tv The O Reilly Factor FOX News January 8, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST
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you might find it interesting. good night from washington. see you on the o'reilly factor is is on. tonight: >> we are making progress against our core objective of defeating al qaeda denying safe haven while helping the afghans stand on their own. >> but a new book by former defense secretary of state gates says president obama did not believe the strategy would work. are you surprised? we will have analysis. >> whoa! helmet out, ball is out. oh my. josh gribs is probably out. >> as the casualties mount in the national football league and severe head injuries are causing-million-dollar lawsuits, is the future of pro-football in jeopardy? >> so much force it popped
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the helmet off. >> also tonight, madonna posts a picture of her 13-year-old son holding a hardly core bottle. hard liquor bottle. >> take came from bill o'reilly's old time americana restoration hour. >> caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. president obama and war. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. you may remember former secretary of defense robert gates one of the few holdovers by president obama. secretary gates served as president bush's top guy. well, now mr. gates has written a new book and some people are upset. according to the "the washington post," which has
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read the book, gates says that president obama was not convinced u.s. strategy in afghanistan would work. and wanted, above all, to pull u.s. troops out of afghanistan and before that iraq. also gates says the president did not trust military leaders in general, no pun intended. so my question is, are you surprised? are you? president obama is a committed liberal man. does not like war. does not like confrontation and believes social justice programs are hurt by military spending. that's been the liberal point of view in this country since 1967. mr. gates says hillary clinton was a bit tougher than mr. obama but again usually took a liberal line as secretary of state. gates goes on to say vice president biden was the softest on national defense, pretty much not wanting anything to do with it again, anybody surprised by this? biden didn't even want to do the bin laden raid. the one thing that does surprise me about president
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obama is his aggressive use of drones to disseminate terrorists. the far left hates that to his credit, mr. obama used drone warfare in effective way in order to protect this country. the truth is that the nature of warfare is changing dramatically in the world. there is no way that any country can control chaotic nations like iraq and afghanistan it's impossible unless you impose nazi like regime where you execute people at will. the united states can't nation build any longer. we do have to get out of situations that drain our blood and treasure. we have to use high tech weapons to wreak havoc among those who threaten us and selective boots on the ground special forces not mass forces to impose order. so president obama is not wrong when he is skeptical of iraq and afghanistan. the problem with the commander and chief is that he does not seem to have the will to win. he doesn't have a killer instinct to wage an effective war. i suspect robert gates and every single american
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commanding officer knows that gates does say nice things about the president in the book. he had to do that or be branded a weasel, someone who serves and betrays scott mcclelland. talking points believes gates accurately portrayed the president's view of war. whether he should have put it in print is another matter. now for top story tonight. reaction joining us from may macon, georgia. from washington the host of fnc media buzz kirtz. how do you see, this howard? >> bob gates is perfectly entitled to rip barack obama on policy. absolute betrayal to reveal private conversations with a president who trusted him to give confidential advice. and gates has always been a classy guy. that's what's surprising here. how can a president rely on his inner circle in times of war and peace if they are gathering material for a best-seller? >> now, i assume your reference to a private conversation is a portion of the book and, again, the
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"the washington post" is reporting this. i haven't read the book and neither have you. that says in a meeting with gates both barack obama and hillary clinton admitted they were against the surge in iraq, which worked because of political reasons. is that what you are referring to? >> he primarily seems to hang that on hillary, yes. that's a prime example of what i would call betrayal. >> shouldn't american people know that the temperament of their leaders is now being dictated by politics instead of what is best for the nation? isn't gates doing a patriotic thing by exposing that? >> well, it's news worthy information but it also is an act by gates of turning on the guy who held him over from the bush administration, who gave him the medal of freedom and you have to -- there is such an angry and sort of score settle ling tone to this book that you do have to raise questions about gates' motivation. >> how do you see it mr. erickson. >> first of all, i don't think any of us have read it and these excerpts from "the washington post and press releases are previews from
