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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 10, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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>> an ugly encounter at the fort lauderdale airport. this frustrated passenger attacking an airline plea. >> thanks for joining us. it is friday. have a great weekend. fox first at ten starts now. bye. >> good morning. it is friday, january 10, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. chris christie holding people accountable. >> i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. ultimately i am responsible for what happens under my watch. >> could washington learn ao thing or two about what leadership looks like? we report. you decide. >> he was once considered a major threat, too dangerous to be released from gitmo. why is he about to head
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home? we'll tell you why. >> the famous actress who was nearly swept out to sea, we are about to see what happened to that woman "fox & friends" as far as we can tell starts now. >> this is snooki from jersey shore. you're watching "fox & friends." >> the longest press conference i can remember. they changed jobs in between governor christie's explanation of what happened with bridge gate. >> some people got fired. >> after a day, a lot of talk about it, chris christie really indicated to many what leadership looked like after facing a crisis. those on his staff coming under fire and being fired by him. after the george washington
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bridge, one of the busiest in the united states, had lanes shut down resulting in the death of a woman. chris christie got up there and was accountable. take a listen. >> i come out here to apologize to the people of new jersey. i am embarrassed and humiliated by the conduct of some of the people on my team. this morning i terminated the employment of richard kelly effective immediately because she lied to me. >> this was scandalous that his staff was involved, that he had a part in it and he came out. >> about a month ago he
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called his staff in and said let's talk about this bridge thing. anybody here involved? he took one hour. these e-mails started popping up. he did what crisis managers tell you to do. assess the problem then do something about it. he apologized to people in new jersey, this is r a little different than what the president of the united states has done in the past. for instance, we're going to play two instances. one involved hillary clinton and the other is going to mention susan rice. what stk she do after lied on television. do you remember this stuff? she represents the finest position of american diplomacy. >> we have four dead americans because of a protest?
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what difference at this point does it make? >> people are not taking responsibility. governor christie is in the clear and more impressive if everything he said is true. if an e-mail pops up showing he knew about it, it's over. the brilliant way he took those questions and was entertaining and inciteful, was contrite but not pathetic. he still had his pride, said he was hurt. then going over to fort lee new jersey this time he
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said listen. they're gone. but the death they are investigating whether federal laws are broken.
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ayotte tweeted out support. i tkw-pbt see a lot of republicans giving support considering haos running the r.g.a. i was a little shocked by that. a lot of people weighed in saying he's still a legitimate contender, i didn't see a lot of republicans running to his seed which left me to believe they are still ticked off about the obamacare hug. >> there was an embrace there. i think for the most part, most hard-core conservatives have gotten over that. there's competition. there are people that want to be president, feeling a little more satisfied there was a touch of accountability and at least we got to see it play before us, to see what that means, to hear someone say i am sorry.
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i can control what everyone does underneath me but i still have to take responsibility. i went to bed feeling pretty satisfied. >> did you watch network television? we can do a comparison >> this is the bridge gate. wednesday night nbc had six reports. cbs 12 minutes. abc had 7 minutes. that is since wednesday night. remember the i.r.s. targeting conservatives? this is orwellian. the i.r.s. scandal. nbc devoted 5 seconds. cbs one minute and 41 seconds and abc 22 seconds.
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pretty >> you know what? it does look to some on the right as if mainstream media trying to take out chris christie so he can't run for president. >> special thanks to the world for giving us a lot to talk about this week. i would like to thank the country and the planet. we have gates, christie. >> we talked about gates. the other channels are not talking about gates. >> accountability and thankfulness. >> and a toss. >> a toss to heather. >> let's go over to heather. that's five seconds right there. >> quality five seconds. >> covered at that point? >> i don't think so. >> you said irs that would count. >> good morning. hope you're off to a great day. listen to this story coming out of west virginia. at least 100,000 people are
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waking up without water this morning. there was a chemical spill in that state. people are now being warned not to drink, not to bathe, not to wash clothes with tap water. even boiling the water will not make it safe to use. the governor of west virginia is declaring a state of emergency for nine counties. you can see that there in the western part of the state. tons of people went to stores looking for water. a little plane goes down in afghanistan leaving three americans dead. now the plane is typically used for surveillance and it was flying a nighttime mission when it crashed. no word yet on what caused that crash but defense officials say there was no indication of enemy fire. two of the people who tied were members of the military. the other was a civilian. all were part of the international security assistance force. an accused member of al qaeda once identified as too dangerous to be freed from gitmo will soon head home to yemen.
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a u.s. government panel approved the transfer of osama bin laden's body guard. president obama be directed officials to review his case as efforts to close the center. >> congress is not like you in a whole lot of ways but there's a new report that most lawmakers are millionaires. it lifts 268 members of congress out of 534 have an average net worth of $1 million. congressional democrats were slightly richer than republicans and senators on the whole were much wealthier than house members. the net worth of the senate nearly $2.7 million. authors your headlines. then they get a nice salary on top of that. >> they work so hard. >> so many exemptions. >> i want to count the days they are back at home. >> senate got out of town yesterday. coming up on this friday
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morning, secretary gates, former defense secretary said hillary clinton opposed the surge in iraq because she wanted to get elected president. she did not. will playing politics with war doom her political chances for 2016? >> plus why does mark wahlberg want to beat up on one of the hottest pop groups in the world. one direction? that's the wrong direction. good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant
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in a single pill. advil congestion relief. jim, i adore the pool at sion your to make. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars.
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ryan, your hotel's robes are fabulous. i have 12 of them! 12? shhhh, i'm worth it... what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty. earn free nights worldwide with
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bomb shell book set to come out next tuesday from former secretary of defense robert gates could have some serious political implications for hillary clinton. in an excerpt from the book mr. gates writes, quote, hilary told
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the president that her opposition to the 2007 surge in iraq had been political because she was facing him in the iowa primary. the president consedded vaguely that opposition to the iraq surge had been political for him as well. to hear the 2005 them making these admissions and in front of me was as surprising as it was dismaying. so could this come back to haunt hilary in 2016? should she choose to run. joining me now is democratic strategist and appointee from the president clinton administration. what do you think about this allegation that mr. gates makes that both the current president and hillary clinton made political decisions whether or not to oppose the surge in iraq? >> i think that the book is categorical about his support of secretary clinton. it says i found her smart,
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idealistic, pragmatic, tough minded, funny, very valuable colleague and superb representative of the united states all over the world. so that's a pretty categorical statement of approval. >> sure. in that regard. but then when you look at where he was kind of draw drop, i can't believe the president of the united states and hillary clinton both admitted that they opposed the surge which ultimately turned out to be effective for political reasons. >> well, i don't think the public is going to be shocked that sometimes people take political positions. i don't know if it happened or didn't happen and i don't know the context but i will say this. that those two cabinet members have the closest alliance of any members in the cabinet and they appeared together before congress to sell the second surge, afghan surge. when he left i know she was extremely concerned about losing the ultimate ally in all of her discussions with the white
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house. those two were like peas in a pod. >> how do you think this will impact her should she choose to run in 2016? >> i don't think it's going to impact her because as i told you, the book is highly favorable to hilary, not with standing the fact that this incident is something that he does mention. and i don't think if it happened or didn't happen i don't know what her view of it is, but i don't think the fact that boston these people concedes certain political statements is going to affect the public's decision. >> they are after all politicians. all right. tom, thank you very much for joining us. >> very nights to see you. 19 minutes now after the top of the hour. coming up. no this is not a movie. the famous actress who was nearly swept out to sea. who is that? one of the most common surgeries in the country but it may not make a difference so why have the operation? which one is it? that guy knows. he's next.
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♪ ho ho ho [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant purina dog chow light & healthy ♪ ho ho ho is a delicioly tender and crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow. isn't it time you discovered the liter side of dog chow. purina dog chow light & healthy. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that parker. well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter,
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hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know.
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and use promo code notme for 60 days of lifelock identity theft protection and get a document shredder free. call the number on your screen or go to . glad you're up. it's friday. let's learn about the news new. the jet skiing nypd police officer charged in the 9/11 scam turned himself into authorities. he's accused of stealing thousands of dollars in disability payments. lieberman and 81 others and firemen busted. rapper flavor flav busted for speeding on his way to his mother's funeral. he was arrested on a felony charge but released in time to attend his mom's funeral.
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the rapper will appear in court later this month. thanks, brian. well it's one of the most common surgeries in the united states but may no longer be necessary. a fake knee surgery to repair the minisucs may be as effective as the real thing. dr. siegel is here to weigh in this fake knee surgery. you hear people going in. >> it's not really a fake surgery opinion 700,000 people in the united states go and get the knee scoped. while there surgeons repair the cartilage. they clean up the knee. in this study, half cut that knee cleaned up and the cartilage repaired and the other half just had the knee cleaned up the. the group that didn't have the cartilage shaved did just as well. the reason why that's extremely
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important. because when you start to trim that cartilage you increase your risk of arthritis because the cartilage is a cushion of the knee. i think surgeons will learn from this that maybe it's too much to do the whole thing. when a surgeon is in there with the scope i better repair it because it's torn. maybe cleaning the junk out of knee is all we need. >> something to think about. a number of people have already done it. >> it could change the way this type of surgery is practiced. absolutely. less may be more. >> less may be more. let's ball club about sleep apnea. this one is an implant. >> i actually also really excited about this because i have a number of parishes with sleep apnea and are told to wear a mask. i hate to say this, but many of my patients find it very hard to keep that mask on. your oxygen level drops, you need to keep that airway open. this new find cigarette an
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electrode that stimulates the nerve to keep that airway open. so you may be able to do it without the mask. it had a 70% success rate. that's not 100% but that's a pretty high amount and i'm very excited about this. again a lot of people cannot tolerate a big mask. >> if you're not tolerating the mask you're not using it and therefore it's not successful in terms of a treatment. so the implant might be a better alternative. >> absolutely. it's huge. we've been looking for years for an alternative because again i think at least half of patients can't keep that mask on. you try and try different ways. you feel very claustrophobic. >> what about tamiflu? is there a shortage. >> i want to tell you the flu season is starting to peak right now. over 20 states have a very high
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level of activity. go out and get your flu shot if you haven't gotten it yet. this season it looks like it will be effective. same h1n1 swine flu we had in 2009. it affects younger people. we need tamiflu in liquid form for kids. a lot of kids are getting this flu. we're having a severe flu season. here's what you can do. take the tablet, the capsule and open it and put it in apple sauce or put it in sour cream or put it in something. >> as long as the dosage is the same? >> it's a higher dose for the adult version. be careful. consult your pediatrician and use a lesser dose. you don't want to take the tamiflu unless you really need it. if you have a severe case or at a higher risk. right now i want people to get the flu shots. if you get the flu tamiflu may be very helpful. >> early on. >> it cuts down on tseverity of
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the disease. i also do not want people to go out there and start stockpiling this stuff. you need to have it when you need it. >> before we go when is it expected to be back? >> the next month. in the meantime you can do it with the capsule but, again, consult your doctor. >> thank you for all the updates. how fascinating. >> great day for medical science. >> next up on the rundown, his garden is costing him big bucks but one man refuses to clean up his yard despite massive fines and furious neighbors. plus why does mark wahlberg want to beat up on one of the hottest pop groups in the world? well, that story ahead. wisest kid? the girls and i need... a new activity. [ giggles ] [ snaps finger ]
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[ wisest kid ] campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese. perfect together. what should we do next? i'm liking braids. [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! ♪ no need to chuck, donate or burn them ♪ ♪ juspack them in our flat rate box ♪
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♪ we'll come to yo door and return them ♪ ♪ gifts you bought but never gave away ♪ ♪ or said you liked but thought were chey ♪ ♪ you don't even need to leave your house ♪ ♪ we'll come and take them, easy-peasy ♪ [ female announcer ] no one returns the holidays like the u.s. postal service. with improved priority mail flat rate, just print a label, schedule a pickup, and return those gifts at a same low flat rate. a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion.
