tv The Kelly File FOX News January 23, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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meritrit meritricious, thank you for joining us, please always remember the spin stops here, we're definitely looking out for you. tonight, "the kelly file" exclusive, and an ugly piece of video. plus? can someone talk about the irony? >> new evidence in the claims the administration is suing a major u.s. company as political retribution, and then? >> a big warning from one of america's biggest financial forecaster, the u.s. industry is in serious trouble thanks to obama care. plus? >> i have one television station. entirely devoted to attacking my administration. the president again blaming fox news, when pressed on his
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sinking poll numbers, charles krauthammerer responds. and then? >> no one has the right. >> why won't the nfl let that ad play during the super bowl. we think we found the answer tonight on "the kelly file." breaking tonight, ugly new video surfaces in a political battle getting national attention. and republican greg abbott is here to respond to attacks on him captured by hidden cameras. good evening everyone, welcome to "the kelly file." i'm megyn kelly, and we have a national exclusive. we've seen national attention focus on the republicans after a candidate was caught stretching the truth on her life story. ms. davi ms. davis has responded by attacking the media and her current rival. late today, conservative
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filmmaker james o 'keefe, who claimed to have gotten cameras in a meeting where the issue of greg abbott and his handicap came up. we are still vetting this tape but we know what it says and so does our guest. joining me now, republican candidate for governor, greg abbott, thank you for coming on, we have continued to vet this tape, we've seen it. and in the transcription a and the videotape of it you can clearly hear these women who purport to be a part of a group called "battle ground texas," turning texas blue, talking about your being a paraplegic, laughing saying you have no sympathy for anybody in any way, you may have a personality disorder, you don't speak well, you don't have a good personality. and you're in a wheelchair, to have the audience cackles with
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laughter, your response? >> well, megyn, denigrating is unworthy. texans really look at depth of character. megyn, there is a reason why i have been elected statewide in texas five different times. that is because texans know i have the quality and depth of character to represent their families and their values. >> you know, this comes a day after ms. davis herself was accused of making an insensitive comment. she has come out and attacked you and says that clearly anybody who doesn't understand her story has not walked a mile in her shoes, which led others on the internet to say once again it is a veiled shot at your disability. what do you think? >> well, megyn, the accident that put me in this wheelchair
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when i was 26 years old has really helped me understand the challenges people in texas and across this country face every day. i know that texans, some of them have disabilities, some of them physical handy caps, others have financial challenges, we all have challenges in life. what matters is not the challenges we face but how we respond to those challenges. >> what do you think about her suggestions that you had something to do with what she calls the attacks on her life story. have you had anything to do with it? did you speak with the dallas morning news, did anybody from your campaign speak with you? are you behind this article, which it must be said was revealed. they revealed the truth about her history in a very gentle way. >> the author of that story, wayne slater indicated publicly in a tweet himself that he had zero contact with my office about that story. but all of these, megyn, are just distractions because what
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really matters are not all of these background stories. what texans really care about is what we're going to be doing fighting for their future. >> your office did come out with a statement saying if she was going to mislead about her personal biography, what else will she mislead about? do you stand behind that? do you think it will be an issue or not? >> well, it will be up to voters to decide what issues are relevant, which candidate can be behind them, and what i stand for and what i have done for texans will help them. >> but respectfully that sounds like a dodge, i mean that respectfully, you put out a statement and went after her. this is not before the dallas morning news article, it is after. you said if you can't trust her to be honest about her article, what else can you trust her about? do you stand by that? >> well, again, those will be issues that the voters of texas have to decide on their own as they develop their ideas on who
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they want to govern the great state of texas. >> we reached out to battle ground texas, they call this new video a hit job, they say it is clearly edited and not true. the filmmaker says it was provided in full context. and later, wendy davis quoted, the language you use about greg abbott is abhorrent, he has worked hard to raise a family and have a career, he deserves our respect. we have invited her to come on our show repeatedly. we hope she does soon. and one of america's leading financial forecasters says the nearly 900 billion u.s. health insurance industry is in big trouble because of obama care. this involves everybody's health insurance everywhere. chris stirewalt, gentlemen, good to see you, chris, what do you
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make of this. >> well, it is a pretty big deal especially when you consider we're getting a lot of blithe assurances that thanks to a bailout of obamacare, there was going to be the dumping, the whatever. even though, not enough people had signed up for the law. or not enough people have signed up so far. and even though they're too old and insurers were afraid they were too sick, it was going to be okay. it was all going to work itself out okay over the next few years. this was money talking, and what money says is no, i don't think you are going to maybe it out in one piece. and that should be concerning to everybody. >> and just so the viewers understand, so what happened now is that moodies is basically downgrading the health sector, and their credit rating. they're basically saying you shouldn't bet on that market because it is going to lose money.
