tv The Kelly File FOX News January 7, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm PST
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thanks for watching us tonight. miss megan kelly warming up in the bullpen. please remember, the spin stops here. big news breaking tonight, the president's former defense secretary offering explosive new criticisms of the president's foreign policy in the last few hours. and also the president himself more accurately. at the same time, al qaeda is claiming victory in a city where hundreds of american men and women were killed or injured fighting for the cause of freedom. good evening, everyone, it's turning out to be a busy news night, i'm megyn kelly. a growing sense of anger from some in the military about why our soldiers sacrificed so much in iraq. terrorists have been allowed to
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take over. they're now flying the al qaeda flag in fallujah. at this moment. look at this, you can see the flags are flying over a city we fought so hard to control, and nearly 100 men and women died in one of the biggest battles of the war. then just hours ago, the wall street journal published an explosive new essay from robert gates. he blasted the president's foreign policy, both in afghanistan, which he says was all about getting out and on iraq, where mr. gates now says the president's position was simply to end what he believed to be a bad war. referring to a meeting he had with the president three months after the surge and afghanistan had begun, secretary gates recalled. as i sat there, i thought, the president doesn't trust his commander, can't stand hamid karzai, doesn't consider the war
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to be his. for him, it's all about getting out. mr. gates continued, president obama was skeptical if not outright convinced that his own strategy in afghanistan would fail. we have all the angles covered tonight. fox news senior political analyst begins our coverage. this is extraordinary, and charles kraut hammthammer said tonight, he believes of all the problems and incidents. this is number one. >> well, perhaps, megyn, certainly this is damning criticism of the president and his foreign policy, and of the behavior of those around him. it is not quite so rough on the previous president, president bush with whom secretary gates said he had more in common and whom he served long after most of the main foreign policy decisions had been made. and it is also extremely hard if not hardest of all on congress.
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so nobody comes out of this very well, and i might add, that i'm not sure secretary gates comes out of this all that well either. if he thought these things and felt them as strongly as he said he did, one wonders why he stayed as long as he did. >> let's start with the criticism, it seems rather extraordinary to have a defense secretary go after the commander in chief in this way, although he also praises president obama, and talks about his decision to go after bin laden as one of the most courageous decisions he's ever seen. it wasn't like it was a big long piece on the president, but nonetheless, he had criticisms of the president, and he talks, for example, about how he does not believe the white house can be trusted necessarily, that he believes as he put it, i felt agreements with the obama white house were good for only as long as they were politically convenient. and then he goes on to talk about the tone between the president, the commander in chief and his military commander saying, all too early in the obama administration suspicion
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and distrust of military officers by senior white house officials, including the president and vice president became a big problem for me. he goes on, senior white house officials engaged in aggressive, suspicious and sometimes condescending and insulting questioning of our military leaders. and he tacks about how unhappy he was in the job as a result of that relationship in part. >> i -- you know, i think some of us who observe this administration are not all together astonished to hear these things. we're somewhat surprised to hear them in this form from this man, but this sort of attitude toward the military has not been entirely uncommon among democrats and among democratic presidents. one remembers the behavior toward some in the military in the clinton administration, where this was -- this kind of thing happened. bob gates makes a strong case about it, though, and he also makes a strong case that this was an administration -- while he says he doesn't believe that
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politics was decisive, in any of the foreign policy and national security decisions that were made, he certainly makes no secret of the fact that they played a role. >> i think that's what charles was referring to, he's talking about how, president obama may have been outright convinced, he was skeptical if not outright convinced that his own strategy in afghanistan would fail. that he didn't believe in his own strategy. i mean, that's an extraordinary thing to say about the commander in chief who's sending men and women into battle to die, and they did die saying he didn't believe in the cause, he didn't believe in what he was doing, he kn they would fail. >> he is one of -- whether they would fail or not, the fact is, they really didn't fail, the forces in afghanistan have had a real effect there. the question now is whether it will be enough, in light of the fact that it came of -- the surge of forces came with an announcement when it would all be over at least on our part, you'll recall, megyn, if you go
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back to the period where the president was elected, the democrats started with john kerry in '04, took the view that iraq was a bad war and afghanistan was the right war. that was the one where the taliban came from, that was where the attacks on 9/11 were launched on, that was the good theater, that was the one that was worth fighting for. that was basically carried by president obama himself through his campaign, and he was out on that limb with his party when he took office. so he did to some extent noll through on that with the surge, it's discouraging but not all together surprising to hear he never believed it. >> wow! i don't know, not believing in it, not believing in it, and he was skeptical if not outright convinced that his strategy would fail. i don't know, maybe i'm missing something, to me, that's extraordinary to say that about the man sending men and women in to fight. i'm going to ask duncan hunter about it now, he's with me too. great to see you. >> thank you. >> as we mentioned a moment ago,
