantonly extort the people of this planet with abandon. all the while these modern plunder errors are protected by the massive military power of a u.s. government, unquote. to scheer and the far left america is a bad place that keeps people down to. those of us that are sane, the u.s.a. is a a noble country provides massive opportunity to those who will work for it. and that's the memo. now nor the top story
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tonight. reaction, joining us from washington managing editor of ewtn news catholic news service and the president of sojourners, a national christian group committed to faith and action for social justice. where am i making my mistakes, mr. wallace? >> happy new year, bill. >> same to you. >> great place to start the year with a story on pope francis. the pope is calling us not to an ideology. is he calling us to the words of jesus. the words that you had speak to us. he is the -- as a catholic you know what the gospel of matthew 25 says how we treat the least of these hungry, the naked, the sick, the stranger, those locked up in jail-time is how we treat christ themself. this is the core of the gospel. so today, just today it was released the pope had a meeting with all the heads the orders and he called priests around the world to get out of their comfort zones and serve the poor. he says this is very
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important for me. be with those on the margins or else we will become abstract etiology gists. how do we get with the poor? that's what the pope is calling us all to. not etiology, but the core to the gospel of christ. >> the difference here is politics vs. theory, okay? theoretically every christian is going to help the poor, all right? >> in reality not every christian does. but my contention, is that capitalism does the most good for the poor. because it provides opportunity for poor people who will seize it. okay? as i said, some will not. and i don't believe that it is the obligation of a christian or anybody else, okay. to give their money and resources to people who are self-destructive. am i wrong? >> well, the pope is not asking anybody to do that bill. this is the misreading of this document. this all comes from that
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exhortation a few weeks ago called the joy of the gospel. it is a spiritual document where the pope is calling each of us to actively get engaged. to help those near us. >> we all agree that's a good thing. >> well, sure it's a good thing. >> co-opted the words of the pope to try to push a nanny state and to say capitalism is wrong break it all down. jesus said to his apostles. follow me and a rich man walked away. you know that jesus says it's wrong to be rich. you give it up and you follow me. >> here is what the pope is saying. and in that document he warns about this welfare mentality. he also warns about a welfare mentality that can sit in. if the government becomes the means of charity. he wants you and i to be the
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charitable imifer. he doesn't want the government. he doesn't want the government. >> how do you respond to that, mr. wallace, that the pope is basically saying that individuals should help the poor and obviously we should if we buy into the judeo-christian philosophy. okay? but he is not saying that the government should impose this vast nanny state. he is also saying in the joy of the gospel that the wealthy, those who are benefited so much have a particular responsibility to help and serve the poor and be generous. he is saying that secondly. >> force them to do it it it's a matter of voluntary, which i think is what pope francis is saying voluntarily do you it you don't force them. >> talks about the common good and talks to all of us investing in those that are the least of these. and he says about the market. he challenges the trickle down economy, saying that will necessarily help the poor. what he is saying is, this system of capitalism went devoid of values, it really
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can degenerate. saying capitalism needs values that it doesn't create. >> reality, mr. wallace. the reason that this country is the wealthiest country, the most powerful country and most compassionate gives the most away is because of capitalism. abuses that people get greedy and they do bad things. but, if you bust down the capitalistic system, you are not only going to hurt the poor, not going to have as many opportunities, you are going to hurt everybody. how do you reply to that mr. aroyo. >> i would agree. capitalism boats. look at east asia and middle class grown in china and india. that's largely because of capitalism. what all the popes have warned about from john paul to benedict to this pope unregulated capitalism that focuses only on profit without considering the moral person and dignity. >> has to have morality attached to it all right,
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mr. wallace, last word. >> you have to humanize the market by focusing on the dignity of the individuals and common good and stewardship. the pope says he took saint francis name because is he a man who talked about the poor and peace and the creation itself. the poor and vulnerable and peace and the creation are values often missing in places of power. like washington, d.c. and that's why his voice is so important to all of us right now. >> all right. gentleman gentlemen, thanks very much. mr. wallace has a new book out called on god's side. next on the rundown, christie vs. hillary for president in 2016 according to some polls. take a look at that later, who are the pinheads of the year gutfeld and mcguirk and your humble correspondent have our selections coming up. the day building a play set begins with a surprisewinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief.
