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tv   Cavuto on Business  FOX News  January 4, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PST

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>> never going to get her a southwest flight. coming up next, kate moss on cavuto on business. thinking about calling a doctor on obamacare, how about calling a ceo? hi, everyone. from the oval office to the corner office, according to reports, some of the president's closest allies are urging him to hire a ceo to run obamacare. in a center for american progress founded by the president's own adviser, john podesta, so far the white house isn't biting, but is this proof to private market and not uncle sam should be in charge of health care in america. we have charlie gasparino here along with dana.
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>> it would be amazing if someone could manage the complicated process and hold someone accountable when they screw up and never make mistakes. it wouldn't happen because it would tip the hat of the white house and admit failure, but would it help fix this problem? absolutely. >> charlie, what do you think? >> it may help fix the problem. one of the things about fixing the problem that this gets put into work and doesn't work. that is one of the problems that i think even if you -- >> but a similar -- the ceo -- the lousy system works better. the problem is, obamacare doesn't pay for itself. it's this rude gold brick sort of thing that makes no sense, and if you get someone to put it in place, get people to sign up, i think that's when it starts falling apart. >> ben stein, there's a whole lot of nonsense, company that is don't do well, they announce a new ceo, and if wall street likes the ceo, the stocks go up.
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could that help obamacare? >> well, if you could find a great ceo, yes, i don't think warren buffett wants a job. i don't know what other great ceos are out there. i think it's, at this point, such a complicated project. and what's the point of having a ceo. a ceo in a huge corporation gets a lot of money. a ceo for obamacare just gets yelled at. i think it's a political try to put in one more level of bureaucracy and i don't think it will help, but good luck. at this point they need to try anything. >> that's if they want to try. adam, maybe even trying today would be an admission that you need some element of the private sector involved in this. >> i don't think that, first of all, that the private sector has a monopoly on the concept of chief executive officer or a top leader. our country has a commander in chief, for example, and has had for the entire history of the republic. i also think, ben, your comment is a sad one, that no good
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executive would want this job because they couldn't make enough money. because some people, by the way, as you know, like the idea of serving their country. because you worked in the government before, you can appreciate that. so i think the idea of having somebody run the whole thing is a very good idea, it's definitely worth trying. >> warren buffett is not an operational ceo, he's a great investor that runs a company. but we should point out that if he was investing in this, he would short it because it's one of the biggest disasters we have seen come out of government. if this was anything like a private company, no, warren buffett would be shorting obamacare right now. >> but charlie, you're making -- >> you know that. >> i know that you are purposely making an unfair comparison, because, well, first of all, i disagree with you. >> it's a good program, the rollout was great. >> let me finish. i disagree that this will be a disaster the medium to long-term, number one.
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>> what is your timer? >> let me finish. to suggest that this is something to quote/unquote needs to make a profit is misleading. you're changing the subject. >> what is your time verizon? five years? ten years? >> five years, yes. >> hold on one second, hold on one sukd. >> if this is not successful for five years, it is over. >> before that it might be over, but forgetting about profits, just making it work. whether you believe in the law or not, the way it's been administered so far, every single day, every single week, there's a hiccup and problem. this week if you have a baby, too bad. >> part of the problem is breaking even essentially and how is it going to get paid for. and so far what we know is that the people who signed up for this government health insurance or these exchanges, it's more older people and more people who are ill and not enough young people. and that is one of the instrumental parts of how this will get paid for, it will get paid for through taxes and the young subsidizing the old and sick. that is where this falls apart.
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we are already seeing that. so to say, to basically call it, adam, and say, hey, it's going to be successful, i don't think you can say that. >> okay. look, i get that. you're right about that. but there are always -- hold on, there were always subsidies built into this. we always knew there was going to be a subsidy element for people who couldn't afford to pay for their own insurance. this was never intended to -- >> i will answer that. that is right, but part of the way it gets paid for is by younger people paying more. if those young people don't sign up, then it falls apart. >> they don't pay the check. >> adam, with the greatest possible respect, gm and ford gives me a car but when i turn the key, it doesn't start. without a subsidy, this thing doesn't start. a person would only do this for money. >> look how this is set up. it looks like it doesn't work. it looks like it is internally
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flawed. and i tell you, if you're talking about five years that this thing might happen and you're giving us a rosy estimate, it's over in five years. >> jump back in, adam. >> i cover silicon valley, technology companies, i have written about plenty of companies that make mistake after mistake after mistake after mistake. >> this is not a product launch. you're comparing this to the iphone? >> that's exactly what it is. >> you're taking millions of americans health care and turning it upside down. that's not a product launch. >> how about the notion, ben, if the president were able to put aside his egg go for a while and put aside the need to have a bunch of fans in his fingers and so on, if he said, please help us fix this. would it be given any kind of zmans. >> no. >> i would say they have the greatest genius that ever lived, and i don't know who that would be. to fix it, maybe it could be
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fixed, but as charlie gasparino said, it is internally flawed. it just doesn't work. they are going to have to take it apart and put it back together again. and the best would be to abolish it and go back to the old system. >> by the way -- >> take it, degan. >> a good ceo wouldn't take the job because he or she wouldn't have the ability to make the hard core changes. a ceo wants to do one thing. if somebody's not performing up to his or her standards, they get fired. and if you work within the government, these are lifers, you can't get rid of them because they are going to be somebody's crony and you couldn't show them the door. >> warren buffett would be shorting this. >> adam, listen, we've covered this for a long time, and you sort of have gone back from this is something that will help to save money to that it doesn't matter if we save money because it's the right thing to do as human beings. where are we now on this whole scheme of things?
