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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  January 14, 2014 8:00pm-9:01pm PST

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have we done? fought that war again. >> start each weekday morning with fox and friends. thanks for joining us. see you then. the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> what year did we sign the declaration of independence. >> i don't know any of this stuff. >> who is your favorite founding father. >> abraham lincoln. >> he is not a founding father isn't he first president. >> no question americans don't know anything about their government. tonight we will tell you what you must know to protect yourself in a special report. >> of course, it was an attack. the facility was attacked. there was never any doubt about -- come on, ed, i know there is a desire to. >> the benghazi story heating up once again. just released documents show the did tell the president it was a terror attack shortly after the ambassador was assassinated. tonight, we will have the
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facts for you. also this evening, bernie goldberg on how the media is using pope francis and john stossel tries to buy a handgun. >> supreme court says i have a right to carry one of these. caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. what you absolutely have to know about your government. that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. new stats one in. once again, younger americans not buying into the program. that means there will be a huge deficit in the mandatory healthcare law. right now about $48 billion a year allocated for obamacare. also the feds get 3% of every healthcare policy sold
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and that could bring in hundreds of billions. but, it still might not be enough. now, why should you you care? the main danger facing all americans is not al qaeda but it's the treasury department. right now the federal debt, how much we owe as a nation 17,300,000,000,000; 17 trillion. since president obama took office five years ago the debt has increased 63% in 2014 alone, at least $560 billion will be added to the debt bringing it up to 18 trillion. happy new year 2015. that's a massive problem. massive. and it's not really being addressed in congress. the new budget calls for more than $3 trillion in spending. as i just said that's 560 billion more than the feds are going to take in from we the taxpayers. again, why should you care? it's very possible that the u.s. dollar could collapse. if the people who are lending our government money, china et al begin to
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pull out of the bond market and other u.s. investments, armageddon. also the feds cannot continue printing dollars to pay our debts so the dollars will lose buying power. right now the u.s.a. is playing it very dangerous game with the currency. many americans don't want to pay attention. in fact, some americans don't even know who joe biden is. they are texting all day, all night. but unless voters, unless voters start to demand that the feds pull back on spending, all of us are going to get hurt. all of us. just a matter of when. once again, talking points feels like paul revere, i'm galloping around, but half the country doesn't care. democratic party surely knows the danger on the horizon. are they doing anything about it? are they trying to find ways to cut spending? no. same with president obama. he doesn't seem all that concerned by the titanic national debt
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poor you are very sensitive. you didn't have anything when you were a kid. parents didn't have anything. now you are a success. you still put money away? >> there is a possibility that all the money that you have, all the dollars that you have saved. those dollars are going to crash. do you know what happens when a currency crashes? all your savings. everybody watching, everybody they have worked hard for their whole life can dissolve now we have a debt that's irresponsible. it's irresponsible to carry an 18 trillion-dollar debt. you are liberal, obama
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supporter. your party, your president, your philosophy all say we must continue spending at a record rate that's the fight between the republicans who want less government and democrats who want bigger government more spending. how you can juan williams justify that. >> you are a good man bill o'reilly or should i say paul revere. >> i am paul. >> you are sip sear in trying to wake up america. it's too much doom and gloom. bill o'reilly says the sky is falling and ignoring some facts. let's look at the facts. the spending as a percentage of the economy done by the federal government right now at about a 30 year low. 30 oyear low. >> 3 trillion-dollar budget? >> no, no. >> 3 trillion-dollar budget isn't a 30 year low. >> as i said it's a percentage of the economy, bill, okay, i'm just telling you -- the deficit. the deficit has been cut in half in the last five years. >> that's ridiculous because
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they ran it up so big and now you are saying because they ran it up -- look, look, look, juan. you are a baseball fan. >> they ran it up because of what? we were in a terrible recession. and we were involved in two major wars. >> no doubt. >> okay. so slow down. and the final point to you is, you know what? we have about the lowest number of federal employees, despite the fact the population is much bigger, we got all the -- lowest number last 47 years bill o'reilly. >> they don't take much money anyway. let me put forth this. both parties would say you know what 18 trillion is unsustainable as a debt. both parties embrace austerity plan because of the foolish mistakes we make. letting wall street sell all these irresponsible mortgages. foolish mistake and both parties are involved. both parties. >> thank you. >> iraq, i wouldn't put the word foolish on it but it was a mistake. it was a mistake.