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these charges from secretary gates come at the same time that al qaeda flags are flying over the city of fallujah. in the an bar province, thousands of troops sacrificed their lives. many thought it was in vein to begin with, many others did not believe that, and went over to fight honestly and heroically. 4489 of our young men and women were killed. 32,000 more were wounded and they and their families have to watch in frustration, as al qaeda takes these cities. representative duncan hunter fought in the battle of fallujah in '04, he's outraged by the al qaeda takeover that threatens to undo what he and his fellow marines accomplished in 2011. let me start with you representative hunter on where i left off with brit on the
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gates -- mr. gates matter, and i will get to iraq. as i understand, brit's point about the president saying, he doesn't necessarily believe in the strategy, but sort of committed to, this is the war he's going to see through. but do you see something extraordinary in the commander and chief, according to mr. gates, being skeptical is outright convinced that that strategy, he was sending men like you in to fight would fail? >> no, i'm not surprised, and we -- what you see here, what i see here is a political squandering of 34i89ry victories and abandonment by this administration of everything we did in iraq, in fallujah, ramadi, basra, baghdad, all these places where we fought, killed terrorists, set the people free, got the people on our side in the sunni triangle, fallujah, after the surge in 2007, i was there in 2004 in april 2004, after the big surge, fallujah was a relatively
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peaceful place, so was ramadi, it transformed because people had freedom, they were able to vote. what you had going-forward to 2010 when president obama refused to get a status of forces agreement with the iraqis, this is point b, that is point a, what he did, his abandonment of iraq led directly to al qaeda, taking over what the marines and army had cleared and what we had set up, and what we had helped with the iraqis, the president by failing to get a status of forces agreement, because it was the bad war, he didn't want anything to do with it, for probably purely political reasons, i think, he abandoned it, and here's what we have, this is a direct correlation, point a, point b, here's where we are, al qaeda now controls what we fought so hard to free. >> i know that there are a lot of -- and we're talking about iraq now, we switched over from afghanistan to iraq.
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i know a lot of veterans who fought in iraq are wandering tonight, because it's been reported now what are we fighting for, what did we lose our comrades for if now we leave and al qaeda -- al qaeda is flying a flag atop these cities. on the other hand, the american people wanted to get out of iraq by large numbers when president obama took over, and he got us out of iraq, and so -- we're not necessarily talking about sending people back into iraq now, but the question is whether we withdrew too early and in the right way, i mean, a lot of americans out there watching this tonight say maybe it wasn't perfect, but we got out. >> we won in iraq, my dad wrote a book called victory in iraq, my dad was congressman too, and chairman of the armed services committee. he wrote a book called victory in iraq, how america won the war. we had won the war by 2010, this president left for purely political reasons, if we had left 10,000 or 20,000 troops
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there, like we have in every other war zone we've been involved in, except for vietnam. let's say post vietnam, this would not be happening whatsoever, the president abandoned everything we fought for, iraq could not sustain itself without some american involvement. it would be like leaving afghanistan right now, sometimes it's not the most popular choice, but i think that this president has shown that he does things purely for political reasons, this president has not only abandoned iraq, he's abandoned the middle east, he's out of everywhere, this is a juvenile foreign policy president when it comes to hard nosed foreign policy in the middle east. this administration are like little children. what we have then is, i was over there fighting, my marines were over there fighting, and what do we have now, nothing to show for it, because of political reasons, not because we didn't win, but purely political reasons. god bless all the men and women who spent time in iraq and fought there. >> duncan hunter, thank you,
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sir. we appreciate it. >> thank you. the national security council has responded in part to the reports about secretary gates and his new book, making these allegations about the president's strategy as our commander in chief. in part, they said that he appreciates, deeply appreciates bob gates' service, that there have been -- deliberations of our policy have been widely reported on over the years, it's well known the president has been committed to achieving the commission there, the president welcomes differences of abuse among his national security team. he wishes secretary gates well as he recovers from a recent injury and discusses his book. he did push back on secretary gates' assessment, which was very unflattering of joe biden, the nsc saying joe biden has been one of the leading states men of his time. we'll get into this a little more, because there was a startling piece about hillary clinton and barack obama having a discussion. we'll talk about that a little bit later in the show. also up next, chris styerwaltz is here, we'll ask
