tv The Kelly File FOX News January 26, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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huckabee. "justice" with jeanine pirro is next. >> did you just see that "huckabee segment on "the factor"? you want to see what's folks? >> they are helpful providing them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their bib bid doe. >> mike huckabee in the center of a firestorm over women and birth control. he's here to react in a kelly file exclusive. and then... >> obama has a dream. >> the man behind a documentary challenging president obama is now under indictment. see why his supporters think this is political pay back. plus...
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>> nothing but a 2.0 upgrade. >> the left rants up in tea party attacks with an eye on the mid term. we have one fierce bee date just ahead. >> what about aaron? >> that's the result you are going to get! >> see why one of america's favorite sports reporters is now getting attacked by the sherman side show tonight on "the kelly file." >> breaking tonight the man at the heart of a new political firestorm peoples out on the kelly file. >> for more than 24-hours we have seen fierce criticism being leveled against former arkansas governor mike huckabee over remarking he made at a republican national committee meeting yesterday. dana bash taking to twitter to say, at rnc meeting@mike huckabee said fed government shouldn't help women who can't control their libido with birth control. from there it was on.
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from salon: there are dozens and dozens more like that. all over the cable broadcast critics slammed the governor is out of touch. >> it is not exactly what i think republicans were planning on. >> sounds offensive to me and to women. >> he is clear he doesn't believe women should have birth control. he has an issue with women's equality. >> some women were wincing when they heard that. >> it is gross, you know. >> this is slut shaming. >> i don't care how you cut it talking about women's libido and uncle sugar or sugar daddy, i don't know what member of the family they want to make sugar is not a good picture. >> but now the governor is fighting back. as are some of his defenders saying his comments are taken out of context.
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dana bash had to correct her original tweet, because here is what the governor actually said yesterday. >> women i know are outraged that the democrats think that women are nothing more than helpless and hopeless creatures whose only goal in life is to have the government provide for them birth control medication. women i know are smart, educated, intelligent, capable of doing anything any one else can do. our party stands for the recognition of the equality of women and the capacity of women. that's not a war on them. it's a war for them. and if the democrats want to insult the women of america by making them believe that they are helpless without uncle sugar coming in it and providing them a prescription each month for birth control because they cannot control their libido or reproductive system without the help of the government, so be it, let us take that discussion all across america, because women are far more than the democrats have played them to be. women across america need to
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stand up and say enough of that nonsense. >> joining me now mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas a former presidential candidate and the host of "huckabee" right here on the fox news channel. governor, good to see you. we have shown the viewers the firestorm that erupted and the criticisms of you. let me get right to it. lit me ask you directly, are you suggesting that women who use birth control cannot control their libido? >> of course not. everything i was accused of saying i was actually saying the polar opposite. this was an affirmation of the intelligence of the capability of women. i have been married 40 years to a very strong women, a wonderful person who can do things i can't do. she is smart, she is capable. she doesn't need someone to prop her up like my wife, my daughter, my daughter-in-law i am insulted for them they are
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insulted because the democrats portray them as victims of their gender. it wasn't even about contraceptives it was about the way that democrats have accused republicans of having a war on women when republicans believe women are quite our equal. we don't think it will be necessary for them to have a government subsidy and government support or they are not going to be able to make it. >> this is where some women have taken issue with you. the democrats would say they don't view them as victims of their gender but functioning human beings who are a reproductive system and are the ones who have to carry their bare bees, sexual beings, therefore to be responsible when having sexual relations to have birth control, even if they are not having sexual relations for the purpose of enjoyment, then they might need birth control
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because they have a health issue they have a medical issue. it is not about seeing women as victims it's about getting them the medical coverage they need. >> to that point i am not opposed to women having contraceptives or birth control, unless they are a board -- abortive patients. i signed a bill in 2005 when i was a governor that included contraceptives as part of the state plan. i am not opposed to women having access to it. i am opposed to democrats treating women as though they somehow are incapable of being able to function unless the democrats, and particularly the government comes in to rescue them. if people listen to what i have said, which by the way it was exactly what i said, exact words i said on television show a week ago. >> the words were a little different a week ago. what you said on the radio wasn't controversial. you said it better on the radio
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show than you did at the convention. >> i said libido. >> you put it in terms of having to control, that democrats believe women need the government in order to control their libidos. that sounded to many like you were placing a judgment on it. first of all you vast majority of people in this country have libidos and act on them. the vast majority use birth control when they do not desire to have a baby as a result of those libido instinct. >> no arguments. >> the use of birth control are you passing judgment by couples having inter course who are not looking to have a baby? >> no, my push back isn't about contraceptives. this w it was about democrats and this phony war on women that they have pretended republicans have.
