tv The Five FOX News January 8, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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you lost weight doing that, right here, fox. hello, everyone. i'm andrea tantaros, kimberly guilfoyle, bob beckel, and elena grushina is back outside again. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." new temperature records are shattered as the bitter cold air that gripped the midwest makes its way to the south and the northeast today. it's so cold that an escaped prisoner in kentucky actually turned himself in to escape the freezing weather. so cold the polar bear at chicago's lincoln park zoo has been moved inside. it's so cold that it's warmer at
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the south pole and antarctic ka than it is elsewhere. here in new york a 110-year-old record was broken when it dipped to 4 degrees. eric is crazy enough to be outdoors in his chicago bears weather. >> you think so? >> i do. now i know for sure. what's wrong with you? >> listen, ang, maybe i'm crazy. colin kaepernick who? we have everyone represented here. midwest. minnesota, right? >> yes. >> are you cold? >> it's pretty normal for us. >> you're from marylan correct? >> yes. >> how is this for you? >> it's a little cold. >> we have the west coast represented. we have los angeles. how about you? are you expecting this cold? >> no, we're dying right now it's so cold. >> i never wore this much clothes and still freezing. >> he lost the glove.
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>> what's going on with ireland, you guys? >> it's expecting colder. >> you were expecting colder? >> considering what has happened a few days before. >> she has rose ji cheeks. >> it's just the wind that's cold. i thought it would be worse. >> wind chill. that's what we call wind chill. guess what we have here? people who left 100 degree weather to come here. what were you thinking, australia? >> well, we love the city and this is as cold as we've ever been in our lives. >> this was colder than any of our previous visits. this was worse. >> what were you thinking, you left nice, warm weather. it's summer in australia. >> we didn't think it was going to be this cold. >> it is this cold. can you get a shot of the temperature back there. it's 5:02. it's coming. 8 degrees, you guys. back to you. do you have any questions for these great people bearing the cold weather to join us in new york city at "the five." >> they're wearing scarves, gloves, hats.
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where are your hats and gloves. >> i'm praying my wife isn't watching. if you get sick, i'm not going to take care of you. >> the irish family that's there, have they been drinking? >> bob beckle wants to know if you've had any cocktails to keep you warm? >> no, not yet. >> wouldn't be a bad idea maybe. >> yeah, i think it's needed. >> it's needed. well needed. what's the other question, beckle? >> my other question is are you going to get stiff out there? are you going to make it in to the show? >> you know what i think, bob, you should lose the skirt and come out. >> i ain't that dumb. >> i've got to be honest for you. i'm from chicago. i've beared cold weather. i watch all these reporters with their mittens and gloves. come on. come on, bob. you're wearing a scarf inside. good lord. >> that's right. it's about 75 degrees in here. it's perfect. >> greg, what about you? >> go ahead. >> i was going to say this
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proves again how awesome the irish are, how tough they are. we thought it was going to be colder, no problem. i love that, those are my people. >> greg, do you have a any questions? >> a lot of fans of the irish people. what about the australians. >> i just got back from l.a. i want to ask those people from l.a. why now come to new york? >> yeah, why come to new york when it's 8 degrees, l.a.? >> i love the cold but i don't know about it anymore. >> no one was expecting 8 degrees. >> the mid wesz, seriously, what are you doing here? >> going to maryland. >> it's cold. >> we're going into a nice, warm studio. >> don't get stiff on us now. >> i want to turn to greg gutfeld. greg, the polar vortex. what do you think of all of this? i know you don't like to wear so much clothing. >> for one thing, it sounds like some kind of a move an ice
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skater would make, a triple polar vortex. what bothers me is the polar bear. if you are a polar bear that has to go inside, you are no longer a polar bare. you are dishonorable bli discharged as that species. it's like a rat who doesn't spread disease. you are not a polar bear if you have to go inside. you're a chicago bear. >> he was expecting, you know, global warming. >> it is global warming. global warming is really -- >> oh, my god. >> gutfeld agrees with you, shockingly. a member of the mainstream media. charlie rose is wondering, i didn't know he was a scientist, if this polar vortex is the cause of global warming. >> is it definitely connected to a global warming? >> potentially it's connected to that. >> potentially? >> these have been happening. what's happening is the wind,
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change in the arctic. the cold, dense air is escaping the vortex, spill down to us. >> vortex. >> okay. explain it, greg. >> this is absolute baloney. how does the left explain the weather? when it's hot, it's global warming. when it's cold, it's global warming. i don't care about what activists say or what skeptics say. the media should not push unsupported assumptions when there's a cold snap. you can't push stuff that you cannot prove. here's what you can say, bob. let me finish. the cold wave does not prove that global warming is here. the cold wave does not prove that global warming is not here. that's all you can say. it's extremely boring and the media can't get a story out of this unless they push the panic and pushing the panic is not fair to the people at home because it's not true. >> well, why do you get so upset about it if it's so boring. >> because i have to keep reading this stuff to explain it.
