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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  January 15, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PST

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see you again tomorrow night right here at 7 p.m. eastern. good night from washington. we will see you on gte -- the o'reilly factor is on tonight. >> this all right concludes benghazi was al qaeda-led event. >> that blows president obama's initial reaction out of the water. and also embarrasses the "new york times" which reported to the contrary three weeks ago so now one big question remains. why did the president not define the benghazi terror attack clearly? we will have a special report. >> not god bless america. god damn america that's in the bible. >> radical preacher jeremiah wright hired by the chicago teacher's union to give a martin luther king address. are you kidding me? we will will tell you what this is all about. >> i have never experienced
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so much hate ever in my life. ever. >> and the wife of fox news correspondent adam housley says she is being attacked on the net because of her skin color and marriage. mr. housley will be here. >> caution. you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm bill o'reilly, thanks for watching us tonight. more controversy over whether the obama administration has told the truth on benghazi, that is the subject of this evening's talking points memo. today, the senate intelligence committee issued a report that says flat out that individuals tied to al qaeda groups were involved in the benghazi attack directly contradicting a recent "new york times" report. that comes on the heels of the house armed services committee report yesterday
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that says the same thing but went a bit further. the houses then secretary of defense leon panetta and the head of the joint chiefs of staff general martin dempsey both label the attack a terrorist action and panetta told president obama that on the day the attack happened 9/11. so now we have a major situation but the president still has not commented on the latest reports. >> why, if these military leaders testified to capitol hill that they knew it was an attack, almost immediately, why did you continue -- >> -- two things. first of all, of course it was an attack. the facility was attacked there was never any doubt about -- i know there is a desire here to -- >> -- this is just not factual. of course it was an attack. it was an attack that led to the death of four americans. >> another dodge by white
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house spokesman jay carney. the senate intelligence report out today also says the terror attack on ambassador stevens and other americans could have been prevented because the cia told the state department under hillary clinton that the security situation in benghazi in libya in general was getting much worse. yet, the state department did not, did not beef up security. even though it was warned. again, according to the senate report out today. now, all of this should trouble every loyal american and politics should not be a part of it. we need the federal government to be proactive in protecting americans from terrorists. and ironically that's what the national security agency is supposed to do but the nasa may be overdoing it. new information again out today says that the nasa has tapped into computers all over the world to track terrorists. that has led to yet another outcry against a massive spying apparatus, the obama
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administration has in place. somehow the president has to sort all of this out. in a very clear and concise manner. we, the people, need to know why the world was mislead about benghazi and we need to know what the nasa is allowed to -- nsa is loued to do and new never do and we need to know these things now. that's the memo. now the top story. ed henry who covers the white house for the fnc. how is this story going. >> explosive the senate report. when you saw jay carney changing the narrative a bit saying of course it was an attack. we know that's not what jay carney said from the podium for a week or so at the beginning right after this attack. so people can see through that. but, more importantly than that or talking points or who said what is the senate report cuts to the heart of the matter that they say the administration could have done more to prevent these
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attacks and maybe saved these four american lives. prt eventhem from ever being attacked. why that's important is they can't just dismiss this as another darrell issa investigation, a partisan thing by house republicans. this is a bipartisan senate committee. the senate intelligence committee chaired by a democrat. not a republican. dianne feinstein. so it's harder for them to dismiss it but frankly at the end of the day jay carney said today, several investigations turned over thousands of pages there is no smoking gun. since most of the media has largely ignored this story or down played it, it's hard to see how even though this report is pretty explosive it is hard how it changes the narrative effects secretary clinton. >> some americans bored with it and they don't want to hear any more about it talking points tomorrow is going to analyze the reportage tonight on the three network news broadcast and how other cables are handling these reports. yesterday now from the senate. president obama hasn't said anything about. you haven't gotten any
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statement from the president about any of this, right? he commented a couple now report came out today, see over the next couple days. >> in america? >> do they have phones? >> they have cell phones there? i think they have transmissions. >> but maybe in the next couple days he will. here is the bottom line i think though with him and secretary clinton what difference does to now make. four american lives are lost. now you you have a report not just about those deaths but about how her state department could have taken steps to that raises questions about leadership. do i think that is going to be the top issue in 2016? no, you have got the economy and healthcare.
