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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  January 26, 2014 10:00am-11:01am PST

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us. have a great sunday. we are going to seen to you washington right now where the news continues. have a wonderful day. >> take care. president obama is promising an optimistic message in his state of the union address tuesday night. but while top aids say the president wants to work with lawmakers, they are also warning he is prepared to do an end run around them. will the president say anything the american people want to hear? we will ask our political panel. and we're less than two weeks away from the opening of the olympic winter games in sochi as westerns about possible terror attacks grow. one congressman says ring of steel not sharing important intelligence information. we have a new report on that. gun law in california comes under fire and drives two manufacturers out of the state all together. misses its target while could give police officers much needed help.
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i'm shannon bream, america's news headquarters live from the nation's capitol starts right now. and we begin with a fox news alert on a tough story we have been following out of texas. a fort worth hospital says it will follow a judge's order to remove life support from a brain dead woman who is 22 weeks pregnant. a judge ruled friday in favor of march lease munos life support. been kept alive texas state law required the hospital to continue care because of her pregnancy. president obama says 2014 must be a quote year of action. and he has promised to work with lawmakers. some are hearing a mixed message as he and his advisors also deliver a warning to congress. is he prepared to go around them if need be. steve centanni is here with the preview of this state of the union address. >> yes, the president will focus on economic inequality. that state of the union
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address tuesday and top white house aide said today the president will work with congress where possible to achieve his goals but will also take action on his own, if necessary. >> we are working where we can with congress and acting on our own where we can't. i think the way we have to think about this year is we have divided government. no one is going to get everything they want. we can do that also the president will say to the country is he not going to wait. he has a pen and a phone he is going to use those to move the ball forward to create opportunity. >> in his speech the president will call for long-term unemployment benefits. higher minimum wage and expansion of early childhood education. the idea that he will use his pen and a phone to unilaterally impose his agenda has some republicans up in arms. >> it sounds vaguely like a threat and i think it also has a certain amount of arrogance in the sense that one of the fundamental principles of our country where the checks and balance
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is that it wasn't supposed to be easy to pass legislation. he says oh well it's hard to get congress to do anything. well, yeah. welcome to the real world. it's hard to convince people to get legislation through. it takes consensus. but that's what he needs to be doing is building consensus and not taking pen and creating law. >> white house press secretary jay carney appeared on abc reinforcing that idea that the president will act on his own saying quote the president sees this as a year are of action to work with congress where he can and to bypass congress where necessary, shannon. >> all right, steve. thank you very much. >> you bet. >> texas republican senator ted cruz, one of the president's biggest critics is publicly challenging mr. obama to use a portion of his state of the union address to plans investigators both benghazi and targeting conservatives during the last election cycle. so are those winning points for republicans or are americans tired of hearing about what some in the administration have called phony scandals? let's talk about it with syndicated columnist and fox
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news contributor call thomas. and kirsten powers, also syndicated columnist and fox news contributor. good to he see you both. >> thank you. >> all right. so we have a lot here. but let's talk a little bit about what ted cruise has thrown out there. among other things. he wants to hear where we are with the irs targeting scandal. he wants to hear where we are with benghazi. kirsten, how do you think this going to go over with the average american? do they want those answers, too? >> i actually don't think that's probably the highest priority for the average american. it doesn't mean that we shouldn't have answers to them. i would be very surprised if the president was going to include anything in the state of the union about that. that's not typically the type of thing you would even i think for president obama it would be even less likely. >> well, and cal, polls show that americans trust him less and less. over time he has been less popular personally even if folks didn't like his policies. some of these things president's promise you can keep your healthcare which millions of americans have found out are not true. he has a trust deficit. could addressing these things give a little bit of---