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>> i'm sure you can -- maybe you can find the tape to prove you right and to prove me wrong. my view of what my position has always been and still is that this is a way to get tens of millions more americans health insurance coverage that we're on our way to, that's exactly what the goal has been. i, unlike you charlie, ben and degan, i'm optimistic. i'm an optimist. >> ben made a good point before, warren buffett doesn't short stocks. >> last word to you, ben. >> they should not have taken a sledgehammer to the previously existing plan and smashed it up. they should have just done changes around the edges. >> absolutely. i think that's what we should have done. >> you may call me a pessimist, but i'm not going to hold my nose to my shoe --
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>> what happens when you hold your nose for five years? >> let's leave it there. it looks like they are running up the minimum wage, that could be all the rage in 2014, but will it send job creators and workers running for cover?
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we are live from america's news headquarters. i'm jamie colby. experts say you better get your flu shot because this year's flu is spreading fast. the virus is spread from 25 states up from 10 states last week. the majority of the cases attributed to the h1n1 virus that caused a pandemic back in 2009. the cases look like a typical flu season which usually peaks
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in january or february. good to know, there's still time to get the shot. and legendary singer phil everly has died. he and his brother don rose to fame during the late '50s and '60s. the rock and roll hall of fame topped 100 songs including the song "wake up little suzy." keep it here on the fox choose channel. ready, set, hike! 13 states raising a minimum wage to start the new year. this coming with several others already considering increases. charlie, this is not necessarily a good thing for the job market. >> i would say this, i'm a union guy, i believe in collective bargaining and believe unions should bargain with companies to get more money, but this is -- there is really good economic research that particularly when you raise the minimum wage from where it is now, it does cost jobs. i mean, in washington state,
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apparently they are raising it to something like $15 a hour. >> from $9 to $15 an hour. >> they are talking to people who are saying small businesses and large businesses are saying we are going to cut jobs because of this. that's insane. >> but you have two dynamics, degan, you have the economic stud den and proof and certainly small businesses are saying, please, no, and this is a popular thing that's working. bill de blasio was elected on it. >> this is already going on as if the people are being squeezed and not being paid enough. this is happening at the state level and happening naturally. and the irony is people on the left want these unemployment benefits e tended to 1.3 million americans in the new year, but at the same time they want the minimum wage raised. so what do you want? because you should encourage job creation or raise the minimum wage, because again, it's going on the margin, it is going to
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hurt creation of those kind of entry-level jobs. >> ben, here's the thing, a lot of people are saying it is just not right, it is just not fair, the minimum wage is too low to sustain a family. and in this country it's the right thing to do to start hiking it. >> well, it is the right thing to do, because the minimum wage is comically low. you can't support even a single person on minimum wage, but there's a minimum wage for a reason because the low skilled people, young people, people who can't do anything else, go into those jobs. that being said, look, i will say, i'm a huge consumer of fast food. i would generally pay more for my big macs and taco supremes in order for the people to make more. will it cost jobs? unequivocally without question, but should older, fat people like me pay more so young, thinner people can make money? absolutely, without question. >> it's the people that do keep the jobs and they are making
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more, but most of the small businesses, a large percentage are saying it's going to hurt hiring to degan's point, but you have fewer people working and the ones who work make slightly more money. is that the ideal scenario? >> it's not necessarily an accurate scenario. you know, you mentioned a moment ago that there's two dynamics at work. there's more than two dynamics at work. the studies show what the studies show, but the fact is this is a political system. you can pay for these people one way, charles, or pay for them another way. we get to decide as a society what we think minimum levels of, you know, comfort are. >> the free markets get to decide or do the people, do we get to start voting how private industry spends their money? >> is there a difference? i mean, the free markets exist in a political democracy, at least in our country they do. yeah, that's right. these are expenses of the free market, of running the government of providing for the people in society. i know you think that i'm
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talking crazy, but these are real expenses. they are real expenses. and by the way -- >> we don't think you're talking crazy at all, but this is a way for the government to bribe low-income people to vote democratic. it's a perfectly legitimate way. the government also bribes high-income people to donate to the republican party. bribes are a familiar part of politics, but let's remember, it's a necessary thing, but it's also a bribe. >> degan, go a second. >> ben, you are not fat or old but willing to pay more for your fast food to pay for the younger people. but if you look at a large discount retailer, it's a different story. that a higher minimum wage could potentially hurt the prices that people pay, lower-income pay at these very retailers, or they are not creating more jobs to help that very person in the country. >> maybe i'm missing some of the economic data, but it's not good. it shows in almost every poll,
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every economic survey, every study shows when you raise the minimum wage -- particularly at the levels -- >> charlie, they're saying that it is just simply in the rich country like america, the right thing to do. >> right. and then more people $more people are out of work because of that. let me tell you something, especially low wage jobs, do you think you're going to get rich working at walmart? let's be honest. i am all for organizing, you know, basically going toe-to-toe with management and saying this is the way it works, but when the government gets involved it does have an impact. >> adam. >> do you think there should be no minimum wage, charlie? >> of course not. >> do you think it should be $15 an hour, adam? >> i don't know what the right number is. >> $15 an hour! i want you to know, i made $3.50 an hour washing dishes at the silver moon restaurant in new york. that was a long time ago.