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all these other issues. this report bipartisan suggests that hillary clinton as well as the president can't just dismiss it. >> all right. ed henry now. let's go to captain nash. part of the report deals with lack of urgency on the state department. they were warned by the cia in very explicit concerns big danger. al qaeda guys are all around there. you better watch out. it is true is it not, captain, that ambassador stevens who was slain on 9/11 that night, he rejected any attempt to up the security, correct? >> yeah, but let's put that in perspective, bill. he had -- had gone in multiple times he was denied those requests and some cases didn't even give him the courtesy of a response. so when outside of his agency a military officer now afri-con general ham
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offers him security, if he takes it when his own bosses have said no, you don't get it, you don't deserve it, what's he going to do, take it from the military? it might look bad. >> all right. i can see that bureaucratic stuff and somebody might get mad at him in washington. do you see, captain, culpability on the part of the president of the united states in this or was it just a massive foulup that he just didn't want out? that's hard to tell, bill. can i tell you after looking at the time lines in this report and looking at the testimony that the house released yesterday, is it was known within 15 minutes, general ham happened to be back in washington at the time. 15 minutes later he was briefing the chairman and then briefed secretary panetta. those two guys went over to the white house to see the president. so this was not a surprise. they are discounting things
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because the cia station chief in tripoli says it was an attack but they put it in an email and not an official message. their are emails quoted. >> i am going to ask a question and i asked this question last night. leon panetta, the secretary of defense knew that what susan rice was saying to the world the u.n. ambassador put out by the obama administration was false. panetta knew it was false. yet, panetta said nothing. what do you think of that? >> half the people in washington knew that that was false and everybody didn't say -- nobody said anything. and now it's all coming out. these people have left office, they are outside of things they can't even, you know, get them back up to. >> should panetta have said something? >> absolutely he should have said something. >> all right. captain, thank you. next on the run down, maria shriver saying women need income equality and
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president obama is responding to that. reverend jeremiah wright teams up with the chicago peacher's union. you are not going to believe this story. the factor is coming right back. this is kevin. to prove to you that aleve is the better choice for him, he's agreed to give it up. that's today? [ male announcer ] we'll be with him all day as he goes back to taking tylenol. i was okay, but after lunch my knee started to hurt again. and now i've got to take more pills. ♪ yup. another pill stop. can i get my aleve back yet? ♪ for my pain, i want my aleve. ♪ [ male announcer ] look for the easy-open red arthritis cap. became big business overnight? ♪ like, really big... then expanded? ♪ or their new product tanked? ♪
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this is the quicksilver cash card from capital one. unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere, every single day. so let me ask you... at's in your wallet? in the impact segment tonight, empowering american women. yesterday president obama met with maria shriver in the oval office to discuss her report about a national mission to ensure economic equality for women. no doubt the democratic party will target women this year for the upcoming election in november. and joining us now from washington republican kate obenshain and democrat kirsten powers fox news analyst. is this a big deal kirsten or just another photo on. >> i think it's a big deal for women the things that maria shriver's report showed is that there is
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still income inequality, that women are making i think 77 cents on the dollar as compared to men. so i consider that to be a pretty serious issue. >> do you think the government should guarantee equal wages? >> well, i don't think there is really any way that they could guarantee equal wages. >> what's the point? is this just a p.r. campaign to like urge people to be fair in their paychecks to women? is it just a p.r. campaign? >> i think there are a lot of things that she recommended that could be done that could support women such as having child care available which would change the dynamic for working women. >> free child care? >> you could have tax credits to support child care. you could have government provided child care. there are things like that that i think would make things very different for women who want to work. or need to work. >> and, kate, you say? >> well, first of all, this is a this was funded by large port george soros for
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center for progress. hillary clinton was number one contributor along with beyonce and eva longoria let's not get to excited about the seriousness of this. it's great to rising ill will jit illegitimacy. this report relies almost entirely on government solutions. if we look what's been happening with government solutions and the obama approach to expanded government regulations, more taxes, actually women's poverty has increased that is something that a lot of us have been talking about for four years now how women are not fairing better under obama they are actually doing more poorly. >> doesn't it have to do more withed occasion than gender? you say okay if you are a single woman you are more likely to be poor that's because you are more likely to not have a high school education and have two kids by the time you are 19. of course you are going to be poor. is it more about education than gender? >> sometimes that's the case
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there are are certainly decisions made by women, for example, to have a child out of wedlock will probably be a pretty good indicator of ending up in poverty. but, at the same time, there are women who are doing everything the way they are supposed to do them and they are still discriminated against, such as lily led better which was the case that went to the supreme court. this is a woman who worked hard her whole life and she found out the day she left her job, retired that she had been making much less than her male counterparts. so that kind of stuff does happen. >> but the only way to more prevalent than a lot of conservatives want to admit. >> the only way to guarantee it doesn't happen it seems to me is by the law. nobody forces anybody to work for a company. and a lot of people have union jobs and a union wage is gender-free. union wage is a union wage. federal employees,. >> not gender free, that's not true. >> the union is you have got a certain wage you are paid. doesn't matter.
