tv Red Eye FOX News February 1, 2014 12:00am-1:01am PST
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factor. good night from washington, d.c. don't forget dvr series recordings and watch "on the record" any time then. tonight, on "red eye." >> coming up on "red eye," monster bartenders. are these beasts taking jobs away from the hotter human counterparts? we pick up where no other show left off. and why is it important for the president and joe biden to take a zumba class together before they leave office? >> i want us to be able to say yes we did. >> and finally, neck ties. harmless piece of cloth or potentially life-threatening choking hazard? none of these stories on "red eye" tonight jie. now let's welcome our guests. she is so hot that hot wings serve her at their super bowl party. there is is the wave.
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and he is planing to watch the kitten bowl in footsie pajamas. it is tv's andy levy. it is buck sexton. co-host of "the real news." and if hilarity was a dozen roses he would come in a shiny box next to me. gavin mcguinness. his movie "the brotherhood of the traveling rants" which i saw and enjoyed immensely is now available on netflix. i did watch it. >> thank you. >> a block. the lede. that's the first story. >> life without you would be like a broken bat. pointless. >> it was the nipple that caused the ripple. it is the 10th anniversary of neap pell gate -- nipple gate when justin timberlake exposed janet jackson's breast
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in that half time show. some were outraged and those involved apologized and the rest of us went on-line and watched it a thousand times. the fcc chairman at the time says he thinks the whole thing was overblown telling espn magazine, quote, i had to put my best version of outrage on i could put on. part was surreal, right? look, i think it was dumb to happen. they knew the rules and they were flirting with them. my job is to enforce the rules. really? producers of this year's half time show promised great performances and half time effects. here is a preview. >> you don't need glitz and glamour to make a special half time happen for america. you don't even have to be american in my view.
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gavin, you know what bugs me about this is this guy pretends that he really wasn't upset 10 years later. >> that was a weak move. >> yes, it was. >> i feel uncomfortable talking about this. everybody who talks about it strangely disappears. he would only take me through a trap door. i said this is fascinating. i am glad i am saying it on television so they can't do anything. >> what if this show doesn't air? >> we know where to find you, buddy. >> it is a weird, weird thing, joanne. you were in first grade when this happened, obviously. you don't even remember what you were watching. >> i remember my parents screamed and told me to look away, look away. i toldly looked. -- i totally looked. janet is the real victim here. i think this whole scenario proves that justin is ruining
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women's lives. their careers and expectations for men. why are you not wearing a suit and tie? >> there you go. it is true though. cameron diaz, what happened? >> right? she used to be all over the map and he broke her heart and she is now, i don't know, crippled. >> britney spears. britney spears, remember? she never got over jt. she shaved her head and maries scum. she dates scum. >> has children. >> the children thing. >> didn't janet jackson get super fat? >> she was zostig. >> has anybody ever tried to rip off your hair and what will we find there? the map to the lost city of atlantis? >> you would find the number of p o sties in the sign of dollars. it does come off. it is attachable and machine washable which is awesome.
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there are two crimes here. the fact that anybody had to listen to any of her music is brutal and unfair. the fact that justin timberlake after this shame less maneuver manages to snag jessica biel, that is injustice, my friend. that never should have happened. mary candice from "seventh heaven." >> if only she were single. >> she totally tweeted at me once and offered me a hair gel thing. >> she was trying to kill you. andy you picketed justin timberlake's home in malibu. your outrage was real jie. if this happened today jt would not have gotten off so easy. 10 years ago everyone decided it was janet's fault. i don't think -- there were too many feminist blogs out there. jt would have never gotten away with this. >> nipple shaming. >> by the way. it was a breast. who was harmed by this?