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staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. plus, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food. and it's not a narcotic. you and your doctor should balance the benefits with the risks. all prescription nsaids, like celebrex, ibuprofen, naproxen and meloxicam have the same cardiovascular warning. they all may increase the chance of heart attack or stroke, which can lead to death. this chance increases if you have heart disease or risk factors such as high blood pressure or when nsaids are taken for long periods. nsaids, like celebrex, increase the chance of serious skin or allergic reactions or stomach and intestine problems, such as bleeding and ulcers, which can occur without warning and may cause death. patients also taking aspirin and the elderly
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are at increased risk for stomach bleeding and ulcers. don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. ♪ let's go crazy crazy until we see the sun ♪ ♪ and then we'll never stop >> my 4-year-old daddy i like harry. i'm going to punch harry in the nose. but if i see that little [ bleep ] [ laughter ] -- going to get it. i want to meet one direction, i'm a big fan. maybe you can do title track.
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[ laughter ] >> whoa. a little angry. it's affecting his home life. he has to concentrate pep has a series to do. he has movies to make. designee must protect his house. >> if mark wahlberg has to say anything about it, one direction the group from great britain won't be singing such a happy song. he was on with conan joking with his daughter's love for the band. mr. wahlberg went on to say he'll introduce them to the guys but only time he introduces them to a boy. although they are young men. they are a boy band but men. >> i like when i hear that from a dad. one direction, i'm going to show them out the door. >> wahlberg. he built the boy band. >> all right. >> they know how the girls follow boy bands. he knows from his brother.
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>> i'll say this justin bieber never had momentum. one direction hasn't got direction either. but they both did movies. tweet out what movie you liked better. >> i liked the justin bieber better now. i'm telling you right now. justin bieber not a boy band just a boy. >> just a boy. >> if you read -- >> that's also a song," just a boy." >> if you read tmz, he's a bad boy these day. he has trouble with the neighbors. >> i like the dads that introduce the young men to the shot guns. stay away from my daughter. >> shot guns? >> steve, you know that? you're from kansas. >> you happen to be polishing the gun when the guy comes over. >> good morning. hope you're off to a good day. the threat of identity theft linked to obamacare's website is prompting new legislation on capitol hill. the house is now voting on a bill that would require the government to tell people if
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their personal information has been compromised. the house majority lead eric cantor spoke with kelly last night. >> if there's a chance that one's identity or information could be stolen or abused on the obamacare website or connected with the obamacare exchange we should take the precautionary measures necessary. >> as of now there are no actual reports of identity theft linked to the website but cantor says it is irresponsible to wait until someone does that. real life drama for ann hathaway. she got swept up in a powerful rip tide off the coast of hawaii. a surfer helps her after she screams for help and brings her back to shore. she hurt her foot but later was seen walking around on the beach. a man's home is his castle.
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sean has racked up more than $130,000 in fines. he failed to clean up his messy yard in florida. neighbors have been complaining that his garden are attracting rodents and bringing down property values. >> codes that the city says that i'm violating, they can't say actually that we don't like the way it looks. because that's a violation of your first amendment. >> yes. brian he is shaking a carrot flight. police constantly giving him code violations. he says he refuses to comply. the law has now filed an appeal with the florida supreme court and awaiting a decision. he said he's a natural farmer so he just gross food wherever he can on i had property and the neighbors don't like that. there's a lot of weed. >> let us hope he enjoys that. >> shake a carrot. >> we'll be here all day. the reindeers went over, the
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holiday season is over. >> 43 degrees. >> we'll start with space weather this morning. there's a solar storm currently slamming into the atmosphere. there's a possibility it may be causing navigation and communication problems for satellites and could affect gps navigation systems as well. sometimes these storms could actually produce the northern lights and the way that happens is that these particles fly from the sun towards earth and could interact with some atoms in the upper level of the atmosphere. that's now we see the northern lights or the aurorea borealis. you can see on that graphic solar particles flying from the sun to the earth. the storm is a little weaker than expected so people in the northern part of the united states could not see it. people in the arctic circle saw it. places in norway, beautiful pictures coming out of that area. back to earth.
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it appears we're seeing a little bit of snow coming down early this morning here in new york city and we are expecting a round of slight snow. you can see here on the radar picture we have some areas of pink showing up across maryland, northern virginia and west virginia. freezing rain advisories in effect out here due to slippery roadways that's expected. be careful as you head out on the roads. another storm system across the midwest today will be heading towards the east coast and take a look at saturday. anywhere from the state of maine down to florida you are going to be dealing with areas of rain. otherwise good news temperatures warming up pretty much most cities on this map are going to be above freezing coming up this afternoon. good news polar vortex is out of here. >> there you go. all right. so long. we're sick of that. thank you very much. it may be a new year -- >> yes but here at "fox & friends" we're up to the same old tricks. >> check out all the best moments of the full year of
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2014, the first week. the whole year. >> ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the man with the mythical hair, mr. donald trump. >> mr. donald trump. >> what a nice introduction, so. we have to do that every monday. >> oh, boy it is so cold out here. >> someone hug maria. >> it's freezing outside. it's 7 outside our world headquarters. >> i have to admit we're sitting this way because i asked steve if i could sit next to you. >> i had to change my dress. i spilled coffee all over the front of it. notice a wardrobe change. >> never seen his face probably until -- hey. here he is, joe cipriano.
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>> frozen solid in just three minutes. that highlights how dangerously cold these temperatures are. >> she's about to go outside. >> watch this? >> throws it up. >> snow. >> instant snow. >> everybody is naked at one time or another. we're waiting for you to make a guest appearance on the show. >> amazingly well. >> i guess so. >> me make us say that. >> governor christie walked in and said hey the super bowl is in new jersey. >> any lane closures >> she's now here all grown up. i love that. >> why is there a horse in the house? >> that wasn't live. they solved the problem. >> that wasn't candice. >> that's how i am when my boys play hockey. >> are you a hockey mom. >> he's a little gassy. >> love it. >> do tell. anything else? >> can she teach some guy like
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brian how to get into the swing. >> let me try. let me try. [ applause ] >> it's all those years shooting at the windmill. >> it was a great year 2014. >> so far. >> all the memories. look back at the whole year and how we've changed. >> 50 more weeks. >> coming up, do you like baggage fees or how about lost luggage? of course not. up next the worst airlines are revealed. >> billy baldwin and brian kilmeade will go back to high school. they do. but only one of them was known as a ladies man. billy has got a nickname that will surprise you, brian. >> how are you? in my world, ll isn't a street. return on investment isn't the only return i'm looking foard to.
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and my parachute definitely isn't golden. [ male announcer ] for some, every dollar is earned with sweat, sacrifice, courage, which is why usaa is honored to help our members with everything from investing for retirement to saving for college. our commitment to current and former military members and their families is without equal. start investing with as little as $50. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it.
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it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what? and it feels like your lifeate revolves around your symptoms, ask your gastroenterologist about humira adalimumab. humira has been proven to work for adults who have tried other medications but still experience the symptoms of moderate to severe crohn's disease. in clinical studies, the majority of patients on humira saw significant symptom relief, and many achieved remission. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems,
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a a are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira today. remission is possible.
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quarter before the top of the hour. quick headlines. a new study just out revealing alaska air and delta the best. american and united the worst. environmentalist in san francisco wants to put stickers on gas pumps to remind people that filling up their car can lead to, wait for it, global warming. the group says the proposed stickers are similar to putting warning labels on tobacco products. you don't have to smoke but you got to put gas in your car. just saying. well, you know him from the big screen and backdraft and small screen but billy baldwin has another role. >> breast cancer research. his mom's foundation in particular and he's here to talk about it because it's the annual
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passage. you can't have a year without a billy baldwin on the couch appearance. >> whatever, babe. >> that's what they say in hollywood, babe. >> where we're from, if you say it, it's more perfect to say to it a guy than a girl. >> you guys are talking about you go way back. i want to ask you does this picture bring back some memories. >> from the high school annual? guess who that is. >> his dad ran summer recreation and had the whole baldwin family run it. where is billy's picture. why are you showing my picture? >> that's you again? >> that's me, inice action shot. >> did you have a nickname for brian back in the day?
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>> he was player. >> player. >> i think on the phone yesterday when i was doing with the pre-interview i called him a schnook. >> that's not a good word. >> he was very popular. he was a great athlete. very popular. i ran with the wrestling clique and you ran with soccer clique. >> i was good friends with your wrestling coach. i remember watching you wrestling. you were fantastic. like 135, 145. i'm just saying. >> i watched him wrestle. >> did you wrestled almost in the olympics. >> i worked on the committee protect wrestling in the
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olympics. we had wrestling reinstated. >> let's talk about what's you're doing now for breast cancer. >> my good friends caroline and jackson, i approached them years ago, last year because lotus donated a car to my mother's breast cancer foundation to sell. i didn't know what to do with it. through some back channels i was directed to barrett jackson. they sold the car. it was worth about $135,000 for $275,000. car that went up on the auction block before mine was worth $95,000 and went for $350,000. barrett jackson is very philanthropic.