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is that correct, chris? >> that is right. and what -- it had been a selling point for obamacare for a long time, to say hey, don't worry about the insurance company, they're making plenty of money, they're going to be fine, they're stocks are doing great. it is going to be fine because they get all of these customers. if that is not true, it is bad for them because of all the people who carry insurance and all the problems we've talked about. >> well, what moody said, there are projections for net earnings in the health insurance industry will be 2% growth instead of 3%. that is a cut of one third projected net earnings. >> so the people home, moody's, which rates lots of things. we'll talk more about that later. but basically they said the health insurance industry, going down. now, why does ma and pa sitting at home, why do they care? >> well, i think they should care because this says a lot about the future of obamacare. now, i think you can interpret
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what almost all of obamacare is one great big insurance industry bailout. the obama administration, their only job was really to throw money at the insurance industry to get them to cover more people. and they're messing that up. they can't even throw money at an industry right anymore. they're ciphoning off the best risks, they're telling the insurance company we want you to cover people who have not paid their premiums. and they have the insurance companies over a barrel so they're not going to object. and the result is that now the market is waking up to the fact that the insurance companies are taking a hit. things could get worse in the future for them, not better. >> so here is the question. does that put the lie to it, as they say. and i'm not using the word "lie" as a judgment. that is just a saying. does that put the misleading to it. however you want to put it, chris, that you have an actual credit rating agency saying i'm telling you this market is in trouble.
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it is in trouble because of the law. and all the stuff you have been hearing about. it is sort of like the line from kevin bacon in "animal house" remain calm, all is well. all is not well. >> i was not compared for a kevin bacon comparison, but it is substantial. and it is like this. the administration continues to say it is fine, fine, fine, only republicans, conservatives who want the law to fail say there is anything wrong with it. but day after day, people who like employers are dumping their workers onto the government program, like rating agencies, like others who have their own pec pecuniary interests in it, they're telling the lie. we have breaking news out of
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tinsel town this hour, we just spoke with one of the people running the conservative group, he had been targeted by the irs, and had an eye-opening story. trace gallagher has more. >> megyn, the group is called friends of abe, made up of 1500 members of the industry, people gathering to learn about the political process. now it is seeking 501(c)(4) tax exempt status, getting the exemption would prohibit the partisan activity. now friends of abe, with speakers like karl rove and herman cain, they deny having a political agenda, friendins of e say they were told they were targeted by the irs. listen. >> we understand through our
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attorneys that our agent at the irs was handling our file, specifically said we had been targeted on the bolo list. so probably the reason we're being targeted is we filed as a conservative educational fellowship. >> bolo, meaning be on the lookout list. and instead of getting a simple yes or no from the irs, the group got a list, including very private questions like the names of its members, listen again. >> if we were the local chapter of the lion's club, we would protect the privacy of our members. people who join the membership are not seeking publicity. we're not advocating for anything. we're not trying to accomplish any objective politically or even from a hollywood business point of view. >> actors kelsey grammar, and others have been linked to
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friends of abe, but guarded their privacy because of fears of getting black-listed in a famously left-leaning industry. megyn, we contacted the irs, they have not contacted us back. but history tells us they will not speak about individual cases. >> they're very busy, trace, thank you. and in washington, the president also claiming he is being targeted blaming certain media outlets who he says are making it tougher for him to do his job. in an interview with the new yorker magazine, and this is new, they just released this part today. he says quote, the issue has been the inability of my message to penetrate the republican base so that they feel persuaded that i am not the caricature that you see on fox news or rush limbaugh. and charles krauthammerer, we've heard this refrain before, earlier this week we heard him blame sinking poll numbers, in part on race.
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and now we find out that he is blaming the grid lock in washington on fox news and rush limbaugh? >> at least he is not blaming it on climate change or george w. bush. look, it is rather unseemly if you are the commander-in-chief, the leader of the free world and the most powerful man on earth who could reduce pieces of the planet to a cinder on his command to get so whiny. you know, when you pull the camera back and you look at the media landscape, on one side you have those elements in the media that are sympathetic or even worship at his feet. you have hollywood, cnbc, msnbc, you have the major newspapers, the times, "the washington post."
