tv Red Eye FOX News January 23, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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$440,000. thanks for being with us tonight, we'll behere tomorrow night right at 7:00 p.m. eastern. do you accept richard skim tonight on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye." are teens playing with yo-yo's way too much or not enough? new research suggests this hobby could be responsible for the surgeoning stock market. surging stock mark ce. how does the president feel about regular exercise? >> the president's position has not changed. i told my daughter i think it is a bad idea and a waste of time and not healthy. >> finally, are cats consuming too much of the country's water supply? our panel has tips on how we can stop the thirsty felines from drinking us into extinction. none of these stories on "red eye" tonight jie. and now let's welcome our guest. she is so hat her massage therapist wears oven mitts. i am hire with harris
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falkner. she hosts fox weekend on saturdays and sundays at 7:00 p.m. on fox newschannel, a lot of foxes there. he was once arrested for loitering in his own home. she a lonely, sad man, andy levy. if jokes were popcorn he would come in a bag covered in popcorn, it is sherrod small. >> hash tag, red eye. thank you, guys. means a lot. >> shut up. >> he is so bright that lost sailors follow him home. film and music critic and all around bad boy and the editor of city arts. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. i followed you home last night, greg. my parents told me to follow my dreams. >> that's nice. i will never know who that is though. can you own a glock if you still smoke pot? on january 1st illinois was the 20th state to
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legalize medical marijuana, but a proposed provision is not sitting well with gun owners. anyone who is approved for the program may not own a gun even if they have a concealed carry permit. a gun owning veteran with ms tells the chicago tribune he has applied for the program, but, quote, i feel like they are stomping on my constitutional rights. you can't mix pot and pistols? how 3w* hooch and hockey? >> it would really be bad if he wasn't drunk and there was something wrong with him. but we won't do the research so we will never know.
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>> it was actually make a wish. you did it. >> no i didn't. >> i did the research. >> sherrod, since you are talking you never smoked pot in your life so you probably don't have an opinion on the story. >> first of all thanks for having so many black people on the panel. it is the way gossip king wanted it. >> it is black people wednesday. >> sure it is. >> it is black thursday. >> why do we have to talk about race? >> by the end of the show you will be my brotha. >> you should be able to have a gun -- still have your gun permit and be able to buy pot. you can still drink alcohol and earn -- and still have your gun permit. that's why i do it the old-fashioned way when it comes to weed. i don't need your cards. the dominican dude hooks me up and i keep my gun. >> he does my doobie and then
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-- i and i can hold my gun. it is a gun and a bong. >> welcome to the show. >> happy to be here. >> what do you make of this? is this another attack on the rights of gun owners? >> they are always being attacked. but maybe think back to the high school days where in economics class we talk about guns and butter, well now we have to talk about guns and bongs. it may be a conspiracy made by economics teachers. >> that's a great answer me in the future and i tell you why, still got it. >> that's an old phrase of the guns and butter. >> i do remember it. it stuck. >> they are actually putting more on people who are already suffering. fill out these forms when you get to the doctor and try to get this id card. why don't they go after some of the gang members.
