tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News January 21, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST
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>>oc. i think that is a nice way to look at it. >> not malicious. >> and our producer rachel is a patriot's fan, she let me run that story for the broncos. purdue university said a shooting took place on the campus in west lafayet, down down. the school had everyone shelter in place. the police have a person in custody and no word if that person is connected. they cleared out the building while the area is searched. a spokesperson said no one could be immediately reached for details including whether or not anyone was wounded. we don't have confirmation of that either. watching that purdue university
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breaking news on hq. a major winter storm impacting millions was you right now. triple threat and heavy snow and artic air and we say hello to you at home and at work. i am bill hemmer. >> and i am alisyn camerota. the delivery men are trying to make deliveries in the snow. schools are closing and travel is disrupted and at last check more than 2600 flights were cancelled and this storm is just getting started. meteorologist janice dean is in the fox weather center. howñi is it looking. >> it feels like groundhog day. we are talking about the winter storms and the artic plunge and we are going to continue for the next 18 hours. and this is the beginning of the storm. this is a clipper fast- moving storm originated from canada and usually don't dump the snow.
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this will intensify off of the coast and become a coastal stofrment we are predict the in some cases over a foot of snow. dc, you are getting the snow. and philadelphia tis snowing to beat the band there. they could get 12 inches of snow. and we'll certainly see airport delays and air canc laegzs for philadelphia up to new york and boston ending tomorrow and we'll be left with cold temperatures and gusty wins in excess of 30 or 40 miles per hour. here are your snow totals. dc and north of the city higher totals. 8- 12 in philadelphia. and 8- 12 for new york city. and locally heavy for the jersey shore with a foot of snoechlt and eastern long island and coastal massachusetts, again upwards of 14 inches and the red right there blizzard warnings. we are seeing wind gusts in
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excess of 30 miles per hour to dc and philadelphia and atlantic. and this storm hasn't really got its act together. it will be an event for the next 18 or 24 hours. i hope you guys are staying in hotels. >> we are coming to your place. >> i am staying here. >> come on over. >> all right. janice. >> lot was room. >> save us a room on the cot. another fox news alert. the hunt is on for possibly three suspected suicide bomb ares headed to the winter games in russia amid of so- called black widow on the move in the olympics city. we have more from the nows room. >> bill, it is not exactly clear how many black widows russian security services are looking for. it may be as many as three or even more. there is one that we know for
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sure. this is a picture of one distributed inside of the city of sochi where the olympics are due to take place. the fear among the russian security service that black window groups shed the brutality before. that was a bus bomber carried out by a female suicide bomber. it was also the city where the train station was a target just last month. 34 people killed in that blast. given all of the recent history, the u.s. military is going to plan to send two war ships to the black sea. you can from the map right next to sochi there. those warships will be on stand by to evacuate u.s. citizens if necessary. a former deputy national security advisor said today that he believes that that decision would be taken in extreme
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circumstances. if there is a real sense of serious risk to the athletes that is imminent and material and can't be countered, then you would so a discussion in the situation room around what is to be done. that kind of a decision is taken seriously and no one wants to see the olympics disrupted and pulling the american athletes out is disastrous for everybody and give the terrorist a victory. >> it certainly would give the terrorist a victory and a defeat for many others including vladimar putin from russia and guaranteed all of the safety of the athletes and those visiting for the olympics games and the u.s. is not sitting on that guarantee and don't want to take any chances, bill. as one defense department told fox news today, the pentagon, learned a lot of lessons from
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benghazi. >> wow. >> bill? >> and johnathon hupt on that story out of russia. and new respects that president obama is pressured by competing wings of his own democratic party. liberals want him to focus on income inequality and moderates want him to focus on economic grouchlt bret baier is anchor of special report. hey, alsip. >> the president has a tall order coming up for the state of the union address. not only to sell the agenda to the american people but the devoided wings to his own party. which way is he leaning? >> we start with the premise that the state of the union is not a news maker speech. it is a laundry list and shopping list that they lay out what they are going to do. and this president with low approval ratings and dealing with congress doesn't have as
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much juice as he used to be. the real interest in the speech, what you talk about. democratic politics and shaping up for the mid- term election in 2014. there is a split in the republican party between the conservative elements and moderate elements. and there is a split in the democrat party with the more liberal elements calling for higher taxes and an aggressive push against wall street and the more moderate elements calling for a focus on economic growth and trade policies and things that lift everybody up with opportunity and where that focus is and where the president ends up going with the speech, i think will tell you a lot about where the democratic party heads up in 2014. >> that is interesting. from what we understand, the divide is the liberals who want him to stay focused on income quality. and jobs. can't he do both? >> he can.
