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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  January 10, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

6:00 pm and remember, the spin stops here because we are definitely looking out. welcome to "the kelly file," i'm megyn kelly live in new york city. tonight. >> breaking in a kelly file investigation, the administration taking new heat tonight after offering a big job at justice to the man who volunteered to help out a cop killer. tonight, see what has now turned up. plus, we'll show you one iraq vet's bird's eye view on the fight in fallujah, as we weigh in, on the fight in that city. and now, the mother of the toddler in this disturbing video
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speaks out for the first time. from the world headquarters at fox news, it is "the kelly file" with megyn kelly. good evening tonight, everybody, we start with a stunning new jobs report revealing an alarming new first. as the number of americans that could be working but are not hits an all-time record low. a new report reveals that 92 million americans, nearly a third of the country could be in the labor force but are not. 92 million. in just december, more than half a million americans gave up looking for work. and the implications of that are not good, not good for them or this country. melissa francis is host of "money," and mark teesen is a fellow at the american enterprise institute. melissa, i'll start with you, the business guru on this, the december job numbers were bad, bad by any standard, but the
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more significant number that came out is the number of people who gave up. put it in perspective. >> i mean, it is an enormous number. these are people who have just gone to the sidelines and totally given up. they have said i can't find a job, i may as well not look anymore. the baby boomers are only a tiny fraction of these folks. these are just a lot of people who have gone out there and said it doesn't make sense for me to work anymore. maybe it is not profitable for me to. >> mark, we've heard from the president that the focus of his second term is going to be income inequality, income inequality, which he believes is a threat to the american dream. these numbers and the people who have given up on finding a job in this economy prove that he is right. that it is a threat to the american dream. but that begs the question of who is responsible? >> well, income inequality is not a threat to the american dream, because for example, if you were a ceo and i was a
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factory worker and both of us got an increase in our income, income inequality would increase, but we would both be making more money. the problem is, the factory worker is on unemployment because he can't find a job. the problem is that the economic recovery policies of the obama administration are not working. the main problem in this country is not that the social safety net is too generous, it is that too many people need the social safety net. this is the work economic situation since the great depression, you have millions of americans who are dependent on government who don't want to be dependent on government. one third of the meamerican people, stunning statistics, one third of the american people have slipped below the poverty line. think about that. people want the dignity of work. they want opportunity and they can't have that in the obama economy. >> look at this, that has not
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been that bad, melissa, the work participation rate has not been this bad since 1978. >> no, and what is really interesting is that the president's pet issue, which is this income inequality actually got worse in the monday of december this deep in his administration. the stock market had its best year in 18 years, that is because of the federal reserve's policies, because of washington policies. that has made the rich so much richer. at the same time, when you look at the employment numbers this month, the number of hours worked fell. that means that people who actually have a job, more of them were part time. wages were stagnant, and the number of temporary workers went up. >> but the president wants to blame the rich, people are putting their money in the market, there is no way to make money, given that you don't make interest on your money. here is what i want to point out. the statistics are terrible for the united states of america, it is not just your neighbor's
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problem if your neighbor is unemployed. it is a huge risk factor for divorce to be long-time unemployed and to withdraw from the work force. worse than the loss of a spouse in terms of stress level. significant increase in death rates in the year after you become unemployed and don't want to be. two times more likely to experience depression, low self-esteem, it negatively affects some parenting practice. children often become distressed. and on and on it goes, mark. these numbers are more than oh, let's give them some temporary unemployment. and we'll solve their problem. they need jobs. >> that is exactly right, the worst statistic, there was a rutger's university study, six in ten americans think that the american economy has undergone a permanent change, this is the new normal. can you imagine if people think this is what normal is like? we have got to change the policies. >> if you look at the jobs that
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disappeared, it is the manufacturing jobs is th s that away. there are millions of computer jobs because people don't have the training. there is a shift in the jobs people are trained for and we're not going to find more jobs. >> and what then? on to the government dole? >> i disagree that the new normal should be 92 million people out of the work force. i mean, we have to find a way to create training and opportunity and jobs for the american people. and not blame people -- i mean, the big problem we need to be worried about is republicans can't fall into the trap of mitt romney and the 47% comment and say we're a nation of moochers and can't take care of themselves, people don't grow up saying i don't want to take care of myself. they grow up wanting to be a fireman -- >> sounds like mark is getting ready to run. i got to run. >> thanks megyn.