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man, woman, you get it let me make my point here because i want kate to interject. i want everybody to be treated fairly in the marketplace. everybody. i think you should earn what you deserve but it's subjective unless the government comes in says hey, you have got to pay sally the same as you pay roger or we're going to fine you, kate. >> bill, that's. >> what the study and what -- can i -- that 77%, what it does not take into consideration is that on average women work 10 hours less per workweek than men and women who get a college degree tend to gravitate towards english majors and other majors like that that are less paying, have less paying careers rather than themate and science. >> there are men who have been in the job longer. there are a lot of variables. calling for government intervention, right? >> i am calling for government intervention in a
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way meaning you don't think of government intervention that's what the lilly led better act was do you think it's okay? >> i would love to talk if more time i would love to talk about lily led better's job performance something everybody is scared to talk about it. >> nobody is scared to talk about it? >> conservative you will beat them over the head as hating women. that's just what you do. the key thing here is. >> defensive, aren't you? you are saying that lily ledbetter wasn't the greatest worker in the world. >> payoff to the lawyers right now so it extends the period of time for suing employers. but, look, bill, the key point here is this report does not talk about two important things. it doesn't talk about education and it doesn't talk about the importance of marriage. those are the two key indicators for who is going to be in poverty. we have got to free parents and poverty stricken areas to be able to send their kids to schools so they are not drop out factories.
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>> vouchers. we covered it? >> something. >> thank you. directly ahead, fox news correspondent adam housley on his wife being targeted by bigots. then, dennis miller talking about chris christie and a rod. those reports after these messages. the conversation aboutr mortgage didn't start here. it began on her vacation in europe on the day she arrived in london. someone set up a bogus hotspot, stole her identity and opened some credit cards in her name. but she's not worried. checking her experian credit report and score allowed her to better address the issue ...and now, she can move right in. experian. live credit confident. is a really big deal.u with aches, fever and chills- there's no such thing as a little flu. so why treat it like it's a little cold?