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chicago lead the nation and even though they saw their rates drop to 415 homicides last year. why don't they take the guns away from the guys who have already come down with the sheets? like they already know what their record is. >> that's a good point. i bet you don't have an answer for that. >> i don't because i blanked out. >> you fell asleep while i was talking? >> not because of you. i have a lot going on right now. it had nothing to do with you. >> you are prime for marriage. >> don't ever say that. >> he's married to his cat. >> i actually found a logical explanation while they are doing this. marijuana regardless of what states have legalized or made medical marijuana legal is still illegal under federal law. so if you buy a gun from a federally lnsed gun dealer you have to fill out a form. on that form there is a question, are you an unlawful user of marijuana and other stuff? technically under federal law
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any user of marijuana is on lawful user. >> under federal law. >> but from you buying a gun and filling out a form you would have to check yes on that because it is still a federal crime to purchase marming marge. >> that's why states need the power. >> so you would either have to lie on that form and say no -- >> you don't think people lie on the forms? >> the state does president want to encourage that. >> so like in colorado, not to get too deep in this -- >> i am trans fixed. >> you can now do it recreationally and medically and it is still a federal law. if you are high, who cares? >> that's how i feel right now. >> i know. i to you. >> he agrees with me, greg. >> to me it is a slippery slope. i don't get high, but i don't -- and i own a gun, but i worry that i huff glade and i own a catapult. >> the air freshener? >> yes. i am afraid they will take my catapult away if they
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see me huffing glade. i got rid of my last gun before i moved because it was a pain in the neck. >> why? >> in new york it is hard. >> i thought you had a musket. i don't have anywhere to put this. >> sherrod brought up alcohol. you don't read about anybody getting stoned and taking out their gun and shooting their friends. you do read about people getting drunk and doing stupid things with firearms. the whole thing is ridiculous. >> give weed a chance. >> did you just say that out loud? >> since we have a film critic here i am going to say that the choice between guns and weed is a sophie's choice. >> wow. >> i didn't even see the movie. >> all right, i know it had meryl streep or glen close. >> that was the choice. >> i still don't know what is going on. he still grapples with adams
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apples. hip hop luminary, mr. c -- you didn't know we were doing this story? >> i did, but when i read it i thought something else. >> what i am going to do is start at the top -- he grapples with adams apples. mr. c says he only gets falacio from transgender women so he is not gay. we pulled this story off "happen -- off of hannity's show. it is subject of tonight's -- >> red eye debate 2014 live from the red eye debate center. >> welcome back. i am glad you could join us. let's pick up where hannity left off. last year hot 97dj, mr. c confessed to picking up gay prostitutes or grostitutes,
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but insisted he is not gay. >> i know i am still in denial because i love women. any woman with me know i love women, but occasionally i get the urge to have falacio with a trans sexual, a man that looks like a woman. and then i'm sitting hearsaying, but i'm not gay. >> in a new interview with "gq" a magazine i am completely unfamiliar with he shrugs off his transgender hooker habit as an obsession. when asked if he was gay he says, quote, absolutely not. adding it is no offense to transgender women, none taken, but i only get with transgender women for one thing and one thing only, oral sex. i never had sex with a man. i never had sex with a transgender woman. for an update on the story we will go live to this cat.
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>> that is more like a heroman because it is a hairy animal. let's try to ig more that joke i made. >> that's a deal. >> it is not a hard one to make really and i appreciate you following -- >> it is a pretty easy one to ignore. >> i am confused by this story. any theories? >> don't beacon fused. don't be confused. the first thing they say is the only thing he can trust. the first thing he said is i am in denial. i am deeply in denial and can't come out. >> there is nothing gayer than repeatedly saying you are not gay. nothing gayer in the world, nothing gayer in than that.
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so live with it, man. so you like stuff. i can't even say it. i don't even know what to say. >> i just want the camera to stay on you and watch you look more and more uncomfortable. >> how long do i want ben to stay after the show? editing this down. >> he used the f-word? yes, that f-word. >> harris, it is interesting you pitched this story to me earlier today. you said, greg -- >> although i did read up on it. >> i want your thoughts. >> i think it is interesting that he can't come up with anybody living to be his friend. he says the late notorious big would support him in anyway, shape or form. >> b-i-g, right? >> he said biggie would support him? >> yeah. >> does he think trans sexuals were a sand witch? >> he said notorious would
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support me no matter what. he wouldn't say i was gay if i said i wasn't. and it is i'm poe -- i'm polite somebody what they are. it is like are you a virgin? you you just don't ask. he wants to talk about this because he is a radio host. he said i don't care if i lose my job. i will tell the world. but he does care. >> it is kind of like jewish accountants. they just happen to do a better job. >> what some -- what? you will pick on me because i said big? >> you are jewish and you understand where i am coming from. he was busy saying to do a better job. >> he was. >> you are the hip hop expert. made that analysis as well. >> and i know nothing about accounting. >> he says he can't get women. women have a thing about guys with prostitutes.
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>> can't get women? >> he doesn't know what he is talking about. he is not hooking up with transgender prostitutes. he is hooking up -- the last time he got caught it was bimbo winehouse he was caught with. bimbo winehouse is a gay cross trusser. he identifies as a gay man and is not a trans woman. he is hooking up -- he is not hooking up with trans women. he is hooking up with gay men who cross dress. i think he that. >> a big shout out to bimbo. >> or anyone named bimbo. >> he said no offense to trans women, but you are only good for oral sex. >> i figured out why this is on at 3:00 a.m. >> this is the only story we are doing about sex. >> stop being all jersey right now. let it flow, girl. let it flow. stop being like that. >> how do you know me so well? you just met me. >> i know, but i went through your stuff.
