tv The Five FOX News January 30, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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we mean to give you food for thought. >> hello, everyone. i'm andrea tantaros along with bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." >> well, if anyone needed a reminder as to why america is the greatest country on earth, we got a very powerful one last night during the state of the union. his name is sergeant first class corey remsberg. >> on his tenth deployment, corey was nearly killed by a massive roadside bomb in afghanistan. his comrades found him in a canal face down, under water, shrapnel in his brain.
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for months, he lay in a coma. next time i met him in the hospital, he couldn't speak. he could barely move. over the years, he's endured dozens of surgeries and procedures, hours of grueling rehab every day. he's learned to speak again, and stand again, and walk again. and he's working toward the day when he can serve his country again. my recovery has not been easy, he says. nothing in life that's worth anything is easy. sergeant first class cory remsburg never gives up and he does not quit. >> that was the longest applause of the evening.
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and it was the one time i think, bob, that really republicans and democrats stood up together and you saw some bipartisan support on twitter and in that chamber. >> yeah, and for good reason. what an incredible story this was. but it was -- it does underscore the fact that for the rest of the evening, it was as if super glue was put under somebody's seat when somebody was saying something, and super glue was put on somebody else's in the other. i don't think i have seen quite as much down and up and down and up and down and up. >> stay with cory. that moment touched you. i know you were saying before. >> yeah, how could it not? i think that the fact that he's sitting there and after going through all that is a remarkable story. and his is not alone. i just can't imagine how anybody could have anything but great admiration. i don't have a lot i can say, because he said everything he needed to say by his actions. >> i thought it was a great way,
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eric, to almost end the speech, to bring people together, and what a perfect guest to pick. >> yeah. a little bit of -- this is the moment, the moment of the whole speech is now eight minutes. and that was the moment. the problem was that came an hour into the speech. for me, he could have gone to it earlier. he should have hat tipped the military earlier. even if he wants to go to the end to do something like this, which is very common. i get it, not just democratic presidents. republicans do it as well. yesterday, my "one more thing" was ronald regan. i spent a massive amount of time looking back at prior state of the unions with ronald regan. they all do this thing, it's fantastic, patriotic, i'm all for it. but afterwards, regan came back and talks about it. president obama right after this said good night, god bless america, and that was it. he almost used that really heartfelt, patriotic moment to say good-bye. >> it was ronald regan who started this with a man who
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jumped into the river after air florida and saved the stewardess. >> it wasn't all this way, if you look add the '70s with the vietnam war, veterans weren't always treated the way they are now. it was a highlight, for me, anyway, watching this hero stand up and getting the applause. i think we're in a different era, even with republicans and democrats when it comes to veterans and supporting them. >> and a tenth deployment, to be deployed ten times makes you wonder from a policy standpoint, is there something that could or should be done in regard to the number of deployments and how often these young people are asked to go, not just young people, but anybody in the military or in the sicivilian world are asked to go overseas to do something for us. i also wonder if the president might not have been able to use this to talk about some sort of policy, some bipartisan cooperation to talk about the backlog. so many veterans come back, not
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only do they have physical incapabilities because they have sacrificed a limb, sometimes multiple limbs, but also on ptsd. there's a lot done in the private sector and some of the great hospitals on ptsd, but the veterans backlog and the care live is something america really should do something about, and that there is bipartisan will to do. >> is that a voluntary thing to go back nine times or is that ordered back? >> i don't know about his specific situation. some people do offer to go on multiple deployments. >> when i looked at his father standing next to him, you have to imagine the father is feeling the bane, what he has felt. he's probably there for every visit. thought brought me to tears to see him standing next to him. should there be more discussion about war and should the president have talked maybe a little more about this? some people said he didn't talk enough about foreign policy. the first thing i thought was damn it, we better be sure we have a commander backing the
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mission and we're in there for the right reasons if these men and women are sacrificing their lives and their limbs like the sergeant. >> you know, there were a couple people that i really respect a lot in the media like nick gillespie, who was just disgusted by this. i don't think i can go that far, but i do agree with eric on this one. i think this was -- this event, this heroic man was somewhat disconnected from the limp litany of grad school garbage that came before, and it felt like it was placed at the end of the speech to armor against scrutiny, that you end it right then and there and everyone walks away thinking about this amazing hero and not how lame the president's speech is. i think i'm being fairly mild, but if you read nick gillespie's piece in time, to me, this was the least majestic speech. it's like a student trying to get signatures for a unisex