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for blood and treasure we acknowledge our past mistakes, we the u.s.a., congress, both parties. enough to, we have to be austere. you know what the word of the day is austere. >> there we go. let's do it. >> you oppose that? >> unless it's done in a way that's foolish. at this point when you say that the united states economy is in the midst of a very slow protracted recovery and we need to make sure that economy continues to grow. wall street is booming. we're still the number one place for global investment, the united states of america. you have got to say that, too, paul revere. >> what's the other choice? >> i'm just saying. >> there is no other choice. >> you said a minute ago. what happens if people start to pull out the bond market. >> right. >> they have no chance. guess what, we are the number one place for global investment. >> right now. but that could change. >> we are. >> that could change. >> you don't walk the wire like that. all i'm saying is that voters of both parties have got to stop the nonsense. this is not the time in
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history for social engineering. >> i would agree. >> that's where the money is going. >> no, it's not. >> oh, it is. so you know it is. >> let me just tell you something. you are a conservative kind of guy. >> i am not conservative. >> i was a liberal. >> i am independent. >> you are independent, all right. okay. i will buy that. here is the thing? why don't you think politician does what paul revere bill o'reilly suggest? let's make a deal. let's talk about it? >> because there is pork. there is too much pork. >> oh, no, you point fingers at the liberals, the democrats. >> that's the liberal philosophy. >> why does it that you think then that the republicans refuse to say to the rich in this country we have got a problem if you think that the debt is such a problem and we have got to get it down for future generations. why aren't they responsible. why aren't the rich responsible. >> you want the rich to pay down the debt? >> no i think everybody. didn't you say people as americans have to come together and do what's pragmatic. >> i have got to go. just take a look at the chart. the wealthy in america are paying almost all the taxes
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now. >> the tax rate right now is what it was back in the 90's. >> do you want their houses? no. stop. i can't believe you are a mouth piece for the rich. >> mouth piece for the rich. >> you should be a man standing up for the people. >> i am. i want both parties to come together and stop the spending nonsense. >> now you are back to paul revere. >> next on the rundown, new developments released yesterday. president obama in a very tight spot. they show he was told that benghazi was a terror attack on the day it happened. we'll have the latest. later, is it legal on alex rodriguez suing pretty much everybody in the world. the factor is coming right back. ♪ nothing says, "you're my #1 copilot," like a milk-bone biscuit. ♪ say it with milk-bone.
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-hit the beach in florida. -and a reunion in seattle. we can afford to take more trips this year. [man] when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. [woman] so we got our 4-star hotels... for half price. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ we're gonna be late. ♪ ♪ ♪
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oh are we early? [ malennouncer ] mmute yo way with the bold, all-w nissan rogue. ♪
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terrorist. the president was told that on the day the attacks happened. yet as we all know the administration told another story to the public. joining us now from d.c. fox news chief washington correspondent james rosen. so is this as bad as it sounds, rosen? >> well, speaking just as an honest broker of information here and i'm not someone who has any particular dog in this fight, yeah. this is another nail in the coffin of the idea that the obama administration was telling the people the truth in the days after 9/11. this is declassified, top secret testimony that was given to congress last year by the nation's top military officers. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff and other key people at the pentagon. they gave this testimony in secret last year. now it's been declassified. >> i want to be very fair to president obama and to then defense secretary leon panetta, right? i want to be fair to both men. the testimony was given to congress by the pentagon chiefs, under low on
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panetta, correct? at the pa net that is the top goif. panetta himself did not testify, correct? >> not before this panel. he testified before the senate armed services committee last year. here is the point of this testimony, bill. >> let's say on panetta. >> yes, please. >> what did he say to panetta in the senate committee? basically i got the word from the general something called afri-con. libya. 15 minutes of the attack starting, the head of afri-con notifies the chairman of the joint chiefs, the chairman of the joint chiefs and the other guy go to panetta. all three of them know within 20 minutes of the attack it's a terrorist attack. panetta and dempsey go to the oval office to see president obama. they had a previously scheduled meeting. again, we are now within an hour and a half of the attack. panetta told the senate armed services committee.
