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tv   The Kelly File  FOX News  January 16, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST

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thank you for joining us tonight. ms. megyn, warming up in the bull pen. hi, i'm bill o'reilly, please always remember the spin stops here, so we're definitely looking out for you. i'm megyn kelly live, in new york city, and tonight. >> a new obamacare bombshell. >> so we don't know how many people paid for coverage? >> that is right. >> two leading outfits have caught the administration misleading the public, we'll have a full report, plus? a man who has made millions splattering the big screen with blood now says he is going to wage war against guns. can you say hypocrisy? and then? >> the deaths could have been prevented, the state department gets most of the blame. is hillary in new trouble
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for 2016? karl rove and the clinton camp tonight on "the kelly file". and breaking tonight, the white house has been caught red-handed again, misleading the american people on the truth about obamacare. welcome to "the kelly file" everyone, i'm megyn kelly, two weeks ago the white house touted the number of people getting coverage thanks to the president's health care law. a record 6 million people are supposed to get coverage because of obamacare. six million, listen. >> more than 2.1 million people who have enrolled in private plans and 3.9 million americans who learned they're eligible for coverage through medicaid and the children's health insurance program. because of the affordable care act you're looking at this enrollment pickup. >> that is a white house senior adviser saying nearly 4 million americans are now eligible for medicaid coverage thanks to obamacare.
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that was false. that was untrue. it was grossly misleading. the senior elections analyst for the well-respected real clear politics, sat down and crunched the numbers, concluding that only 380,000 new medicaid enrollees are eligible for obamacare, look at the misstatement. they were apparently taking credit for people who were renewing their pre existing medicaid plans, claiming those people owed it all to obamacare. not true. and the administration continued in its false assertions. on january 10th, president obama's official twitter account sent out a tweet again claiming 6 million americans, quote, have already signed up for coverage thanks to health reform. adding, quote, that is a facts. no, it isn't. "the washington post" nonpartisan fact checker gave
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that claim three pinoccios, warning ignore claim that is 3.9 people signed up for medicare because of obamacare. the reporter calling that flat out ridiculous. chris stirewalt, our digital editor. chris, i want to take you back to the fallout on "if you like your plan you can keep your plan," which we know is a gross misstatement, to be charitable. the president had a press conference to where he finally had to hold out about honesty, and the relationship with the american people. and here is what he said in part, listen. >> there are all kinds of challenges, i'm sure there will be additional challenges to come up. and it is important that we're honest and straightforward in terms when we come up with a problem with these reformings and these laws that we address them. >> it is important to be honest and straightforward.
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and now, yet again, we are told he was not. your thoughts. >> well, how about this? how about all of the people who have said in the past week that if chris christie of new jersey has told a word of a lie, if anything is untrue, his future is ruined. there is no more chris christie and they're going to feed him to sharks off the jersey shore. and that may all be true. but how about a president who is caught in the most substantial deception in history of modern american politics? it led to his re-election. how about that guy? isn't he obliged to be truthful and state forward with the same electorate that he deceived before? one would think he would be carrying forward with this fuzzy, we just don't know, we can't track it? in this case they took credit for something that they could not claim which is those
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individuals who are always signing up for medicaid because poor americans are always signing up for medicaid. and they took credit for all of them ever since they turned obama care on and it is not accurate. >> it is not a rounding error. >> right. >> 380,000 people and they claim 4 million, basically. and it makes you question the rest of the numbers. and the numbers matter. if they don't have the right numbers the whole law is imploding. which may be happening right now. we don't know because we can't get straight figures. and it is not just the medicaid enrollees. the number of people who enrolled on the website is the number that really matters. and they have been claiming 1.2 million. and there is a hearing today that tried to get to how many of those are real. listen to this. >> the most important number has been reported by many news outlets is whether individuals have paid. does the administration collect this information? i'm just asking, do you collect
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this information? >> right now we are not. but we will be. >> when? as soon as that functionality is built. >> so we don't know at this point how many people have actually paid for coverage? >> that is right. >> you can't do that. you're not supposed to do that. but they keep doing it. and they keep getting away with it. and it is very important that we know how many paid and how many people actually have insurance for the long-term health of the law, dadadada, you know why it is important? because when sick people go to the hospital and they would like to have the doctor that cares for their maladies, and you would just like to have insurance and are poised to receive insurance, you would like to get coverage snu keep saying you are getting away with it. the latest approval for the president i, back in the 30s, look at him now, he climbed back
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up to 43, but what is that attributable to? >> well, the towering heights of 42% were not exactly going to carry him on to glory. but i will say this, the moment of truth for this president is dawning, which is if the members of his own party realize the magnitude of a drag that he is going to be for them in the mid-term elections, and that is, claiming the cutesypatootsiy numbers. just hours ago, cyber security experts updating congress on the troubled website, their diagnosis, american's information is still at risk. >> americans were led to believe this site was secure, this was not the case. >> indeed, the consistent feedback we got was