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>> -- you are being charitable. trust deficit is credibility catch. the faith in the nation's leaders of all stripes is at all-time low. he will be making his state of the union address at a time of the lowest ratings of his presidency. so i doubt that it's going to have very high ratings. and i doubt that he is going to be able to make any promises that he is going to be able to keep. he hasn't kept most of the ones he has made before except higher taxes and more spending, those he has kept. i do think there is serious concern. i agree with kirsten that a lot that is fast and furious doesn't resonate with most americans. i do think there is serious concern about the irs targeting of individuals, the overreach of the government with drones and investigations into private matters. and i think this is a serious problem. i think you are going to hear more executive orders. you are going to hear those evil republicans are blocking my agenda. i don't think there will be a lot new on this speech. >> on the issue of the irs, there are other news points that have come out this week
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kirsten about a private conservative group in hollywood says they're being targeted by the irs. democratic senator chuck schumer says he wants the irs to step up and do more investigation into the tea party groups and others. and you know, for a lot of folks out there risk looking like the irs is a political tool of this administration. do you think that's a legitimate criticism and would it be worthwhile for the president who was so outraged by his own speech that he gave in march of last year about the irs targeting, key benefit by saying yeah, i'm taking action and we're going to move forward? >> well, if he was actually taking action, doing something specific. but i'm not sure that anything is really happening on that front that would rise to the level of mentioning in a state of the union address. you know, i think what chuck schumer did really was sort of outside the bounds of what a member of the senate should be doing, especially in light the fact that the irs has been caught. you know, behaving badly to say the least. you know. to be egging them on to be saying political spectrum to
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the what they are doing. >> talking about income inequality. what's the number shows us has actually grown under the last, you know, few years under this administration. cal, when you broach that topic with folks and have that discussion, they will say it's still a result of what was holding over from the bush years. >> the whole income inequality thing is a bogus argument. you probably make more money than i do. i don't care how much money you make. i'm sure kirsten does. you certainly look better than i do. i'm not envious of any of that as long as i have the opportunity and i'm willing to work hard to improve my circumstances, that should be the promise of america. democratic left attitude of envy, greed and entitlement. i'm entitled to liberty and the rest suspect to me. i don't think it's going to cut it will with their core constituency but i don't think it will with the rest of the country.
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just how the economy works, 21 percent said yeah, income inequality thinks but it's not the government's business. only 13 percent said get involved with some people make more money than others. why is the president signaling that this is going to be such a huge theme for him? is it just going to the base because the majority of people sound like they understand that's just the way the world works. >> it isn't just the way the world works. this there is a lot of education the president could be doing on this. income -- concern about income inequality isn't being envious of other people. it's when you look at it over history. it has gotten greater and greater in this country since the great depression. it's about the same as it was with the great depression and then sort of went down and then it's kept going up. what we're talking about the ceo making 100 times what a worker makes versus making, you know, five times what the worker made. and so why would that suddenly have changed? why are we overvaluing certain people and under valuing people struggling
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and having a hard time. does that mean the government should fix it? not necessarily. the president is the leader of the country and i think he should talk about things that are fundamental to the stability of our society. and i think it's a veryville issue and i think it's great he is talking about it. only one pie from which all must eat. i want to give and conservatives must give people recipes to make more pies, make their own pies. there isn't just one pie. if there was and kirsten took a bigger slice than i do that might be unfair. if i give her a recipe for making her own pie, that's the ultimate in fairness. there is no guaranteed outcome. if you make 200,000 and i make 100,000 that doesn't mean you owe me auto thousand. >> if you are a worker who works for somebody who is making 100 times what you make hardly doing anything better you actually would care. >> you are reduce his income. >> that's not true. you would care if i was making 100 times what you make to sit on this panel. >> no, i wouldn't. >> that's ridiculous. >> i'm telling you i
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wouldn't. are you calling me a liar. >> why would i be so overvalued? >> my ability to make more money than how much you make it has nothing to do with it. >> yes it does. >> no it doesn't. negotiate. >> leave it there in the next commercial break these two are going to start making pies. have them back for a pie baking competition. good to see you both. >> thanks. >> we want to hear from you at home. what is the number one thing you want president obama to address in the state of the union this week. tweet us at at shannon bream. we want to hear from you. keep it clean. we will read some of your responses later on in our pie for everyone. senate minority leader mitch mcconnell showing confidence about g.o.p. hopes in the midterm elections. he told "fox news sunday" he believes it was very promising that republicans will pick up seats in the senate and possibly take the majority. he is also sounding confident about his own primary challenge against kentucky businessman evans. >> i fully intend to win my primary. is he making the argument that i'm somehow an obama enabler. i'm sure the white house is
