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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 14, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST

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disturbing. would have thought a picture like this would give hope to many who battle with their weight. it says if i can do this, so can you. facebook needs to sort out its priorities. >> thanks to everyone who responded and thanks for joining us. "fox & friends" starts now. >> bye. good morning. it's tuesday, november -- january 14. where am i? i want a flashback. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. new obamacare numbers are out and they are worse than expected. who is on the hook? not the government. it's you, of course, the taxpayer. >> lone survivor, number one movie in the country right now but liberal blogs calling it propaganda. this morning a medal of honor recipient fires back at the propaganda charge. >> a man responsible for the deaths of nearly 3,000
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people in 9/11. why is he allowed to write to people around the country? he's got pen pal. >> hi. this is dolly par ton and you're watching "fox & friends." >> hello, everybody and dolly par ton probably watching right now in pigeon forge, tennessee -plt i believe that is where dolly wood is. >> don't ask me. it's november. [buzzer] >> we approach the affordable care act deadline. >> the problem is, there's a lot problems still. i'm amazed too. i thought it was a very significant story on sunday about obamacare. on page 9, the bottom of the page in "the new york times" and it said essentially people aren't able to get insurance so they are paying for their son know -- sonograms out
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of their pockets. now stats come out about obamacare. to the surprise of almost nobody young people are not signing up and in order to make affordable care act affordable healthy people have to enroll. these numbers don't lie. >> this shows young people are more wise when it comes to shopping. only 25% of the enrollees right now are between 18 and 34. 25%. way short of the goal. 55% of early enrollees are between 45 and 64. 79% are receiving insurance subsidies. 79% are receiving insurance subsidies. >> those come from the federal government and they're going to run out in about two years. up to each state to renew them. soon they are going to end up on the books of each state many of which are already in the red. >> it is lopsided because
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they are relying on the young and healthy to offset the cost of those who will by nature of their deteriorating health cost the system more. that is a great concern. >> i guess the genius in the administration who came up with the campaign let's get the young people to sign up. we'll have the keg stand, the bro insurance stuff, that is going to really work. it has not worked so far. apparently, according to "the washington post" this morning, what they're going to do is the administration once again in advance of the deadline which is going to be in march, they're going to run a number of promotional activities aimed at the young healthys, so-called invincibles, try to convince them to sign up for health care. they're going to focus on about two dozen communities where there are a lot young people who are uninsured in states like texas. if you live in texas, get ready. there will be a whole bunch of keg stand ads on television to convince you that you need insurance so that when you fall off the
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keg stand you're covered. >> new york is doing the best so far. they have 239,000 enrolled in obamacare, 44% didn't have insurance before. that was the goal, to take 85% of the people with insurance and focus on the 15% without it. but here's the key number again. new york does have a success story if you consider 68% of those enrollees need financial assistance. the bottom line is i want everyone to have the best doctors and best hospitals at the best time. the whole point of this was make it affordable. not print money in order to spend money on insurance we can't afford. >> better care for less money. isn't that what everyone was promised? that is why the young healthys are saying wait a second, we still remember what you promised us and we're not buying into it. additionally, the administration is campaigning saying there are phaoepl who don't want -- there are people who don't want you to get insurance. no. there are people who want you to have options that don't end up costing you more for services you don't
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need. remember they were talking about the big bad insurance companies? there were some that were out of bound. the government was going to step in and save the day but look at who's being protected now. if the insurance companies fail to make money -- >> because their formula is not going to add up. >> don't worry, there is a safety net not for you. for the insurers. >> to tell the insurance companies awhile back you're going to be a part of this obamacare exchange thing, the administration said if you lose money, we'll take care of you. we'll bail you out. a lot of people are not talking about that. khaurbg khraurbg -- charles krauthammer is. >> the reason they are not going to go into a death spiral is because they get the bailout so they can keep the rates at the same rate and you and i with our taxes will be providing millions of dollars that
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will compensate for a program that is completely out of whack. that is why republicans are on a path within a week or two or three right now, a provision to abolish the bailout. then you will see the insurers speaking in a completely different way. if they have to do it honestly and have to raise the premiums, you're going to hear them scream. >> and then they're going to say i can't balance my books like this, can't pay my employees like this. doctors don't know what insurance plan they're involved with. the number one story in the country is the number one movie in the country and that is lone survivor. we talked to marcus luttrell. it is the story of one incredible navy seal unit that did extraordinary things and all except marcus lost their lives on a mountain. everybody was talking about the quality of this film. i shouldn't say everybody. others believe it or not
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look at it as a propaganda machine for the military. >> our military is about as a political as it comes. this is a true story, an account from someone who was actually there, the lone survivor, mark luttrell. he wrote about his experience there. but those -- there are those who want to say this is propaganda. >> and front row, examples of blogs that see this as promotional. >> they're saying the bad guys are bad and that our soldiers, our military are good. look at how they set up our soldiers as the good guys already determining who will come out heroically. it's ridiculous. >> it is crazy. i was looking on-line and keep in mind in the movie, for instance, one blog said it is not accurate because marcus luttrell didn't
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nearly die. in atlanta, outraged they were by the taliban portrayed as villains and the blog weasel zippers had this quote describing what's going on here. they say -- quote -- "libs detest the u.s. military and they're proud of it." dakota myer is a proud member of the u.s. military, recipient of the medal of honor. he was asked about the whole is the movie propaganda, and this is what he had to say. >> i guess you can call it whatever you want to, but understand whatever they're calling propaganda is the reality for 4% of the nation that's gone over there for the past 12 years fighting these wars so we can be free. that propaganda is their reality. you can call it whatever you want but it's not propaganda. these are the stories of the men and women who are sacrificing and they've got to come back and tell the story so other people know.
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>> he does know. by the way, if you talk to these guys who fight these wars, they know what al qaeda looks like. they know what they smell like. know they're ruthless. they are on a different set of rules than us. for example in the movie they say there is a gang that goes into a village, firing off machine guns while screaming unintelligible words while taking off a man's head with a machete. excuse me. that happens, you i idiot. don't people understand this isn't a cartoon and the people that fight the wars know for sure it isn't? they portray it accurately and they say it is a cartoon. for the marines, a propaganda film to get navy seals. people don't understand these are who navy seals are and this is who they're fighting. >> how dare they when marcus luttrell, speaking
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to o'reilly said yes, this is the taliban, who we're fighting. i was saved by someone who was in another land but is not painted as an extremist. he was able to separate. but then you have a perspective coming from some of these blogs which want to overly politicize and say this is propaganda. >> there is no good side to mullah omar. he is a mean guy who will kill you if he sees you. i don't care what the movie says. weasel zipper -- >> is that like a retweet? in the meantime we're going to bring you other news by heather nauert. >> got headlines. we begin with a fox news alert. it is a possible break in the case of little madeleine mccann. london's daily mail reporting police are about to arrest three men who may have been involved in the
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three-year-old's disappearance seven years ago and that police are now on their way to portugal. these suspects were previously accused of robbing that resort where madeleine and her family were vacationing in portugal. police checking the phone record and wondering why the men made an unusually high number of phone calls to each other in the hours after madeleine vanished. we'll keep watching this story for you. a retired police captain waking up behind bars accused of killing a man who was texting in a movie theater during the movie lone survivor. police say curtis reeves asked the man and his wife to stop texting during the previews. olson left the theater and when he came back the three got into a fight. it ended when reeves pulled out a gun and shot olson in the chest. olson died. reeves says the 20 year veteran of the tampa police force, the 71-year-old, retired 20 years ago. southwest airlines
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grounding two pilots who landed a jet at the wrong airport. the men are on paid leave. a spokesman for southwest says the standard in these situations. a key question is why the second pilot who was not flying the plane didn't catch on to the problem? typically the pilot not flying is supposed to be monitoring navigation aids and other aircraft system. new video just in to "fox & friends." this proves exactly why you shouldn't text and drive. a police officer's dash cam video catches a texting driver in fort myer's, florida. the driver crashes into a tree and flips over. the 23-year-old driver crawls out of a car and then starts walking. look at that. he was cited for texting and driving. hopefully he learned his lesson. >> how do they know? >> they can check your phone, figure it out. >> he came really close to
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hitting that phone post. >> he is lucky he's not dead. >> he's the mastermind of the september 11 attacks responsible for the deaths of nearly 3,000 people so why is he allowed to have a pen pal? yeah. >> yeah indeed. you need to pass it to know what's in it. not for this senate candidate. this rising g.o.p. star read the entire obamacare bill and he's got a plan to fix it. you're going to meet this guy next. oh! progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious prsso ♪ ♪ ♪ people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief. it delivers a one-two punch at pain and sinus pressure with the power of advil and a nasal decongestant
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he's being called a rising star in the republican party. nebraska senate candidate ben sack is against obamacare and even read the entire bill and to solve divisiveness in washington he's got one out-of-box suggestion. >> the way to cure the
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incredible ineffectiveness and dysfunction of both parties in washington, move the capital to nebraska where they can experience family, conserving values, living within a budget and pulling together, not pulling apart. >> are you geographically biased there? >> absolutely. you need to come to nebraska. >> you've been in nebraska for a long time? >> i'm from there. >> that is your hometown. we want to know what separates you. you've been in business for a long time. we're looking at an economic situation here that's not promising as we move forward and then your expertise also in health services is one we could go back to using because you were there until 2009. what is your plan? >> we believe in america that you did build that and we need leadership from washington where people admit that the private sector and small business is where jobs are created and where value is built for our kids. >> what about -- what do you think of extending unemployment benefits beyond the point that was
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originally negotiated? do you have a position there? >> we're in the fifth year of an economic crisis and this president always wants to pretend everything is a new emergency. a long term requires a private sector that is healthy and stable and they're not building that. >> let's talk about health. when we talk about obamacare we've seen one change after the next. you stand next to the pile of regulations there. but you actually did read the actual bill. you read the law? >> i did. >> what is the main issue here and why are americans now forced to pay so much more? >> this administration has made up numbers and moved the ball and moved the goal post every three to six months in the three and a half years since this was passed. at the end of the day the math doesn't work. you can't have a whole bunch of free stuff and say bureaucrats can create new rules and create value. >> you believe we're paying more for less? >> i do. >> what's your strategy here to pay less for more? >> right now we're giving the american people a bunch of bad choices. we're giving the voters a
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choice between the democratic party as big government, bad idea solutions and the conservative movement too often has no ideas. we need portability in health insurance and republicans need to explain what comes next after obamacare fails. >> the average citizen where you are in nebraska, why look at you and say this is our guy? he's got a good plan, different than everybody else's, he's bold. >> we don't just have an issue crisis. we have politicians that promise things that don't add up. we have a conservative movement in crisis as well. we're not explaining what the conservative move is for. president reagan regularly said our kids don't get the idea of america in their bloodstream. we have to teach it to them. we're not explaining the constitutional system. >> the government can't always be the solution? >> that's right. >> ben, thanks for being with us.