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getting too much information too quick. panetta and dempsey go to the president. they tell him it's a terrorist attack. they don't say organized attack on our guys. that's what happened. get the nomination. ambassador susan rice as we all know goes out, tells everybody spontaneous demonstration. now panetta says nothing. all going on, secretary panetta not saying a word even though he knows it's true. he is not saying a word. dempsey is not saying a word. they are not saying a word. of the president is not saying a word. there seems to be three people here that allowed ms. rice who i don't think knew. i think she was a dupe, to mislead the world. am i wrong? >> well, it's not just the president and susan rice. it's jay carney, it's secretary clinton. there is a lot of people.
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>> stick with the big fish. stick with the big fish. i have three big fish here for you. i have got the president. i have secretary panetta, i have dempsey. stick with the big fish. they let it go. >> big fish number one, bill, dempsey is a uniformed military officer. he only follows orders or he answers questions before the congress. otherwise o, it's not his turn to speak. so he stays buttoned up and we can can perhaps understand that. >> okay. >> leon panetta is a civilian and a member of the president's cabinet. his obligation to correct this false narrative over the next two weeks. did he not. we asked leon panetta's former chief of staff, well connected by still in town. tight with leon panetta for a comment yesterday in our reporting. we did not hear back. >> president obama is the last big fish is there any wiggle room in here for the president? >> these transcripts as illuminating as they are, bill, still leave unanswered one key question. how exactly and when and where did this idea of this false narrative take route
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within the obama administration? the point is, we now know, thanks to these declassified transcripts the president knew from the get-go this is a terrorist attack. he resisted saying so for days and weeks. only he can truly answer that question. >> there is no doubt that he knew? >> not according to the chain of reporting of information that is laid out pretty clearly in this these transcripts. i urge all of your viewers to read them themselves. you can go to the house armed services subcommittee on oversight investigation, their web site and read all 450 pages, even though they are redacted, there is plenty of material here. >> fair report, rosen. i'm sorry, but i want to stay on the main central issue on dempsey, on panetta and on the president of the united states. we appreciate it we will will stay on the story. it's a big story. directly ahead, bernie goldberg on an interesting question. are the american media exploiting pope francis? and then stossel, trying to buy a gun here in new york city. wait until you see this. upcoming. this is for you.
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weekdays with bernie segment tonight. very interesting situation involving pope francis, you may remember last november the pope said some capitalists are evil, exploiting poor folks that got picked up all over the place in the u.s.a. mentioned on the evening news. this week when pope francis said abortion is literally throwing away human beings like garbage, that got no mention at all. none. joining us from miami, the purveyor of bernard goldberg .com mr. goldberg. i'm not surprised in the pope puts the u.s.a. in a bad light. that's going to get headlines. if he abortion, the liberal media will ignore it. is that what we have here. >> right. once again you have stumbled on to the truth. the issue isn't solely about
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how the media treat this particular pope. there is a bigger issue. that is that too many journalists on the left and on the right tend to play up stories that reflect their own values and play down stories that don't reflect their own values. so, when the pope talks about the excesses of capitalism and income inequality they jump all over that story because it reflects their values, their friend's values their family's values and probably president obama's values because he also talks about income inequality. but when the pope talks about abortion being horrific and part of a throw away society, we did some checking. the network said the vote is exactly zero -- >> -- no mention. >> virtually every major paper ignored the story. even in today's "new york times" story about the pope quoted him a few months ago saying that the church was obsessed with abortion and