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it's important to take your medicine regularly. what was that? coach harr bowl? is that you? >> played for the 49ers this weekend as quarterback? i would love to. >> claire c and c, you really suck a pig's [bleep] >> now, those kind of personal attacks can cause immense pain. fox news correspondent adam housley is married to actress tamara who you may remember from the program sister sister. she has been brutalized for marrying outside her race. >> i have never experienced so much hate ever in my life, ever. >> i have been called white man's wore. the new one was. >> god. >> oh, yeah. >> back in the day, you cost $300 but now you are giving
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it to him for free. >> joining us now from los angeles is adam housley. so i think your wife is a very brave woman going public with this. is there a solution to it this has been going on for a while now say and do anything. do you see any solution to this? >> well, i first want to say, bill, one thing about hollywood. i didn't know much about hollywood until i married my wife. there is a lot of people as you know you profiled on your show that are looking for a soapbox. and what happened on friday was not tamara looking for a soapbox it was a situation she was asked a question she wasn't expecting. she answered honest and organ nicly and turned into the question to what i think the solution is because of this it has pulled a cover off of maybe something that's been festering there. there has always been people in the public eye and they have always been criticized but with twitter and facebook and even web sites that have, you know, comments below pictures and articles, people now for the
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first time really ever have direct access to anybody. and i think it allows them to stay anonymous and do things and say things inappropriate, hurtful, and beyond comprehension many times, bill. and i think that the only way to get rid of this is to call it out o. she didn't plan on calling it out. she wasn't looking for a soapbox. that's why it's become what it has become. >> it's important that people know because not everybody goes into the sewers on the net and sees this stuff. that's my next question. why do you guys go there? i have been attacked as you know, adam, i have known you for a while in the most base way you could possibly attack anyone. i don't even read this stuff anymore. it doesn't exist to me. but i don't know whether that's a solution or not. >> no, in fact, it's funny you mention that. you and shepard smith gave me the same advice about 10 years ago and that is you don't look for the stuff you don't look for the stuff. the problem is bill even if you don't look for it, it's there and it shows up. i don't go read comments. she doesn't go looking for
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comments. people have direct access. they can direct message you. you know, it's frustrating when you pull up a picture of your son and the first thing you see below the picture is, you know, a white man's wore or the first thing you see below the picture is sullied her color because she married outside her race. just because she married a white man doesn't mean she is any less black. just because i married a black woman doesn't mean my eyes are clouded. it doesn't have anything to do with color. this day and age it surprises a lot of people. >> even though you don't seek it, it finds you and certainly when your child gets older, when aden gets older, he is going to see this stuff. that's the worse part about it. because the people in the public eye, any politician, me, any celebrity, their children see this hateful, harmful stuff. but in a society that values freedom of speech that's always the way it is, defamatory obscenities are allowed. they are allowed. but, again, i just hope you can shield your wife and
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baby somewhat by just kind of cutting it off, you know, getting an email address that only you guys know. just staying away from it. that's the only thing -- advice i can give you right now. >> right. it's great advice. you can't legislate it. you can't legislate people not to say what they want to say. what you can do, bill, what this has done. it's pulled the curtains off -- this thing is now out in the open. >> we know the to call someone a color is bad. you can't made fun of because of your religion, because of who you marry, because of the color of your skin, because you are interracial. five years from now the majority of children or something i don't know, five years, six years the majority of children born in this country are going to be mixed race. my niece and nephew is mixed race. my son is mixed race. get over it the only way to get past it is yes, we don't look for it for example, last year when it first came out there was a night where she had 20 straight people going after her is they are bullies is what they are.
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bully society. we need to get rid of this bill. only way to get rid are of it is to point it out. >> we have to expose it. the worst part about it is the cowards that do it hide in their basement and you just don't know who they are. all right, adam. you guys need anything, you let me know, okay? and we appreciate you coming on tonight. plenty more ahead as the factor moves along this evening. jeremiah wright teaming up with the chicago's teachers union martin luther king day speech. is that inappropriate. dennis miller on chris christie, the nuke deal and arod. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. ♪
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unresolved problem seeing want tonight. in chicago they hired reverend jeremiah wright who is anti-american guy to say the least. today he delivered the keynote address to martin luther king jr. clergy breakfast hosted by the chicago's teacher's union. wright used the address to bash president obama saying quote king said i have a dream. barack said i have a drone. joining us now from chicago, her marina hartman publisher of indigo magazine. that's kind of harsh on president obama, isn't it. >> well, he told the truth. king's dream and barack's presidency are really not to be compared. they are very different. king was an advocate for civil rights and social justice. barack obama is president of the united states. those are different forums. those are different places.