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the best of luck on all your expertise. coming up, the white house put the blame on a youtube video on a benghazi attack that left four americans dead. now what they knew and when they knew it. did you know that abraham lincoln stood up to bullies? great people, great kids. that is coming up next. ♪ ♪ this year, i'm trying the protein thing with real protein. ♪ [ female announcer ] try a yummy lean cuisi dish. with 13 grams oprotein for 10 ys, you'll feel great. i'm trying this too. maybe this. nope. not trying that. [ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. go on a try-it with lean cuisin kand i don't have time foris morunreliable companies.b [ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. angie's list definitely saves me time and money.
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the documents prove that september 11, 2012 bombing that killed four americans was always considered a terror attack. peter doocy joins us live in d.c. with a closer look at those transcripts. good morning, peter. wild information here. >> reporter: now we now on september 11, 2012, when the phones started ringing in the office of general hamm, general hamm walked down the hall to then defense secretary leon panetta's office and told panetta and martin dempsey there was an attack and two missing americans. panetta and dempsey crossed the potomac with a meeting with president obama and told the president there was a terror attack happening. no discussion about a video based on what we're learning in these 450 pages worth of recently declassified documents where general ham is quoted
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as telling a closed door committee meeting the following -- quote -- "there was preliminary discussion about you know maybe there was a demonstration but i think as the command and i think the command quickly got to the point that this was not a demonstration. this was a terrorist attack." further declassified testimony shows also just how unprepared the u.s. military was to respond to this attack since it took the commanders of extremist force 23 operators, 19 hours because they were out training in croatia during the attack. there were not any attack aircraft on high alert that day, the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attack. elisabeth? >> peter, doocy, thank you for coming to us from d.c. with the latest on the benghazi scandal. >> here's a sobering stat. a new poll shows 73% of kids don't want to grow up to be president.
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what does it say about the future of our country and the way we think of our president. our next guest is on a mission to change kids' perception of leadership, brad nelson, best selling author out with new children books. it is a new series, "ordinary people change the world." his first stop, i am abraham lincoln and i am amelia earhart. what about that stat? >> an am am maz -- it is an amazingly sad statistic. that is what inspired me. i said i'm tired of my own kids looking at tv stars and athletes. that is not a hero. that's fame. i said why don't i write a set of books for them that teaches them what a real hero is. rosa parks, amelia earhart,
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abraham lincoln and teaches those stories. >> for example, abraham lincoln, you talk about not him as president; him as a kid. >> one of the stories we found, i could tell my kids abraham lincoln was president and freed the slaves, obviously a beautiful thing but if i tell them when he was ten years old he came upon a group of turtles and saw the boys were torturing them, putting hot coals on the tops of turtles to make them run faster. abraham lincoln at ten years old -- this is true -- says what are you doing? it is hard when you're ten years old to do the right thing but someone has to. but lincoln saved the turtles. my kids look at that and say abraham lincoln is like me. he loves turtles. >> amelia earhart. everyone knows she was lost and she was a daredevil and a pioneer but what did she do as a kid? >> one of the stories we
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also put in there, we show when she was seven years old, she built a home made roller coaster in her backyard, took a wooden crate, put roller skates on it, races down on a piece of wood, crashes, flies through the air. that is the first time she flew. when my daughter read that she said amelia earhart is like me. she was brave, daring and fun. our kid are going to pick heroes whether you like it or not. >> they do say mom, dad, are they heroes today? >> these aren't the stories in these books, it is not the stories of famous people, it is what we're capable of on our very best days. >> brad, look at the highest level and brings it down to the lowest level for the foundation of this country. good job. meanwhile, two minutes before the bottom of the hour. ahead, he's the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks responsible for the deaths of 3,000-plus, so why is he
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allowed to have a pen pal? your money going up in smoke. how much it wants are footing to warn colorado drivers about driving high? first, happy birthday to faye dunaway. she is 73 years old. ♪ ♪ [ alarm sound for malfunctioning printer ] [ male announcer ] you've reached the age where you've learned a thing or two. [ metal clanks ] ♪ this is the age of knowing what you're made of. so why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? [ gears whirring ] talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away
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if you like to dress your cat or dog or animal up, today is your lucky day because? >> it's national dress up your pet day. joining us is the american kennel club hillary prim to kick it off. good morning. >> good morning. >> how did this begin? national dress up your pet day. >> it's been around for a few years but today we're celebrating with some dogs and really fun costumes. this is the safe way to dress up your pet if you choose to dress them up today. >> let's have a little fashion show. who is our first contestant? >> charlie, a beautiful french bulldog. >> how about some music? >> work it, charlie. >> she is wearing a nice raincoat for the drizzle in new york. >> wait a minute. he lost something. >> he lost a bootie. they are great for the
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wintertime when you've got salt on the street. good to protect their paws. >> next? >> dixie, a beautiful yorkie. she is wearing a fun little sweater with pom pom tassel. you want to make sure thing like that don't get caught. that could get dangerous for your dog. next we've got roy. he is superman today. >> shouldn't roy be flying? >> it's a bird. it's a plane. it's roy! >> i've got a question for you. don't the dogs get hot? >> it's possible. >> because they're already wearing a fur coat. >> there are some breeds that have a smooth coat that can get a little bit cold in the wintertime. >> who is this dog? >> penny lane wearing a custom made gown this morning. very fabulous. in honor of our upcoming
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super bowl, we have monster. >> how fun is that? >> lots of things to keep in mind. visit we're having a photo competition today for the most fabulously dressed up dog. >> what i notice with our dog charlie is whenever we would try to put the devil horns on our dog because they seemed appropriate, he would shake them off. it seemed to us charlie didn't like having them. >> the dog should be having fun too. if they look stressed or anxious, it might be time to take off the costume. >> you mentioned that you want folks to send your organization photos of their animals and pets. we would love to see the same thing. if you have photos of your pet dog, cat, ferret,
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whatever, dressed up, e-mail them to us at or tweet them to us at "fox & friends." >> thank you. >> we have a red carpet and it's still dry. >> how much fun. heather nauert has some headlines. you're smiling about this. >> absolutely. good morning. the self-proclaimed mastermind of 9/11 communicating beyond gitmo with a pen pal. a 25-year-old man in england receiving a letter written by khalid sheikh mohammed debating theology. her brother was a pilot who crashed into the pentagon spoke last night. >> this is a gold mine of propaganda coming from the rock star of 9/11 right outside the jail cell. that is how stupid the infidels are in letting this get out. his attorneys, i have to
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say, shame on you major, a marine, an active duty marine. you are a disgrace to your uniform for participating in this. >> that letter was 27 pages long. you've seen pictures like this. politicians caught sleeping on the job. lawmakers in maryland think they may have a solution. they are now considering -- what do you think of this? a new ban on cameras. no one would be allowed to snap pictures on the statehouse floor. not surprisingly it has some opponents listen to this. >> with everyone screaming about needing more transparency, i think the people have a right to see what w do. we have to be responsible to not do and say things that we can't be held accountable for. >> members of the state republican caucus expected to discuss the proposed rule change this week. if you live or visit colorado, expect a friendly reminder not to take the high road. there is actually a new campaign that's funded with federal money that aims to
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discourage drivers from driving while they're stoned. the state will spend $430,000 on tv ads and also posters displayed in marijuana shops. earlier this week a driver was arrested after he smashed into a state trooper's car while he was high. jennifer lawrence's golden globe gown inspired a lot of spoofs on-line. lawrence-ing it is called. it wasn't skaeplt -- exactly a compliment to the star or her dress. viewers dressing up their pets, they made their very own creations out of tape and comforters. the images began appearing within minutes of her appearance. >> i thought the dress was
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pretty. >> there is no mercy out there. to each his own. >> speaking of animals, maria has the dog in the slicker. >> my favorite outfit from the fashion show earlier was the one with the raincoat. this is charlie the french bulldog and he is geared up for rain in the northeast. we have rain all up and down the east coast anywhere from parts of florida all the way up to portions of new england. thankfully temperatures are mild enough that we're not dealing with much snow across portions of the northeast. just a little bit of freezing rain is possible in portions of new hampshire and also in the state of maine. across portions of the midwest we have a quick moving clipper system, winter whr-fr -- weather advisories. in wisconsin up to eight inches of snow will be possible. temperature wise, 24 minneapolis, mild in texas and california 82 degrees for the high temperature. >> let me tell you what's happening in sports.