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>> in none of these states the minimum wage is index to inflation. if you're going to have one, that's how it goes. >> let's leave it there. was your new year's resolution to save money? let the forbes gang do it with its triple play. we'll explain that at the top of the hour. plus, what's happening in new york is not staying in new york. this was a big shock for his city and the entire country. ♪ [ male announr ] this is the story of the lile room over the pizza place at 315 cnut street. the modest first floor bedroom in talln, tonia and the dusty basement at 1406 35th street. it is the story of the old dining room table at 25th and hoffman avenue. the southbound bus barreling down i-95.
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those earning between $500,000 and a million dollars a yearen, for instance, would see their taxes increase by an average of $973 a year. that's less than three buck a day. about the cost of a small soy latte at your local starbucks. we do not ask more of the wealthy to punish success. we do it to create more success stories. >> yeah, that's some story. the new mayor of new york city calling to spread the wealth but charlie, i wonder ifs this redistribution actually does more harm than good for everyone. >> comrade bill de blasio put on an interesting display. that wasn't the worst of it. one speaker that called new york city a plantation. i mean a plantation? >> that was a reverend by the
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way. >> i mean, just -- this was a despicable affair. >> talk about, though, the policies of bill de blasio, the comrade as you call him, why it's so bad and everyone wants to -- >> well, the thing about new york over the last 20 years where we had progressive right of center but the progressive mayors. rudy giuliani and mike bloomberg who did great things. this city was heading to detroit and then came rudy and then came mayor bloomberg and this guy is looking to take us, his policies, are essentially what got us in trouble the first time. i will say this, here's why you have to worry about comrade bill de blasio. his campaign was built on a lie. new york city is not a -- how do you say the word? >> dekeynesian. >> dekeynesian hell hole. >> you can't make this argument if you can't say it. >> some people are saying maybe charlie's wrong, maybe it is the
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best of times and the worst of times. the best of times for rich guys like charlie but still so many pockets of poor in this country, let's try a different system because this capitalism thing isn't fair. >> but the capitalism is the best system there is. there's in perfectly fair system. god did not make life to be perfectly fair. i would like to recommend an author named charles payne whos has a website who wrote about this subject about a class envy and about the envy and how bad it is and dangerous in america. >> quickly. >> i remember that column by charl payne. >> quickly the mayor's impact will be felt in the biggest way how he handles the union contracts. about 150 bargaining units, about 300 employees. they're demanding retroactive wage as they don't have -- >> hold on. >> i know, but i'm saying if they have them over the barrel it will be felt. >> adam, what do you think about all of this? >> i think that bill de blasio is not abandoning capitalism,
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number one, despite what all of you say, and number two, tacks, ben, are part of capitalism, always have been, always will be, except maybe in charles payne's world. >> believe me, i've paid enough over the last it ten years. >> de blasio is so left, he's going to make san fran look like houston, texas. >> we have a lot of things to watch in the next five years between obama care and new york city. my thanks to charlie and dagen. up next forget about these fireworks. the fireworks on wall street last year had investors celebrating and celebrate with our gang for the new year. [ chilen yelling ] [ telephone rings ] [ shirley ] edwa jones. this is shirley eaking. how may i help you? [ male announcer ] with nearly 7 million investors... [ shirle] he's right here. hold on one sec. [ malennouncer ]'d expect us to have
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a highly skilled call center. kevin, neill holley's on line one. ok, great. [ male announcer ] and we do. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. ♪
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strong stocks last year, even stronger this year. adam? >> charles, the vanguard high dividend yield etf, these are big companies relatively under priced. great way to play the market after last year's great year.
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>> ben, what do you like? >> spiders discover the index you'll do great. >> ben, thank for the shout out and watching the cost of freedom continues on the place for business, you know what it is, fox. sit back and enjoy a new year show full of resolutions to save you money. first up, be it resolved, no more bailouts. as the individual obama care mandate kicks in new worries popping up that insurance companies will need a government rescue from obama care. here's a big reason why. so far nearly three times as many health plans getting canceled as the number of folks actually signing up and evidence those who are signing up are not the ones that insurance companies need to break even. this news coming as we discovered our great american auto bailout was more about bailing out foreign car companies than saving the u.s. auto industry.


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