tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News January 10, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST
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that quickly and a head of steam going on pure ice, not much you can do to get stopped. >> reminder to drive safely. >> and don't drain your poll in january. >> america's news headquarters starts right now. fox nows alert, a health chrissis after a toxic chemical spill sends hundreds looking for water. i am alisyn camerota. >> and iim bill hemmer. they cannot drink or bathe or use the tap water in their home. laura has more on this. >> we are getting word that the u.s. attorneya office and other federal law enforcement agencies opened an investigation in the circumstances surrounding the spill. u.s. attorney booth goodwin issuing the statement and determine what caused the leak and take whatever actions appropriate based on the
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evidence they uncover. earlier today, president obama signing an emergency declaration for the aid and ea rl tomlindeclared a state of the emergency. there was a loc in the freedom plant. the leak was contained at 8:40 p.m. last night and not before estimated 5,000 gallons of the chemical is released. they still don't have all of the answers they need and working to get a handle on just how bad it is. >> do not use this water and the only appropriatous is toilet flushing. flushing your commode is appropriate. don't make baby formula with it or brush your teeth or wash or shower with it or drink it. you can't just boil it. it is not a boil water advisory, it is a do not use advisery.
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people are scrambling for drinking water and grocery stores are wiped out of drinkable liquid. they sent 75 tanker trucks to charleston and the state will be in charge of distribution. one hotel in a near by city not affected by the spill is offering free showers who wants to come over and bring their own towels. >> developments when you get them. >> congress is back at work and obama care is back in the republican cross hairs. a couple of hours ago the house had a bill with hacking of health care.goff. and it would require consumers to be notified of breeches within two business days. and stephen joins us with all of the latest. and this bill passed this morning and 291 to 12. why would democrats ever oppose a bill that alerts consumers if
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their accounts have been hacked? >> it is a interesting balancing act that the democrats have. the administration issued a policy and said they would have theo the bill. that is a change versus part of the obama bills we have seen. it is to a lot of folks, it seems like a good government bill. and why wouldn't you do this. and the democrats who opposed it said it is not necessary and so why go a head and do this and why add another recording requirement in the middle of getting the website right. the basic question is, if it is good government why vote for this? and the most important number as you said more than 290 and that is two-thirds. if the administration vetoed it and got through the senate it was why the administration didn't issue a veto threat. it didn't want to be shown up by
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its own part. >> it would force the administration to give congress weekly updates and as to the status of and how many people are signing up and democrats are not happy about. this what hhs said these measures are too costly and unnecessary. does it raise the point that this is a republican strategy from now to the midterms and they know they cannot repeal obama care and they will subject it to death by a thousand cuts. >> that's the strategy and you can hear it from some of them. pete sessions was half jokingly said we are done with that and what republicans have decided to do. and they are listening to the constituents and every specific concern they hear, they figure we'll go a head and put that bill on the floor. they are not necessarily seeing
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obama carry repolled. it is not overwhelming as least keep our data safe. we want to know more about the website. and republicans said we'll write that in legislation and puts democrats in tough position. it is good politics. and it sounds as though republicans decided they will do what polls suggest which is fix portions of obama care? >> it will be interesting to so what happened. they are no brainer bills. one deals with data privacy breeches and the other is a good government reporting bill. tell us the updates and tell us what is going on. it is tough to oppose those. the role question is what the next ones are. they are starting the funding for parts and repeal specific parts and change the man date that's where you will so more of the big fights.