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a-rod, two days after being suspended after having suspension knocked down from over 200 games to 162, rodriguez filed suit against major league baseball to overturn the suspension for using performance enhancing drugs. he maintains he was never tested positive. this is the longest suspension handed down by the league but when you see the 60 minutes presentation and see the evidence coming forward, this makes lance armstrong's case look weak. this year's super bowl may be the coldest ever because they put it in new york. but some hot new technology will be heating up on the field. fox sports announcing it has a few weather related tricks up its sleeves. infrared cameras will show how player's body temperatures change, a device showing how wind impacts quarterback. fox tested the equipment during sunday's game in seattle. the tennessee titans making
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a move. ken wizenhunt is their new coach. he did an unbelievable job with the san diego chargers and also with the cardinals. he'll have a big deal and have a hard job to turn around the titans but he'll do it. >> tim actually played under whisenhunt. >> and he liked him? >> yeah. >> what do you expect her to say on tv. 19 minutes before the top of the hour on this tuesday. tuesday. coming it says here that a won's sex drive
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quick headlines. octomom, you've missed her too? she is in trouble with the law. she's been charged with welfare fraud. the mother of 14 accused of failing to report nearly $30,000 when she applied for public assistance last january. looking to keep the love alive in your marriage? don't have kids. a new study from britain finds child-free couple report being more satisfied with their relationship when it comes to overall happiness. researchers found moms were the happiest and women with no children were the least happy. we'll discuss that. steve, talk about something else. >> i will do that with the judge. when the i.r.s. was found guilty of targeting conservative groups and denying them tax-exempt status the president vowed to set things straight. >> the i.r.s. has to
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operate with absolute integrity. by putting in place new checks and new safeguards and going forward by making sure that the law is applied as it should be in a fair and impartial way. >> yeah, that's the key part. once again new proposed i.r.s. guidelines released at the end of last year may discriminate against the president's critics. is history about to repeat itself? we turn to fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano. judge, at the end of last year what did the administration unveil with the i.r.s.? >> the stk*eupl unveiled -- the administration unveiled new rules that will continue to torment the president's opponents. these rules will transcend president obama. they will allow any president to use the i.r.s. to torment the president's opponents, to target them, to scrutinize them, to look at their tax returns, to look at the word that they speak. >> why doesn't it target the president's supporters? >> because the president
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has the ability under the law to use the i.r.s. as a political instrument, and it's congress's fault. as long as what this is, what president obama is doing, presidents of both parties have done it because congress has intentionally given wiggle room in the statute that creates the i.r.s. so that presidents of both parties can torment their opponents. and that's not what we have an i.r.s. for. >> what they're doing is the i.r.s. is trying to define political activities and you can only do a certain amount of them. what is a political activity? we've got a graphic. get out the vote drive. they have materials that advocate for a specific candidate, a candidate for an event within 60 days of general. making grants to groups that specifically advocate for a candidate. the way i read it and i'm not a judge like you are, but it seems like they target, the i.r.s. is targeting the president's opponents but then his supporters like labor
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unions, they're not impacted by something like this. >> steve, there is an infinite array of left-wing nonprofits out there who are able to say what they want to say without i.r.s. scrutiny. but if you're a conservative or a libertarian or small government or constitutionalist or whatever you want to call it nonprofit, you have raised money interest people who have taken as a tax deduction the money they have given you because you are educating the public in the way you think the government should operate. the i.r.s. is going to look at every word you articulate to see if they can infer from those words that you support a candidate. and if they can, they're not going to go back to your supporters and say that $5,000 contribution you made, cough up the 39% of it and add it to your next income tax bill. >> the other headline regarding the i.r.s. i saw in the "wall street
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journal" this morning and that is no criminal charges regarding conservative groups or tea party members. >> in -- the i.r.s. admitted what it was doing and they're getting off scot-free. if any of us made admissions to that magnitude, prosecution. >> we'd be in jail by now. we'd be having somebody trying to figure out how to put a file in a cake. >> let's not go there. >> all right. judge andrew napolitano, thank you very much. >> pleasure, steve. >> it is 11 minutes before the top of the hour. ahead, an air force commander with over 20 years of army experience and also served under robert gates. so what does he think is the most controversial part of the secretary's new book? we're going to talk to him. book comes out today. pore -- horrific accident left this dog nearly dead. look at him now. trooper the dog with a new owner and super dog story
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of survival you've got to hear as we roll on live from new york city. >> coming up today on the real story at 2, hillary clinton, the biggest loser. [ male announcer ] introducing new fast acting advil. with an ultra-thin coating and fast absorbing advil ion core™ technology, it stops pain before it gets worse. nothing works faster. new fast acting advil. look for it in the white box. new fast acting advil. help keep teeth clean and breath play close.fresh and close. with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture's dental that tastes so good new beneful healthy smile food and snacks [ female announcer ] at 100 calories,
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not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant
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this is a story that made national headlines. a five-month-old puppy was dragged for one mile, dragged by a truck down a interstate. the puppy named trooper barely survived. >> he endured seven surgeries. we have good news. after being cared for by the humane society of missouri, trooper just found a home. >> guess what? joining us now is trooper and his new owner, greg. congratulations. >> thank you very much. thank you for having me. >> how did you hear about the story?
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>> i saw a story after it initially happened. my heart dropped. i was really, really upset and sad. and i just couldn't believe it. >> tell the story. what happened to him? >> well, the humane society of missouri animal task force rescued trooper after he was dragged nearly a mile on a major interstate and they immediately took him to the humane society of missouri's animal medical center. >> we should point out, he was dragged because somebody took his leash and tied him to the trailer hitch of a vehicle. >> exactly. and the man didn't know it. he gets in his truck and drives. nearly a mile down a major interstate before people are flagging him over. >> trooper is not used to being up at this hour. >> he tells his story in trooper's triumph, which is remarkable. it is awesome. >> at the humane society's medical center, he had seven major surgeries. 20 laser treatments.
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>> who paid for that? >> they almost had to amputate this leg right there. >> you can still see the scars on trooper. >> our kind donors that we rely on so much to help. >> he was with the humane society for a while and then finding him the right home was so important. i know it was to everybody there. >> yes. >> how did you get him? >> first of all, i had a pit bull and he was 14 and i had to say good-bye to him this past october. i was devastated. when i saw trooper was up for adoption, i thought, i got to send my application in. >> a lot of people did. >> yeah. >> they chose me. >> and so i was allowed to adopt him. it was a great environment where i could be attentive to his needs. he has a big backyard where he can run around. he's king of the castle. plus he's going to be an ambassador for abused and neglected animals in the united states. >> there is a beautiful
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calendar, the 2014 trooper calendar is out and all sorts of images. >> exactly. >> to benefit? >> that's how trooper pays it forward. he's got trooper triumph, his book. it's a picture story of his early operations of what he had gone through and also he has a plush animal. all the proceeds go to the abused -- humane society missouri abused and neglected animal fund, which helps tens of thousands of animals. 25,000 animals get neglected a year. >> it's a story that has a happy ending. >> yes. very happy. it's a tragedy to triumph. >> no residual problems. he just adapted? >> yes. he adapted immediately. he's like, i'm comfortable here. i'm king of this castle. >> greg and trooper, thank you very much. >> thank you very much for having us. >> if you would like more information about helping out g to our web site. >> and also to purchase the
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calendars. >> coming up, obamacare numbers not hitting the mark. the white house had hoped for. who is on the hook for it? the government, which means the taxpayer, which means you. yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables olive garden's signature favorites weeknights are for favorites. now just $10. including everyone's favorite fettuccine alfredo and our classic lasagna. plus uimited soup or salad, and warm breadsticks. signature favorites nojust ten dollars, mondhrough thursday, at olive garden.
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just like you. ♪ don't miss a beat nothing's missed with tena twist ♪ presenting the fresh, new face of fearless protection. arriving this spring... learn more at ♪ nothing's missed with tena twist... ♪ good morning. it's tuesday, january 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. they're young and invincible and they're not signing up for obamacare, so who is on the hook? not the government. it's you, the taxpayer, of course. >> then president obama defending his military strategy. what does someone who served under robert gates think? the former delta force commander with more than 20 years of military experience weighs in this hour. sunday for two things. church and football. right? >> bread and wine up here on the table. feel free to help yourself. it's just fine.
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go in peace, love and serve the lord. >> okay, we will. >> it's a self-service service. meet the pastor who delivered a one-minute sermon so he could watch the game. guess whose side he's on. "fox & friends" hour two for tuesday starts right now. >> i'm clay walker and you're watching "fox & friends". >> can you imagine you go to a service and you figure it's going to take an hour. next thing you know, he takes one minute and you're done? >> just a minute. >> wait 'til you hear this story. it's something. >> it's actually funny. paid off for them. >> it did. obamacare, we talk about the goal post they've been moving and the goal they're not reaching. well, another report is only showing more problems on the way. they're definitely short of their goals of young invincibles. look at what we're finding out here. their goals were originally not look quite like this. only 25% of the enrollees are
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between 18 and 34. that's key because those are really the payers in this system for those that might not be as healthy. 55% of early enrollers are between 45 and 64. but 79% are receiving insurance subsidies. that's a lop sided finding. >> that involves obamacare. we don't know how many people are winding up on the medicaid rolls because so many people were immediately -- we heard about rand paul's son. they signed up for -- trying to sign up for obamacare. next thing you know, he winds up on medicaid, which is not what they wanted to do. at is they break down the demographic information and the key is you need to have about 40% of those who signed up to be the young invincible, people who are in the very old or very sick. according to, only 489,000 signed up. they wanted a whole bunch more. it only hit 18% of their goal. however, according to the "washington post," barak obama
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administration officials says these numbers are solid, solid news for us and it's even going to get better by march. >> that's what they're advertising so hard to get the young invince bees -- invincibles on the program. >> the president is entertaining class presidents of colleges, bringing them to the white house and class editors of the newspaper what, it's going to take to get people to sign up. the theory is, people who will pay premiums but not really use the doctor. they're not going to need the hospital hopefully and statistically, therefore, it's not going to cost as much. when people get older, they're going to need more. steven hayes looks at the breakdown and says this could be trouble. >> what we got from hhs was the demographic breakdown, but it's demographic breakdown based on an assumption that the paid pool will look the same l have the same ratio of paid and unpaid as this 2.1 million, but they haven't told us what the paid and unpaid are. so you're make these assumptions
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based on phony numbers. it's incredible that so many people in washington are taking the demographic numbers so seriously and looking at decimal points and the breakdowns in these groups when we don't yet even know the very basic fact of who has paid and who hasn't paid. it may be the case that the demographic breakdowns will, in fact, reflect that broader pool, but if they don't, then we're all making assumptions and everybody in washington is make assumptions that won't work. >> that's a little scary because he says we just put up on the screen the 25% of the enrollees are the younger ones. he doesn't even trust the 25%. talking about how there is a little waffling there. so keep in mind, the administration is desperate to put out good information and as steven hayes just said, he doesn't trust it. what's interesting is in addition to the information that kathleen sebelius released, the number one kind of plan that people signed up for is the
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silver plan, not the cheap one after all. it's the silver plan. what's interesting about that is it generally has a deductible of $2,500, which is still more than most people would pay in other insurance. >> it's interesting when you think about it, many people are questioning why such heavy advertising for a loss. just a thought. the question that we're not going to ask, 'cause we know the answer s who is over there with great headlines for us. >> how are you guys? looks like ice cream colors. sherbet there. good morning. hope you're off to a good day. we have a fox news alert now. london, reporting police are headed to portugal and are about to arrest three men who they believe may have been involved in madeline mccann's disappearance seven years ago. they were accused of robbing the resort where made and her family were vacationing at the time. police want to know why the men made an unusually high number of phone calls to one another in the hours after made vanished.