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>> i am going to give you the floor. here's what they say. they say endometriosis can be helped by birth control. polly cystic disorder syndrome droem can be helped by birth control. there are all sorts of reasons women take birth control and there's no reason they shouldn't be able to get it from their employers. that's what they say. they say it is not the government paying for it it is the women paying for it when they pay their premium under their policies. they take issue with you kashth rising it as uncle sugar having to step in and control their libido. >> i didn't say that uncle sugar, which is a southern term. a lot of people say where did that come from. if they grew up in the south uncle sugar is uncle sam and a sugar daddy. it is a long time southern expression.
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so the idea that somehow i was dispir rajjing women it is the polar opposite. that's what was so ridiculous about some of these tweets. this is a serious issue that ought to have thoughtful discussion. it can't be rebeausduced to 140 characters which is unfortunately what happened yesterday. a couple of reporters tried to reduce this entire issue to a tweet. they got it wrong later came back and corrected it but by then the firestorm had started. if people will listen carefully in context. if they want to pars every word people can believe and hear what they want to hear. what i was going to say before to somehow characterize that i was taking offense to women is the opposite. i was elevating and affirming that women are quite capable as equals to men. it is why i april pointed more women to executive level positions in the state government than any governor in our history including bill clinton. i am not having to apologize to anybody for the record i have on
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women's issues and i certainly don't need to say that oh i am so sorry that i believe women are equal to men and are capable and strong. i think people are missing the entire point. the point is not about that issue. it was about how democrats accused republicans about having a war on women. i will push back on that. >> have reduced women on that one issue. reduced women to being all about that one issue. we heard a lot about that in the last campaign. governor great to see you, sir. >> thank you, meg begin, appreciate it. >> you saw a little ift many reactions to the lead to the governor. bernie, listen, he has a valid point the democratic national convention featured women after women after women who believe that the only issue that defines us as women is our desire for
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birth control, right? that may explain in part why we have seen so many jump all over the governor on his remarkses. >> i watched the tape. i watched his remarks. it is absolutely clear at least to me that he was attacking or at least taking on the democratic party for treating women as if they are not too smart. he was picking on the democrats for being pattern alice tick. he was not attacking women. having said that, i would give some free advice to the governor or any other republican with an eye on the white house, don't use the word libido. don't do it. here is a note to any anchors using the governor, don't use the word intercourse.
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>> that is not a word you want to use unless you want to deal with it for days or weeks or months or deal with it two years from now if you decide to run for president. because this is how it works. when a conservative republican talks about women and sex, there is a knee jerk reaction similar to the reaction when the doctor hits you on the knee with the rubber mal lot. it is that automatic. that reaction is going to be outrage. if you want to deal with this deal with it but otherwise don't use the word. >> jay carney at the white house all slamming him on this bernie. when we pointed out the segment the original tweet dana bash, she corrected herself. another nbc reporter she made the same mistake then she corrected herself, but the damage was done and everyone was running with it saying he says women can't control their libidos without government. he said democrats believe that. that may not be a fair
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characterization. i asked him about that. he never said he never said that. >> you are right and so is he. here's a good rule of thumb. it's my rule of thumb. if a conservative republican is going to use the word libido he is going to take more heat for that than president obama is going to take about whether the healthcare web sit is cured from hackers or hillary clinton is responsible for the lack of security in benghazi. he is going to take more heat for saying something maybe not as eloquently put as it should than hillary clinton takes for benghazi or barack obama about the web site. >> i don't remember all of the outrage for some of the folks on
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the left when bashir suggested what he suggested about a conservative women. i got to run. always gate reat to see you. >> okay. thank you. >> we are taking your thoughts on it right now. breaking tonight the u.s. supreme court weighs in this evening on a fight between the white house and a group of nuns who push back against the part of the president's healthcare plan. trace gallagher has that news now. trace? >> you have to remember, megyn, the churches and houses of worship are exempt from mandate of contraception providing for employees because they employ the people of the same faith. the little sisters of the poor is roman catholic nuns that care for the elderly in a hospice environment. it is not religious enough to be exempt. they offered groups like little sisters of the poor to okay pt out of the mandate as long as they have a forum allowing a third party to provide their employees contraception and abortion drugs and other