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he has tip toeed through the tulips before. and there will be a laund row list of democratic points that really the party wants to separate as many candidates as they can from potential gop rivals setting up in november. the problem for them, many of the red state democrats don't line up necessarily on all of the issues the same way that party the all, in total will talk about the issues. you may see separation in a number of different races, over all, the state of the union, as i said is a long list of things and how much he gets done is yet to be seen. >> here are a couple of things on the laund row list. he will incorporate college affordability, talking about that. and work place maternity leave and extended unemployment benefits and that is a hot topic
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and the minimum wage. are those that most resonate with the voters at the moment? >> if you look at a poll, that's not where most voters heads are as far as the top issues of the day. they will talk about jobs as number one. the economy over all, but when it gets down to breaking down on minimum wage increase, while popular politically, it is not something that drives voters. it depends on the poll and how you ask the question. i think democrats do so opportunity in some of the issues in specific races that they are targeting. >> all right, brett, thank you for previewing the big speech for and you say whether it will define the midterms. we'll talk to you soon. a couple of tweets sent out by the school and a headline about a shooting that took place. at least one person in custody,
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perhaps more we don't know. that garrett is watching it live out of chicago. what can you ask from west lafayet, indiana. >> reporter: we just got off of the phone, and they told us not only is one person custody and one person injured at this time. you mentioned on the school's twitter feed they are giving updates. they have cleared the building where the shooting took place, but continuing to search other buildings in the area. students are asked to remain sheltered in place. we spoke to a spokesperson at the school. they got reports of multiple shots fired at the electrical engineering building. students were not there yesterday because of martin luther king junior day. and they are back on campus and told to remain sheltered in place and the school doesn't have a lot to say right now, there is not a lot of
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information out there right now. police say they are continuing to search buildings in the area and students are sheltered in place. >> you said it was first reported at noon? >> reporter: the school spokesperson noon eastern time. >> an hour or 10, 15 minutes from now. and you wonder how they are secowering the buildings. what about the injuries? >> reporter: it was hectic in the police office. they jumped off of the phone and they have a lot going o. >> i bet they do. we'll so whether or not this can be resolved quickly and peacefully. that is the website at perdue.udu. and so we are watching this and we'll get the updates passed
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along to you. a year since president obama took the second oath of office. ally talked about the accomplishments and which items he did not accomplish. >> if they are extreme conservatives they have no place in the state of new york. that is not who new yorkers are. >> demand for an apology. and new york governor andrew cuomo and the official asking for an apology is coming up. >> and how a bird hunts prey.
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conservatives who are right to life? pro- assault- weapon, anti- gay? is that who they are? because if that's who they are and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of new york, because that's not who new yorkers are. >> well now the head of new york republican state committee saying this. >> i call upon governor cuomo to it apologize to good conservatives and catholics for the statement that they have no place in new york and all new yorkers for poisoning new york's politics with divisive rhetoric in a time when new york needs to be united to address the continuing economic problems. that is ed cox with me in albany, new york and welcome to hq. >> hi, bill. >> you called earlier for an apology. have you gotten it? >> we have not gotten an
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apology. we have explanation and he only meant republican or republican matters, and i guess he's saying if you are a pro- life democrat that may be okay for you to be here in new york. to tell cardinal dolan you have no place in new york. you can't get more intolerant. we are seeing the real cuomo with that remark. >> we were told that the comments he made and we heard on radio, from last friday, were distorted when reported, were they? >> you just -- you just gave the exactly the way he said it. and he is very simply if he didn't mean it apologize for it and move on. he hasn't apologized. he tried to explain it. he is not saying he didn't mean that. you are either pro- life or pro second amendment have no place in new york.