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snickering at that and the republican voters in kentucky don't believe that for a minute. >> the latest public policy polling numbers show mcconnell leading others by a wide margin. have very powerful backing. endorsed by freedom works as well as two other tea party aligned groups. watch senator mcconnell's inner view on "fox news sunday" right after our show. see what he says about compromising with president obama. >> new information emerging today about the deadly shooting in a mall in maryland yesterday. police have identified the shooter as 19-year-old darian marcus aguilar. they say he walked into colombia mall yesterday morning with a 12 gauge shotgun and shot and killed two employees at a skateboarding shop and then killed himself. it took hours to identity theft shooter because he was carrying a backpack full of crude explosives. >> these were homemade devices, consisting of flash powder, and household items. so they're not very
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sophisticated with the help of our colleagues with the february, the state fire marshal, we are able to render those devices safe. >> there is a lot we still don't know such as the motive and whether the shooter actually personally knew the victim. brianna ben lo lo and tyler johnson. centers for disease control is launching an investigation into why more than 300 people on a royal caribbean cruiseship are very sick. officials on board the seas now to egypt where the country's leader says presidential elections will be held. setting himself up as a possible candidate. it comes as egyptian officials say at least 4 49 people killed and wounded in cairo. government protesters and security forces yesterday on the third anniversary of the egyptian revolution. interior ministry said
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roughly 1079 arrests were made. russian's ambassador says is he certain the sochi olympics will be safe. as safe as they could be anywhere in the world u.s. state department is warning plenty of caution. athletes and spectators is spooky in the words of house homeland security committee chair mike mccaul who is particularly alarmed now by recent al qaeda leadership calls for a global jihad on the olympics. within the so-called ring of steel perimeter, mccaul thinks that are unlikely. it's outside that perimeter in russia that soft targets are exposed and should be avoided but things are not dangerous enough for americans to stay totally away from sochi yet. >> we should not scare people from attending the olympics. it's a time-honored tradition. if we do not support our team and show up, i think
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the terrorists are winning. >> we learned this morning that uncertainty concerning safety in sochi is driven by a russian refusal to share intelligence they have gathered about threats. and lawmakers are now speculating about why that is. >> the russians don't want to share what they have because they are afraid that that will enable us to learn how they obtain their intelligence and will use it against them in the future. >> top russian diplomats are saying sochi will be safe. so there is no reason to be alarmed. >> i'm absolutely certain because we have to link everything that is needed in order to make sure that it's going to be safe and it will wil be as safe as any olympics that can be held currently in the world. >> the latest travel alert from the state department is warning u.s. citizens traveling to russia for the olympics to always be aware of their surroundings especially on any form of public transportation, although details about specific threats are left out. shannon? >> all right.
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thank you so much. peter. well, the russian ambassador says is he not worried about empty seats at the game. saying they have already sold 70% of the tickets mostly to russians. joining us to talk more about the potential security threats. director of advance, now security expert steve of the command consulting group. good to have you here today. >> thanks for having me. >> working and doing what you have done for the white house, you know just how specific threats can be. how you do something of this magnitude though, how do you even begin to assess the threat and get plans together as russia has been doing for years? >> they announce the winter olympics would be in sochi almost six years ago. ever since then, there has been a full effort underway by all the security agencies russian government to leverage all their capabilities to ensure the safety of the games. it really starts as any good security plan does, at the outer most perimeter for our country which would be their border. in looking at the visa issuance process, people that are entering the
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country, making sure that they have good tabs on cargo and goods entering the country to prevent dangerous things and dangerous people from entering. then as you get closer and closer to the olympic venue itself, that level of control gets tighter and tighter. so you have got seven years of planning to make sure that everything that the russian government can do is being done to prevent a negative event from happening. >> there of this, which is the russians saying i have got it. this is my problem and we have our own security capabilities and we can deal with this security issues.