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and also tonight, a story out of colorado where senator mark udall is under pressure tonight amid suggestions that his office pressured the colorado division of insurance to cook the books to change the numbers so that it would look like fewer people had been cancelled, thanks to obama care, than had in fact been cancelled. now, we have obtained the actual e-mail exchanges between the staffers, as the senator's office insists to the kelly file that the numbers were misleading. and joining us now, he had his own insurance cancelled and is demanding answers from the colorado insurance commissioner. thank you for joining us. >> thanks. >> what is it that senator udall's office did. >> apparently, when the colorado insurance office said people had their insurance policies because of obamacare cancelled he started pushing back, using his
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office, using his staff to push back in what was called and described as a very hostile way, with these employees at the division of insurance trying to get them to change the numbers. >> we have the e-mails that one -- there is the director of external affairs, jo donlon who works for the division of insurance in colorado, she wrote, hey, senator udall says our numbers are wrong. they are not wrong, cancellation notices affected over 200,000 people, they want to trash our numbers, i'm holding strong while we get more details and then she goes on. and then she later writes an e-mail to her colleagues saying following my e-mail i received a very hostile e-mail from the deputy chief of staff. happy friday, is this inappropriate meddling? or is this the senator's office just trying to correct what it believes is misleading
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information? because they say a lot of people didn't get totally cancelled they got cancelled with a renewal offer. >> well, the president's promise if you like your health care plan you get to keep it didn't come with an expiration date. now, senator udall voted for the health care bill. i understand why he is concerned that this could hurt his election in 2014. there is a difference between calling up an office and saying hey, are these the right numbers versus a hostile phone call, and the employee staying we're standing strong. this was clearly an attempt to use the office, to use the staff to pressure a public policy maker to use the insurance and cancelling. i think it raises questions about abuse of power. >> the cancellation notices were coming in, the larger picture is, and the pressure was mounting on the democrats who voted for the law from their home states. why did you vote for it and say
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i can keep my plan until there was pushback from his offers saying there were not that many cancellations. how unusual is it to have the united states senator's office call up the division and start pushing them to change their messaging? >> well, i think it is highly suspect and highly unusual, and while they're trying to down play, we're just trying to verify the numbers, at the same time they were panicking and using legislation to hide the problem that was created by his vote for obamacare. what we're dealing with here is a question of bullying and we need to get to the bottom of it. >> and senator udall's office says look, only 13,000 plans were cancelled with the option to renew, so the numbers were misleading and they say they were basically just correcting the record. listen, thank you for joining us with your perspective. coming up, an angry letter being sent to the president over a controversial doj nominee who volunteered to help this
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convicted cop killer. we'll show you who is behind the new complaints tonight and we will speak live with the naacp about their support for the president's pick. plus, we got a dramatic bird's eye view of the fight for fallujah, straight from an iraq vet, who was awarded the silver star for valor. he weighs in next on who is responsible for al-qaeda now taking over the city in which he lost friends and comrades. [ male announcer ] you'll only find advil, the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant in a single pill. advil congestion relief. about the most track-tested is ever... but the truth is... we don't have to. the experts have spoken.
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did well, we have new reports that al-qaeda-linked fighters have dug into the key city in iraq, fallujah, these are new images showing the convoy and vehicles just outside of fallujah, once a major battleground for our troops, and many of them died. and now, the al-qaeda flag reportedly flies over the city. this was the scene, watch here, back in 2004.
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our next guest took that video. he fought in that battle you just saw and is one of the many veterans now asking what they were fighting for nearly ten years ago, given what we see today. joining me now, he spent six years in the army and was awarded the silver star for his role in helping in fallujah. thank you for your service, and your reaction seeing the al-qaeda flags over the city you and your comrades so bravely fought to win. >> it rips my heart out. it absolutely rips my heart out. every page we took in november was paid for. and the blood that was spilled. that is hallowed soil, to me, to the families who just had another christmas holiday without their baby boys home.