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let me explain, when the cold air -- when the arctic is as cold as it should be as opposed to warmer, it keeps the cold air up there. >> right. >> when it gets too warm it sort of opens up a trough and it comes down. that's why it's global warming. >> here is my problem. >> is that exciting enough? >> no. >> here's my problem. we've watched so many people on the left be doctors, engineers, they're designing a project. now all of a sudden bob beckle is a scientist. if they can convince the american public it's happening, then they can control every aspect using our taxpayer dollars. >> you're absolutely right. more regulations, more impositions on our choices. i'm sorry, i would be all for the solar panels if you didn't take a cold shower. >> you know what killed the donor party, it wasn't the transportation. it was taking a shortcut when they shouldn't. cold weather is as about as new
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as larry king's liver. it's been around forever. >> he doesn't drink. >> the media has the long term memory of a flea. the ice age is not caused by suv, the mini ice age is not caused by suvs or republicans. >> i've been told not to have the memory of a flea today and forget eric bolling that's outside. are you still with us? are your fingers and toes, can you feel them? how are they. >> i have two questions for you. number one, if a weather person, a meteorologist can't tell us that it's going to rain tomorrow or be, you know, 20 degrees or 50 degrees, how can they tell us when what it's going to be 2100 years from now, this whole global warm willing thiing thino affect that. even if the carbon dioxide we're emitting is manmade, how much of it is it? and is it the reason why the
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globe is increasing temperatures if it is ever so slightly. there are so many questions. the hopes is that if a meteorologist were to say or weather scientist were to say that, yeah, this is normal. it's weather, it's cold, it's hot, it's normal, they wouldn't get funded. >> aaron, i want to say to the audience because i'm sure they're worried about you. we'll get you back on his meds and back to the hospital. he's fine. he'll be okay. >> this whole thing about being cold, it's overrated. >> you know what, eric, is amazing. your tan still looks great. your hair hasn't moved. they're talking about the wind chill factor. >> it's glued down. >> it's tight. it's locked in. >> you went to puerto rico, that's why you got a tan, right? >> that's right, bobby. >> he went to puerto rico. >> i did. we love you. >> piggybacking on what you said earlier. proof of that, 1974, "time magazine" blamed the polar vortex on global cooling. now in 2014 they're blaming it on global warming.