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the movie. the preview looks exciting and the movie may be terrible. we need to read the book. this somewhat people in washington do. don reagan did it to ronald reagan. george stephanopoulos and robert rice to bill clinton. doug five and paul o'neil. this is what secretaries of state and upper secretaries of the cabinet do. >> do you believe that is a noble thing to do. >> it's not a noble thing to do but it's what they all do. what has come to be expected in washington. >> the good of the nation here is what i am trying to get. kurtz makes the point that now presidents can't trust anybody because whatever they say in a private conversation can be fodder for a book. that's a decent point. got to have people around you that you can speak in a off handed way or joking way worse thing happening in our society is that you will say something in a mocking way and some idiot with l. write it in a book like it was serious. it happens to me all the
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time. but gates looks like he wants to deliver a message to the american people and the message that i'm getting from this, from gates, all right. and i would like to talk to gates. is he hurt now. i think he has some type of mallady. maybe we will get to talk to hill. the message is that tough life and death decisions are being made by politics. not what's right and wrong for the nation. that's an important thing that we need to know, howard. >> he should make that argument and he is hardly the first, as eric says, to write a tell-all book. but when you get into the realm of private conversations, it does seem to moo that you are trying to cash none government service by coming up with juicy antidotes. here is one more thing, bill. that is that gates admits in the book that he has a lot of criticism of the way barack obama dealing with the military and pentagon budget and he didn't voice them at the time. >> he couldn't because he would have been fired. it's the same old deal. if you work for a corporation or an
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administration, and you speak out publicly against j you can bet that gates privately gave his best shot. and he has -- >> -- thought of quitting. >> maybe he should have quit rather than saving it for the book. >> obviously came to the conclusion it was better for him and the american people and the military for him to stay there than walk. now, eric, you seem to be a little blaize about this thing. your philosophy on this thing is we don't justify bad behavior by pointing to other bad behavior. so i'm trying to get is there damage to the nation because as howard says the president can't trust anybody anymore is he not going to get good advice or are the people being served by these kinds of revelations? take that, please. >> well, you know i think considering what the obama administration is doing spying on august of us with the nsa, there is a deep bit of irony in that the president is going to get candid at vice for people. going into this there is expectation books may be written short of signing people into nondisclosure agreements i'm not sure he
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could do to cabinet advisor. he has to know that's going to happen at some point. some more favorable some let's favorable. when they're inside the white house. inside the bubble. he has every reason to expect he is going to give candid advice and opinions. that's the nature of the beast in washington. >> how is the white house reacting to the gates book. ed henry will be here to tell us. later dennis miller on freezing cold america and jay carney on growing beard. look at that beard. the moon is not even full. factor is coming right back. new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box.
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♪ this magic moment i cthis year aloneore places offi hit new and texas! see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ washington beat segment tonight, reaction to the gates book joining us is james rosen and ed henry. henry you are our eyes and ears in the white house does the president care about what gates wrote. >> i think he does.
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he kept him on the job because he was a rookie commander and chief. he needed to show that he could bring in someone with those credentials to give him the gravitas on national security and in the end he kind of turns on him a bit and suggests that his leadership is wanting. i think the other problem for the white house is that vice president biden comes under such heavy fire that they have almost had a very defensive panicky response, specifically to the comments about the vice president, perhaps they are worried about his chances in 2016. specifically in the biden office. >> what was the panicky response? as i said in the talking points memo? who is surprised? biden didn't want to go after bin laden. >> last night this book first comes out us and others we are all trying to get response to these allegations about the president, for example, not believing allegedly in the mission in afghanistan. sending men and women to die without believing the mission, the heavy charge. they don't respond to that just put out a statement and say the president values secretary gates' service. but, by the way, denies what is said about vice president
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biden, thinks he is an able, public servant and wonderful statesman. >> henry. >> then they brought him in for lunch today with pictures. they say they want to give us more access for the photographers. >> did they have afghan food? no. >> five years they have been doing this. >> nobody buys that joe biden is a terror warrior. it's ridiculous. as i said, barack obama is not either. but, gates in his book, said two very interesting things about the president. he said number one he is a man of integrity. he said that number two, that went against left wing orthodoxy on occasion and we cited the drones. look, here is the deal. i want to be absolutely fair to barack obama. he is obviously moted a war time -- he is not the godfather. everybody knows that americans voted to reelect him. also, i'm skeptical about afghanistan. i support what the u.s.a. is doing there i want us to