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we're hoping to raise a lot of money for charity. >> billy there may be people looking in in helping or buying a car. >> go to or you have boards and votes and committees and volunteers to put together another dinner on the rubber chicken circuit or another golf tournament. the market is saturated with these causes and events. for me to sell a car and hand a check to my mother for $250,000 where nobody lift ad finger. >> you met elisabeth for the first time. do you like her? >> i always have. your hours are more challenging. >> not with these guys. seems easier in many ways. >> back to the kids early. >> great cause. creative way to get the funds. well done. >> great job. coming up straight ahead. >> media barely covered the
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benghazi terror attack but jumped all over chris christie and the bridge thing. what's with the double standard and we talk to rudy giuliani in ten minutes. >> forget the gimmicks. our next guest shows us how to lose weight and it includes eating foods that you love. that's great news. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle. need a lift? could've had a v8. it's donut friday at the office. aso every friday morning they psend me out to get the goods.
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but what they don't know is that i'm using my citi thankyou card at the coffee shop, so i get 2 times the points. and those points add up fast. so, sure, make me the grunt. 'cause i'll be using those points to help me get to a beach in miami. and allllllll the big shots will be stuck here at the cube farm. the citi thankyou preferred card. now earn 2x the points on dining out and entertainment, with no annual apply, go to
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what if there was a way to eat the foods you love and lose the weight you need to lose? >> now, ladies and gentlemen, there is. >> joining us is the author of "eat it to beat it." so glad you're here. you're going to walk us through the day. >> the whole idea of the book is that you're going to eat a ton
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of food and lose a ton of weight because you are making the right choices each and every time. throughout your day, you can save up to 1,000 calories, which could be more than two pounds a week. >> by the math alone, you are right. >> start with breakfast. >> here we have honey bunches of oats. you want to make sure it doesn't become honey of bunches of your pants. it's not bad, but 160 calories per cup. you got orange juice and bananas. if you want a better choice, multi grain cheerios. it's 150 calories. melon and berries are especially low in calories with some green tea, all kinds of studies are showing just how powerful tea is. >> not that much of a sacrifice. or you're saying it's better? >> if you make the 50-calorie swap, that's five pounds over
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the course of the year just by swapping out your cereal. >> essentially you're grabbing a different box there in the morning. >> exactly. >> out of the freezer, a different box as well. they both look delicious. >> here you got totinos party pizza, 460 calories. kashi does a line of pizza that's 260 calories, just 9 grams of fat. you got a swapping -- whopping 4 grams of fiber per serving. that's a good swap. that is an eat it to beat it swap. >> the fiber is key. dinner? >> chicken pot pie. this is a little bit of a marketing head fake because marie callender does one. you look at the serving and it's two servings per container. >> i never liked that.
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>> who splits a pot pie? >> yeah. it's harder to split a pot pie than an atom. so if you go with blake's instead, what you got is a chicken pot pie that's only 340 calories compared to 860. >> because you're just going toned up eating the whole thing. >> you are never going to split that. >> you don't want two of those because then you end up with over 500 calories savings. for the whole day, it's 1,000 calories, two pounds a week. you're still eating a lot of food and your favorite foods. >> you got it just plan it. you do this in the supermarket. >> there was a guy a week ago who went on a mcdonald's diet and lost 30 some pounds in 90 days. >> we had the guy on earlier this week. the great thing, it's in his book called "eat it to beat it." always a pleasure. >> coming up, would you be able to survive for thee weeks
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without eating out or using your credit card? if you can, you'll be on the path to financial freedom. >> and beer can save your life, but not the way you think. now it's being used to fight fires. my ♪ to angie's list for bringing us together. ♪ too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection. [ male announcer ] to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeable truck, good things happen. this is the ram 1500. the 2014 motor trend truck of the year.
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♪ and first ever back-to-back champion. guts. glory. ram.
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but with less energy, moodiness, and a low sex drive, i had to do something. but with less energy, moodiness, i saw my doctor.rive, a blood test showed it was low testosterone, not age. we talked about axiron the only underarm low t treatment that can store t levels to norm in about two weeks in most men. axiron is not for use in women or anyone younger an 18 or men with prostate or bret cancer. women, especially those who are or who may become pregnant, and children should avoid contact where axiron is applied as unexpected signs of por increased acneor in women may occur.air report these symptoms to your doctor. tell your doctor about all medical conditions and medications. serious side effects could include increased risk of prostate cancer, worsening prostate symptoms, decreased sperm count, ankle, feet or body swelling, enlaed or painful breasts, problems breathing while sleeping and blood clots in the legs.
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common side effects include skin redness or irritation where applied, increased red blood cell count, headache, diarrh, vomiting, and increase in psa. ask your doctor about axiron. good morning. it's friday, january 10, 2014. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. chris christie holding people accountable. >> and i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. ultimately i am responsible for what happens under my watch. >> could washington learn a thing or two about what leadership really looks like? he was once considered a major threat -- too dangerous to be released from gitmo. guess what? he's out amongst us. he is heading home. great. and the price is all wrong?
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>> oh! oh! >> okay. the story behind the video will have you laughing all day. "fox & friends" hour two for this friday starts right now. >> i'm vinny from the jersey shore and you're watching "fox & friends". that was emphatic. >> i thought, that does not look like drew carey. i guess they tackled the wrong guy. >> you generally don't want to do that, the guy over there. look, she tripped over the logo. >> that's true. it's a slippery logo. >> we'll tell you the story about that in a minute or two, plus rudy is up in the next 15 minutes or so. we got a busy, busy two more hours to go and we start things off with heather nauert. >> good morning. i know the ladies react like
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that to you when you're around. >> yeah. now that you've seen me. people are skidding in to me on the road every day. >> that's true. good morning to you all. i hope you've off to a great day. two minutes after the top of the hour. more than 100,000 people this morning are waking up without water after a chemical spill in west virginia. people are being warned not to drink, not to bathe, not to cook or wash clothes with the tap water there. even boiling the water, we are told, will not make it safe to use. the governor of west virginia declaring a state of emergency for nine counties in the western part of that state. a military plane goes down in afghanistan leaving three americans dead. the plane is typically used for surveillance and it was flying a nighttime mission when it crashed. no word what caused that crash. but defense officials say there was no indication of enemy fire at the time. two of the people ho died were members of the military. the other was a civilian. they were all part of the international security assistance force.
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we'll keep you posted. new overnight, disturbing reports that syrian militants are recruiting americans who are visiting syria to attack the united states when they get home. senior intelligence officials say the militants with links to al-qaeda are in the early stages of training u.s. citizens. at least 70 americans have either traveled to syria or tried to since the civil war started three years ago. texas man saves the day with two six-packs. the off-duty fireman happened upon a fire truck on the highway and the driver tried using a fire extinguisher to put out the flames in that truck. but when that didn't work, the fireman turned to the truck's cargo beer. he shook up 12 cans and started spraying them until the fire was put out. and those are your headlines. what a great idea. but a lot of folks will say waste of beer, you know. >> could be great marketing. if you've got a thirst that needs quenching.
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>> look at this, this puts out fires. >> there you go. >> you could justify stocking up on it a bit more. >> if i was to put one beer on a fire, it would be meisterbrau or peel's. the worst is the meta dry beer. i think lasted a week. >> if it was coors, it's the best. >> it's a chubby bottle with a small neck. you remember that? they might have been different labels saying beer. the other one that was tough was schmitz. >> or schlitz? >> it was a knockoff of schlitz? >> if you had two smith beers, you're out for a week flat on your back. there was something in this beer that will knock you off. >> it may be good for putting out fires. >> yeah. use it for the fire!
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retardant. >> speaking of fire, let's talk a little bit about a press conference yesterday that ran 107 minutes. chris christie trying to put out a scandal around him. back in september of last year, bunch of cones showed up right there at fort lee in new jersey as it goes on to the george washington bridge. people started complaining 'cause it backed up the traffic in fort lee and as it turns out, the response was oh, it was a traffic study. it looked like a pay back. chris christie it a study. in one hour, he said i want to hear anything about anything you guys did regarding that. nobody spoke up. a couple days ago, he got wind of some e-mail. for an investigation, they were subpoenaed and released and it looked bad for the governor's staff and he took action. >> he certainly did. you talk about action, he said even though i can't control everybody under me, i'm still
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responsible. he fired his chief of staff, bridget ann kelly, went on to fire former campaign manager for his involvement in the incident, and then gave this in terms of apology and then more action followed. take a listen. >> i come out here today to apologize for the people of new jersey. i am embarrassed and humiliated by the conduct of some of the people on my team. i've taken the following action as a result: this morning i terminated the employment of bridget kelly effective immediately. i terminated her employment because she lied to me. ultimately i am responsible for what happens under my watch. >> by the way, it absolutely took place. but the port authority never said that they were doing a traffic study. so the daily news among the publications was saying some things don't add up and in the
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way in which the local new jersey press pushed this story forward is the reason it became a national story and everybody down there to the point where the governor was making this 107-minute press conference, where he took all questions. i think he took some repeat questions from everybody and he looked unbelievable. i thought his presentation was something that people who give these type of crisis management courses should learn from. i thought that he was apologetic, but not pathetic. i didn't feel bad for him at any moment. however, i didn't see -- a lot of times you wonder how he would handle a crisis situation, would he be too arrogant to acknowledge it? that's not the case. the only thing that could trip him sup if anything he said yesterday is not true. if they could prove -- if they find out that before 8:50 wednesday morning eastern time he knew about any of this and did nothing or if any of these people that have been fired or willingly resigned say i was just doing what my governor told me to, then they're going to
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pounce on hip. i was shocked to see this. a tweet from david axelrod saying he handled about as well as you could, unless smoking gun turns up tying him to a scheme or otherwise, he lives to fight another day. that's david axelrod. >> he was believable and convincing and then proceeded to then go to the mayor of fort lee and apologize in person. i think the fact that he went there after he had been hearing from someone in the press that he might not want to see you. he went there and say this is what is owed. they came out together. he and the mayor. it was, quote, productive. >> sure. i just got an e-mail from one of our viewers, greg. he said what we saw yesterday was leadership 101. when you compare and contrast chris christie with the way our president, barak obama, handles things, when you think about it, chris christie made it very clear, he didn't know anything about the bridge thing and the mainstream media says that's a big scandal. when you look at the president of the united states, he says, i didn't know anything about the affordable care act web site.