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christie and hillary clinton are top contenders right now. christie polling 48% against ms. clinton at 46%. independents are big for christie. women like hillary. joining us from washington katelyn huey burns reporter for real clear politics and charlesville, virginia dr. larry sabato who teaches politics there. doctor, tell me about christie and the woman vote. what's the problem? >> well, he has got an r. next to his name, bill. if he had a d next to his name he would be winning the women's vote. we live in a polarized era and men identify disproportionately with the republican party and women identify disproportionately with the democratic party. >> you don't think it's a matter of style that christie is so blunt and some women don't like that kind of confrontation? >> not really. and i will bet you some money right now, bill, it has to it be a little bit of money, but i bet you some money right now whoever the republican nominee is in 2016 will have a gender gap about the same as we have had in prior elections. >> and what is that gender
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gap? what is it about? 60/40. >> the gender gap is usually 8 to 10 points. >> you have men going republican and the low to mid 50s. >> primary reason for that is? >> oh, economic relative to where women are economically. do you agree with that katelyn? >> interesting to look at how christie has done in his state. he has won re-election in the blue state by a wide margin. he also did well among women there. his big selling point heading into 2016 is that he is generally electable, more so than some of these other candidates. so, you know, we are heading into a midterm election year where you will see people like christie out on the campaign trail, campaigning for people running for the senate. >> sure. hillary will do the same. >> governors, and hillary
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will do the same. that will be kind of a testing ground for messaging and we will see kind of how he fairs with women and other kind of voters there. >> now, doctor, the reason that christie is polling so well is that independents like him. they are not going to be able to vote in the republican primaries. so the governor may run into some problems in the conservative states. but i contend that it is the large states like florida, all right, places like that, that are just like -- that are going to tell the tale, not iowa and new hampshire any longer it is big kahunas states. >> independents can participate in some of the larger state republican primaries that will also help christie. but, bill, we have been through this so many times. some place like iowa, with all thes there and hard conservatives they are not going to be pro-christie. >> that doesn't matter though. >> best shot is going to new
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hampshire. >> i don't think new hampshire is going to matter that much anymore. it's a changing world now. it's a bigger view now than it used to be. it's about raising money. and what do you think, katelyn? christie going to be able to raise big money to challenge hillary's war chest. >> the big advantage that christie has is that he is the chairman of the republican governor's association. that gets him access to top republican donors. it gives him public appearances across the country and gives him kind of that national leg up that he hasn't had before. is he a governor. he hasn't run for a national office before. so that gives him an advantage there a local of his ideas hasn't been tested on the national stage. that could be a vulnerability. >> more to the right i believe. do you know what he is going to do, doctor? he is going to go after hillary early. he is going to start to pound hillary early and conservatives are going to like that. that's what i would do if i were christie. because he is never going to be able to run as a pure thoroughbred conservative, is he not. is he a moderate republican. if he starts to really bring
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it to mrs. clinton who conservatives do not like at all that is going to raise his profile in a conservative community. am i right or wrong? should i be taking your place in charlottesville, virginia? >> well, definitely not actually, i trade places if i could get your paycheck, bill. look, i think you are right. the more christie can focus on hillary rather than republican opponents the better. i'm not sure the republican opponents are going to let him get away with that though. >> they will go after him. certainly the conservative guys who will run will go after christie. at this point with the polls, katelyn, showing that christie has a lot of strength and can cross over to democratic precincts as well, remember, christie is a very democrat state and he won landslide. >> he does have that crossover appeal. another advantage that he has is that he is kind of the establishment figure now which might not play well in a place like iowa. he also has his own kind of brand. you know, conservatives
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might be fighting over the other candidates. cruz, rand paul, those types of candidates so. there -- that might give christie an opening to kind of get more attention that way. >> all right. well, thank you both. happy new year. dr. sabato's book on jfk. the kennedy half century. well worth reading. directly ahead, lou dobbs has a new book in which he is making demands of immigrants to america. demands. also up ahead, the pinheads of the year. the factor will be right back. we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh are we early? [ malennouncer ] mmute yo way with the bold, all-w nissan rogue.