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it is what lenin would call the commanding heights of the culture, on one side. and what do you have on the other side? fox news and talk radio? and you have the president of the united states complaining that that explains the failures of his administration. >> he talks about how you know, they're responsible for grid lock because the republicans don't want to answer to their hometown constituents. and they watch fox and so on. and there is no accountability in this comment, or what he identifies as the quote, problem, charles, for his own tone that he has set in washington and his own failure to meet with republicans and extend his apartment. something for which he has been criticized. even by moderate republicans like olympia snow. >> but it goes way yebeyond tha. this is his political and
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ideological self righteousness, he says in the interview, this is pragmatic, all he wants to do is help the folks. and of course, anybody who is on the other side. anybody who sees say the biggest stimulus in american history or the takeover of the u.s. economy with a scheme that is completely irrational and collapsing around him, anybody who says this is not working can only either be working against the national interest or being suspicious of him without any reason. he simply can't accept the fact or at least in public he has not accepted the fact that one can actually have a view that contradicts his, that is in good faith, that is patriotic, and that also seeks the good of the country. so if you think as he does that there is no way to oppose him and be honestly patriotic and sympathetic to the american people, then of course you have to attribute all of these evil motives to the other side who
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are preventing the people from receiving the message. and i think it is a myopia, rather it is unbecoming, and in fact it often becomes repulsive. it is a refusal to give respect to the other side. >> to your point, he goes on from there to say look, i'm somebody who is interested in solving problems and is pretty practical. and that actually, i think, a lot of the things we put in place worked better than people might thing. once again, if people can only understand how great everything is, then they would be on my side. i have to run, charles, great to have you here. pleasure some one of america's best known political forecasters says control of the u.s. senate is now in reach for republicans. he is here next. and then, justin bieber could be in real legal trouble tonight. will he spend time behind bars? plus. can someone talk about the irony today?
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>> new developments in the multi-billion dollar lawsuit that the defendant is calling a case of political payback from the obama administration. and shocking video. a chain-reaction crash caught on tape. but what happens next, you will not believe. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store. anything we purchase for the paper cottage goes on our ink card. so you can manage your business expenses and access them online instantly with the game changing app from ink.
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we are watching a developing story tonight involving the well-known conservative behind the film 2016, obama's america. a man who has just been indicted. prosecutors accusing him of violating campaign finance laws, saying he directed $20,000 in illegal contributions to former new york senate candidate wendy long. they say this is politically
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motivated. we'll watch for new developments. and new predictions for 2014, from one of the nation's most respected political forecasters. larry sabato says the gop has a good chance of gaining control of the senate in the upcoming terms. and if you think that hillary clinton is a guarantee for 2016, think again. larry sabato is director of politics and a politico contributor, if you can only hear him, just picture him in your mind. and let me ask you this, larry, now you say -- all along you have been saying the republicans will maintain control of the house. now you say the senate you generally believe is in reach for that, why? >> very much so megyn, right now the democrats control the senate, 55 to 45, which means republicans have to pick up a total of six seats since vice
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president biden would break a 50/50 tie. they're very sure of picking up two seats already, west virginia and south dakota. they have the edge in montana. that is three seats. now, that means they need three additional seats. they're very lucky this year. they have been very unlucky in some other years. they're very lucky in that the most competitive seats left on the board are in deeply red republican states where there are democratic incumbents, for example, arkansas, louisiana, north carolina, and alaska. if they can pick up three of those four, they win the senate and there are some other seats starting folk on the playing board, too. >> okay, but here is what i want to ask you. because the question right now, the gop really would like to win control of the senate, i'm sure, and control both bodies. the question is, how are they going to do it? and how are the democrats going to try to beat them back? because president obama had major coat tails in the last
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election, certainly in 2008. and the question is what kind of coat tails does he have in this upcoming election, in your view? >> well, in red states, republican states i think he will have negative coat tails. nationally he is in the low-to-mid 40s, popularity, job approval depending on which poll you look at. but in these red states, states like arkansas and louisiana, he is in the mid-30s. so it means that any democratic nominee starts out with that base maybe mid-30s. but they have to convince an additional 15% of voters who don't like president obama to put them back into offeice. that is a burden not on the republican nominee. >> why did you move so many seats more likely to be red in the senate? is it obamacare? >> obamacare is part of it. and you know, it is amazing how repetitive american electionis s are, this is the six-year election of a two-term
