tv Cashin In FOX News January 18, 2014 8:30am-9:01am PST
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>> you guys are terrific. we got three stocks in. in that short time. that is it for "forbes on fox." thank you for watching. keep it right here, the number one business block continues. you don't want to miss this. eric bolling and "cashin' in". president, the land of the fry ain't as free as it used to be. the u.s. tanking in economic freedom under your watch, sir. this year we aren't even in top ten anymore. is obamanomics destroying the american dream? remember when greenpeace used fake santa to scare the heck out of the kids. >> they will leave me no alternative but to cancel christmas. >> well, now liberal lawmakers are jumping in bed with greenie and pressure networks to cover climate change stories. should we pull the plug on lefties dictate the news? and then.
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>> it's hard. i know it's hard. it will make you stronger. if you quit, you are not going to get stronger. >> a new tough love show about pee wee football games flagged for being too harsh on kids. i say throw the flags on the critics for causing wussification on american men. start the game clock. "cashin' in" starts right now. >> hi, everybody. i'm eric bolling. welcome to "cashin' in." the crew, wayne rogers, jonathan hoenig, michelle fields and welcome, everybody. america's freedom is slipping away literally. take ak loo. president obama sworn in office. the u.s. was sixth in economic freedom worldwide. now we have fallen out of the top ten to 12th place behind countries like chili, estonia. the reason? the report says we're taxed more and regulated to death. michelle, you say president's policies are to blame. >> absolutely! you know, the countries that are beating us are beating us because they are implemented policies that america used to
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have. the policies that made the country great. as soon as obama took office there has been 18,000 new regulations since he has been in office. the cost of regulation from 2009 to now has been $494 billion. we don't see the economy getting back on track. i mean only 74,000 jobs were added in december. absolutely ridiculous. he is hurting our country. >> wayne, there will be a quiz after the show. the first person to find moricious on the globe wins. it's an island nation in the mediterranean -- i indian sea i guess it is. how can we behind them, chile and estonia? >> it's easy if you have a guy in the white house that doesn't believe in freedom. it's a fascist economy that he thinks the government should be the partner of nerve business today. you know what is really
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interesting, eric, the bottom three nations in the world you would guess north korea, cuba and zimbabwe. these are totalitarian governments. that tells you the difference between the freedom, economic freedom, free market society and those run by totalitarian dictators. >> very good. part of the numbers that go in to this list are taxes. under president obama he raised the top income rate from 35 to 36%. raised the capital gains taxes and the payroll taxes for everyone. maybe estate taxes. it goes on and on and on. were we lucky to be 12th next year and the year after? >> well, freedom is not just another word for nothing left to lose, no matter what conservatives want you to think. you can't just come up with a survey of economic freedoms that have nothing to do with the economic growth. nothing to do with the political freedom. look at the countries topping
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the list. they have the universal healthcare coverage. hey, something all the panelists argue against. the union density is sometimes 10 to 20 points higher than what the u.s. has. what say you, eric? >> it has a lot of the things you mention. limited government. jonathan, i will go to you, one of the worst scoring we have in the survey is limited government. we have score 48 out of 100 on government spending and 66 out of 100 in fiscal freedom. >> our trajectory is down. free market means free people. the economy is how free people interact in a free society. it started under bush but worse under obama. the only country that went down every year for seven years. it's taxes and regulation.
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intervention. the loss of property right and the loss of choice. we have seen that recently with the president. >> here is the thing for me. it's not like we weren't warned of this. listen to the sound bite we dug up after the beginning of president obama's presidency. it may have been before and we still lechted him. watch. >> if someone wants to build a coal powered plant, they can. but it will bankrupt them. >> michelle, he warned us. there is afternoon shot to the coal industry saying i'm going to bankrupt you. that is not economic freedom. >> it's not. this is not surprising. we have the n.s.a. spying on us and the e.p.a. destroying businesses. healthcare being taken over. it's no surprise. we have an administration that makes a new rule, a new law it feels like every single day in order to justify their existence and continue to make our lives more difficult. you know, i don't see this economic recovery that he
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talks about. the number of people who have been unemployed for 27 weeks or longer continues to hold steady at 3.9 million people. that is not a recovery. no wonder we are dropping under the economic freedom on the list. >> go ahead, john. >> i wish i could say the g.o.p. is better. but eric, remember, romney was for bail-out for detroit and for regulation of banks and financiers. we need a moral revolution. no it by party, but by philosophy. profit is good, self-interest is good. economic freedom is good. we are headed in the other direction. >> you want to jump in here? pile on with jonathan here, i agree. this is a more lib rainier look, conservative, capitalism and the libertarian look. that is what we try to do week after week on the show. go ahead. >> this also matters whose economic freedom you are talking about. is it economic freedom of ceos, not to have to report
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their corporate profits correctly like sarbanes-oxley requires them to do? or are we looking at the economic freedom of workers whose productivity has gone up. profits gone up. but who benefited from this. ceos, none of this is going toward the -- skyrocketing income inequality. >> this is such a ridiculous statement saying you don't have to do this and violating sarbanes-oxley. you don't know what you are talking about. i happen to sit on the new york stock exchange company board. we are so careful about complying with sarbanes-oxley. everybody is terrified about sarbanes-oxley. you don't know what themen you're talking about -- what the hell you're talking about. [ overtalk ] >> let me ask you. wait a minute. let me ask you something. you started to tell me about freedom and all of that political freedom.