6:08 pm was not secure. nothing has really changed from the november 19th testimony. it is even worse. >> we've seen and heard reports of this information being corrupted that indicates at some point the data is not being handled securely. >> could a breach of result in people's medical files because accessed? >> yes, sir, it could. >> would you be comfortable putting your health care information on >> absolutely not. >> one of the experts testifying before the committee on november 19th, when they first warned that was vulnerable to hackers. and i want the audience to know we've already discussed on this show if your information gets hacked on, they don't have to tell you. they tried to submit a bill through congress that would make them have to tell you, it is not going anywhere. the democrats won't support it. so we do need to know where we're going on the >> the big take is, who is returning the show, the captain of the titanic, as i think
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everybody is running away from. nobody is in charge. this is the gang that can't shoot straight or fix the problems. security is not a bolt-on, after the fact thing. it should have been built from the start, yet politics will trump bad business decisions. we'll have to live with that. >> can't they do patches? >> patches are a tactic. they should not be a strategy. and patches are usually used when you have a minor situation, but when you have a major problem and apply patch after patch after patch, that is an indication you have a systemic problem, at some point you have to overhaul your car engine and not just keep adding oil to it when it runs out of oil. >> if it is so bad, the administration keeps saying hey look, they haven't compromised the system yet.
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>> look, they don't know what they don't know. teresa frier recommended an authorization, because they could not get a handle on that site. and today, as you said, doing patch after patch, how can you do an end to end security system to something that is changing basically every day. they have never done it. when they say there has been no breaches, hey look, there is nothing in there that is valuable right now besides the data, but when you build the reconciliation systems, the payment systems, wait until you see the fraud happen. >> that is an interesting point. thank you. and you saw i spoke with bill o'reilly about reports that the department of justice is getting ready to announce a big change in how it investigates terror, up next, our two experts offer their thoughts on what this means for our security. plus one day after suggestions that the state department should take the blame in the murder of four americans
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in benghazi is secretary hillary clinton in trouble politically. and is president obama getting ready to meet with pope francis? ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] you don't have to be a golf pro to walk like one. ♪ when you walk 10,000 steps a day, its the same as walking a professional golf course. humana, proud supporter of health and well-being. the #1 selling pain reliever, in one cold medicine. advil congestion relief.
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the justice department will reportedly ban federal agents from using religion and national origin in their investigations. reports suggesting the doj wants to specifically avoid upsetting muslims. joining me now, national policy analyst for the muslim public affairs panel. the question here is, as i said to o'reilly a short time ago, whether he is also going to announce that no longer is racial, or i should say profiling based on religion or national origin, no longer will it be allowed in terror investigations, hoda, what do you think about it? >> well, i think this is really a big deal if indeed the department of justice implements the banning of religious affiliation, national origin, and sexual orientation, as well,
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this is a big deal, it is really making law enforcement, the tools that they have, in conducting strong, factual police work. >> right, how is it strengthening? >> so what it is doing is highlighting the tools that law enforcement officers already have based on evidence, conducting -- >> you mean they have tools, they're taking away tool, so it is highlighting the remaining eight? >> well, they're not effective tools. that is the problem and that has been the point. and what law enforcement officials have been doing, and when they are incredibly effective is when they are conducting searches and investigations based on actions and behaviors. not based on what a person looks like. >> well, i think megyn pretty clearly we're talking about national security cases. because the bush administration did ban racial profiling back in 2003, except in cases of national security investigations. now, when you're talking about race that is different. but talking about religion or
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national origin, i think everybody knows that during the 9/11 terrorist situation -- >> the majority of attempted terrorist attacks on this country have come from radicalized muslims who have tried to attack the country. >> absolutely. and if you're going to talk about religion, let's say the christian identity movement, is it irrelevant, their religious beliefs how they view christianity is not relevant to the terrorist profile? of course it is, if you talk about the boston bombers, we know they went to a mosque with ties to bombing. you have to put the two together, travel in chechnya or afghanistan or pakistan does not necessarily make you a terrorist. but if you fuse that together with radical islamist beliefs, then you have a different profile. >> what did that? if they say you can no longer use religion as one of the
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criteria for doing the analysis or profiling, if you will, doing national security, does that mean if our feds know somebody is a radicalized muslim, they can't consider it in trying to get a warrant? is that your understanding, and are you okay with that? >> well, i think, i know for a fact that americans are protected in terms of speech because of the first amendment. so what do you mean by radical? do you mean thoughts? because the idea is that law enforcement should become involved in a situation when there are actions involved. >> so if they had -- if somebody believes in radical jihadism, let's take the tsarnaev guy, he should not have been profiled, in your view? >> profiling has existed. if it existed, then why did the tsarnaev brothers fall through? >> no one ever said it is fool proof. >> it is counter-productive to police work.