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and that someone that is troubled, to some degree. still suffering from hangover from the cold war and we have got a president russian federation that's a former kgb operative. and there are certain issues in the current context in the relationship between the russian federation of the united states on national security issues. some of the most important ones to us. where there are significant areas of disagreement. so, this is happening in that context. having said that there is also plenty of areas where we have common cause. we have both been for over 10 years fighting ago war on terror. and while there are some terrorist organizations that focus on russian targets or american targets, by and large they are in a community that is co-mingled. and so we have worked very closely together to try and battle that operation. but, all the cooperation
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that's happening now is really in the context of a broader relationship. it's one that is challenged, so the american government is really focused on making sure that our athletes are protected. that our delegates is protected. to the degree we can american citizens are protected. >> we know some people are thinking twice about their travel. we know the ring of steel is there with the beefed up agents and security. so the world will be watching. thank you for lending us some of our expertise on this. appreciate your insight. >> glad to be here. >> thanks, steve. >> they are our athletes. and by their, sons, wives, daughters and husbands, how are the families of american's olympians dealing with. we are going to talk to the father of a u.s. olympic ski jumper about how you raise an olympian first of all. going to ask if is he worried about his son's safety if is he over there competing. two major gun companies say they will not sell their firearms in one state because of a new gun law there. we will tell you all about it right after the break.
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a new gun law in california is coming under fire from gun rights advocates. the law is supposed to make it possible to trace bullets
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back to the guns they were fired from. gun makers say it could actually make handguns less effective and two of the largest gun manufacturers in the country say they are not going to sell anything in the state because of this dispute. well will carr is live in los angeles to tell us more. hi, will. >> hi, shannon, saying this is a divisive issue is really putting it lightly. what it boils down to is this new law that requires the mike degree stamping technology what that means is shell casings will be imprinted with the make models and serial numbers of the guns. it means the investigators can link a bullet to the registered gun store owner but critics and gun companies have come out and they say this is really flawed technology. in fact, smith and wesson and' ruger say they are not going to comply with the new law. they are not be selling any new or redesigned guns in california. those are the guns require to be microscamped. in a statement smith and reason says a number of
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studies indicated microstamp something unreliable. serves no safety purpose. it's cost prohibitive and, most importantly, is not proven to aid in preventing or solving crimes and gun store owners say ultimately this will end up hurting gun owners in california. >> manufacturers. >> responsible firearm owners are not the problem. they are being constantly picked on because they just don't like guns in california. >> on the flip side, gun control advocates are celebrating this new law in a statement the law center to prevent gun violence says the california legislature decided to listen to law enforcement and require this common sense improvement to handguns to help bring criminals to justice in a way california may be under the microscope here because now several groups are actually challenging this law in court. some other states are actually looking at possibly implementing the microstamping technology. but they may actually wait until all the dust settles to see exactly how they want to move forward.
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shannon? >> all right. will, thank you very much. >> well, in this really cold weather, super bowl 48 is turning out to be well, not such a hot ticket. on secondary market sites, ticket prices have dropped $300. we are not talking about anything cheap. they are still hovering around 1500 bucks. seattle seahawks face off against the denver bronchos next sunday in a very chilly outdoor stadium in new jersey. another security data breach hits a major retailer. have you shopped there? we will tell you which one it is and what the retail chain is going to do about it. major flaw. the administration says could sink the entire healthcare industry. we are going to debate it with house members from both sides of the aisle next. [ tires screech ]
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new documents show the critical back end problems with could bankrupt insurance companies and jeopardized entire healthcare reform plan. congressman tom price and john are live next to discuss the issue. first, we will go to peter doocy for a check on your other headlines today. hi, peter. >> shannon, police say they have identified the man responsible for the deadly mall shooting in colombia, maryland. county's police chief says 19-year-old darian marcus aguilar showed up at a mall store with a 12 gauge shotgun and killed two people before killing himself. still, unknown though, the motive and if the shooter knew the victim. vacation isn't turning out as mr.ed for hundreds of people on a royal caribbean cruise. 300 people on board the exor of the seas have been hit with an illness with symptoms similar to the stomach flu. the cdc is investigating. one of the biggest arts and crafts companies in the u.s. may be the latest retailer to come under cyber attack.