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democratic election. and we have a phenomenon, called the six-year itch. usually it is a bad time for the incumbent party. and guess what? it may or may not accelerate by the fall, but the early readings. i know it is january and the elections are in november, but the early readings, the republicans are on the cusp of picking up the senate. they may fall just short or over the line, but they will pick up seats. >> speaking of early, everybody is talking about 2016 already, and the conventional wisdom is hillary clinton is a guaranteed lock to run and win the democratic nomination, you say nonsense, why? >> it is way too early for a coronation, megyn, you know that. we're seeing all of these magazine covers and tv segments, basically not only putting hillary clinton in as virtually unopposed for the democratic nomination, but as the likely winner in the fall because she
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is leading early polls. my god, it is two years to the general election, two years to iowa and new hampshire, so many things can happen. the clintons know that better than anybody else, look at their 40-year history in politics. >> should be fascinating. now we found out about the super pacs buying ads that would support her, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything. larry, great to see you. >> thanks, megyn, great to see you. we have uncovered new details in a lawsuit by the feds against a major u.s. company. and that company says the u.s. administration is targeting it in an act of political retaliation. we'll explain. plus. will justin be singing the jail house blues after today's dwi hearing? bieber on the cell block, just ahead. and then, see why the nfl is blocking this ad from running in the super bowl. and another one we just got our hands on and see what is being done about that. today we're going to play a little game
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accusing the obama administration of using a multi-billion dollar lawsuit as political leverage. we talked about standard and poors, and why s&p claims it was singled out by the department of justice after the s&p angered the white house. joining me now, james freeman, the assistant editor of the wall street journal editorial page, and andrew macarthur is a former federal prosecutor. so james, let me start with you. in an affidavit that was filed this week by this guy, harold mcgraw iii who basically runs s&p, he insists this was a down grade for what they gave the u.s. treasury back in 2011. the administration came out and said we were investigating s&p long before mr. mcgraw alleges he was threatened by tim
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geithner. and long before they downgraded us. so this cannot be, this lawsuit, even though it was filed after that can't be retaliation since we began the investigation long before any of this. >> right, that is what they say. what they were doing was both investigating s&p and its competitor, moody's, which coincidently was owned by obama pal warren buffet. and this investigation, looking mainly at moody's, the inquiry commission, talked to two of the commissioners today, one of them said the commission was really focused on moody's, thought there was more there and did a lot more digging. but after the downgrade, s&p strips them, and they focus on s&p. >> that is the key point, if they were bad actors, and all the incidents leading to the
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meltdown, saying they were great, great, great, it was not just s&p, s&p's, moody and to a lesser extent, i guess, fitch. >> they're trying the case in the court of public opinion. >> s&p? >> yes, i'm inclined to believe it is retaliation. that doesn't necessarily mean they didn't commit fraud. and because moody's should be there doesn't make them innocent -- >> but there must be a reason why the obama administration chose not to go after moody's. there was a judge in the case who actually questioned where the heck is moody's. why is it just standard and poors? you raised the question of warren buffet, is it a friendship thing or a retaliation against s&p? >> it is pretty weird, because until you get to 2011, and s&p says mean things about uncle sam and the credit rating, all the investigations are about both of them. the state and federal regulators, it is all focused on all of them.
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and as far as looking at the evidence, really it went higher at moody's than it went at s&p. at s&p, you have people pretty close to the top. and then at the top, the ceo saying, warning the board at one point that they may be risking the quality of their ratings by chasing profits. >> so as a legal case it sounds as though it may be not as strong against s&p, which did get sued but they down graded. what happened this week that brought our attention to it, because the lawsuit was filed in september of 2013 is this guy harold mcgraw iii, a powerful guy, files a declaration in a lawsuit. this is sworn testimony by this man who we were told earlier this week is not a political man. not somebody who is a shield for the left or right. and let's put it on board for what he is alleging under oath. that he got a call from tim geithner after the downgrade, and he says tim geithner says
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you have done an enormous disservice to yourself and to your country. and went on to say, s&p's conduct will be quote, looked at very carefully. such behavior could not occur, he said, without a response from the government. two weeks later the new york times, andy, reported that an investigation had begun in ernest against s&p. >> s&p alone. >> and now the lawsuit, comment on that declaration. >> well, i'm betting that he also has con temtemporaneous no. i imagine he will have a way to back it up. they wouldn't have a recording, but you have that, the fact that the investigation clearly ratcheted it up, and they were cleared and moody's wasn't. unfortunately, it doesn't make them innocent. it makes the case stink. >> what are they trying to do?
