tv FOX and Friends FOX News January 24, 2014 3:00am-6:01am PST
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i doubt it. >> vincent said, it's kids that get too much too soon. they think they're entitled to do whatever they want. this kid is a follower, not a leader. and thanks to everyone who responded. "fox & friends" starts right now. have a great weekend. good morning. it's friday, january 24th, 2014. days after she was busted for lying about her life story, wendy davis's supporters caught mocking her republican opponent. >> he doesn't speak very well. he doesn't have a good personality. and he's in a wheelchair. >> well, greg abbott's response is coming your way. meanwhile, joe biden says obamacare is here to stay. >> we will not go back. we will not go back. america has turned a page. >> because it's a big deal.
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but americans are not on the same page. we have brand-new fox polls that will prove that straight ahead. and then, justin bieber. could be waving good-bye to the united states of america where we call home. >> get out. >> brand-new information from the canadian about the possibility we could deport him. say it ain't so. we'll give you the details because "fox & friends" for a friday starts right now. ♪ baby baby baby ♪ oh like baby baby baby oh, baby, baby. welcome live from studio "e" here in the heart of midtown manhattan where it's 11 degrees. welcome to the telecast. >> well, here's the biggest thing to come out of the justin bieber story which we'll break down. at 19 years old, he already has an expired license. when did he get it, at 12? six years for your license. >> i raced him on a segway. >> you did? >> he was fast. >> is that true? >> yeah.
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>> on a segway. >> yes. he beat me on the segway. >> in your previous job you actually raced him on a segway? >> yes, only serious things happened there. >> will you blow into this breathalyzer, please? >> exactly. enough of the segway racing. good morning to you. >> you come here and you get to eat froot loops. it's great. >> wouldn't trade it. wouldn't trade it. >> that was a controversial story, different color, same taste. we had to tackle it head on. >> brian, that was yesterday. let's move on to today's headlines. >> i'm living in yesterday. >> we're still talking about it today. good morning. hope you're off to a good day. important news from overseas right now. two explosions rocking cairo, leaving at least five people dead this morning. a car bomb exploding at the map entrance of egyptian police headquarters, killing four people. and then just hours later, another blast near a subway situation, leaving at least one person dead. these explosions coming on the third anniversary of the arab spring. we'll keep watching the story
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throughout the morning. today a judge could decide in texas if a pregnant woman is allowed to be taken off life support. munoz was declared brain dead back in november. her husband says that she was always clear that she did not want to be kept on life support. he is now suing to take her off of life support, but texas law says that you can't do it to a pregnant woman. an attorney for the family says that tests show that the baby, now 22 weeks old, is not properly developing. we'll keep you posted on this very controversyial story. and this video, unbelievable. nearly a dozen tractor trailers and about 20 cars crashing into each other in a twisted mess of metal. this happening on i-94 near michigan city, indiana. the accident leaving three people dead, 20 others were hurt. there were whiteout conditions in the area and a lot of ice on the highway, and that is being blamed for the series of crashes. and speaker of the house john boehner for president? >> i like to play golf.
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i like to cut my own grass. >> right. >> you know, i do drink red wine, i smoke cigarettes, and i'm not giving that up to be president of the united states. >> right. >> and why would you, right? the speaker making his first afterance on "the tonight show." he says he learned all the skills he needed for his job growing up with his 11 brothers and sisters. and those are your headlines. how about that? could you imagine a president mowing his own lawn at the white house? how fun would that be, right? see you guys later. >> by the time he was done, he'd have to start again. there's a lot of lawn there. >> what is it, ten acres? >> a lot of secret service hanging out in the trees. >> put them behind the snapper. >> you think they use a snapper? >> maybe. >> the best thing about me as a child is i had allergies. and they knew if i started mowing the lawn, by the time i was done, i'd be all swollen with mucus. so i wouldn't have to mow it. >> or were you just faking it to get out of it? >> i'm a big faker. from washington to texas, there's been a lot of controversy going on.
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wendy davis running against greg abbott for governor. her supporters were found on a video, and this is after she had already come under criticism for sort of adjusting her life story. >> she lied about it. >> okay. like brian. >> very similar. >> and then also, you know, she came out against those who came out against her adjusting her life story saying they haven't walked a day in my shoes. >> and that's the problem because her opponent is in a wheelchair. >> yeah. >> greg abbott is a paraplegic and has been that way since the '80s. >> so everyone has been dubbing this as a gaffe, what she said in her statement and then her following tweets. this video that comes out now from "project veritas." maybe this is more systemic with those who support her rather than a flippant gaffe. take a listen. >> he's in a wheelchair, and most slogans are "stand with wendy." it's in our subconscious now.
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it's interesting to me from a psychological point of view how it's going to point out. >> he's in a wheelchair, but he has no sympathy for anyone. or any way. he may have a personality disorder. >> first of all, not good-looking. he doesn't speak very well. he doesn't have a good personality. and he's in a wheelchair. >> and listen to the laughter. that is disgusting. it's interesting, after that was released, her communications director, a fellow by the name of bo delp, attacked james o'keefe and said for smearing wendy with, quote, one of his trademark deceptive videos. really? well, shortly thereafter wendy davis realized, this is a big hole we're in. so she came out and attacked her supporters. she said the language used in this video about greg abbott is abhorrent. greg abbott has persevered
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through great personal challenges to raise a family, have a productive career and for that, he deserves our respect. meanwhile, last night it was time for greg abbott to go up and speak to meghan kelly about his reaction to the video. here's what he had to say. >> well, meghan, denigrating the disabled is unworthy of texas. the reality is texans look far beyond superficial appearances. what texans really look at is depth of character. meghan, there's a reason why i have been elected statewide in texas five different times. that's because texans know i have the quality and depth of character to represent their families and their values. >> so this has been -- i've never seen a couple of gaffes like this within a week. james o'keefe, looks like surveillance video, but is similar to how the video was shot in the 47%.
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was the camera permitted there? not really. did he say it? absolutely. you can't deny that it's actually on tape. i think it's also important to point on it on that very tape, they also joked about the fact that they forged signature on absentee ballots, and they mocked that fact. that's, by the way, a violation in the law. >> yeah, the woman in the shorts was the one who was sort of giving the okay in a way to someone forging a signature of a spouse. >> and a bunch of the supporters in the video were from a group called battleground texas, which are holdovers, heftovers, from the obama campaign still in texas, trying to get wendy elected. good luck. meanwhile, let's talk a little bit about the president and obamacare. you know, in the beginning of the program, we played that sound bite of joe biden saying that obamacare is here to stay. but here's the thing. brand-new fox news polls out show that people simply do not like it. right now about 60% of the country doesn't like it. as you can see right there, it's
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just a couple of months ago. it was in the mid-50s. so the white house is losing ground, trying to sell this thing. >> right and also there was an increase shown in the opposition from both democrats and independents, which is incredible here. i mean, look at this. just from june of 2013. the democrats were 22% of them oppose it. now 30% feel opposed to obamacare. >> lost 8%. >> went from 53% to 64% opposed to obamacare. that number, i think, may prove to be the most important. >> lost 11%. >> by the way, people are really concerned that since the numbers aren't adding up, people aren't signing up in order for these insurance companies to sustain themselves, they're going to need a massive bailout which would mean an increase in taxes. look at this stat. are your taxes going to increase, the american people were asked? 63% said yes. 6% haven't sobered up yet.
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meanwhile i thought this was important to bring up. liz claman sat down. she asked him flat out, do you think this obamacare is going to work? he says, it's not about the website. the program doesn't work. this is not built for insurance. people are either overinsured or underinsured. people don't want to hop on a website and shop for insurance. they don't want to do it with their cars. they're not going to want to do it for their health care. he goes on to say, there's not enough choice for consumers, so therefore he's really down on it. and i think this whole entire obamacare could fall down like -- >> like a house of cards, which is starting up again very shortly on netflix. regarding the health care law, what do you think it's going to increase or decrease? with had it comes to, for instance, your taxes, 63% of you feel like your taxes are going up. 62% feel like your health insurance is going up. the federal deficit is going up. what about the quality of care for americans? look in the other category,
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decrease, a plurality of you feel that's going to decrease. and your quality of health care, about 40%. as well. so it's all going in the wrong way. to your point, brian, does a guy who runs aetna said, the whole obama behind obamacare was to get the 50 million people who don't have health care insurance, get them insurance. of those that have gotten insurance so far, only about 10% didn't have it before. so 90% of them had to make up for the insurance that got taken away from them by the affordable care act. >> this is falling on deaf ears when it comes to the administration hearing what the american people are saying. this is supposed to be one that listens to the american people. yet joe biden yesterday was saying no, we are not going back. we're not going back. the page is turned. too bad. >> everyone's got to make a decision, are you going to run from this? are you going to say i was
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wrong? every democrat will be asked about that and they'll have to make a decision. >> i heard larry say yesterday the republicans have a real good shot at taking the senate come november. anyway, we've got a busy, busy, frigid friday coming up live from new york. >> that's right. it's the museum created to honor the victims of september 11th, but you'll have to fork over big bucks if you want to even step inside. the reason why, not good. no, it is not. and media are given a pass but not republicans. why is that? we'll have that coming up next. you're watching "fox & friends." oh! progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!"
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christie, screen left, andrew cuomo in the center, and one former governor, bob mcdonald, screen right, making headlines lately. but it seems the press giving a pass to the guy in the middle. mr. cuomo, a democrat. is that par for the course of the mainstream media? let's talk to former reagan aide and political strategist roger stone who is in miami this morning. lucky, where it's going to be 70 degrees later today. roger, good morning to you. >> great to be with you, steve. zmoo you kn >> you know, we always talk about the double standard. it seems the republicans get whacked a lot more than the democrats, don't they? >> it's an overall double standard. donald trump goes out for pizza with sarah palin, he eats pizza with a fork. jon stewart and "the daily show" go insane. new york city mayor bill de blasio, an italian-american, goes out last week, eats pizza with a fork, nada, nothing. and he ought to know better. so yeah, there's an absolute double standard, there's no question about it. >> let's take a look at some of
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the headlines. for instance, you can tell the "new york daily news" doesn't like chris christie after the bridgegate thing. "fat chance now, chris." meanwhile, a comment by kuo kcun "the new york times," outrageous republicans. seems pretty muted. and "sympathy for robert mcdonnell not showing up in former governor's defense fund" according to "the washington post." it seems they always press the republicans harder than the democrats. >> well, in the case of chris christie, you have somebody who was probably, until recently, the republican party front-runner for president. and therefore, i think it is sort of natural that he's going to get more scrutiny. also because of his situation and all of the loose ends and the ongoing investigation, that's an enormous story. i'm going to assume that andrew cuomo got carried away with a little partisan exuberance when
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he said that people who are pro-life should leave new york. i don't think he was telling cardinal dolan to pack up and leave. i don't think. >> yeah. >> but, again, you've got analysis pieces as opposed to pieces criticizing governor cuomo. and the mcdonnell story, in all hones honesty, one had of day story. former governor, not going to be president, probably going to jail, come and gone. >> i think the real contrast, though, is between christie and cuomo. you know, christie, he was leading hillary clinton in one poll of people who might run for president next time around. and if hillary does not run, then andrew cuomo certainly would want to do that. but it just seems crazy. for instance, the media research study service -- center, that is, did a study and looked at the number of times that chris christie bridgegate thing was covered versus the president targeting conservatives with the irs. and in two days, tv provided 44 times more coverage of christie
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than six months of obama's irs scandal. once again, just a little tilted in favor of the democrats. >> not surprised. obama is in a class by himself. he gets a pass from the mainstream media that just boggles the mind. where it is benghazi or whether it is health care or whether it is the irs scandals, yeah, it will be a one-day story, a two-day story. you don't get the relentless drip, drip, drip that you do. but as you know, steve, most reporters are liberals. most editors are liberals. most tv producers are liberals. and they can't help their own views seeping into their coverage. it's not true of all the media. it's true of much of the media. >> you are right about that. roger stone who's been working in the media and politics for a long time. sir, thank you very much. have a great weekend down there in miami. >> great to be with you. >> great to have you. 20 minutes after the top of the hour. next up on "the friday rundown," he made one of the most
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successful political documentaries of all time. but now the filmmaker behind the hit anti-obama documentary is facing charges. coincidence? then a family took on the government over property rights and won. but after 20 years of court battles, they still have not been paid the money they are due. they are bringing their fight to "fox & friends" next on this friday. [ male announcer ] even ragu users a. chose prego homestyle alfredo over ragu classic alfredo. prego alfredo?! [ thinking ] why can't all new things be this great? ha ha! whoa! [ monkey squeals ] [ sighs ] [ male announcer ] choose taste. choose prego.
