tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News February 1, 2014 1:30pm-2:01pm PST
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that's all for today. thanks for joining me. until next time, i hope you're learning to be more of a healthy you. super security in place, ahead of tomorrow's super bowl xlviii, what's called unprecedented security measures taken from new york to new jersey leading up to the big game. dozens of federal and local law enforcement agencies beefing up security and safety from the skies, to the rails, and of course, at metlife stadium. that's where we find our own rick in east rutherford, new jersey. rick, how is it looking out there? >> reporter: looks like a lockdown, greg. you're not getting near metlife stadium without a ticket. there are police officers and federal agents here from across
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the region. they're responding to calls including false alarms, including one in midtown manhattan today. another white powder concern at a midtown hotel, the crown plaza on broadway and 48th street. it turned out to be a false alarm and there were no injuries. of course, yesterday there were several hotels that turned into police scenes in new jersey near metlife stadium. local police, new jersey state police, the fbi's joint terrorism task force and hazmat teams responding to several letters that showed up at the front desks of several hotels near the stadium. this was a nonhazardous material. they have to take every call seriously. it was a good dry run for the new jersey state police. one of the men in carriage of the state police, kevin fowler. >> it's not uncommon for us to get these calls on a daily basis
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in the law enforcement world. >> these white powder calls that turn out to be nothing? >> we get a lot of these. that's not publicized. but because we're here with the super bowl, it seems to take more of a, you know, a front stage on that. but we don't take any of them, you know, lightly. we took this very serious. and with all of our partners we were able to rule it out that it wasn't legit. >> reporter: the other thing we didn't talk about, greg, is the weather being warmer helps the police as well. they were concerned about having to relieve these officers on 15-minute rotation, because if the temperatures were sub-zero, it would be a real issue for them. that's not the case anymore so they can focus more on the security and less on the cold. >> well, we're going to check with janice in just a moment. but look, they're not just searching the fans tomorrow, what, vehicles entering the stadium also being searched? >> reporter: vehicles will be checked and trucks are being checked as well. in fact, anyone delivering anything to the stadium, vendors are being stopped and redirected to a parking lot just down the
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road here. that's where the u.s. customs patrol agency is doing nonintrusive vehicle inspections to make sure there are no contraband or explosives making it inside the security perimeter. customs agents will be in black hawk helicopters flying over the meadowlands tomorrow. and the new jersey air national guard will have f-16s that are based in atlantic city patrolling the skies over metlife stadium to enforce the restricted air space rules that will be in effect throughout the super bowl. so eyes in the sky, eyes on the ground, boats out on the water in the meadowlands, and hopefully we'll have a safe super bowl. wait and see who wins. >> who do you have? >> reporter: here's my prediction. denver beats seattle 31-24. >> 31-24? >> reporter: yeah. >> very impressive. we'll wait and see. we'll call you out if you're wrong. >> reporter: okay. >> rick, thanks very much. arizona governor jan brewer is taking part in the ceremonial
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super bowl handoff in times square, with new york and new jersey governors, andrew cuomo, chris christie, and bill de blasio. right now, it's around 62 degrees in glendale. while it's 45 degrees at metlife stadium. what will the temperature be at kickoff time tomorrow night? meteorologist janet dean is live in the fox weather center. you know, we have gone through an incredible cold snap here, ten degrees one day, windchills below zero. but they're going to luck out tomorrow, right? >> they really are. and in just a matter of hours, as we get people home from the super bowl, we're going to see another winter storm. this is really incredible. we've seen storm after storm, and temperatures below zero across the northeast. we are really lucking out for the super bowl in rutherford, new jersey. tomorrow's highs, 40s and 50s, in some cases teterboro, 51 your
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daytime high. for kickoff we're thinking around 44. with a high getting the people out there around 48 degrees, with a lot of sunshine. winds are going to be around 10 miles per hour out of the west. again, looks like mid-40s for kickoff. but then things go downhill overnight into monday. we're going to be dealing with a messy commute. so people who are going to be trying to get out of new jersey and new york on monday morning are going to have some real issues. so here's our next system as we track it through sunday, bringing snow to northern parts of texas, oklahoma, arkansas, mid-mississippi river valley, ohio river valley. 6:00 a.m. monday, philadelphia, new york, long island, new jersey, into the snow we think. we could get some impressive snow totals as well heading into monday. so it's a miracle, greg, that we have the 24-hour time frame where nothing is happening. and then things go downhill. >> it truly is. talk about luck. >> yep. >> we're in short supply of that lately. >> we are.
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>> j.d., thanks very much. it's been called the biggest bank robbery in recent colorado history. now the fbi is searching the so-called trash-talking bandits, saying the two crooks are armed and very dangerous. dominic is live with the latest. dominic? >> greg, the big concern is, could they strike again. they were so violent inside the wells fargo bank in west minister just north of denver, this took place last week, that they were holding handguns against the heads of some of the people inside the bank. as many as 40 people, staff and customers. terrified by the incident. it only took two minutes to happen. you can see from the photos they were well disguised and carrying black trash bags to put the cash in, as much as $500,000 is what they got away with. that individual there, police aren't sure if that is a woman or possibly a man. but the two individuals, the manhunt is under way for them. now, they got away from the scene, dumped their car nearby.