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reproductive services. the nuns said signing the form would be morally wrong and right now the supreme court for now agree. listen? >> i think the real question here is truly why is the government forcing the little sisters. poor and our religious plaintiffs to provide contraceptives. the government is big and powerful, they can find many other ways that does not involve nuns. >> so the nuns and other groups like christian brother's services which handles insurance by religious groups can be from opposing the law. the case is litigated in the 10th circuit court. they made it clear if it ever did gear the case today's decision is not an indicator of how the court would ultimately role. planned parenthood says this wasn't about religious liberty
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it was about paperwork but those who fought for the nuns vehemently disagreed. >> this decision the supreme court today applied to little sfrs but it also applied to 400 other catholic organizations that are insured through the same insurer. i think this is going to have repercussions on all of the cases associated with the hsa man gate. >> the timing of the litigation still very much unclear. >> trace, thank you. developing tonight well-known conservative filmmaker seen here leaving a manhattan court just hours ago. pleading not guilty federal charges he violated campaign finance laws by allegedly secretly donating to a u.s. senate candidate ultimately unsuccessful campaign. mr. d' souza is best known for his documentary 2016 obama's america which was very critical
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of the president's campaign. here is a clib. >> obama has a dream. a dream that the sins of colonialism be right and america be down sized. >> dennis michael lynch is also a conservative documentary filmmaker maker of "they" come to america." i know you believe he may be a victim of political targeting here. why? >> absolutely. film is the most powerful medium we have. we have captain morge -- captiv audience for two hours. when you have a film that hits the president between the eyes and could shift an election you become a target because you are not only talking but you are a visual. you put that together. i know i have lived through this with immigration reform. i helped impact which way that was going to show by showing films that give you what you need to see. you do that you become dangerous
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to the other side. when you are dangerous to the other side you walk around with a target on your back. that's what you are seeing. >> to your knowledge was he working on another film? if it was retribution would it all have been about this 2016 film? >> he has a film called "america" set to come out on july 4th right before the election. that could be playing something as well. in fact he and i were filming the death march, we were filming that together. i know that's a part of it. it is very strange this is all taking place now. on the conservative side for filmmakers, we don't really have that michael moore. he has established himself as the number one guy. he has shown, although he didn't open the door for conservative films. that door will never open. it is closed for us, megan. it is closed. believe me. what he did prove by getting in there is there is a demand for it. they want to kill that demand. when you get a guy like the
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niche who is well spoken and well educated and he puts together a great film and tight they don't tell that message getting out. i know it. i have lived this. i live it every day. there's a target on your back whether it's somebody calling you a name or trying to get you for something else criminal, every single day we deal with this. i know he gets the same stuff i do. >> it is an anecdotal observation now because we don't know whether he has done it or not. the feds say he is guilty. it is interesting to get your perspective as from what you went through. all of the best. >> the left is ramping up the tea party attacks with an eye on the mid terms. we will show you what is at stake. plus... bieber today basking in the publicity from his dui arrest. judge alex and keith are here with words of warning. we will show you why one group is recruiting the united nations in its fight against the
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washington redskins. don't miss this. >> i think it's an american issue. i am not understanding why k other international countries would be looking at this. everyone's favorite flavors, with two salads... two entrees... plus an appetizer or desse to share, all just $29.99. offer ends soon! so come to r lobster and sea food differently. woman: welcome to learning. spanish in the car.c on. passenger:ou've got to be kiddinme. driver: this is go. woman: vamanos. driver & passenger: vamanos. woman: gracias. driver & passenger: gracias. passenger: trece horas en el carro sin parar y no traes musica. vo: get up to 795 miles per tank in the tdilean diesel..