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we'll keep following this story for you. a retired police captain waking up behind bars. he is accused of killing a man who was texting in a movie theater. police say curtis reeves asked chad olson and his wife to stop texting during movie previews. olson then left the theater and when he came back, the three got into some sort of fight. it ended when reeves pulled out a gun and allegedly shot olson in the chest. olson died, his wife was shot in the hand. reeves is a 20-year veteran of the tampa police force. the 71-year-old retired 20 years ago. new jersey governor chris christie set to deliver his annual state of the state address later today. it's unknown if he'll talk about the allegations that he misused federal money for super storm sandy victims to produce an ad campaign during his reelection bid. the governor is also under investigation after his staff orchestrated that traffic gridlock plan on the george washington bridge to allegedly punish a democratic mayor. and a whole lot of fans out
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there will instantly recognize this iconic dineer. >> all right. still good for laughs. jerry seinfeld and jason alexander. they were spotted leaving the real life location, tom's restaurant, here in manhattan. the photo quickly going viral after it was posted to twitter. camera crews inside the restaurant leading some people to believe it might have been for seinfeld's web series. how about that? that's a good idea, brian. >> super bowl ad. makes sense. they got to do it now. >> brian, you're brilliant. not fired this morning. >> i have not heard that in a long time. >> #brian's brilliant. >> love you, brian. >> thank you. >> the 49ers fans who said this one is in the books, he
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actually -- was it a one minute sermon? >> yep. pastor christianson of the gold hill evangelical lutheran church in butte, montana. he loves the 49ers. they were at the commencement of that particular service just starting to play california. so what did he do? he did a one-minute service. like this. >> you all like to be forgiven for your sins? >> yeah. >> that's great. you are. i could talk about why and i think you probably know enough about that, right? >> right. >> great. there is bread and wine up here on the table. feel free to help yourself. go in peace to love and serve the lord. >> okay. thanks be to god. >> i'm out of here! >> that is a combination of an audible super fan in hurry up
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offense. >> collin kaepernick kissing his biceps. >> so he had kind of a self-serve service. he said you know where everything is, we're going to go. and turns out his team won. coincidence? >> i don't know. with god on their side? >> god was in a hurry. >> god is everywhere. >> priests have a two-minute offense as well. meanwhile, coming up straight ahead. >> it is now 9 minutes after the top of the hour. we're talking about the number one movie in america, "lone survivor." but liberal blog, some of them, referring to it as pure propaganda. coming up, we'll hear from the mother of one of those heros who died that day. then what does someone who served under secretary gates think social security the most controversial part of the former secretary's book? we'll ask colonel brad taylor, 21 years in the armed forces. he's here live and getting very, very close. ♪
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i get 2% cash back on ery purchase, every day. i break my back around here. finally soone's recognizing me with unlimited rewards! meetings start at 11, cindy. [ male announcer get the spark business card from capital one. choose 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every d. what's in your wallet? i need your timesheets, larry!
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it was this absence of passion, this absence of a conviction of the importance of success that disturbed me. >> he and i and the rest of my national security team came up with a strategy for afghanistan that was the right strategy and we are continuing to execute. >> robert gates defending his criticism of the president in his memoir and president obama seeking to clarify his afghanistan strategy because of this book. does it show that secretary gates is getting his point across? here with reaction is lieutenant colonel broad taylor, retired delta force commander with 21 years experience in the u.s. military. he's also a best selling author and today is exciting for him.
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"the poe harris protocol" is out. you don't do these things called tours. you're just there or not. >> right. >> so when you hear that the president, when he put in 40,000 troops did not believe in the plan, what's your reaction? >> well, i tell you it's disconcerting. when you have the secretary of defense who is the most powerful military in the world believes that the commander in chief does not believe in the mission, it's disconcerting, especially when you're committing troops. >> does it matter that the president never really speaks about the war? does it matter? >> yeah. >> because you're sitting this with face paint on trying to make heads or tales of these villages. do you really care what's happening at home? >> leadership matters. there is a reason you have the leader. people talk about the polls for afghanistan going high or low. part of that is a function of leadership. you have to explain why we're there, what is the sacrifice for? that works for military members who are fighting, as well as those at home that supports military members. >> when you talk about another
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controversy, the release of "lone survivor." you talked to mar russ latrell -- marcus luttrell. >> i have not. >> when you look at some of the interaction with jay tapper calling the war senseless. when you see some of the liberal critics saying this was a big promo to to be a marine. what's your reaction? >> i don't understand what they're talking about, to be honest. i will say marcus lotrel's answer, i wish i could be that eloquent. >> this is outrageous. >> sure. >> i'm on a bunch of e-mail lists and veterans and i stay in touch. that made the rounds immediately. it really gets your ire up. >> you don't look at your time served as senseless, do you? >> not at all, no way. anybody who served over there wouldn't say that. he was exactly right. it was a mission that went bad. but the guy they were going after is a bad guy. we were going after him for a reason. he's out to harm america.
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it's not senseless at all. >> they talk about the taliban and brutality they show and we're making a cartoon like. but the taliban you know and al-qaeda that you deal with, they are evil. >> you talk about -- look at syria now. al-qaeda in iraq is in syria. they are so horrific that, the other al-qaeda is so -- is after them. >> you've seen them and for people to say it's not there because we don't experience it thankfully, i think is wrong, except for 9-11. now let's talk about your book. some of your experience to put together a very feasible series of events. looking at the mexican drug cartels, and also how dependent we are on gps system. >> originally i had done work on the mexican drug cartels and i was fascinated the nexus between terrorism and the drug cartels. i looked at the drones along the border the cartels were use to
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go stop our drones. i looked at gps how much is infiltrated our daily lives. everything we do, when you run a credit card is run by gps, talking on a cell phone, run by gps. we look at it like where is the next gas station. it does more than that. every stock trade on wall street is controlled by the timing feature of the gps. >> you have a reasonable series of events that could very well happen. what you do is interesting, you told me you'll go and you'll do the operation as if you were commission to do do it, but pull back a little so no one can read your book and get the game plan on how to take down our gps or how drug cartels can benefit. >> exactly. sometimes i write stuff -- for instance, i was allowed to see the gps constellation. it allows me to design stuff. sometimes i look at that time and go, you can't put that in there, that's too much. i'll throw red herrings in there. >> the book is out today. congratulations. thanks so much for your insight
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and thanks again for your service to the country. >> thank you for having me. >> it landed at the wrong parent miles from its -- airport miles from its final destination. what happened to that airline. then, nothing says "fox & friends" like friendly competition. maria molina is trying out the new wii fit you. we reveal the winner of our fitness challenge. we have no idea who won, but we competed all last week. how can you get back pain relief that lasts up to 16 hours? with thermacare heatwraps. thermacare works differently. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relieve pain and accelerate healing.
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southwest airlines now grounding two veteran pilots who landed a jet at the wrong airport in missouri.
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reporter is live at dallas with the latest on the investigation. good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning. we can tell you the flight data recorder, the cockpit voice recorder, they have been secured, being taken to washington, d.c. for analysis. meantime, the two pilots, they're going to be interviewed by the ntsb sometime this week. the aircraft is back here, here in dallas. it departed missouri yesterday afternoon with no problems at all. overnight it was inspected, we are told. it was washed and it should be good to go, back in the air this morning. flight 4013 from chicago was supposed to land in branson on sunday night before making its way to dallas. but it touched down at a much smaller airstrip several miles away. the boeing 737 landed on a runway nearly half the size it usually lands on at graham clark airport. all 124 passengers were fine. no one was injured. that's where the crew, the
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captain has 14 years experience. the first officer, 12 years. for a combined 26 years of flying experience and they are on paid leave until the investigation is complete. we spoke with an aviation expert who says this really should not have happened had the pilots been actually looking at their instruments, their tools. and also the tower controllers should have suspected something as well. so he suspects this was a series of mistakes by several people maybe. back to you. >> no kidding. crazy story. saul garza in dallas, thank you very much. okay. have you been cheating yourself out of getting in shape? nintendo's new wii fit you actually says game on to fitness in no time and we're going to talk about it. >> here right now, celebrity fitness trainer, kathy, joins us to show us how it all works. >> good morning. >> it's amazing. i know you guys have been playing around with it. you've been wearing the new fit meter. >> it was easy. we just put it in our pocket.
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>> come on. it's a brand-new fitness game from nintendo. wii fit you is a high giving console that you can just be more active in your house. >> so much fun, especially with the weather we've been having. >> exactly. and with kids, it's really important for parents to be role models. so there are multiple new games and from dance, i know you were saying dance and there is strength -- >> how about hose down? >> i love it. who is going to do it. >> hold that. >> you want to do one shoe off? >> sure. >> so what you're going to do is push start and and come onto the board. good. and we're going to push a. you have both feet up. go all the way. good. >> are you supposed to use one high heel? >> no, i'll take the other one
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off. >> we got to get your power on. step off for one second. there we go. >> i'm just going to stretch in the meantime. >> here we are. >> careful not to stomp. >> now you're going to jump on and then step back off and hit a. now start. >> that's her. >> you're holding your game. this is your brand-new console. you click these buttons in the back. perfect. you're going to get water to come. it will give you three, two, one. your aim here is as you're lunging. you're going to step forward. >> here he comes. >> there you go. >> i'm going to lunge forward. >> you're working quads, glutes. >> you don't even feel like you're working out. >> trade your right foot to your left. here it comes. >> come on! >> now step back. your water is coming in here.
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the harder you push, the more water you get. you're getting more flexion in that front and back quad. >> i like this. >> awesome. >> what age is this for? >> any age. you are wanting to go again and again. the variety of exercises that you can do from dance to strength, there is preprogrammed workouts. >> last week they gave us these little fobs that attach to our belts. we were all supposed to wear them as we did stuff through the weekend and you were going to tell us today who did the most. >> so we've got all -- if you continue here, you can see all of you are right here. this is how we track your daily activities. so let's see here. you've gone all the way around our new york course. who is there at our finish? is we have brian. >> way to go, brian. >> look at that. he made it all the way through.
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so there is 13 miles. >> did you guys just sleep for the last week? >> i should have put it on my little kids and did races around. >> exactly. that's the thing. you're able to see your activity level throughout each day and then track it by sinking it with your new console. >> fantastic. kathy, thank you very much for joining us today. >> thank you. >> all right, coming up on our tuesday show, washington revealing a huge trillion dollars spending bill. so what does that mean for our veterans? big news on that coming up. and it's a number one movie in america, "lone survivor." joining us next, the mother of one of those heros. we'll be right back. >> you let him go, 20 more will die next week, 40 more the week after that. >> our job is to stop him. >> why do these men have the for right to dictate how we do our job that now has extra b vitamins, which help convert food to energy.