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doesn't that prove that they can't make up their mind? >> their models have always been inaccurate. they believe in 2007 that reduced snowfall was going to be caused by global warming. that every year the snow increased so they said the increased amount of snow is the cause or the evidence of global warming. so everything is it now caused by global warming. this is not science. it's a scam and i will say this. this is wr bob and i should reach a midpoint. real scientists want to be proven wrong. they don't look for stuff that proves their assumption. that's the scary part about global warming activism. they said the science would settle. no scientist ever said that. i want you to be wrong. i want you to prove me wrong which forces me to be reading and listening. >> real scientists don't say that. >> you have to want to be proven wrong because it makes your position stronger. everybody is so skeptical about global warming activists because they don't want to be proven
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wrong. >> i think we can reach an agreement except the one thing i have to ask you there are lots of scientists who believe in global warming, they're real scientists, bona fide scientists. do you think they're perpetuating a scam? what do you think it is? >> i think it became an ideology. i think there are legitimate scientists who believes -- he's a lukewarmer. he believes there are slight increases which could be beneficial, maybe harmful in the long term, but there are others too invested in it. >> change positions. >> there are other scientists who are very skeptical who are left out of the debate. >> they have to be open to new research and information coming in. science doesn't stand still. when you shut it down and say, no, the science is settled. you lose credibility. >> i think greg made an enormous amount of sense today which may be the first time in the global warming debate. >> i think you two got dressed together this morning. red and white. >> i don't have a sweater like
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that. >> it is at times when you watch charlie rose, global warming, you say, what makes you a scientist? none of us are scientists and read data and say there's too much conflicting data. you have "the new york times" coming out saying the numbers are kind of funny on this stuff. i think the public believes something is happening but when it becomes a crisis they're going, okay, now what do we do? spend millions of dollars to assume we can actually fix it. >> you know what makes charlie rose a scientist and all of us a scientist, having a cable show. every day you have to fill up the bucket with something. you can't just say it's cold out there so you have to say something else. >> i'm not a scientist. i graduated from college with a 2.01 on a football scholarship. i dated the french teacher, she gave me a passing grade. >> eric, get back in the studio. we'll have you here for the b block. >> it's cold. turn the global warming switch on for me, would you? >> i wish they were right, don't you? all right. we want to see how you are braving the cold at home.
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♪ ♪ tomorrow marks 50 years since president lyndon johnson declared his famous war on poverty during his first state of the unnon. >> this administration today here and now declares unconditional war on poverty in america. we shall not rest until that war is won. it must be won in the field, in every private home, in every
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public office from the courthouse to the white house. >> half a century later, where do we stand? poverty levels have only dropped slightly since 1964 but government spending on welfare over the same period has skyrocketed by 11,000%. not much bang for the buck. now despite the dismal results, president obama is still pushing for more government spending and more government dependence. today in the form of another extension of long-term unemployment benefits. >> when times get tough we are not a people who say you're on your own, we're people who believe that we're all in it together. and we know there by the grace of god go us. there's the value case for this, there goes the moral case for us. congress should pass this right away and i will sign it right away. more than 1 million americans in the country will feel a little hope right away and hope is contagious. >> president obama, you, sir,
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have been in charge for five years and you're saying that times are still tough so when are you going to accept some of the responsibility and perhaps do something to change the course? >> one of the other lines in that speech, honestly i couldn't believe he actually said this. he said, quote, voting for this extension creates jobs. if that's not the definition of what he's trying to do right there, socialism, where you take an earned dollar from a maker, you give it to a taker. what you get is you discourage the good behavior of work and capitalism and you encourage the bad behavior of let's not rush to get a job. as charles crowdhammer puts out when you subsidize apples, you get more apples. when you subsidize unemployment, you get more unemployment. >> you were talking about jobs in this country. what if these people can't get work, what do you do then? let them starve? >> in 2 1/3 years they can't get
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work? >> i guess so. not all of them are scam artists. >> the whole idea of welfare is to help people get through to get the job but when it's 2 1/2 years or 2 1/4 years at some point you have to say, enough is enough. here's the other thing if president obama on one side of his mouth says things are getting so much better with obamacare, then why are we spending millions of dollars. >> right. >> let's talk about lyndon johnson. i'd like to have a discussion about that, the war on poverty. >> well -- >> go ahead. >> thank you, bob. >> who needs a real war when you have the war on poverty and an invading army with the best weapons in the world couldn't achieve what the war on poverty has done to cities like detroit, oakland, baltimore and newark. the war on poverty is the war on america. no one has to invade us. we're doing a great job on our own. it was of the best intentions. a war on anything that isn't a real war fails whether it's a war on drugs which is a bust,