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succeed there. desperately want us to succeed because of all the blood and treasure that's been lost there. do i trust karzai and the afghan government? not a wit. >> he has been a disaster. in fairness to the president as you say secretary gates in the book gives him credit because his political advisors around here didn't think it was a good idea to surge more troops to afghanistan. the left didn't like that. but, the president went ahead and did that anyway. >> he did it anyway. he didn't believe it work is gates' point of view. >> i asked jay carney today: the president hasn't had a formal conversation. they bumped into each other at the mandela memorial service but they haven't spoken formally since june or july. here we are trying to negotiate the end of the war at the end of 2014 and they haven't spoken in something like six months. >> when you talk about they. >> president obama and president karzai. how county two presidents negotiate a status of forces agreement for the future if they haven't even spoken? >> all right. let's go to rosen now. rosen, as you you know, over the christmas holiday and
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the days i was working i took apart the "new york times'" article on benghazi. i said, you know, that they didn't cite a pentagon report that said that this local militia that attacked and killed the ambassador did have ties to al qaeda. they didn't even mention it. and that it was ridiculous to think this wasn't methodically planned out. more to heavy weaponry. guys casing the place and all that that's what i said. what do you say about the "times'" theory? >> well, i think the "new york times" deserves some credit for bringing some new information about that series of events to the record. but, by and large, i think it was disingenuous effort for the following reasons, similar to those that you enumerated. the "times" stated that contrary to claims, by some members of congress, the con salute attack was fueled in large part by anger at this american-made video denigrating islam. it wasn't some members of congress who swore under oath that the video wasn't a contributing factor it was greg hicks, deputy chief of mission in libya. ambassador' top aid
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testimony before the house oversight committee in may. asked about the youtube video. he said the youtube video was a nonevent in libya. i don't think david kirkpatrick of the "new york times," no matter how conscientious he was in this year long investigation a year after the fact could attain a better state of understanding what was happening on the ground. >> he didn't even mention -- >> -- that's what is disingenuous. if you are going to tell us it's not believable, fine. but at least acknowledge it and then persuade of us of it second, own investigation turned up quote no evidence that al qaeda or other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault, again, as you point out, to say that an war al sharia has no relationship with al qaeda is probably disingenuous and again even more to the point the "times" again failed to mexico a very salient fact. the original benghazi talking points drafted by the central intelligence agency in the days after the attack and later declassified stated flatly quote we do know that islamic extremists with ties to al qaeda participated in
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the attack. if the "times" had solid evidence to refute that they should have mentioned it at least and shown it to us. that they did not mention it tell me they did not have such evidence. one final point fox news is still working on benghazi story. we have what we think is very big benghazi stories coming up. we are not letting go of this important multidimensional story. >> directly ahead, the ladies, kirsten and kate, is a civil war brewing among american women? then brutality in the nfl. getting sued all over the place. we will have the inside story there moments away. [ male announcer ] e new new york is open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids.
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parenthood screenings that because planned parenthood was under investigation by the house subcommittee. it created controversy by abortion rights people. the charity said we are going to go and give contributions to planned parenthood and then the breast cancer charities contributions dropped 22%. so, all kinds of stuff is going on there what is at the beam of this? -- bottom of this? joining us from washington kate obenshain a republican strategist and kirsten powers. do youpro-choice stopped giving money to the breast cancer women. >> they very likely did. there was a huge backlash. not just that they weren't going to give money to komen is that they started giving more money to planned parenthood. planned parenthood had record donations during that period including having the mayor write a check to them for $250,000. >> if you are a woman and you are mad because planned parenthood isn't being
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accepted by komen, why hurt the women who need breast cancer treatment and breast cancer research. seems kirsten. >> maybe you think it was misplaced anger. >> what do you think? >> what do you think? >> what do you mean? >> do you think it was misplaced anger? >> i wasn't one of the people who was mad at komen. so are i'm not, i mean i wouldn't have stopped giving them money over it but if you are a person who does stop giving money over it, it's because they like planned parenthood. planned parenthood is an extremely important organization in this country. >> you hurt an agency that's trying to help women combating breast cancer. >> i think women are allowed to decide who they are mad at. >> they are allowed to decide and we are allowed to criticize the decision. all right, kate, now, it works both ways. because, once the komen center reinstituted their grants to planned parenthood then the traditional women