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♪ we got the beat ♪ ♪ they've got the beat ♪ yeah >> dress up your pet day. >> that's why the banks are closed. >> this is lauren's dog. and rob's dog. how cute are they in their outfits? jake on twitter, this is his dog. dressed as -- >> and our producer, laurie, her dog all dressed up to ring in
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the new year about two weeks ago. the reason we're showing all these is because as elisabeth said, it is dress your pet up day. we asked you to e-mail us some of the pictures pictures and wee absolutely been inundated with dogs in costumes. >> they're adorable. they're coming in twitter. i think this is the first one that came through on twitter for us today. look how adorable. >> where is the great dane in the tutu or something? notice they're all little dogs? >> they're more compliant. >> call your wife, have her dress up your dog, brutus, or whatever his name is. >> doesn't matter. doesn't matter what his name is. he's not dressing up. he's not getting his leash on. >> heather nauert, what do you think? >> i have a big dog, they don't cooperate when you try to dress them up. >> they don't want to put a sweater on. >> if they want to take it off, they shed. >> we've got serious news to
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bring you. a lot of talk about this story this morning. brand-new declassified documents about the investigation into benghazi are now being revealed. these new documents reveal the attack that killed four americans was always considered a terrorist attack. the documents show that defense secretary at the time, leon panetta, and carter ham met with president obama as the attack occurred. they never talked about the attack stemming from a video, which is what the american public was led to believe. we'll keep you posted on developments on this one. a law maker pushing to use firing squads as an alternative form of punishment for those on death row. if there are ever issues preventing the state from using lethal injection. while it allows the use of the gas chamber if lethal injection is not available. according to bruce burns, building and operating a gas chamber is impractical and a firing squad is the cheapest option. this bill is now up for consideration when the legislative session begins next
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month. talk about some big spending, lawmakers revealing a huge 1 trillion dollars spending bill. more than 1500 page bill covers the entire federal discretionary budget for this fiscal year. it restores some of the $6 billion that was cut from military pensions to help disabled veterans and the families of deceased service members. if this bill passes, congress ensures the government will stay open until october 1. does this song make you want to drive so much better? listen. ♪ hold on to my feelings ♪ . >> that should because according to a new survey, "don't stop believing" journey is the best song for driving on the road. i kind of agree with that. being bohemian -- bohemian rhapsody came in next. taylor swift "we are never
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getting back together." those are your headlines. steve, what you got? >> thank you very much. four soldiers on a mission to catch a terrorist got compromised by a group of goat herders. navy seal matthew axelsson knew as they all did, those herders were not on their side. >> they killed 20 marines last week, our job is to shop shaw. why do they have the right to dictate how we do our job? >> rules of engagement say we can not touch them and i don't care. >> i care about you. i care about you. >> "lone survivor" opening this past weekend and it tells the true story of what would be their last fight. seals let the herders go and before long, they were surrounded. ax continued to fight to his death regardless of multiple gunshot wounds. we're here to talk to his mother who joins us from dallas, texas. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> got to be a tough week for
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you. >> yes. but i've had tougher. >> yeah. tell me about the process. i know that you heard from the military that your son, matthew, a brave american hero, was killed. and you were told one story about what happened that day on that mountain top. then you read marcus' book and marcus lotrel's book gave you a pretty good idea of what happened, didn't it? >> it did. and marcus and the other members of the platoon when they came back from that deployment that year went and visited the families of the fallen. so we had met marcus and other members and he had shared the story with us at our home in northern california. so we had heard this story before the book came out. >> sure. so the book came out and a lot of people got to know the story and then peter berg, movie
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maker, decided to make this a movie and people have started to see that. in the process, i understand peter berg at one point told you and the family members when you see this, it's going to be graphic. and when he said that, what did you think? >> well, from the time i knew they were going to make a movie, i tried to tell myself it's just a movie. it's just a movie. so when he said it was going to be graphic, i'm not a big movie goer and i particularly don't see movies that are violent. so i braced myself for that. peter was very thoughtful for all of the families and he called me before we were invited to universal to see a rough cut, to let me know that it was graphic. i chatted with him for a while and he said yes, but donna, you need to understand that it's graphic. and i understand, i understand that, peter, but i also have to tell myself that it's just a
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movie to be able to get through it. >> sure. i understand that completely. what was the hardest part to watch? >> at the end of the movie, peter has done an amazing job of depicting these men not just as warrior, but also as husbands, sons, brothers, friends. and at the end of the movie, he shows still images of all 20 of the men and some of the images they're in their military uniforms. some of the images it's at their wedding with their children. i was sitting beside cindy matthews' widow while we were watching this. when it came to matthew, they did a video clip from the wedding and that was the hardest because now he was alive again in movies.
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>> that is -- it's hard for us to watch and having you tell us how much that meant to you, it means so much as well. was there a moment during the movie, aside from that, when you felt close to your son again? >> yes. ben foster did a phenomenal job. >> he was the actor who played him. >> yes. and we had the opportunity to meet him in albuquerque at the end of september, before they started filming. to kind of talk to him about who matthew was, so cindy was there, jeff, my other son, my husband and myself. we had quite a bit of time. so he did an amazing job of bringing matthew to the screen. after i saw the rough cut in may, i texted ben and i said, thank you for bringing my son
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back to me for a few hours. >> in the movie and in the book as well, marcus and peter make sure that people understand that your son fought to the very end. and i understand that that was a piece of advice that your husband, his father who went through vietnam gave to him. >> yes. and what's interesting, before matthew left for deployment, he took him for a walk around the block and he gave him three pieces of advice. he said never run out of ammunition. don't get close enough where you have to use a knife. and never get captured. >> it was great advice. i'm sure you've seen some stories on some of the internet sites, some of the lefty blogs are referring to this particular movie based on a true story, is just political propaganda. what do you say to the people who write that stuff?
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>> hogwash. marcus has been very careful about not bringing politics into this at all. this is just a story about what our military men and women do because as all volunteer military, these are men and women who want to do this, who believe in america and want to protect us from additional 9-11 kinds of attacks. it has nothing to do with politics. it has to do with the courage and bravery of our military men and women. >> you summed it up perfectly with hogwash. donna, we thank you so much for joining us from dallas and telling us about your hero son, matthew. thank you very much. >> thank you. by the way, robert gates, former secretary of defense, is going to be on hannity tonight in a cable news exclusive.
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we hope you stay tuned for that tonight. we'll be right back. across america people are taking charge
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ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. welcome back. his brother is a real life cop in miami, but actor danny penal plays one on the show "law and order: svu." >> we've got to get you and your family out of here. >> i'm on it. >> what about you? >> i'm good here. >> why don't you come home with me? >> you and cass? no way. >> that was a clip from tomorrow's new episode, don't tell anyone what happens. joining us right now is the man who plays detective nick morrow. welcome. >> thank you. >> so what is it like playing the role that your brother gets paid for?
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i both you're both getting paid for it. >> i get to wear more make-up than he does. >> we think. we don't know. >> pretty much guarantee. but. >> is he a resource for you? >> oh, yeah. absolutely. both in the positive and in the negative, kind of boost me up. >> in what way? >> he'll give me a call and give me some tips. don't hold your gun like that. this is how we do it. >> you're embarrassing the family. >> how does he tell you a real cop would hold the gun as the way you should. >> a lot of tv cops tend to be less than tactical with their weapon. real cops tend to push their weapon out from the middle of their body. they stabilize it, they have both hands on it, sometimes you see cops doing that on tv and whatnot. but you hold the nozzle down when you're not actually looking at a target so you don't shoot a
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fellow cop. but things like that. my brother is incredibly supportive. he'll give me a call more often than not, it's accolades towards the show and how we represent police officers as accurately as we can. >> one of the things your show has done for a long time, all the "law and order" series, seems like you take lot of stories out of the headlines and do your own version. >> absolutely. the writers and the staff, they do a fantastic job of combing through headlines and then fictionalizing those stories and adapting them. >> it seems close, but at the same time -- >> recognizable, but different. >> so you are married with one kid, five-year-old daughter. >> that's right, on the show. i was like, no, no. >> you're in character now. >> and how does that play into tomorrow night's episode? >> you know, everything is on the line for morrow. he shoots somebody who he
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suspects to be a drug dealer and after taking him down, they can't find the weapon that he believes shot a fellow officer. so not only is he the poster boy for racial profiling within the nypd, but also abuse of power. he has to decide whether fighting those charges is worth it for him and his family. >> didn't you also play desi arnaz in a project? >> i did. that was fun to dance. a little different from what i'm doing. >> here you are right here. there is lucy! >> there is that smoke jacket. i've been looking for that. >> don't look too hard. for you personally, what does it mean for you as a cuban american and seems to be more of a chance of normalizing relations there, are you very active in the cuban community? >> i'm really not as political as a lot of cuban americans are. i do keep my eye on what is
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happening there. i think normalizing relations has a lot more to do with cuba and how they treat their citizens. and i think that should be reflected in our government once that begins to occur. >> we treat our citizens well because tomorrow night they can watch "law and order: svu." thank you very much. good luck to you. >> thank you for having me. >> i'm glad they transferred you to the special victims units. good job. >> our best to your brother. coming up on this tuesday, are you overwhelmed by the amount of e-mail you get? try being in the c.i.a. but there are tricks to managing all those messages. a former member of the c.i.a. is going to show you how to do that and how they do it. so stick around. >> then 40 million people suffer from anxiety and our next guest kept his struggle a secret for years. even from his uncle john stossel. john and his nephew join us right now. how do i know they're here? >> they're here.