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bathroom at a starbucks. it wasn't presidential. it was pubescent. >> how do you really feel? >> it was really moving at the end, but i felt like i was being used. >> it sounds like you feel like cory was being used as a human shield from criticism from people like us. >> he deserved the accolades. i think eric is right, the way it should have come back to something. and it didn't. >> and almost every state of the union, they always come back, and they always finish up on the state of the union. and it was kind of egregious in my opinion. >> what do you think, bob? should they have moved it up? >> the guy deserves -- >> of course, he deserves it. >> i'm not so sure you can figure out where in a speech to do that, but having said that, i don't agree with greg, obvious la, on the speech itself, but i think the point about where and when do we deploy united states forces overseas is now becoming
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front and cerepublicans alike. people are tired and the country certainly is tired of the united states being every place, everywhere for everybody, and being the world's policemen. i think this is going to be a debate, a serious one, after we finish with afghanistan. >> i actually think people are willing to support a mission the president of the united states supports. >> but on the heels of the information that we discussed here on the show, which was that president obama gave up or really wasn't into the surge, that's where i got annoyed last night. that's why i asked the question. why are we in certain places if we have a commander in chief who isn't behind it, when we have people sacrificing their lives and limbs. we better have a commander behind it. >> he made the decision to send them in. come on. >> then said, you know what? i'm having second thoughts. >> as i said before, i don't think there's any commander in chief at some point or another doesn't think about the decisions they made. that's a bad rap all the way around. >> the decisions he made are more complicated.
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it's not a black and white decision, and plus, things change on the ground, conditions change on the ground, and afghanistan now they're working on a security forces agreement, but you're going tohave a new president there in three months, so there's now a question, should you wait on that? i think the president is probably trying to take into account everything that's happening, not only just public opinion, but also about what can be accomplished there. >> all right, well, that was the high point of the speech. everyone agrees. but what about the low point? obamacare, which the president waited roughly 42 minutes to get to. robert gibbs was asked about the president and obamacare. here's what he had to say. >> one last point on financial security. for decades, few things exposed hard-working families to economic hardship more than a broken health care system. and in case you haven't heard, we're in the process of fixing that. >> it's hard to overestimate the real damage that was inflicted for most of last year on health
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care. this was entirely in the control of the white house. and yet, still so badly bungled. >> at least he had the courage to admit it, greg. the president didn't mention the botched website or the policy cancellations, and what really struck me is he said we have to fix it. because he broke it. >> yeah. the interesting thing is he makes a case for a lot of things. including obamacare, without ever tying it to any real solution. it's that fake straining of his voice he does in a way to convince you that he's right without having to back it. he's like a speech version of an air guitar. he's playing but not really doing it, and then he says this is going to be a year of action, which is kind of not a promise but a threat. it's like he's going to say, you just wait. i'm going to make obamacare look like the kitten bowl. >> or the puppy bowl. the washington post fact checked
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his statements on obamacare. not exactly right on point. >> i would say the president has done a very good job of being able to cloud the issue. not giving republicans any credit for even having -- even if they don't like the idea they put forward, you can't deny they have put forward ideas, and the washington post points that out. the president had 472 words in the whole entire speech dedicated to obamacare. what's interesting to me about that is it's because of obamacare's failure that the president had to give such a small-ball speech. it's because america is so tired of what happened with obamacare and worried about the future and even if the president has lots of things he could point to that are going well for the country and congress is actually getting done, whether you like it or not, the farm bill gets done today, everybody still feels like obamacare is this lead blanket that is sitting over their lives and over the economy and their pocketbooks and he's not going to be able to get away from it, but it is the reason liberalism is suffering a little bit of reputation damage, so to
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speak. >> eric, you could actually hear the laughter in the chamber last night from members when he said we have to fix the system. >> he laughed at himself. the most interesting in the obamacare 472 words, the placement of them. you point out 42 minutes in. he went through a lot of initiatives before he mentioned obamacare or health care at all, including business. i have some amazing comments. maybe we'll do it in the next block about what he had to say about google and facebook, about ener energy. he got through all that, even talked about immigration, and finally he slipped some obamacare stuff in. ten minutes later, he got tips for the military. i think he had been working on it since november because he's got a november beard. he said he wasn't going to shave until the speech. he wasted a whole heck of time. that was probably one of the worst state of the union speeches i have heard. and i have probably heard, i don't know, 30 or so.