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show there was never a corrupt agreement of any kind. and 35 years after the lufthansa heist made famous by "goodfellas," five mobsters have been charged. they were arrested in connection with the 1978 heist. elisabeth? 20 years ago a florida landowner asked for a permit to develop his land, but the government denied him because he refused to pay to develop government-owned land miles away. and despite a landmark supreme court victory, the family is still owed more than $327,000. joining us now is coy and james who is the director of litigation for the pacific legal foundation which is representing the kuntz family. thank you both for being here. coy jr., 20 years of this litigation and battle for your family, do you feel as though you've received a victory in this even though your dad, he didn't live to see this happen.
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>> well, we certainly received a victory from the supreme court, but we're still waiting for the original judgment from the lawyer to be paid by the state of florida. so we are still fighting it. >> still fighting 20 years later. joseph alito, i know, is in your favor here. and certainly on the books, judicially a victory, but after 20 years of battling this, i mean -- and i know tomorrow you're set to receive an award, i believe, for the courage and your perseverance for really battling government overreach. what would your dad say? >> pardon me? >> what would your dad say about finally reaching this point? >> he would say well done. keep fighting. don't stop. >> can you take us back just a bit? i understand that this is a battle over land. your dad -- they demanded $150,000 for him upon his permit
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request to develop the land. you went back and forth over this property dispute. why did it take so long? and why haven't you been paid yet? james, maybe you could explain a bit. >> yeah. this case began when coy sr. tried to develop 3.7 acres of property. and he was told he had to give away 37 acres in order to do that. but he only had another 11 acres of property left. and he said you could have the 11 acres. and they said no, we want you to pay $150,000 to fix up property belonging to the state of florida, st. john's water management district, five to seven miles away. he said no. so they didn't give him the permit, and he's been fighting ever since. at one time a trial court found that this is not wetland, and it found that he was entitled to building da damages for all the time that he was not able to use the property. but the state of florida, st. job's water management district, has been appealing this time and time again and absolutely refusing to do justice of this
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case. so we went all the way to the supreme court. the supreme court agreed with us that he was entitled to have his court judgment and day in court, and they september it back down to the florida courts. and now we're here again doing appeals. >> again and again. and decades of it. what would you like to see happen now? >> what we would like to see happen is the court of appeals finally say, enough is enough for the st. john water management district, the agency in florida that's done this to the koontz family for so many years, to say hey, we have taken these people through the wringer long enough. we've received the message from the court, and it's about time for us to make it right. to do the right thing and to make sure that coy koontz jr. and his family is finally compensated for this 20-year ordeal. >> well, coy, i know for your dad's sake and your family's sake, there is relief and certainly a well-deserved award tomorrow. a long fight.
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thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. >> thank you. our education system is literally going to pot, by the way. a school class all to learn how to grow it. that story, if you can believe it, up ahead. plus, could justin bieber be waving good-bye to the united states of america? brand-new info about the possibility that he could be deported. but first, happy birthday to neil diamond. he is 73 years old today. ♪ they're coming to america it's hip-hop.
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justin bieber. poor guy. i don't know. he's in some trouble, man. he was arrested today in miami for drag racing and drunk driving in a lamborghini which is surprising because the only race car he had been in prior to that was his bed. >> the way i understand it went down, it was like 4:00 in the morning. his friends had had sealed off a road. he decides to drag race with -- i didn't know it was a rented lamborghini. the only problem was, you shouldn't be drag racing. i wouldn't be out at that hour. i think that breaks most curfews. he's on prescription drug
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medication. he had had been drinking. so he failed all five sobriety tests. and when the cops came up and pulled him over, he refused to take his hands out of his pockets, so they also slapped him with resisting arrest. >> reportedly giggling and taking it lightly. when it comes to his mom and his meds, it's unclear whether she gives them to him or whether it was a transfer of medication. >> what is he on medication for? boy badness? >> there you can see him yesterday. i'll tell you, right, he hired roy black, the famous miami defense attorney. he was appearing with him there at his arraignment yesterday. you know who else was involved in this event that happened 4/11 when he was arrested on thursday morning, his father. his father, jeremy bieber, apparently was in attendance. he was one of the guys in one of the five escalades that was there. this morning tmz has a headline where they refer to jeremy
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bieber as the worst, most dangerous parent in the world. and talk about on a link, the father is at least partially if not completely responsible for his son's dui arrest and had a pretty heavy hand in ruining both justin's childhood and adolescence life. and there's his mug shot. >> you know, i read his mom's book. she's young, too. just in her 30s. he's got addiction on both sides of his family. he has already scaled mountains to be successful at all, found on youtube, became runner-up in a talent contest. it's amazing. we've seen this car accident of a life so many times before. music experts will tell you, this guy's got a short shelf life anyway. he's getting to leif garrett fame. >> he's a true talent and the path he's taking is seemingly just harsh and going somewhere dangerous. but people are really reacting on both sides with this. you've got tweets supporting him on one end. you've got people asking for him to be deported, certainly
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something that will be seriously looked at. and then you have celebrities here kind of mocking him on twitter. this is michael ian black on twitter saying doesn't hollywood have any original ideas? i've seen this bieber movie so many times. >> zach braft tweeted out, who amongst us hasn't drag raced in a lambo in miami on pills? #freebieber. >> and ricky gervais says prison name justine bieber. he evidently was sobbing in prison. >> he was sobbing all yesterday when he was in the holding cell. "baby, baby, baby, no! like baby, baby, baby, say it ain't so!" sorry. according to tmz, the bieber team, you know, scooter braun. >> you know them. >> yeah. apparently his people had been trying to get him into rehab for months and saying now the only thing that can help him now is go to rehab, address his
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psychotherapy to his addiction, whatever he's addicted to and underlying problems. >> which is possible. and we've also seen recovery and renewal. and i think there are those that do believe that this could happen. >> this could be the best thing that ever happened to him. >> many bad decisions he's making are dangerous not only to himself and others. there's hope that he will turn it around. >> good thing nobody else was killed by that. >> absolutely. because if he is deported and because these are misdemeanors, it probably won't happen, but if he's deported, he can't make music in the united states. he would have a real problem. >> he has to play right at the border and hope we hear. >> it's not just jail time or incarceration -- >> so practical. >> -- livelihood. a lot of people relying on him. what do you think should happen? who do you blame? the parents? society? >> america. >> why not? pick a lane. and in the meantime, heather. >> strumming at the border. >> aside from justin bieber. >> we've got serious news to bring you. when a lot of folks come to new york city, they go down to the
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9/11 memorial. that's set to open this spring. listen to this. it was created to honor the victims of 9/11, but if you want to visit the new museum, you'll have to pay $24. so why, do you ask? well, the museum doesn't get any federal funding, at least not yet. victims of the 9/11 family members will be given free admission, and there will be discounts for seniors, students and first responders. it's set to open this spring. so what do you think of that? 24 bucks to get in. well, potential pot growers are hitting the books in record numbers at the first marijuana university in california. there is literally a marijuana university. they're calling it oaksterdam. well, it opened back in 2007, but now with the recent pot laws passed, folks from all over the country are trying to get into the school. >> i've had students in here from illinois, from chicago, before they actually passed the law. so the moment that the laws
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passed, boom, they knew what to do. >> the classes cover everything from legal advice to how to grow and cook with the plant. well, the nutrition labels on the back of food packages may soon become a little easier to understand. the fda saying that the 20-year-old labels, they need to change. health experts expect the labels to focus more on calorie listings, guidelines for the new labels have been sent to the white house. no word yet on when they will be released. and elisabeth, we both saw "frozen" with the kids, right? >> i saw it, too. >> that's right. brian was the first one. well, listen, guys. you can now go back and sing along with the movie "frozen." ♪ ♪ let it go ♪ let it go ♪ never see me cry
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>> okay, they're going to call it cartoon karaoke. that's what i'm calling it. disney is going to release a sing-along version starting next week. they'll have the lyrics on the screen during the songs and then a little, like, ball that bumps along with the words just like real karaoke. and those are your headlines. brian, are you going to go back and sing a few? let's go. >> now suddenly i feel like i don't want to. >> he's letting it go. >> thank you very much, heather. frozen with the weather. hey. >> hey, good morning. it's not just us across the northeast freezing this morning. we have very cold temperatures across the midwest, the plains and even all the way down into texas where we currently have winter storm warnings and winter weather advisories in effect. in the city of houston, getting reports early this morning of freezing rain in the area. so please be careful out here on the roadways. and we could be looking at up to two inches of snow in some areas. otherwise those current windchill temperatures, take a look at what it currently feels like in chicago. it feels like 23 degrees below zero.
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cleveland, 16 below and you're talking teens across new mexico and colorado. the highs in denver much nicer, making it into the 50s. unfortunately, i do also want to mention california, under red-flag warnings because we still have dry conditions, gusty winds, keeping an elevated fire danger in place. back inside. >> all right, maria, thank you very much. well, the polar vortex and snow couldn't stop us. >> it was still a crazy week on "fox & friends." >> and in case you missed anything, we've got a summary. take a look. >> show me the money right now. show me the headlines. >> you know those orange, purple, blue, red and lime froot loops? well, they don't taste like different flavors. >> okay. >> what does that taste like? >> froot loop. >> cocoa puffs tomorrow. are they really chocolate? ♪ >> it looks fun.
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>> wouldn't you like to fish from the back seat? look at that. keep the trout in the trunk. >> mama, go home, take care of the kids. >> believe me, they're okay, left them with a "wall street journal" and a carton of marlboros. >> it's the white, fluffy stuff, you know? it's gorgeous. >> hammered into the wood with a frozen banana. >> the nail is missing. >> broken nail. we're on it. >> today on "fox & friends," his friend. look what he wrote. this is pretty amazing. >> i love brian. >> we had our own awkward moment. >> what is your point of view on living, loving and dating? >> othsorry, what? >> did anyone ever tell you that you look like the famous tv legend geraldo rivera? >> no. >> which team do you want to win? >> seahawks! >> let's go to switzerland.