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so i'm looking over your book. >> excellent. >> got kind of a macho thing, you know, with dobbs. he has got the chalk. you look a little like beck with the chalk. >> you know, that actually is beck's old blackboard. >> is that his old blackboard? >> we are recycling it in the book, i notice you are demanding, dobbs, you are demanding that immigrants to the u.s.a. and they are? >> you and i are buddies. you know i demand very little. if anything, i meet people halfway and suggest. what i suggest, when it comes to immigration, legal and illegal, that would he be honest about who is pushing what. the immigrants themselves want to speak english. 96% in the most recent polling. >> yeah. >> want to speak english. >> so what's the problem? >> the well, the problem is that isn't what their advocacy groups so-called want and they are the ones with power and influence in washington. and, therefore, it's a great
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controversy. >> if you are an immigrant and you come to this country and you want to watch tv, you have got to speak english. that's a big motivator. they want to watch tv. you go to rosetta stone and speak english. why are these immigrants -- pinheads. >> they want power. >> i'm not disagreeing that the advocacy group la raza and those. trying to get the pronunciation down. have an agenda and do whatever they want to do. the individual immigrant i agree with you does want to come here and succeed and do have to learn the language to do that they can do it. >> absolutely. english is, after all, the language of commerce. >> but should we force them? should they -- look. >> no,. >> we don't have to force anybody. >> there are in the immigration. >> we have to deliberate berate them. >> dobbs. in the new immigration law
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proposals there are things that you have to. that we have would require them to do anything? they are not enforcing law in any way. i am simply trying to raise the consciousness of some in washington and the american public that's interested in this issue to see how absurd it is. you have la zaz za, a number of organizations speaking for 50 million hispanics in this country. they have representations called the cock, the senate, the u.s. government. the state and local governments. >> all right. now, politically correctness is another theme that you deal with in your book, okay. you have got to define that for me. everybody uses the term politically correct. what do you, lou dobbs, the sage lou dobbs? >> the sage lieu dobbs. -- lou dobbs? >> let me give you an
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example. when people start talking about diversity in this country it's a word that has no meaning exempt in hr departments and as a means to set quotas. racial quote as it. >> the left wants racial quote as it. >> the left wants it and the left has it and the republicans are just high bound with political correctness because they are afriday offend. they are afrd to speak straightforwardly. they don't each want to bring up the idea that the national motto is in god we trust that a fundamental value of the country is out of many one. >> do you think that there should be, for example, our corporation news corporation. >> sure. >> should there be a coat that -- quota here of what they hire. should they recruit minority people that come into the building here? >> i guess the wap to answer that is do you think that they should, for example, hire white straight guys of
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a certain age? because that would be a countervailing influence and would establish diversity. should there be true diversity in our schools? should teachers be balanced? should there be conservative and liberal teachers? >> you tell me, should there be? >> i think there should be. >> you actually want kind of imposed diversity. >> i don't want imposed diversity. >> that's what it is. >> but what i do want is for everyone to understand that we have an educational system that is run by unions. we -- in the public schools. >> that's awful. i don't want to get into that. >> we have higher education that is run by liberals. >> but you are not being politically correct in want diversity to be somewhat imposed. that's not a politically correct stance among the right, among conservatives. >> i have a traditionalist. i am a strict -- >> -- you go out of the box. >> i do go out of the box. >> in the book upheaval. >> but i stay absolutely strictly adherent to the
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constitution. it's all the guide post we need. it's all the demand that needs to be met so long as it is enforced. >> lou dobbs "upheaval" everybody. report on "new york times" deal benghazi it contains dubious stuff the "times" report does. ralph peters with some thoughts. gut meld mcguirk on the pinheads of the year. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. (dad) put it in cond, put it in second. (dad) slow it down. put the clutch in, break it, break it. (dad) st like i showed you. dad, you didn't show me, you showed him. dad, he's gonna wreck the car! (dad) he's not gonna wreck the car. (dad) no fighting in the road, please. (d) put your blinker on. (son) you didn't even give me a chance! (dad) ok. (mom vo) we got the new subaru because nothing could break our old one. (dad) ok. (son) what the heck? let go of my seat! (mom vo) i hope the same goes for my husband. (dad) you guys are doing a great job. seriously. (announcer) love a car that lasts. love. it's what makes subaru, a subaru.