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>> what did you think, bob? i was watching your twitter. you were on twitter, live tweeting, and there was a tweet you put out about what he said about republicans and how they should not try to block a bill that has helped millions, but in fact, millions have actually lost their health care. >> look, this is -- why do you wait that long? because it's the weakest thing. that's the part of the problem that he faces. and i do think, though, that the inevitable is starting to happen here. whoever said the only thing that's besides taxes is absolute certainty is government programming in washington. this program is not going to go away. the question is what's going to happen to make it hbetter, if there's a way to do that. i think despite the republicans coming up with some health care plans, it was very clear to me, i thought it was not at all the worst speech i have heard. i thought it was quite good in many, many ways, but what underscored it all is time and time again, over and over and over, he reminded the
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republicans that they had done nothing to help his agenda except to obstruct him. >> oh, bob. >> can i make a comment on that? >> sure. >> because one of the few things president obama asked the congress for last night was fast track authority for a trade deal. a trade deal that's been in the works for years. and guess what happened today? harry reid, the senate majority leader, president obama's ally, said not happening. the very next day after the state of the union, after years of negotiation, so to me, you can't just blame the republicans for not supporting president obama's agenda. >> what does that say about the state of relations between the white house -- more on the state of the union ahead on "the five," including some fiery analysis from brit hume. and later, the miami dolphin who said he was bullied by a teammate finally describes what happened to him in his first tv interview. stick around for that.
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analysis of last night's state of the union. the associated press described it this way. obama's agenda more bite sized than bold. one person who could certainly agree with that is charles krauthammer. >> in 2008, obama said regan was a president who was historically consequential in a way clinton was not. what he meant is regan changed the course of american history and clinton played small ball. when obama came into office, if you look at his first state of the union, extremely expanse frb, extremely ambitious. he sounds like a president who realizes he's not going to get it done. now he's playing small ball. he's being a clinton, not a regan. >> and brit hume htells us how e really feels. >> he's talking about his
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presidency. after four years of recovery -- this is his recovery. this is the recovery he promised. he's saying after four years it's worse. i have never heard a president do that in my life, get umin the middle of the presidency and announce all of the things have gotten worse since he got in office. he didn't put it that way, but you think about it, that's what he was saying. >> last night, during the five's fox news chat, you had a similar observation early on in the speech. >> it was when he was referring to the inequality caused by his own policies, and he still got applause for it. it's almost like a doctor bragging about all the patients he's killed and he's going to keep killing. they rooted for the iceberg when watching the "titanic." i want to go back to the comment on the use of the word small ball. if you add up all the small balls from yesterday, you get a
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play pen of progressivism. the big idea from obama by adding that all up is to syllabus from a left wing night school, but if you elect a small ban, you get -- >> that's what they say. that's what i have heard. eric, you wanted to talk about a couple things you noticed in the speech. and during the chat, you mentioned incredulity when the president talked about google and facebook and also the energy policy. >> this is how he went. he started out and moved into business. this is a capitalist society. a free market capitalism built this great country. at one point, he said federal research has led to facebook and google. i literally drawed by jaw. did he say that? >> you mean the internet? >> i think so. >> thank god for al gore. >> that's my thought. and the all of the above strategy i announced -- do you
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remember john mccain saying all of the above and president obama pushing back, and then he basically said give america a raise when he's talking about the minimum wage, and what i heard was i have no idea what the hell i'm talking about because i have never run a business, so what the hell. it's your money anyway. why not give america a raise. bottom line, about halfway through the speech, my bs meter broke, it was pinned to the right so far, so i moved on and listened to the rest and came to the stuff we talked about earlier, but wow. i wouldn't even call it tone deaf. i just think he has no idea how america runs on business and small business. >> some of the things the president and congress need to do every year have started to move. there's a budget, a farm bill, certain things president obama could point to to say we have been getting the work done on behalf of the american people. was now the time to pull back and not do something sort of bigger? at least try, and then if the congress pushes back and it