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♪ ♪
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it affects nearly 40 million americans and our next guest suffered for years without letting those closest to him have any idea how debilitating his struggle with anxiety was. not even his uncle, john stossel. but now he's using writing as a therapy and a way to reach out and help others. joining us to share their story, john stossel and his nephew, scott, author of the new book "my age of anxiety." welcome. and good morning. >> good morning. >> officially. >> thanks for having us. >> i love the yellow book. >> i planned it. >> it talks a lot about hope,
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dread. you're honest in this book. i want to read an excerpt from the book to everybody. it says, even when not actively afflicted by such acute episode, i'm buffeted by worry about my health, about my family members health, my job, old age and inevitablity of death. i thought the last week was so relatable to so many. why did you decide to write this book? >> the irony is ten years ago my first book came out and i was seized with anxiety about having to go and do the book tour. i was going to be having to do public speaking events on large auditoriums and on tv. i was actually paralyzed with anxiety. so i sought -- i struggled with anxiety my whole life, but became acute in that moment. so i sought help from different sources. that was the moment when i thought maybe i ought to try to write about this. the irony is that i succeeded in producing this book where i had to come out of the about my anxiety, talk about the history
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and culture and science of it and here i am rewarded with another book tour where i'm sitting here with you in front of however many millions of people. >> john, did you know this was the case? you were diagnosed at ten? >> yeah. >> but symptoms as far back as four years old, as far as you recall. did you have any idea? >> i mean, we stossels are more anxious than you "fox & friends" hosts, i can tell that. we worry about stuff. but i had no clue. i read this book and my jaw dropped. he hides it. >> is that typical for most with it? >> it's very typical. it is signature hallmark of people, particularly those with panic disorder, which is a form of anxiety, sort of they're actually able -- they may be churning underneath burks the gap between the externally projected image of calm is belied by the misery within. i do remember being about ten years old, you probably forgot this, but i was completely -- one of my phobias is fear of
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soming. my sister was sick. i was pacing. >> that's common, it's a loss of control. >> exactly. >> you write the dedication for marian and nathaniel. you say, may you be spared. what's your hoping in writing this book for them? >> one of the things that i was most struck by in doing my research for the book was how strong the genetic components of anxiety is. i looked back at my maternal side going back four generations. my great grandfather, very successful man, dean of harvard college, ended up at middle age being institutionalized multiple times for anxiety over the course of the next 20 years. so my fear is that i'm going to convey this to my kids. tragically mix daughter, who is now ten, but at age seven, which is the stage i started, started doing the phobias. we tried to get them very early into therapy to keep them from getting it as badly as i have it. >> his younger sister has it who
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just wrote a graphic novel where the super hero -- >> it runs in the family, yes. >> it's always good to see you. scott, congratulations on the book. it will help many. come on back to "fox & friends" in just a few. people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on a body at rest tends to stay at rest... while a body in motion tends to stay in motion. staying active can actually ease arthritis symptoms. but if you have arthritis, staying active can be difficult. prescription celebrex can help relieve arthritis pain so your body can stay in motion. because just one 200mg celebrex a day can provide 24 hour relief for many with arthritis pain and inflammation. us, in clinical studies, celebrex is proven to improve daily physical function so moving is easier. celebrex can be taken with or without food.
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good morning. it's tuesday, january 14. i'm elisabeth hasselbeck. new obamacare numbers are out and they're worse than expected. so who is on the hook? not the government, of course. it's you, the taxpayer. great. meanwhile, "lone survivor" is the number one movie in the country right now. but some liberal blogs are calling it pure political propaganda. this morning the emotional response from the mother of one of those fallen navy seals. >> you've seen the pictures. politicians caught snoozing on the job. but one state had a solution to make sure you will never see this again. "fox & friends" starts right
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now. >> action. >> it's "fox & friends". welcome. >> laura ingraham, the week is not complete until we have you on. of course, it's the beginning of the week. how many of the 600 pages that you got through of secretary of defense gates' book or how many excerpts you've seen or interviews you've read, including his own editorial. but what is your take away? >> a couple of things, guys. first of all, you read the part of the book where he talks about how unhappy he was as secretary of defense. i mean, i don't have a lot of empathy for that because i would imagine that someone as sophisticated as gates who worked for as many presidents as he's worked for over the last 30 years, that he had a pretty good understanding of what he was getting into with barak obama, right? anyone who thought barak obama
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in 2007 or 8 was going to be really serious about foreign policy wasn't really paying a lot of attention to barak obama's past speeches, his associations, his world view, and his ideas. >> i got to put yourself in his shoes. he has preside over the surge with this unbelievable success. he sees what he's accomplished already and he waited against a 48-year-old president with no military experience. however, the campaign he was going to really focus on what he called the good war and that's kind of what the secretary of defense wanted. more emphasis on afghanistan after the success of the surge. >> well, i understand that. but a lot of us were looking at president obama or candidate obama with our eyes wide open and i -- look, gates has got a long career. i think he deserves respect for what he's done for this country and what he's offered this country. but the idea that we're all supposed to be shocked that
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obama wasn't really into it, it doesn't surprise me one bit. barak obama didn't want to be there. >> from the get go. >> he wants to do domestic policy. he wants to change the face of america demographically, elect tore alely, culturally, and perhaps morally. he wants to do that. he wants to redistribute wealth. his focus to the extent that he likes to focus on anything regarding governance, is domestic. >> should he have written the book? >> look, i do have some sympathy with the people who say look, you're in a room with your cabinet and are you concerned about the guy running back to his office and writing notes? i could entry that would be annoying if you're president of the united states. you want your cabinet to be all in and in for the country, in for you. and gates was incredibly unhappy. he didn't look unhappy to a lot of people, but he was incredibly unhappy. apparently he spent a lot of
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times keeping notes. i think that's tough for a president. but i don't have a lot of sympathy for barak obama given what's happened with our domestic and foreign policy. >> gates will be on "hannity" tonight here on the fox news channel. perhaps he was just trying to get something done from the outside if not the inside. >> yeah. elisabeth, it would have been nice if we had known some of this during the campaign when mitt romney was trying to get some traction against obama. i would have had a little bit more excitement about this book if we had had some of these nuggets which he's kind of trying to down play now, which is interesting. like we rush out with all these details and then we do sequence television interviews like, well, no, i really respect president obama. i respect president bush and i'm just giving a fullsome account of my time in office. the top part of this is hype ago book for publication. i know what the pr push has to be. but in the end, i think we can all conclude that america is probably a lot weaker on the foreign policy stage than she
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was in 2008, even though we were in some hot water in 2008. we're weaker today and bob gates was part of that cabinet team. >> now we all know about it. we want to now turn to obamacare and we've heard from the administration, they set a target. they said unless we get that number, it's not going to really work out so well. now they've released some numbers and they're lower than estimates and yet the white house is saying everything is fine. 25% of the enrollees are between 18 and 34. they needed about 40%. about a little more than half of the early enrollees are between 45 and 64. that's more than they wanted. and about 80% are receiving subsidies to buy obamacare. we don't even know how many are winding up on the medicaid rolls. what's your observation regarding this release on the great numbers so far? >> now we know why they weren't telling us what the numbers were, right? now we know why they were stonewalling. oh, no, we don't have that
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demographic breakdown. i'm half expecting jay carney to show up at the white house briefing room wearing a mohawk in addition to the beard because he has to distract from these number. look at my mohawk. no matter what you say, they're going to try to say that well, 18 to 34-year-olds only represent about a quarter of the population. so we're on track. they're going to try to say we're only halfway to the enrollment period. there will be this mad dash at the end in march for people to sign up. but look, i think they could get leonardo dicaprio out there marketing this. they could get sofia vergara. we could get all these celebrities pushing obamacare. but in the end, these young people want free choice. they want freedom of movement, association. they want freedom to choose what they want in the health care arena. this is an anethma for young people. it's a huge opportunities for republicans. i think john boehner's spokesman was right, there is no way to spin this. this is horrible news. >> you were right on point
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there. they don't want to be told what to do is their mindset. >> they don't have any money. they can't afford to sign up. >> yeah. they don't have jobs, brian. so they don't have incomes, so the idea that they're going to rush out and buy these obamacare approved policies in order for older americans to be able to get coverage for their preexisting conditions, i guess what we're seeing is the people who put all those hope posters up in their college dorm rooms, maybe they're in and out as altruistic as the president thought they were about disturbing their own wealth. as long as it's the fat cats wealth, they're okay. but their own wealth, keep your hands off. >> a bunch of kids will be able to stay on their parents' policies until their 26. although their parents probably want them to get a job. >> yeah. you have to change your room. the kids go off to college, you have to turn that room into a workout room really fast, otherwise they boomerang. they're going to come back and move back into the house. >> you got to work out in it.
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you got to work out in the radio in 45 minutes. thank you very much. >> laura still has a glow in the dark kiss poster on her wall. >> in the dark? >> they glow in the dark. you didn't know that? with special lights. the kiss group. >> kiss group. that is the only rock band. >> 1980s, duran duran poster. >> you still are one? >> i just got one in the mail for an '80s party i'm having. you're invited. >> how should we dress? >> with a mullet. i have some news. fox news alert. at this hour, police are closing in on key suspects been involved in madeline mccann's disappearance in portugal. london's daily mail is reporting that british police are about to question three alleged thieves who had been burglarizing the area near the vacation resort where mccann went missing.
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detectives want to ask them about their cell phone records they reportedly show numerous calls to one another hours after the little girl vanished. we'll keep watching this story for you. a retired police captain back here at home is behind bars. he's accused of killing a man who was texting in a movie theater. police say curtis reeves asked chad olson and his wife to stop texting during movie previews. olson then let's the heater and when he came back, treat got into a fight. this fight ended when reeves allegedly pulled out a gun and shot olson in the chest. olson died and his wife was shot in the hand. reeves is a 20-year veteran of the tampa police force. he's 71 years old and he retired 20 years ago. new jersey governor chris christie set to deliver his annual state of the state address later today. we don't know if he will address the allegations that he misused federal money that was intended tore super storm sandy victims. but instead, was used to produce a campaign ad that ran during his reelection.