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that is insulting and intollerance. >> when his camp talked about and say he was only referring to extreme right candidates, does that fly for you? >> it doesn't fly, the remark stands for itself what it is. he specified people who are pro-life and basically pro second amendment and said they have no place in new york. that is just is especially new york which prides its on diversity and anyone can come here to suck sowed. for centuries that's what new york has been. going back to the open society in amsterdam. that's why it is the financial capitol not only of the united states but the world. that kind of intolerant attitude is harming new york's economy. we have an a nemic economy.
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and we are not developing federal gas resources because of a moratorium he has on the development and polls show he hasn't had a good impact. his policies are not impacting. >> let me if i could come back to the comment there. it is his office also said in the same sprue he said it is fine to be anti- gun control and antichoice and he respects both positions. i take it listening to you that you don't hear it that way at all, do you? >> for his office to say it is fine, he ought to simply apologize. he hasn't done that yet. he personally doesn't want to disown that remark. he needs to apologize to make it clear that is not what he is. i am afraid he is that and meant that remark. >> when you ask for a an
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apology, how would you accept it. you want him to come on television and make a statement on camera. you don't want a tweet or something on facebook or a statement on paper. you want to so his face and hear his words. do i have that right? >> no, look an apology is an apology. but he personally has to make. he made that remark personally and as the governor of new york state, making a remark like that is unacceptable. however he does it he has to do it permanently. >> you will take the apology however you can get it. >> however he does it as long as he personally apologize. not explanation or his office. but an apology for him personally. >> we'll see if you get that today or tomorrow. thank you for being with us. >> thank you.
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>> glenn beck makes a special guest appearance with megyn kelliy. he's written a personal letter to governor cuomo who is getting a lot of attention. check that out in prime time this evening. >> indiana police have someone in custody and one person is injured after a shooting in purdue university in west lafayet, indiana. it happen in the electrical engineering building and that police have cleared that building while the area is being searched. students are told to shelter in place. we'll bring you more details on this after the break. plus, there is new olympics terror fears and hunt for black widows as they are called for the worst terrorist bombings. why the whereabouts of one of these women have security
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>> watch at purdue university and a live picture outside and what we believe is the electrical engineering buildingment shortly before noon eastern time and an hour and 30 minutes ago. a shooting was reported and the university confirmed the shooting on the twitter page and the website at we don't know about injuries. we are told one suspect was taken into custody. it is clearly cold in central indiana with snow on the ground. blue skies there, and the police have clearly responded to the engineering building and so we are waiting to see whether or not this situation has been resolved and whether or not it was resolved peacefully.
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there is information about perhaps a injured student. we get a bit more information we'll pass it to you. there will be a student with us in a matter of moments here and apparently the student witnessed something either inside of the building or students leaving that building. >> and a sheltener place order, given to students? as you can see now, it looks like young people with back packs walking around the area and we still see the emergency responders. maybe they are not any longer searching. they had been searching it for another suspect and that is over now since it is more relaxed on the outside. >> we have to speak to liz evans. are you there? >> i am. can you hear me. >> youor the air with bill and alisyn. tell us what happen on campus. >> i can tell you what i know.
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approximately noon east other than time we had report of shots fired coming from the electrical engineering building northeast side of the catchus. we issued a campus wide alert via text message and telling everyone to shelter in place. that has been lifted. our electrical engineer building is currently still locked down but the rest of the campus is open and i moments ago have been told that there is no other threat to campus. >> any injuries, liz? >> i don't know. i know one person is in custody. >> liz, if you can hear us. can you tell us if that person is a student? >> i don't have information other than one person in custody. >> so the electrical engineering building is still looked down and the rest of the campus is open. >> yes. >> do you believe it has been resolved, liz?