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the war on poverty which is a bust, the war on christmas which is a sham. now if you look at unemployment benefits, we're putting politics over people. the republicans cannot say no to this because they appear to be the grinch and you will be painted as the grinch even though studies show that benefits will lead to longer unemployment. but you can't say that because you're seen as mean. so extend the benefits another three months and hopefully maybe that's it, but if you say no to it, you will be painted as a -- >> it happens every single year around this time. it's strategically planned. usually right before christmas so politically people don't want too say they're against it. its it's not a good argument. poverty is a serious issue. we have medicaid, we have wic, we have food stamps. we take care of our poor. if you believe the liberals, bob, then we are exactly where lbj said that we were. he thinks we're in the same exact place. you seem to agree but -- if i
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could just finish -- unemployment insurance was not meant to be a pension. it was meant to be a band aid. it's not a lifestyle. if you continue to put able bodied people on the doll, they'll stay there. i have an idea. how about this. what would you say to this, bob? if you require that if people are going to go on unemployment insurance after 99 weeks they would have to do community service, they would have to volunteer, be teacher's aids, they would have to help build houses for returning vets? what would you say? >> i think that's a good idea. >> it's not my idea, it's fdr's idea. >> some of it was quite successful. it includes medicare and medicaid. it includes head start. most people agree that's a pretty good program. the fact of the matter is that right now we are spending much less as a percentage since the welfare reform act of the '90s. here's the thing that's a real problem. those of us who supported this who did housing and other 24i s
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things, we did it with the best intentions. we made some things. we did breed some dependency. we can't take responsibility for families breaking down. of the children in poverty in this country, 44% of them are from single mother households. 11% are in married households. >> can you explain, what have we done right with the war on poverty? the poverty level hasn't gone done. >> it hasn't gone up every year before we got there. >> but it's still almost 15%. unchanged. >> there's going to be a percentage of people who will always be on poverty. >> if we win a war, you defeat the enemy and the enemy being poverty, we haven't budged. >> we can't take responsibility for families breaking apart in the inner cities. >> why can't you? wait. wait. wait. that's not fair. i think that this administration in particular has pushed the notion of single motherhood which you and i agree is the fastest pathway to poverty even though it's the hardest job in
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the world. they have furthered it with the life of jewuliette. they've let american men out to be these dufuses. >> the notion that they want women to be in poverty. >> they want them to be dependent. they do, bob. >> let's talk about something here going against your take on it. this is getting a lot of buzz. this is bret hume. he says, look, the administration asking for the extension of these benefits is basically saying they failed, an admission. >> the administration's appeal for a further extension of unemployment benefits may succeed in putting congressional republicans in a tight spot if they resist. in that sense it may be a shrewd political move yet embedded in it is an extraordinary acknowledgment by the president and hits party. upon taking office the president and his party set two big goals. one was to revive the economy and to fix health care.
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the call for further unemployment payments tells us where we are. >> president obama can say you can have both. you can have an improving economy while keeping this safety net in place, however, again, what is missing is what i said before, which is the fear of debate. you shouldn't want to have the discussion based on research. the research saying that if benefits are extended, so goes unemployment. you have to have that discussion or it's never going to change. >> they don't want to. if you ask to have the discussion, then you're pegged as mean spirited, uncaring, unfeeling party. >> which i am, by the way. >> okay. bolling? >> the thing is, they like to peg this as a class warfare. the vast majority of the money that's being redistributed is coming from the middle class. it's on the backs of the middle class. asking guys who are make $35,000 a year who's paying 35% tax. ask him if he feels good --
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>> this money comes from workers' compensation funds. when you're employed, they pay into that. they're taking money that they themselves have put into the system. the idea that these million people -- you keep saying it's dislocated jobs. that's true. some people can't get jobs. what are you going to do? again, i ask the question, unless you retrain them. >> i think there's a lot of political votes in keeping people down. i think they want the dependency culture. republicans, you miss another opportunity by approving this. next time they have to require if they're going to renew unemployment, they get a tradeoff. community service, help at the dmv. it's fdr's idea, use it next year, republicans. >> there you go. jameis winston led them to victory. how did he handle it after the game? we'll show you what he said. later, more gibberish from dennis rodman. we'll play you the tape to see
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welcome back, everybody, to the fastest six or seven minutes in cable news. spectacular stories. first up, ncaa football champions ground last night in a gutsy drive by jameis winston with 13 seconds left. down by four. florida state capped an incredible come from behind drive on the back of their young quarterback, by the way, on his 20th birthday. listen. >> when they took the lead we took the initiative to show that we deserve to be in this predicament we were in. we wanted to win and we had to.