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>> you are a supporter of president obama though, right? >> i am. >> okay. so when you hear a guy like wright oversimplifying the drone situation because it's certainly in context to fight our enemies that way, how do you react? >> well, i think pastor wright is also a supporter of president -- >> -- i don't think so. >> you said something. wait a minute, mr. o'reilly. you said something at the beginning at the opening and that was that reverend wright was anti-american. that's not true. you have really casted him. >> i don't know, i have listened to his speeches mishardeman. >> no. but you have never been to his church. >> i have to take his word seriously. his words are that we are bad country and that we have been a bad country from the jump. that we have enslaved people. >> for african-americans, if you think it's slavery we have been. >> all that he brings in. >> that's true. that's been -- no, that's
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not true. he has pointed out bad america. >> but that's not bad america. you see. >> it is bad america. dropping bombs on people is bad america. a slavery is bad america. but what. >> in the middle of a war. a war that we had to win. >> mr. o'reilly, we have to win all wars. we shouldn't go into them to. >> so you and reverend wright are against world war ii we should have let them bomb pearl harbor and not let them. >> no, no, no. >> if you listen to reverend wright's sermons and i'm sure you have. >> i have. >> they come off as america is a bad country. i want to run a clip of the reverend today talking about -- >> -- mr. o'reilly, america has been a bad country in some instances. >> sure. and every country has been. but overall this is noble nation. let's run the clip on reverend wright today. go. >> every tuesday morning kill list, killed this week. that's not the man of peace that you just talked about.
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that's a man controlled by government. a government based on militarism, racism and tall. we need to seecket truth even though it's painful. >> that doesn't sound like a guy who likes his country. the country is based on militarism race and capital. doesn't like barack obama calling him out saying he is is a big part of the problem. >> mr. o'reilly, he has not said anything wrong. you are reacting to a person who has responded to racism. and you say that that makes you bad. what's bad is the country who has employed the racism. that's what's bad. >> you are saying the same thing that reverend wright is saying ms. hartman that america is a bad country. >> i am. >> you just said it? >> no i'm not. america is a great country and has been a bad country in some instances and in some social policies. if you go back and look at history and look at the jim crow laws, that's bad america. you look at racism, that's bad america. you look at some of the
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school stuff that we are going through, that is bad america. >> every country has bad things. >> but you are saying i didn't. >> the total -- in the total of reverend wright's resume -- >> -- you are taking him out of context, mr. o'reilly. >> no, i'm not. >> no i am not. >> yes, you are. >> you are taking him out of context and that's not the case at all. >> we appreciate you coming on tonight. lively debate. thank you very much. when we come right back, it will be miller time. the d-man on chris christie and a-rod and then big drug bust at justin beiber's house. very disturbing situation moments away. dard horsepower than its german competitors.
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[ woman #3 ] to travel the world without leaving home. [ male announcer ] whatever the reason. whatever the dish. make it delicious with swanson. of from paragraph thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. three hot topics, let's get right to the sage of southern california who joins us now from santa barbara. christie saga miller, what do you think? >> first off, are we on live, billy? yes, this is a live program, billy. don't you have a watch? >> i'm going to do a reverse tootsy and reveal i'm a woman and i want my birth control paid for, you cheap skates. >> are you attacking me, miller already on live tv? i mean, come on now? >> no, no, no. i thought i would take advantage. i'm not used to live tv. bridge gate.
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let me say. this speaking of thoroughly modern women. here is what i know will happen with bridge gate. eventually, hillary clinton will say the reason that there were no reinforcements at our consulate in libya is because they were stuck in traffic on the george washington bridge. that's one thing i do know is coming down the pike. i don't know why christie did it if he did it. it reminds me of that scene in the great movie all the president's men, billy, where ben bradley managing editor to stay around after the meeting and he says "what do you think about woodward and bernstein's report?" and the guy said "i don't know. why nixon do it?" why we do it except big guys with broad shoulders like to use sharp elbows once in a while. >> i said you have to believe him if he puts his whole career on the line and looks into the camera and says i didn't know about it rogue staffers did it as a fair person i said i have to believe that now you are not a fair person so do you
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believe him or not? >> billy, he only said that once. obama looked us in the eye 30 times and said if you like your healthcare you can keep it i think you don't understand the definition of politician it's that very moment that you use to site his sincerity. at that moment that's when you become a good politician when you look right in it and say i didn't know anything. that's the essence of it. >> so you don't know. you are gnostic about whether christie. >> i assume did he it i assume if i was powerful i would throw elbows too. it seems to me. he might not be the president. what hurts the most is springsteen and fallon doing that send off. christie loves springsteen and that must have cut him to the quick. >> when i saw springsteen do and this and mock chris christie somebody a wise man once told me you will never get on the right side of an idealogue if you have a
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different philosophy. and christie tried. he tried because he loves the boss. but. >> i jews view it as two guys doing a great -- that's the comedian in me. >> it was a bit. >> he was remarkable, christie. >> iran nuke deal that's weighing in this month and you say? >> well, here is my theory on this. if barack obama continues to willingly advocate american power, you know all those summits that start with a g? i would say we are out of the g 4s now. he is probably on his way through 7. he gets down to g 20. he doesn't have to leave the house anymore. he can send pugs that ken zi biden over. john kerry saw that you can imperil israel like yasser arafat did and win a nobel peace prize. that's what he is angling for. he is using the back door arafat method here. when you boil this all down now billy, we are giving money to people who wish us dead. now, i know it's a modicum.