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in other words, we may have done it but the other guys are so bad you can't -- >> and it could be telling the justice department, look, you want to rock and roll at this trial? this is going to be an ugly trial and you're not going to come out of it. coming up, the billionaire teenager justin bieber, he faced a judge today for a dewi and more, so does this mean jail time? wait until you see the tape we have. plus, this company says it is about protecting your family. why does the nfl say this is not safe to air? and wait until you see what they will air. and danica patrick went to another place in this year's super bowl ad, we'll see how danica patrick and "go daddy" are trying to top this. >> you know what would be even hotter, if we paint you. go on, get up there.
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19-year-old singer and superstar, justin bieber, charged with resisting arrest and driving under the influence. that was just the start. and national security editor for "the" and we -- i'm glad we have some lawyers on the panel for the bieber thing because it is not good. as somebody who has represented a lot of celebrities, how much trouble is he in? >> you know, he is in big trouble because of the reckless aspect of it. he is driving a lamborghini. i couldn't see how fast, but he is drag racing. >> they said 60 in a 30. >> i'm not buying that. of course, if you're in second gear in a lamborghini you're doing 60, you still have seven more to go. that is crazy. and he is drunk. he resists arrest? you don't get out, and be like officer, i'm sorry i'm being a
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jerk, he was drunk and he doesn't have a license, hello, no license, resisting arrest, dwi, reckless driving, i don't think a prosecutor will take kindly to this whether his name was justin bieber or joe schmo. >> he is out on $2500 bail, though, when you look at really the combination of crimes he alle allegedly committed who cares if it is his first arrest, first dwi? he was drag racing, they blocked off a street in a residential neighborhood. and if you take justin bieber out of this and you put any one of us at 19 years old in miami committing these acts we would be in jail in miami tonight. >> and i just want the viewers to know, we have the affidavit that the police officers submitted in support, the arrest report, i should say. and the curse words from this kid, according to the cops. we [ bleep ] them out, what the [ bleep ] are you doing this, what the [ bleep ] did i do? why did you stop me i ain't got
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no [ bleep ]ing weapons, the cop kept telling him put your hands on the car, he kept disobeying them. >> they don't like it when you curse at them. it makes the situation worse, much faster, the cursing at cops, being high and drunk at the same time and somehow this is going to be career enhancing for this guy. the pundits must be a little jealous, like this is going to make life better, he is not going to jail. >> i want to ask you about jail time, but in his mug shot, there is an eerie resemblance to miley cyrus. >> he is not a man, technically
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he is a teen. megyn, how many stories like this have you covered? >> what about michael jackson, who also got on top of the suv at his trial and danced around. like the similarities of super stardom at a very young age. allegedly, drug offenses, young sickening behavior. the judge looks at him, he must be thinking, kid, you need a break. >> he doesn't even have to go back to court in florida, he has a very good attorney, and could enter a judgment of no contest and not have to go back there. he is a brand, and people want to protect their brand. >> judges want to put them on probation so if he messes up again -- >> his public relations firm is messing this up -- >> we have another topic, super bowl sunday? often for much of us -- it is about watching the ads even more than watching the game.
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one company, a gun manufacturer tried to get its ad aboutting y. the nfl said no. >> i am responsible for their protection. and no one has the right to tell me how to defend them. >> okay, so they can put on mayor bloomberg's ads, condemning guns. and they can have bob costas during the nfl season do a diatribe about how bad guns are, but they can't put on an ad that is pro home defense. >> the right to bear arms is constitutionally protected but yet when you look at this ad, seems there is a concerted effort by the left, if they can't ban guns, they want to make it a problem socially like you shouldn't have a gun. and there are very vocal groups
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that will cause a lot of trouble for an ad like this. i think it is ridiculous, but the nfl is bowing to the pressure. you can do it on the other side if people go about their business. but if you have a firearms commercial, there will be these advocacy groups -- >> they want to promote their brand, they don't think it is associated with their brand. >> why the mayor bloomberg thing -- >> they want funny, they don't want anything controversial that doesn't have to do with humor. >> and do we run the danica patrick ads from last year, and we'll show you this year's, here is last year's. no, this -- here is last year's. okay, this was fine. and now this is the one that she is reportedly going to be in this year. that is not her.