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and my team got on my back and we just went the whole way, man. >> so some are saying maybe a little cocky but you know what, they earned it. >> a little bit cocky. if they would have lost, everyone would have blamed winston for the loss. he took a little credit. right at halftime i switched over to "the bachelor" and all of these people on twitter were like, don't do it. it was amazing. >> your thoughts? >> ioo. >> i expected him to take more credit. i wouldn't call him the bill o'reilly of college football but i was -- >> are you saying that he -- >> i am more perturbed by the fact that he's a red shirt freshman. kind of racist. i thought we moved beyond that. >> oh, brother. >> disgusting. >> 20-year-old. were you watching? >> yeah, i did. i pulled an andreandrea.
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i was watching "the bachelor," juan pablo. the game, equally thrilling. >> you picked florida state but did you pick them with or without the points? >> without the points. >> i picked auburn. >> winston did a remarkable job on that drive. he did not play well the first part of the game. >> auburn covered with points. moving on from a guy who had a lot to say to a guy who can't buy a vowel. michael was the man behind the camera on ar ma get done. what mr. bay did, he met his match. >> the type is all off, sorry, but i'll just wing this. >> tell us what you think. >> yeah. we'll wing it right now. i take -- i try to take people on an emotional ride and --
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>> the curve. how do you think it's going to impact how viewers experience your movies? >> excuse me. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. >> okay. >> ladies and gentlemen, let's thank michael bay for joining us. >> i can't -- you have no idea how -- that's great. he sent that around last night. >> yeah. i mean, it's hard to speak in public. i think -- >> like now? >> forget it. >> lock the door! lock the door! >> please. stage fright. man, that's worse. >> i think he was prepared to read exactly what they said. then he lost it. he talked about what an awesome director he is. any medium is going to make the film more entertaining, something, they tried to help him. i felt bad for him. >> did you ever have stage fright? >> never. never. >> shock or -- >> but my brother was in pearl harbor as an actor. he said this guy is a very nice
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guy, good director. he was very in control of everything, which obviously is the case. if you don't have a prompter, you're in trouble. we learned about that on new year's eve, didn't we? >> oh, my god, he's so creepy. he's right there. what a weirdo. >> hi. >> he's trying to one up you. >> look at. >> can we have security? that was greg? >> you know what i honestly think happened to him? he does know what he's talking about when it comes to movies and directing. the problem is he was there to endorse a product and tv and he didn't prepare. you know what that's right. if you don't read your one more thing, you are asked to talk about it. he didn't prepare. >> when president obama's teleprompter goes down. he goes off prompter. you know what happens. i prepared to be creeped out. this ad for old spice, it talks about losing their teenage sons
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to women. ♪ when our sons are done with women and misty hair ♪ ♪ old spice, made a man of my son ♪ ♪ now he's kissing all the women ♪ ♪ he had those tiny fingers and now he's touching, kissing, feeling all the women ♪ ♪ old spice ♪ old spice ♪ made a man of my son, now he smells like a man and they treat him like one ♪ >> let's go to our moms. >> i don't like that. >> that creeps me out. i find it frightening. >> it's creepy, right? >> yeah. i would say don't -- children of any age, my teen, don't watch it, right? it reminds me of the devil or something. >> i happened to be watching that without the sound up. if you want to say it without the sound up. i've been looking at it for "walking dead." >> you are right. >> i love -- remember the old spice commercials, the guy would come out wearing a big fisherman's shirt. hey, how are you doing?
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i'm going to go to the barn and pick up a chick. this is the kid from the obama ad. this is for the kid who won't leave home. this is the kid who can't find a job whose mother -- he's stuck in the basement with his adderall and x box. >> he needs the old spice. >> i think the mother/son thing was a little bit creepy. market old spice but market it to the gruff man. like the bob beckle type of guy, not a little boy. that was weird. >> bob beckle -- >> i have to say, the old spice commercials, bob beckle was the old spice guy. >> the guy who dressed them, it was like "the night of the living dead" and when he turned around it looked like "the exorcist." i don't like old spice very much. >> when greg was outside, security was like, don't do that. i'm on "the five," i'm on the show. >> they're wrapping up. that was the fastest seven.