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>> new developments in the justin bieber dui drag racing arrest drama. the 19-year-old's pop star father was with him during the incident early thursday morning in miami. joining me now is judge alex fer ar who is a rye tired circuit court judge and director of the show and dallas. we know he is charged with a dui but the reports came in and said the blood alcohol content was
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lower than the legal limit in florida. how did they get to the dui charge? >> i don't know if it is lower than the legal limit. from what i heard .04. >> it is .08 for adults in florida. >> .08 is the standard across the country for dui. his blood level was .04. the problem is he is 19 years old. he is not supposed to have any alcohol in his system. florida law requires if you are under 21 anything above .02 is a dui. he qualifies under florida law. >> he got out on bond 2500 bond yesterday. what happens now? >> he will be treated like anybody else. no better no worse. florida miami especially doesn't treat stars differently. ful the state attorney's office
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will determine what charges they are going to file if any and at that point they are working it out to see how strong the case is and whether he can plead it out. it is a first offense. he shouldn't be drag racing that is the one that bothers me the most. the .04 alcohol he was drinking he admitted as much as well to prescription drugs. in the grand scheme of things having tried murderers rapists serial killers he's a first time offender. he will probably get pled out to a reduced charge and put on probation. i don't expect him to go to jail. >> we made a comparison on this show him getting on top of te em how it reminded us of michael jackson. we put this split screen on the tv lo and behold will you put this picture justin bieber tweeted out today. look at this, folks. saying something like what more can they say? >> listen megan. i think you have to worry
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whenever somebody comes oup in adolescence and childhood is pumped up by his parents to become a super star you have to wonder whether he has developed a sense of self. ? is he clearly doesn't have regard to other people because he's putting people in harm's way. >> why don't we say that's 19 year old behavior. >> 19-year-old behavior most 19-year-olds are not drag racing while inebriated with allegedly a well hall and prescription drugs. the bottom line is someone can guy. this is somebody who hadz regard for other people. does his dad have regard for him? his mom heyed a career out of promoting his son's celebrity. i wonder if any child star has a sense, you know what, am i a product or a person? if you don't know for sure that
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you count to the people who are racing you not for the prophet but because they care about you as an individual, then it may be hard to care about other people. >> what's the next step for him? treatment? >> that would be wonderful. i always say the truth always wins. if inside you feel not very large, not very worthy, yourself esteem is low even though your star is rising there's a day of reckoning. michael jackson sadly tragically learned that. >> so many of these kids want to be famous and when they do they don't feel anything. more problems. >> if i may say something quick, he needs support from people around him. he is a 19-year-old acting like a 15-year-old. he could end up on the path that lindsay lohan has gone down. if his father was there, his parenting skills need to be worked on. i also heard the suv's blocked the streets allowing them to
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drag race. they are not doing him a favor. those may have been security. >> there is new drama in the side like circus involving one unhappy nfl player. >> take me through it. >> i am the best in the game. that's the result you gonna get. >> see why the sports reporter there erin andrews is taking heat for the interview. >> the tragedy for the mid terms involve taking out the tea party. their plan of attack and the tea party's response. >> the prohibition, father conklin and hue we long. the root stardz ang gore negativity and even hate stred. you can always catch fish fresh every day! wood-fe grilled, blackened, or roasted. eatingetter never tasted so gd! sea quality, s variety, sea food differently at red lobster.
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well, new reaction tonight fr >> supporters of the tea party after a democratic senator de votes a nearly hour long speech to demonizing their cause and plotting their defeat. chuck schumer addressing a progressive think tank yesterday. >> why does a ptea party a grou that represents have undue power in the almost fanatical desire,
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rush limbaugh, fox news agrees and spread their propaganda's negative divisive and ultimately unfulfilling politics. route of the no no, the prohibition, father koghlin and hue we long a root toward anger, negativity and even hatred. >> chris haun is former aid of senator schumer and army veteran florida congressman and fox news contributor benjamin smith is former navy seal and founder of helping our let me start with you on this ben as somebody who supported the tea party. this is a plan to go after the tea party and start talking about how big gvrt. helps people. >> first things first. it was for the center for american progress which is a big soros left leaning progressive
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cabal. if you look at that, he started talking about prohibition these guys seem to call us what they have been in the past. you have prohibitionists that was progressive. the government knows to take alcohol away will be better. koghlin supporting fascist ideas the guy who started social justice. you have huey long, king fish, his big thing was redistribution and those were hate mongers. then you have the kkk who is democrat and left leaning people, margaret sanger. you know, they start calling us all these atrocious things but you even see our rallies, no dirt, no profanity, nobody is drunk, nobody is committing fines. oo doo doo lar at him, chris, why are you laughi-- >> don't laugh at him chris. that's rude. why are you laughing? >> i don't know if you read the