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>> i am so uncomfortable. >> you have a nice purse. >> isn't there a comir -- commercial break coming? >> not even close. >> there is a second part to the story. >> we should always say the great bimbo winehouse. >> is bimbo winehouse dead? >> no. >> they usually call you great after -- never mind. >> there is a little part in this "gq" interview i find interesting. after he was arrested for public lewdness, this is how he was depressed and he worked through his depression i would buy two liter fanta orange and sprite and root beer and guzzle them. that's how i was getting through my pain and going to sleep and drinking soda and i am not a soda drinker. that is more unusual than his denial. >> that's my life. >> he went to the doctor and he said you have diabetes expruz very sick.
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then he said have i to switch gears because the soda was killing him and this is what he found. >> he sounds like a dude who is tortured and needs a way out. he is in the hip hop community. it is a different stigma on homosexuality in hip hop. >> do they drink a lot of soda in hip hop? >> they love soda. >> that's what this story is about. he doesn't want to say he is gay or by sexual or whatever because he knows there is a stigma against that in the hip hop community. >> it doesn't matter. >> i love how you can take anything and add the word community to it. >> the greg gutfeld community. that would be us, i think. >> i have the same issues in the elfin community, where i live in middle earth. >> i get together with people and we watch the show "community" and we call ourselves the community community. >> i never heard you make a
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joke of yourself. it is cient of kind of cute. >> they say the worst seats for the super bowl are going for 2500 and up and prime locations will run $25,000. a smacker is slang for a german tourists and sweets are $450,000 and up to a million. i thought the joke was funny when i wrote it. >> we can't always be right. >> our floor director shook her head. anyway, the fact is normal, average football fans won't be there. the nfl doesn't sell tickets to the general public and because of how the league distributes ticks cets the majority go to sponsors and executives. as broadcaster jim nance notes it never has a big reaction. you know what i would rather watch? this.
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>> that was great. >> that was planned. >> that wasn't planned. >> i think it was planned. >> they stole his car after that. >> don't you have crazy animal videos? >> yeah, but that's my private video. >> i think the whole point of going to the super bowl is to tell people you went. nobody really watches. >> that's probably true. what it tells us is it is still bloomburg's town. it is a bloomburg super bowl. >> that's true. >> as a friend of mine suggested anyone who has trouble get thrg and can't afford it doesn't need to go.
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if they have trouble with the traffic, take a helicopter. if you can afford the tickets you can afford a chopper. >> that's true. you are not even allowed to park around there. it is like telling everybody -- it is telling the little guy, sherrod, don't even think about trying to go. >> good, because i ain't thinking about going over there. first of all it is going to be 2 degrees outside. if you want to spend $2500 for bad seats and a frost bitten face, no. you get in the box and yeah a million dollars, who has a million dollars? that's why you watch the super bowl the way i watch it. >> how? >> you go to a strip club. all the girls are in town because the super bowl is in town. it is all the top girls. he is going to a sausage factory. >> don't be a hater. >> i cleaned it up. >> i imagine what you had in its place. >> all of the girls are working and you get good food and executive club and give me a free entry.