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>> we know the police are still investigating and it is a developing situation. the rest of the campus should be aware of no current threat. classes are still going on in the other parts of the campus. >> liz, we understand from what you are saying that you don't believe any other suspect is loose on campus. you believe they have the shooter in custody. >> we have one person in custody and letting you know what the police are telling me and no rumors get out there. one person is in custody and the rest of the campus is open except for the electrical engineering building. >> i know you have a lot of things going on. appreciate the moment to inform our viewers of what is happening in west lafayet, indiana. >> despite winning re- election in a land slide. new jersey governor chris
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christie begins a second term under siege with scandal and subpeona hanging over the administration. to highway light the dampened mood. the winter storm cancelled the inaugural party. shawn is in the newsroom with more on what is happening there. >> with hugs and kisses, chris christie was sworn in for a second term of governor of new jerseyine as a committee was nameed to investigate his administration. it is overshadowed by continuing allegations that the christie administration engaged in abuse of power and pay back. legislative hearings are expected to start within weeks. the governor did not address the scandals and alluded to disasters of a natural sort and heavy snow that cancelled the inauguration party tonight. >> it is only fitting in this administration, with more
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hurricanes, snow storms, flooding, and disaster of the natural sort, that of any administration that i can remember in my lifetime, that we begin the second term in the same way. >> and as the second term begins. investigations are ramping up. they are merging the investigative committees in to one. they will have double the number of democrats than republicans. four on the panel and it will be co-shared by the democratic senator that is leading the bridge probe. >> it is co-chairs of a select investigative committee that will work hard and fairly to follow the information that we have to get answers to questions that vex us all and to hopefully at one point, be able to change the laws to make sure it will never happen again. >> mr. christie touched on
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national themes. calling for bipartisanship and tax cut for the middle-class. >> absolutely. thank you for that wrap up. so iran is on the move and going somewhere for the first time in history and got nothing to do with nukes. we'll talk about that in a moment. >> exactly one year ago today. president obama delivered a second inughaural dress and the second term lived up to the the expectations. >> and hunting for potential terrorist. why u.s. officials believe that one black widow is a serious threat and where they might think she might be hiding now. >> i think it is most dangerous olympics we have had. and so we have a time. and i don't believe we are getting anywhere near the level of cooperation. [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons
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to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪ quick check of the head lines. purdue university saying someone is in custody after the shooting on campus. the school's director saying it happen in the electrical engineering building and police cleared the campus. iowa ran's sending a ship in the
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atlantic. >> and the nfl kicking around with the idea of getting rid of the extra point kick. it is too predictable. and fiving an automatic seven points with touchdown and option to run or pass for an extra point. and they lose the point if the play fails. the commissioner suggested the idea and wants to consider options to add excitement to every play in football and every single one. >> keep the excitement going. >> we want to know today, camerota. what is one thing you want to see gone from sports? uh-huh. >> you just thinking about. that >> send us i tweet. >> to me at alisyn camerota.
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we'll read them at the end of the she. >> there are disturbing developments in sochi as russia welcomes the world. russian security forces on the hunt for three potential suicide bombers, so- called black widows and one of them already slipped through the layers of heavy security and in the olympics city. mike is a president of diligent of dmroebl intelligence firm. mike, great to see you. they call these women black widows and this one on the screen, her husband was killed by russian security forces and he was a jihaddist and the thinking she will a venge that death by going to sochi and doing something terrible. you have been in this business for a long time and in the city the size of sochi, where dow
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look for a woman like. that >> one of the problems the security perimeter is 60 miles long and 25 miles wide. that is the ring of steel that putin talked about. and dumped 35 or 36 russian personnel in the zone and put in place extraordinary security measures, the problem is, they are dealing with a highly motivated islamic fundmentalist insurgency that has had a brutal campaign for years and years. talking about chechnya and dagestan and in the backyard of the olympics now. you do what they are doing. we talked about the lack of cooperation. there is some that goes on behind the scenes. and so it is not like there is no cooperation. but it is not an open book. russia is never a open bock.