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>> i would love to go there just to get one of those knives. it's got everything. it's got a corkscrew. >> you know, they sell them here. >> they do? i had no idea. i'm going to go get one. >> thank you very much for joining us from davos, switzerland. >> bye, goldie. >> bye, everybody. >> you know, if she's not going to talk, i'm going to talk for her. >> that's a great impersonation. >> you do a better kurt russell, but he always said good-bye to us. it was great to talk to goldie hawn. >> what a busy week. thanks for watching and making us number one for 20 years, something like that. coming up, president obama doesn't think pot is any worse than booze or cigarettes. one problem, a brand-new study says the president is wrong. we have scientific research to back that up. plus, want to have your personal information stolen? well, there's an app for that. curt the cyber guy is here with your hackers' favorite apps and how to keep your stuff safe.
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get over here. farmer: hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it. it's out there somewhere spreading the good word about idaho potatoes and raising money for meals on wheels. but we'd really like our truck back, so if you see it, let us know, would you? thanks. what?
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you think that app is safe? well, think again. a recent test shows that 2,000 apps from 600 companies found nine out of ten have serious vulnerabilities. the latest example is the starbucks app. joining us right now is curt the cyber guy. curt, you heard with starbucks. tell everyone how that starbucks app left people vulnerable. >> good morning to you. >> same to you. >> i'm telling you now that we think it's a lot safer when we use these apps. it's not. it's not that safe. what happened with starbucks is quite simple. over time, starbucks had been one of the first apps developers out to launch an app. well, stuff changed over time, and it kept building on top of their old app. and suddenly there was a big,
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gaping hole in it. what did that mean? it meant that somebody could get their password at any given moment. what does that mean? you and i probably use the same password on all our junk in the tech world for banking online, for passwords that get access to important personal information. and that all of a sudden was exposed. >> right. so you're saying, too, you have some dos and don'ts that we can adjust to right away. first off, change your app password frequently. >> you know, change your password frequently and do -- you know, it's hard to remember these passwords. the greatest tip is tweak your existing password. maybe add three dots the end or a dollar sign in the beginning. use a character that's not usual. and remember that that's how you change it and evolve with it. >> this is fascinating. because it's easy to track your purchases by linking your debit card, right? never link your debit card to your apps for purchases. >> i mean, look. here's the biggest problem is that this is just the beginning of exposure to our lives this
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way. we're starting to see evidence of it coming out there. and the first thing they're going to go after is not just our credit history but our credit card numbers. and you don't want a debit card number out there because you're not as protected as a credit card. the most you're going to lose with a credit card is 50 bucks. you're protected by the banks. you're protected by law. you want to use a credit card and not a debit card to associate anything online. >> every once in a while you get slammed with somebody using your card in switzerland. but it's subtle. $10 here, $50 there. you say snap a picture of your receipts and track transactions. so you go over to applebee's. take a picture of your bill. >> look, you know, cameras on phones are now pretty much in everybody's pockets. they weren't before. but use it and make it easy. when you're done with your meal, snap your receipt. never look at it again unless you suspect something later as you monitor your transactions. >> and you say lock your phone because i didn't lock my phone, and she was starting to abuse my twitter followers.
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so i now have done that. you say but don't take wi-fi from strangers. >> i can only imagine she abused them in the nicest of ways. >> we'll tell you more in the break. >> don't take wi-fi from strangers. one of the biggest things is honeyh honeypotting. you go to some location. wi-fi is free. i'll just zoom through. the thing is people can be monitoring the traffic that goes through it, and they have keystroke logger. it records every single thing you're do. and they're looking for your credit card number and passwords and other logon information. >> and you say also on that other one -- >> thanks, you just bought me some snow tires. >> hasselbeck, you're going to get it. you say it's a great way to track it. >> that used to be called lemon. it's a free app now, lifelong to protect your credit, bought this app. this is so good. and what this does is monitors your credit card transactions. so if you see something out of the ordinary, it notifies you. >> kurt the cyber guy, thanks so
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much. >> good to see you. coming up at 11 minutes before the top of the hour, president obama doesn't think pot is any worse than booze. one problem, that's not the case according to research. and 30 years after the crime that inspired "goodfellas," an inspirational movie for the kids, the mobsters like a man and learned the two greatest things in life. >> what are they? >> never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut crunchy kibble blend. with 20% fewer calories than purina dog chow. isn't it time you discovered the liter side of dog chow. purina dog chow light & healthy. ... you might need to come closer... ... half a world closer!
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office of drug control policy, john walters. good morning to you. >> good morning. good to be with you. >> the president's comments were shocking to us. but not to him because our potus did a lot of pot growing up. >> yes, except like baby boomers, they also saw, and you read his autobiography, pot makes you stupid. he knows that and we don't need more stupidity and we don't need more addiction, which is also leads to, as he knows from his own experience. just watch celebrities. two words, justin bieber. >> john, thanks for being with us. doesn't it contradict not only policy in terms of marijuana being illegal across many states, but also according to the cdc, 23% of high school students said they recently smoked marijuana. another study suggests that pot using teens could later impact their programming of certain genes and even offspring's tendencies toward addiction later on. how irresponsible is this
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message that the president of the united states put out there? >> he's living in the past. when did you dope as a teen-ager, this was all just harmless fun. 15 years of research has actually shown some of the real problems and why they happen. most recent studies show there may be a possibility of people in adolescents who used passing tendencies for addictions on. we know from family members, we now a mechanism there. it's preliminary, but it's important. >> the real issue here is also how addictive current marijuana is. the president is completely out of touch. 25% of students 12 to 17 progressed at needing treatment. >> sure. no doubt marijuana is dangerous. so since the president won't tell us that, although the white house web site does say that the administration is against it, real quickly, explain to folks watching how it impacts your i.q.
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>> yeah. there has been one of the most troubling studies ha has shown risk is heavy use as an adolescent and going into young adulthood, daily, frequent use not only makes you stupid while you're doing it, but it can reduce your i.q. permanently by seven points. a ground breaking study done over a number of years with twins to control for again jettic -- genetic differences and that's what they found. that's another reason why -- if the president cares about the heal of the country when he talks about health care, he is now producing a large-scale disease that can cause brain damage in young people. it's so irresponsible, he's not talking to his own health experts. he's not talking to the people who know drug policy. he's sitting by himself and living in the past. he's got to wise up and stop being stupid. >> we're going to leave it right there. john walters, former drug czar under george w. bush, thank you very much. >> thank you. coming up, it sounds like a good idea to overhaul the
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failing veterans affairs system. but a proposed bill looks to do more harm than good. we're going to explain that in the next hour. then the mainstream media taking on governor huckabee's comments about birth control. we're going to tell what you mike really said i take priloseotc each morning for my frequent heartburn. because you can't beat zero heartburn. woo hoo! [ male announcer ] prilosec otc is the number one doctor recommended frequent heartburn medicine for 8 straight years. one pill each morning. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. find out why more than two million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. good morning. it's friday, january 24, 2014. when the going gets tough, who does the president blame? >> you talk to somebody who said, well, i don't know. itches watching fox news and they said it's horrible. >> once again, president obama says fox is the reason his message isn't getting across. what's the real reason? we report and you decide. >> i think he's right. the mainstream media back pedaling after taking governor huckabee's comments about birth control completely out of context. so what did he really say? we'll ask him and then tell you what he really said to us. >> in other words, we'll report and they'll decide. could justin bieber be waving so
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long to the united states of america? brand-new information about the possibility the biebs could be deported back to canada. "fox & friends" hour two for this friday starts right now. >> it's "fox & friends"! they're acting like we're going to deport him to canada, as if it's gitmo. it's canada. it's just a drive away. it's right near buffalo. he's got a great governor there in toronto. >> he can hang out. >> mayor. >> oh, mayor, yeah. he's got a mayor in toronto he can relate to and speed around with. >> oh, man. we'll give you the very latest on justin bieber. but first, we're going to start by talking about wendy davis. she broke on the national scene when she did the 12-hour filibuster on abortion in texas. >> she sort of took some liberties when bringing up her past and sort of painting the narrative of her pulled myself
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up by my own boot straps and worked through life story. she was called out on that in an article in a dallas paper and then kind of fired back saying if anyone doesn't agree with what i said or to challenge my background, you haven't walked a day in my shoes. that statement was released, probably would have gone over, except for the fact that her candidate, the candidate who is opposing her e greg abbott, attorney general, he's been elected five times, he's in a wheelchair. so that didn't go over well. so two times she sort of had a hurdle to get over this week. and then project veritas released this video of her team going one step further, attacking him for who he is. >> most slogans are stand with women. in our subconscious now.
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>> niece a wheelchair, but has no sympathy for anyone. >> no. >> he may have a personality disorder. >> first of all, not good looking. he doesn't speak very well. he doesn't have a good personality and he's in a wheelchair. >> hysterical, isn't it? that video came out thanks to james o'keefe who did surveillance worked. this actually happened. whether you like it or not, the facts are the facts. you are mocking somebody who happens to be your opponent, not you, wendy davis, but your opponent, the group that's supporting you is mocking your opponent who is in a wheelchair and not being good looking, which is unbelievable. quickly they tried to push back and realized that was a problem. so wendy davis came out and said this, the language used in the video about agreeing abbott is abhorrent. he has persevered through great
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personal challenge to raise great family and for that deserves respect. why are we bringing this up? she was looked at as an upcoming superstar to take texas. if you are a democrat, you're saying, wow. can you imagine if we use this momentum to actually start dominating the electoral votes come presidential time? you could actually lock up the president of the white house for decades. now you have a situation where wendy davis' story is not adding up. the opponent is coming on strong and even polls prior to this video were not good. >> she was a long shot to start with. she is a longer shot now. mr. abbott himself, who has been in a wheelchair since the days when he was hit by an oak tree, he took the high road. he was on with megyn kelly last night talking about this slam against him by the other side. >> megyn, deny grading the --
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denigrading the disabled is unworthy of texas. texans look far beyond superficial appearances. what texans really look at is depth of character. megyn, there is a reason why i have been elected statewide in texas five different times. that's because texans know i have the quality and depth of character to represent their families and their values. >> classy. all right. so that's what's going on down in texas with wendy davis, her invented history, and the slams against mr. abbott. >> sure. i think anyone who has a disability and has overcome a challenge chooses not to specifically be defined by that. as we saw in the video, and you can decide for yourself, to destroy someone because of that disability is nothing short of that. well, in other news, we know the president has been struggling with obamacare and the responses from that and he keeps trying to get a message across and he's trying, but he
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actually in his latest new yorker interview, he actually blames the media and fox news for the reason why he can't get his message across. this is what he said. >> he says this, according to new yorker, in the issue, he has -- one of his big challenges is to get -- >> the issue has been the inability of my message to penetrate the republican base so that they feel persuaded that i am not the caricature you see on fox news or rush limbaugh, but somebody who is interested in solving problems and is pretty practical. he goes on to say what ronald reagan didn't have and tip o'neill didn't do, why they had it so easy, they didn't have congressmen in a congressman who can just line up against me on all these issues. so once again, not saying this is what i did wrong, like maybe senator snow said in maine before she left, she said the president has done nothing to reach across the aisle.