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i'm sure he'll bring up that -- i'm not sure if he'll bring that up. politicians caught sleeping on the job. let's see what lawmakers in maryland want to do. they're considering a new ban on cameras. state politicians would not be allowed to take pictures on the state house floor, but the proposal has some opponentses. listen to this. >> when everyone is screaming about needing more transparency, i think a the people have a right to see what we do. we have to be responsible to not do and say things that we can't be held accountable for. >> members of the republican caucus are expected to talk about the proposal later this week and those are your headlines. love to see what they're really up to, especially if they're sleeping on our dime. >> so they don't want pictures taken on the floor so people can know what they're doing? >> that's the story, yeah. >> there goes the selfy. >> let the sun in. >> thanks. coming up, we've told you about washington's plan to add
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more red tape to our veterans' broken claims system. but now we're learning that the system might actually be illegal. peter johnson, jr. told us about it yesterday. he's got an important update next. then he's a mastermind of the september 11 attack responsible for the deaths of nearly 3,000 people. why is ksm allowed to have a pen pal? ♪ ♪ this year, i'm trying the protein thing with real protein. [ female announcer ] try a yummy lean cuisi dish. with 13 grams oprotein for 10 ys, you'll feel great. i'm trying this too. maybe this. nope. not trying that. [ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. go on a try-it with lean cuisin still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ]
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yesterday we told you all about a new proposal out of washington to add more red tape to our veterans' broken claims system. as we've discovered not only would that rule make the claims
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process harder on our nation's heros, the process might actually be illegal. how is that possible? peter johnson, jr. joins us. >> good morning. the outpouring has been incredible based on we've talked about yesterday this plan by the federal government that instituted already to kick our wounded warriors in the privates. it's illegal. and it's unconstitutional. that was pointed out by john dimaio. a case called harris versus shown secretariy. let's look what it says. pro se filings must be read liberally, any ambiguity in a pro social security e filing that can be construed as a formal claim must be resolved in the veterans favor. >> what does that mean? >> under the law, the benefit of the doubt must be given to the veteran claimant. under the law, it is decidedly and by case law and statute pro claimant. meaning that as soon as the veteran puts that piece of paper in and says, i am disabled, the benefits if they are accorded,
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run from that day. not from this scheme by which brain damaged veterans have to go to a computer to insure that it runs from the date of submission. >> that's what you brought to us yesterday was the fact that the administration has decided that the way they've done it for many, many years was sometimes it will be informal, but somebody who is looking for benefits, just goes up to the c.o. and says, can i get some benefits? and it started then. now they got to fill out a big form. >> in terms of the benefit, 685,000 people, veterans are waiting for disability benefits to be accorded. 60% of them are more than 60 days going on. actually three months at least or more. it was pointed out by the daily caller that an increased -- really largely over the holidays. so now we have a situation where veterans are being deprived of their due process constitutional rights in a system that is
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supposed to benefit the disabled, is discriminating against the disabled, the brain damaged, the ptsd people, that don't have internet capability, that can't get to a computer immediately to lodge their complaint. used to be you put your piece of paper in, your claim is set. the government knows. now they're saying let's blame the veterans. speak out today. call, write the white house. only the white house can change this. president obama can change this regulation tomorrow. tomorrow. >> peter, i looked at the e-mail yesterday and outpouring of people saying it's worse than you think. some were worried that the administration is just making it harder on veterans so that maybe they won't even apply. >> that's what darryl said. do not expect to have your claim approved the first time either. many times the wording is not good enough to get the review board to approve your request. it took me seven appeals to get
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my rating. >> seven years. >> then we were tweeted this claim should be processed at discharge, otherwise one call should be all it takes. they answered our call after all. and finally, ron, obama and shenseke are attacking our veterans. easier to get welfare and foot stamps. disgrace. amen, ron. disgrace. >> it is a disgrace. once again, you say contact the white house? >> it's the only way it will get done. they ram rodded this regulation through. a lot of people weren't watching and veterans groups are stepping out. but the white house and the president can change this. let's match action with rhetoric and rhetoric with action in terms of veterans in this country. >> thanks for bringing this to our attention. next up for this tuesday, "lone survivor" number one movie in the country, but liberal blogs, some of them, calling it military propaganda. the emotional response from the mother of one of those brave
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fallen navy seals coming up. then are you overwhelmed by the amount of e-mail you get? try being in the c.i.a. but there are tricks to managing all of that. a former member of the agency joins us to show us how they do it next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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quick headlines. southwest airlines now grounding two veteran pilots who landed a passenger jet at the wrong airport in missouri. the men on paid leave until a federal investigator is finished. the ntsb will be reviewing the plane's black boxes this week.
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and a police officer's dash cam catch has texting driver in fort myers, florida. the driver crashes and climbs out and cited for texting and driving. not good. elisabeth? >> thanks, brian. if you think you're overwhelmed by the amount of information in your in box, try being a member of the c.i.a. intelligence agents, they're constantly being bombarded with updates from their colleagues across the globe. and these messages could mean the difference between life or death. how do they keep up? former c.i.a. analyst joins us as part 2 of our week long series, "secrets of the c.i.a.." so good morning. and i want you to look at this. it won't seem that unfamiliar to many. this is an in box of. bookers a.j.'s e-mail. 3186. that's his in red. something we all deal with. talk about how someone from the c.i.a., you know from your experience, would start even
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sorting. we have so much info. >> exactly. you see so many movies showing you the undercover spies, so you don't see the analysts working in the office getting ready to brief the president, getting ready to write reports and the amount of information overwhelming. you have reports from countries around the globe, you have human intelligence. you have open source intelligence. you have signal intelligence. and you have e-mail there is overnight. you can't bring your work home. >> i had a parent-teacher conference. so how do we beginning to through all of this just because we do have a lot of info coming in? what strategies does someone in the c.i.a. use that i could use or someone starting a business could use or someone who needs to clean up their in box. >> thinking about what i did at work that helped me manage my in box. all the information coming in. one tip would be set time lines for yourself. time deadlines for yourself. you want to limit the amount of time you're spending on e-mail. have a goal in mind. i'm gog spend 20 minutes going through the most important things before i have to get to write that report, before i have to do that briefing. put time frames around what you're doing, just like any other task. otherwise you can be bogged down
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all day. >> how do you know what's important? >> i think that's the big thing, if you can figure out what's important. but how do you get to that first step? >> you want to look for urgent things first. you want to scan through your e-mail, scan and filter. look for the sender of the e-mail, who is the most important person. your boss perhaps in the case of work. personal e-mails. you don't want to read them in order. you want to prioritize and do this in a way that makes sense for the work you're doing. when i worked in iraq, when i came in in the morning, attacks that caused loss of life and property, these are the things i have to get to first because these are the most important pieces of information. if that meant skipping through a lot of things in the in box, i would have to do that. >> you're talk ago general scan, sorting, then assemble your time line there. you also say understand and know the source. how important is that? are you talking putting a filter on your e-mail or really considering who is saying what? >> source is very important. other than information management, psychology and understanding the source is key. you want to know about the people who are e-mailing you for
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security reason, cyber security is a big issue. don't just be clicking links. you want to understand the source. you want to understand the motivations of the person e-mailing you. people in e-mail interactionses, it's not the same as in person. when you talk on the phone, it's different than in person. you want to understand that people have time to think about how they're e-mailing you and have time to write things in a different way than they might in conversing face-to-face. understand them when you read your e-mail. whether that's someone asking for a favor or offload work on you, you want to understand, reputation and credibility are key things. >> i've done a complete purge where i delete everything. but you say the relevance and value of something can change. >> do not delete everything. clearly delete all those promotional garbage e-mails that go into your spam. those you might be able to delete. but you don't know the value of information at a later point in time. something that's not relevant at time x, especially when you're doing intelligence can be very relevant at time y. a person, an individual, a specific might not
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have rang any bells off in your head when you read it at first. then months later, you might be working on something where that key piece of information is vital. >> interesting advice. thank you so much for being with us today. need those tips. we want to make sure that you stay and tune in all week for more secrets from the c.i.a. tomorrow, how a c.i.a. operative used lessons from the agency to jump start a successful business on his own. coming up, lou dobbs knows the way republicans can take back the senate and the white house and he's going to join us live with that. and it's the number one movie in the country. but liberal blogs are calling "lone survivor" propaganda. the mother of one of the heros who died speaking out about how seeing the movie made her feel. >> after i saw the rough cut in may, i texted ben and i said, thank you for bringing my son back to me for a few hours.
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afghastan, in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982.
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[ male announcer ] once it's ened, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former miliry members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an au insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. killed 20 marines last week. our job is to shop shah. why do these men have the right to dictate how we do our job? >> rules of engagement say we can not touch them. >> i don't care. i care about you. i care about you. i care about you. >> that is "lone survivor."
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number one hit in america showing on something like 3,000 screens this past weekend. it's a surprise hit of 2014 and it was the biggest january premiere in five years because it's based on a true story and yet, there are some on the political left who are trying to diminish it. >> based on a real story and a best selling book that was best selling for two years. it wasn't because it was a publicity rollout. it was because the only survivor of that attack, marcus latrell, we know out and told his story and was told in a real-life compelling way. what i'm surprised at is some of the reviews. some are saying i see it it's thank is a marine promo. i look at this one comment from weasel zippers, which took it from the atlanta. he goes, it's a high gloss music video and slathered in explosions and the sky soaring post rock. it plays out like an advertisement for the marine corps and affection endorsement from hollywood of the seals peerless brawn. >> it truly the endorsement that
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really matters are the ones that come from the families of the fallen and also from marcus luttrell himself. and the freedom that the liberal bloggers are enjoying while slamming "lone survivor" as propaganda certainly might come to a halt after they listen to dakota myer, the youngest living medal of honor recipients. he had this to say. >> i guess you can call it whatever you want to, but understand that that propaganda, whatever they're calling it, is the reality. 4% of the nation that's gone over there for the last 12 years fighting these wars so we could be free and independent. that propaganda is our reality. you can call it whatever you want, but it's not propaganda. these are the stories of the men and women who are sacrificing and they've got to come back and tell the stories so other people know. >> exactly. >> if you're going to diminish it as untrue, you're not being correct in being just. for example, one of the critics says the unruly gang storms into
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a quiet village, firing off machine guns. they drag a man to the street and lop off his head. i have news for you, that's not hollywood drama. this is the taliban. the taliban stone girls who get caught in school. these are the type of ingrates and these type of mutants that these people have been fighting against. they bring it to hollywood and some critics think it's too dramatic. >> right. they actually were calling for more fair introduction of the taliban here. >> let's be more fair. the no music, women stayed behind closed doors and girls can't go to school. look at the positive on that. >> the irony is the freedom in which they're enjoying here and putting that forward, was fought for on a battlefield by those who go time and time again and continue to serve this nation only to hear the comments there. >> so when people go and see the movie, they can decide for themselves if it's propaganda or if it's really a depiction of what happened that day on that mountsen in afghanistan. just about 45 minutes ago, we
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were honor to do have donna axelsson, whose son matthew, a navy seal, died that day. there he is right there. and we asked her about the charge that it is propaganda. is it? donna said this. >> hogwash. marcus has been very careful about not bringing politics into this at all. these are men and women who want to do this, who believe in america and want to protect us from additional 9-11 kinds of attacks. it has nothing to do with politics. it has to do with the courage and bravery of our military men and women. >> it sure does. and those three guys died that day on that mountain and the marcus luttrell story is telling everybody how brave they are and were. what's interesting about the movie and -- most reviewers love it. they refer to it as one of the most realistic war movies of all
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time. and if you haven't seen it and you're interested, it's showing on 3,000 screens. this weekend would be a great time to take in. >> you won't be alone in doing so either. >> "lone survivor." >> let us know what you think on facebook when you see "lone survivor" and what you think about the propaganda accusations by some of those web sites out there. >> a little crazy. heather nauert, how are you doing? >> good morning. 36 minutes after the hour. we have some headlines. brand-new declassified documents about the investigation into the benghazi terrorist attack are now being revealed. they show that the attack that killed four americans was always considered a terrorist attack. the documents show that then defense secretary leon panetta and martin dempsey met with president obama minutes after the attack. they never talked about the attack stemming from a video, which is what we were led to believe. the self priscilla kwon proclaimed mastermind of the
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9-11 attacks writing to a pen pal. a 25-year-old guy in england received a letter written by khalid khalid shaikh mohammed. him saying we live in a different world, christianity and islam. that means we are not on the same page. we have many different perceptions and convictions regarding the seen and unseen world and goes on and on for 27 pages. deborah burlingame, whose brother was a pilot on a flight that crashed into the pentagon, was on the kelly file last night and she gave her reaction. >> this is a gold mine of propaganda coming from the rock star of 9-11 right out from his jail cell. that's how stupid the infidels are in letting this get out. and his attorneys, i have to say, shame on you, major derek poteet, a marine, an active duty marine, you are a disgrace to your uniform for participating in this.