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doesn't work, then try to blame congress? >> well, the problem with that is of course if you announce big ball and it doesn't work out because he's stymied and you would sit around and say, see, he didn't make it. let me pak one point. google -- all of them benefit. google benefitted from the development by nas a. or their own algorithm. >> so whyoesn't the president talk about basic research and funding? >> he did talk about research. one of the things the republics should have jumped up and tried to applaud is talking about tax reform. we had a tax code that was just littered with special interest loopholes, none of which were his. >> first of all, we talked about this. >> go ahead. >> he empowered simpson-bolls to come up with a plan on tax
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reform. you have said yourself the president did nothing with it. maybe use it for toilet paper, i don't know. speaking of big ball, he has played big ball. he showed us his big ball. it's called obamacare. it's been a big disaster. >> how do you know? >> and why doesn't he talk about the keystone pipeline. it would have been amazing last night, i think, as a conservative, for him to come out in favor of the keystone pipeline. he would have knocked everybody on the floor, jaws would have been on the floor. he would have said i'm sending it to congress, sign it, have it back to me, and have a rose garden ceremony. instead, it was cognitive dissonance. two competed theories. this has been great although it's been bad. the health care system needs to be fixed although it's doing really well. i couldn't follow. it was reality and then obama world. >> one thing. election year, the environmentalists would have been up over arms about that, and simpson-bowles was about tax reform. >> i'm going to throw a thought
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provoking question there. >> that's a good place to set it. >> in a way, isn't this smaller view of government, the small ball before we ban it completely, isn't that what people have been clamoring for? don't they want the government to do less? in a way, hasn't president obama actually then succumbed to the wishes of the american people? >> no, because every single one of these examples that he's pushing champion s government, not the individual. the underlying motivation behind everything he does is that we can't take care of ourselves, but government can take care of you. this was about daddy. government as daddy. and come to me. you don't need ambition anymore. get a job with the federal government. you'll get a raise and you'll never have to think about risk ever again. >> what about tax reform? >> he was saying that to women last night as well when he referenced mad men, although most women have a different version of don draper.
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they love him. >> they don't have to get up on their feet and clap for his version of it. >> the other thing they could get is immigration. >> i think we might have to hold that for tomorrow's topic. ahead, joe biden looked like he was having a great time last night, and will he run in 2016? he answered that question this morning. his answer when we come back.
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night, joe biden hit the morning talk show circuit. here's how he pondered his potus capabilities. >> in my heart, i'm confident i could make a good president. i have not made a decision to run or not to run. in the meantime, i've got a job. >> hillary clinton's decision affect your decision? >> no, not directly. >> what did you think of that one? is this his coming out party? >> joe biden is going to be asked this question every day until he finally says one way or the other if he's going to run or not. because of all of hillary clinton's infrastructure and all of the great press and everything that's already happened, joe biden is in a major deficit, especially on the fund-raising piece, unless hillary clinton all of a sudden is going to give him a bunch of money from her campaign war chest. i also feel bad for boehner and bide biden. i like the tradition that they're there together, but i think it's so weird they have to sit behind the president like
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potted plants and keep a poker face all night. >> i like biden because he flies by the seat of this brains. >> very nice. >> you know, tough question. you want to be president some day. he's like, i still have a job. >> he's not going to run. first of all, he doesn't have bill behind him. the clintons and obama have been cutting deals left and right. of course, what hillary does is going to affect what joe biden does. he has no leg to stand on beside her. i still think it's one of the strangest decisions to pick him as vice president to this day. >> i thought it was strange joe biden was standing too long. he could have joined the black caucus and been very pleasantly happy there. but the other thing i would say about biden is joe would be the other person who was vice president in one millennium and president in another millennium.