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him about the suggestions the president admitted a major failure. plus -- >> new details into why police and fbi have posted a nationwide warning about a killer on the loose. >> the action is very deliberate, very calculated and violent. this person could not -- >> did you see this, from dennis rodman? >> what do you think? let me do this? really? really? >> we'll show you the meltdown that has the white house running for cover. [ male announcer ] we could say a lot about the most track-tested is ever... but the truth is... we don't have to. the experts have spoken. now it's your move. ♪
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upset by the president and his party, we're four and a half years into a economic recovery democrats tell us is getting better all the time. the jobless rate is so high, that the president considers it an emergency. if i'm taking office, the president and his party set two big goals, one was to revive the economy, the other to reform health care, the obama care mess tells us where we are on one, the call from further unemployment payments tells us where we are on the other. >> there he is again. that was brit a special report last night talking about the president's new push for extending unemployment insurance. today we heard directly from the president as he argued that jobless benefits actually create jobs. >> unemployment insurance has been a vital economic lifeline. for a lot of people, it's the
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only source of income they've got to support their families, if we don't provide unemployment insurance they can't support their families. >> here are the numbers, last recorded at 7%, in november, that does not count the millions in the unemployment -- in a position of being unemploids -- you factor in the americans who are working less than they would like underemployed. you're looking at an underemployment rate of 13.2%. chris styerwaltz, the president took some ribbing online today for saying that unemployment benefits create jobs, i think what he meant was, the administration gets people spending. it puts money in their pockets, they don't save it because they have a lot of dough. that keeps people employed and cash in the economy. >> why are we cabbing it at 99 weeks? shun the we pay everybody all the time so there's plenty of money? >> now you sound like the guy --
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>> you don't have to be a marijuana tourist to colorado to think that that is a great idea. people say that, that's an idea. it exists, it -- however contravenes what the president says and much of what they have said in the past about how you get the economy going, which is to move people into middle class jobs, you can't pay people not to work and have it create jobs. there is a little contradiction. >> the president would like for these people to have jobs. they apparently can't get them. the people are out there trying to find jobs. not all of them, but they can't get them. the question is, do we basically say sorry you couldn't find any, or do we extend the unemployment benefits a little longer to help them in an economy that's not so hot for many? >> it's always just a little longer, right? that's what we've been doing since the panic of 2008 which is
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just a little longer, a little longer, this emergency, extraordinary relief, 5, 6 years, of just a little longer every time. let me submit something a little more cynical, it doesn't really matter what the president said today or what he said in the past, for this white house and this relates a little bit to what secretary gates -- what his criticisms were of this president, it doesn't really matter what you said before, it doesn't matter what you say now, what matters is, how can democrats keep the republicans from winning more than five seats in the united states senate this time. say or do anything if you like it, can you keep it, say or do anything that you can in order to keep the republicans at bay and keep the senate in democrats hands. if this is an administration that would allow considerations to come into the war in afghanistan or security concerns or whether or not to tell people they can keep their insurance policies when they knew they could not, if that would come
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into those considerations, surely it comes into the consideration by talking about free money. >> it plays into the income equality narrative that the president said openly he's going to be pushing as he's in the second term. it's interesting, we'll see how it plays out. they got the go ahead, the six republicans in the senate and we'll see how it goes from there. a manhunt for the killer or killers of a former beauty queen after she was kidnapped and killed while on vacation in south america. and then there's the cold, the very, very cold weather. and what happened today. we'll show you how bad it became ♪ [ male announcer ] wt kind of energy is so abundant, it can help provide the power for all th natural gas. ♪ more than ever before, america's electricity is generated by it. exnmobil uses advanced visualization and drilling technologies to produce natural gas...
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is it? parts of the midwest and the east have been colder than much of antarctica. airlines have cancelled more than 2,000 flights today because of mechanical and icing worries. that means that over the last four days, 11,000 flights have been cancelled. look at these pictures. take a look at this one from ann arbor, michigan, you can see icicles on street signals as the firefighters poor water on the fire. at the nation's capital, it's so cold the reflecting pool at the national mall has frozen over. our own meteorologist is in the studios where it's 8 degrees right now. she has the furry hat on, and why not. >> this is my polar vortex hat, i saved it for prime time. it deserves its own #, let's take a look at the temperatures right now, the windchills, and we'll take a look at the records we broke today in detroit. minus 14, nyc, central park, 4 degrees. i believe that's a 100 year record that was broken.