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>> want to name the place so you can get in free? >> executive club. or sapphire on the eastside. used to be scores. >> he is pimping your show. >> i know. it is a joke. i have one minute, harris. you can have 30 seconds. >> thank you. i love it when you go hafsies. locally i think they should treat this like they do playoffs and other games. they don't sell out all of the tickets then they can't show the game. that will force them to lower the ticket prices. >> there you go. what about you, andy? where are you watching the game? >> i had no desire to go and then i realize it may be the only time i could go i wouldn't have to pay $800 for a hotel room and the cheapest tickets are $2500 so i am not going. >> all of us in manhattan should be renting our apartments out. >> i wish i worked for a company that was showing the game and maybe i could get a
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strikes. the condition of your labor is all wrong. >> that's my property. >> you say it with pride. >> he does as he pleases on the property. >> you come here of the. >> i said come here jie. that's a clip from the classic disney film "boat nicks." no it is 12 years a slave. it won the critics choice
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award and golden globe for best drama. and it has been a critic's darling with one glaring exception. he hates this movie and will tell us why. you trashed this movie. what is it you don't like? >> not enough black people? >> there are more of us on greg's show. >> more uh -- more authentic black people. >> ouch. >> it was a lousy film. i thought it was torture porn because it was painful to sit through. the pain was done so deliberately. i don't know why people pliek it. people like it. i am suspicious of those who do like it. those who do like it are folks of a certain kind of political persuasion such as those who believe we are now living in a post racial age. for them this movie is a fairy tale that lets them think that racism is gone now. this all happened in the past. so they love the movie for that reason. >> i didn't even see it that
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way. >> you make a good point. any movie about slavery that white people like is a bad movie. >> there you go. >> it is a bad movie. if white people like it -- you have to see this, no thank you. you should have come out of it crying and asking for forgiveness. you shouldn't like it, white people. you want me to like it. >> you look like you are in shock. >> i liked it a lot. >> i knew he was going say that. >> proof! >> my point exactly. >> andy said it was the best movie of the year. >> that's the problem. >> i don't ever want to see it again. it was tough to watch, but i wouldn't call it torture porn. i can't stand torture porn. this to me was more like -- "passion the christ" was a good movie, and i don't want to see it again. it was tough to watch. i liked "12 years." >> you know what is worse than
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torture porn is it was caping tau mown. sank tau mown. we thought maybe slavery was a picnic. you didn't think it was a picnic, did you? of course you didn't. >> he answered it for you because you were slow. >> you want it both ways then because on the one hand you say torture porn because it too graphically goes into the nature of how awful it was, but then say oh, well, you didn't think slavery was a picnic, did you? isn't that having it both ways? >> as can be demonstrated by the way he dragged obama into a discussion with crazy arsenio asking about the film. >> i don't want to mention the critic's name. but the critic said a u.n embarrassing doorman and garbage man and was upset about the violent approach. >> so that was you.
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you were accused of heckling him and calling him an embarrassing doorman and garbage man. >> shame on arsenio for not using that word "alleged." it is all alleged. >> he didn't say it, but he should have said it. >> you have a history of heckling. >> only once and only when it was appropriate. >> who did you heckle? >> michael moore. >> what did you call him? >> fat. >> everybody calls him that. >> i thought he lost weight. >> not enough. >> most of his weight is in his head. >> and he is still heckling. >> what was it about michael moore you didn't like? >> seriously michael moore offended the catholic church and the pope. i thought somebody in this room should tell him we don't
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buy it. i told him we didn't buy it in two words. >> caw say them on television? >> >> i wished him luck with a capital f. how is that? >> what a is your favorite movie of the year? >> "pain and gain" or" man of steel." >> i hear great stuff about "pain and gain" but haven't seen it yet. >> it was with the rock and that was a true story. i like the pictures of the dude at the end and the footage of the real arrest. >> a lot of people hate that movie of the. >> didn't the end of "man of steel" and don't mean to be a spoiler, but the end went on for 35 minutes. and he was cute. but it is like, all right already, how many times can he get his butt kicked? oh and again. oh and again. oh and again. bam, bam, oh and again. we could set it to music. >> it is the. >> of rep petition.
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>> you know what i didn't like about "man of steel"? not enough slavery. look at that. put a little bow on it. >> have you seen "active killing." >> yes, i did. >> that's my favorite. >> i heard it was. >> i have questions about it. >> i do too. >> do you think all of it is true? >> i think none of it is real. it is fake. >> you do? >> it is a mocumentary. >> so i was taken in? >> who is in it? >> it is a film co produced by vernon herzog and he does nothing but trickery. this is going to be great. >> the fact that you don't agree i want to see the movie now. >> you were naming it.