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>> another story, a few hours from now, the president of france is expected to address rumors that he is having an affair. those allegations reportedly put his long-time girlfriend in the hospital. the french tabloid, closer, published photos that they say proved the president was having an affair with a french actress. he's not denying the report, but he says his privacy was invaded. it's france. it's not all good news for the show "the news room." >> you're going to lose your audience. >> aaron sorkin's drama was renewed, but that will be the last. the official reason, not revealed. but some say production costs are too high and the ratings are marginal. those are your headlines. that's a show i never gotten into. >> it was okay. >> see you later. it is, as you can see, we got people walking to work today. they've got umbrellas outside.
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here is maria. >> i can't hold my umbrella. i have to give up the umbrella. the reason i have my blackberry is because we have some viewer photos that have been sent in to us and as you know, today is national dress up your pet day. so we have these photos to show to you. the first one is from brian and he has two scottish terriers in the snow in sweaters, adorable. our next photo is from cherry. her dogs, brownie inside with a sweater on. we have laura, tom, kathy and sandy and their dog rocksy on the beach. very cute stuff. and now let's take you to the weather map because we have something to tell you about. rain across portions of the east coast. temperatures are mild enough that we aren't seeing that precipitation coming down in the form of snow. it's just staying as rain across the northeast. temperatures making it into the 50s. otherwise in the midwest, we do have snow. temperatures staying cold.
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you can see the high in minneapolis, just forecast to be 22 degrees. let's head inside to brian. >> let me tell you what's going on in the world of baseball. yesterday, headlines, a rod, baseball's version of lance armstrong, swings at major league baseball works days after being suspended for 162 games. rodriguez filed a lawsuit against major league baseball and get this, the players union to overturn the 162-game suspension for using peds. rodriguez maintains he never tested positive, but look at the evidence. it's an insult to your intelligence to think he's not guilty as sin. this is the strongest suspension ever. he's called out everyone, but he stands there alone. only him and his high priced lawyers agree that he is indeed innocent of charges. he's just being targeted by baseball. >> yeah. >> it's ridiculous. >> all right. 20 minutes before the top of the hour. >> next we have lou dobbs.
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he knows a way republicans can take back the senate and the white house and he's promising to say it out loud. >> good morning. ♪ ♪ al protein. [ female announcer ] try a yummy lean cuisi dish. with 13 grams oprotein for 10 ys, you'll feel great. i'm trying this too. maybe this. nope. not trying that. [ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. go on a try-it with lean cuisin
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[ femalannouncer ] ditch the diet. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on despite the botched rollout of the obamacare, president obama and the democrats want a second term in november 2012. the question now is, why couldn't republicans overcome that and tap into the overwhelming frustrations of americans have shown with the administration? lou dobbs says it's very simple and it's in new book called "upheaval." what was the problem in 2012? what should republicans have learned? >> republicans should learn, first of all, that they've got to work together and have a big tent and that raising big money doesn't equal big numbers at the
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polls. this is convenient for strategists and fund-raiser, but it's lousy for outcomes and the republican party, the republican national committee continue to repeat the samethey're our bestt this country turned around. >> you think some of the other groups that are forcing tea party only candidates forward got it wrong? >> i think that those who are pushing only tea party candidates have it wrong. i think that mitch mcconnell, john boehner, karl rove, who are going to war against the tea party have also got it wrong. ronald reagan said it pretty clearly. the 11th commandment. don't talk down your own party and its members. and this is worse than that. we have a national republican leadership not chasened at all by the results over two election cycle, presidential election cycles who are acting like they won and they're the smartest guys in the room. they're not and they didn't. >> lou, for example, heritage
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action only one one type of candidate and that cost them seats. it also gave republicans some seats in some areas. >> exactly. we're looking at 40 some odd folks in the house of representatives who are tea party directly tea party candidates. we may have far more. we've got some exciting people to put forward in 2016. but the critical election is 2014. these midterms and reince previn is talk being 2016 instead of 2014. >> let's look at the -- here are the polls for the republicans. it's still so early. but right now when asked in this poll, christie with 16. jeb bush, ted cruz, paul ryan with 12%. so all pretty close right now. governor christie in a very loose state, the governor in a little turmoil, but still as of
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today, has 59% approval in his state. >> he does. and he has a lot of trouble. one of the lessons for all republicans this should be, know who your friends are and respect them. his friends are the republican party. he tried to play games with the democrats. this justice department of this administration, his new buddy, are the ones coming after him on his sandy funding from the federal government. and they did it like this. it is disgusting to watch what has happened here, but this man has brought so much on himself and acting like he is better than the party that he is so moderate and reasonable and solomon-like sitting atop a pile of basically fundamentalists who really don't understand his politics. this is not the way forward. it is one of the reasons so many people are skeptical of his national chances. >> right. and if he was, in fact, using this to intimidate in other
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areas, whether it's sandy funds t could get bigger. if not, he did so well in that hour and seven-minute -- >> everybody has got a candidate here. everybody wants to push something. let's remember this: none of the polls at this point leading into 2012 correctly forecast the top candidate who ultimately became the nominee. by the way, the same was true in 2008 for the democrats. >> so don't let one issue knock -- that's what i get from your book. don't let one issue or one thing knock out a potential candidate that is more electable than the other. that's what i got from your book. congratulations on "upheaval." good to see you. 12 minutes before the top of the hour. coming up straight ahead, she's living proof hard work does pay off. so what does rita moreno think of entitlement nation she's in now? the legend is here.
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stunning revelations on what the white house knew about benghazi and when. and whether the military ever had a shot at helping the four people who were killed that night. and the battle over the movie "lone survivor," why some appear not to be happy that this movie is such a big hit. and shocking video that will stop you from ever texting and driving again. bill and i join you at the top of the hour. we'll see you then. ♪ if you can fight in america ♪ ♪ fighting's all right in america ♪ ♪ if you're all white in america america ♪ >> she's singing along here in the studio. you know her from "west side story" and living proof that hard work pays off. >> without a doubt. our next guest won an oscar, grammy, and other awards and we're thrilled to be joined by
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rita moreno. >> i wore my bun gum pink today. this -- bubble gum pink today. i just came in from california. >> are you starting by complaining? >> that's not a complaint. it's a statement of fact. don't yell at me. >> i'll sit back here quietly. >> when you talk to an 82 yearly woman, be ready for anything. we don't take any caca from anybody. >> notice i didn't say shit. >> have you been on youtube before? >> i know somebody with a button just went oh! >> they said the same thing. (beep). >> there it is again. >> there is a starter for the morning. >> so you got a lifetime achievement award. >> coming up. >> folks, that's the crew laughing and laughing.
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>> you've entertained for a long time. lifetime achievement award, so well deserved. it's coming up on the 18th, right? >> yes. screen actors guild is giving me a lifetime achievement award. i have to tell you that it's the last thing in the world i ever expected in my life. i'm thrilled to pieces. they gave me one minute to accept, literally one minute. they don't know i'm puerto rican. i can't even say hello in one minute. >> you were born in puerto rico. >> i tell you what, they have you on a five second delay and you're accepted. >> i'd bump that up to about ten. >> but you do something -- your success, as talented as you are, you're prideful of how hard you worked. is that won constant you found with successful people in your life? and are you concerned about where we're at as a country now? have we gotten away from that? >> i don't think we've got answer way from it. as a matter of fact, i think we're kind of in this horrific rut of trying to find work. i don't think that people are happy to not be working.
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>> there aren't enough jobs. >> no, there really aren't. this whole business of social security, you probably -- this is fox, you probably disagree with me. but that does come from our salaries and i think more than ever, people are really killing themselves trying to find work. and i think the ones that have given up have given up because they feel so discouraged that the work situation is hideous. i don't know enough, why is it so bad? why is it so hard to find jobs? >> the big number for unemployment last week for the month went down to 6.7%. that looks like good news. but something like 300,000 people simply stopped looking for work because to your point, there aren't enough jobs out there. >> yeah. >> only 74,000 was added. you do the math -- >> bad number. >> young people in particular are being focused on right now because -- they're coming out of school. they have a ton of loans. they're looking for jobs. what's your advice? >> the loans are scary. >> let me say this, i think that
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the most important thing for young people is to educate themselves so that they can acquire a skill that will pay them enough money to buy the acting lessons or the clothes or the food. i think it's at the top of everything is education, education. >> more on that in just a second. we'll take our final timeout and come back with more with rita moreno. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ooh, homemade soup! yeah...
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when they save, u save. so you can keep your dollars. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call.
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>> pizza hut has brand-new kind of crust and they on the over pizzas that look like us. what do you think? >> they're all made of ham. >> at least they're not bologna. >> your hair looks like -- >> it's olive. >> it looks like o. j. simpson's hair.
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>> thank you. that's the comparison i was looking for. >> if the hair doesn't fit, you must -- what did you say? >> what about aaron hernandez? any similarities? >> have a great day. get a pizza from pizza hut. see you tomorrow and rita moreno in the after the show show. bill: we'll take three and we want them hot. numbers from obamacare showing enrollment not where it need to be. 20% of the total enrollment numbers are people between 18-24. those are the people who need to sustain the law financially and those numbers need to be higher. martha: tough numbers. i'm martha maccallum. that's just the beginning of what we are learning.


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