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cob that accepts but left out. >> they didn't mention that he said people should understand that are not catholic that the basic doctrine of christianity is all life is sacred. all life. christian doctrine opposes it abortion, same thing. cath leaks and other christian sects say the only one who has a right to terminate a life. not a doctor, not a woman, not a woman who is pregnant. god. when life is in play. you can't. that's why euthanasia they oppose. now, a lot of americans don't believe that we respect that. this is a pluralistic society, we do. but when the media, the national media uses a pope or exploits the pope as i think they did in this case on capitalism and turns around around doesn't report the other stuff i think we
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have a serious problem in this country, bernie. >> let me throw this out to you because i think we were both hard newsed journalists. one could make the case and i'm not necessarily making it tonight. but one could make the case that the pope coming out, making a statement against abortion, isn't exactly a bulletin. >> it is the language though. >> he is the pope after all. >> no, no, but it's the language. >> there is no question that you or i could have written a pretty good page one story. >> that's right, absolutely. >> about the whole context. i'm just saying, you know they are going to say i don't care what they say we heard the drum beat for months that this was a liberal pope. he was changing and then all of the sudden he comes out language and it doesn't exist in the united states bernie. this story does not exist. precisely because of what i said at the open, when they have a story that reflects their values and their
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friends' values. >> they run with it. >> they play it up. >> right. and when they have a story that doesn't, they ignore it. >> it's wrong, it's corrupt. it's not what journalism is supposed to be. >> that's the important point that it's not what journalism is really about. that's important. >> when i was at cbs and abc, i didn't know who was ledge just and who wasn't. i was a hard news reporter, i was running around. i didn't have spend a lot of time in the office religion never came up. i never told anybody that i was catholic that i went to mass. i never told anybody and nobody told me. don't ask, don't tell situation. was that your experience as well? >> it never came up because virtually nobody in the news room cares very much about religion. >> how did you know that? >> and by the way. >> how did you know that? >> because every -- i know that because i know they didn't go to church on a regular basis and they didn't go to synagogue on a regular basis.
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and having written about this kind of thing for over 10 years now, i know that every poll that's ever come out journalists are not especially formal in a religious sense, religious people. why does that matter? and by the way, that's fine with me. i don't care what people are but when a story comes up about abortion, they don't understand what you said about a t. a minute ago. they don't understand that in catholic theology and in a lot of christian beyond catholicism, theology, life is sacred. all they know is that hey, we are for abortion rights, what's the big deal here? that's why people choop sort of balance things out a little bit in the newsroom. >> plenty more as the factor moves along this evening. stossel trying to buy a handgun permit in new york city. it's quite an ordeal. we will show you what happened. then, alex rodriguez suing major league baseball, the players' union and maybe the
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♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ book with our app for an additional... $25.00 off your next hotel. stossel matter segment tonight, there are some places in the u.s.a. where it's almost impossible to buy a hands gun legally. one of those places right here in new york city. recently our pal john stossel tried to procure a handgun permit and ran into an amazing bureaucracy. >> this is 50 pages. who understands this?
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>> it took hours and hours to fill out the forms. we had to call the police department six times to clarify what questions meant. finally, it was done. >> get this notarized go ahead and sign here and i will fill in the rest. >> then, you have to go in person to police headquarters. here, they fingerprinted me, asked me to list reasons why i should be allowed to have a gun. and then they charged me a $430 application fee. they said they would get back to me. >> and then in the end stossel didn't get the permit, right? >> that's right. >> i wouldn't give it to you either, just looking at you you didn't get it after you went through all of, this right? >> i thought the supreme court said we have a right to keep and bear arms. >> you have a legitimate reason for wanting it. >> people have threatened me. >> i do every week. >> you threaten me every week but you don't threaten to kill me he. >> behind your back i do.