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the movie that was my favorite movie is not a real movie. that happened many times before. remember when i thought "star wars" was real? >> yeah, last week. >> would he recant his rant some richard sherman said he regretted the post game interview, but what he regrets even more how they covered it. at a meeting the topic came up. >> i was on the football field showing passion. maybe it was redirected and maybe things could have been worded better, but this was on the football field. i wasn't committing crimes or doing something illegal. i was showing passion after the game. i didn't have time to contemplate what aim going to say? the people behind the computer screens had all of the time in the world and articulate it what they wanted to. some i'm sure they were pretty embarrassed about. >> iq media reported that the word thug was used 625 times. >> why do you point at me when
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you say it? you pointed to harris. >> i put the hug in thub. thug. >> it was such a good joke. >> it was a really good joke. >> thug was used 625 times on monday, but most presumably in reference to sherman and let's discuss this in the lightning -- >> rooooooo ow uuuuuuunnd. lightning round. >> boom! boom! >> i don't even know if i need to ask questions here. harris, we have seen great players win the game and be humble. is this that big of a deal at this point? >> within seconds i sent out a tweet. i am amazed. i thought that class was
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something you buy, but obviously it is for free. that got retweeted over and over and over again. why couldn't he have just said -- well i was just watching and said what i saw. but it wasn't like he said he was sorry for what he said. he was sorry because he took the spotlight off of his teammate. which is different. that's a a different type of apology. >> i just want/c+jñ to point out that i tweeted lol, that was the greatest post game interview ever. >> erin andrews, whatever her maim is, she will never do better work. >> she didn't say anything. >> right, and that was her best work ever, the best thing in her life. >> do you think his apology is sincere? >> i don't like apologies. >> stop apologizing. you are on the football field and you say stuff. worse things was said on that field at that game. >> people are bashing their heads. >> it is like stop interviewing people on the field.
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you didn't do that back in the day. i'm sure dick butkis would have said something on the field. >> like his name. >> if you you are black and you are loud -- >> what is the code word? >> a guy called thug by a lot of bad media and you don't uh -- apologize when people lie. you don't apologize when they say something sincere. he was a sincere player. if he didn't have the aggression he wouldn't have made the play. >> his jersey is the number one selling behind peyton manning. i still think it was for mark -- market cking. i think pete carroll said you have to say you are sorry because you tack the dash dosh took the focus off of us. we are on fox next week.
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>> pete carroll is a great coach. he lets everybody be who they are on the team and that's winning them games. he said don't take the attention away from the teammates, but be you. there is a football game. this is not church. >> he wanted bu to win? >> i got a tweet harris, you need to learn the definition of football. i don't know what position she plays, but okay. >> quickly, you mentioned that thug is a code word. thug is normally used for criminal. if you think it means black does it mean criminals are black? >> it doesn't mean black it means n-word. >> really? i am as stunned as greg. >> i used wert all -- the word all the time. >> what do you think urban means? you are going to an urban party. >> city. >> do you think people who say thug would rather say the n-word? >> they would rather. >> we just said it and that's
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not what we meant. >> but they are saying it subtly. >> it is passive aggressive and i don't like it. if you are going to say n-word , just say n-word. >> a lot of people were saying n-word on twitter. >> do it face-to-face. >> no matter what this young man has said -- gosh, i sound so old. but he is young. he he is a colleague of mine. >> from compton to stanford and a 3.9gpa. he has a lot going for him. he needs good people around him now to huddle up. jay he has his people. >> maybe he did this on purpose for the marketing. >> i think he has good people around him. the mainstream media likes to do that. >> i am going to harness that energy and use it for my uh skier. my career.
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>> how do you explain john mcinrow over the years with his big mouth? i guess i don't see the victim side of that. >> it was the fro -- >> i am not arguing who is blacker. i repews to see it as a victim. >> he is not a victim, but people need to relax. don't blame the victim. blame the game. >> i just said that kind of like to button up the segment. >> it is shia or sheya? >> we didn't get to that one. >> too bad for him. l-o-b. time to take a break. more stuff is on the way. new book, not cool. g jew you >> you have another book?
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bizarre behavior that includes plagiarizing several tweets and head butting a guy in the bar was an elaborate art piece. and two helping thee twitter posts which have been deleted. all art is either plagiarism or a revolution. to be revolutionary today is to be reactionary in the midst of being embroiled in acts of intended plagiarism. the world caught me and i reacted. he is really this generation's bag of [bleep]. >> what did i say? are you a fan of the transformers and do you believe shia is under appreciated? >> i like it, but not for shia. it is hard to like shia. in a post racial world we can say shia is a thug. >> wow.
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>> he is thuggish. >> i love shia. >> >> except "transformers." >> have you seen the nymphomanic movie? >> no, but i will bring mr. c. >> i like shia. he is entertaining. he is a good dude. >> how is he entertaining? >> he did stand up before acting. >> that's not true. he was like six years old. >> he was doing tom key -- he was going to the laugh factory. >> really? >> yes. i mean thug. >> i thought greg was going go there. >> just saying it. >> so not true. harris, can you be the adult in the room here?