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it is almost ten years. i mean, could you imagine ten years after the normandy beaches were secured, to fly a nazi flag over the beaches of normandy. i think the veterans should be outraged and the veterans of fallujah should be outraged over this. >> and you know, we had a president elected by a strong margin made clear when he was running, the following, listen to the campaign trail just before he was elected. >> four years ago, i said we would end the war in iraq, and we did, four years ago i said we would end the war in afghanistan, and we are. and today, al-qaeda is on the run and osama bin laden is dead. >> your thoughts? >> you know, megyn, the enemy that took over fallujah and is
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occupying ramadi right now, they took over a city on the border, which means this province right now, they were fighting the assad regime in syria. and this is the very people that this president appealed to the american, not only the congress but to the american people that we should intervene on their behalf. he wanted to take the assad regime out and help these fighters that are now in anbar province, causing the issues we're seeing in iraq right now. the leadership vacuum of the united states military has been filled by iran. and that is why these sunni tribes don't want to fight for the malaki government because they don't want to support iran. we were a buffer to the ayatollahs there, and all we asked for was a standard force
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of agreement. and that would have eliminated what we see in the anbar province. >> and the amnesty broke down for political reasons, but let me ask you this, the president seemed to argue all along when he was running for re-election, iraq was the war he didn't agree wi with, that was sort of the bad war. he was going to fight the people who attacked us on 9/11 by seeing afghanistan through. and now, we pulled out. we didn't leave behind forces and we're seeing al-qaeda claim the cities that you guys fought for. what does that feel like as somebody who actually saw your comrades die, to be told that that was the bad war and that we're not going to go back in and fight or at least support the gains you want? >> you know, you talk about some of the decorations of people earning combat. those kids that have purple
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hearts, megyn, they earn their awards every single day they wake up in the morning. when they have limbs that are gone, these families, these gold star parents that lost their sons, every single day their earn that award. and let me tell you, to be told that you fought in a bad war, how can you support the troops? you know, this president loves to use us as cgi green screen backgrounds when it comes to giving out best actor awards. we're always the prop that shows up for all of these wonderful little pr events. how can you support us if you call the very action and the war that we fought in the bad war? i don't appreciate that. i don't accept that. it is repugnant to me, quite frankly. and all the families that we've spoken to. you know, you talked about the amnesty deal. it also broke down under the bush administration when they were dealing with iraq. and he managed to get 175,000 americans amnesty because he had a will to get it done.
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and all we need is the will. and you know, if this president wants us to believe that he supports us then you don't make comments about wars being bad or good. i understand you were against this war, mr. president, but you're still the commander-in-chief. we're going for follow you and give our lives under your command. we just ask you to at least do your part and stand behind us and the blood sacrifice we gave for this nation. >> understood, thank you so much, staff sergeant. they don't just hand out the bronze stars and awards, we thank you for your service. >> thank you, ma'am, i appreciate it. and up next, wait until you hear what is happening when many try to see a doctor. and wait until you see one of the nation's largest insurance companies and what they're saying about how the rollout is going right now. plus, the latest attacks
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against governor chris christie are well, a few surprises in terms of who is coming to his defense. >> first of all, the liberals are just foaming at the mouth. this is like porn for them, they're so excited to finally get at this guy. [ police radio, indistinct ]
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. ten days into the obamacare official start, many insurers and consumers are not happy. joining me now, an insurance industry insider and former insurance executive. why. >> well, the insurance companies and consumers have been handed a bad deal here. was severely broken -- >> well, we knew all that. what is the latest? >> well, the latest is because
6:25 pm is broken, now as people try to get their insurance bills and get them paid and go to the doctor, that sort of thing. call their insurance company's 800 number, they're not getting good service. >> is it happening? do you have specific examples? >> well, there are plenty of examples in the press. today there was a los angeles times article that documented the services. the fundamental problem, most of the enrollment came through in december, it takes the insurance companies two to three weeks to process in a normal time. so they haven't had the amount of time they need to enroll, they are not able to reconcile the information they get from they're -- >> jay carney said today he believes the administration has aggressively addressed the so-called back end issues of the website, that the website is being repaired. and he says of the 1.1 million individuals enrolled in the private insurance, only 13,000
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are problematic. >> i'm hearing from health plans upwards of 5% of the latest enrollments are still coming through with data problems. i'm hearing that they have a number of things that have not been corrected from earlier enrollments. they can't do a reconciliation with the federal government because there is no system to reconcile the federal data and the insurance company data. >> because they're still doing it by hand? >> that is right, and they can't do what is called adds and deletes. for example, if somebody has a baby, can't put the new baby on the health care plan. if somebody has a big cut in pay and therefore are entitled to a bigger subsidy, can't grant them the subsidy. they can't do any changes. >> and the insurance giant, humana is now blaming for an adverse mix of enrollees, saying it is unbalanced thanks to the
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president's so-called fix, where he said if you like your health care plan you can keep it. that, according to the expert, he told me a couple of weeks ago when the insurance pool is unbalanced and you have too many sick people and not enough healthy, that could be the beginning of the death spiral, which basically means the end of obamacare. is it just humana? are other health insurance companies saying that? >> well, what is going on here, they signed up about 2 million people. there are 20 million people eligible for the program, they signed up less than 10% for the uninsured. there is no way you can probably have a sustainable risk pool until you get to probably 70% of the people. so they are off to a very bad start in terms of having a sustainable risk pool here. the fundamental problem is that many people uninsured here today are passing on buying the insurance because it costs them too much of their after-tax income, and they're looking at
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deductibles of $20,000, $40,000, people are saying the value is not here. so far, we can only be sure we have the sick uninsured signing up. this thing is not sustainable. they have a lot to prove here. >> that is the death spiral. bob, thank you. >> good seeing you. >> likewise. >> and the president's controversial choice for the doj's top spot continues. we have more on the complaints about the man who now has been nominated to head up the civil right's doj position, who once volunteered to help this convicted cop killer. we'll speak with the naacp on why to group is supporting the nominee. plus, brand-new developments in the caught on camera case of a toddler being taught some disturbing lessons. just ahead, that child's mother is now talking. emily's just starting out... and on a budget. like a ramen noodle- every-night budget.