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stopped giving, i understand, is that what happened. >> a lot of women stopped giving after three short days. the komen foundation caved to planned parenthood. a lot of pro-lifers stopped giving. a lot of folks generally concerned about breast cancer research and prevention stopped giving because they suddenly were -- they didn't realize that the komen foundation was giving to planned parenthood. hey, planned parenthood doesn't even do mammograms if the organization is a good one and i believe it is, all right. and i have helped the organization, the komen organization. if it's a good organization, if it's organized and funneling money into the proper place to combat breast cancer, i think we should take politics out of it. >> a lot of people thought that wasn't the proper place that planned parenthood that doesn't even do mammograms is more of a pass through organization. a lot of folks had concerns about the high salaries. you have heard a lot about that lately that the president was making $700,000. they thought that was a bit much for a charity organization. so there are a lot of different factors playing. in although komen has
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generally a good reputation. >> you guys think if hillary clinton runs for president, we believe she will, barring any unforeseen circumstance, that there is going to be a civil war in this country a feminine civil war between those who don't like the politics and those who think there has to be a first women's president is that going to happen, powers? >> i don't think so. because women for the most part, more women vote for democrats already so you you have women who if hillary is the nominee going to get them by the fact that she is a democrat. women who are republicans who will vote for republicans. only ones that are really going to be in play are going to be independents a lot of those women independents tend to swing more democratic. >> you don't think there is going to it be animosity, the ladies aren't going to be at each other's throats? >> i don't think any more than already exists i know
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you would like that to happen. >> i would have four or five segments. come on, kate, is there going to be a civil war muck the ladies in america? >> well, i look back to what happened when barack obama was running and there was a lot of animosity towards african-americans who were not supporting him. i mean it was really courageous act for black conservatives to come out. so, you know, i think that there is always going to be this push back to say oh she is a woman, let's all rally around the first woman. a lot of women out there think that hillary clinton is in direct contradiction of what actually is in the best interest of women. she is going to be in favor of barack obama's policies which have resulted in sky high rates of poverty for women. increased unemployment for women. so i think a lot of women are going to say wait a minute, it's the policies that concern us here. and women are not fairing well. >> most women are democrats. vote democrat now and she probably would carry the women? >> she probably will carry the women vote and it's up to the republicans to start
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launching a credible effort to get back some of these women by talking about policies and what are the best policies for american women. >> they haven't been too successful. >> no they have not. >> maybe they will wise up ladies thanks very much. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. the national football league getting sued all over the place because of injury to players. what will happen to the nfl. polar vortex. white house press secretary jay carney sporting a new look. we hope you stay tuned to atr those reports. at 5 times greater risk of a stroke. that's why i take my warfarin every day. but it looks like maybe we should ask your doctor about pradaxa. in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor.
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♪ impact segment tonight. physical impacts are hurting people as you know. the casualty count was off the charts especially for the kansas city chiefs. the cold truth is the football players are in jeopardy. >> very well and then the run game nonexistent he is defenseless. did he get two steps and then there is is the hit. >> matt has hung in from popped the helmet off. >> right, he throws and the tackle is made. >> throws and then caught. they both wound up with concussions and got a $50,000 fine. >> no doubt about it. >> joining us us now from naples florida mike westoff
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who worked on special teams. tiki barber former nfl running back. looks to me the league is going to have to do something. they are getting sued all over the place by former players. settled injuries but that's not going to be enough. they are going to have to do something. what do you think that's going to be? >> i don't think they are going to do anything. we want to say that there are so many more injuries now but the relate is we are paying attention we care now. a lot of that comes from the fact that concussions have started to become a big talking point. >> why though because when i was watching football as a kid and playing college football myself. >> loved the big hits. >> there were big hits back then. chuck almost took off frank giffords. >> had concussions and probably knocked out. you know what the coach said? get up, shake it off. you will be okay. >> is that why you have so many brain injuries? >> there really isn't conclusive evidence. there is so much studying that needs to be done. >> you seem to be cavalier about. this i had one of these my rookie year.