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they staked their national pride on this. and dealt for them to say we need help to secure the olympics zone. >> the ring of steel is 1500 square miles or circullar miles. how can they police every corner of that? >> you can't. you are talking about you know, the coastal and mountains and forest and the olympics area itself. you are talking about a vast, vast space. they are using drones and a maratine personnel and anybody who worked in counter terrorism, you never reduce the risk down to 0. it is not going to happen when you have a well established and long- standing and highly motivated insurgency operating in their backyard. do you believe the russians have it under control or not? >> no. i don't believe they have it under control.
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i think the three or so black widow suspects, that is the tip of the iceberg. we are not getting all information about the active threats and the operations they are conducting right now. i don't believe they have it under control. putin has the national pride on the line and his own reputation on the the line. and he's doing everything he can to make it happen. he's facing a high threat difficult environment. >> mike baker, with that chi chilling assessment. >> president obama sworn in for second term. >> we have john and marjorie. a former consultant to the obama campaign. and great to see you guys. >> good afternoon. i will have understand first question to bill hemmer. >> thank you, alisyn. is it done, marjorie and stuck in the water? >> no, the honeymoon is over. we discovered that our spouse
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sleeps in a retainer and black socks to their knees five years in. the bush administration saw the same thing and this is historical. since 1918, every second term president saw a challenge in the midterm election and their own party. clinton was the only one didn't so this because of the back lash. >> johnathon, take out your retainer and tell us what you think? >> this is a do nothing president so, i would go back beyond a year. that is the case for three years since the president's budget got voted down by the senate. nen- nothing. he's not won a significant vote in either house or the senate in that time either from the gun control legislation and his jobs bill in 2011 and immigration this year. he set a tone of partisanship and he hasn't overcome that.
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and the republicans don't want to work with him and democrats don't want to work with him because he is unpopular. >> these are the issues that the president said he would be tackling in the second term. global warming and gun control and same- sex marriage and immigration. how would you grade him thrus far on those topics? >> we are looking at a congress with nine percent approval rating and 29 percent in the bush administration. we hit an all- time low. and the other thing that has happen, as with every presidency. domestic issues a rise. we had the snowden event and syria and obviously the failure of, also been a challenge. i think it is side railed and that is t-- typical. >> johnathon last cracka the it. retainer on the side table there. >> johnathon?
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>> and foreign policy, all of that is part of the job description. working with the party and congress. it is all part of the job description. he is bored with the nitty-gritty governing and we will so that now. >> johnathon and marjorie, both of you keep your black socks on not with sandals. >> thanks a lot. >> and mexican national is said to be executed who happens to be a convicted cop killer. mexico claims that move would violate the international law. the judge on a case with huge implications, he's next. the end.