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. new developments on the controversy at theof justice. the president receiving yet another very angry letter from a police group over his decision to nominate this man, debo adegbile for a top spot at the department of justice to head up the civil rights division. the reason folks are angry about this is because debo adegbile volunteered to help out this man, mumia abu jamal, who was convicted of murdering a police officer, daniel faulkner, in cold blood, was said to have stood over him and shot five additional shots. the attorney working for him at the legal defense fund at the time he volunteered his services, now he is up for this top post. in a minute, we'll be joined by
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katie pavlich, first, we have a chance to talk to the senior vice president for advocacy. no question you don't always agree with the client us represent. but you also get to decide which cases you take, unless it is assigned. this case was not assigned to debo adegbile. it was not assigned to him. he volunteered to defend a cop killer. that is actually what happened here. so explain to the viewers why they should get behind this guy on this nomination. >> so first, just let me say our hearts and prayers continue to go out to the faulkner family. it is a shame in our country when we lose a dedicated public servant, as dedicated as he has been. our hearts are broken. our legal system is adversarial,
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and you are expected to make sure that both sides of the cases are heard. and indeed, not only do we determine whether somebody is guilty or innocent but also make sure that indeed the punishment is consistent with our justice system. >> right, but he didn't have to take the case and then he took the case and essentially got this guy's sentence reduced from a death penalty to life in prison. and actually argued to the court that the conviction, that his conviction should be overturned. a man who you know, the defendant in this case has never publicly stated that he didn't do it. and in fact according to witnesses admitted he did do it. there were eyewitnesses who saw him standing over the cop, shooting him in the face as he died on the sidewalk just trying to make an arrest of the defendant's brother. and so people out there say all right, i get that man deserved a defense. but the man who chose to defend him doesn't have to run our doj
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civil rights division. >> let me say first, debo adegbile is an extremely well qualified lawyer. he is somebody who indeed is an american success story. his family at one time was homeless and was able to rise above the circumstances and become a very well accomplished lawyer. and it is somebody who has served the public interest in all of his career. so clearly he could go into other areas of the law and make a lot of money. even now he is senior counsel to the senior judiciary committee somebody who deserves this -- >> there are some reports out there, i have not independently confirmed these, that he was deemed unqualified for a position on the federal bench by the american bar association, and his -- so his nomination never went forward. but even the aba found him unqualified. >> i have never heard that before. nor have we seen it as it has gone through the vetting process. so i think we may want to look a
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little deeper into that to see how accurate it is. >> absolutely, i have not confirmed it. it just is out there being reported. >> i have known mr. debo adegbile for a long time and watched his career grow, and watched him make sure justice is served. quite frankly he is the best candidate that i have ever known. he has tried more cases before the supreme court more successfully and done extraordinarily well. >> but getting back to the controversy at hand, i mean, you have these cop organizations coming out saying this is a thumb in the eye of our nation's law enforcement, demonstrating a total lack of regard for everybody who strives to keep everybody in our nation safe. and others talk about the anger, and incredulity, saying that this nomination, representing him, have turned the justice