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he's saying it's the political climate he entered into. >> the statute of limitations ran out on blaming bush, so the president needs to blame somebody for his fallen poll numbers. so he blames fox, which, you know, on balance has been fair, reporting what the president has done during this administration. meanwhile, the mainstream media for the most part, white house stenographers. this is not something brand-new, a new strategy where it's like how do we dig ourselves out of this hole? let's blame fox. that's not new. he's done this a lot in the past. >> you talk to somebody who said, well, i don't know. i was watching fox news and they said this is horrible. i've got one television station entirely devoted to attacking my administration. that's a pretty -- >> i assume you're talking about fox. >> that's a pregnant big mega phone. >> if there was ever a time when somebody had the ability to get a message out, it's now, he has
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41 million followers on twitter as of today. almost 10,000 tweets that get out. the ability to get your message out really lacks the ability to be blamed on anybody else. charles krauthammer i thought was particularly brilliant when it came to just dealing with the effect of this blame game. >> he simply can't accept the fact or at least in public he doesn't accept the fact that one can actually have a view that contradicts his, that is in good faith, that is patriotic, and that also seeks the good of the country. so if you think as he does, self-righteously that there is no way to oppose him and be honestly patriotic and sympathetic to the american people, then of course you have to attribute all these evil motives to the other side who are prevented the people from receiving the message. and i think it's a myopia that's rather unbecoming and in fact, it often becomes repulsive.
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it's a refusal to give respect to the other side. >> exactly. and if the president is frustrated in getting through to the other side, the problem is not the messaging. the problem is the message. simply lot of people in this country don't like the direction things are taken. >> remember, the first thing the president did is say rush limbaugh is the face of the republican party and seemed to have a problem with him and it's written up in a few biographies that are out on the president in his first administration. on facebook, weigh in on this. we have the whole quote from charles krauthammer. do you think he's right or the president? we'll go back and interact. bill o'reilly has a sit down with the president of the united states. >> that's right, at 4:30 in the afternoon, the day of the super bowl, bill o'reilly gets to ask those questions that he's wanted to ask the president of the united states for a couple of years. you're not going to want to miss it. i've got a feeling this topic is going to come up. >> you know what bill is also doing? he's having his viewers listen in and answer their question qus
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viewers. >> allall right. meanwhile, it's time for headlines on this frigid friday live from new york. >> it's hard to imagine it's been three years since the arab spring started and we've got news in cairo that's important. two explosions rocking cairo, leaving at least five people dead this morning. a car bomb exploding at the main entrance of egyptian police headquarters, killing four. then just hours later, another blast near a subway station there, leaving at least one person dead. this coming on the third anniversary of the arab spring. a judge could decide today if a pregnant woman in texas can be taken off life support. she was declared brain dead back in november. her husband says that she was always clear she did not want to be kept on life support. he's now suing to take her off life support even though she's 22 weeks pregnant. however, texas law says you can't do this to a pregnant woman. an attorney for the family says the baby was deprived of oxygen
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and not developing properly. the director of "2016" was a documentary that was critical of the president, will be arraigned in federal court later today, accused of directing $20,000 in campaign contributions to a senate candidate in 2012. his lawyer says the facts will show that there was never a corrupt agreement of any kind. we'll follow this story for you. an incredible video of a kayaker landing a marlin off the coast of australia. take a look at this. pretty cool, huh? the guy fought with his 200-pound fish for about 90 minutes and then finally reeled it in. he initially thought he had a shark on the line until he saw it jump in the air. he then realized it was a marlin after snapping a few photos. how neat. >> very nice. good for him. 11 minutes after the hour.
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>> it is the heist that inspired this very famous movie. >> you took it like a man and learn the two greatest things in life. >> what? >> look at me. never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut. >> now 30 years later, the mobsters behind it are under arrest. up next, we're going to talk to someone who knows all how it went down. we are not making this up. fined for your lawn not being green enough? is that even legal? ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] yoplait greek 100. 100% greek. 100% m... so mmm, you might not believe it's 100 calories. yoplait greek 100. there are hundreds of reasons to love it.
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nobody knows for sure just how much was taken in a daring predawn raid at the cargo terminal at kennedy airport. the f.b.i. says $2 million. port authority says $4 million. >> jimmy! >> wow. that was a scene from the movie good fellows base -- "goodfellows." it centers on a heist at jfk airport. now 30 years later, a breakthrough. a reputed mobster now in custody, along with four others. shall pelosi is a former mob associate who almost got caught up in the heist and author of this new book. sal, thank you for joining us. you say first off, the guy we see on the paper, this guy who is vincent asaro, you've known him 40 years. what did he do in this mess? >> well, he got hooked up with jimmy burke. jimmy burke was the deniro
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character. jimmy was very street smart who pulled off that robbery. he was the architect of the robbery. my former partner, tommy desymone, played by pesce in "goodfellows," he was also involved and i was sort of recruit to do take part in that robbery, but at that time, i was making a lot of money selling heroin. so i declined the offer. they went out and ripped off lufthansa. there was a lot more money than most people thought or read about involved in that crime. >> okay. 5 million in cash. 1 million in jewels. you say that's too low. that's converted to maybe 20 million today? >> that was a lot of money back then, especially when gasoline was 35 cents a gallon. but they were discome bob lated by the complications of all these guys running around spending money. and just like in the movie, jimmy started whacking people out. jimmy was smart. he was street smart. but he was vicious.
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he would kill you in a heartbeat. >> i'm getting that and reading about this. so we got these guys. do we have it? is this all that you can recollect that were involved in this operation, because the way i understand it, the family that did the operation went on somebody else's turf to do it. so therefore, they had to get paid off because they stole the money from another family's turf. correct? >> no, that wasn't really the way it was. listen, in those days, jimmy burke was walking distance to the jfk cargo area. he was part of the luchesse family. he got caught up with jimmy. make no mistake. vinny and sal will put two in your bonnet and drop you off in the next area code. sarah was like the likes of john gatti. he just didn't make the headlines. >> i got it straight in my bonnet. so sal, how many people would
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you say are dead because of this and how many people still involved are out there because of this? >> you know, i really can't say. i think the government would be better at that. but i'm sure that jimmy burke took care of all the participants and a few of the peripherals, like the driver, the truck driver. he was just really thorough about closing down the gaps. of course, what he left was evidence that became dna driven. so i mean, there is no doubt that the f.b.i. is going to get a conviction here. and remember, murder, there is no statute on murder. >> they know. sinatra club is the book. sal, i can't believe you were caught up in this for a while. i'm glad you're out. thanks so much. >> thanks, brian. coming up, we all know a mother's job is never done. so just how much is she worth? the numbers are in. and could justin bieber be
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if you're look for your news by the numbers, i got them here. first, $.8 million, that's how much baltimore's speed cameras overcharged drivers in 2012. a secret audit revealing cameras issued incorrect tickets nearly half the time. so if you think you should try to beat them, maybe you should. next, $24. that's how much you'll have to fork over to get into the new 9-11 museum at ground zero.
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why? the museum will get no future federal funding. victims' families will get in free. many outraged. and finally, 113,568 bucks. that's how much a stay at home mom hypothetical annual salary would be worth. the total numbers of hours? they work for a week, 94. thanks, mom. all right, elisabeth over to you. >> thanks. justin bieber out on bond this morning. he's accused of drag racing while drunk and high. and according to reports, his own father was with him the whole time. so what happens now? the host of tv's judge alex is here to reveal just how much trouble the biebs and papa biebs might be in. good morning, judge. >> good morning. >> how much trouble are we talking here? what's the maximum consequence justin could be facing? >> if you want to say the maximum that he could get would be a year on each misdemeanor, he's got three charges, so three years in jail. that's never going to happen.
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he's a first-time offender. typically a dui with no property damage, with no injuries, the state attorney's office will enter into negotiations and probably plead out to something less and get probation. >> there is talk of him being deported. people wanting that. is that a possibility? could he be deported? >> not really. if it was a felony, he could be deported. for a misdemeanor, i don't think he can. >> what about the fact that his dad was with him? does that play a part -- he's not a minor. >> no, he's not. >> but in terms of sort of aiding him or providing any sort of substance, what are we talking about there? >> if his father was just presents, the only thing that evidence is he's a crappy father. but if his father was participating, like he got him alcohol or helped block off the street so that he and his friend could drag race, any time do you that in florida, any time you assist or aid somebody in breaking the law, you become a principal and you're as guilty as the person who actually went through and broke the law. so it really depends on what his father's involvement is.
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>> as a judge d it play a part, the attitude or bad attitude has? look how he was talking, his attitude, cursing at the cops. he said what the bleep did i do? i ain't going no fing anywhere. why do you have to search me? what the blank is this about? does that factor in to how he will be treated. >> typically his comments -- you got to remember, the judge knows that he was allegedly drunk, although granted, his blood alcohol was very low. if he -- he's under, so it's a low standard. so the words he said to the police officer, his bad attitude is not going to affect the charges or anything like that. however, you're displaying the way you are in front of a person who is going to decide your future. you don't want the judge to be thinking less of you. you want the judge to think this is an aberration, not that you're some bratty rich kid who
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thinks he can talk to anybody and has no respect for authority because the judge won't give you the benefit of the doubt. >> sometimes we see celebrities here either made an example of or given more lenient punishment. what do you think will happen here? >> i don't think he's going to be treated either way. more leniently or more harshly. i think he'll be treated -- i know the judges in florida. i was one of them and especially in this particular court. that was my court. he's going to be treated like everybody else. sometimes in l.a. we see celebrities get breaks all the time. that doesn't typically happen in miami. he will be treated like everybody else. no worse, no better. you saw the standard bond, 2500. that's what anybody else would have gotten for the charges and i think it will play out if he was unless' kid. >> judge alex, we thank you for being with us this morning, breaking the bieb's situation down. coming up, a tiny train packing a big punch. how this all went down at the houston zoo. and then john boehner for president? what the house speaker just told jay leno about his future plans
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>> it's your shot of the morning. this is just too sweet. this dog just couldn't contain his excitement when his best friend and owner, staff sergeant tyler, came home from a six-month deployment in asia. >> one thing about dog, they never forget. >> loyal as it gets. >> they know what you smell like. >> they do. so does your spouse. >> that's true. we hope, anyway. >> i was going to say, i've got the computer here. i was looking on-line yesterday. i saw on twitter something blow up. mike huckabee talking about libido and something like that and a number of people in the mainstream media, they were outraged. dana bash huckabee just said federal government shouldn't help women with who they can't control their libido without birth control. and then over on nbc, kathy hunt
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said huckabee just said, women helpless without uncle sugar coming in and providing them birth control because they cannot control their libido. if you only got your news from the tweeterverse, you would think wow, that's really something. unfortunately, once again, mainstream media, very selectively editing what somebody says. >> they selectively got it wrong because this is what huckabee actually said. >> women i know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything that anyone else can do. our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. that's not a war on them. it's a war for them. and if the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe that they are helpless without uncle sugar coming in and providing for them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or their reproductive system without the help of the government, then so be it.