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although it hasn't confirmed that its systems were hacked, michaels says it's screaght. the retailer says the probe started after it got reports of fraudulent activity on some customer credit cards. and if you are mailing any bills tomorrow it will cost you a little extra. as of today, a first class stamp cost 49 cents. that's a 3-cent hike. fear not, if you have forever stamps, those are still good forever. those are the top stories right now. back to you. >> that makes sense. peter, thank you very much. according to the obama administration the web site is on track and getting better every day. documents show a critical flaw that could jeopardize the entire healthcare reform plan and those are the words of the very agency responsible for the system. joining us now to discuss the issue, republican
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congressman tom price of georgia and california democrat congressman john gear mindy. gentlemen, welcome to you both. >> good morning, shannon. >> congressman, i will start with you, these are the words coming from h.h.s. itself saying these back end problems with payments and other technicalities that aren't billed into just yet they could put the entire healthcare insurance industry at risk. you are very experienced on many levels with the the insurance industry. they can cannot be happy about that news. >> well, indeed i am experienced. i was for 8 years the insurance commissioner in california. there are always problems in the new program and certainly we have seen that in and in the affordable healthcare act. the back end is really an issue of technology, the transfer of information from individuals, in this case the -- individuals to the marketplace to the insurance companies. it can and it will be worked out. it's not yet this place. it's an issue that must be dealt with. but there is some time to deal with it i don't think
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it is going to sink the whole industry because the industry, this government program is only a small small portion of the total health insurance marketplace lack of accounting platform payment system on the back end could cause inaccurate issuance of payments to health plans. could seriously put companies at risk. leading to default and disrupting continued services and coverage to consumers. you know, h.h.s. says if this isn't resolved by march, which is just a few weeksing away, this could happen. >> well, look, as a physician, can i tell you that where the rubber hits the road is with patients. and if insurance companies can't tell whether or not somebody has paid or somebody is enrolled and they aren't able to relay that information accurately to physicians and hospitals and those actually providing the care, then the problem is that the real people getting the care are going to be the ones that are going to be hurt. so insurance commissioners are one thing.
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physicians and patients john says, it isn't up yet. january 1. this is realtime stuff. unconscionable. both of you. give you a chance to react. caught up with h.h.s. secretary sebelius this week and asked about potential problems and here is what she told us in response. >> secretary, how critical is it to fix the back end of the web site by march? >> what pieces? >> back end, specifically. >> dealing with insurance company. >> we have a work around that will work just fine. and on track to have it up and running by the end of open enrollment. there is only 300 insurers in the whole country. and they have signed off on -- i mean, we will get them paid, there is no question about that.
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so, but we're on track to get that. >> congressman gather mindy, is that enough for you? there is an end run around the system according it to the secretary. >> first of all, tom raised a very very important point that has been an ongoing problem for both physicians and for patients. that is actually do you have insurance and what is your coverage? >> that is not the issue we are talking about here. what we are talking about here is the payment from the government to the insurance companies and what they have decided to do as i understand, it is to go ahead and make the payments and then through an accounting mechanism in the months and weeks ahead, do the adjustments. this is standard procedure and is not unknown within the industry. so i think it's not going to be a huge problem but it does have to be worked out and it's not going to sink the insurance companies at all. because they have figured out a way to provide the payment to the insurance companies and then go through and make adjustments
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as the additional information is known and made available to the insurance companies. >> i'm concerned about the insurance companies, no doubt. buff -- but i'm not concerned about the patients. in the government isn't paying the insurance companies. the insurance companies aren't paying the physicians and the folks providing the care. that's where it hurts real people. and that's where it is wrong. >> ask quick question. your colleague said a few weeks ago that the aca is working well it will continue to improve. he said that the g.o.p. is going to to run away in this issue in this election year because it will be working so well. what do you think? >> >> look, in his home state of california, there are 500,000 people who signed up on the california exchange for health coverage. and 900,000 people in the state have lost their coverage. the "l.a. times" again in his home state even reported that premiums are up over 30% for middle class individuals. this isn't a program that's working. this is a program that may
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be working for government. might work for insurance companies that congressman gary mindy is concerned about. not working for patients and families and physicians, the folks are providing the care for individuals in this country. that's why this program is wrong. that's why we need to it look for positive, patient centered solutions. not government centered solutions. >> all right. congressman gary mindy final quick word from you? >> not quite that way. the program isworking in california. people are getting coverage. they are getting care. and that's very very important all the way around. of course there are problems. there are problems throughout the united states. and problems in california. that's not new. these were problems that i was dealing with in the early 1990s when i was insurance commissioner and once again in the mid 2,000s when i was insurance commissioner once again. they are ongoing issues and working our way through them. some of this is new and some is very very old o. and tom is quite correct. the ultimate issue is are people going to be able to
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get the healthcare that they need. the answer in most of california is yes but not all parts of california, because the insurance companies in california do continue to red line gee graphically certain areas. that's a problem that existed over the last three or four decades, it has yet to be resolved. and we have some of the mechanisms in place to do it. of course, there are ongoing problems. and we have to continue to work for them. not just because of the aca. but because this is a part of americans' ongoing medical system. >> all right. we have got to live it there. >> good people two people losing insurance for every one that signed up. that's not a program that works. >> we'll leave it on a note of agreement that woft you agree the ultimate bottom line is making sure that people have access to healthcare and coverage that they need. >> absolutely. absolutely. >> wish you both the best of luck in finding those solutions. thank you, gentlemen. >> thank you. >> edward snowden drops another bombshell what he told german tv about u.s.