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literally every kid has seen a breast. >> aren't we desensitized in the post twerking era? >> after miley cyrus you can pop out a breast with a pastey no problem. >> it was basically saying we don't care if there are kids in the room. we will do it. it leads me to a bigger point. i don't think it was offensive. it was a sign of the times. pop culture swallowed another part of football. the sport is not enough. you need grammy style entertainment. i think this is happening wherever you go. do i make sense? >> it was an ugly way to portray a boob. i wonder if you pulled your penis out of the pajamas first thing in the morning -- it was just hanging out there. >> tremendous metaphor. >> it was depressing. it was like, i saw her boobs the way gays see boobs.
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>> i had no idea. >> that's how she presented it. a medical thing. >> what you are saying -- it looked like a vertical mammogram. >> it was like a bag of sand. >> that's why they can say it was an accident because it was so plopped out. >> i love the nfl pretended to be outraged. there are super bore commercials that are far racier than what happened on the screen for three seconds. oh, we can't believe that happened. for michael powell to say this was no big deal, he used this to launch a huge campaign against supposed indy sen see to the -- indecent see where there were a bunch of affiliates who wouldn't air "saving private ryan" because they were afraid michael powell would crackdown on them for indy sen see. >> if you look at the counterparts you watch tv and see a nice pair of boobs and they sell it all the time. no problem. there are kids there. >> we need to get rid of arts and culture.
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get rid of it completely and we will be safe. >> i think you are absolutely right. now she is speak my language. it is a bothersome thing this whole art stuff. it was great in school when you painted stuff and put it on the frige. then you have to get jobs making bowls. >> is that what it was? >> technically dancing and singing is in the or the genre. it just looked like a couple of adolescents in a bad high school play. >> i want to move on. this is another interesting super bowl topic, or actually it is about the puppy bowl. the toll of the puppy bowl. it draws billions of viewers, but is there a dark side? a writer for the new republic wonders if we can be sure puppy football is entirely safe. a vet is on site during filming as is a monitor from the american hue -- humane association. that sounds troubling. he worries that the contest feeds our country's obsession
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we were not supposed to hire that goth for our production department. >> horrified. absolutely horrified. >> i don't know if any of that is true. we hire a goth and that's what we get. all he lessens to is ball house. joanne, they claim the puppies are safe, but they would say that, wouldn't they? >> of course they would. just like everything else in this country it is corrupt. but there is a bigger issue in this cri. we are speciesist. why is there not a kitten bowl? >> there is a kitten bowl. >> really? >> i don't know. >> there is a kitten bowl on the homework channel. >> no one watches that. >> there is no snake bowl. >> it is all about puppies. >> there is no turkey vulture bowl, buck. >> everyone is trying to cover up what a is happening here which is puppy concussions. the puppies see a little milk-bone and go head to head
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for each other. they look all cute, but no helmets on the puppies. the more important story, one not covered in the mainstream media and barack obama is using the irs to go after puppy contestants because he said it is a political activity banned under new irs regulations. i am breaking the story now. barack obama, anti-puppy as well as hating america. >> wow, buck sexton, you are like an investigative reporter with great hair. gavin, will you be watching this? >> no, i don't like sports. >> neither do i. >> i wish the puppies the best, but i have never been a sports guy, and i don't even know the teams. congratulations transient millionaire puppies playing a game where you move something around and you go to a 10 with another logo on your shirt. >> by the way, they can't even play football? >> is that what it is called? some of the golden retrievers have litters of puppies they can't name them or take care of them and leave them behind. it is not cool.