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>> so they took him out of context. in fact, later dana bash corrected and she went back on twitter and said, to be clear, mike huckabee said democrats insult women saying they're helpless giving prescription forebirth control because they can not control their libido. >> here is what jay carney actually got a question about that. jay carney commented like, it seems insulting to me. but jay carney's question was inaccurate because of it phrased the wrong way. that's how far this went. the democrats wanted to make the most of it. >> kathleen said to be clear, dems believe helpless without uncle sugar in quotes, giving them birth control because, quote, they can not control their libido. they can go back and correct their original tweet. >> so naturally, you now how the mainstream media works. somebody puts something out there and then a whole bunch on the political left pile on to huckabee before they actually realized what was going on.
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and now seeing republicans' war on women, book two, they're trying to fund raise off of mr. huckabee's taken out of context quotes. >> that's right. lily adam, the democrats deputy director said to supporters, chip in $10 or more to support democrats who support women and help them make their own health care decisions. trying to use what someone didn't say to raise money is certainly an interesting way. >> governor huckabee does look like he's really thinking about running. he mentioned it about a month ago and now look at his prominent speaking spot there and look what he's doing. >> that's probably why they jumped on him. >> they're smart, he said, intelligent, in control. i think this angle that he had could make a mark when it comes to the time, if he is so to say. >> the governor is wearing hair gel. very reillyesque.
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>> so observant. >> she's not wearing hair gel, but i think there could be ai can'tnet. >> a lot of hair spray. >> we've all worked with mike huckabee. he's such a nice man and has so much respect for women. >> not to me. but to you guys. >> good man. 36 minutes after the hour. will be look at this video. nearly dozen tractor-trailers and 20 cars crashing into each other on a twisted mess of metal. this happening on i-94 near michigan city, indiana. that accident leaving three people dead and 20 others were hurt. complete whiteout conditions in that area and ice on the highway are said to be blamed for that serious crash. turns out even tiny trains can cause some big damage. take a look at this. that's a little miniature train at the zoo in houston and it crashed into a car that was parked on the tracks.
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it hit the car so hard, it nearly flipped it overment no one was hurt. and listen to this one. a lot of folks got a lawn, right? well, you could get in trouble if your lawn isn't green enough. there is a homeowners association in california that says green grass only. so it's fining its residents up to $200 if their yard has too much brown grass. the problem is homeowners say they're letting their grass go on purpose because the state is in the middle of a huge drought and don't want to waste the water. there are a lot of places you get fined if you use water on your lawn if you're in a drought. john boehner for president? listen to this. >> i like to play golf. i like to cut my own grass. i do drink red wine. i smoke cigarettes. i'm not giving that up to be president of the united states. >> the speaker making his first appearance on the "tonight show." he says he learned all the skills he needed for his job growing up with 11 brothers and
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sisters. and that is your lawn edition of the news. >> i hired lawn doctor. i got the greenest lawn in the county. >> you'd be safe. safe from fines there. >> thank you very much, heather. >> a lot of icy covering on the sidewalks. maria molina has the latest on our weather. >> good morning. we're still looking at another frigid morning here across the northeast. currently 9 degrees in new york city. and typically you think of areas in the south as not experiencing an arctic blast of cold air, even during the winter months. take a look at liberty, mississippi. this is a picture that one of our viewers sent us. randy watts from or twitter account, and mine is at fox maria molina, so please tweet your pictures if you live across any of the states being impacted by winter weather today. this is a picture of snow on the ground in the southwestern part of the state of mississippi. so yes, we are seeing some snow out here. we do have winter weather advisories across parts of louisiana, texas, houston,
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you're under a winter storm warning this morning because you're dealing with areas of freezing rain moving through. so please be careful on the roadways. keep in mind they could be slippery. otherwise a quick look at those current windchill temperatures. kansas city, feels like 1 below zero. chicago, 20 below zero. and denver and parts of new mexico, you're looking at windchills currently in the teens. bundle up. let's head back inside. >> let's talk super bowl and let's talk about the post game tirade that sparked controversy across the country. >> i'm the best one in the game! that's the result you're gonna get! >> a billboard of richard sherman adding fuel to the fire. this sign near tacoma shows the nfl star and the words he used. zero class underneath it. behind the ad? 49ers fan. they used it to raise money that the seattle children's hospital. some fans say that goes too far. >> considering the fact it's one specific moment and put zero
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class, i think that's where they cross the line and i just don't see that as being okay. >> it's all good. it's all good. we're still going to take a picture and have fun. we're still going to support the seahawks to the fullest. >> and by the way, there is not a single seahawk with super bowl experience, but they'll be great. at first the billboard owner took defense, but he took it down. the post game rant might have sparked controversy, but also got an adorable parody to be launched. >> don't you ever talk about me! >> don't you ever talk about me! >> who is talking about you? >> who is talking about you? >> who is talking about you? >> crabtree! >> crabtree! >> crabtree! >> crabtree! >> crabtree! >> don't you ever open your mouth! >> makes the whole thing seem kind of childish. he will be one of the top stories of the week when they finally get to town, i believe on sunday night. >> credit to those kids. they had it down. >> between those kids and the kids singing the songs from
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"frozen," it's the kids' edition of "fox & friends." >> the problem with this job is we're too old for this job. >> we have them at our home. it just hit theaters and cruising its way to the top. but is "ride along" worth your money? kevin mccarthy here to tell you. >> then a man and his tractor plunge through thin ice. how he got out of that one alive. >> but first it's time for your trivia question of the day. born on this day in 1974, this actor played the role of andy bernard in "the office." who is he? be the first with the correct answer. should be fun. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is george.
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the day building a play set begins with a surprisewinge of back pain... and a choice. take up to 4 advil in a day or 2 aleve for all day relief. [ male announcer ] that's handy. ♪ [ male announcer ] that's handy. progress-oh! [ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on woman: welcome tning buddy. spanish in the car.c on. passenger:ou've got to be kiddinme. driver: this is go. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdilean diesel.. the volkswagen passat. recipient ofhe j.d. power appeal award, two years in a row.
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(announcer) scottrade knows our and invest their own way. with scottrade's smart text, i can quickly understand my charts, and spend more time trading. their quick trade bar lets my account follow me online so i can react in real-time. plus, my local scottrade office is there to help. because they know i don't trade like everybody. i trade like me. i'm with scottrade. (announcer) ranked highest in investor satisfaction with self-directed services by j.d. power and associates. which 4g lte map has the most coverage? this isn't real difficult... pretty obvious to me. i'm going to have to verizon. verin. that's right! the choi is obvious. verizon's superfast 4g lte network is over three times larger than any other 4g lteetwork. now get one, two, or even three-hundred dollars off a new smartphone depending on the smartphone you trade in on america's largest, most reliable 4g lte network. that's powerful. verizon. now get a free lg g2,
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quick headlines. check out this awesome video that shows lava spewing out of one of the most active volcanos in the world in hawaii. the lava at one point rising to 32 feet. this is the first eruption in nearly five years. a terrifying story out of new york. a tractor falling through an icy lake. temperatures were in the teens when it was removing snow and it plunged through the ice and into the water. the driver escaped before it slipped below the surface. they're still looking for an explanation. "right along" made its debut at the box office and driving in big records. >> i hear it's fantastic. is it really a must see? >> let's talk to this guy, he joins us on this friday as he does every friday. fox news contributor kevin
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mccarthy. take us for a ride on "ride along." >> good morning. thank you for having me on. it was the number one movie in the box office last week and the number one movie in america right now, made $48.6 million, making it the highest debut for a film ever released in january. surpassing "clover field" in 2008. obviously ticket prices have gone up since then, but it did very, very well. i sat down with ice kevin heart to talk about a very funny sequence in the film why kevin heart goes to a shooting range and gets blown back by a shotgun blast. and i want to know how did you shoot that sequence. check this out. >> i had a good stunt guy in this movie. what they did was shot me and i did a reaction of going backwards, but they remain strapped this guy up and yanked him through like through this wall where he hit hard. so like what you saw is really what happened. you just see me in the box. i shot me falling back in the
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box. >> they picked it up with me in the box doing this. >> on the poster, your name is above kevin's. why is that? is that a billing thing or is it like a last name alphabetical thing? >> it's just them trying to be creative with the artwork. that's all. >> i've always wondered why -- >> you didn't notice that? >> i tripped off of it, too. i was like yeah. kind of funny. >> next time go to a movie, look at the poster. i think he was billed for it because he's ice cube, but he's awesome. the move we is cliche and predictable. but kevin heart's energy gives it a good feel. i gave it three out of five. >> do you have recommendations when it comes to oscar nods and winners? what are you thinking? >> yeah. out of the nine movies nominated for best picture, i definitely recommend "gravity" in 3d.
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"the wolf of wall street," which is not for everybody, but i do recommend seeing it. also "dallas buyer's club," matthew mcconaghey will win the academy award for best actor f. you don't want to leave, rent "captain phillips," which is an amazing film that remained me of why i'm so proud to be an american. i would check that out. and also check out "lone survivor." those are my four recommendations for the weekend. >> i tell you what, i think "gravity" is way overrated by you. >> it's great. >> brian, you saw "gravity" at a hotel room. you saw it in a hotel room! >> you got to see it on the big screen. >> big screen and 3d. >> if the screen is big i'd like it more? >> yes! it's an experience. >> it was just her. >> she's amazing in the movie. i recommend seeing it. elisabeth, you guys see "gravity." >> i did see "lone survivor" and i love that recommendation for
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the weekend. >> thanks a lot. >> thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> coming up on this friday, veterans affairs already having a hard time paying benefits on time. now there is a plan to add even more to their plate. what every veteran needs to know, the captain is reporting for duty next. but first on this date in 1935, the first canned beer went on sale. >> changed our lives. >> in 1984, apple debuted the first macintosh computer. and in 1993, whitney houston had the number one song in america -- >> i used to sing only in the shower. >> "i will always love you." ♪ ♪ packed with real juice from delicious fruits and veggies.
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welcome back. the answer to the trivia question of the day is ed helms and our winner is randy from college station, texas. you will be getting a copy of brian's new book "george washington's secret six." congratulations. steve? >> thank you very much. you know what, this sounds like a good idea, to overhaul the failing veterans affairs system, but a proposed senate bill may do more harm than good. pete hegseth is the ceo of concerned veterans of america and joins us live. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> so we remember the great big funding bill put together by murray and ryan. >> yep. >> it strips away a number of veterans benefits. and so bernie sanders, the independent from the great state of vermont, has come up with this gigantic spending bill that most service organizations are for, but you're against.