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i didn't know anything about the irs, the doj, james rosen. what's the answer from the mainstream media? crickets. here is an interesting sound bite. remember susan rice regarding benghazi? she marched out on five different sunday chat shows and lied to all of them where she said it was all about a video. we know that's not true. what happens to her? she got promoted. then, there was hillary clinton, of course. listen to this. >> put simply, susan exemplifies the finest tradition of american diplomacy and leadership. >> the fact is we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night who decided they'd go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> we'll say this, look at the daily news. you always bring the papers out. among the publications that's not buying yesterday's press conference, look at that headline. pathetic, cover-up, climactic act, brazen.
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>> here is the cover of the "new york times." once again, second day in a row where chris christie is above the fold, very sad christie extends apology. >> a lot of the publications looking back on the speech and what happened, many looking forward to what this means for 2016. >> politically indeed. here is george wells on with bret baier last night and he looked into his crystal ball and said this about christie's political future. >> this hurts him in three -- he actually acted and made decisions like a president. second, every campaign has a crisis sooner or later. mr. obama had the reverend wright crisis right in the middle of his campaign. this gives him a sense of how to handle this. third, it gives him a real taste of the scrutiny that comes with presidential politics. >> it's staggering to see how little republican support. i heard speaker boehner said
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still viable candidate. no one necessarily is making their way to rally to his side. maybe they remember how the mitt romney campaign ended. >> up in new hampshire, which has the first primary of the political season, a fellow named rich killian, republican strategist, says he answered every question in manner that did not hedge and he said if everything plays out like he said it should, he should fire -- he should do something and he should really connect with the new hampshire voters. in other words, if nothing else comes out, chris christie will be fine come 2016. >> he will remember who came out to support him. right? >> he can't do anything to them. he won't close any more bridges. coming up straight ahead. >> he was doing his job to protect the u.s. from terrorists and he was branded a war criminal by the obama
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administration. so should the c.i.a. be free to do what they need to do to keep america safe? and she's a dog gone thief. what was this canine -- what could that be? >> elisabeth stole my read there. >> i did. >> she has no regrets. >> dog gone it. ♪ ♪
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t[announcer] why not talk toep someone who's sleeping on the most highly recommended bed in america? [woman] ask me about my tempur-pedic. [man] ask me how fast i fall leep. [woman] ask me about staying asleep. [announcer] tempur-pedic owners are more satisfied than owners of any traditional mattress brand. teur-pedic. the most highly recommended bed in america. save up to $300 on select mattresses during the tempur-pedic model closeout ent. find a store at
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inside secrets of the c.i.a. what really goes on behind the scenes of the nation's spy agency? is the obama administration helping or hurting the agency's attempts to keep our nation safe? it's all in this brand new book that gunneriesle wrote. his tell all book is called
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"company man." and this is just fascinating. john, first off, why do you feel you had to come out and tell the true story as you saw it from your years at the agency? >> well, i mean, over 30 years at c.i.a. as a lawyer. i had 25 years in when 9-11 happened. soon after i became the chief legal after and soon after that after the controversy over the enhanced interrogation program became topic, i became not only a public figure, but notorious public figure. the other thing i wanted to write this book. it talks about my entire career action but also give an entire perspective, my perspective on what it was like on the inside. >> some people labeling you a war criminal as you served the country. you go into detail about how enhanced interrogation came to be. you capture the biggest capture since 9-11.
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he's not talking. he's getting arrogant. they come together with a program that they believe will help him talk. it did get him to talk. correct? >> it did. absolutely. >> so those people who say, unnecessary. he could have done good cop, bad cop, pretended to be his friend and done a lot with the f.b.i. said. your reaction? >> well, i mean, i've heard that. keep in mind, brian, we're talking about a period that was just a few months after 9-11. even assuming the question and answer period would have finally elicited the information we needed from him, there was no time. time was of the essence. our experts were convinced that there was going to be a second attack coming, which everyone, as you recall, was convinced there would be in this country; that he would be the guy to know about it. we just didn't have the luxury of time to see if it would play out in a normal fashion. >> if you don't do this, you don't get ramsey al shibi or
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khalid sheikh mohammed who provided an incredible amount of information. do you believe the interrogation was necessary on hip? >> absolutely. edged it then and i believe it to this day. >> and because you say also that the only mistake that you really feel you made is telling a group in congress, the gang of eight, instead of just explaining enhanced interrogation in detail to the entire intelligence committee, could have avoided the whole political pitfall. >> yeah. i don't know if it would guarantee no political pitfall, but in retrospect, it was foolish and i blame myself for that, to make a decision to just brief the top eight members of congress, senior leaders of congress 'cause in this day and age, one can't expect them to stand up and be counted when the political winds change. that's what happened. >> right. you had 100 on -- enhanced
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interrogation you believe was necessary. a guy that used to run the c.i.a. who you have great respect for wrote his own book, 600 pages. how do you feel about the secretary of defense providing details about the goings on in a sitting administration like bob gates? >> well, i've known bob gates since the mid '80 the when we were both at c.i.a. we were both c.i.a. lifers. i have enormous respect and affection for him. on one hand, whatever bob gates says, i believe. so i don't challenge his credibility certainly. he's an honorable public servant. personally, getting into those kinds -- that kind of personal detail for a cabinet secretary just a year and a half after leaving office, i don't know. it's a judgment call. i was a little surprised bob did it 'cause he's a very careful and cautious man normally. >> wow. john, you have so much in your book. we got to have you back.
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congratulations on writing it. it's too bad the way you left. people trying to label you a war criminal with this administration. but i think this is a great pushback. thanks for bringing this. >> thank you, brian, very much. >> coming up straight ahead, this purple heart veteran was fired from his job at the post office for serving our country. this morning a huge update. then you probably can tap down a lot of grandma's recipes. right. but in katie lee's family, grandpa was the cook. that's next. [announcer] word is getting out. purina dog chow light & healthy is a delicioly tender and crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow. isn't it time you discovered the liter side of dog chow. purina dog chow light & healthy. we need a new recipe. let us consult the scroll
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of infinite deliciousness. perfect. [ wisest kid ] campbell's has the recipes kids love. so good! [ wisest kid ] at [ gong ] m'm! m'm! good! why let erectile dysfunction getn your way? talto your doctor about viagra. k if your heart is hlthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates r chest pain; it m cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effectinclude headach flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid ng-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and cl ur doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking actn. viagra. talk to your doctor.
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good morning. it's 24 minutes after the hour. here is a look at your news by the numbers. first, 40. that is the percentage of
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american homeowners who own guns. 5% increase since 2012. this according to a new poll by the economist. 25 hours, that's how many hours part-time associates can now work at staples. some employees say that limiting their hours is thanks to obamacare. and finally, 29. that is how many miles a georgia man walked in freezing temperatures just to pay a parking ticket after he totaled his car in an accident. the officers were so impressed that they chipped in to pay his $80 cab fare back home. now over to you. what you got over there? >> we got something to eat. >> smells good. >> how about some beef stew that is perfect comfort food for cold weather like this? >> our next guest is cooking up her favorite family recipes and she's got to pay residual, i'm sure. >> joining us is katie lee, co-host of a new show on the food network called "the kitchen." welcome. >> good morning. >> it smells good in here. >> it does smell good. i love braised meats when it's
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cold out. >> everyone associates this with grandma. but this was your grandpa's stew. >> my grandma went to college in the 50s. my grandpa had to cook a couple nights a week. this was one of his specialty. >> is that your grandpa in the picture? >> yeah. it is. >> even though it's his recipe, he probably got it from grandma, right? >> probably so. that would be my guest. >> braise some meat. >> i've got beef browning in here. i'm going to take it out. this is just cut into some pieces. you've got all these great browned bits on the bottom. that's where all the flavor is. we're going to deglaze the pan with some beef stock. >> what's deglaze mean? >> it means get all that off of there. and a little bit of apple cider vinegar. that's kind of the secret ingredient because it kind of cuts through that fat of the
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meat. this is one of those one pot wonders. not a lot of clean-up. the onions, carrots and the celery. >> you don't use garlic? >> no, no garlic, but you could certainly add some. i think garlic never hurts anything. so you want to let that come to a boil, get that nice and sauteed in there. then add your meat back into the pan. >> after about a minute or so? >> yeah, after a couple of minutes. you want the vegetables to start to get tender. just give it a good stir. this is going to simmer for about an hour and a half, two hours. >> the longer the better. >> yeah. the longer it goes, the better it gets. it's just so yummy. add a little pepper to it. >> can you put it in a crock pot? >> you could certainly did it in a crock pot. put it together before you go to work and then come home. i like to -- we're going to add a little bit of a thickener to it. the last 30 minute, take some of the broth, you put in some flour. this is going to make it a nice, thick gravy. it will go right in there and
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stir it all up. it gives that you nice, thick, rich consistency. >> look at that! >> we always have cornbread. >> of course! >> corn muffins over there. i made a little bit of a chili butter for you. so that's red pepper jelly, you mix it with your butter. super yummy. >> i'm like mikey in the life commercials. he'll eat anything. >> the crew now gets something to eat. they just thought they were learning how to make it. >> we have recipes like this on "the kitchen" every weekend. nice family, simple suppers. tune in and check it out. >> looks like a great show. >> a lot of fun. >> thank you. >> this is delicious. >> thank you very much. congratulations on the show. and good luck in west virginia. >> coming up straight ahead, as we eat our way through the morning. >> police chase comes it a wild end. the woman they were after jumps
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right off the bridge. you see that? the chase didn't end there. guess where it went to next. we'll tell you. then governor chris christie holing his people accountable. so what does this mean for his political future? rudy guiliani, the mayor, up next. [ male announcer ] you'll only find advil, the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant in a single pill. advil congestion relief. natural energy from tea packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies. it's what you need for that extra boost! oh and did we mention it's only 50 calories? need a lift? could've had a v8. in t juice aisle.
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never happens when they play the home game. >> that's your shot of the morning. this "price is right" winner may have gotten a little too excited. she had just won big on the show when she just slipped on the stage and landed face first in the lap of the announceer. right there. >> you got to wear better shoes just in case you win. get the keds out. >> rudy guiliani has got a really good excuse why he was not with us 30 minutes ago. >> two people have been fired. >> no, no, no. he will explain in about two minutes. but right now, let's talk a little bit about the news with heather. >> good morning. did you see our crew guys completely swarm what you guys made? >> shows how good katie's cooking is. >> smells delicious. got news to bring you.