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the pope to talk about inquality. did you get a letter from target like i did. be careful it could be a scam. how to tell if you got the real deal or if you got scammed. all coming up in the top of the hour. nally? >> texas is set to put a mexican man to death tomorrow. this man is convicted of killing a police officer by pumping three bullets in the back of his head. mexico is fighting the execution and saying it would violate international law and secretary of state john kerry said it could endanger americans abroad. judge andrew napolitano is our fox analyst. >> great to be here. >> does mexico have any say on how we here punish their is thes. >> they would like to think they do. but thanks supreme court
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opinion they don't. if you are arrested in the united states for a ñifelony an a maximum is to be in jail. the federal government is required to notify the consulate of the country from which the person came so that they can provide financial and legal assistance. and this guy arrested in houston for blowing away the head of a cop, the federal government did not notify mexico. it is 20 years later. it is 20 years between the commission of the crime and carrying out of the punishment which is scheduled for tomorrow and the lawyers are saying because you didn't call mexico 20 years ago we don't want him to be executed. they are not saying he didn't do it. they are saying he shpt be scouted because mexico doesn't have the death.. there is no law that requires the state of texas to notify the mexican authorities. but only the federal government
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to do so. >> and why is john kerry concerned and saying it could endanger americans abroad. if we don't honor the mexico and other countries can use their own rules. >> that is probably secretary kerry's concern. i don't think he is suggesting that the guy is innocent or he did not get a fair trial. this problem of who notifies the foreign country came up in 2008 and the supreme court of the united states said that president george w. bush who tried to stop an execution in texas. of another guy in mexico did not have the authority to do so. the treaty between the united states and mexico only affects the federal government and it doesn't affect the state
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government. >> when a foreign criminal commits a crime here in the u.s., do we have the ultimate say of how we punish that person? >> yes, often the state in which the crime was committed has that say. they are state crimes and not federal crime. >> it was tried to stop in 200 ate. >> they didn't suck sowed then and i hope secretary about. they didn't succeed. i think secretary kerry is wrong will i think his heart in the is in the right place but judgment is wrong. >> what would happen if there's no electricity anywhere? what experts say could be an attack we have never seen before. asy. first, i want a way to help minimize my blood sugar spikes. then, a way to support heart health. ♪ and let's not forget immune support. ♪ but now i have new glucerna advance with three benefits in one. including carbsteady ultra to help minimize blood sugar spikes. it's the best from glucerna.
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from the brand doctors recommend most. at a company that's bringing media and technology together. next is every second of nbcuniversal's coverage 0f the 2014 olympic winter games. it's connecting over one million low-income americans to broadband internet at home. it's a place named one america's most veteran friendly employers. next is information and entertainment in ways you never thought possible. welcome to what's next. comcastnbcuniversal. worst case scenario that some fear could cripple modern life in america as we know it.
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live in washington to explain what this is all about. >> reporter: that's right. in his election campaign, iranian president rouhani said death to america is easy. we need to express death to america with action. a lot of experts worry the u.s. is vulnerable to such a threat, especially one carried through an emp blast or electromagnetic pulse contained in low yield nuclear bombs. it could disable our entire electrical grid. >> a scenario that could envision a missile being launched off of a ship, a trapped steamer near our coast, could without one of those weapons in space high over our country quite creditably perhaps in the very near term with absolutely catastrophic effects. >> today virtually every part of our infrastructure is dependent on electricity because of computers. emp blast could render
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everything useless. >> that means no water. that means no food. that means no telecommunications. that means no transportation. >> protection against e mulch p is relatively inexpensive. much of the military's nuclear capability is hardened against it but not civilian infrastructure. >> the extremely high voltage transformers, which are the heart of the system, cost several million dollars each and only made last time i looked in south korea and germany. it takes years to stand in line and get them built. >> in the last decade congress introduced legislation to require power companies to harden their infrastructure against emps but the bill died in the senate. even coronal ejections could cause emp, they don't have to be man made. the last time it happened on a grand scale was 1800s and it fried telegraph wires
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everywhere. caught telegraph buildings on fire when the use of electricity was in its infancy. imagine what it would do today. >> hope we're not around for that. the nfl is reportedly considering getting rid of the extra point kick. what is the one thing you want to see gone from sports? >> just one. >> just one. >> tweet us your best shot. >> are you going to share yours? >> maybe. perhaps. broncos or seahawks. >> i'm going with seahawks.
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lip service in nfl. victor said can we finally get rid of the wave? >> i love the wave. >> it's disrespectful to players. >> i'd love to see an end to football. what a boring sport. >> get a life. >> i'm with you. >> here is gretchen carlson, "the real story." a major snowstorm slamming the northeast. flights canceled causing a travel nightmare, tons of people out. are we talking inches or feet with this one? donald trump offering choice words for chris christie as he's sworn in for a term. today we ask should hillary clinton get as much scrutiny for benghazi as christie is for bridgegate. a chat about income inequality. potential double trouble for target customers. e-mails going out to customers could be a scam. we're
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