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>> lack of responsibility. >> there are puppies running around with other puppies. >> and they go to puppy strip clubs which makes me sick to my stomach. >> greg, apparently i am the only one that did research and 64% of the players in the puppy bowl end up with severe long-term brain damage because of concussions. animal planet refuses to admit culpability. they actively try to squash the truth. one medical examiner said you can't go against discovery of communications. they will squash you. one former player says, quote, the minute you step on that field you are only one play away from getting seriously injured. but people don't care. they watch the puppy bowl for the violence and the savagery. it makes me sick. >> if you look at this, the author made a good point that it is called the puppy bowl. it is not called the dog bowl because we don't care about certain things when they get older. technically shouldn't the
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super bowl be played by babies, joanne gnaw -- joanne? >> are you okay? well, it is not being played by 60-year-old men. >> that's true. which technically a dog is a 60-year-old man. >> yes, in dog years. >> it can't be played by dogs. they have very short careers. if you look at them after three, four years of doing this, most can't walk. >> they will be bankrupt two years after they retire because a lot are so stupid. >> they will open their car wash and their money will go down the drain. >> they give away the money to their dogs. >> their entourage. >> people just milking them to death. like we have done to this segment. did her shawl go awol? it is day 732 of -- lyndsay
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lohan claims half of her $75,000 fur coat went missing at a new york nightclub. she blames injured seattle seahawks player. who wouldn't? the actress was partying with sydney rice and friends on wednesday night. tmz said she called everyone to her table to see if they had the coat, but wasn't able to contact rice, so obviously he is guilty. a source said, quote, there was no fur coat. lyndsay arrived in a leather jacket with a separate long fur shawl. they caught up with a member of her entourage the next day. >> hi, mate. to my drinking. to my drinking. [laughing].
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>> nothing like an alcoholic. all right, that brings out the best in us. i don't know where to start. she blamed an a injured seattle seahawks player. don't they all? >> when she is not clubbing baby seals this is what lindsay lohan is up to. i am amazed she has a $75,000 fur coat at this point at all. she should be broker than mc hammer. when was the last time she was in a movie? >> i have a theory that she barrowed this and she is trying to make some money. joanne, you work in a club. she was banned -- >> listen, you ban people all the time. you always bring them back. it brings you the press. it brings more people in. >> have you ever banned somebody? >> oh yeah. not me personally jie. did you ban neb -- anybody famous?
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>> i served famous people. they still remember when i go up to the street. no, they don't. >> that's a shame. you should stop following them. that's creepy. what do you think, gavin, do you think she made up the story? >> yeah, of course she did. as an alcoholic that was our shiznit. we would say, remember when your shawl went on fire? let's say that black dude took it and he is probably going to sell it. they would be like, done. now with these nerds and their theircctv cameras we can't do those stories. we can't even do coke anymore. you can't cheat on your wife. the nerds have taken over and ruined our lives. there is no more philandering. i liked lying. it got me out of a lot of tough positions. >> last week you lost your jacket in a bar and blamed a group of toughs. by the way, i am not joking. he blamed a a group of toughs for stealing his jacket which
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he later found in his wife's closet. >> you can't say thug anymore. >> you never even saw any toughs. >> my watch was gone, so i have seen them on tv where they do this snaky thing. i found the watch and the blazer in my wife's stuff. >> but the nice thing is you called and apologized to the owner of the bar. >> yes, but i was making fun of his accent and making fun of him for being divorced and that was not cool. >> you know what he said to me? i was hoping he would go home with my ex-wife. that's what he said about you. >> i'm sorry, but don't you go you -- come on. >> we are talking about other things. andy, you left a cross on the bus. >> i have lived in new york for 30 years and never been on the bus. subway all the time, but never the bus. remember susan smith?
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the colorado woman who strapped her kids into the car and rolled it into the lake and told the police she was carjacked by black man? nothing has changed in 20 years. lyndsay lohan is blaming a black han for stealing a coat that doesn't exist. >> how do you steal half a coat? >> it was a two piece. i am thinking it was a shawl coat that attaches. >> it was very cold outlast night. somebody perhaps needed it for just st a aving off hypothermia. >> wouldn't you say this person probably really needed my coat? >> she sold the coat and she needed a story. the people that lent it to her -- that's my theory. >> she should have said she gave it to a bag lady who had a newborn and they were shivering. >> you know what, i don't care what this costs, i will save this baby. >> nobody would believe lyndsay lohan would do that. >> coming up, super bowl xlvi. it is a year and three days away.