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tell me why zimbabwe, cuba and north korea at the bottom of the list. explain it to me. >> i pay no attentiono a list that is twisted on right wing conspiracies. this means nothing. on the economics of the wealthiest americans means nothing. we have could be at the top of the list and it would mean nothing. >> we want to be at the top. we can't make up a new definition of what economic freedom is. >> let me -- >> one thing we say is worker freedom. that would be good about the list. jonathan and michelle quickly. >> freedom is freedom from force. intervention and taxes and government comes from the government which is force. government force not against the criminals but against
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ceos who are beneficial part of the economy. >> so are employees. so are their employees. pay them a living wage. >> the employees don't get paid? >> another discussion. maybe next week. wrap this up and tie it up in a bow for us. >> if we want more economic freedom let's allow businesses and entrepreneurs to work. >> all the taxes have gone up. 18,000 regulations. michelle pointed out early in the block. we'll leave it there. coming up, critics taking on friday night. and say the new show about the pee wee football coaches and parents pushing kids to the extreme is terrible. is tough love with our kids need to become successfulyo adults? u y. around here you don't make excuses. u y. you make commitments.
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football. some folks outraged over how coaches and parents are treating kids in a new show called "friday night tykes." take a look. >> you can do this. >> it's hard. >> i know it's hard. it is going to make you stronger. if you quit, you are not going to get stronger. >> you stop. you stop right here. don't stop. go with it! i don't care how much pain you're in, you don't quit. >> critics of the docu-series saying pushing kids to win this way is plane wrong. i say cam a wambulance. man up or we're in trouble. wayne you must agree with me? >> no, i don't, actually, in this case. i think you treat children differently than you talk about when you treat men. you can't act children to behave like men. a big difference there. vince lombardi said, dealing
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with men when he talked about football. he said winning isn't the everything, winning is the only thing. when the great scorer comes against your mark against your name he writes not whether you won or lost but how you played the game. >> yes, according to wayne rogers. i think they score in the record books with "w," not "l"s. you're liberal so you must hate this, right? >> what about don't mess with texas don't you people understand. this is what we do. we play football and we play it well. i am for this for a different reason. if you look at the outrage against mtv and 16 and pregnant, a study came out that said it made teenagers not want to get pregnant and it had a good effect. so perhaps you shine a light on this type of activity. >> you had me there. you had me there. >> and then many parents will
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put that pressure on their skids. i know. i know. >> you forive for the wrong reason. you went to west lake high school and babysat drew brees. >> i went to austin. west lake were rivals. drew brees and my brother played basketball together. >> he's soft and sweet. >> his coach and father were very demanding and that's why he is a winner. >> where do you land? p.c. police? >> i think there were a few scenes that were crossing the lionel a little bit, too intense. but i think there is this sense of entitlement that we are babying kids. there are guys my age that are still living in their mom's basement. when you baby kids all the time you have the kids grow up to have an mentality. >> but, michelle, these are babies. these are babies. these are 7 and 8-year-old kids. >> i know, i am telling you i think it's intense. when baby kids. they end up growing up to have the political views like jamu.
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give me, give me, yummy, yummy, yummy, all the time. >> john -- don't let john talk to you like that. she told you. >> 7 and 8-year-old kids are not props. these are not want-to-bees like snookie or anna nicole smith. these are children. they're not fully formed. not able to contextualize what they are doing with the glare of the video camera on them and all of this. i'm all for competition, but i'm against videotaping and putting on national tv that kids aren't the age of consent. >> hang on, hang on. concept, the parents bring these kids to these programs. and wayne, by the way, the programs are the most successful programs in the state of texas. which by the way is one of the best states for football. >> maybe it says something about texas. i don't know. my only point is i don't think you treat children and adults the same way. i agree that winning is, i agree with lombardi when you talk about professional football.