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>> that's right. so the murray-ryan deal basically decreased the amount of pension increases for the future of veterans. it tried to balance the budget on the backs of veteran, which our organization came out against very forcefully. what the bernie sanders deal does is addresses that and that's great. and it does a lot of other wonderful things. the problems it piles on $30 billion of additional spending at v.a. and elsewhere and it doesn't -- a, have a plan to pay for it. b, takes from war funds to pay for it. and c, it was going to overwhelm likely the v.a. system that as we talked about many times, is already up to its neck in how do i address this? we want to work with other organizations working on this. but right now the v.a. is pretty much only for those with disability. some level of service connected to disability. this would broaden it so broad that any veteran of any time who served at any point could have access, which i'm not -- who has opposition to that? i don't. but if you flood a system with so many people that is already overwhelmed, if everyone is a
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preference, nobody is a preference. so those people who want to access it can't get it. >> and that's the problem right there, because we have done -- you have depicted as well over the last couple of years the trouble with the v.a. system where people who really need the service can't get it. people wait in line for years and then if you flood the system with millions of more people, the people who really need right now can't get it. >> that is exactly right. and that's why it looks weird for a veterans organization like us to be opposed to a massive veteran spending bill that has a lot of great stuff in it. but if you step back and look at it, more spending doesn't equal better outcomes. more spending in this instance means more people flooding the system, like you said, that's already overwhelmed. >> what would you like them o do? >> i think there is ways to address this already. i talked o a lot of sources in the house and senate who said this may pass the senate, but on the house side, they want to take a piecemeal approach, kind of like immigration. one by one, there is a lot of problems in the veterans administration that needs to be
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addressed. we can take them on. they'll do that. so there is a lot of question about whether senate bill 1950 will make it as a package to the house. let's look at advanced funding. let's look at all the different things the v.a. needs so it's ahead of the curve without flooding it and they haven't asked for this demand. so there is a lot of ways they can get at it without doing this. >> they need to be smarter about what they're doing. >> yep. >> we can say that about a lot of stuff. thank you very much. coming up on this friday, she was busted for lying about her life story. now wendy davis supporters caught mocking her republican opponent for being in a wheelchair. we'll talk to geraldo. he's reporting for duty next. and then he's the rutgers football star paralyzed by a tackle. he's proving you can rise above the tragedy. a day in the life of eric la grande coming up at panera bread,
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we've crafted our power bowls to help you power your day. start with protein-packed egg whites and savory roasted turkey for breakfast. or power up your lunch with antibiotic-free chicken and our flavorful cilantro jalapeno hummus. power bowls from panera bread - power up today. with real protein. [ female nouncer ] ditch e diet and go on a try-it. just try onef 70 yummy lean csine dishes for 10 days. packed with 13 grams of real protein. it will keep you satisfied and feeling great. i'm trying this too. and maybe this. nope. not trying that.
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to support healthy eyes and packed with key nutrients to support your heart and brain, too. centrum silver. for the most amazing parts of you. good morning. it's friday, january 24, 2014. days after she was busted for lying about her life story, wendy davis supporters caught mocking her republican opponent. >> he doesn't speak very well. he doesn't have a good personality. and he's in a wheelchair. >> greg abbott's response is coming your way. and could justin bieber be waving so long, the united states of america? brand-new information about the possibility he could be deported? geraldo rivera has an opinion on this. he joins us in two minutes. and a new store selling expired food at discount prices. doctors say it's not such a bad idea. we're going to break down the foods where you're free break the rules.
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"fox & friends" final hour of the week starts now. float the pictures. >> it's time for "fox & friends" that's an optimistic rooster crow. hello. >> i'm just wondering, are there many items without expiration dates out there when you shop? >> sure. >> like jello? that's good for generation, right? >> what about a can of peas? >> i don't know. >> what is the shelf life? >> i always look at the date. >> is there a reason to put an expiration date on sour cream? >> yes. >> because then it becomes sourer. >> if there is something out there that you eat with no expiration date, you're really taking your health in the balance. >> honey has no expiration date. >> you can have it forever? >> i believe so. i'm getting word quisp the cereal lasts forever. that's great.
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that's $10 a box on amazon. >> time for some headlines. >> packages on chicken. >> beef jerky, according it geraldo. but we need second source. >> we're in trouble with the producers as always. got some news. the state department telling american athletes in russia to avoid wearing their team gear outside of the olympic village. that's because growing concerns about a terrorist attack. former governor and presidential candidate mitt romney was in charge of security during the 2002 games in salt lake city. so what would he do about the olympic games in russia? he talked about that moments ago. listen. >> the answer is yes. i believe the games will be safe. that doesn't mean there is 100% guarantee anywhere in the world today. but this is, after all, a dangerous corner of the world. the specific threats that have been leveled suggest this is going to be an area that could be targeted and therefore, there is a degree of risk associated with frankly a life today in a
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world where terrorism exist. >> the russians are promising a heavy police presence in the area. a judge could decide if a pregnant woman in texas could be taken off life support. she was declared brain dead in november and her husband says that she was always clear that she did not want to be kept on life support. so he is now suing to take her off life support even though she's 22 weeks pregnant. texas law says you can't do this to a pregnant woman, though. an attorney for the family says that tests show that the baby was deprived of oxygen and is not developing properly. we'll watch this story carefully for you. this video unbelievable. cars are still being cleared from a missive pileup in indiana. nearly a dozen tractor-trailers and 20 cars all crashing into one another. look at that twisted mess of metal. it happened on i-94 near michigan city, indiana. that accident leaving three people dead, 20 others were hurt. there were whiteout conditions and ice on that highway.
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president obama insists pot is no more dangerous than alcohol, but now there is an alarming new study that says that the president got it completely wrong. the study was conducted by the school of medicine at mount sinai in new york and it finds smoking pot changes a teen-ager's dna and when those teen-agers grow up to have children of their own, those children are more likely to become addicted to drugs. the former director of the white house office of drug control policy, drug czar, joined us earlier on "fox & friends" and weighed in. listen to this. >> it's just so irresponsible, he's not talking to his own health exper talking to the peoe who know drug policy. he's sitting by himself and living in the past. he's got to wise up and stop being stupid. >> according to the cdc, it's 23% of high schoolers say they have recently smoked pot. those are your headlines. good morning, geraldo. >> hi. >> we just heard from the -- >> i got a little buzz on right now (from the coffee.
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>> reporter: the former drug czar to george w. bush said that the president of the united states, regarding pot, needs to wise up. stop being stupid about it. >> i think the drug czar is living in the neanderthal period. it is exactly his philosophy that caused us to spend atrial and a half dollars on the failed war on drugs. as i talk about marijuana legalization and the end of marijuana prohibition, it crosses all ideological lines, liberals and conservatives, with the exception of bill o'reilly, i don't know anyone who has never tried pot. and no one wants teen-agers to smoke pot. no one wants teen-agers to drink booze either. i think that in my view, marijuana and alcohol are equal perils. >> gateway drugs? >> if alcohol is, i think, brian, the key is if you're a teen-ager and you're getting stoned, you are going to get stupid and you are much more likely and it really is behavioral more than physiological, i think, to do other drugs. i think there is no doubt about
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that. if you wade into your young adulthood and early 20s, i don't see it as being any more damaging than alcohol or cigarettes. >> now the science shows that it affects your i.q. and it impacted your genes. >> no doubt, but it's ball when you start. if you start as a kid, in my view, and in my life experience, my vast long life experience, that has been the way it shook out. if you start smoking pot when you were 15, 16, 17 years old, you're really going to be disadvantaged when it comes to college and life. if you start smoking pot in young adulthood, 21, 22, like that, you'll be fine. you can control it in most cases unless you have a very addictive personality. >> i think those are concerned about the availability and then the frequency of when it comes to use. >> those are all fair arguments and i think what has to be hashed out is things like dui,
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driving and so forth. the law is just evolving, but the train has left the station. cheech and chong have won. >> all right. it all started because our president talked about how much pot he smoked and equated it to booze. >> i'd be curious when he started, at what age did barak obama start? >> he'll tell you. >> i hope o'reilley does ask him. >> we've been talking about wendy davis. now we know that she has made up part of her life story. it seemed like a fairy tale. apparently part of it was. she also said my opponent hasn't walked a day in my shoes. he's in a heel chair. and now we've got a sound bite from o'keefe's project veritas where her supporters are mocking greg abbott who is in a wheel their. >> i really wonder how this is going to work out 'cause he's in a wheelchair. most of the slogans are stand
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with women. >> subconscious now. from a psychological point. >> he's in a wheelchair, but he has no sympathy for anyone. >> he may have a personality disorder. first of all, not good looking. he doesn't speak very well. he doesn't have a good personality. and he's in a wheelchair. >> i think those are snotty, arrogant, absolutely offensive. she was right to disavow them. i know general abbott, he's a very strong attorney general, he's going to make a powerful candidate for governor and to disparage him because of his handicap, he's the most handy capable person i know. as to wendy davis' inflating her resume, though, i have to say this very clearly, politicians have been inflating their resumes since george washington and the silver dollar across the
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potomac river. the river is a mile wide. he didn't really throw the coin across the river. whatever it was. winston churchill didn't get f's in grade school. he was a pretty good student. people tend to exaggerate. war service, blumenthal, the senator from connecticut talked about his war service in vietnam and he was never a combat soldier. >> they almost destroyed his candidacy. >> i think we should judge people by the extent they do inflate. but i also have to add, it is no small feat for her to go from texas christian to go through harvard law school, to graduate harvard law school with the young children, all be it she was being supported by the men in her life. still quite an achievement. >> i agree, but why overstate it? if you have this gold nugget? >> because you want to be bigger than life. i've come so far, like people accuse me in my early days, oh, you know, he didn't come from harlem. he didn't come from poverty. his family was a working class
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family. you know, so there is this impulse to just say i've overcome everything. i fought grizzly bears. i lived in a log cabin and i had no cold water. i was beaten. >> wasn't in a gang. >> elisabeth hasselbeck -- >> greg abbott did respond with melon kelly last night. listen to what he had to say. >> megyn, denigrading the disabled is unworthy of texas. the reality is texans look far beyond superficial appearances. what texans really look at is depth of character. megyn, there is a reason why i have been elected statewide in texas five different times. that's because texans know i have the qualities and depth of character to represent their families and their values. >> class act. >> i like the guy. i like the guy. it's going to be an interesting race. he's still a favorite by far in
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the state where they haven't elected a democrat statewide in an awful long time. since ann richards. >> she was a long shot. just got a little longer. >> can i just say one thing about justin bieber? i have to say one quick thing, justin bieber will not be deported because he has not committed a serious felony. the question in justin bieber's case is, what the hell was his father doing there watching him get totally stoned? >> father of the year. >> father of the year. and i was one of the character witnesses for john lennon when he was being deported because of an old drug charge. so i understand the peril that he is facing. but if they don't escalate the charges against him or if he's not charged with a felony in connection with the egg throwing incident, justin bieber should be fined. but i think the real danger is he's so entitled now and so spoiled that he's going to do something that is truly self-destructive. it's inevitable. >> it looks like it. >> drinking, expired license. >> all that. >> sorry about your bentley.
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>> wowgate. >> they didn't plow the republican neighborhoods in manhattan. >> good start, mr. mayor. >> straight ahead on this friday, a new scandal at the irs. the agency once again targeting conservatives? wasn't that supposed to stop? >> plus our education system going to pot. we're going to tell but a class teaching kids how to grow it. >> no word yet whether justin will be charged with a felony or mr. bieber. that is pending. but he did admit to police that he drank alcohol, smoked pot and took prescription drugs that night. which i think -- that may just have been his way of announcing he's running for mayor of toronto. ♪ ♪ oh! progress-oh!
5:13 am
[ female announcer ] with 40 delicious progresso soups at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft, meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smilfood and snacks.
5:15 am
i took medicine but i still have symptoms. [ sneeze ] [ male announcer ] truth is not all flu products treat all your symptoms. what? [ male announcer ] alkseltzer plus severe cold and flu speeds relief to these eight symptoms. [ breath of relief ] thanks. [ male announcer ] you're welcome. ready? go.