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system on its head with unfounded allegations of racism. and that is why the police organizations who speak for the fallen officer say this is not the man. >> keep in mind that debo adegbile actually argued a case before the judge. and it was the judge who actually made those decisions. but again, he is someone who is eminentally qualified for this position. >> you don't have a problem with this and believe in his overall career. >> i think he is in very good company. as you know, john adams in our history very ably represented british soldiers after the war. and john roberts represented a serial killer in florida. so indeed, we expect our good lawyers to represent a person in their defense, our democracy deserves no less. >> mr. shelton, thank you for joining us. >> it is a pleasure to be with you. >> the administration now received a series of letter's from different police groups angry. the letter represented more than
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3,000 sheriffs across the country. katie pavlich has more. >> this is just a man who did what a lawyers do, represent an unpopular client but has had a stellar career as a legal advocate. >> i think it is very important to distinguish that mr. debo adegbile did not represent mr. jamal during the guilt/innocence phase. he started to represent him after his conviction was upheld by 11 judges. so he voluntarily went out and sought this case. not only did he seek the case, but the naacp legal defense fund took on his cause which separates him from being a regular attorney. and one of the most important things i think that people need to know, this man has been nominated to head the civil rights division in the department of justice. in that position, as the assistant attorney general, that person is responsible for
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ultimately determining which cases are brought against police officers and law enforcement agencies throughout the country. and here we have this nominee who not only you know, volunteered for this position, but was successful in overturning the death sentence of a convicted cop killer whose sentencing was upheld 11 to him -- >> but doesn't that speak to him, saying you got a good argument and the death sentence should be overturned? does that not validate this attorney? >> the issue is why he took on the case in the first place. so this way in his testimony, mr. debo adegbile, i apologize for mispronouncing his name, he testified in front of congress, asked about this case and made the case that they took it on based on a legal issue. but when you look back at the video and look at the rallies and look at the printed notes
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from the naacp legal defense fund at the time that they were representing abu jamal, race was the key issue. you have one of the attorneys appointed under his leadership during the 2011 event introducing a new legal team saying it is an absolute honor to represent mumia jamal, we are doing this on behalf of the naacp legal defense fund solely ba based on the fact that this absolutely has to do with race. so again, going back to what the fraternal order of police are saying, this is based on false allegations and this is a man who is going to be charged with bringing cases against police officers across the country. >> some of the defenders claim this was a black/white thing because the cop was white. and they claim he was racist in the arrest, in any event that is totally unproven. there is no evidence of that whatsoever and of course the guy was convicted. but the reason they got the
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death extension commuted to life, they believe the jury was not instructed properly. and up next, the disturbing video now getting attention, the child's mother now giving her side, wait until you hear this. plus the story behind the doting father that has everyone talking. tell us what you think of this. send us a tweet @megynkelly or a comment at "the kelly file." weeknights are for favorites. olive garden's signature favorites now just $10. including everyone's favorite fettuccine alfredo and our classic lasagna. plus uimited soup or salad, and warm breadsticks. signature favorites nojust ten dollars, mondhrough thursday, at olive garden. i'm bethand i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card.
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ask your dermatologist about humira, today. clearer skin is possible. kelly file follow-up for you now, the mother of the teachodd in this video that we have been showing you has now been speaking out and making shocking allegations. trace gallagher has more. >> reporter: the video of this child runs a minute and 20 seconds, and in this time he says 13 obscenities and holds up his middle finger, as well as using racial slurs, and the people in the video make racial slurs and representations. >> you a ho. >> you a ho. >> what is up then?