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factor follow-up segment tonight. the "new york times" reporting on christopher stephens benghazi attack in libya. they say the attacks were not meticulously planned. evidence shows otherwise. says the al qaeda nasa not involved. the paper did not mention the pentagon deal. the report was published to take the heat off president obama and hillary clinton. see my entire talking points on bill o' joining me from washington lt. colonel ralph pierce and you say -- ralph peters and you say? >> i certainly agree that this was an effort to take the heat off hillary clinton before the prinel marries let alone the election. the "new york times" has lost faith in him. they are now focusing on hillary as a great hope for 2016. but, bill, you know, as you know, i'm an old soviet
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hand. spent a lot of time in the old soviet union, russia. used to read in prague where they take some facts, twist them, arrange them, leave key things out and leap to their conclusions. and what that time story, that 7,000 word story left out is amazing. they left out hillary clinton as if she wasn't each part of all of this. they didn't addressed great sin as far as military people are concerned that we made no effort whatsoever to rescue those people. conservatives got themselves wrapped in the wrong debate whether we could have got therein in time. wrong question. the issue is you try, you launch, even if you don't think you can get there, you try rescue your people. >> all right. >> finally one more point, please. that's the nonsense of well it wasn't al qaeda. okay, didn't have al qaeda gang tattoos, al qaeda under obama spawned wildfire spread of various numerous groups. >> satellite groups that the pentagon pointed out one of
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them was this ansar al sharia. that was the question i was going to ask. you you believe an share al sharia does have contact with al qaeda and you don't believe it was the videotape that ignited this violence. it was a well thought out attack against the baments and the american compound? >> well, if the intelligence community says there were contacts between ansar al sharia and al qaeda i believe them over the "new york times." >> the pentagon issued the report. >> yes but it comes within the intelligence community of the pentagon. but, bill, even if there was no contact, no direct contact with al qaeda, they were still carrying al qaeda's ideology; whether it was al qaeda card carrying al qaeda, it doesn't matter. under obama, the spread of jihadism, a violent islam in all these groups, ansar al sharia, islamic state of iraq and syria, core al qaeda, new al qaeda, call it what you will. >> there is no doubt about
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it? >> they are haters. >> decided to fracture out and do operations that way because because bin laden is dead and the centralized thing is weakened. now, one more point about this and then i want to ask you you about the russian olympic deal. david kirkpatrick the article's writer, i didn't know this until today, was one of the first to advance the theory that the videotape promoted by the nutty foreign preacher ignited all this violence in libya. i just want to tell it the audience that he basically, kilpatrick, wrote to justify his initial reporting that, of course, everybody feels -- not everybody but a lot of feel is fallacious. let's go to russia. sochi, there has already been two terrorist attacks in russia. do you expect the olympics which begin on february 7th to be interrupted boy terrorism? >> well, the terrorists, the elm rit of the caucus, another jihadi group will pull out all the stops to attack the olympics and other targets in russia in
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the build up to the olympics. putin's government will pull out all their stops to stop them. and now there is one hopeful sign. and that's at a new year's eve, new year's day, the most important holiday in rush sharks the terrorists weren't able to pull anything off. they have pulled off attacks, nobody can crystal ball and say yes, they will kill americans. >> how strong is putin's intelligence apparatus. they are ruthless, there is not a lot of them at guantanamo bay. they will shoot them dead if they find them. how strong is the intelligence apparatus? >> it's effective but not efficient. it's very very strong. and there are going to be at least 30,000 military, paramilitary and police in this huge security zone around sochi. but, again, the terrorists will take a two track approach. they will try to hit the olympics directly in the build up and during the olympics, if they can't or even if they can hit the olympics, they will try to attack probably the airports around moscow. various transportation hubs. goal one is to discourage
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westerners and others from visiting the olympics, goal 2 is to hit the olympics directly and embarrass putin. >> bill, this is a grudge fight between putin and the leadership of the jihadis. >> stay on it and when you get something, let us know. and we will let the folks know. we appreciate it when we come right back, gutfeld and mcguirk on the pinheads of the year and their predictions for 2014. the boys are next. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry? a dry mouth can be a side effect of many medications
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it's a school night. with gary and todd? yea. not sure about those two. i've been meaning to ask you - this is tougher than i thought - is there any drinking going on in this crowd? no. i hope not, because alcohol can lead you to say things and do things you that you really wish you hadn't. isn't this what you're supposed to say? i know. so if any of your buddies ever pressure you to take a drink, just tell them you promised your dad you wouldn't. i'd do anything to keep you safe. ok. i will. i hope this is working. i promise. i love you too dad. they really do hear you. brian? yea? so start the conversation even before they're teenagers. good idea. for tips on what to say visit a message from the substance abuse and mental health services administration.
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thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly in the what the heck just happened segment tonight. predictions for the enough year. here to make them, bernard mcguirk and greg gutfeld. all right, gutfeld, you are first. two, i just give you two. >> i'm going to give to you with and a half. how about that? first prediction for the o'reilly factor. some liberal is going to say something and you are not going to buy it. >> okay. >> that's the first one. then there is going to be a lineup, shakeup at msnbc, the 5:00 p.m. hour will now be hosted by a bag of walnuts. but a fearless bag of walnuts. it's going to be amazing. celebrity meltdowns, piers morgan is going it get really angry about something and double his ratings to four people. incredible. miley cyrus her tongue will are quarantined after they realize it's actually a spiny moray eel.