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the threat of identity theft linked to obamacare's web site is prompting new legislation on capitol hill. the house is set to vote today on a bill that would require the government to tell people if their information is compromised. house majority leader eric cantor spoke with megyn kelly about this last night. >> if there is any chance that one's information and identity can be stolen or abused on the web site or in any way, shape or form connected with the obamacare exchange, then we should take the precautionary measures necessary. >> adds of now, there are no reports of identity theft linked to the web site. cantor says it is irresponsible to wait until someone does. caught on camera, a crazy high-speed police chase in oregon starts with a simple traffic stop, but cops there thought it would never end like this. look.
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26-year-old rebecca humphries leading cops on a chase through the streets of portland and pull the over and then jumps into the freezing river right there. oh, my gosh. turns out that car was stolen. humphries broke her back during the fall, but she survived. officers cited her for a whole bunch of traffic crimes after she was admitted to the hospital. a huge legal victory for the recipient of two bronze stars and a purple heart. he was fired by the post office for what he says was excessive military leave. a federal appeals court ruled that the postal service must reinstate him and then give him $2 million worth of back pay. the postal service says he took too much time off to serve with the army national guard and that he neglected his job. boy. check this out, one man learning from a hidden camera what his dog is up to when he's not in the room. the dog climbs up on the kitchen
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counter, opens a hot toaster -- look at that. -- and steals chicken anythings. the guy says he set up the sting after a roast disappeared a few weeks earlier. a dog sting. my dogs do that all the time. i'll turn around and all of a sudden, the sausage is gone. >> set up a camera and we'll put it on tv. maria molina joins us now. it's been snowing a little bit here in new york city. how is the weather in florida? >> it's pretty warm. they've picked up significant rainfall. before we get to the weather report, i want to show think image. it's beautiful. it's a new nasa image and this image captures an object resembling "the hand of god." it was produced when a star exploded and emitted a massive cloud of material. nasa telescopes picked up the image using high energy x-rays. "the hand of god" is an example of something called terradolia.
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now let's go ahead and take a look at the weather images because we are seeing some snow moving through portion of the northeast. it's very light stuff. there are wind chill weather advisories in effect. but the bigger concern is that area that's shaded in pink on the radar. my concern out here is that we're looking at some freezing rain coming down. freezing rain advisories are in virginia, maryland, and southern parts of pennsylvania. otherwise as we head into saturday, a more significant storm system will be impacting the east with areas of rain from maine all the way down to parts of florida. you are going to be seeing rain out there. otherwise temperatures, much warmer today across the country. let's head back inside. >> all right. thank you very much. let's go down to florida where rudy guiliani joins us. mayor, i understand because of the weather, you have bad weather down there, you were delayed. >> tremendous amount of flooding. it really is amazing.
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flash flooding all over this area between palm beach and boynton beach. >> you got to come back to new york. it's beautiful here. it's 9. >> i just got here last night. >> i thought about you specifically for so many reasons. you're the perfect guest to talk about what chris christie went through yesterday. number one, you were the first major politician to endorse him when he ran for governor and now he's the rock star of the republican party for many. how do you feel he handled this bridge scandal from when he learned about it 8:50 wednesday morning, according to him, until his presser yesterday? >> exactly the way a leader has to handle a mistake, and a pretty big mistake and exactly the opposite of what the president and hillary clinton and the way they've handled benghazi or the way they've handled the irs scandal. they've yet to have a press conference. he had a press conference, put himself right on the line. made a clear statement that he knew nothing about it. i'm convinced that that's the case because just think about
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this, brian, if he had known about this, he never would have been joking about it two, three weeks ago when this first came up. he'd have been a lot more careful. he'd have played the game the way a lot of these politicians do. they don't give you definitive answers. they wait. they never have a press conference. so he has a press conference. he explains it and here he does something that the obama administration finds impossible to do. he held people accountable for it. he actually fired them. so i would say all in all, obviously i don't want something like this to happen. it was wrong. but the reality is he showed what happens when something goes wrong. the way you handle it, the way you're out front and the way you're transparent about it. >> mayor, good morning. i'm glad you made it. >> good morning. >> it's sad in some ways to think this is refreshing and different, that someone would come forward and actually be accountable and show true leadership. the good news is in the minds of many, is that this could sort of clear the way for him moving
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into 2016. do you think if everything he said is true and the apologies are accepted, is he on a clear path to move forward in 2016 if he decides to proceed? >> yeah. i think that the way he handled this, this becomes an issue the democrats will use. but every time they use it, all you have to do is contrast it with benghazi, the irs scandal, the way in which they hide, the way they never have press conferences. i've yet to see the president or hillary clinton have a press conference explaining what happened about benghazi. people died. they don't answer any questions about it. >> sure. and, of course, the way our current president handles things like this is he would just allow them to go ahead and retire with benefits, but chris christie decided to get out today. >> and these are people very close to him. this was not an easy thing to do, to hold these people accountable. they were close to him. they didn't tell him.
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they weren't honest with him and he held them accountable. >> something i want to ask but. you know how the mainstream media operates. have you noticed -- there is a study done by the media research center. what they've discovered is that mainstream media has covered this particular bridgegate story 17 times more than they've covered benghazi -- rather the irs scandal ever since that broke out. what's going on? >> you know what's going on. this is the media bias. if it's a story involving a republican that they can in any way make negative, they exaggerate it tremendously. if it's a story involving a democrat who they like, and of course, they love president obama -- they give it as little attention as possible. and this is a perfect example of it. this is something that was wrong. it's something that shouldn't happen. but in every administration,
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ridiculous political acts like this take place whether it's the clinton administration or the bush administration or the obama administration. the real question is, does the leader own up to it and handle it correctly? in the case of president obama, he has yet to own up to the irs scandal. in this case, immediately chris christie acted the way a leader has to act. he took accountability for it. >> as long as nothing else comes out. i have to bring to you someone who used to work for you. rick wilson said governor christie goes out of his way to be a blank to other republicans and it will reap the payback if his fortunes head south n. all honesty, he's turned off a lot of republicans along the way. do you believe that this will -- is that part of the reason we haven't seen more people come out and support him through this crisis? >> i don't know. he is very blunt. he does speak his mind. i think it's very refreshing. i think it's exactly the opposite of what we have in the white house right now. we've spent the last three or four years trying to figure out why president obama never
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explains things, is never transparents, is never direct, always seems to be leading from behind, which is following. now we have an example of the opposite, a guy who gets out front and leads and tells the truth. sometimes people get annoyed by that. but i think all in all, it's a refreshing change to what we have in the white house right now. >> i want to ask you about rocking a house, the white house, robert gates comments coming out of his book, when it comes to his comments regarding joe biden's lack of being right, 40 years of being wrong, and politicizing more war time decisions and support of surges when it comes to hillary clinton. what's the long-term effect there? >> i think if you want to look at a long-term impact on an election that, will have a lot more impact than this situation involving the traffic on the bridge and what went wrong. in this particular case, hillary clinton admitted that she made a completely crass, political
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decision about the lives of americans, about the lives of american troops and the president largely indicated that. and i think that's going to be really devastating to them because this is exactly what we don't want. we want a commander in chief who takes the lives of our troops seriously and i think a lot of people suspected they were doing that and i think this ne -- mr. gates made it clear that's not the case. >> i think it's the most devastating thing in the book. >> the book comes out tuesday. let's see if any of the other networks cover it because they have for the most part avoided it. rudy guiliani, thank you for joining us live today. >> thank you for your patience. >> and thanks for not turning around. thanks, see you back in new york. coming up, could your facebook friends be hurting your credit score? the answer yes. the details next. and are your finances a complete mess? then stay right here.
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welcome back. you heard of fasting, a diet meant to cleanse your body of toxins and lose a few pounds. what about cleansing your system of unnecessary spending? that's what our next guest is here to teach us today. she's a syndicated column for the "washington post" and the author of "the 21-day financial path, your path to financial freedom." good morning. >> good morning. >> so glad you're here. this was inspired by the daniel fast, right, which is a food fast. >> right. you fast from food, you just eat fruits and vegetables. a way to cleanse your system, get closer to god.
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i've done the daniel fast through my church. i was doing the fast and i was thinking, this is really tough, but it's really good for me. how can i help people do the same thing with their money? get rid of all the bad stuff so that you can have financial freedom. >> let's talk about some of the bad stuff. on the 21 days, because it's the same thing as a cleanse and it gives awe chance to maybe start new habits. there is no shopping. >> no shopping. >> at all? >> at all. >> nonessential items. you can stop for groceries. >> right. you can eat. you can go to the grocery store, but you can't eat out, no movies, no nails, can't get your hair done. all of that is shut down. all unnecessary spending is shut down. >> no buying gifts, no restaurant meals, credit card or debit card, that would be the hard thing. no nonessentials. you also connect morality to debt. so does that mean if you have debt, you're a bad person? >> no. the way i connect it is that scripture says that the borrower
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is slave to the lender. so when you are in debt, you are in bondage. so what i'm trying to do with the fast is get people out of bondage. does that mean that i don't recognize that people are going to borrow? yeah, you have to borrow for your house. but really, for me, that's all you should be borrowing for. not college, no cars. if you use credit cards, make sure you pay them off every month. i want to get people separated from that idea that you can live on credit. >> okay. so at the end of this, you will have that piece. you will feel financially free. >> right. >> and totally cleansed of all your bad habits? >> well. almost. the idea is you are going to be put on the path to prosperity. you can't get out of debt in 21 days, but it can put you on the path to it. i'm asking everybody to jane me on this fast, january 13th. you're going to do it, right? >> i'm going to try. >> you're not going to try. you will do it. >> okay. i will do it. i will find you after i do it. >> that's right! >> i'm in. congratulations on the book.
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>> thank you. >> great beginning. coming up, former defense secretary robert gates dropping a bombshell this week with his new book. so what does it mean for the white house as it heads into damage control mode? john roberts joins us at the top of the h hour prego alfredo?! [ thinking ] why can't all new things be this great? ha ha! whoa! [ monkey squeals ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego. about the most track-tested is ever... but the truth is... we don't have to. the experts have spoken. now it's your move. ♪ afghastan, in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's ened, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection.