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>> it is not just ideology to say muslim is a threat. but it does matter. not just somebody who says, advocates violence. a lot of people that became radicalized started by believing the americans had a war against muslim, so they see themselves as being a white knight from coming to defend the muslims, they believe they're acting ethically, when we have limited resources, megyn, when it comes to national security issues, we have to use it as intelligently as possible, we have to look at all the data, which includes national origin, religious beliefs, et cetera. >> we'll have to hear the official announcement, thank you both so much. we learned in the past few hours that the u.s. is scooping up more than 200 million text messages a day. so when is president obama going
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to give up -- what is he going to give up when he announces changes to our spying program tomorrow? he will make a big announcement about domestic spying cases and what exactly he will keep. we have predictions. plus, rush limbaugh versus bruce springsteen. we have a report, you decide who has won. >> the nerve of springsteen, governor christie has attended over 127 springsteen concerts. mine was earned orbiti the moon in 1971. afghastan, in 2009. on the u.s.s. saratoga in 1982. [ male announcer ] once it's ened, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection. and because usaa's commitment to serve current and former miliry members and their families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an au insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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that is raising some eyebrows with some of the folks following the story of the little sisters of the poor, and how the white house has gone to war with the nuns, not to mention several other religious groups over the issue of making them offer birth control. phil donahue is president of the catholic league, good to see you. this relates to hospitals, colleges and charities and so on, in the president's view, have to offer contraception, or basically sign a permission group for a group affiliated with them to offer contraception. and at the same time, the president of the united states is going to sit down with pope francis, is that awkward? >> well, it is. too bad the pope doesn't have one of the little sisters of the poor in the room with him and ask him to look him in the eye and say i don't think you're a catholic organization, because of these elderly nuns and men of other religions, they have been
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disqualified as a religious organization. it is perverse. it is not just them, as well. i hope they have a nice meeting. all we ever asked for was the status quo, we don't want special rights. we just want to be left alone. i have never seen an organization busier trying to violate the rights of catholics, beginning with the first rights. >> there are 68 million catholics in the united states, do you think this is an attempt by him if he goes to meet with the pope to somehow win favor with a group that voted for him in the last presidential election but that may not be too happy about the fights with the little sisters. >> this is the latest mantra, everybody on the left says we love the pope because he is against poverty and wants equality. i hope they look him in the eye, and say we have 47 million people on food stamps, the out
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of wedlock rate is worse on your tenure. i have worked a great deal on this, worked with the poor in harlem, i can tell you this, the greatest champions are the ones who punish the poor. if you are serious about in equality and poverty, you have to be serious about vouchers. give the people in harlem the same opportunities, their daughters, they don't send them to a public school. if you send them to a catholic school, you might get a moral education, you may be able to tell the boys keep your fly up, tell the girls, instead of putting on a condom. >> when i went to school, there were no such lessons. it was all euphamisms, and yet we all got the message. and coming up, whether
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hillary clinton's rumored run for president in 2016 could suffer. plus, the man who made millions producing extremely violent films like "pulp fiction" says he has the moral high ground on issues like guns. really? [ male announcer ] here's a question for you: is your tv powered by coal? natural gas? nuclear? or renewables like solar... and wind? let's find out. this is where america's electricity comes from. a diversity of energy sources helps ensure the electricity we need is reliable. take the energy quiz. energy lives here. ♪ no need to chuck, donate or burn them ♪