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austin texas, 14, toledo, ohio, minus 14. over four dozen records broken, this morning's actual lows, those are air temperatures, not windchills, those are current windchills courtesy of our friends in canada, where it feels like minus 40, minus 50, minus 11 is what it feels like in chicago, minus 1 in new york. 27 in kansas city, here's the forecast wind capitol hill as we go through the evening tonight, megyn, sub-zero temperatures, tomorrow in the teens and 20s, which is great news because we are going to warm up. that is the silver lining with all of this, that over the next 24 to 48 hours, temperatures will rise astronomically in some cases where it's going to feel like springtime, look at new york. 13 today, 50s on the weekend, it's going to be downright springtime in central park. there's atlanta georgia, 25 today, in the 60s by the
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weekend. >> here's my question. past couple winters in new york and elsewhere in the country we've had mild weather in many cases. more mild than normal, we get the polar vortex, i don't know what it is, what's happening? >> we're getting a little taste of the arctic, this polar vortex has been blown out of proportion a little bit. polar vortex has been there since the beginning of time. we've got a piece of it, the rare part of it is it dips southward as far south as the gulf coast, the polar vortex has always been there. it's winter for gosh sakes, it happened. it happened. >> it sounds like an ice cream we can order at tast-t-freeze. >> i'll take a fancy hat like this that looks like i'm in the '70s. >> you have to keep moving otherwise you're cold. more fallout in moments involving bob gates and his new
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tax criticisms on key foreign policy decisions by president obama and president obama and his leadership itself. veteran and former congressman allen west is up next on what mr. gates is saying about decision making behind the scenes. plus an apparent case of road rage turns deadly, and police fear the killer could strike again. >> be advised there's still an active shooter, this was on a self-inflicted shot. the recommendation is to clear the recommendation is to clear the interstate. i always say be the man withhe plan but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. but with less energy, moodiness, i saw my doctor.rive, a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can store t levels to norm in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger an 18 or men with prostate or bret cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs
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down the person who murdered this 28-year-old man in an apparent case of road rage. authorities now fear the killer could strike again at any moment. chase gallagher explains from our west coast newsroom. >> when timothy davidson was traveling north in maryland, he called 911, he got to the pennsylvania border, the call dropped, he called 911 again in pennsylvania, telling the dispatcher he either cut somebody off or was cut off, and the other driver was following him in a dark truck firing shots. the 911 call has not been released but police say the shooter then rammed davidson's mitsubishi montero, pushed him off the road in a snowy median where his car then got stuck. the ear driver got out of the car and walked up to davidson's vehicle and opened fire, killing him. listen now to police. >> it appears random in the sense that we have not come up with any evidence that would
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link the suspect and the victim knowing each other. as far as the act itself, the act is very deliberate, very calculated and violent. and due to that, we believe that the person -- >> i mentioned the 911 call has not been released, but after police arrived on scene, listen to one officer's assessment. >> be advised there's still an active shooter, this was not a self-inflicted shot. the recommendation is clearing the interstate. >> and they did clear the interstate, the shooter is still on the loose and may be driving a ford ranger with damage to the driver's side and some scrapes of silver paint from the other car. eight hours before this happened, 30 miles away, another driver reported that a dark truck was firing shots at him. that driver was not hurt, and police are trying to figure out if these two incidents 30 miles apart are connected. >> thank you.