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new jersey governor chris christie yesterday issuing a very strong apology and firing one of his top aides. so how does he stack up against other politicians? pollster frank luntz joins us right now. by the way, frank sold his company, part of a big organization. >> mdc partners. i am really excited about it. >> congratulations. >> $2 billion -- not that i made $2 billion. they work for everybody. it's going to be an exciting opportunity for us. >> congratulations to you. let's talk about what chris christie did yesterday as
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compared to how, for instance, our current president handles similar situations where there are scandals in the administration. we're going to first cue up hillary clinton. do you remember this regarding benghazi? >> the fact is, we had four dead americans. was it because of a protest or because of guys out for a walk one night and decide they'd go kill some americans? what difference at this point does it make? >> all right. >> what difference does it make? chris christie in one hour and 47 minutes apologized 20 times. the obama administration, the last time i checked on benghazi, hasn't apologized once. and lives were lost. christie acknowledged something went wrong. he fired two people. who has been fired over benghazi? who has been fired overt irs? who has been fired overt president's health care package? they expect accountability. they expect heads to roll. it is a legitimate scandal. it is legitimate because people's lives were respected and your responsibility is to help.
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he looked straight in the camera, 20 times he said i'm sorry emphatically. the administration hasn't done it once. >> you look at hillary clinton screen right, members of the mainstream media said she went up on capitol hill. she answered questions. >> what difference does it make? my god, if that was your father, you'd think it made a difference. >> absolutely. how about this? since you're such an expert at words that work, here is the president for apologizing about obamacare, which as it turns out he had sold us a lie. >> we weren't as clear as we needed to be in terms of the changes that were taking place. i am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me. >> not as clear as we should have been. >> i am sorry that they found themselves in this situation. why don't you look -- once again, you look people straight in the eye and say, i got it wrong. what i promised you, i didn't
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maintain. that's the difference. i think that the governor is going to be given a second chance. i think that the way he provided that there is no more information out there. >> exactly. >> i believe that people look at this and say, this is how somebody is supposed to behave as an elected official. >> i think yesterday chris christie answered the question, could he stand up to putin? you saw a strong guy there yesterday. >> this is something -- he stood up to every question to every member of the press. at the end of the interview, usually they're ready to run out of the room. he outlasted all of the media. i'll tell you something, normally i watch the entire thing. after an hour and a half, i was tired. >> that says a lot -- our president hates press conferences and there was chris christie for 107 minutes or something like that. congratulations on selling your company. >> thank you. >> now you're doing okay. >> i'll have to be paying you in the future rather than you guys paying me. >> wouldn't that be great?
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thank you very much. coming up, it's the real story of bravery shown by four navy seals and it's hitting the big screen today. the real life lower survivor, marcus latrell joins us live. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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good morning. today is friday, january 10. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. chris christie being attacked by the mainstream media for holding his people accountable? >> i come out here today to apologize to the people of new jersey. ultimately i am responsible for what happens under my watch. >> so why didn't the same networks attack hillary clinton for the benghazi scandal? we report. geraldo decides. >> he always does. >> that's not geraldo. it's just somebody. it's an incredible story of strength, courage and brother
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hood. "lone survivor" highlighting the four brave navy seals hits theaters today. the real life lone survivor, author of the book, marcus latrell, here live. and a police chase takes an outrageous turn. the suspect dives off the bridge and the chase does not end there. kind of like george bailey going off the bridge, remember, in "it's a wonderful life"? completely different. it is kind of an obscure reference. nobody has seen that movie. "fox & friends" hour three starts now. >> this is former mayor rudy guiliani. you're watching "fox & friends," one of my favorite shows. >> he loose likes the kardashians. >> rudy loves "fox & friends" because speaking of rude, geraldo, pipe down until it's your segment, would you? >> just come over. let's just bring him out if he's going to yell at us. >> come sit with us as we go
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over to heather nauert who is going to do the headlines. >> good to see you here. got some headlines now. new video just coming in. a plane crashes into the ocean after it tries to take off from a beach in new zealand. after the engine stopped working, the experienced pilot was forced to make an emergency landing on that beach. look at that. after some quick repairs, he got the plane up and running again and tried to take off from the sand, but that is when he ended up in the water. no one was injured. geraldo, you could have made that plane fly. a military plane, serious story now -- goes down in afghanistan, leaving three americans dead. the plane is typically used for surveillance and used on a nighttime "mission mission whent crashed. defense officials say there was no indication of enemy fire at the time. two of the people who died were members of the military. the other was a civilian. all were part of the international security assistance force. more than 100,000 people
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waking up without water this morning after a chemical spill in west virginia. people there are now being warned not to drink, not to bathe, cook or wash their clothes in the tap water. even boiling water, we're told, won't make it safe to drink. the governor of west virginia declaring a state of emergency for nine counties. a real-life drama for anne hathaway of the getting swept up in a powerful rip tide while swimming off the coast of hawaii. at one point, you can see her hands flailing in the water as she screams for help. she was brought back to shore. a surfer saved her. she was later seen walking around on the beach. those are your headlines at this hour. back to you guys. >> thank you very much. >> we're going to talk now -- >> they're taking pictures instead of saving her. >> unbelievable. i know. >> really? >> i took the last picture of anne hathaway. >> really. crazy. >> a selfy a drowned anne
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hathaway. >> you know, we've been talking about the chris christie bridgegate thing and we're going to get your assessment on how we did yesterday. but geraldo actually lives in that area. so you remember this gigantic traffic jam. >> it was the first day of school. it was impossible not to see it. it blocked all the side streets all the way down to the entrance to the edge where our colony where i live just about three quarters of a mile. i'm literally a stone's throw behind those big buildings where i live. it was a very, very inconvenient, it was maddening in many ways. some people i heard took six hours. >> what did you think it was? >> there is always something. usually what happens is you get delayed on that bridge, which is the world's busiest crossing. 300,000 in each direction every single day. 100 million a year. it's the artery, the main artery in the nation.
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i-80 ends there. it's very critical. there is always something going on. there is a piece of the pavement that is loose or a light or the toll takers are not there and then you get to the end of this massive traffic jam and you find that it's three guy there is with a rake usually and they're sitting around and they're talking. but to have this be inflicted intentionally is to someone who commutes over that bridge or to the travelers or the truckers, really outrageous. >> yes. >> having said all that, knowing that it affects you personally, how do you feel about what level of scandal would you give and how do you believe governor christie did yesterday? >> first of all, i voted proudly for him twice. i was looking forward to voting for him again in 2016 as president of the united states. i think this, though, is a peril on his entire political career and i think that if there is anything that he said yesterday at that massive unprecedented, extraordinary press conference
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that is proveably untrue, therein lies the real dilemma for chris christie. he has been replaced as u.s. attorney in newark by a democrat appointed by barak obama who does not like chris christie. so you have the federal prosecutor with all of the powerful agency behind him now looking at a political opponent and i think that christie right now -- the problem is, it flies in the face of reason. i love him. again, i say that again. i want him to be president. i think he would do a great job. selfishly for immigrant reform, i think he's a very pragmatic republican, my kind of republican. the problem here is it is almost inconceivable that the people closest to him, his high school friends and his closest aides would do something that would put him in such a tough spot, really expose him to such risk without telling him until an
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hour after the thing is leased -- >> you do not believe him? >> because it flies in the face of reason. let's take quickly a couple of the scandals we've been covering. what if in benghazigate we uncovered an e-mail between an assistant secretary of state and political operator that said, let's spin susan rice's appearances next sunday and we'll defraud the people and we'll show them that this was part of this lame anti-mohammed film -- >> we can't get that because it's executive privilege. >> be that as it may, what if you had that document, it would be a whole different scandal, the irs, benghazigate. president obama has been able to use the motown defense, i heard it through the grapevine defense, if there is an e-mail that suggests, for example, that they knew the irs was cracking down on conservative groups, it would be a much different scandal. here, christie's aides were
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writing e-mails that suggested that they were going to manipulate the traffic on the bridge to hurt a political enemy and when -- traffic is like real estate prices in california or florida. everyone talks about it. or it's like traffic in new jersey is like part of every dinner conversation. it's a big part of life. to think this was inflicted intentionally on innocent victims, not to mention the 91-year-old lady who died. >> what about everyday conversation, which will be continuing for a little bit. the book robert gates is coming out, where he aims at the president, the vice president, hillary clinton, how they led, how they politicized things, according to the quotes he provided. joe biden being wrong for decades. what is a long-term effect, in your mind, moving forward? >> that's a great question. again, i have to answer it in levels. i think first of all, there is
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considerable negative vibe towards secretary gates, who i again admire very much. i thought he was a great secretary. many people think he should have replaced donald rumsfeld earlier in the bush administration when the war started going so badly if iraq. did he a great job. he's not a politician. but there is some disquiet that he revealed what happened in private conversations with the president in the inner council. put that aside. now he says hillary clinton in the run up to the 2008 presidential primaries was concerned about her votes and was vote not guilty a way that she didn't feel to make a political point. i guess that's damaging to hillary clinton. it doesn't raise to the level of a crime or anything like that. politicians are self-servingful politicians are ruthlessly pragmatic. >> so a lie is on the line where people are getting in there and saying people are going to die -- >> i don't in any way seek to minimize that. i think that it's really deplorable and who -- wasn't it
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john kerry who said famously in vietnam, who wants to be the last person to die in a losing cause? barak obama never believed in iraq. i was in the last convoy out of iraq. i never want toc back to iraq. >> afghanistan is a problem. >> afghanistan, he ordered the surge. he didn't believe in the surge. he had friction between him and many of the military commanders whom i was very close to during the fig looking back, the whole thing will be what was that about? >> let's see if the book will be a blockbuster. >> i think it will. >> we'll listen to you on the radio and watch you over the weekend. >> that's so nice of you, brian. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. coming up on this friday, another suspected terrorist deemed too dangerous to be released from gitmo now on his way home. how does that happen? >> and we know the irs targeted republicans. so who better to investigate them? a democrat! is that even legal? peter johnson, jr. up next. ♪
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when evidence surfaced that the irs was targeting tea party and conservative groups and denying them tax exempt status, president obama vowed to get to the bottom of it. remember this? >> if you've got the irs operating in anything less than a neutral and nonpartisan way, then that is outrageous. it is contrary to our positions and people have to be held accountable and it's got to be fixed. >> he's right. but is the justice department being neutral and bipartisan in
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appointing an obama campaign supporter who donated thousands to head up that investigation? fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. joins us. the woman's maim is barbara boxer. >> it's outrageous and people have to be held accountable and no one is being held accountable. so an obama campaign supporter that gave more than $6,000 is now going to investigate the irs tea party scandal. that sounds like chicago justice to me. what does that sound like to you? i want to ask you, steve, because you're the anchor here. but it's incredible. the justice department says, don't look at these campaign contributions. let us look at what those campaign contributions are totaling about $6,000. $400, 3600 in 2008, 2,000 in 2012. and then another 500 for good measure to the obama victory fund. and so miss bosserman, who i'm sure is a fine lawyer, is
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tainted by these contributions. tainted by these contributions. so we expect her to put all of that aside, put all her political proclivities aside and say i'm going to be fair now to this. i'm for the president. i've given repeatedly, but i'm going to give these poor tea party people who have been screwed over big-time a fair shake. >> sure. this would be like -- with the chris christie thing, u.s. attorney is looking into it, who was appointed by barak obama. this would be like chris christie appointing somebody to investigate the bridge. >> you don't have to go to law school. all you have to have is a sense of fairness and justice and ethics and a sense of americanism. now, the d. o.j. says no, it's okay. we can do this. a spokeswoman says it's contrary to department policy and prohibited personnel practice under federal law to consider the political affiliation of career employees or other nonmerit factors in making
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personnel decisions. what they're saying is that person could give $15,000, $20,000 -- >> a million? >> yeah. so they're sworn to uphold the law. i guarantee that she's devoted to the law and that she has the best intentions, but it is an apparent and an obvious and a real conflict of interest. in those situations, you step out. you step away. step away. >> so as people are looking in and they're thinking, okay. the president promised he'd get to the bottom of the irs thing, so the person getting to the bottom of it is -- >> it's stupid politically, on top of the ethics of it because it makes the investigation look sleazy. that's easy. >> that's easy. peter, thank you very much. what do you think about that? e-mail us. coming up, could your facebook friends be hurting your credit score? peter, you're one of mine. stop it. the answer is yes. the details are next.