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winning is the only thing. "i" love to win. i love that. i'm a mature person. i don't think you treat kids that way. >> by the way, it's a very, very good interesting story to talk about. coming up, hide the remote control. some liberal lawmakers are pressuring tv networks to cover climate change stories. so now, the government decides what is news? ven me time to reflect on some of life's biggest questions. like, if you could save hundreds on car insurance by making one simple call, why wouldn't you make that call? see, the only thing i can think of is that you can't get any... bars. ah, that's better. it's a beautiful view. i wonder if i can see mt. rushmore from here. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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westerners killing 21 people including two americans. u.s. troops prepare to leave afghanistan, more attack against civilians? we'll hear from colonel oliver north at the top of the hour. in the wake of the n.s.a. scandal, president obama unveiled the recommendation for reining in the government surveillance program. the president saying the program won't end. we'll hear from governor mike huckabee and independent senator from maine angus king to give us their reaction on the latest from the n.s.a. little miss popular making her debut. take a look. bao bao greets her adoring public in the nation's capital. we'll give you a close-up look at the little charmer. all of that and the rest of the story coming your way at the top of the hour on america's news headquarters in moments. join us then. >> remember when greenpeace used the creepy santa to push the green agenda?
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>> there may be no alternative but to cancel christmas. >> you can see more messages on tv if liberal lawmakers get their way. senators pushing tv networks to do climate change stories. should the government tell the tv network what is is news? >> this is chilling. this is censorship. this isn't private viewers writing to fox and commenting on what they see on tv. this is the government writing private broadcasters saying they want to see stories about the climate change on television. who do you think regulates the broadcasters? bernie sanders and the other democrat. government is force. when broadcasters here that lawmakers want to hear more climate change stories they have to respond because they have a gun to their head. this is the end of free speech in country. >> michelle one of smartest people in i know in building once sat me down and said
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democracy doesn't work unless the media does its job. the media doing its job means a free media. it's protected in the first amendment. a free media. >> you know what? the media is already talking about this. how much more do they want to hear on tv? if you turn on msnbc and cnn every day they are talking about global warming. this is november coincidence that every day the viewer ship gets smaller and smaller. miles per hours are tired of hearing about this -- americans are tired of hearing about this. all the liberals like jaumu say global warming or changing. no it's called weather. >> go ahead. talk -- stay on thepedia whether or not the lawmakers in general should be petitioning the media for the story and the agenda. >> i would rather here about climate change than kim kardashian. lawmakers do this every day. they send out press releases and ask us to cover things
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every day. this make sense to cover an issue that makes new york have what should be once in a century weather changes happening once every ten years. things that are going to wipe miami off the map. literally. l.a. is burning right now. this is news. we're in the news business. >> wayne, would you rather look at kim kardashian's fake boob osar the change -- boobs or climate change fake science? >> i have to agree with jehmu. kim kardashian, enough of that for me. the climate change debate goes on. and i'm not going to get in the technical part of that. but the part that jonathan raises scares me. bernie sanders is a guy outrageously for individual being, he is talking about how he is an independent. not a democrat, not a republican. and for him to talk about
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condemning, it's intimidating the press. it's just what you said. against the constitution. it's against all of the things we think about as individual freedom. for a lawmaker to come out and criticize the press. >> go ahead. >> he is a -- sanders is a socialist. you know who else does this? hugo chavez, which for years, eric, pressured the last free media in venezuela pushing the same type of force to use against the media, which is the people in this country. >> we have to leave it -- again, we wish we had more time. hat tip to our friends everywhere making those decisions. thanks to michelle fields and jehmu greene for joining thus week. coming up, the right to bear arms, just not for you. hollywood lefties making tens of millions of dollars highlighting guns in their movies. so why are they attacking ourr second amendment rights? of tht at 06 35th street the old dining table at 25th and hoffman. ...and the little room above the strip mall f roble avenue. ♪ this magic momt
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been hot on biotech this year and it's had a major runup, a lot of them. i still think that look at xbi. >> very good. john? >> well, the governor is forcing banks to get out of the physical commodity changing era, that will lead to higher price for metals. l.e.e.d. >> great stuff. that's it for cost of freedom block. thank you for joining us. one thing we do on "cashin' in" is point out hypocrisy. the politicians saying one thing and doing another. celebs are the worst offenders. weinstein caught us by surprised that he would make a big movie with meryl streep attacking the n.r.a. and by default he'll attack the second amendment. this is clips from the movies. "pulp fiction." and "kill bill" and "inglorious bastards." he uses guns and lots and lots of guns. so you can say mr. weinstein owes a substantial portion of
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his substantial fortune to guns. one has to wonder why he is talking out of his substantial behind. second amendment is here to stay. "cashin' in" here to protect your constitutional rights week in and week out. two americans are among the victims in a deadly afghan terror attack. most of those killed are civilians. is this the latest suicide bombing indication that enemy is changing its tactics? we will check in with lieutenant colonel oliver north. president obama tries to reassure the american people their privacy won't be abuse and he continues to say he won't compromise on intelligence aimed to protect the u.s. terror threat. governor mike huckabee will weigh in with his reaction. you are going to hear from the former c.i.a. operative mike baker who tells us more about the country's famous secrets unveiled in a new television show. and an nfl phenom in the spotlight. we will talk to his m
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