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they are looking at the polls and translating what voters say they want. and a lot of the folks think that is what congress thinks they will do. you wrote a great piece about the status of the investigation in the irs about them targeting tea party and conservative groups. what is the biggest issue with the ongoing investigation? >> there are two parts, we learned barbara bosserman is a obama donor and a trial lawyer for the justice department and contributed more than sex thousand dollars to obama's presidential campaigns and the republicans say that taints the entire investigation. why would you put a obama supporter in to the investigation of the irs. there is a lot of questions, it is eight months since the investigation started and we haven't heard much about it. we learned that they are interviewing the tea party
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groups. the fbi interviewed the victims in this. we know that the investigation is going on but not much about it. >> or why it is taking eight months. >> stephen, thank you. we'll have more about the irs 15 minutes from now. job creation in america is slowing down to a crawl. employers adding only 74,000 jobs last month. that is the lowest number we have seen in three years. jobless rate fell and that drop is mostly because many americans stopped looking for a job. how bad is it? ed, good day to you. >> good to see you, bill. >> what do you think? >> it is abysmal. and a punch in the gut in the country. we were getting excited and starting to so it move to the
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magic number 350,000 jobs for 12 months. that's what we need to get to. and averaging a 182,000 net new jobs and we are only halfway there. the bar has been lowered and the country gets excited when we see positive news. we were starting to move that way but pill, this is a problem. >> why is it not getting better? >> well, the policies. many years ago, the government decided under obama, they chose monetary policy and print money in the federal reserve that doesn't basically report to obama but it is it. and decided to print money. instead cutting taxes. we are riding a dead horse, dismount. monetary politics, bill, is not working and we need to address this in a different way and
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hopefully the people in congress and the president is watching and they will understand we need to change course. >> i don't know what policy comes of this, ed, but they are getting ready for a white house briefing and we'll dip in on that. and in america's newsroom earlier today, labor participation rate is the lowest level in america in 36 years. what does that mean? >> it means that people have just given up. some people will say it is because people are retiring and the baby boomers and if you look at the details, that is not the case. people say the jobby market stinks. i have no interest in going after a new job. and unemployment insurance, that's the reason why we don't need to go look for a new job. there is a battle in washington, do we extend it or not extend it. we have a 30 year low, that is troubling and more people are out of work since 1978, and that
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is why, by the way, the jobless and unemployment rate dropped to 6.7. if you put those people back in where the number was. . >> it is just brutal. >> 350,000 jobs a month and if you have that on the game side for 12 months, what would things look like? >> i am happy you brought it up. we spent so much money in the country and to get our economy healthy, we have that many full- time jobs and that means revenue to the country and we can pay for ourks pences. we have to print money or raise taxes and take care of the deficit and debt we can't pay for. when you see a number printed at 74, that is a 21 if this is a test. if you are in school and you have a 21 you need a tutor or get out of the class.
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that's what we have in the month of december. >> thank you, out of dallas, texas today. appropriate your time and the political fallout for the number. and our political panel will debate that later in our program here today. stay tuned. there are new developments in the breach in the security in target stores why it could be higher. >> the obama administration dragging the feet in investigating the irs matter. >> and potential investigations, plural, that may be launched in new jersey in the bridge scandal. what we could so next. >> i am embarrassed and humiliated by the conduct of some of the people on my team. there is no doubt in my mind, that the conduct that they exhibited is completely unacceptable.
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124shgs we are told by our producer that the distribution for water in south charles tht ton is out of water. and people are being turned away. officials say come back after 3 o'clock in the afternoon and we'll find out if there is enough water to be distributed. everyone is warned don't bath or drink with it or boil it and 300,000 people are affected. that is an ongoing matter. another fox news alert for you. we are waiting 1,000 pages of documents from new jersey legislators that may shed new light on the lane closings on the george washington bridge, the ones that new jersey governor chris christy apologized for in the news conference yesterday. here is a piece. >> i had no knowledge or involvement in this issue, in
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its planning or execution. and i am stunned by the abject stupidity that was shown here regardless of what the facts ultimately uncover. >> and the governor making no excuses for staff members who ordered the massive traffic jam. fox senior news correspondent is live in new york. what is the latest. >> reporter: expect to get the new documents from the new jersey transportation committee. they are investigating the scandal and those documents could come out in an hour and they come in the wake of the governor's apology in which he took responsibility for the lane closings. he blamed it, on abject stupidity and he was blind sided and he didn't know anything about it.