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is there more to tell about ubl? a california state university teacher seen here looking teachery claims in a book that bin laden was a freedom fighter. emmett evans a polly cal science claims the world food systems class should read his writings because no one else will. it offers a different take on
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osama's organization. they say osama bin laden is an attempt to free a country and in this case saudi arabia from a corrupt and repressed regime and colonial power, in this case the u.s. when fox news asked him he quoted, quote, with respect to my writing they are empirical and not normative. speaking of things that are empirical and not normative. >> oh they never learn. buck, you were saying as you were watching this, the professor's writings have changed your mind about al-qaeda and america. i was surprised. >> when i was in the cia we should have blown up more of them. this guy is very representative of the broader sentiment on college campus which is anything you can do to try to change the perception of al-qaeda in such
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to make it a freedom struggle, they tend to do. whether you that sequestered you have tenure and you can smoke before and after class, you don't have a real job and you start to think these crazy thoughts. >> gavin, my problem is the word -- well, two things. if they are any -- if there are any students relatives of 9/11 victims, they would -- i would would -- they would kill the guy . number two, i think that was it. no, calling bin laden a freedom fighter, bin laden was never fighting for freedom. he was fighting for the opposite, a toe totalitarian takeover. >> he doesn't want freedom. that's why he is fighting. in a sense he is a fighter of freedom. >> and he is an imperialist. >> he he -- she a colonial. they think spain belongs to them. >> i'm with him on that. >> empirical.
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i am empirical and normative. >> i have seen comedians say 9/11 was a reward for our foreign policy. bin laden said it was. air go that is why it happened. you say why did they attack vancouver? why did they drive a flaming car into the airport at glass scow? and a woman has a burke caw and they say what are you doing with purple socks? they are insatiable. you can never make them happy. >> that's the hard part. you can't meet them halfway. >> worst boyfriend ever! >> what do you make of this, joanne? you just got out of college. >> welcome to college. you have liberal professors. that's what they do, right? >> dumb things. >> expru supposed to question it. the kid who took this class, this would be a much better story if his grade was affected because he challenged the professor. it wasn't. he even said my grade was multiple choice tests.
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i did fine. i don't know why he is complaining. welcome to school. you go to the pub and you complain with your classmates about the professor. >> there are two issues here, greg and let me tell you what they are. the first is the professor claiming the whole ridiculous empirical is not normative. it is a narmative statement. >> i thought it was not normal. >> and it is contridicted by bin laden's own statements. after 9/11 bin laden said his motivation for the attacks was the injustice and tierney of the israeli-american alliance in palestine and lebenon. nothing about freeing saudi arabia from a regime. the fact contridicts what he says. i agree with joanne. at least the guy didn't push the students for disagreeing with them. he apologized for not making it clearer his course had a slant to it. i took a class called capitalism.
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i got in the class and within a half hour i realized the whole class would be taught from a marxist perspective. >> capitalism with a "k." >> i have no problem teaching from a marxist perspective, but you need to say that. >> i was 20 -- what was i 19? i took a class on i think history of religion. i just thought it was oh this will be interesting because i went to well years of catholic school and this will be fun. i had no idea it was like the history of evil religion. it was just like -- from the day it started it was nonstop. i didn't know any better. >> except for islam which they teach is a religion of peace. some of the evidence to the contrary sometimes. >> it was all about the bible. >> you know what is incredible about college, no matter how crazy our stories are, my professor was the head of the communist party and he said it is okay to have an abortion up
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to year after the baby is born. it is like star trek and gender bias and science fiction in bathrooms? it has gotten way worse than the 1990s. >> or way better. i would rather learn about "star trek" than gender norm. >> if you had an open mind lesbians of the caribbean was an interesting class. >> on that note, are your plants watching you undress? a shocking five-part series beginning next week. what is the number one snag on super bowl sunday? you