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i got popped in my ear hole and i tried to come back in the game and i remember kent graham called the play in the huddle and i didn't know what to do. luckily they said get off the field. but the next week i was right back, in right now they have protocol. >> wasn't that good for you? should have you been out of the game. >> of course i should have been out of the game. we didn't understand it what that tingling feeling and lights were. >> coach do you think anything is going to be done? you have seen this evolve over 30 years here. i'm telling you, the hits now are worse than they have ever been. the collisions now are worse. they are bigger, they are faster these guys they are on artificial turf. give me your perspective on it? >> all those things that you just mentioned are exactly correct. they are bigger, stronger, faster, conditions are more optimum. they are playing on a better surface today. the equipment is aerodynamic and, yet, you have got these guys that are flying around. plus, every technique and thing that we have ever taught as coaches is more scientific today. so, there are greater
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collisions. now, i think on the other side of it, things are being done. there is more attention being paid to how these collisions are happening and they are trying to eliminate the helmet-to-helmet and the attacking thing that you have seen in the past. >> you have seen the playoffñ the ground. kansas city lost top players in one game. let me ask you this: you were on the special teams. i think they are going to outlaw kick jawfs. suicide running all the way down the field and smashing into people. and that's one of the reasons. right? >> well, what they have done, moving the ball up, and they are encouraging touch backs. >> they don't want it? >> the percentage of returns has dropped way down. i think actually i wrote an article with peter king for monday morning quarterback of how to include kickoffs and still have it but, yet, move the players up in a closer proximity so they would be taking each other on more like you see on a punt to still have the play
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and the excitement of the play but to eliminate the big 40-yard collision. that can be done. >> are you worried, barbara about your future? are you worried? >> i'm not. >> you play college ball, proball. not a little guy but jrvettle no, i was little comparatively speaking. >> nfl stands for not for long. you were around for long. you are not worried when you are 50 or 60. >> i'm not. i have seen the issue people losing their mind so to speak is that going to happen to me? i think it's subjective to who the guy is. >> obviously. >> what's his brain susceptible to. >> you don't have any memory loss or anything like that. >> nothing yet. who knows? i'm 38 years old. i'm not older yet. who knows what will happen in the future. >> do you think players should sign a waiver saying they are not going to sue because of the dangers of the game? i don't know if the players' union is going. >> we opt into it we know the dangers. the trickle down effect of what happens in colleges and high schools is where you
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really get danger. >> the money and the glory is huge. >> here is what the nfl is trying to do to stop it. fine. >> a lot of fines doesn't help the guy in the hospital. last question four, coach, do you think that they are going to have to sign waivers, the players in the nfl eventually saying, look, i know the danger, i'm coming in over my own free will. i can't sue afterwards. >> no, i don't believe that they will get to that i think in some ways it's implied. i hope it doesn't get to that i think the league is doing everything they can to make sure they keep this contact as limited as possible. don't forget it's still football it is a very violent game. they are trying to control it and make sure that the hits are done properly. if they are taught properly and coached that way, i think we can still enjoy the great game that we know, have come to know and yet make it as safe as possible. >> but it isn't now. it's brutal now. in hockey they are going to outlaw fighting. they are going to outlaw fighting. >> when we come right back, it will be miller time. d man on record cold
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barbara where the purr is 59 degrees, a catastrophe in that area. so miller, it was 9 degrees last night in new york city. what say you? >> say we are 50 better than you, my friend. but it gets cold once. i like what you said about the green bay packer fans. what are you going to do? it's weather. get on with it. >> that's right. got to embrace it. >> yeah. billy, i have to say, apropos of the weather, the great main died yesterday. 91 years old. weighs the voice of cornelius in my favorite christmas special rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. in commemoration of larry next week we should bounce all bumbles at half mast. >> you are the only human being in the world who would you'll guise larry mann. >> favorite christmas show. thank you for all the pleasure.