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then it's the real story of four navy seals and it's hitting the movie theaters today. the real life lone survivor, marcus latrell, joins us live coming up. you're not going to want to miss it. >> we've got two options. one, let him go. roll the dice. >> second they run down there, we have 200 on our back. >> two, we compromise
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we've got some quick headlines for you on this friday morning. could facebook be hurting your credit score? lenders and credit agencies apparently are starting to look at your social network activity to determine your credit worthiness. specifically things like the number of friends you have, which could speak to your ties to the community, your current job status, et cetera.
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strangers could soon be invading your in box thanks to a new feature by google. google plus members can e-mail any gmail user without their e-mail address. instead, they just type the user's name into the gmail's to go field. that changes everything. all right. elisabeth, over to you. >> thanks. a true story of strength, courage, and brotherhood. >> rules of engagement says we can not touch them. >> i understand. and i don't care. i care about you. i care about you. i care about you. i care about you. we can't do it. >> look at that soldier. >> they are unarmed prisoners. >> this is not a vote. >> it's the very decision that changed the lives of all four men. all members of seal team ten. today their incredible story can be seen on the big screen. >> yep. "lone survivor," you got to see it. it highlights of bravery of those men through the eyes of
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the only man left alive. the author and that real man joins us, former navy seal, marcus latrell, who was awarded the navy cross back in 2005. marcus, first off, always great seeing you. your book was a run away best seller. before we talk about that, that scene we just saw, tell everyone -- put that in context, if you will. >> it's kind of the tipping point or the turning point in the operation, if you will. we had been -- we had locked on to the target probably for a few hours and then we got soft compromise by some goat herders and their entire herd. in the movie they kind of play it differently. i think the goats walk up first and then the villagers. in real life, it was switched, the shepherds walked up on us and once the herd came on us, that definitely changed the way we were going to do business. ultimately we turn them loose. relocated and then about an hour later, it all broke loose.
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>> marcus, because you let them loose, they went out and told on you and they brought in the battle, didn't they? >> yes, sir. >> regrets for letting them loose or would you do it again and let them go? >> i don't even think that way. that would do dishonor and discredit to my teammates and the decision we made. the worst thing duke is not make a decision. you just sit there idly and lose it. so we made the decision. we went with it. ultimately obviously we were overrun by a large taliban militia. as a navy seal, that's kind of what we pray for, when the odds aren't in our favor. >> in fighting all the way through for freedom. when you see it played out on film and you watched it, did you feel as though it accurately represented what you went through, as much as possible?
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>> i think peter berg and the cast and the crew, they did a great job with what they had to work with. obviously you take a real life situation and try and slam it into a book, one book, that's tough enough. and then when you want to take it from the literary sense and throw it into a movie, that's got to be almost impossible. to make it flow right, 'cause there was so much going on. but i think they can a great job with what they had and i think if you go in there and watch the film and you come out, you have an understanding of what we went through. >> marcus, you say in understanding and i'm sure those scenes have played through your mind countless times and it's our privilege that we even get to see what really happened there in your mind and in your opinion and in your experience. your wife, melanie, went with you to watch it. how important was it for you to have her have a visual to what you've been through? >> she's got the toughest job in the world. she has to deal with me 24/7.
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she knows things that obviously nobody knows. she's the one that i go see when i'm having a bad day and i vent and i need to talk to somebody. so she's definitely had to develop broad shoulders to carry that weight. when she went and watched it and got the visual of it, i think that kind of sent it all home. i remember after the movie, all she did was walk out and hugged me for a while and she felt sorry for me. i'm like, don't feel sorry for me. it's okay. it was what it was. it's all right. thank god she was there with me. i don't know what i'd do if i didn't have my wife. >> i remember when your book first came out and you were on the book tour and it was not clear how successful it was going to be. now it's back among the best sellers again. now the movie is being made. when i looked at you, i felt as though you just left the battlefield the day before. you had that game face on. it looked like everything was
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raw. you look a little bit more relaxed now. have you gotten over the war, marcus latrell? >> absolutely. you're right. i think i had been home a week or two weeks when you and i first met after seven, eight-month push in iraq. being away from the flag pole, so to speak, not in the community and not doing workups and deployments and stuff like that, obviously, yeah, i'd like to say that part of me is gone. i'm not obviously as sharp and as fast as i used to be when i was in the seal team. and i'm married with kids. that just takes it right out of you. i don't really have anything left when it comes to that. i thought being a seal was hard. good lord, when i had kids, that took it to a whole different fold. especially my daughter. >> now that the war is back in the headlines with the secretary of defense's book out, talking about the president's lack of commitment to a battle plan he
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signed off on, these aren't blank pages in a war in a history book. this is a land that you know. how do you feel about if this is true, the commander in chief not being sold on his own mission and 80,000 men fighting for that mission? >> i haven't read the book and just going off of what you're saying, i mean, obviously that's got to be a tough pill to swallow for the guys who are over there getting shot at when your leader is uncertain as to what the game plan is. if you don't have a game plan, obviously you don't know what's going on over what the end state is. i think that would be tough to deal with. when i was still in and we were over there and getting after it, we knew what the objective was. if there is no objective while they're over there, i would imagine it's tough to get up in the morning and throw your boots on. >> i would ask you guys what the rules of engagement is. i wouldn't do it from washington. would you hope that becomes the new rule? >> i hope so.