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the committee subpened a former christie associate david wildstein. he wrote some of the text and e-mails but then he clammed up. wildstein repeatedly taking the fifth when asked about the correspondent with the christie administration. non the advice of council i assert my right to remain silent. >> you can't tell me whether it is e-mail or text. nsame answer. >> that day, e-mail between bridgeit kelly and the governor's chief of staff and yourself. >> same answer. >> bridget kelly is now former chief of staff and fired woi by governor christie. the governor said she lied to him about it and after his lengthy news conference and he went to fort lee to personally apologize to the citizen and the mayor who accepts christie's
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denials he was involved. >> i take him for his word which he had nothing to do with it. >> more hearings are on issue. and more subpeonas could be issued for members of the christie administration compelling them to testify. >> this is not -- thank you. we expect more on this today. nany moment we'll get a thousand pages. ndecember jobby report described as dismal and raising new questions about the real strength of the u.s. economy. >> and a truck driver survives eight gruelling hours in sub0 temperatures thanks to a devoted and determined wife. >> i thought about you know our kids and grandkids, and that we just had christmas, and i was just thankful he was still alive. [ bottle ] okay, listen up!
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i'm here to get the lady of the house back on her feet. [ all gasp ] oj, veggies you're cool. mayo? corn dogs? you are so outta here! aah! 'cause i'm re-workin' the menu, keeping her healthy and you on your toes. [ female announcer ] the complete balanced nutrition of great-tasting ensure. 24 vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and 9 grams of protein. i see you, cupcake! uh-oh! [ bottle ] the number one doctor recommended brand. ensure®. nutrition in charge™.
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survivoral story. sub0 temperatures in indiana, a truck driver went under the truck to fix a froze ep brake. no one heard his cries for help. his wife called and called and the vibration of the phone caused it to fallout of his pocket and he used the voice activation to make one call and set in motion his rescue. >> i remember saying who of this is. whafr you do don't hang up the phone. if you hang up the phone, it is going to be my last chance to talk to anybody. >> i thought about our kids and grandkids and that we just had christmas, and i was just
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thankful he was still alive. >> wow. >> he's now heading home to florida saying he is a little numb, butoc. one more hour in the cold was likely killed him. it was sub0 temperatures and wind chill. >> it is bad enough being outside but trapped underneath the truck. >> true story. president obama promised to get to the bottom of it that the irs was targeting tea party groups. fox news said the groups are only now hearing for the fbi, some eight months later as the justice department comes under fire for appointing a obama campaign donor to head the agency's criminal investigation. >> david, thank you so much for being here. the washington times is reporting this week it is now eight months later.
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we learned these revelations about the tea party applications slow rolled in may and this month for the first time some of the tea party are contacted by the fbi. why the delay? >> it is an outrage. to be honest with you, when i served as a chief investigator for the government and oversaw all of the clinton investigations in the 90s. this is what we saw routinely. lou free went to capitol hill and demanded that the white house stop appointing. and janet reno stop appointing the criminal division and career appointees that are part of the clinton administration. we had this fight inside congress and the fbi director doing it. but at the same time, we had a vibrant and aggressive oversight, meaning our committee, run by bill clinger
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and dan burton ran aggressive investigations in the house and they ran aggressive investigations in the senate and lead by mike chertoff and then became secretary of homeland security. we had serious investigations going on in congress. we don't have that today. that is the solution. one of the solutions. we need aggressive oversight in congress. and to have a career prosecutor, who knows better. she should refuse herself under the rules of being a lawyer or prosecutor at the department of justice, she ought to stand up and say i have been the appearance of impropriority and that is enough for me to give up the job and have somebody who doesn't have that. >> you are talking about barbara bosserman who it was discovered to give more than six thnt thousand -- 6,000 to obama
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campaign. they have to leave her in the post? >> look, i understand eric holder's excuses, he's had one after the other on this and on benghazi and fast and furious. you name the investigation, eric holder will find a reason not to conduct it. however, it is the lawyer bosserman who should step forward and do the right thing as a lawyer under her rules as a lawyer at the department of justice. the appearance. just the appearance of a conflict of interest is enough for me to step aside. it is the right thing to do so she is not tainted. look, she is probably a honorable lawyer in the department of justice but she will be dragged through the mud in the next few months. >> thanks for your perspective on this story. >> there are brand new developments in the case of a diplomat in a middle of a cop
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troversy between india and the united states. there is breaking news on what we are doing now. we'll bring it to you. >> and don't invite justin bieber and his neighbor to the same party. >> we'll tell you about the latest problems with the super star and it is all caught on camera. >> i see you. (inaudible) >> come over here. k is still . so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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>> checking the headlines, three american, dead after a military plane crashes in afghanistan. it was flying a night time mission when it crashed. no word what caused the crash. there was no indication of enemy fire. >> and shipwrecked constaconcordia will be taken to a port to be dismantled. it was a salvage effort. january 13th will mark the anniversary of the grounding that killed 32. also. remember -- >> where's the beef? wendy's kind of people never ask where's the beef. >> i don't think anybody is there? >> hard to believe it is 30 years since we first heard the iconic phrase where's the beef?