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>> what is it the polar what is it again? >> vortex. >> vortex. does that frighten you, miller? >> i like the old days when the polar vortex was known as pelosi's stare. but i'm an old timer. when i see everybody exhaling back there on the the streets, billy, i know you have got a burr under your saddle about the pot -- it looks like everybody is exhaling out there. i blame this on al gore. this goofus had a chance to pick the word climate change but he always has to look brighter than everybody else so he can't come down on covering both of his things with climate change he has to say global warming for 10 years then when it gets this cold and people notice that it seems we have overbet a hand as far as global warming they come down on us. you cannot reach across the aisle, the left in this country and just give us an ironic moment where you say yeah we did go heavy on warming and damn it is cold out there right now. just give us one moment
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where we have to say beware of gore, beware of the prophet seeking profits that's what he did. >> look as i always say, i don't know why the planet is warming, it is but believe me i don't think -- think the deity is the only one that knows. >> i love you. i work on the factor. i don't think you know that either. >> i know it? >> if it is warming. >> the temperature -- >> -- freezing me? then i'm going to start doing pot. global warming is going to kill me by freezing me to death, i might as with start smoking a joint. >> it's about the polar bears and the penguins, you know. >> yeah. listen. life's tough. wear a cup. >> all right. pot, you know, we're worried about the kids having message sent to them that this is okay. in fact, we use so much video of that guy who just smoked the pot, is he getting his own cable show. [ laughter ] >> trust me, trust me, the pipe is more interesting than him. now, listen, i think when you have got a president who
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was in something called the chume gang the smoke is out of the bong on this one, billy. i don't think there is any way you can get the toothpaste back in the tube you can try because it leaves trails. when you have a national case of epstein bake syndrome like we have and we are already a low producing country at this point, i think. everybody has kind of given up. we have problems down the road. take the biggest pot head you have known in your life, all right? think of that kid, all right? he can work on your brake line now under the influence. that's where we are heading as a culture. >> that's where we are headed. >> do i think it's the end of the world? no do i think it's our highest aspiration yeah on one hand i do. i don't think it's a very high aspiration on another one. when you take 112 weeks of unemployment and you mix in healthcare and your parents until you are 26, you have 50 million people on food stamps to buy munchies and then you take, you know, throw in some of the other things you can get out there.
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this whole country is about to turn into bill and ed's excellent adventure 3. >> the guy who is going to tell us all about that jay carney white house spokesman who has a different look, miller put it up and get your grooming critique on it >> he has been acting as a beard for this president for five years. why not grow one, okay? at this point why don't you put a pedometer on them to measure how -- this guy blows more smoke than death rattle. that whole pressroom has turned into men staring at goes blaming other goats, right? >> corresponds including henry should now grow beards in solidarity with mr. carney? >> some of the more insipid ones i don't think have mastered facial hair at this point. >> i do wish the whole world would turn into the national hockey league because they are the last men yeah, i do. but i don't think it's going to happen. >> dennis miller, everybody, we have some new bolder
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fresher shows to talk to you about. we're going to miller's hometown, pittsburgh, pennsylvania friday march 14th at the console energy center. that's going to be wild. we will be in cincinnati, ohio friday, april 25th at the tap theater. buffalo, new york the next night saturday the 26th at the shae art center. get ready hawaii, miller and i in honolulu at the blaze del concert hall saturday may 10th. tickets go on sale tomorrow for all those shows on bill o' as always premium members get first crack. on deck, martha maccallum with madonna posting a picture of her 13-year-old son holding a booze bottle, nice. right back. win with nicoderm cq, the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. there's nothing like being your own boss!