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>> i don't think so. i can try. is shia a misunderstood genius? >> i don't think he is not as famous as he was. they are making transformers 4. does he know that? i think he is feeling left out. to have relevance takes effort. i love that the producer said the play plagiarism was spelled the way he spelled it. it was wrong. if you are going to be famous, get a dictionary. you love shia more than not doing anything on weekends. how can you defend him? >> that is a blai tapet lie. blatant lie. he is a pretentious twit. >> or thug. >> he started a discussion that needs to be had about plagiarism in the digital
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age. that is true. if i started a discussion and cause people to make fun of me and dislike me even more than they used to. >> performance artist reis a last refuge of the untalented. when you can't do anything you claim you are a performance. >> it is right before flash mob. >> the days at the barnes and nobel are over. >> if you are not a good musician and you don't make good music you put on a show that people want to see and that makes up for the fact that your music sucks. if you are an actor that is not that good you claim you are a per porm mans artist. >> i love the conference in 140 characters. >> i thought he was great in "i, robot." >> was he in that? >> he was in that. >> i remember him from "holes."
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wholesome movie. didn't he sky write an apology? >> he hired a sky writer to write it over the skies in los angeles. >> he ripped off the sky writing idea from that comedian kurt what's his name. he stole that from him. >> the sky writer has to eat. he has a family. >> don't they say it is the greatest form of flattery? >> i walk around the building trying to be andy. >> you mean you are weeping quietly to yourself? >> there is nothing quiet about my weeping. >> do you have a comment on the show? we have one more block. >> yes! >> harris, i am talking to the viewers. if i ask a viewer at home a question she will answer. that's the way harris is. anyway, e-mail us, red eye at fox
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female announcer: for the new mattress models, but sleep train's huge year end clearance sale ends sunday. get beautyrest, posturepedic, even tempur-pedic mattress sets, at low clearance prices. save even more on floor samples, demonstrators, and closeout inventory. plus, free same-day delivery, set up and removal of your old set. don't wait! sleep train's year end clearance sale ends sunday. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed! ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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who we have, gavin mcguinness and ra, the rugged man. what a show. >> e block. last story. that's the last story. all right. should we frown on where she sat down? it is the subject of tonight's. >> is this racist? >> probably say it is. but anyway, the magazine editor here sparked anger after posing on a black woman chair for an interview with some fashion website and on martin luther king day, no less. it was a half naked mannequin and the website said we are against racism or gender and equality or anything that
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infringes on anybody's rights. they said it is art work for commentary. on general del and poll i can -- politics i abhor racism. >> i think i know that share. she is a girl and a recliner. she was a gemini. she locks walks on the beach. >> she is from russia. maybe she is not aware of -- >> of black people? >> of the day we did this on. who knows? should white magazine editors avoid sitting on half naked black man kins? >> they do it all the time. >> regular problem. >> to me it looks like a toilet. >> no one has pointed that out yet. >> no one has. >> ikea will get on it. >> it looks like a scene from
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the move rerec -- recriam for a dream. i can't say what they were saying, but boy that was a scene. >> jennifer connelly. >> she worked for that money. >> wow. >> it was the only scene i have seen in the movie. >> you are the only person who does ntd -- doesn't cuss that i think i should believe you. >> why would anybody do this? >> i don't know, but those are my boots. >> there was a british pop artist who did it with a white woman and there was another artist who did it with a black woman. the person whose website the pictures were shown it should be a piece of art. and then the other person sitting on it apologized saying it is art work specifically for gender and
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racial politics. >> first they made the white girl one and then where is the black girl chair. why can't we get a chair for people to sit on? >> you could make an argument that it is on the nose commentary. there is no context to it. >> how do we know it is a woman? let's ask mr. c. >> that is so true. we are so pre um tiff. i don't think this chase is racist. it was a commentary and it looks weird with somebody sitting on it. >> it appears who owns it and who shares it. >> if david luke has it, it is racist. >> i don't think she realized she sat on a particular chair. and then she said we did it foray shall harmony. >> we have to go.
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hello everyone. i'm andrea tantaros along with bob beckel, dana perino, greg gutfield, and eric bolling. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." well, tonight, liberals ratchet up their offensive rhetoric against the gop. developments on two new cases of extreme intolerance from the far left. the governor of new york actually admitted out loud there's no place for politicians with conservative beliefs in his state of new york. reaction from glen beck last night on the kelly file. >> if we can't live in the same state and work in the same state, what do we have? we have to decide, can we live with people of different points of view?
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