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>> that's it? >> give me one on global warming. >> the world, america, the world is going to end on july 211st but it's going to start back up july 22nd. >> are we paying gutfeld? >> you are paying me with love and massages. >> your predictions? >> the sale of mace in no, will increase 10 fold in the next year or two. >> why is that? >> because of what happened yesterday or the day before with this classless nargs with these lunatic, quote unquote progressives. crime is going to rise. and you can -- buy stock in mace. >> so you say with the new mayor deblawzio a devout pro-gravelle liberal crime is going to rise big time. he did appoint a good tough cop to try to stop that. >> that's true. is he still going to astop the appeal process for the stop and frisk. the whole mentality is going to change. >> you are buying mace. >> i'm buying mace and i'm urging everybody else to do it. >> what's your other prediction? >> my next prediction is
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pope francis will be named chairman of the dnc but he will refuse. >> he will? he can't do that? >> i think he might. he is a busy guy. >> can't get into politics. >> in order to increase his standing in the world, kim jong un will execute dennis rodman. how about that? >> getting back to the pope. we did a lead story on the pope. >> yeah. liberalx2ó?f4ph income redistribution guy, that that's what the new pope is? >> that's what they are taking away from. >> the left is trying to use him. >> exactly right. >> but you, bernard mcguirk, with the glasses on the forehead to connote intellectual% at the -- >> he is still on the doll. he is a different tone is what he said it. >> you are just being facetious about him taking over the dnc? >> i will say this. ted cruz will grow a beard like phil robertson in order to. >> this your prediction.
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>> ambition of ted cruz. >> i have got a serious prediction. i want you to react to my -- because up to this time you have wasted the audience's time. >> thank you. >> now we will get back to reality. my prediction for 2014 is there will not be honest reporting on obamacare by either side. so you will get propaganda from the left, which likes obamacare and from the white house and the administration. they won't tell you the truth. but you won't get it from the right either. he they will cherry pick to make it look worse. they can make it look. all right? so the only way you are going to know is to watch this program. that is my prediction. gutfeld? >> boy, i didn't see that one coming. >> and buy your book, too. >> what's it called this year killing what? >> you, gutfeld. >> gruesome but just one page. you agree with me in that prediction. >> without a doubt i always agree with bill o'reilly. >> can we get anything here at all?
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can i get a witness here at all? do you both agree? we are not going to get honest reporting about obamacare on either side. >> and msnbc will continue to be known as the we we report. we report, decide. of course you are not going to get honest reporting out of those idiots. >> on the right you won't get it either. they won't say gee this part of obamacare is working. they are not going to say that. >> i don't know. they might disagree with you for the heck of it. >> i don't want to attack your capacity too bad. talk about phoning it in gutfeld. >> i took the subway in during the snow storm, sir. >> okay. coming next, all three of us have our pinheads of the year. >> all three. >> i predict bill o'reilly will get a neck tattoo this year. >> shut up. [ laughter ] >> factor will be right back. ard.
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back of book segment tonight. pinheads of the year. here once again gutfeld and mcguirk. all right. who you have chosen, mcguirk? >> i have chosen my good friend kanye hoe west. i say that with all due respect. don't judge me. i like a lot of his music. aside from all these delusions of grandeur comparing himself to jesus, he acts like a and gri thin skinned spoiled punk. he doesn't have to. he shouldn't. gold grills, $300,000 may beck cars by the dozens, latest ensociety with kim kardashian nasty episode with sex tapes, athletes, nasty, nasty history and jumping up and down on the couch. you would need a hazmat suit to get in the sack with this chick. >> he is your pinhead of the year. do you realize no one really
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cares about mr. west unless you are in the hip hop community and this is what you -- no one really cares about this guy. >> even your audience. >> they know who he is. primarily because the tailor -- taylor wift when he went in and embarrassed that young woman. airline. >> do you think so? >> yeah. >> your pin head of the year? >> jim carey put out a video for funny or die in which he dies. against guns. his video mocked the late charlton heston and said cruel things about his personal life which is disgusting and cowardly when the person is dead and can't fight back. the irony is now his career is as dead as charlton heston. >> he apologized and apparently
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didn't accept. >> his apology was driven by the agent. he saw the writing on the wall. it was, "you're over" . >> do you agree? >> yeah ft. but he was great in "dumb & dumber." i love that movie. >> they are doing a sequel. >> is he in it? >> i don't know. >> best rubber face. >> my pinhead for the year. i'm the serious voice of reason here. my pinheads of the year are the voters in washington state and colorado who pulled a lever to legalize pot. this is why you guys are are pinheads. legalization of marijuana leads to more children sampling the drug, becoming intoxicated. the stats are that 20% of american children who try marijuana become addicted to it. even those who don't, if they use on a regular basis their
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i.q. drops and their cognitive functions drop. add to that -- and we are seeing it in washington state -- the drunk driving -- drugged driving situation where you put more people under the influence on the road. you can make the rationalization that they get the pot anyway, blah, blah, blah. you are sending a message to the children of washington state and colorado that it's okay. this is now legal. it's fine for you to do it. and it isn't. it's wrong. it hurts children. those voters are pinheads. mcguirk? >> i agree 100%. my only reservation about legalizing is it will increase the number of kids who do it. it's a tough argument to swallow. the same could be said about alcohol. ban alcohol because kids -- >> you don't point to bad behavior to justify more bad behavior. you have a problem with alcohol. it's already here. why exacerbate it?