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but wait. wait, but wait. see if you recognize her. i don't even know what is going on there. this meets with their standards, no problem. >> well -- >> because they want funny. >> i know this is funny, but we're 13 months away from the tragedy in connecticut. there has been too many. this is a pr issue for the nfl. i don't think roger goodell could be considered a left-leaning guy. i know him a little bit personally, i think i know what his politics are. i just don't think in the middle of the super bowl he wants an ar-15 -- >> it is ak-47, but he is the one -- he is the boss. >> if they're very concerned about standards at the super bowl and making it family-friendly, why do they have the gyrating and the twerking and the half-time -- i think i saw a boob once --
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>> he is a veteran trying to defend his family. he is trying to uphold the right to bear arms. there is no reason they are not running this ad except they will get picketed. >> went danica patrick not made up to look like -- how could that be her? obviously, this is -- i'm either confused about whether this is danica patrick -- >> get to the chin -- >> you don't want to look like that. >> in any event, they really want you to buy the products. >> watching the commercials of the super bowl. now we know what you will be doing sunday. >> there will be a cocktail involved, too. >> still ahead, the crazy chain reaction crash. now, look, this looks like it ends in tragedy. everybody here has been watching this. but wait until you see what happens after this when we come back, plus "hannity" coming up. sean, come on down, look at our weather, you probably have to have a jacket today, wearing short sleeves, the fishing capital of the world. i caught 20 fish the last time i
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was down there. rest. [ male announcer ] nyquil cold and flu liquid gels don't unstuff your nose. they don't? alka seltzer plus night fights your worst cold symptoms, plus has a decongestant. [ inhales deeply ] oh. what a relief it is. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. [ math our today's what's fresh fish menu,eating? you can always catch fish fresh every day! wood-fe grilled, blackened, or roasted. eatingetter never tasted so gd! sea quality, s variety, sea food differently at red lobster.
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the pain started up and wrapped around to the front. i couldn't play my bassoon because of the pressure that i felt throughout my whole head. the blistering and the rash was moving down towards my eye. the doctors at the emergency room recommended that i have it checked out by an eye doctor. there was concern about my eyesight.
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when i had shingles the music stopped. stunning new video you have to see with your own eyes. a boy and his grandmother get struck by an out of control car, and what happens after that will shock you, trace gallagher, trace? >> the grandmother calls it a miracle, you would be hard pressed to call it otherwise. and they were walking in central brazil, suddenly as they walk in the street there is a chain reaction three-car crash. you have a chevy that hits a honda that hits a vw, and watch they never see it. boom, over the grandmother and the child, the child gets up, when he gets up, he is worried about his grandmother being hurt. but if you look right there the car kind of pushes her out of the way. it goes over his head.
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he did suffer bruising on his head, but listen to his grandmother explain the crash. >> i saw them, those two cars hit each other over there. i tried to get out of the way but there was not the time. when the white car ran over my back i didn't see anything else. >> no, they clearly had no time at all. the grandmother said god has got to have a plan for them. they showed off their injuries, she hurt her foot a little bit. some scrapes and bruises, but that is amazingly it. he was hit by the vw, but luckily very light. you talk about luck here, unlicky they weunlick -- unlucky they were in the road, but wow, look at this, again, the boy pops up because he thought his grandmother was dead. turns out they were both fine. really ugly video. >> oh, my god, that is unbelievable. trace, thank you. like to know what you think, go to, or
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send me a tweet @megynkelly, using the hash tag. and up next, your toilet could explode? we'll explain. [ male announcer ] e new new york is open. open to innovation. open to ambition. open to boldids. that's why n york has a new plan -- dozens of tax free zones all across the state. move here, expand here, or start a new business here and pay no taxes for ten years... we're new york. if there's something that creates more jobs, and ows more businesses... we're open to it. start a tax-free business at
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and now, a new recall that may have folks saying oh, crap. [ laughter ] flush mate is now recalling hundreds of thousands of toilet systems saying they could burst. >> no! >> yes! causing toilets to shatter across the country. fortunately there are no reports yet of any injuries, but apparently you can buy these things at home depot and lowe's. they were installed in 2008 and twooi 2009. if you're not watching this
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program, lots of folks, oh, no, suddenly they can't see. go to megyn kelly, follow me on twitter, and let me know what you think. be careful! and welcome to "hannity" tonight, we have a jam-packed edition of the show, america, let's roll. >> the naacp calls senator tim scott a ventriloquist dummy for the gop. >> for them to attack me, if you have conservative principles and ideas that actually work, why bother to even try those? >> it was only a matter of time. >> approaching the car, he opened up the window and confronted mr. bieber, he smelled a strong odor of alcoholic beverage. >> justin bieber arrested in miami, we have
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