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>> now the child's 16-year-old mother is speaking out saying she was not involved in that video and that she is a good mom and that authorities did not take her son away because of the video but because her family had some run-ins with gangs. she went on to say here, he is a smart little boy. all that cussing he did, somebody told him to do that, he doesn't do it, somebody told him to do it, i don't allow it. but critics have gone out protesting the use of the word "thug." one here in nebraska saying it is very disconcerts to have officers use racially charged language. officers should be able to build a culture where everybody is comfortable in calling law enforcement. of course, the officer on the video said thug is a common word used there. >> and co-host of "fox and
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friends," david web is associate editor, and a former aide to senator chuck schumer. so let me start with you, david, the mother basically dismissing it as a nonstory, even though the child and the mother and two others have been removed from the home which has been the focus of law enforcement repeatedly. >> before you even get to this, you have a 16-year-old mother, which is essentially a child raising the child, and the facts matter before you even get to the video. you have a june visit, neglect, is the charge. four months later somebody shoots up the home and grazes the child's foot. later, the police arrest the mother and take 15 people in a raid. five guns are found in the home. this is what is tragic about children raising children. it is already a bad enough environment. and to the charge of thug, are you kidding me? thug is not a racially charged word. this is not a racial issue, this is an issue of bad parenting. she is in charge of access to
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this child. she is in charge of the people around this child, and clearly, she is irresponsible and incapable of performing the role of a parent here. >> the grandmother had been in charge but she got arrested and was taken away to jail. >> she was 13 years old when she got pregnant. why is nebraska not teaching its kids about sex? >> let's be honest, nebraska doesn't require sex ed. this is a 13-year-old girl getting pregnant, let's be honest here, and this is what happens when kids have kids, it is a real problem that needs to be addressed. >> i don't know if it is nebraska's fault. >> oh -- >> there are -- there are a lot of kids who have children at a very young age, unfortunately. and they don't wind up in this situation. >> uh-huh. >> i mean, the omaha police department or police union is trying to shine a light on the situation that they think needs addressing. >> the idea that this happens, that we don't talk about sex
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enough is ludicrous to the point of amusing. this is partly because of the breakdown of the family, as terrifying as the old patriarchal system is, this is worse. >> can we shift gears? this is a nice video of a dad gone viral with his two daughters, he is doing his one daughter's hair and has his other daughter there. i love what he said, i have a dream that people will view a picture like this and not think it is such a big deal. why is it such a big deal? >> i'm a great father, tucker is a great father, dave will probably be a great father. >> this is the story everybody should take heart, look at the first story and second story, the second story is a man who took time off from his job, a stay at home father taking care of his kids. that happens around america,
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people doing that for their family. this is a case of a man standing up for basic values. >> i totally disagree. i have three daughters, men should not get involved in their girl's hair. >> it is beautiful hair. don't go away. we'll be right back after this break. begins with a surprisewinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ and shift through all eight speeds of a transmission connected to more standard horsepower than its german competitors. and that is the moment that driving the lexus gs will shift your perception. this is the pursuit of perfection. became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪
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raksaw new reaction from an interesting corner tonight after new jersey governor chris christie apologized for the george washington bridge scandal. watch this. >> people die because of this -- >> no, no, no, wait, let's back up. first of all, the liberals are just foaming at the mouth. this is like porn for them. they're so excited to finally get to this guy, some of them are accusing him of murder
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already, it is like easy, big fellow. >> look at that, chris harrison hosts "the bachelor." gutfeld just said he outed himself as a nonliberal. >> i have to say, though, it may be a little back wards. i am shocked by the number of liberals who came out and either supported chris christie and refused to pile on. >> why is that? >> they suspect that chris christie doesn't like them. they think he is a liberal. and it is like you shouldn't use government to crush your political opponents. >> i'm not going to jump on him. >> i think the reports of his demise have been greatly exaggerated. if everything he said at this press conference is true and they find out he didn't give the order to shut down the bridge, this is going to blow over. east not going to have the free media, because they have been very good to him -- >> i don't know if the liberals
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are backing him. you have whoopi and other commentators suggesting he is guilty of murder. >> he is the toughest candidate for hillary clinton, trust me on that. >> here is my concern, on liberals or anything who is before or against him, either you have the e-mails to tie christie to him, it was his aide, it was the guy -- >> if they have the e-mails directly tying him, he has huge you know what. >> if they want to attack obama with lois lerner, with the irs and others, until you get a document you can't tie it. you either have one standard of application whether you're liberal -- >> well, what about that chris? have you noticed the overwhelming interest in bridgegate. >> i think chris christie would have been happy if we did bikini bridge tonight -- i don't think he is happy we're talking about this. >> is a politician ever hurt because he seems too strong?
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never, is it good for a candidate seeming tougher and more nimble? you bet. >> and have you seen the doj story and the other network? i mean the controversy over this doj network? they don't want to talk about that. i got to go. we'll be right back. >> what did the governor come out and do? one, he said i own it. that is one thing this administration doesn't do. and homemade gravy. but marie callender's does. just sit down and savor. marie callender's. it's time to savor. [ male announcer ] to truck guys, the truck is everything.
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dea do you agree with tucker that fathers should not be doing their daughter's hair? he thinks it is perilous. my husband does our daughter's hair. and does it great. have a great weekend, thank you for joining us. and happy friday, welcome to "hannity." tonight, the liberal main stream media is having a field day with the news that chris christie's former aide was involved with having the lane closures on the george washington bridge in september, allegedly for some sort of political revenge. but the journalists are caref carefully glossing over what it means to be a real decisive leader. and shortly after it was found out, governor christie h


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