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it looks like the irs is up to their old tricks again. the scandal-plagued agency now accused of targeting some of hollywood's biggest conservative, members of a group called friends of abe. could it be a plan to silence some of the president's biggest critics? we are joined now by fox news legal analyst peter johnson, jr. it sounds like what we discovered was happening out in the midwest a couple of months ago. >> irs number two, big, big surprise, kelsey grammar, jon voigt, gary sinise, an organization called friends of abe, 1500 hollywood conservatives who have gotten together now and say, we want to start a charity. we want to start a a 01 c 3 and we need the federal government's permission through the irs. so the irs is saying now no, we
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need your list of members. we need access to your password protected web site, and these needs are never asked of any other organization in the united states that wants to form a 501 c 3. they say they want to engage in good fellowship. not partisan political activity and it's being held up right now. >> it looks like they're following all the rules to try to set this group up. why would they crack down on them? >> i think there is an effort in this country to demonize conservatives. i think when you see the president give an interview to the new yorker where he talks about fox news and rush limbaugh, and he does it every time his popularity plunges. his popularity is at an all-time low. obamacare is an all-time low. so you engage in scapegoating. engage in demonizing. you engage in vilification of the other side, people that are making statements that you might not hear at other media outlets.
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so the question that i ask, have we got a new black list era? is this a new era in which conservatives and middle of the road people have to be afraid for their livelihood? the irs saying okay, we'll look at your group. we know you want to do good things or at least you say you do. but we know you've also met with conservative politicians in the past, like john boehner and john mccain and then you've stood up at rallies with mitt romney and john mccain and sarah palin. so what are your real motives? is it charity or is it attacking the white house? so the irs is going to look hard at that and conservatives and liberals of good conscious who respect the constitution will look at it, too. is this a new era of mccarthyism? has conservatism become the new communism of the 50s? will those people be black listed and will they not be able to engage in the charitable activities that they want to engage in because of a government partisan leanings and
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their desire to shut them down? i hope that's not true. but we're going to see what the irs does going forward. >> all great points. we've had conservatives on this show who have said to us, not on television, but they go, when i came out and i started talking about this candidate, hollywood turned their back on me. >> gary sinise is one of those charitable men, not only in hollywood, but in this country and throughout the city, for our wounded warriors, for firefighters. he's a patriot and an american. if he wants to give money to an organization, the irs shouldn't stop him. >> right. if they're going to crack down on one side, they certainly should crack down on the other. it seems like another double standard. peter johnson, jr., thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> you, too. what do you think about that? e-mail us. coming up, 20 minutes after the hour. it's the museum created to honor the victims of september 11. you're going to have to fork over over 20 bucks if you want to go inside. the reason why? not good. paralyzed by a tackle, but he's proving he can rise above
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tragedy. a day in the life of eric la grande coming up. ♪ ♪ [ male annouer ] the person who said, "if you love something, set it free" probably wasn't talking about dollars. pretty much everybody wants to keep those. ♪ most car insurance companies know this -- because they keep yellinabout it. onlyhey don't say how they're saving those dollars. ♪
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but esuran was born online, raised by chnology, and majo in efficiency. when they save, u save. so you can keep your dollars. esurance. backed by allstate. click or call. which 4g lte map has the most coverage? this isn't real difficult... pretty obvious to me. i'm going to have to verizon. verin. that's right! the choi is obvious. verizon's superfast 4g lte network is over three times larger than any other 4g lteetwork. now get one, two, or even three-hundred dollars off a new smartphone depending on the smartphone you trade in on america's largest, most reliable 4g lte network. that's powerful. verizon. now get a free lg g2, with a 13-megapixel camera. [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat? campbell's healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. [ m'm... ] great taste. [ tapping ] sounds good. campbell's healthy request. m'm! m'm! good.® my feet felt so heavy at the they used to get really tired. campbell's healthy request.
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welcome back. time for quick headlines. the director of "obama's america," will be arraigned in federal court. he is accused of directing 20 grand in campaign contributions to a senate candidate in 2012. his lawyer says there is absolutely no corruption. and potential pot growers. first pot university in california. oaksterdam, teaching the ins and
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outs of the pot industry. now there is a waiting list as people from all over the country try to get in. millions of people watch as rutgers university football star eric la grande made his last tackle three years ago that left him paralyzed. >> he has shown he can rise above the tragedy. and anna kooiman has the story. >> i got a chance to hang out with him and see what a day in the life has been like for him. he's really inspiring everybody to believe in themselves and i want you to take a look at this. >> a harness secured to the ceiling. after a lift, and the assistance of four people, eric la grande puts one foot in front of the other. how does it feel? >> i always explain like it feels like i'm walking in space. >> reporter: during a college football game on october 16,
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2010, the defensive tackle from rutgers university took down a west point player and never got up. >> it was the scariest moment of my life. >> the hardest day. waiting. i didn't pray for him to be able to come off the table and walk again. i just prayed for him to be able to come through that surgery. >> the collision left him paralyzed from the neck down. >> he has this machine that was breathing for him and he said to me, how are you doing? i'm like -- that was the first thing he said. then after i told eric, i'm doing well, you're going to be okay. you're going to get through this. then he says to me, i'll be back. real matter of factually. >> takes me about 2, 2 1/2 hours to get ready in the morning. my nurses come in. they get me washed and dressed. make me presentable for the day. so it's a long process. i'm not the smallest of people. >> how has your life changed? >> taking care of him. i didn't think that at this age i'd be taking care of him again.
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but i am. whatever we need to do. >> he's swapped out football drills and teammates for three-hour rehab sessions and therapists. >> probably the biggest thing i've seen is his ability to maintain sitting so well for his level of injury. >> really? >> push. good! >> i thought you said he was your best friend. >> they push me around a little bit. >> it's important that you're making it as natural as possible. >> eric spent five days a week rehabbing here at kessler institute, the same place where christopher reeve came and inspired by his foundation's efforts to raise funding for paralysis research, eric started his own, team la grande of the although in a chair, he gives inspiring speeches as he tours the country. >> this could happen to anybody. you could be driving down the street one day and get in a car
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accident. i want people to realize that it takes the funding for the research and doing clinical trials to see what works in order to find a cure. >> reporter: he expands his reach by collaborating with big companies like subway. >> one day i believe i'm going to walk again. >> eric was a very strong-willed little boy. he was stubborn. he didn't really like the word no. >> although he may not be able to work out with the team, he'll always be part of it. rutgers retired his number 52 jersey and he's also a voice for rutgers radio. >> i do pregame and post shows. >> he's glued to his smart phone. >> see ma what people are saying. >> state of the art technology outfits his childhood home. >> it activates the door. >> oh, wow. >> ladies first, huh?
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>> yep. >> thank you. >> what is that? >> that means fight through adversity. this is my listening system. as you can see, it's on the wall and slides on the rack all the way to here and then you turn it. i can go to the bathroom, i go that way. when i need to get my chair, i get my chair out of my man cave. >> believe is eric's motto. you believe you will walk again. >> 100% i believe that they're going to find a cure for paralysis and all the five or 6 million people dealing with the same type of situation i'm going through, we'll be up on our feet and back to our normal lives. >> yeah. so you saw there, he broke his c 3 and c 4 vertebrae. that's why he's paralyzed from the neck down. but he has made progress. able to sit on his own now. he's covered by three sets of insurance from rutgers, for the ncaa, their catastrophic injury and from his mother's insurance. but team la grande not only raises awareness about finding a cure for paralysis, but helps families in similar situations
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work through it. tamale grand information about them is on our web site. what an inspiring guy, huh? >> and the first thing he says to his mother is, how are you doing, mom? >> yeah. how are you doing? and he's certainly cares about everybody else even more than himself. he's jovial and a really cool guy. just finished his degree at rutgers as well. hopes to do the sports broadcasting thing. as a fallback, he has a degree in labor relations. >> great report. >> great optimism. >> thank you. coming up, it's the controversial comment governor cuomo has said conservatives had no place in the state of new york. this morning cardinal dolan firing back. >> he's paying a price for that. then take a look at this. the latest technology to stop terrorists in their track. but do you want this flying over your news is this an invasion of privacy? we'll have both sides to debate.
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you ever think of running for president? >> no. >> no? you want to show what you did when i asked you that question before? you want to show them what you told me? >> i like to play golf. i like to cut my own grass. i do drink red wine. i smoke cigarettes and i'm not giving that up to be president of the united states. >> right. >> speaker of the house john boehner making his first appearance on the "tonight show" last night, squashing any rumors of a possible presidential bid. he says learned all the skills needed for his job growing up with 11 brothers and sisters. if you can get along in that house, you can get along in congress. >> but the thing is, you can still golf and be president. so it's just the red wine and cigarettes would be the issue. >> possibly those things. >> we'll see if he gets anything going. i was stunned when i heard about governor cuomo's comments over on the radio station and i'll paraphrase. he says essentially for those people who are pro-gun, pro-assault weapon -- >> extreme conservative. >> pro-life, they can go to some other state.
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those extreme conservatives, just go somewhere else. people like sean hannity, extremely upset that maybe i will go somewhere else. i'm going to go to texas. maybe florida. what kind of statement is that? i don't understand how he could benefit from that. it wasn't like he lost his temper and just -- or has apologized since. among those sounding off, actually upset by this, cardinal dolan. >> bill de blasio, he came in and said he doubled down and he said he was 100% behind cuomo's comments about conservatives having no place here. take a listen to this. >> i agree with governor cuomo's remarks. governor cuomo is right. i believe i'm on firm ground when saying people in new york state and new york city reject the extremist views against woman's right to choose in favor of the proliferation of guns in our saturday and i stand by that 100%. >> that not surprising. he's a big lefty. but when you look at governor
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cuomo's comment where he said extreme conservatives who are right to life, got no place here. you know when an extreme conservative, who is right to life? the cardinal of new york city and new york archdiocese, cardinal dolan. he was on the radio yesterday, the satellite radio, sirius. does he not appreciate what the governor of his state said. >> most unfortunate at best inflammatory and outrageous at worst. the extremists are really on the other side. the extremists are those who want to radically expand abortion, are not happy with the way things are, resist the constitutionally legal restraints that have been reasonably placed upon abortion. >> there you got the cardinal speaking on sirius on wednesday. >> yeah. cuomo going to come out and further explain this? >> if he's smart, he won't say
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anything more about it and the mainstream media won't bring it up. >> i think he'll have a lot of trouble if he's going to run for president because you need other people besides left leaning people to support you. i think you need more than just the left if you want to win the state again. >> shocking that de blasio would double down on that, especially since he's been having a lot of trouble with the perception of how he dealt with the snow in new york city as well. so maybe he's covering one controversy with another. >> plowgate, as geraldo referred to it. meanwhile, 23 minutes before the top of the hour. heather nauert. >> practicing catholics, evangelicals, orthodox jew, a lot of people are extremists are not welcome. a lot of folks in new yorks. thanks. got some headlines for you. he is the guy who inspired the movie ""goodfellows". >> better than citibank. nice. nice. >> finally coming back to him 35
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years later, five bonono mobsters are under arrest. one of them mob boss vincent asaro. he is the mastermind of the whole thing. jimmy burke died in prison. earlier on "fox & friends," someone who knew all the players and almost took part in the heist that took $6 million off the lufthansa plane in 1978 had this to say. >> i'm sure that jimmy burke took care of all the participants. of course, what he left was evidence that became dna driven. so i mean, there is no doubt that the f.b.i. is going to get a conviction here. >> prosecutors say they have rock solid evidence against the suspects, including secret recording. after years and years of delay, the 9-11 museum is set to open later this year and if you want to go to the museum, you're going to have to pay $24 for each ticket. it turns out the museum doesn't have enough money to pay the
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estimated $60 million in bills to operate the place each year. new york's mayor is pushing for federal help. but it hasn't come through yet. many say the plans for the memorial were just too big from the start. families of 9-11 victims will get free admission. what kind of school is this? bible banned, but booze is in the lesson plan. there is a mom in michigan who is really frustrated with her kids' school. they didn't tell her -- they told her son not to bring his bible to class, but in the meantime, her daughter was given school work about booze and sex and that was okay? >> why would daddy drinking wine make a mommy happy? and i dropped my spoon and i was like what? wine does not make my husband smile. >> oh, my gosh. the school superintendent apologized for this worksheet and reversed the ban on the
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bible. wow. have you seen this video on-line, kids singing to "frozen"? ♪ ♪ clayton, listen to this one, he's in the studio, complain being this music. disney is listening to the kids who liked this. they are now doing karaoke type thing on their screen. the lyrics will be on the bottom of the screen starting next week in theaters. those are your headlines. clayton, i think you'll have to go back with your kid. come on, you can sing it. part pooper. >> thank you very much. coming up, it looks like something out of a movie, but this blimp is very real.