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dennis rodman, the self-appointed a.mbassador to genocidal jerks went on tv. >> i'm just saying i don't give [ bleep ] -- i don't give a rat's ass what the hell you think. look at them. i've got it. let me do this. i want to tell you one thing, people are on a role, a role in the world. i'm going to do one thing.
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the guy behind the mic right now, the guys right here do one thing, we're going to go back to america and take the abuse. we have to take the abuse? we going to take it. do you, sir, let me know are you going to take it? because we're going to give it. >> wow. it's like a dictionary had a seizure. now maybe rodman's a genius. here he is assembling a team of nba pros under the guise of diplomacy. rodman's an ass. another in a long line of western pawns used to air brush things. we rarely run out of totalitarian butt kissers desperately seeking recognition to disguise a defective intellect. north korea may be flawed, but we are far worse. remember rodman said on sunday
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tv that we have death camps too. >> 200,000 people in prison camps? >> you know, guess what. it's amazing how we do the same thing here. >> what do you expect from a guy who once dated madonna. >> rodman will never see the real north korea, the dead, the starving, the suffering. worse, he won't ask to see it because he's a wimp. after all, he's going there to celebrate his bud's birthday. rodman is the marilyn monroe of the jfk. he's little kim's little bitch. he can't find me. >> they'll find you. >> what did you make of his performance? >> was he drunk? >> i don't know what he said. 25 u.n. interpreters. i don't know what was going on. i was hoping that we were going
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to closed caption it. he sounded upset. that i am sure of. he just -- i think he made a fool of himself at this point. this is worse than the last one. >> bob, do you think he believes he's helping? >> i can't imagine he could. i don't know how he can miss these other guys. listening to him reminds me exactly of what i sounded like when i was drinking and using xanax to get through airplane rides. that boy was extremely loaded. >> he sounded that way. >> eric, jesse jackson praised him. >> yeah. there you go. >> it's the drugs and the abuse. quick story. >> the women. >> i was at a function one time and he was there and my wife was there. she wanted to take a picture with him. as i'm taking a picture of the two of them he leans over to them and says -- that picture right there. he leans over and says, let's get out of here and go party. i'm taking the picture. he's nuts. >> did she do it? >> no.
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>> she disappeared for an hour. >> that would have been awesome if she did. >> andrea, isn't there a way that we can revoke his passport so he can't come home? >> i don't want him to come home. yeah, i want him to stay there. this is an animated show, right? north korea becoming nuclear. we're sitting here laughing. this is all going to be very funny until kim jong-un feeds him to 30 dogs like he did his uncle. then are we going to have to be too sorry? no. we'll be sad. >> the guy will get killed. >> his uncle, supporters. don't get on his bad side. >> a segment is coming up. still ahead, are some races and religions superior to others? that's what the tiger mom says and the critics are pouncing again. is she right or is she racist? next.
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about the superiority of chinese mothers. she writes about eight superior races in america. on the list, indians, chinese, iranians, lebanese-americans and cuban exiles and nigerians. they must teach you to pick pocket. iranians, of course the kid is going to pay attention. if they don't, they are ear going to take them in the backyard and feed them to the dogs. >> really? >> yeah. they scare them. they really scare them. no wonder the kids are going to pay attention. >> you're saying they torture their children? >> yes. >> not all of them. maybe some of them. >> not all iranians. >> what is this segment? this woman claims -- >> do you have any thoughts? >> bob just asked rodman. >> that's what happened. >> i pulled a rodman. >> he pulled a rodman. >> nigerians are -- listen, most scams on the internet come from iranians and they kill people.