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we'll have a challenge and i'm not the least convinced she'll get the democratic nomination. >> while it's no secret that joe biden and bob gates don't see eye to eye, here is joe b. clearing the air. i'm protsheer he meant bob gates, not bill gates. >> the part i focused on is he said biden is a man of great integrity. the problem is bob gates and i have disagreed on almost every foreign policy since vietnam. i won't say who has been right or wrong, but he's a fine man. >> both of them, bill and bob, all the gates. >> he said he disagreed with everything. the problem is i guess gates was right all the time. to your question, why was he chosen as vp? to make obama look presidential by comparison. >> very good. >> eric, rick, dina, dana, it
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doesn't care. it doesn't matter. i'm just glad we saw joe biden. we haven't seen him in a while. i was ready to fail a missing person's report. i'm glad he's alive. even though he can't continue to get people's names right. >> is that going to hurt joe biden going forward? >> first off, that wasn't bob gates' wars. this is a remarkable public servant. not the most innovative public servant there was. secondly, i think he did put -- i think they did a lot of bad blood, but bob gates, i'm not sure it's a good idea to keep someone from a demonstration. bob was conflicted to begin with. he didn't particularly like it. i still come back to the point, he should have said something. a good public servant would have said something, seen something wrong, and said wait. >> i thought joe biden's answer was gracious and keeping in what
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president obama said a couple weeks ago when he was asked about it. they handled it well. >> how about this one? he seems to be a really good sport. i thought we would have fun with the vp. check out the veep photo bombing the president. mind you, while the president is speaking. state of the union. hilarious. by the way, wonder if he was waving at. >> what does he have in his hand? >> can you roll that one more time? can you roll the video? see if you can roll it? joe biden is smiling. >> winking at people. >> winking. >> bob. >> what? >> thoughts on the vp? >> i have no thoughts. i don't know what you're talking about. he always points at people. he knows so many people. >> not in the middle of the president's speech. >> it's the state of the union there. >> i understand that. >> like mardi gras. there's someone in the audience flashing him. somebody is pulling up their shirt. he's like, nice. >> he looks like one of obama's members of his entourage, like
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he's accepting an award. there have been a lot of joker comparisons, yeah, we did this together, although i had a contest last night and the winner, there were two, one woman who tweeted biden's thought was, hey, nanc, love those underpants, and hey, the been-o is working. >> i love this about joe biden. that he was willing to wave to people. >> i think hands down he's probably the most fun politician with the best sense of humor in washington today. >> very good. >> you think that's unintentional sense of humor? >> we have to go. >> i don't know. good natured. >> coming up on "the five," an update on the nfl bullying story. jonathan martin speaks for the first time. don't go away.
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recently, my sister was asked to write an obituary for her daughter, my niece. the good news is my niece is not dead. she's fine. my sister was asked as part of the every 15 minutes program when dramatically instilled the horrors of drinking and texting while driving. the fake obituary is just the start. at school, a grim reaper arrives to call these dead kids out every 15 minutes to symbolize the stat that one kid dies 15 minutes from such actions. a police officer then comes in and reads the obituary, the teen returns to class in white face makeup and a toe tag as cops send mock death certificates to the parents, at home and at work. how do you know this is a really bad idea? the kids love it.
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consider the target audience who already love drama and romance death. anyone remember how romeo and juliet ends? dying young brings fame. you're now queen of the zombie prom. once they asked local press to back off, the trend stops. the lesson, teens romance post-death attention and run for the exits. the scam also installs grieving people who have had to write real authentic obituaries, so why not focus on the drinking and texting and driving without actually glorifying death? stick to real life. it's sobering enough. >> i am, you know, 49. i remember the good old days. does anybody remember the movies like "red asphalt" where you come to high school and they show you the films of horrible car crashes and you never wanted to drive again? >> this is crazy.