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the political spectrum. ron fornier is the senior political analyst, and is warning people to be skeptical of what they hear tomorrow, ron, why? >> first of all, there is not a lot of reasons to have trust on what we hear from the administration about nsa. they have not been very transparent explaining what we're doing and why. so we have to be really careful, look hard at what the president says tomorrow. >> he will announce minor changes, really won't be major changes according to every fair journalist covering this. but a lot of people out there say, you know, i worry about my privacy but worry more about my security. so do what you got to do, president obama. >> you know, the public is really conflicted. i see a poll where about 60% of
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people think that edward snowden has compromised our security. and i agree, because a lot of information revealed has nothing to do with our privacy, nothing to do with spying on americans. at the same time, about 70% of the public thinks that the nsa is going too far. that they are intruding in our privacy in ways that they don't need to. they can, but they don't need to. and i agree with them. i do think some of the revelations by snowden are frankly, chilling. also about 52 or 3% of the public believes that president obama has not handled this woel, has not been forthright in carrying out these policies and frankly i agree with the public there. >> ron, i'm feeling closer, for a moment there was distance, now i'm reunited. i don't know what we were doing earlier but it was very entertaining. the president has to go out there tomorrow and basically say
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to the american people, trust me, despite james clapper, trust me despite the misrepresentations on health care, another whopper that we exposed at the top of the show. how many people are willing to trust him with what we showed at the top of the show, a 39% approval rating? >> let's start with the fact that this is the anniversary of when eisenhower talked about the military industrial complex. and now flash forward about the trust speech. about 98% of the public trusted government. now less than 30% of the public trust government. this president, his administration, at least one individual has lied to the public and congress about these activities. and the president himself has not been fully transparent. and i'm not talking about the president should have given away sources. but there is no reason he couldn't have had a frank conversation with the public
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about generally what we're doing, and not edward snowden. and in the intelligence community, they say they were urging the president. this person specifically urged the white house to talk more generally, long before snowden about what it is we're doing to protect ourselves. and the president didn't do that. so he has not earned our trust. >> and there can't be any oversight, either, if you mislead congress. no accountability for that. ron, good to see you. >> good to see you, take care of yourse yourself. and two bombshell reports on benghazi, not only did they know what was going on, but secretary clinton failed on the attack. and specifically, this part was not joined by the democrats on the report. specifically called out secretary clinton saying quote,
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at the end of the day she was responsibility. her failure to do so clearly made a difference in the lives of the four murdered americans and their families, end quote. so what does all of this mean for her possible presidential run in 2016. karl rove is here, we begin with democrat karen bass, congresswoman, good to see you. >> thank you. >> i know the democrats didn't join in that statement. but what about that statement is wrong? why is it not correct that her failure to act made a difference in these four americans living our dying? >> well, let me just say that first of all, i sat in foreign affairs committee hearings where secretary clinton said, without hesitation, that she was the secretary of state and that she takes responsibility. but i just have to tell you that when i was reading the report today, my hearts go out for the families because every time we have a new development in this case, i know they have to relive
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the tragedy. and when i read the blow by blow account of what happened, you know, heroic efforts were made to save the ambassador and the other individuals. >> they were, there is no dispute about the heroes who tried to save them, but there is plenty of dispute about what should have been done to prevent them from coming under fire in the first place. because i look at this report from the senate intel committee, chaired by dianne feinstein who by the way said she doesn't like it getting political and doesn't agree that it was mrs. clinton's fault. but at the end of the day, the report says mrs. clinton was responsible for the safety of those serving in our administration, her failure to do so clearly made a difference, why is that not true? >> well, let me just say one thing, the report points out many, many examples of problems that took place. and also lays out a number of recommendations.