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speech but i think the senator was giving a very articulate communication of what the tea party has become. he was comparing it to other movements that grew out of a fear of a changing america. i think the tea party has grown out of changing america but it was propped up by big money using tax loopholes and move this movement in the mainstream politics. i think the senator he spent an hour on it. the republican parties has been spending a year to get rid of the tea party and moving out. it is turning the republican party into a party that cannot be elected magsnnationally and many states it is obsolete. >> you say they have a fear of changing america. that sounds like a veiled reference to people of color, that they are afraid of minorities which is what was suggested and that has been suggested before by the tea party. i will give that one to you colonel west as a tea party politician yourself. >> it is laughable the tea party is racist when people say i am
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golg of the tea party. chris you can laugh all you want that shows your immaturity. let's talk about the first amendment rights that the american citizens have to petition their government for redress of grievances. when senator obama was running for electioning he was railing against george w. bush unpatriotic over a $9 trillion debt. now americans who show a concern about a 17.3 almost $17.4 trillion debt are now demonized and attacked when this is a serious concern. when you look at a poll that came out back in december '72 percent of americans are more so concerned about government more than big business. i think that's a very valid point. >> you know, look, the debt, people don't understand the debt. the debt was brought out because we -- >> i think i understand it very well. >> let me try to control it for
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one second. respond to his point, chris, about the fact that majority of americans are concerned about big government now and you have chuck schumer out there diminishing -- diminishing it and them is basically all about something very vile. >> they are concerned about big government but they don't know what big government is. government does things to keep us afloat. they provide the defense of this country so businesses can thrive. they pave roads they provide healthcare. connolly west you made your entire career in government. you have a government pension or will be eligible for one. >> unfortunately the people in congress are cutting my retirement. they are taking away one percent so they can continue with the waist of the spe-- wasteful spe process. >> let me give ben the last word. he's a former navy seal. go ahead, ben. >> it's very interesting how when schumer is talking here he's only talking about
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government and the tea party and it's kind of interesting how like tea party didn't give the republican party -- i am conservative. i am an american. we didn't give the conservative party in this last election their tent back. so boehner started saying the tea party is dead because we are starting to stand up for our rights in the past few years since obama got in we started coming back from the rallies and getting into local government and starting upsetting the establishment. now that democrats are even seeing government like bad numbers on the government they are coming over to us. so now it is turning into not right verses left but it is government and the tea party. it is us and them government and the people they are starting to be as we are losing the middle class. >> i have got to run. chris that wasn't nice of you to laugh but you are generally a nice man. >> i am sorry guys. i wasn't laughing at you. i was laughing at the points in
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my head. >> no worries. have a great day you guys. >>ing th this is my favorite st the night. a titanic mystery that may be solved. i have been talking to my husband about it all week. a 100-year fight over a family fortune. andrews getting attacked for asking a simple question on the side lines. richard sherman and one of america's favorite sports reporter next. >> see why the united nations is getting called into the fight over the washington redskins name. >> there's an issue you brought the united nations will be dealing with not a football team or guys throwing the ball back and forth. especially when it's miralax. it hydrates, eases, and softens, to unblock your system naturally. so you have peace of mind from start to finish. ve your laxative. miralax.
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told ya you could do it. (dad vo) i want her to be safe. so, i taught her what i uld angot her a subaru. irl) piece of cake. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what makes a suru, a subaru. >> should the united nations be making decisions about football. they met to fight them to force the redskins to lose what they
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call an offensive team name. we have reaction from it local sports fans and now our panel. lis wiehl former prosecutor and julie riginski president of crisis management firm. the u.n. can solve this problem? >> consult the human rights commission in north korea. it is such a joke. >> they will be deeply offended by the name of the redskins. >> i am biased on this one. i went to community college and the mascot was the indians. i always visit my indian friends. what is the big deal about this. >> i think indians is okay. it's call somebody that is a redskin. i am not sure the syrians who are the ones that should be looking at this. >> human rights for the u.n. >> the united nations have something better to worry about.