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tonight, did you see that? and we begin with our pal jon stewart as you know he plays to a very young audience. some of whom are smoking pot while watching him. others are texting while stuart opines. while i criticize the growing acceptance of intoxicants and texting among children, stuart had to reply. list of intoxicants, and jon had to reply. they are disciplined to live in the real world, not here. why can't america be more like the people's republic of china? and? >> while the truth is chinese use text messaging more than anybody else in the world, i guess the thought behind this is you could keep kids from texting so much by restricting the size of their families. through central planning. >> all right, here now to put this in perspective, fox news
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anchor martha macallum, who is the truth about chinese and academics? >> they ranked reading, math, reading standards, three of the top six top performing countries, the 15-year-olds were in china. okay, and the others were also korea, you have shanghai on that list. >> so it was shanghai, beijing, a portuguese thing -- so i'm correct in the sense that the chinese way-out perform us, not even close. >> not even close. >> now, the texting thing, do we have data about chinese children texting? >> you know, the internet is relatively new to china, and the part of the population that has access to it is much smaller. but we do have data showing that chinese children spend more time on the internet in school. >> all right, in school, but
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studying, i'm talking about texting. >> there is one measure that shows they text more. >> socially? >> yes, because they do have the additions to web surfing, and chatting, and those allow them -- >> i can't imagine it. have you been to china? >> no, i have not. >> i've been to china, these kids are just regimented, they don't have any free time. >> we know that the chinese are fascinated with technology. so they are spending more time studying -- >> they're using internet, but not talking about their shoes with pam, that is what american kids are doing. >> i'm sure there is a fair amount of that happening. however, what they're doing in school is showing they're performing much better. our kids are clearly obsessed with social media, with reality tv shows in a way that is completely overwhelming and -- >> once again, martha, i'm right
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and stewart is wrong. this lady has a 13-year-old son, the mother, the son is in the middle holding a booze bottle. and you say? >> stupid, dumb, i mean, first of all she says everybody needs to get a sense of humor, the kids were not drinking. it is entirely possible that they were not drinking. it sends a bad message, she is madonna and sends a message -- >> why did she do it? >> she says they were having fun everybody needs to get a sense of humor, they were all on a skiing trip in switzerland, the kids picked up the bottle. she snaps the picture and posts it. there were tons of pictures of her and her kids skiing. she put a lot of those on, as well. but she said people need to get a sense of humor, more than 4,000 kids under the age of 21 die because of drinking, no
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laughing matter. >> do you think madonna will ever do an interview with me? >> absolutely, why wouldn't she. >> the factor tip of the day, i will show you something you should never do. the tip moments away. [ male announcer ] this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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factor tip of the day, something you should never ever do. plus, from canada, bill, both you and bernie are coming off as a bit uppity. for years they criticize. now we have the net, to strike back. and california, you, o'reilly, are becoming insufferable, we don't need you or anybody else to edit or comment, because barack obama is destroying the country. i want to hear both sides, that is why i watch you, bill, well,
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i'm glad you do. and roger coleman, of course winners of the lottery like you, bill, and stossel are going to think economic inequality is okay. stossel and i did not win anything, roger, so wise up. he overcame a stuttering situation and worked his butt off to succeed. and i sacrificed greatly. there will never be equality because everybody has a different circumstance, i count myself very lucky but nobody gave me anything. nicole bennington, my husband and i were horrified about the 2-year-old girl who ate marijuana, but not surprised. since pot has become legal, the use has gone up. and o'reilly, not everybody who uses pot does it to get zoned out of their mind, medical issues aside, terry, folks who
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use marijuana want to intoxicate themselves, that is why they do it. pro pot people like you say it is okay because alcohol is legal. you want to get stoppnstoneed i house, terry, your business, i don't care. but kids using pot, not so much. that is the focus here, and bill, you are being accused of old fogeyish, and then you mention oliver hardee? you are not helping your cause, i'm embracing the fogey, and matthew, in new york city, we go to the beach when it hits 4 degrees, i love the lake superior beaches, and oregon, i have spent my life studying jesus and found "killing jesus" very enlightening, thank you for reading it. and as we reported last
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night, nba former player dennis rodman making a fool of himself, want more proof? here is rodman singing happy birthday to the north korean leader, kim jong-un. >> happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday to you ♪ happy birthday, happy birthday to you ♪ >> you know, rodman is lucky he is not executed for that. now, there are some things you should never do, tug on superman's cape, spit into the wind, and finally, sing happy birthday to a killer. rodman's reputation if he ever had one is gone, it will never come back. factor tip of the day, if you do foolish things they will always come back to haunt you, and always, check out the factor tip of the day. anywhere in the world, o'reilly @ fox news, or o'reilly at
6:00 pm and word of the day, bavardage, thank you for joining us tonight. thank you for joining us, the spin stops here. welcome to "the kelly file," i'm megyn kelly live in new york city, tonight. should a big job at the department of justice go to a guy who volunteered to defend a cop killer? a killer who shot that officer five times? tonight, first on "the kelly file," the victim's wife and the police union are angry with the white house. plus, [ bleep ] [ bleep ]. >> caught on tape, a toddler encouraged to do and say vile things. why hasn't anyone been charged? and big developments tonight on the breaking news about governorhr
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