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wendy's commercial first appeared on this day in 1984, the catch phrase even used in a political campaign by walter mondale in a '87 presidential election. >> 30 years later, where's the beef? >> and i think you may be treading dangerous territory bill hemmer. >> got to keep it clean. send us a tweet@bill hemmer and to me@alisyn camerota. and i look forward to the colorful responses. >> where is the beef. and remember the lady in the end of the stage with the russian swimsuit. evening bath and swim bath. >> i do remember that. new unemployment numbers that could create political headaches for the white house and opportunities for republicans. u.s. employers adding only
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74,000 jobs. they expected 200,000. >> and jobless rate falling from 6.7 percent and that dropped because americans have dropped out of the labor force. and on top of this, negotiations have broken down loving long- term unemployed in financial limbo. we'll debate all of this. author of juliero beginsky. and i will give them the first question to my esteemed colleague. >> julie, why is it not getting any better? it was a down day. >> first of all let me say that i remember that wendy's commercial and it was i am feeling old. >> thank you, you are scoring a point though. and the reason it is not getting any better. it is getting marginally better and months that are good and better. but over all not recovering as quickly as possible. and i don't think that washington is doing enough to
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create jobs. the jobs bill is sitting there three years that kong refuses to pass. >> they say it is moving in the house but not picked up in the senate. where are the pro economic policies? >> here's the problem. sorry. >> they are not there. here's the problem, the answer that julie couldn't give you. there is no confidence in america. consumer consumption makes up for 56 percent of america's gdp. small businesses who create half of america's private sector jobs are scared to death and they don't trust the president or boehner or mcconnell and so when you have a confidence problem, everybody is going to stay on the sidelines and try to ride out the storm. that's the problem. and bill, you have the right question. where are the policies that create confidence. >> julie build on that. as you know, democrats and president decided that their theme before the midterm is
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income inequality and extension of unemployment benefits. when you get a job's report, does that help that case or hurt that case? >> i want to say i agree about the crisis in confidence and people are disgusted by that on both sides of the aisle. and unemployment extension is a bigger priority now, we can see the long- term unemployed are not getting jobs. there are jobs applicants. >> and so one more second. why wasn't the president talking about a job's program? >> he had a job's program out there for 3 or 4 years and the house refuses to vote on it. he was talking about it ad- nauseam. and he proposes something and congress refuses to pass or debate it, it is a problem. >> to alisyn's question where is the president today?
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>> i am asking ken. ken is talking about american confident, this is an opportunity to come and instill confident in american business based on this number today. >> that's exactly right, and he's not going to do it. i don't think he knows how to do. it he will sit down with the small business people and say here's what i will do. we'll stim out your confident and your ability to grow your business and thus hire people. and sit down and look at housing market. housing is a enormous catalyst to seeing the jobs and economy boom. it is hanging out here and it is not recovering. he has to talk to the american people and say this is what we are going to do as a joint power here with congress and the white house, and the talking points that julie is citing. it is an agenda based talking point and not a solutions- based
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activity. >> with all due respect. he's not just the emperror here. the house is controlled by the republicans. they want it will passed they can pass. it and it addresses the issue that the president put forward. he can't get it done because party is not allowing him to do it. >> last word, quickly. >> the american people don't buy it is all congress's fault. >> i don't think that is their thing. >> we'll have you guys back to debate all of this. julie and ken, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> and fox news alert. the state department saying that a u.s. diplomat will leave india after the government demanded expulsion in retaliation for the arrest and search of a indian diplomat here in the new york. they were given clearance by the state department and return to
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her country after being indicted for lying about her housekeeper's wages on a visaa apmriidation. the senior advisor and author of the book smart power. welcome back here. so there is a development and the u.s. government sending someone home in exchange of this woman. what are we to make of this now? >> it is the e what was an ugly diplomatic tift with india. this started off as an arrest and there was a problemicable cause to think lied on a federal form and mistreating her domestic employee and paying her less than minimum wage. we have all diplomats in washington and un and consulates and a round the u.s. not everyone has full diplomatic immunity. there are different immountainity. and so she was subject to u.s.