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and so for example, secretary scl clinton is in charge of the state department. you have a staff of 70,000 employees over 300 departments. there is no evidence in the report that the requests for security or the security situation went up the chain of command. >> went right to her. >> and that she was even aware of it. >> let me just ask you this question, we have to get karl on, too. you know what is going to happen in 2016 if she runs? people are going to saying there is nothing tying bridgegate to chris christie and there is nothing tying benghazi to hillary clinton. what is your view on chris christie, then? do you see this as different? >> let me just tell you on this report i think what is most important -- are the recommendations. >> no, no, you are dodging my question. so do you give chris christie a pass since that scandal has not been tied to him directly, the same as you give hillary clinton a pass? >> let me just tell you something, first of all secretary clinton said she is
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responsible. >> you're not answering. >> wait a second, you were talking about something that just started. i have no idea if he is responsible. let this investigation go forward. >> but as of today you say it is not on him because it has just been tied to staff? >> i have no idea. the chris christie situation is just beginning. let's see what happens. i'm not going to tie it to him right now. i don't know. >> all right, karen bass, thank you for being here, a pleasure. >> you're welcome. and karl rove is going to be here, that is what it is going to come down to. a political battle. and how will mrs. clinton do? >> not well, i don't think, hillary clinton was secretary of state, there were 70,000 employees who were there, the guy in charge was the under-secretary of state, the number two official at the department. he reported to her, and apparently never bothered and she never asked what is happening with security at our embassies. and another big difference, no one has been held responsible
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for this at all. nobody has lost their job or been fired or tossed out of the department and pensioned off. nobody, and secretary clinton does bear the final responsibility. the most damaging thing of this report today is it said this could have been prevented and it could have been prevented by the actions of the -- that is the responsibility of the secretary of state. but look, there are other problems imbedded in this report. and the differences between republicans and democrats are going to keep a lot of these things from being brought forward. because you have to have unanimity to put it in the report or you have to put it as the republicans did, their criticism of siecretary clinton in the appendix. think about this, they blamed it on a spontaneous protest. we do not know yet who is responsible for taking the factual situation. the president at 5:00 is told this is a terrorist attack. mrs. clinton is told by several people this is a terrorist
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attack, including the ranking u.s. diplomat on the ground. and yet, we have this theory it was a spontaneous uprising pro folk volusia countied by a video. well, who is the author of this? >> at anders air force base, when the caskets were there, and mrs. clinton >> well, because she was at the department of state. and did she participate with the president and the rest of the administration and say let's make it a priority to go get
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these people. and in addition, here is one thing the state department has responsibility for. 15 individuals, libyan and others in the administration, the state department has an affirmative responsibility to take the people who have been helpful to us and assure their risk -- >> she has not been in the state department -- >> she was there for a long while and nothing happened. >> before i let you go, speaking of walking out, are you having flashbacks being in the studio together? >> no. >> election night, 2012, you, me, here, a long walk down the hallway. >> no, norks i got to watch the long walk. i wish i could see the face on the decision room nerds when you walked into the room. >> nerds? >> stirewalt is there right now. >> they're all eagerly watching
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your new success to rise in the program. >> they heard you were coming on, karl, thank you. you bet. coming up, rush limbaugh, and bruce springsteen, and trust us, this is no tunnel of love, next. next. >> you can only be a real fan and friend of springsteen if you're a democrat. an it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink. we didn't get into business to spend time managing receipts, that's why we have ink. we like being in business because we like being creative, we like interacting with people. so you have time to focus on the things you love. infrom chase. so you can. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state.
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♪ ♪ ♪ you're killing the working man ♪ who stuck in the government ♪ well, that was bruce springsteen, taking aim at governor christie this weekend along with jimmy fallon, but rush limbaugh did not take it that way. >> governor christie loves this guy, 127 different concerts he has attended. and he is mocked. made fun of. he can't be a real fan because he is a republican. you can only be a real fan and friend to somebody like springsteen if you're a democrat. and even then, for only as long as they can use you. >> joining me now, buck sexton, the security editor. and fox news legal analyst criminal defense attorney. he thinks it was mean, he pointed out -- rush pointed out
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that governor christie is a huge springsteen fan. and actually talked about how he cried. he cried the first time he talked to springsteen after hurricane sandy. >> it is clearly not nice, piling on at a time when governor christie is already finding himself beset on all sides. but i would say this, bruce springsteen wears a little too much denim for my taste, his biggest crime to me is he is probably the most overrated musician of all time. >> wow, wow, wow. >> ding, ding, ding, the eject button in the control room, eject button. >> i just speak the truth, guys. >> who doesn't like "the boss," that is unpatriotic. excuse me. >> but the point is not so much buck's feelings about bruce, chris christie, feelings about bruce, if he actually felt a