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whatever happened to making volcanospapier-mache. i think the reason they like this is because anything is better than trigonometry. >> that's true. >> this gets them out of the classroom, and they love doing anything but math. at least i did. >> eric, kids like this stuff. half the kids in high school are goth. they like death. >> i think this might be a good idea. one of the most rattling things my high school did is took one of these actual car crashes. they put it in the parking lot by the front door and said, this is from someone who was drinking who rolled his car and he died. dramatic. this is dramatic. i will tell you, but the best thing you can possibly do as a parent, don't ever text and drive. my son is learning to drive with me. he's got his permit. he's driving sometimes. literally, the other day, i was driving, i was texting like this. he turns to me and said, you're kidding, right? the example you set to your kids
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is the one they're going to take going forth. i have never done it again. it's something you should never do. by the way, texting, i think, i was eating in a car, drinking before you get in the car. texting it just as dangerous. >> car and driver did a study and said it's worse than driving drunk. response time is slower. >> let me ask you this, bob. could you imagine being asked to write an obituary for your child? isn't that gross? >> i have been working on my own. you know, i remember back in the days when it was duck and cover. in our case, it was the confederacy sending bombs into our schoolhouse, but the whole idea of this, if you want to do shocking things, do what i had to do about four or five weeks ago when i had to identify a body of somebody killed in a car wreck at a morgue. that will straighten them out. >> that's a better idea because there's nothing romantic about actual death. this is play acting, which i think feeds into adolescents' romanticism. >> when your sister was talking about this, i was sort of
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horrified it. you could imagine a teenager -- >> she loves it. >> she reads obituaries, she thinks, finally, my mom will appreciate me. i wasn't asking to be born, but they'll miss me when i'm gone. >> exactly. >> there could be a twist. what if they made the students write the obituaries for the victims? somebody they were responsible for the death, and they have to write the obituary for that person. >> or their best friend? >> maybe, something like that. do you remember mcduff? was it mcduff, the crime dog, who came in the classroom. something happened and he left and you had to be a witness? that was very effective. >> yeah, ever since then, you have been into dogs. >> i think the movies and the tv shows and what's the one "hunger games." i think kids are dissentvised. when someone dies in theory, it doesn't scare you. but as someone who wrote two obituaries, i wrote them in
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journalism school, it's not the same. it's not going to penetrate or resonate with these kids, i don't think. >> yeah, i think this program makes money off this. i think they train people to do this. they make hundreds of dollars for the school, i imagine. i don't know. >> what we need is better voice recognition software so if people want to talk to their friends, they can do it all through the phone, which is on speaker. sglin heaven? >> no, bob. on earth. >> in a car. >> oh. >> i thought that's what he meant, too. bob and i are thinking alike. >> somehow or another, you could translate it, talk to the dead kid in the car. that would have been good. >> still ahead on "the five," the nfl player who went awol over the dolphins over alleged bullying by teammates, he does his first interview on the scandal. jonathan martin reveals what happened to him and if he ever plans to play football again, next.