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>> robert gates has worked for nearly every president going back to nixon. mr. gates openly criticizing the white house and everyone else suggesting the president did not even believe in his own war strategy as he sent troops out to fight. retired lieutenant colonel allen west is a fox news contributor, good to see you. what do you make of this extraordinary piece by secretary gates. >> it's a pleasure to be with y you. when the commander made the determination for residual force we went to a zero force presence. we could have used those forces to be along the border with iraq
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and iran and syria and iraq, you probably would not see the vacuum that was created and so iran has filled that vacuum, you would not probably have seen -- >> let me just ask you, what is the point of that, that he did that for political reasons as opposed to what was best militarily? >> i think the point is political reason, i think the point also goes back to what secretary gates talked about, was a mistrust of the generals on the ground and you see that in afghanistan. one of the things that we brought out in that wall street journal article, when general mcchrystal came up with his decision to have a surge the president was not pleased with that, he wanted to be the dominant entity when it came to policy decisions. have you to have the trust as the commander in chief with those officials on the ground. >> let me trust you. >> but the president ran, he ran for office saying, i'm going to get us out of iraq, the people put him in office saying, yes, do that, so he did it, i mean,
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not being deferential, that's a different story, what secretary gates seemed to be alleging now is that even there, though, the president didn't believe in his own strategy. he did the surge, he knew he had to do the surge, he did not believe in it, and in fact secretary gates suggests he may have known -- he may have been convinced that it was going to fail, even though it didn't fail, he may have thought it was going to. >> you're absolutely what you just articulated, the difference between a politician as opposed to a leader. someone that's looking to be a commander in chief that's going to make the right type of strategic level decisions that looks forward. not just the sound byte and the short term political objective. that's something the american people have to come to understand, are we going to
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continue to elect politicians that will tell us what we think we want to hear? or are we going to elect true leadership and states men and people that can fulfill the role of commander in chief. >> that's an interesting point you raise. another piece of information that has come out from second gates. the exchange between hillary rodham clinton and barack obama that he witnessed and he writes about it saying, hillary clinton told the president, he claims to have been witness to this. her opposition to the 2007 surge in iraq had been political, because she was facing him, meaning barack obama in the iowa primary. the president conceded vaguely that opposition to the iraq surge had been political. keep in mind, he opposed the surge too. to hear the two of them, making these admissions and in front of me was as surprising as it was dismayed. he heard hillary clinton tell barack obama that her opposition to the 2007 surge in iraq was done for political purposes.
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>> and those are the exact same two individuals that we need to get the truth about. four americans were abandoned in the firefight. terrorist attack, not a video. they lied about it subsequently, if we're going to continue to have these politicians and people that are playing politics, with the lives of our men and women who are out there doing what this nation has called them to do, to fight for our liberties and freedoms, then we have to look at ourselves as a nation, and that's why i support that select committee to look at what is happening there, so we can get the truth from hillary clinton and president obama. we cannot -- >> that may happen i want to tell the viewers, secretary gates as he was with the president on certain leadership items was very complimentary of hillary clinton saying he found her smart, idealistic, tough minded. funny, a very valuable colleague and a superb representative of the united states all over the world. the book is pretty even handed from the excerpts that have been
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released. probably not as -- >> four americans lost their live lives all of those nice little character traits -- >> we invited some white house representatives. we will get to the focus on tomorrow evening with that point of view, so far we should have a written statement from the national security spokesperson as i said earlier, talking about how they believed their afghanistan policy and the deliberations have been reported already, over the years. it's good to see you. >> always a pleasure, thank you, megan. former nba player dennis rodman back in north korea and goes on an epic rant while there, today about why he thinks it's a great idea for the world that he is there. the panel has their take next. we've got reports of dozens of injuries, some serious as folks try to learn exactly how cold it is. wait until you see this. aflac!
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wor world. >> that was former nba player dennis rodman during an interview from north korea this morning, an interview that took a bizarre turn, when he was asked about an american citiz citizen -- >> if you understand what he did, do you understand what he did? >> what did he do? you tell me? what did he do? >> no, you tell me, you tell me, why is he held captive? >> they haven't released any charges. they haven't released any reason about. >> i'm asking what you think? look at these guys. look at them. >> dennis, don't put it on them. >> that's an excuse for the behavior that you're putting on yourself. >> you just basically were saying that kenneth bay did something wrong, we don't even know what the charges are. >> mark hannah, who worked for
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the john kerry and barack obama presidential campaigns, what can go wrong? he's like the perfect choice. >> i don't know where to start. what's he doing over there? why are we -- how is this allowed, and why does he think he can do good talking to a man who may have -- i don't know, cut up his own uncle? >> anyone who thinks dennis is a diplomat, dennis is being dennis. >> i'll tell you what his point of view is, his point of view is, if i open the door, maybe something will happen. honlestly, that's dennis, and that's what i got back from him earlier today. what it comes down to, let's not take this beyond that, we have a regime, real issues over there, dennis rodman is playing basketball, doing something outrageous, not the first time. >> he's supporting this man who killed his uncle, has 200,000 uncles in concentration camps. what, to play basketball?