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you had a legitimate reason. you went through. you paid the 430 bucks. you file it. you are a professional. they turned you down, why? >> you haven't demonstrated a special need. these threats you are showing us, i have a myspace page where someone wanted to kill me and i showed them samples. but you didn't report these to the police. >> oh, so they were looking for a reason not to give it to you. >> that's right. i can afford the 430 but if you are a poor person that can't take the time off work to go twice and spend hours here. >> they want to make it as hard as humanly possible, right? >> right. >> that's the philosophy here in new york city. there are other states where you don't even need a permit. >> in five states, vermont, alaska, arizona, wyoming, i forget the fifth anybody can carry a concealed handgun. there is no more crime in those states. >> so, in those states that you mentioned. carry it anywhere you want to go. >> no schools but generally speaking if you have a gun on you the cop pulls you
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over for speeding and you have a gun you are not charged with anything? >> that's right. >> there are states like new york and other states like illinois where it's almost impossible to get a gun. >> and mostly the three cities. washington, d.c., chicago, and new york city. i mean, 50 pages. and there is lots of crime in those cities. but, i mean, the obstacles. you are supposed it know the desks of things like gravity knife. ballistic knife. kung fu star. it's obstacle course to make it hard for people. >> you are a libertarian. do you believe that the five states that allow anyone to carry with no paperwork should be the 50 states? do you believe that should happen? or should there be some regulation? >> certainly if you are a ex-con. if you are a felon, if you have mental problems that have been clearly demonstrated. we there is no more crime in
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the states that let people have guns. >> okay. so you want what though? i think the audience would like to know what stossel wants to see on the gun level? >> fewer simple rules that everyone understands that don't abuse poor people. >> that are uniformed over 50 states? >> no. >> no? >> no. each state can make its own? >> experiment. >> all right, stossel. i'm kind of glad you don't have a gun though stossel. sometimes on this program it gets feisty, pull it out. i would disharm you because i do know kung fu. >> i assume you have a gun right now. >> i don't have a gun. just vicious lethal weapon with my hands. is it legal on a rod suing everybody and octomom charged with welfare fraud. legal is next. [ male announcer ] this is the story of the little room
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good news. i got a new title. management couldn'ta make that happen. [ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. simple, flat rate shipping with the reliability of fedex. thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the is it legal segment tonight, we have lots to talk about, let's get right to attorneys and fox news analyst kimbler live guilfoyle and lis wiehl. we begin with alex rodriguez. you know who he is, right? baseball player. >> major league baseball says he used performance enhancing drugs. they suspended him for awful next year 2014, this season. >> right. >> now he is suing everybody. >> everybody. the player's union actually turned on him very unusual. why on earth would he just not take the suspension,
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doesn't get paid but he can come back? now he is just wiping his whole career out. >> is he losing $20 million with the suspension. >> he is going to lose it anyway. >> exactly. this desperate attempt what this is to sue everybody, the union, the commissioner, the leg, everybody is an attempt to get this suspension relieved or released. >> it's not going it happen. he knows it's not going to happen. this is a binding arbitration. like a judge. like the court of last resort? >> you still haven't answered my question. maybe guilfoyle can. >> what would you like to know? >> everybody knows including rodriguez and his lawyers the us is sense is -- suspension is not going to be lifted, everybody knows that -- why bother seeing when everybody knows is he going to sit out for years. the yankees still owe him like three or four years. >> he is going to get another 3 million coming up next week because that was part of his signing business. that is going to be afforded
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to him that's what is in his contract. he has a lot ofmoney. he can go ahead and take this to the matt. he feels that he has been wronged and injustice. he said he admitted to using performance enhancing drugs. however, the penalties against him have been onerous. they have been unprecedented, especially for him admitting. >> you think he has a case? >> there are some issues as to whether or not he was denied some of the evidentiary information that he should have been afforded. >> hold on. >> stand by and i will educate because they were not able to cross-examine him. he was allowed to take the fifth. they wanted to be able to talk to him. they wanted to be able to review the actual. >> technicalities? >> technicalities aren't enough. >> i saw this guy on "60 minutes," to me he had no credibility. he just kept repeating. >> that's from biogen sis. >> emails back and forth and lot more evidence than one guy. >> rodriguez paid this guy a lot of money and it wasn't for his personality or looks. >>. no you should be able to cross-examine the witnesses against you. >> i agree like boss.
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you can't let him answer questions for major league baseball. >> you say he has a threat of a case. you say he has no case. >> no. >> octomom, 14 kids, l.a., totally irresponsible. the woman is not very intelligent in my opinion. she is now charged with welfare fraud goifl. >> that's a problem. actually three counts total. two counts of perjury by false application for aid, one count of aid by misrepresentation. basically what it amounts to is that she failed to disclose income and royalties in the beginning of the year that she made that would have exceeded it. when you have 14 children. >> she made a porn movie or something. >> she actually made one by herself and she won an award for it i'm not sure who else. >> golden globe was it? that was on the other night. did you guys see her there was she arrested? >> not arrested. bail, 25 k. hearing is upcoming. she is not going to do any time. she will pay the money back. the point is the welfare and best interest of the child. >> i'm glad that they are doing it i'm glad they are keeping an eye on it.