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i hope the battlefield commanders are the one that sets the precedent on the rules of engagement because they're in theater and they know what's going on of the the rules of engagement can't be the same thing across the country because they do things differently in each area. that's one of the points that a lot of people miss. we're dealing with a different animal right here. this shouldn't apply kind of a deal. for anybody to set a rule, any kind of rules on the military when they haven't been over there to see what's going on, man, that's bad news. >> marcus, you -- >> that's my opinion. >> your opinion counts. you mentioned your daughter and i know your son who is named after your teammate, who gave his life that day. >> matt axelsson. >> ultimately they're going to read that book and watch this film. but what do you as their dad, what do you hope they know about why you do what you do and sacrifice the way you sacrifice? >> if you were to walk in my
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house, there is absolutely no proof that i was in the military. i don't have anything hanging on the walls. there is one picture of the guys who died up on the mountain and the guys from extortion. i have that. but if they decide one day that -- or to back up. sorry to get to your question. i'm not going to push anything on them. i really don't talk about it too much anyways. obviously they're going to hear things and see things and when that time comes, i'll explain it to them. what i did for a living and how this all played out while they were very young. i mean, if if you're a parent, you have no idea what's coming out of your kid's mouth from one second to the other. >> exactly. >> when that question comes up, i'll have to deal with it accordingly. even if my son or my daughter decides they want to join the military, i'm not going to push on them. my father always said, my shoes are here. you don't have to fill them, but they're here for to you walk in if you need them. that's how i'll approach it with
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my children. if they want to go in, then i'll get them ready. if they don't, then we'll figure out what they want to do and i'll help them with that. >> spoken like a good dad. we certainly thank you for your service and for being with us today. >> thanks for having me. >> see you soon. i can't wait to see the movie. we'll see it right away. >> take care, man. >> thanks so much. steve? >> all right. coming up next, big news, next on the economy. the new unemployment rate about to be announced just very shortly. we're going to have analysis from john roberts down in d.c plus, mark walburg and one direction got into a fight, who would win? you're about to find out. ♪ ♪
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fox business alert now. monthly job numbers out. the december unemployment rate, get this, has fallen to 6.7%, down from 7 in november. however, employers only added 74,000 jobs, the fewest in three years. what do you conclude with that? >> let's talk to john roberts,
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sitting in for chris wallace this weekend. so john, it's kind of a good news-bad news thing. it's 6.7. but the bad news is people are simply dropping out. they're not finding jobs. they're not work and instead, they're probably going on unemployment. >> good morning. i think that what you got here, if i could mildly correct you, bad news and more bad news. 74,000 jobs is just not the number of jobs to be created every months that this country needs to get people back to work, to break this cycle of poverty that we've been in for 50 years. the fact that it's only 6.7% because so many people left the work force, that the work force that the labor participation rate is down even further than it was, i think really is bad news all around. politically, it looks good. it gives the president a chance to say hey, unemployment rate came down .3%. but when you look at the numbers behind the drop, it's bad. >> but the thing is, how does the president go out there,
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continue to say we need 99 weeks of unemployment insurance. we need more than that, at the same time saying the economy is getting better, the growth is great, and unemployment is down? >> i think this is an indication, brian, that the economy is not as good as many people thought that it was and it will be interesting to see the way that the markets react on this news when they open at 9:30 this morning. but as a president, you can come out and you can say anything you want. but this idea of extending unemployment benefits -- you got to feel for people who are hurting because they cannot find a job. but there are concerns that this really does kind of foster a culture of dependency when the government keeps handing out money. maybe what this country needs is kind of a manhattan project to create jobs. the president came out yesterday and created five promise zones across the country. which i think a lot of people rightfully see as a good thing. but then senator ted cruz of texas came out yesterday and said, wait a minute. shouldn't the entire be a promise zone? it's one thing to look at
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philadelphia and san antonio and other cities like that, but what about these small towns across america where a lot of the blue collar jobs have been shipped overseas? nobody is getting retrained. manufacturing has disappeared. it is coming back in some areas. but there is a huge lack of talented labor pool to fill those jobs. let's get people educateed the right way and create a playing field where businesses feel like it's fertile ground to hire people and then start business again. >> right. i think what you're saying might be the declaration of dependence here. what can you tell us for sunday? >> we've got a lot to talk about. number one on the list will be chris christie. but we'll talk about the gates' book with very good panel this weekend. bob woodward, karl rove and juan williams and how the white house is falling all over itself to beat back accusations from a defense secretary that president obama at one time called one of the best defense secretaries
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that this nation has ever seen. and what about the lengths they're going to to defends vice president joe biden? i covered the white house for seven years and i never remember being invited in to a luncheon for a photo op with bill clinton to say hey, al gore and i, we're okay. or with president bush to dick cheney saying look at us, we're doing well. the white house has got a lot of spin here and it's looking like there is not much transparency. there is a lot of transparency rather, in its attempts to try to set the record straight from the white house. >> you have a lot to talk about. we'll watch you on sunday. >> thanks, brian. >> check your local listings for show times. now heather, you have some headlines. >> i have a lot of news this morning. an accused member of al-qaeda once identified as too dangerous to be freed from gitmo will soon head home to yemen. a u.s. government panel approving the transfer of osama
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bin laden's former body guard. he's been at gitmo since 2002, but never formally charged. caught on camera, a high speed police chase takes a terrifying turn. 26-year-old woman leading cops on a chase through the streets of portland and then this happens. you can see right there, she jumps out of the car and then jumps off of the bridge. she broke her back, but she survived. the car she was driving was stolen. a texas man desperately trying to quinn the government that he is still alive. >> he said, oh, oh, you're on here deceased. >> yeah. here is what happened. a meals on wheels worker telling the 81-year-old william earl smith that they had just read his obituary. it turns out the same name of the guy who died. the bank in town got it confused and returned his social security
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check. >> last friday i was notified that i had been deceased. they sent my social security check back. well, that was a little bit of a shock, but i knew i was still walking around. >> there he is looking at his obituary. he was actually mixed up with another william earl smith while he was stationed in korea during the war and at one point, he was deployed to the wrong place. ♪ ♪ that was brian's favorite band, one direction. nearly every young girl obsessed with them, including mark walberg's daughter. he was on conan last night talking about it. listen to this. >> my four-year-old is going, daddy, i like haley. i'm like, i'm going to punch harry in the nose when i see him. but if i see that little (bleep), he's going to get it. i could say hey, i really want to meet one direction, i'm a big fan.
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maybe you can do the title track for the song. >> by the way, brian, the beer still exist. >> i like the people at schmitz. they're fine people. i don't like to drink it. >> nothing personal. >> allall right. thank you very much. coming up, will arming citizens help fight crime? our next guest says yes and he should know. he's the chief of police of one of those most dangerous cities in america, detroit. chief james craig up next. welcome back. how is everything?
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there's nothing like being your own boss! and my customers are really liking your flat rate shipping. fedex one rate. really makes my life easier. maybe a promotion is in order. good news. i got a new title. and a raise? management couldn't make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. [ male announc ] your eyes. even at a distance of 10 mis... the length 146 football fields... they can see the light of a single candle. your eyes are amazing. look after them with centrum silver.
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multivitamins with lutein and vitamins a, c, and e to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you.
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purina dog chow light & healthy is a delicioly tender and crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow. isn't it time you discovered the liter side of dog chow. purina dog chow light & healthy. our next guest helped battle crime in one of the nation's most notorious levi lent cities. we're talk being detroit. take a look at the numbers. last year, detroit saw a 7% drop
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in violent crime. a 14% drop in criminal homicide. and an 8% drop in nonfatal shootings. that's great. >> sure, those stats have to make you wonder why he's getting backlash over his belief that responsibly armed citizens can help lower the crime rate. joining us, detroit police chief james craig. good morning. >> good morning. glad to be here. thank you. >> you're taking some heat for saying that if someone packs some heat legally, concealed, that it might actually help those statistics in terms of lowering crime. what's the big deal? >> yes. i believe it. i've had a chance to work now in four different cities. when i left detroit many years ago as a young police officer, it was very rare to hear someone carrying a concealedthen movinga where i spent the lion's share of my career, los angeles, no one had ccw. it was just a rare thing.
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i move off to maine, a state that has a model the way life should be, and believe me, the life is good in the state of maine. low crime and certainly a lot of good americans that have ccw's. >> sure. >> so i start thinking about it. i was met with a stack of ccw requests and certainly my orientation coming out of cal al was to deny them -- california was to deny them. and i quickly had an aha moment and realized that the state, the city is safe. so why would i want to continue to deny? >> sure. >> certainly now that i moved on to detroit, certainly it's been lauded as one of the most violent cities in america. now returning to detroit, the thing that i found very different, there are a lot of good detroiters that have their cdl's. they're confronted by armed,
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violent criminals. i can talk about a number of instances where good americans have challenged violent predators and i will tell you, the violent criminals here know that their biggest fear is being met with an armed citizen. >> sure. and you've been talking about the ccp's, concealed carry permits. so how many people in detroit would you like to see actually carry legally weapons? >> i haven't put a number to it. the department of justice did a study a couple years ago i guess now, suggested that a well-armed, good citizen can be the biggest deterrent to violent crime. i would agree with that statement. i would agree because when we arrest some of our armed robbers or individuals who have a propensity to carry weapons, violent predators, their biggest
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fear -- and the research bears this out -- is armed citizens. so some of them we arrest are wearing body armor. and another tactic that they're using is if once they confront a victim, in some instances, they will make the victim disrobe to determine whether or not they're armed. so they're clearly fearful of an armed citizen, more so than a police officer. >> interesting. maybe this theory, i know the drop has gone down to 7% in crime and i know your goal is to get that number to look even better than that. perhaps in your mind now, this could be a way to do just that. >> well, i'm talking about good, responsible americans, good responsible detroiters because i put the caveat of responsibility in there because we've heard the stories about people not being
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responsible cpl holders that have accidentsal discharges sometimes, shooting an innocent victim. i think responsibility plays a key role here. but i'm not going to suggest that that's the only tool in the tool box. certainly coming here from los angeles and cincinnati where we saw reductions in crime, certainly were other strategies we've put in place, we've launched a model. we're very assertive about identifying those individuals who are most likely involved in violence. >> absolutely. obviously it's working for you there in detroit because crime is dropping so much. so it's been a real pleasure, chief craig james, that you would join us today, to explain what you're doing out there in motown. thank you. >> thank you. we're excited about the reduction. >> everybody is. >> thank you. >> keep it up. we are following a fox news alert. the unemployment rate dropping
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dramatically to 6.7%, but there is a catch. that's coming up next. [announcer] they're sleeping on the newest tempur-pedic bed... the new tempur choice... [man]two people.two remotes. [announcer] firmness settings for the head,legs,and back... and with tempur on top,that famous tempur-pedic comfort comes any way you like it! [woman]ask me about the lumbar button. [man]she's got her side...and i've got my side. [announcer] tempur-pedic.the most highly recommended bed in america. [woman]don't touch my side! to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve.
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♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap.
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>> here is what's coming up, a chemical disaster tainted water in nine counties. we're going to give you the latest on that mess. darrell issa joins us. he believes kathleen sebelius may actually have perjured herself while she was testifying before congress. we're going to talk about that. and chris christie's political future. lots of good guests to discuss at the top of the hour when bill and i join you on "america's newsroom." we'll see you then. meanwhile, the december unemployment rate falls to 6.7%, down from 7. so what's the story behind the numbers? joining us right now from the new york stock exchange, nicole petallides of the "fox business" network. as we look at 6.7, that's a
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number we haven't seen in years. but there is a big but here. >> there is a big but. when you see 6.7%, doesn't it seem so great. but that is not the case at all. on the contrary. when you look at the labor force participation rate, this shows you how many people are actually not working. many of them disgruntled and don't want to look for work. it was a very cold december. that rate decreases, 62.8%. so that matches october and that was the lowest since 1978. this means that a quarter million of americans were not at work. maybe 'cause of the weather. but that dates back to the same period in 1977. where were you then in basically it's telling us that the economy is not improving as fast as you anticipated. it's not as good as we thought. bond yields fell like missiles. the safe trade of gold. off 11 bucks. in the meantime, you've had a market that's gone back and forth waiverring waiting for this number. >> did she not know you were on
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the air? just walked right by you. >> i know. forget it. i don't know what this is. action packed wall street for you. in the meantime, google has been at new highs. amazon, visa, las vegas, the airlines have been soaring. it's been busy here on wall street. today we'll be breaking down these number. don't be fooled, is what i'm telling you. >> nicole petallides, live on the floor, the busy floor of the stock exchange, thank you very much. >> more "fox & friends" in just a moment good job! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories.
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we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪ oh are we early? [ malennouncer ] mmute yo way with the bold, all-w nissan rogue. ♪
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investigation shows holiday shopping data breach at target affected 30 million more people than initially estimated. clayton will be talking about that this weekend. >> the big deal, think about all those gift cards, all of that information was out there. we'll talk about that coming up on "fox & friends" this weekend. plus the coolest gadgets from the big consumer electronics show in las vegas, the ones that were the duds and the coolest.
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and the latest diets. the paleo diet and more. >> got eight hours to fill. >> have a great weekend. see you monday. bill: good morning, everybody, a fox news alert. a health crisis after a toxic chemical spill. 300 thousand against 9 counties in west virginia. they cannot bathe or use tap water in any way. martha: the white house declared this a federal disaster. the white house says it's potentially harmful if


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