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the army set to fly them here in this country. are you ready to sacrifice your >> here comes baltimore. then a new store selling expired food cheap. but is it safe? what about food in your fridge? how long does that stuff last? we finally have the answers to those questions. right now let's talk to that voice we heard earlier, clayton with a preview of the weekend. >> my kids yell the elsa song. let it go. stop it. coming up on the weekend show on "fox & friends," what a teen saw a little boy fall through the ice, he raced to the rescue. how did he do it? the boy scouts taught him. that hero will join us live. if you don't snooze, you lose. speaking of how bad lack of sleep is for you. we're going to have a sleep expert on to show us exactly white powdery substance after just one -- what happens after just one night of poor sleep. "fox & friends" weekend. join us play close. good and close.
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help keep teeth clean and breath fresh with beneful healthy smile snacks. with soft, meaty centers and teeth cleaning texture's dental that tastes so good. beneful healthy smilfood and snacks. afghanistan, in 2009. orbiting the moon in 1971. [ male announcer ] once it's earned, usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protecon. and because usaa'commitment to serve current and former military members andheir families is without equal. begin your legacy. get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve. [ male announcer ] to truck guys, the truck is everything. and when you put them in charge of making an unbeable truck, good things happen. this is the ram 1500.
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in a clinical trial, pradaxa® (dabigatran etexilate mesylate)... ...was proven superior to warfarin at reducing the risk of stroke. and unlike warfarin, with no regular blood tests or dietary restrictions. hey thanks for calling my doctor. sure. pradaxa is not for people with artificial heart valves. don't stop taking pradaxa without talking to your doctor. stopping increases your risk of stroke. ask your doctor if you need to stop pradaxa before surgery or a medical or dental procedure. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding or have had a heart valve replaced. seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition or stomach ulcer, take aspirin, nsaids, or blood thinners... ...or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines. tell your doctors about all medicines you take. pradaxa side effects include indigestion, stomach pain, upset, or burning. if you or someone you love has afib not caused by a heart valve problem... ...ask your doctor about reducing the risk of stroke with pradaxa.
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we've got quick headlines for you. the nutrition labels on food packages may soon become easier to understand because the f.d.a. says 20-year-old labels need a makeover. possible changes, more focus on calorie counting and serving size. guidelines have been sent to the white house. so stand by. and launching two new flavors. cookie dough and marshmallow crispy. delicious. both hit the store shelves february 3. the cookies will be available only for two months. so you got to stock up. elisabeth? >> with billions of dollars of food wasted every year, a new grocery store will soon set up shop in massachusetts and sell expired food. is it really safe to eat or drink products past their sell by date? we're going to ask dr. debbie from the nyu school of medicine
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exactly that. good morning. >> nice to see you. >> so this is obviously bringing up a lot of questions in terms of what these dates mean. we have some food here typically bought by a ton of families. let's go through each one and see what the date means for it. how long we can keep it. >> so just as background, the f.d.a. doesn't require labels for expiration dates. they require nutrition facts. things like this, this information will tell you how safe the food is. in terms of how long it can last, for example, eggs, the sell by date or best by date tells you how long the manufacturer wants this on the shelf, for example. >> so the use by date, say this says one date, you bring it home on that use by date. how much beyond that date can you keep it? >> for eggs, they can stay the term in quality for a week. it mass to do with the freshness and taste. >> milk? >> that can last a week after
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the sell by date. so it's longer than you might expect. >> okay. >> for bread, the sell by date varies because bread can get hard if you leave it outside for a long time. but it doesn't necessarily get moldy. so you really want to inspect it and make sure that it's all right. >> you can freeze it and it will last longer? >> exactly. like wedding cake that people put in the freezer. >> meat? i know there is a difference between poultry and the red meat. correct? >> yeah. so poultry can last one to two days. cook it or freeze it. if you freeze it, it can last longer. >> the best by date plus two days? >> yes. >> if you freeze, it can last longer. >> the beef is three to five days after that sell by or best by date. so the important thing to remember about the sell by and best by is it's not the expiration date for how long the food is good for. it's just how long the manufacturer wants it on the shelf or the consumer should have it at their house before they actually start to use it. >> because possibly the taste changes. is that the case with soda and pops and beer? >> yeah. exactly. the soda doesn't really have an
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expiration date. it's unclear what the date means. soda will start to taste differently after a little while. but that's because the additive additives, diet sodas will break down. it's not that it's bad, but it changes in taste. the same thing can happen with beer. you have a lot of different colored bottles and the reason that matters is clear bottles, the sunlight gets through better and so what happens is it starts fermenting again so activate the bacteria that creates the beer in the first place. in dark bottle, they can last for a little longer. >> gosh, thank you. so helpful to know this. now we mow what we can keep. use your five senses for sure. coming up, it looks like something out of a movie, but this blimp, oh, it's very real. the army set to fly them here in this country. are you ready to sacrifice your privacy for national security? but first we're going to check in with martha for what's coming up at the top of the hour. >> hey, good morning to you. the president says that he could have accomplished more so far if
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it weren't for fox news and rush limbaugh. so what does charles krauthammer say about that? and the executive editor of the "new york times" is complaining that the white house is the most secretive administration that she has ever covered. new polls reveal who americans really think is to blame for what happened in benghazi. bill and i will see you right here at the top of the hour and savory roasted turkey for breakfast. or power up your lunch with antibiotic-free chicken and our flavorful cilantro jalapeno hummus. power bowls from panera bread - power up today. and our giant idaho potato truck is still missing. so my dog and i we're going to go find it.
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have you ever seen this incredible new technology from the u.s. military that can track terrorists and maybe find them while they walk? >> allowing war fighters to simultaneously detect and engage threats in 360 degrees, including ground targets. these skimming antiship cruise missile, unmanned aircraft, and
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surface moving targets like swarming books from up to 550-kilometers away. >> those blimps not only for use in war time, now the military wants to test them over neighborhoods, possibly like yours. they're coming to maryland this year. are you okay with that whether you're in maryland? are you okay with that if it comes to your state? joining us is former homeland security advisor for new york state and democratic strategist ebony williams. first off, michael, you don't have a problem with this, i hear? >> you have a satellite now. the entire globe is basically mapped out and you can pick up images with incredible resolution from satellites, in addition to news cameras, all within helicopters, you can go to radio shack and get a helicopter and put a camera on it and you can fly all over the place, under 400 feet, the faa says nothing about it. drones are coming. this is another evolution of the surveillance. >> it's a more sophistication. ebony williams, you're concerned
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about the fourth amendment. >> i am, brian. i'm very concerned about those exact protections that is designed to protect against, which is unreasonable searches and seizures. i appreciate as much as anyone the protection this surveillance can provide and we have documented answers where this has been helpful. but this is a slippery slope. we can not allow for this type of surveillance to have free rein of the it has to be a specific, reasonable suspicion that is involved here, otherwise we all kind of become suspects. >> yeah. michael, were you looking at some type of compromise where we have a mini a stat of fisa court where we have to have permission to go over somebody's house? >> the key to all this is that the concept of security and privacy should not be mutually exclusive concepts. we have to put in controls. but here is the problem, how do you regulate one aspect of a type of surveillance? this has been referred to as persistent surveillance and that has in and of itself been seen as another level that we should be concerned about. the question is, how would you regulate that? what would you say?
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you can't have this type of thing? you can't have it expand too far? what would be the regulations? >> ebony, as you weigh in, take a look at this. this is how far this thing would track when it gets deployed in maryland, as far south as north carolina, as for north as boston and west as lake erie. this is a powerful piece of technology. real quick? >> exactly. that's an expansive scope. so that to his point, you definitely want to narrow that scope and make sure this is aznar rowly -- as narrowly powered as possible so we can be aware of that impact. >> michael, would this have helped new new york? >> i think it would. all of the information you can get in terms of the main awareness, knowing what's going on, be able to perhaps understand the threats. remember, this is going over maryland, so i'm pretty sure what this is designed to do is protect washington and the white house. and when you talk about the threats from a military perspective, you can see the
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justification. >> if you see that plane, remember 9-11. if you saw that it was heading for the pentagon, would there be anything in place to stop it, especially if you had a heads up rather than an aftermath report? interesting debate. i don't believe that either one of you are wrong and nobody could be 100% right. it needs to be talked about. thanks so much. >> thank you. back to wrap up the entire week and reflect back on what elisabeth is doing right after this. at 100 calories or less, there are plenty of reasons people are saying "progress-oh!" share your progress-oh! story on
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this isn't real difficult... pretty obvious to me. i'm going to have to verizon. verin. that's right! the choi is obvious. verizon's superfast 4g lte network is over three times larger than any other 4g lteetwork. now get one, two, or even three-hundred dollars off a new smartphone depending on the smartphone you trade in on america's largest, most reliable 4g lte network. that's powerful. verizon. now get a free lg g2, with a 13-megapixel camera.
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still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. welcome back to "fox & friends." steve doocy has a big event coming up tonight. so we created a personalized forecast for you for topeka, kansas. take a look for later today. high temperatures in the 60s. >> i'll take it! >> 30s at night for the lows. enjoy and the reason why we're doing this is because you are kansan of the year. >> it's official. they run out of people to give
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awards to. >> congratulations. >> 60 degrees. wear protection. >> okay. >> do you got some? >> not to travel in. >> congratulations, steve. >> thank you. bill: good morning, everybody. support for obamacare has hit a record low. this as a top healthcare official in the white house steps down. i'm bill hemmer. welcome to america's newsroom. martha: these are the new fox news polls. 36% of americans say they support obamacare. that's down from 40% in june. but look at the number who oppose. 59%. that's a record high for the
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