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>> on his birthday? >> it's like, hitler's always been nice to me. >> yeah. >> and that's -- he doesn't cut me up, i don't understand why there's a problem. >> he's legit mating a regime, the interviewer from cnn i heard him later saying, i feel bad for dennis rodman, obviously this was an absurd and pathetic performance. kenneth bay and an american citizen being held in captivity. the closest thing we have to anybody inside the regime who's kind of friendly with the north korean dictator is a bumbling, senile -- >> when chris cuomo asks him about it, dennis rodman the only one he seems to be angry with is kenneth bay. >> don't ask dennis rodman about basketball, not about foreign policy. >> stop going over and palling around -- >> i'm with you on that, i
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wouldn't pal around with dictators or sit around for them. for dictators that kill them, i don't have much sympathy either. >> it's a thousand people in concentration camps, it's not just his uncle he cut up? >> dennis is never going to see that side of it. he's going to walk-through the palace and whatever, he's never going to see the people there, they really want to do something, dennis should be asked to open up and see what happens. >> he got -- >> we have -- >> he said kenneth bay, kenneth bay, what are we talking about? what opportunity to speak to this. he goes after kim jong-un -- >> let's remember having sport and cultural exchanges, it's all constructive. >> there's an opportunity for it
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to have some sort of dialogue, people to people, and this is completely busted and apparently drunk. coming to the 31-year-old dictator on his birthday and -- >> i wouldn't do it, but i'm not going to rise above that level. >> with all due respect to some of the fox news -- >> apparent ly people are takin burning water and throwing it in the air to see if it freezes. we have videotape of that, for every one person who it works out, probably five others it did not about. >> we're going to do the hot water challenge and see if the snow evaporates and it did.
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>> it's all fun and games until somebody loses an entire body from third degree burns. >> that would have been a different picture if the wind blew on him. and the hot water. the accounts online of people trying this and winding up burned and in the er are shocking. it's like the people who light up the firecrackers and hold them way too long. >> or the people who fire guns in the air because gravity doesn't work and bullets don't come down somewhere. >> the vice president told people to do that, don't criticize the vice president. >> this is where people forget basic things, if you're that smart to watch youtube, it doesn't cool that fast before you do it. >> it does. it does. >> it turns into snow. >> it does. yeah. >> except when it's above you. >> leaves the science to the
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scientist this is an advanced scientific experiment that should be saved for people who have only successfully completed it. >> i want to get this last kick in before we go. there is another case that i want to ask you. aparentally this woman is suing a development company on a different note, because she claims the neighbor of the home she just bought is a nightmare, and they had an obligation to disclose to her how nightmarish the neighbor was. you're the lawyer on the panel, is there such an obligation, this could prove useful for a lot of us. >> it is. there's a state law that talks about disclosure, if you're a developer, you have this community of homes and you're saying this is habitable and a nice community, you make these types of warranties, you breach that, there are going to be civil penalties. >> if you move into a development or a community, you find out your neighbor's a nightmare, she claims this guy's a rainist and so on, you can sue
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the developer, the person that sold you the home for not disclosing the nightmarishness of the neighbors? >> there are actions here that go along with this, there was a letter from the developer to the neighbor, there's interaction -- >> do your homework. a knock on the door of your neighbors. >> that's what it is. >> i'm house hunting this weekend, isn't that everybody's worst nightmare? they find their dream home, move in, and it turns out their neighbor is a nightmare. >> neighbor being a nightmare would be bad. but it would be worse if you find out a hideous crime was committed in your house. >> you don't have a lot of rights on that either. there's a happy notes for you. coming up, a beauty queen coming up, a beauty queen murdered and a manhunt is [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy.
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a beauty queen killed and a man hundred the is underway for the killer. trace gallagher has the story. >> a beauty queen and a well known soap opera star, monica speer were driving toward venezuela when their car hit sharp objects on the road and blew two tires. the objects were placed there. the car had already been hooked up to a tow truck when the bandits arrive, spehr and her ex opened the door. listen now to venezuela's interior minister. >> we're conducting a full investigation the municipal
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police will determine what happened. >> the tow truck drivers who showed up, monica speer is a popular soap opera star on telemundo. venezuela is one of the most dangerous places on earth. 95% of the murders go unsolved. telemundo issued a statement saying she was a great actress and a great woman. >> thanks. we're going to be right back, plus hannity at the top of the hour. the thing i find the most offensive was the attack on mayor bloomberg during the inauguration. there have been many inaugurations, those attacks were vicious, mean spirited. ♪ wow...look at you.
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thank god for my trusty microwave, because it works it all out. send me your thoughts on twitter @megynkelly. have a great day. no one can control the weather, not everybody can control their employment situation. >> the left is now using the freezing temperatures all across the country as a crust to push their radical left wing agenda. >> not only can we stop the wind from blowing, we can't stop the republicans from being heartless and cruel. >> it is now america the entitled. >> we're called to put an end to economics and social inning equalities that threaten to unravel the
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