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spying. that story is next. [ doctor ] and in a inical trial versus litor,
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we are just getting reports on the wires now. this coming from reuters that the texas hospital where a pregnant brain-dead woman has been on life support, the reports are from reuters that the texas hospital has removed that woman from life support, that's according to the family lawyer. according to reuters. remember this case the woman was found unconscious by her
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husband last november. the texas hospital has been keeping her alive because she was pregnant. now just about 22 weeks pregnant. her family has wanted her removed from life support during this whole time. a judge ordered that and now it looks like a texas hospital, at least according to reuters citing a family lawyer is honoring that request and removing this woman from life support. keep you updated as we get more on the case. well, a brand new bombshell from nsa leaker edward snowden. snowden says the nsa doesn't limit spying to national security. but also targets foreign businesses as well. this is what he said, quote: there is no question that the u.s. is engaged in economic spying. if there is information that they think would be beneficial to the national interest, not the national security of the u.s., they will go after that information and they will take it. according to snowden, he says that he also no longer has any top secret documents. he has dumped them off to journalists, he says.
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>> in just last ninth days the federal government has posted 6471 newly proposed regulatory actions. three years ago, president obama issued an executive order that was supposed to scale back the scope of federal regulations, so how is it played out? according to a report from the american action forum, final rules resulting from that executive order have actually added a net $10.2 billion in regulatory costs. and 1.5 billion hours worth of paperwork. the forum study has been numerous cuts but that they are far outpaced by regulatory measures. also on the regulation front this week. a group of nuns was handed a partial victory on the h.h.s. contraception mandate regulation by the supreme court. an order from the court will continue to block the government from forcing the nuns to comply at least while they're underlying legal challenge plays out at the tenth circuit. up next, the olympic dreams
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for his child. the athletic director of u.s. ski jumping team is also the father of one of the members. we're going to ask him what it is like raising and training an olympian. growing worries about possible terror threats. and we really enjoy hearing from you at home. whether it's an update on a national story or something simply that you have heard about in your hometown. we will follow up on it and get you answers. you have to let us know. if you have a question or question you want us to check up on. these rule a the ways on your screen right now that you can reach us through facebook, twitter and more. [] hands were made for playing. legs, for crossing. feet...splashing. better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. if you're trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. xeljz (tofacitinib) is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra
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the state department on friday urged u.s. athletes in sochi, russia for the olympics, not to wear their uniforms outside the so-called ring of steel. expansive area encompassing the complex. what is it like to be a parent of one of those athletes heading to the games as the begins to mound. athletic director of the u.s.a. ski jumping team and father of johnson who will be welcome, and congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> first of all, tell us what it is like. you were a competitor skier yourself. you have your daughter as a very high level competitive
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skier. when does it take to get to thl? >> it takes a lot of passion, i think and, you just have to love it. and if you have the physical ability, and the mind set, and the commitment, then anything is possible. >> you have told us that you are not going to the games but because ofyou, you've told us that you're not going to the games, but not because of security threats. it is because it is hard for to you sit in the stands as a spectator rather than being in the midst of coaching. when it is your son involved, what is it like to watch him in competition? it is a dangerous sport but you must be so proud as well. >> it's actually surprisingly safe sport compared to a lot of the other ski sports. it has the illusion of being very dangerous but in reality, most of the injuries happen in the gym playing basketball, warming up playing volleyball. >> we are very impressed. it looks like it is sort of a death defying experience.