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court jurisdiction. they found a way out of that and she has gone home. >> i don't know if this is the end. energy secretary cancelling a trip to india and what did india do, shut down a swimming pool for americans who used the pool in new deli. you would think that that government is immature in all of this. >> they did much worse in closing off the swimming poll. they removed security barriers a round the american embassy. that is childish behavior. india is an independent country for 65 years but still is got a chip on their shoulder and looking for slights. they should have been more circumspect. she did violate the law and she was trying to import indian's cast system in the united states. and we have to be on lockout for that. diplomats can do a lot of wrong on that side.
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>> if she goes home and the u.s. makes a move in new deli, you think that is where the matter ends and it is settled? >> i think so. i think it is an effort, the way they got out of this was to accredit her to the un. she was previous just a consulate official in new york. and handled birth certificates. and they increased her immunity and removing the court's jurisdiction. and both governments reallied it was getting out of hand. and there is a question why an example was made of this woman as opposed as a chinese and russian, and so i think it is an effort to put it behind us. >> christian, thank you for your time, we'll see where that goes. >> thank you, bill. >> you bet. disturbing developments in
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afghanistan's president defying a u.s. request again. hammid karzi saying his country going to release dozens of prisoners whom the u.s. considers a security threat. this is a latest turn as america draws its forces down over there. we have michael here, great to see you. there are 72 prisoners in afghanistan that the u.s. believes are dangerous. hammid karzi said there is no
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evidence that they are dangerous and he will release them. what does this is a about the relationship? >> it is a symptom of a broader problem of what is a weak exit strategy and exit strategy are left to the last-minute and not considered when we go in the conflict as the post conflict plan we saw in iraq. it is a big problem. i spent two years in afghanistan and we were looking over the political and lives and development and the single thing that plagued all three was corruption. mainly due to narcotics and a issue with loyalty. in 1992 coalition went in iraq a lot of the iraqis pledged allegeance with the forces. when they withdrew, saddam hussein purse cuted those iraqis. it was a transfer of power and there is a serious issue with the way the afghan is loyal to
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coalition forces versus feetherring their nest for the next ten years. and they will make sure they have a relationship with the taliban. >> it feels with the prisoner release that he is sticking it to the u.s. adeleigation of senators went to appeal to hammid karzi saying we believe that they are involved in the wounding or killing of u.s. troops. we take that personally. and so him to release them feels as though this is a personal affront to the u.s. >> i can understand why the administration feels that at the moment. but look at two extremes. this is one extreme releasing them without charging them and the other extreme as guantanamo bay you are holding people without being charged under ambiggous and hazy rules that the administration seem to be making up on a whim. it is two extremes of the argument and somewhere in the middle there is a balance rain.
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i can see why it is taken personally. >> i will ask you about revelations about stan tan in former defense secretary robert gates. he writes about president obama does not trust his commander there and can't stand hammid karzi and doesn't believe in his own strategy and doesn't consider the war to be his. >> what do you make of that revelation? >> those are strong words and it is fair to say the war was not started by obama. and it was not his. this is a broader problem with the invading different countries occupying different countries this forms again part of the bigger problem that the west has to understand, that it takes a couple of weeks to take out a economic and political framework but decades to rejuvenate that and this is a wider symptom of the fighting of insurgency.