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>> i can't take it. >> i'll pass. >> andrea? >> well, since you pitched this topic, i suppose i have to talk about it. this mother, tiger mom, garnered a lot of news. she said chinese mothers are superior. these certain ethnic groups are superior. everyone is saying she's racist. this is a dangerous topic, however -- >> so they gave it to me. >> what were you thinking? >> you cannot argue with the fact that the jewish community in the united states is incredibly successful. >> yes. >> the asian students, they far outpace other students. they have a 99% rate of having a father in their family. they know what it's like to keep their families together and lots of these kids are first generation americans so they do know what it's like because their parents tell them work hard or you have to move back. >> india indians, how do they ke
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difference between siouxs and apaches. >> if you haven't read this, it's hard to discuss it. >> india. >> at one point -- there was one thing in the book, it's the foundation of insecurity that drives people to do better. she was saying that there's something that unites a lot of people, religious groups like mormons. she wasn't talking about race. they're not interested in self-esteem and perhaps improving self-esteem leads to less achievement than if you didn't. if you infuse groups with a false sense of achievement, that leads to failure. if you tell somebody you're great because of who you are as opposed to what you do, that is wrong. i think that's the point she's trying to make but i wouldn't know because i didn't read the book. >> bob shield? they have self-control.
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it's time now it's time now for one more thing. i'm going to kick it off. we've been looking at all of the pictures you sent me. you tweeted me. check these pictures out from jeff, a snowy day at lehigh university in bethlehem, pennsylvania. also, jody sent a street in cold water, ohio. where's the road? that looks really cold. andrea, south louisiana this morning, a frozen fountain. jordan, our fountain may be frozen, but the sun is shining. from sea way, new york, the saint laurence river, completely frozen. keep sending us your picks and we'll retweet them. >> who's next? >> kimberly. >> this might warm you up. yesterday on "jeopardy" listen to one of the clues that alex trebek read.
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>> i'd like two yankers for 800. >> this blown anchor and lawyer under fox news where she hosts a show weekdays from 9 to 10 p.m. answer, megan kelly. one of them guessed nancy grace. not even close. there's megyn. pretty cool. >> eric? >> very quickly, so i have a bunch of stuff last night. jon stewart after a long three-week hiatus. took to the air waves. first a block. got a team of writers together to twist my words again. >> cleveland, greg. >> real quick, this came out today. "joy of hate" paper back. go to amazon. "joy of hate" go get it. >> where can you get it? >> amazon, anywhere.
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a bookstore. "joy of hate." >> bob? >> all right. i'm going to try to find something here without getting in trouble. i'm not apologizing, i'm just clarifying. i thought we were talking about nigerians and overseas. i know a lot of good nigerians and iranians. i was talking about overseas. >> i -- >> indians, i thought we were talking about american indians in reservations. >> bob, what does -- >> oh, boy. >> we're saying to you -- i'm saving bob. we're out of here. don't forget to set your dvres to never miss an episode of "the five." "special report" is up. >> you can't make it up. that's crazy. it's wednesday, january 8th and much of the nation still frozen solid this morning. chicago completely encased in ice. the bitter cold making things much worse for firefighters
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battling fire and ice. when will this all thaw out. maria molina is tracking the temperatures. and a man hunt for a road rage killer now stretching from maine to florida. why the fbi is urging every driver to beware. donald trump does it on national tv. >> you're fired. >> you're fired. >> you're fired. >> you're fired. >> now one police chief is taking to twitter to gain a little fame of his own. ""fox & friends" first" right now. ♪ ♪ i want to break free ♪ i want to break free ♪ i want to break free from your lies so deep down inside i don't need you ♪ ♪ i've got to break free
2:00 am
almost 5:00 a.m. and it is 8 degrees in new york city. is it cold where you're waking up this morning? good morning, you are watching "fox&friends below. i am ainsley earhardt. thank you for starting your morning off with us. robert gates dropping bombshells on the obama administration. >> in his new memoirs gates blasts the leadership and questions his dedication to the war in afghanistan. elizabeth prann is live in washington with an inside look at the book. >> former defense secretary robert gates includes harsh judgments about president obama's leadership and the afghanistan war. felt the commander-in-chief was secure and skeptical saying the president doesn't trust his commander can't stand hamid karzai doesn't believe in his own strategy and doesn't believe the war to be his. for him it is all about getting
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