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incognito was suspended earlier this season after one of his teammates claimed he harassed him. here's incognito caught on tape going bananas in a bar. >> [ bleep ]. >> who wants a [ bleep ] piece? [ bleep ] >> pleasant gentleman. offensive lineman jonathan martin walked off the team in october after alleged repeated bullying by him and other members of the team. he spoke about it on television for the first time today. >> his comments, comments of a racial nature. you know, aggressive. sexual comments related to my sister and my mother. i had no problem with the normal hazing that you see in the nfl. you get a haircut, you know. stuff like that, little pranks, but of a personal, you know, attacking nature, i don't think there's any place for that. >> have you talked to anybody
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from the dolphins since you left? >> no. >> what did you think, eric? >> quickly, steven ross is the majority owner of the dolphins was on this morning saying he'll make a decision on incognito's future after the super bowl, but he didn't seem dtolerant of anything he did. my guess is he will be gone. >> incognito may be incog-gano. >> i think tony dungy was the best person to do that interview. look at the setting. it's warm and inviting. and tony dungy doesn't care about being on tv. he cares about jonathan martin, and it showed. i thought it was an absolutely perfect choice for an interview. >> ini think incognito should run for toronto mayor. >> what are you talking about? >> i'm trying to rhyme. >> i think it speaks to, as much of it is a fail. for the dolphins organization as it is for someone like
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incognito, who was basically kicked off the nebraska football team for bad behavior, so this guy is a total meathead, as it does for jonathan martin. sitting in silence, he supposedly said something to the organization, but they didn't do anything. you don't just run away. there's plenty of blame to go around, but we don't know what happened. >> they don't understand he's a minority in the nfl as a white man. also a loud, brash, disgusting, ridiculous fool who ought to be off the dolphins. he's not that good a player anyway. >> "one more thing" up next. [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card. and so does bill, an identity thief who stole mary's identity, took over her bank accounts, and stole her hard-earned money. unfortunately, millions of americans just like you learn all it may take is a little misplaced information
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mr. terry bradshaw, who happens to be on our show on friday. we're going to do a show from super bowl world. they built a studio. we'll be hosting this show right there on super bowl boulevard. and terry bradshaw is going to join us. >> and i'm going to wear my hair in a ponytail. >> and i'm going to wear flat shoes under the desk, yes. >> and i'm going to wear my leather chaps. >> again? >> well, this time, it will be in public. >> banned phrase. long time. small ball. it is not a medical condition. it means nothing of importance. so instead of saying it's nothing of important, don't say small ball. it's somehow insulting to certain members of society who have to deal with certain issues every day. >> and it makes potatoes feel left out. small potatoes. >> women are celebrated all the time in our media, in our politics, you heard it last night. i'm all for women for good
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reason. i just wanted to take a moment to thank all the men in our lives as well. today, i went for a routine mammogram, a check, and i got there, and in the lobby, there were about 13 men sitting there. and they are husbands and dads or sons, and they were all there to help be very patient and caring for all the women that were there, and i thought they deserved a little bit of thanks because they get very little from anywhere else. >> nicely done. >> very true. okay, so as the south is facing a deep freeze, nothing is going to stop weather man jim cantore from bringing the news report to his viewers. watch what happened when someone tries to interfere. >> we have not gotten into the worst part of this storm yet. that is to come later on tonight. obviously, here at the college of charleston, they're already having a good time. >> cat-like reflexes. >> after several years of decline, divorce rates are on
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the increase now. the study shows it has to do with the economy. as the economy gets bad, they stay together because they have to, and when it gets better, they realize who they're sleeping next to. >> you're saying obama is helping marriage? >> and everybody is moving back home. he really is a family president. >> he really is bringing the american family back together. >> it's going up. >> divorce goes up, which means the economy is better. yay, president obama. >> i knew what he was trying to say. don't forget to set your dvr so you never miss an >> it is january 30th. extreme weather keeping people at the stand still. who the georgia governor now
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claims. >> 30,000 feet with oxygen masks starts dropping from the ceiling. what forced the plane to make an emergency landing. >> it is a flag supporting american heros injured on the battlefield. one homeowner is being fined for flying his wounded warrior flag. "fox & friends first" starts right now. ♪>> go oo >> good morning. you have made it almost through the workweek. it is thursday. i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am heather childers.
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>> this morning nanny cars are still stranded on icy roads across several states. drivers forced to sleep in their cars, young children stranded on buses and in their classrooms. they have all been rescued. >> now the blame game begins. how did such a small amount of snow cripple the south. marianne rafferty is year. >> georgia governor and the mayor under fire for the delayed response with the capitol city paralyzed less than 3 inches of snow. they were not warned of what was on the way on tuesday. the national guard has been called in along with other state agencies to take drivers to their cars abandoned on atlanta interstate. for some these efforts are too late. >> park on the side you should
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