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this is a company that gets rich by gambling and discount cigarettes hard to see how they have a moral standing to claim. >> but they are american indians. by default they have the complaint. >> 79 percent of the american people do not believe the team should change its name. only 11 percent want them to change it. the owner says he is not doing it. see whether the u.n. has impact here. >> new fallout from the richard sherman rant the guy from the seattle seahawks the sports reporter blaming erin andrews for this. >> the final play take me through this. >> i am the best one of the game. that's the result you are going to get. don't you ever talk about me. >> who was talking about you? >> don't you open up your mouth or i am going to stand up on you real quick. and joe, back over to you. >> kevin who is with cbs sports
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i am told comes out with this piece saying the reaction was more about her than him. it was drama queenish and she should have been a little more composed. what? she asked him a question he gave an' meegsnal answer she through it back to the anchor. what else was she supposed to do? >> i know noing about football. >> she said who was talking about you? is he said you don't talk about me. she said who was talking about you and he wants her to be more composed. >> she was totally rock solid. i was completely impressed. i think she should get a morning show. it is like regis and kathy lee with more intensity. >> show it one more time now that you are alleging about a drama queen she needed to be more composed. watch it. >> final play, take me through it. >> i am the best one in the game. when you fly me with a receiving
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like crap chute that's the result you are going to get. don't you ever talk about me. >> who was talking about you? >> don't you open your mouth or i am going to stand up on you real quick. >> and joe, back over to you. >> drama queen? drama would be ripping off her mic and -- >> what kind of show would that be? >> you realize that you host a morning show, probably shouldn't be advocating this. >> aaron andrews and the crazy football player. >> the ir rin andrews fan he was doing research. >> i think she was completely composed. i admired her composition and conducted the interview. i also wanted to know who he was talking about. >> up next this is a story of the week. i have been telling my husband about this all week.
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a titanic mystery that may tonight be solved. are you ready for the super bowl? is coaching legend lou holtz tonight joins "hannity"." >> i am spiking see -- picking seattle. harvey will be back that will give them the down the field they have been lacking since rice was injured. s... plus an appetizer or desse to share, s... all just $29.99. offer ends soon! so come to r lobster and sea food differently. i cthis year aloneore places offi hit new and texas! see, hotwire checks the competition's rates every day... so they can guarantee their low hotel prices. ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ and his new boss told him two things -- cook what you love, and save your money. joe doesn't know it yet, but he'll work his way up
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that had been aboard the ship who was believed to have died when the ship went down. trace gallagher has this amazing story. trace? >> megyn, when titanic hit the iceberg a man named hudson put his wife on a life boat. he and his wife went looking for the 2-year-old daughter it is then believed the father, mother and daughter all drowned but the father's body was the only one that was found. so 30 years later a women named helen cramer claimed she was that daughter lorraine allison. as a 2-year-old she did make it on to a life boat. when she died in 1992 it appeared the mystery died with her. but two years ago cramer's granddaughter came forward saying she had documents backing up her grandmother's claim she was on the titanic. so the remaining members of the anson family decided to challenge her and they had helen cramer's ashes tested for the dna.
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lo and behold she is not lorraine allison. the granddaughter told us the dna was biased and it was false and she wants an independent dna test but the lab told us tonight this is not opinion. it is science. >> the testing facility all they do is test the samples they are given. they certified that the people are who they say they are. they test the samples they provide the results. i don't know how that is biased. i don't think it is. >> the granddaughter says she wouldn't go on camera because she is writing a book that says will prove her grandmother was on the titan tick. when the book is out then she will come on camera with us. the mystery goes on unless you are scientific then it is over. >> this woman was along claimed i am this little girl. i am part of the a allison family and they said no you aren't. she has nothing to do with them. when the woman died in 1992 and
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her daughter said i am going to sprinkle her ashes over the allison family plot they hired security guards to say, no, you do not have any connection to us, then the dna establishes they were right and the daughter of a rich family says i was right and not with standing the dna results. my head is going to explode. let us know what you think? is we are going to tweet out the interview -- i mean the article so you can read it. let me know what you think about the interview with governor huckabee as well. also go to kelly file leave me a comment. we will be right back. indulge in the pleasures of parmesan with olive garden's best 2 for $25 yet
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england. she was raised in michigan. have a great weekend. i am mig gwinn k-- megyn kelly. >> this is not just cold. this is a killer. >> if it isn't a climate change then what is it? >> as an american i am here to say we need to act. >> all dramatic weather is our fault. >> oh my god. >> terrible tornadoeses in t n tornadoes in oklahoma. >> makes you want to ask al gore about that but where is he? >> whether gore is like about global warming doesn't matter. you already pay. >> who will win this war? >> it's a happy ending. >> we will search for that. that's our
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