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connection with chris christie, and felt moved, would he have done this? he is suggesting there is a coldness there because he is a republican. >> he is the last person who should be taking the moral high ground. >> what do you mean? he can't point out meanness when he perceives it. >> i think it looks disingenuous and a little silly. >> it is a little over-reaching. >> before you say what you were going to say, if you were under fire the way chris christie is, rightly or wrongly, because obviously his office did something wrong, justice scalia and you are great buds. would you want him going out there and mocking him? >> no, but here is the detail, nobody said bruce was a big supporter of christie, there is
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not that mutual -- >> is that how he treats his fans? his probably best-known fans. >> may i say something, jimmy fa fallon is about to step into the big shoes, and springsteen is helping him. he launches a month from tonight. and last night. >> that is not in dispute. the dispute is whether springsteen should have said, i love to help you, let me help you on something else. >> it is about a guy who is stuck in traffic who has to take a leak. it wasn't mean, i just have to take a leak. >> christie has bigger problems and can certainly handle this, christie has bigger problems. >> i expect nothing from him because he stinks. >> he is going to try to hurt you if you continue that. >> did anyone else notice that jimmy fallon actually sounded more like the boss than the boss. >> fallon is actually a great
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musician, very talented. >> i'm so looking forward to his show. he is a brooklyn kid. it was great television last night. >> well, i'll bet you christie would say love you, that was funny -- >> good for him. >> now he knows the truth about springsteen, megyn. >> buck you are so on thin ice. >> you're going down, buck. thank you, stand by, because up next, the movie mogul who made millions from extremely violent gun movies like this one. >> i decided to leave. settle down and start a new life. but when i tried to get out. they did me in. >> oh, and now he is taking aim at the nra, hypocrisy, anyone? plus, coming up on "hannity" at the top of the hour. >> the story of benghazi is penetrating, chris christie is taking accountability for what went wrong on his watch and fired people. name one person held accountable
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when i had shingles the music stopped. should not say this, but i'll tell it to you, howard, i'm going to make a movie with meryl streep and take this issue head on, they're going to wish i wasn't alive after i'm done with them. >> that was movie mogul weinstein taking aim at the nra, interesting that this is one of the men who made his fortune off the most violent movies in the industry. take a look. >> but when i tried to get out,. >> how do you like the bounty
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hunting. >> we return now with our power panel, that is produced by the same man who says to howard, i don't think we need guns in this country. i hate them, i think the nra is a disaster. really? how would we know that exactly? >> well, the ignorance of celebrities and apparently producers, too, when it comes to the second amendment and law-abiding gun owners knows no bounds, i would assume, assuming he is not going to be a hypocrite, that is what he is looking at. >> pulp fiction, reservoir dogs, django unchained, rambo, and now, as he wants us to believe, he wants us to believe he has the moral high ground. >> if only we had as much confidence as he does, the senate couldn't seem to move the country, congress couldn't move the country on this issue, but harvey weinstein is convinced he
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will make a big difference. >> and meryl streep. >> and i love meryl streep, but he seems to think he has the magic. >> you know, pushing these left wing causes, they don't rate -- >> of all the things you rattled off, if anybody was going to move it in this country, it has to be the children of newtown, connecticut, i mean, that hit home with every human being on the planet, almost, if there was going to be something that moved us, massively -- >> harvey. >> harvey, with great respect to one of the movies -- >> it is about his hypocrisy, how do you make these films and try to claim you're so offended by these guns? >> i'm not a guy that is that squeamish, for him to pretend he has not made a lot of money
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grorifying violence -- >> same thing as jim carey, making these movies with guns. >> i don't have an issue with somebody trying to push an agenda, a lot of people do. the hypocrisy is key, i was very critical of the fact that harvey was one of the people pushing the polanski thing -- >> thank you, we'll be right back. won't trap me in a rate. that's correct. cause i'm really nervous about getting trapped. why's that? uh, mark? go get help! i have my reasons. look, you don't have to feel trapped with our raise your rate cd. if our rate on this cd goes up, yours can too. oh that sounds nice. don't feel trapped with the ally raise your rate cd. ally bank. your money needs an ally.
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. we're getting a ton of traffic on twitter about our opening segment with chris stirewalt and twitter, follow us at megynkelly, see you tomorrow night. welcome to "hannity" tonight, democrats are circling the wagons around their 2016 golden girl, hillary clinton, this comes after the senate intelligence committee released its scathing report on the benghazi terrorist attack. now, the findings are leaving many of us to question clinton's competency as a leader. and first, there is a look at what else is on tonight in this jam-packed edition of "hannity." let the cover-up begin. two victims of the


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