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>> absolutely. >> finally a terrible story, this little kid 2 years old omaha, nebraska, was taunted with curses by adults. they took the baby out of the home. and now we have judges return the baby to its 16-year-old mother. >> to the mother in protective care in a custodial kind of setting. >> what does that mean? >> meaning foster home. mother 16 i think she turned 17 is actually in the same foster home as the child. >> both of them are in a foster home being supervised by foster parents. >> she cannot see the child alone. she can't leave the child with the house alone. she is in that house with the child. >> listen, she is a child. she just turned 17 over the weekend. okay? her mother, who is 38 years old, just got out of jail for five weapons in the house. there is known gang trafficking activity in the home. the child was actually injured in a drive by shooting that happened at the house. it isn't so much taking him away from the mom because the mom is a victim in this situation, too. they tried to relocate the family on two separate
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occasions. the gang activity still follows the family, okay? and the baby's dad was killed. >> 17-year-old and 2-year-old in a foster home one last chance. >> two other juveniles from the home at the time. that is the scenario. the child's father was killed as well in the drive by shooting. >> wiehl has a new book out "snapshot" and it's a good book. i wrote a little thing for it now, wiehl, there is a lot of books on the market. everybody has got a book but me. no, i have one, too i'm sorry. >> you have forgotten about your books. all right. they are going to invest some money reading your book what will they learn. >> historic thriller. they will learn about my father who 1965 took that picture in fort worth the cover picture, the snapshot. he is back, he is working there as an fbi agent. as you know he had just briefing during the assassination of president kennedy. he moved to fort worth where he was stationed there. >> this was all true based on your father's career. >> exactly. >> from that snapshot, you see there is a civil rights
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procession going on in the background. from that i take a civil rights up and coming leader was assassinated while those little girls are there at the march. all these years later, there is a man on death row, a black man who was convicted of killing him. >> so it's a thriller. >> it's a thriller. so now these little girls first of all they have to find each other one one is a federal prosecutor. the blonde. she has to find this other black girl and come to terms with what this mystery is. >> okay. wiehl, "snapshot" there you go. we appreciate it. crowley and colmes on deck. governor christie gives his state of new jersey speech today. yes, he does. and then the factor tip of the day. a factor viewer wants to save you money. we're coming right back. [ male announcer ] if you're taking multiple medications, does your mouth often feel dry?
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' back of the book segment tonight, can governor chris christie make a come back after the bridge scandal? today in trenton he gave his state of new jersey address and he was kind of contrite. last week has certainly tested this administration. mistakes were clearly made and as a result we let down the people we are entrusted to serve i know our citizens deserve better. much better. >> here now to analyze the governor going forward, monica crowley and alan colmes. colmes, can he make a come back? >> yes, of course. i certainly think he can depending upon what else might come out about. this if it turns out there is further retribution and turns out he actually did know about this, then he has a problem. >> sure he can he. >> let's assume he was telling the truth, monica. that's what i said. fair amount of people guy gets out there like that and says i didn't know about it
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no matter if you don't like him, do you like him, whatever, if he is going to put his whole life on the line, which is what you do when you go out and say i didn't know about it, okay? you put your whole life on the line. fair minded people will believe him. if he lied, he is done. we all know that. >> right. >> that's why the polls on christie are no good because they have big. if, if useless, why bother? however, is he damaged in some precincts. is he not? >> well, let me say. this i think that he built a reputation for being a straight talker and a straight shooter and that's what he he did over the last week, right? so i think to some extent it it does help him. what hurts him is this idea that he has surrounded himself with maybe some thugs and bullies that carried out some orders whether or not it came from him and that that might damage him because he has this reputation for being above board, you know, total straight shooter and totally honest. so that might chip away at the image a little bit. on the other hand, this could toughen him up. this could harden the guy because, what should occur to chris christie is that
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president obama is not his friend. the democrats aren't his friend and the media aren't his friends. they will never be his friends. >> the conservatives aren't. >> they are all over him, you know, the hard right doesn't like christie at all. they don't want any part of him. they were rooting for his well,. he knows what the other side is capable of, even members of his own side, he could go into the 2016 race a more formidable form. >> unless hillary clinton runs for office this is going to be another emotional election like barack obama, polarizing. at this point pretty much everyone's made up their mind about hillary clinton, either you like her or you don't. a lot of people like her. she does very well in the favorability of polling. the only thing the republican challenger can do is go after her and say that she is a hollow pant suit.