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word of the day. >> do you know what leads teenagers and children to try marijuana? bill o'reilly coming out against it. you could get people to stop smoking dope if you said you smoked dope. think about it. >> i will, for ten seconds. >> genius. every pothead would quit. >> maybe you didn't notice but i'm a lone voice in the wilderness here. the other media pinheads -- first of all, all smoke pot except me. he carries a bong in the hall way. he says -- >> it's a medical device. >> an alladin thing. oh, this is from "alladin." i got it from iraq. it's a souvenir. no one's buying this. cheech marin signed it. pinheads of the year. factor tip of the day -- coping with the blues. the tip is moments away. welcome back. how is everything?
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factor tip of the day. start the new year off right. become a premium member. you get a choice of books. a private daily news briefing by me called the no spin news. you get a private message board to tell me what you think. and you can grade "the factor" each evening. i will also do a benefit for victims of crime on friday, january 17 in palm beach, florida, in a private home. you will see me up close and personal. details on a good cause. check it out. finally i will be in nebraska friday, january 31. special solo show for everybody out in omaha. it will be a blast. we hope you show up there. now the mail. when melissa harris-perry
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apologized for crass remarks she did it on twitter and should have done it on msnbc. the people on msnbc remind me of class clowns in school. never said anything good about anybody they disagreed with. from california, your talking points on benghazi were excellent. the whole country should hear them. they are on dr. bill touchstone, florida, mississippi. you were right and megyn kelly is wrong. many employers require drug testing before a person is hired. entitlement payments should require the same thing. it's telling that you don't read on air any pans of "killing jesus." you're delusionalal. i read them all the time. people tell me i'm going to hell for writing the book. i'm tempted to demand you change your name from pineo to
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pinheadeo. i'm tempted but i won't. from oregon. i'm reading "killing jesus" and love the book. why didn't you mention the earthquake that occurred right after jesus died. because we could not independently confirm that it happened. there is not a reported quake in any records unlike the lighted night skies for 30 days during the period when jesus was born. we actually confirmed that through chinese astronomers. it's amazing. we have it all in the book. martin and i were careful to document everything we put into "killing jesus" which is one of the reasons why it is the bestselling nonfiction book of 2013. and the audio is the bestselling audio of the year by an enormous margin. we thank you all.
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finally tonight the factor tip of the day. fieging the blues. we all get them. especially after the holidays when there is action galore and everything stops. some folks self-medicate to try to feel better. that is a fool's e arerrand. i get out my trusty pen, a piece of paper and i make lists. the bad things come first because i'm feeling bad, feeling down. bad, bad, bad. then i write down the good things. boom, boom, boom. inevitably the good things outnumber the bad by a lot. maybe that's not your case but in most people's lives the good things outnumber the bad and you feel better unless you are evil. so think about what's right and wrong in your life. that way you can deal with with it. factor tip of the day. that's it for us tonight. check out the fox news factor
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website different from spout off. name and town if you wish the to opine. do not be morose. megyn kelly is next. please remember, the spin stops here because we are looking out for you. new questions tonight about who in washington signed off on the early release of a convicted terrorist supporter. tonight eric holder and the full weight of the justice department come down on the little sisters of the poor. >> we don't get a salary. we don't have enough income. so we go begging. >> reporter:. >> see why the determine thags is determined to win the fight against these nuns. >> justice! >> if she can't pass a fitness test, is a woman really tough enough to be a marine? the fight over that question is getting
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