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amazing pictures of your son competing. a dual role as athletic director with the team, but also knowing how hard he's worked to get there. what's it like to watch him from the stands or from home? >> it's interesting. when my kids were younger i'd get kind of excited like any parent would hoping they're going to do really well. but when you're coaching so many years and/or an official and your kids are participating, you all of a sudden take on the role of the opposite of a soccer mom. i actually can sit there and watch my kids and my heart rate stays about the same as watching their teammates. i'm more objective at looking at their technique and being critical like that. so i'm probably not a very good example. >> i mean you have incredible discipline as well to be able to do that. this is the third olympics for your son this time around. there had been increasing threats, a lot of concerns by folks here and abroad. how does that part of the puzzle feel for you watching him?
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>> you know? it doesn't really bother me at all. when i used to coach we got pulled back from europe two times by the state department and had armed guards going to training and practice and stuff like that. i guess you can either let it bother you or not, but maybe the chances are probably as good as getting hit by a meteor probably than getting taken out by some terrorist. i hope. >> well, we wish you and your family and your son anders all of the best as they compete representing team usa. thanks for your time today, alan. >> you're welcome. thank you. we asked, you answered. your twitter responses are up next. plus, an 8-year-old calls out justin bieber for bad behavior. i'm beth... and i'm michelle. and we own the paper cottage. it's a stationery and gifts store.
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police say they still don't know the motive behind the maryland mall shooting that left three people including the shooter dead. it is one of our most clicked stories on >> during a news conference earlier today, police identified the shooter as 19-year-old darion aguilar, dereon marcus aguilar. the victims were 21-year-old brianna benlolo and 21-year-old tyler johnson, both employees of a skateboard shop at the mall. we talk to the owner of a jewelry store in the mall shortly after the shooting and he described what he heard and saw. >> we all heard a couple of pops. then we saw people running and the mall cleared quickly, evacuated everybody. in fact, we're in the store right now. we have six employees and we have five people that ran into our store. >> reporter: employees are still investigating what, if any, connection there is between the shooter and the victims.
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then there's this -- a california teacher is behind bars this weekend after lacing a potluck dish with pot. police say teresa badger brought the dish to a staff party for school employees at a private home back in november. several people at the party later complained of feeling sick and one of them tested positive for the active ingredient in marijuana. badger has been charged with suspicion of poisoning. finally, an 8-year-old is putting justin bieber in his place after his arrest for drugs and drunk driving. the second grade girl wrote an open letter to the pop star saying, "there are many drunk peep in the world and you have become one of them. that's sad to me! i think you should be disappointed in yourself. just take a minute to think about what you did." >> out of the mouths of babes. >> yes, that's right. we'll see if he listens to her. not listening to anybody else. >> his team is trying to get through to him and left his
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private jet idling at the airport trying to get him out of there, saying it's time to come home and get your life together. when somebody is that wealthy and that young, there aren't a lot of people around them speaking the truth. but we have our 8 year-olds. >> disappointed 8-year-old. >> kids. they don't sugar coat anything. thanks, peter. we've been asking you today what do you want to hear from the president in this week's state of the union address? john says -- hope obama's state of the union reveals his personal plan to free up energy production and to grow the economy. gary writes -- how about simply talking about the true state of the union with no frills. deborah says she wants to hear the president talk about tax reduction and create jobs. then we'd like to hear the president address why the middle class is worse off than six years ago. we'll see if he's listening. thanks for sharing. that's it for us here in washington. fox news sunday is next. chris wallace sits down with white house senior advisor dan pfeiffer to talk about the president's state of the union
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and preview it. and senate minority leader mitch mcconnell is also on interview as well making predictions for the fall in the senate and the elections. thanks for watching fox news where more news is always on the way. imhe's chris wallace. president obama gives his state of the union address tuesday hoping to jump-start his second term. i want to work with congress whenever and wherever i can, but the one thing i'm emphasizing to all my cabinet members is we're not going to wait. we'll discuss the president's agenda, obamacare and more with white house senior advisor dan pfeiffer. then republicans set their sights on retaking the senate this november hoping to overcome the in-fighting that's plagued their party. >> we don't. need more class warfare and we don't need more interference from washington. >> we'll talk about the


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