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>> that's going to be very tough, especially if it's a man running against hillary clinton. >> of course. christie is the most capable of -- i shouldn't say that cruz, they can get tough. >> remember what makes it tough? you're running against another first. in 2008 the first black candidate, now you're running against the first woman it complicated the race. >> i think what they're doing to christie with bridge gate they did with hillary clinton with benghazi. we're three years away, if you wanted to go after christie with this, this could be easily forgotten by 2016. >> that's right, this is just bad staffers, and we've all had them. we've all had bad staffers. i've been lucky in 18 years i've
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only had about five bad staffers. everyone has them. >> he's known as a hands on guy. >> i'm a hands on guy, you can't read minds. >> and you can't control everybody who's under you. >> his job approval is still nearly 60% in new jersey. nationally, 60% of american voters say this has not changed their view of chris christie. we'll see if that holds. >> if christie doesn't come back, say he makes another mistake, all right? skip the -- i'm done -- it's not a wish, it's -- if he does. who in your mind is the front-runner for the republican party. >> i think their best chance would be jeb bush? >> how about you? >> i'm not sure jeb bush can make it through a republican primary? >> why not. >> he's perceived too moderate. you have a clintonian problem with the bush family.
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you want a fresh face. this is hillary's problem as well. she's been in the public eye for 20 years now. but they want a fresh face. >> who's your pick? >> i like ted cruz. >> really? >> not going to happen. >> i think he's a hell of a smart guy and could give everyone in the gop a run for their money. >> and he has to show his birth certificate. >> there you go. factor tip of the day. a viewer has a money saving suggestion for everybody. a tip you don't want to miss moments away. if you've got copd like me... ...hey breathing's hard. know the feeling? copd includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. spiriva is a once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment
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i want to thank jesse waters for confronting the mea. this decision was not made by us, but the union leadership. o'reilly you are classless, sending waters to do a sidewalk union chief. if you put this on the air, i'm certain i will receive criticism. we gave cook plenty of time to talk to us, but he's hiding. the director for the alliance of safe and drug free children. i was totally impressed with the debate. i deal with many drug families and all the kids started with pot. ron swick. your rematch with mary katherine
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was insightful. british columbia, mary katherine's eye rolling and pet ulent attitude has gone up in smoke. mary katherine is right and you are wrong. you chose to ignore her points. i didn't ignore them, we had a debate. republicans feel more comfortable attacking their own. chris mann from would i way. i just bought two vip seats to see o'reilly in honolulu may 10th, can't wait to meet you guys. >> we're looking forward to it, we'll shake your hand, get a picture with you. we have shows in pittsburgh, march 14th at the consol, knoxville at the civic
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auditorium, cincinnati at the taft april 25th, buffalo at the shea the next night, saturday april 26th. i'll see everyone in coming friday evening in jupiter, florida about at the bears club. it's a great charity. details on all the shows on bill o' the factor tip of the day, my tip is too go to your public library, i read killing jesus, killing lincoln and killing kennedy there, all at no cost to me. i'm excited for you, sam. let's recap the tip. sam wants everybody to go to the library, they can read my books free of charge. that's sam's tip. hey, sam, if everybody did what you suggest, if everybody went to the library to read books,
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you think i'd be writing them, sam? do you? just asking kids, say i'm not giving everybody their say, right? that is it for us tonight. please check out the fox news factor website, different from bill o' we would like you to spout off about the factor anywhere in the world, o'reilly at, name and town if you wish to opine. no caterwauling when writing to the factor. the most exotic place i've received mail from was antarctica, a scientific station down there, they watch the factor. not that there's a lot else to do but they do get other cable channels down there. i'd love to go down there some day, i've been close to the arctic, up there in the yukon, close to the arctic, never
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down -- argentina is as close as i got. thanks for watching us tonight. miss megyn is up next. w w w w out for you. a big story breaking tonight as two media outlets, one in america, one in england decide to publish a 36 page manifesto penned by the mastermind of 9/11. breaking news on this story, khalid sheikh mohammed has confessed to being the critical planner between the attacks on 9/11. he planned it, he helped organize it, he celebrated the murders of those innocent men and women, beyond that among his other numerous confessed crimes, he celebrates the fact that he personally murdered daniel pearl


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