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does the average md know less than you and me? a according to the on-line encyclopedia that nearly anyone in the world canned dit -- can edit is the top source of health care information for doctors and patients. now med school is unnecessary. physicians admitted they consulted wikipedia on serious illnesses especially less common ones. feel free to send me pictures of any rashes on your buttocks and i will diagnose them for free. i am an expert. do you use wikipedia to diagnose the malaties. >> i use web md. it is more professional. >> right because it has md in it. >> and through this website i have discovered i have thyroid
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problems. i am not sure which one. >> they are all the same. >> and i have been going through menopause for the past six months. >> good for you. >> the problem with web md is when you look up a symptom and it could go -- go-- the cough ca cold or cancer. >> everything is fatal. if you look up swollen glands you will freak out saying i have that weird disease that you can only get if you were that part of the nile river and bitten by the weird bug, and maybe it was while i was sleep and that is why the gland is swollen. >> or it is aids. >> i thought only jews did this. i assumed web md was a website for jews to have on their -- they can basically have it as their home page. this is weird to me. >> the internet has not been kind to inure rot particulars. gavin there were 71,000 active users and no credential checks. it makes sense that a doctor would use this. >> well, it does. what does that say on bit
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coins? there is authority in numbers. i noticed liberals always do this. they say, yeah, it is on wikipedia. you can trust that. you can, moron. go to liver right now and change a it to thing that doesn't clean your blood and it will be gone in 60 seconds. >> that's what i don't get. who is doing it? it is like elves. >> it is an incredibly efficient system. >> what if your doctor check itself in the 60-second period. >> they will say your blood is dirty. let's get rid of the liver. >> at some point your doctor will have a film in one hand and twitter in the other and he will say i thought it was this, but somebody told me -- >> let me ask my followers. >> they will crowd around for your diagnosis. >> the thing is, andy, real doctors do not have time to write wikipedia entries. who is doing this? who is doing it? >> people who have too much time. >> they are not inaccurate. >> for me wikipedia is a link
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to actual sources. if i need to look something up i may go to wikipedia first and i will check the foot notes and then go to the primary sources to make sure the person writing wikipedia -- >> oh i check wikipedia a lot and it turns out there is something wrong with my thyroid, i am not sure which way and i have been going through menopause for the last six months. >> that's beautiful. >> i have a theory that wikipedia is as close as you get to god. >> that's actually not crazy talk. god is all of our brains and sort of collective consciousness. >> it is freaking me out. >> the fact we can amalgamate this truth is heaven. >> it is the singularity when you can up load your brain on thed with. except you can't have hair on the web, greg or a staggin
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wagon. >> if you put any word into wick caw petted -- wikipedia somebody will have deett -- devoted time to it. >> isn't it scientology and how it sort of happened? >> that is l ron hubbard. we are talking about the big guy. >> oh. >> wikipedia is always right. actually on my own page it says i am racist and sexist and i didn't even know that. i was like, yeah. >> you know there are mistakes on my wikipedia page and i cannot change. there is a quote on my wikipedia page about saying mugwump libertarian and i don't even know what it is. it is foot noted to an episode of "red eye" that i am too lazy to look at. >> it is a huge problem that you can't look up the source. >> i wrote your wikipedia page. >> you saw into the future. >> now you can prove this and we will edit it out.
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african-american organizations are protesting the use of race in descriptions of suspects by campus police. they wrote in a letter to you have the officials, quote, efforts to reduce crime should never be at the expense of our black men or any group of people likely to be targeted. the president of the university black men's forum says members of the group feel threatened when crime alerts include a racial description. a school official replied that profiling will not be tolerated on campus and, quote, she believes that the more info the police share about the suspect, the better. do these groups have a right to be angry when they use racial descriptions? >> no. it is crime and it is about the safety of the campus and it is an institution you are at. wouldn't you want to feel safe? racial profiling is how you find the criminals. >> but i don't even call this racial profiling. >> it is called a screption. >> and you have to -- it is called a description. >> i am a short guy.