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what's a good tip for people think you are satan, 10? 12? 15? double it. >> they say they can reimpose sanctions at any time, miller. >> yeah, i'm sure. everything is good. i'm sure netanyahu sleeps easy at night. >> he is real thrilled over there. >> p.b. and the jets. >> stay with me. couple more minutes. >> i'm here. >> a rod didn't do it, did he? don't tell me he did it. >> listen, a rod is a big pain in the a. okay? that's what a rod is. and like i said, when they put his hall of fame if he ever does make it, don't put a bust of his head in there. put a plaster cast of his right buttock. because he has got so many pin holes in that buttock from shooting the recognize. hank steinbrenner now refers to him as mr. proctober. >> that little play on proctologist there. >> there you go, billy. you like my cliff notes. >> i'm a little slow on the
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uptake but not hopeless. >> go to a proctologist you are quick on the uptake. everybody knows. >> you are cynical about christie and a rod says he absolutely did not do any of it. are you blefing him? >> everybody is full of crap. the coin realm full of crap now. best people being full of crap are our leaders and super stars. come on, you know that. it's happened, baby. this thing tipped. there is a cudahy that going on. get in the bunker. >> we are clean, miller. come on, man. >> that's why we are about to be gang audited. >> i saw a rumor or heard a rumor that you are going to get sued by a rod too. is that true? after tonight's interview you are absolutely going to get sued by him. >> are we saying he never did anything? >> he says he didn't do it. he is suing everybody. suing the bat boy. suing the guy who sells the hot dogs, suing everybody. >> i used to follow the pirates, one spring training
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barry bonds was actually with it, the dog that used to chase the frisbee. he came back the next year and all of the sudden he was like good gork the day the earth stood still. >> that was a lot of steak. pittsburgh's hometown. auditorium 29th. cincinnati at the taft april 25th. buffalo at the shay next night saturday april 26th. honolulu may 10th. saturday detail of all the bolder fresher shows. big drug bust at justin bieber's house. will schools use drones to catch cheating students? right back with it open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here
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back of book segment tonight, did you see that? and we begin with a drug bust at the california home of 19-year-old pop star justin bieber. >> it was 8:00 a.m. when a dozen detectives raided justin bieber's sprawling estate. deep inside the gates of the exclusive secluded community known as the bieber's home behind the sprawling gates, known as "the oaks" at calabasas, the damage was said to be $20,000, making it a felony. >> mr. bieber was cooperative. >> one of the people at his house was arrested on a drug charge, a rapper, nicknamed lil za, that is him in the black t-shirt. >> what was the rapper charged with? number two, what was he doing at bieber's house? >> he was charged with a felony for the drugs he had. >> what did he have?