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we have vietnam and russians in afghanistan in the '80s and what happened in iraqi and what is happening in afghanistan. it is not an easy job for a commander. >> what is the answer now in afghanistan? >> we have to look at what is going on in iraq. we know parts of fallujah was retaken and people are pointing to the asspects that the administration withdrew either prematurely or necessarily a contingent of troops left in the country. i think we have to look at what is going on there to shape a proper exit. i don't think leaving 20,000 troops in afghanistan will make it easier. it did not beat back the taliban at all. we have to look at the way we look at occupations and exit strategies. it is complex. >> thank you. it sure is. bill? >> ally, time to check in with
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gretchen to find out what is happen negligent real story. >> chris christy bridge blockade, and details for you. and one insurance company seeing older and sicker people signing up for obama care and 68 percent of the uninsured and the reason for the whole law haven't logged on to a obama care exchange. post man fires an national guardsman for excessive military absence. can he get his job back? >> is the beibs a bad neighbor? you be the judge. and 30 years since we we heard the iconic question on the wendy's commercial where's the beef? you tell us three decades later where is the beef? send us your tweets we'll get to them in minutes. ♪ why's the beef? . where's the beef.
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pop sensation justin bieber facing serious accusations of a vicious egg attack. bieber lives in an exclusive gated community near los angeles. last night the people were called to bieber's neighborhood over an egging incident. listen to this heated exchange believed to be between bieber and a neighbor. >> i see you. i see you. hey [ bleep ]. >> i've got another one for you. >> with us from our los angeles bureau to explain what on earth we're seeing there. hi, william. >> hi, allie.
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money can by many things but maturity is not one of them. what tmz called a vicious egg attack. the 19-year-old millionaire justin bieber regressed from streetwise rapper to juvenile delinquent allegedly by egging his neighbor's house. l.a. county sheriff's deputies did show up to biebs exclusive community in calabasas after the singer allegedly threw two dozen eggs at his neighbor who he doesn't like because the neighbor calls the cops whenever this canadian immigrant has a loud party or speeds around in his ferrari. the neighbor claims he heard a noise and went out on the balcony to see bieber below hurling eggs at the house. when he told the biebs to stop, the pop star pelted him. here is the cell phone recording from last night's attack given to tmz. >> you're a big [ bleep ] aren't you? >> oh, my god. >> you're a big -- come back over here you little -- >> now, this is not the first time the boy wonder has gotten
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in trouble in the tony suburb of calabasas. last year the same neighbor said the biebs spat in his face after confronting him over speeding in the neighborhood. prosecutors dismissed the case because they couldn't confirm it was bieber's spit. local city councilman claims the cops will treat the mega star like the minions who buy his music. >> i feel all citizens should be treated equally regardless of whether they are a celebrity or somebody nobody knows. we're hopeful they are all going to behave and act appropriately in our community. >> reporter: now, the sheriff's office would not confirm to us that bieber is a suspect or if they have spoken to him. damage is around $400, which is about the price of one of his concert ticket. we contacted the biebs peeps and they have not got back to us. >> i am picking up all the
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we'll even send you this free calculator. call: now. why wait? >> the moment you've all been waiting for. we asked you to tell us where's the beef? >> you answered. >> j. tweets, "it's gone. bloomberg banned it. >> it's been taxed to death. >> the beef is in the pudding. play on words. >> kelly says, who knew 30 years ago we'd be more worried about finding pork. >> that's great. people basically behave themselves. >> you were very concerned. >> i had some fears about the question you posed.
11:00 am
>> i had faith in our viewers and they delivered. >> i didn't give enough credit. >> we'll put on our evening. >> thanks for watching i'm alisyn camerota. >> "the real story" starts now. we start with a fox news alert. hi, everyone. i'm gretchen carlson. stunning new numbers on target's whopping security breach. now we're learning the whole thing is much bigger than we originally thought. target saying 70 million shoppers, almost a quarter of all americans may be affected, 30 million more than she said a few weeks ago. hackers didn't just get credit and debit card information now hearing phone numbers, e-mails, home addresses, all potentially compromised. one year to identity theft protection to any customer who signs up in the next three months. the breach affected even me. this past fda
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