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should i be upset that everybody is the average height? >> i can tell you a tale of two. a couple weeks ago i was watching new york 1. they had something that had done something bad in brooke 11. it is all about meetings and union meetings and stuff. i don't even know why i watch it. a guy was on the loose and attacked somebody. the description they gave was 5 foot 8 and a hooded sweatshirt and jeans. that was it. meanwhile, somebody maybe last weekend in the west village was suspected of public urination and it is a selled low fers and a tie on and a blue sweater. in that case we can give the deets. >> sorry about that. you should have gone before you left. >> fair point. >> yes, it was. gavin, i am going to you terrified. jim norton made this point on twitter, the title of the groups that are mad have the word black in them.
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if the groups have the name black in them how can the descriptions be racist? >> on this crusade to end racism , we have been screaming with the torches and chasing frankenstein and come up against this brick wall called reality. they had a woman saying no one at mayo go class is -- at my yoga class is black and i am not okay with that. is swimming racist? students at ucla were almost lynching this prof because he was checking spelling and grammar and got bad grades. you have students at the university of michigan threatening physical harm if the school doesn't get more diverse. >> i think what they said was not physical harm. they said action. >> physical action. what does that mean? >> andy, thoughts? >> none. i will offer a bit of empathy for the black students. >> that's good. >> i imagine it would be suck to be a black male on that
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campus when a crime alert goes out when the suspect is a black male. >> well get mad at the criminal. >> i completely agree. there were students talking about the fact they had been stopped by the cops multiple times on the same day. unfortunately not reporting the race of the suspect is not the answer. the answer is you don't report the race and you don't report the gender. even species is a problem. i just think you say something something robbed a store. >> a law breaking entity is on the loose. >> if you are black and you get on the elevator and a woman goes like that with the purse. you don't say i am not going to rob you. you say, jerk, you are giving me a bad rep and now everyone is clutching the purse. why is she the bad guy? >> black people report the only ones that rob people. >> i understand. the criminal rtz bad guys. >> if you feel bad because you look like the guy who did the
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ford offered support to his fellow canadian. >> you know what, he is a young guy at 19 years old. i wish i was as successful as he was. she 19 years old, guys. think back to when you were 19. >> ford says he never met bieber and isn't a fan of his music. he is more of a led-zeplin kind of guy. that's because he looks like one. a little weight joke there. he go the senator's thoughts on deporting bieber. >> from the little bit i read it sounds like he has a lot of problems. i hope he gets help for it or he will wind up in a bad, bad place. >> joanne, you are often enamored of young pop stars, younger than you. we heard of many and it never ended well with you. >> thanks for reminding me. >> if you were in bieber's circle at this point, would
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this make you happy that ford is okay? >> yes. he wants bieber to be a part of his reality show. so it is more money for his circle. it is a good thing to have ford on your side. >> i would want ford to be my attorney at trial if need be. he would be like, i woke up with a mound of coke and three dead bodies, come on, things happen. it changes the perception of the jury and bam. >> another amazing impression by you. it was leak i was there in the presence of mayor ford. is that the impression you use for everybody? mother theresa? oh hey. gavin, should bieber -- cont he rebel -- shouldn't he rebel against ford and become an upstanding citizen? >> that would blow some minds. >> i don't know. i don't want to criticize the story, but it is amazing that
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we spend and not just this show, but everyone at work is talking about it. some guy shows his picture on his phone about how miley looks like bieber and he said, yeah, they are both total idiots. dude, you are 35 years old. my dad would never say, that bloody kid did it again. i am going to rip out my tiger beat magazine. david cassidy is a bloody -- my dad didn't know who these people were. all adults know justin. >> that goes back to my point about pop culture has covered everything. my mother who is 89 and knows who justin bieber is sadly. >> and it is the chicken or the egg thing too. he does have influence. he is the number one most looked at thing on youtube. so this guy is affecting hundreds of millions of little kids' lives. so it does make sense to talk about it. >> he just contridicted everything he said! >> it is crazy we are talking about him, but there is a mathematical empirical justification. >> crazy and yet awesome.