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>> a small amount of xanax, a small amount, and ecstasy in his room. he was living there, there is a bunch of people that appear to be living there. >> like that show. >> like entourage, with apparently more drugs and a much bigger place. >> so they didn't arrest bieber on the drug charges, even though the drugs were at his house? so bieber was allegedly throwing eggs? >> somebody says it was bieber's voice, the neighbor, saying curse words, i have another to throw at you. >> why is he throwing eggs -- >> it is late, they tried to get him on -- it is actually surprising he has not been arrested, giving what the neighbors have complained about. >> so this is just another out of control rock star. >> it appears that way. >> do you feel sorry for justin
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bieber, somebody who has been famous since what, 12 or 13? obviously he has all of this money, so nobody can tell him what to do, do you feel sorry for him? >> to be honest are you, a little maybe, but he has all the family power, in the structure, because he has all of this money, he has a new effort out. which is called "believe," an effort on his part to get people to see, he says everybody just riles me up and try to get me on tape and do bad things, i'm a nice guy, it is an effort to help his tarnished reputation. >> but if he can get free eggs -- every time i hear a story about the internet i say it is not true. that is my mantra. in europe there was a story about a school using drones to get kids who were cheating, what happened here? >> it shows the little drone
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firing around the class and says the students are being watched by this drone so nobody can cheat. and it cracks me up because it says this is great, the teachers then don't have to get up out of their chair during the entire test to literally walk around the room. and it was picked up in the new york daily news, the "london times." and they said allegedly this is what was happening so they hedged it a little bit. turned out to be a hoax. and guess what? they have a journalism school at this place, and a broadcast center, and they have made news themselves. so it is the amazon thing that will drop off packages at your house, won't be long until is real. >> justin bieber -- >> martha mccallum, staying up late for us, everybody. and factor tip of the day, knowing your rights when you fly the friendly skies. the tip, moments away.
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factor tip of the day, your rights when you deal with the airlines in a moment. but first, diane powers, centerville, virginia, bill, you have to stop interrupting your guests. i wanted to hear what james rosen had to say about the benghazi report, and you did hear what he had to say, diane. i simply directed rosen to tell us while he had time to tell us what the big die guys were doin have limited time so i have to cut to the chase. bill, thanks for slowing rosen down, he seems to have 25 minute's worth of information to cram into five. and bill, you seem to have let hillary clinton off, after the five. that was that dempsey and leon panetta knew the information was false and didn't correct the record.
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secretary clinton was warned but did not respond with beefed up security. and joe, florida, why is christie done if he lied but not president obama if he misled us about health care? because the president already has executive power, joe, the governor may be seeking it. there is a huge difference. and good news for christie, at least he didn't blame bush. and warren, ohio, no one cares about christie except democratsdemocrat s. then why does he lead all the democratic polls? and getting your books from the library, on 232 on the list for killing jesus, 111 for killing kennedy, 90 for killing lincoln, you are one sought-after guy. at that rate you will be 97, brian newell, north carolina, bill, the reason some people buy
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your books instead of using the library because as the tip suggests, well, buying my book on billo', brian, all the proceeds i get from the book i give to charity. in that case you're right. we realize money is tight. but if you buy the premium members, you get one of my books free and that is a very nice deal. james larry, the philippines, is "killing jesus" available in paperback? no, and it will not be for years. "killing lincoln" is still in hardback after two years, the books just keep on moving thanks to you guys. and i remember the first time i took an airline flight. it was los angeles to new york, i was 21 years old and i was thrilled. today, flying is less than thrilling, and although very safe, it can be physically painful, cramped aisles, lot of hassles, so it helps to know
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your rights when you fly. and surprisingly, the feds put out a website that is very good. here it is, consumer. now it tells you what you're entitled to in case of a problem. how to file a complaint and get the best fares, among other things. it is a good website, factor tip of the day. check it out. and i don't have any interest in these websites. i'm just trying to help you out. i don't care, that is it for us tonight, please check out the fox factor website which is different from billo', also spout off from anywhere in the world, name and town if you wish to opine. word of the day, do not ob at your gate when writing -- objurgate, not many people know
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it, it is a good one. thank you for joining us, ms. megyn is next, i'm bill o'reilly, please always remember that the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly, live in new york city, and tonight, breaking news tonight on our nation's vets and how congress just reneged on a very big promise, and? >> make no mistake, we'll bring to justice the killers who attacked our people. >> you just saw the factor breaking down the big benghazi news, but how did the rest of them report it? tell congressman barber. >> tell congressman, obamacare is hurting. >> some democrats are facing ad assaults so fierce that "the new york times" warns


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