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>> empirical or enormative? >> empirical. >> what do you make of the craziness? >> i think when ford says he wishes he was as successful i think he wishes he had the access to drugs as justin bieber. he wants to do it more. >> if he had his way he would be living with bieber in that house and they would be going out egging the neighbors together. >> a great reality show. >> can you imagine rob ford egging houses with bieber and giggling. >> we have a picture of rob ford probably loves which is tickling by another older man. who hasn't felt that before? >> i don't like the rob ford slamming. i didn't see this mockery with marion berry. real estate prices are through the roof. everything -- the economy is rocking there. he totally dismantled the unions. the one time he was punished for the crack thing the
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airport fell apart because he was not in control. when he gets in trouble the city suffers. >> a lot of canadians like him. >> are you endorsing crack? >> crack is a very intense drug. if you want to sober up a bit, sure, have a puff. but no. we used to do pam cooking spray when we were wasted in a plays steek bag. >> i didn't realize ford is only 44 years old. i had no idea. >> that's what happens when you gain a lot of weight. >> he doesn't look a day over 50. >> how happy can you be? he is like a big, giant panda. >> they are cute there, but when they get hungry, you don't want to be near them. >> he was picking out a wedgy. >> he is a wedge picker. everybody has those. once you get to a certain level of the coming up, the last story.
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huckabee and dan soder. >> e block, the last story. that's the last story. >> and now a story hannity was too afraid to cover. according to new research, vegetable rtz most common food consumed on super bowl sunday. 27% will eat one veggie the day of the big game while 22% snack on chips and 18% pizza and 16% soup. 13% will consume alcohol and sod sodomize a turtle. >> how do they even do that? >> that is 100% of the people who consume alcohol will be saddam myselfing tour -- saw dodd myselfing turtles. >> is it one turtle? >> the same turtle. >> you know, joanne, is it safe to guess that the reason why the number of vegetables is so high is that women are at these parties? >> people don't know what a vegetable is. your spinach dip is not a
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vegetable. the celery and blue cheese dressing is not a vegetable. that's where people are getting the numbers. it is a vegetable, but it is not good for you. you think people are being healthier for the super bowl. they are not. >> they think it cancels out. when you stuff your face with pounds and pounds of fried chicken wings and you have blue cheese smeared ought over you like moisturizer and in your hair to hold it perfectly exprkts reality is you think you eat a few celery stalks and everything is cool, my understanding is that that is from a nutritional standpoint, false. >> if you want to be on a diet x the way to do it is to be the bartender. you won't have time to take a sip of water let alone drink or eat. >> that's a fun tip. >> that's what i will be doing on sunday. >> that sounds like a tip you would get from mad do moi sell on how to do a super bowl party. >> i am sick of americans talking about what goes into their body. pig out. it is one day.
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go bough bananas. >> bananas? >> it is not what you put in your body. it is what you do when it is in your body. we have to stop talking about i need more gluten and i had too much suctroce. eat like a pig. boxers have cake for dinner. they have 37 pancakes because they are working out all day. >> not all of us can be boxers , andy. >> walk to work. take a bike to work. >> i hate to be the guy who read this story. >> we have 45 seconds. >> the number of people's eating habits on super bowl sunday includes the people who watch the game and people who don't. it is what they eat on that day and what people who watch the super bowl eats. >> who doesn't watch the super bowl? >> i don't. i go shopping because there is never any lines where i go shopping. >> ♪ the loneliest guy. >> wings, pizza, chips, dip and that's all you are allowed
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are cheering wildly. have a great weekend, everyone. "the five" is next. hello, everyone. yp eric bolling from super bowl boulevard in times square. only 48 hours left until super bowl xlviii. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." we have an amazing show planned for you today. an hour of five style fun. let's kick it off with new super bowl ads. we pulled the ones we think everyone will be talking about monday morning. thec chis one out. this is a winner from volkswagen. watch. ♪ everybody have fun tonight everybody have fun tonight ♪
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