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police wondering whether actually anybody was helping them. these individuals clearly very dangerous. the fbi leading investigators saying these are the concerns. listen. >> we're particularly concerned with the level of violence used by these criminals. and the possibility of them acting again. resulting in serious injury to innocent persons. >> well, they've upped the security at other local banks and financial institutions. will that do any good? well, the manhunt continues, as i was saying. and how they're going to get any idea on this is no indications of that at this time. there's certainly a reward out at the moment, wells fargo putting up $35,000 for any identification and ultimate arrest and prosecution of these individuals. the police have thrown in another $2,000. but so far we've got no news from the fbi in terms of new leads. it's a mystery. and these men, dangerous as they are, at large, greg. >> dominic, thanks. no charges will be filed against congressman michael
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grimm, caught on camera, threatening a reporter after the state of the union address tuesday. the u.s. capitol police say they have now closed the case against grimm after no complaints were issued. the heated conversation sparked by questions from a reporter over a political fund-raising scandal. grimm threatened to throw a new york 1 reporter off a balcony. grimm has since apologized. >> a moment of silence today for the victims of last week's maryland mall shooting. mourners gathering at the columbia mall to remember the victims, employees of the skateboard shop, killed, when 19-year-old darian ag wa lar opened fire before turning the gun on himself. police still have found no connection between the alleged shooter and the victims. another deadly school shooting, a manhunt under way near michigan state university.
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president obama talking up jobs and the economy this saturday. but will his pocketbook policies kick-start or hold back the recovery? >> the cold hard fact is even in the midst of recovery, too many millions are working more than ever just to get by, let alone get ahead. and too many still aren't working at all. ♪
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well, did you know auctioneers make bad grocery store clerks? that'll be $23.50. now .75, 23.75, hold 'em. hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know.
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welcome back. time for a quick check of the headlines. toronto's crack smoking mayor at it again. rob ford and a former staffer reportedly ticketed for jay walking in vancouver. the mayor telling police officers, quote, i thought you were cooler on the west coast. after being flagged down near a gas station. former chicago mayor richard daly in the intensive care unit after feeling ill after a business trip in arizona friday. the 71-year-old remaining at
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northwestern memorial hospital for monitoring and evaluation. academy award-winning actor max mill yan shell has died. he won a best actor oscar in 1961 for his role as a defense attorney in the post-world war ii drama judgment at nurmburg. he was 83. president obama and republicans both focusing on ways to improve the economy and create jobs. they did it in their weekly addresses. >> those at the top are doing better than ever, average wages have barely budged. too many americans are working harder and harder just to get by and too many still aren't working at all. our job is to reverse those trends. it's time to restore opportunity for all people. the idea that no matter who you are, if you work hard and live up to your responsibilities, you can make it if you try. >> more must be done for the millions of americans who are having such a hard time finding
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a job. one thing the president talked about is ensuring workers can get the right skills for the right jobs. we agree. this is critical. as someone who worked at a community college in job training, i know our economy has changed, but the way we train our workers has not. >> as both parties look to the midterm elections, no surprise that they're tackling these pocketbook issues. take a look at this brand-new fox news poll, 29% of people say the economy and jobs are the most important issue that the congress and president should work on, far behind, health care at 13%. senior editor at the daily caller, jamie, we're in the president's sixth year now. still 20 million cannot find full-time work. taxes and health care costs are going higher. and record number depend on food stamps. given all that, can the president blame his predecessor or has he had ample time to fix
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it? >> it's hard to keep blaming your predecessor in the sixth year of your presidency. he doesn't have any new ideas. if you listen to the president over the last month, month and a half, he wants to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 an hour, which is really an anti-jobs program. you're increasing the cost of labor. that most likely, might not be a huge drop, but that will cause probably fewer workers, not more. >> it's a 39% increase. a lot of small businesses can't handle that. they'll have to start firing workers, laying off people from full-time to part-time, or just close shop. >> what it essentially is a tax on companies and small businesses that hire low-skilled workers. the very people you're trying to get hired in this down economy. that's an anti-jobs program. it's trying to win the upcoming election with terms like inequality, makes people feel
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good. but that's not how you get recovery in a down economy. >> "the new york times" yesterday, front page of the business section, pointed out that even if the economic growth is strong over the remainder of the president's term, he's still so way behind recoveries in comparable bad recessions. a poll finds almost 60%, actually 59%, almost 60% disapprove of the president's handling of the economy, which invites the question, maybe it's his policies that aren't working, that are wrong. >> well, the heritage foundation released last month their new index of economic freedom. the united states when president obama took over was number sixth. we're down to 1th behind astonia. it seems like the smart course would be to reduce regulation, adopt the john stossel rule, your colleague that for every law is passed, take off two other laws, reduce two other regulations, or more, to unleash the private sector.
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i think this is also very important, that the number one domestic challenges are long term. fiscal picture are unfunded entitlements. get those on pace. let businesses know we're not going to be insolvent. make them feel confident in america again. unleash the private sector, give them the strength to move forward and hire people. >> i wonder, has the botched rollout of obama care, not only hurt the president's leadership image on health care, and it's way down there, but the economy as well? after all, health care is one-sixth of the entire economy, and many people saying, you know what, he botched the rollout. maybe he is to blame for the economy. >> i think it's very possible. you know, last week, nancy pelosi appeared on the "daily show" with jon stewart. stewart is a pretty liberal guy. but he nailed her for this. he said, look, you know, the botched obamacare rollout showed the limits of what government can do.
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it's kind of showing you that government can't act competently. and that makes people question trusting government to fix things like health care and the economy. i'm sure that he has not thrown away his liberal nature. but it gives up a good point. it does show the limits of what government can do efficiently. and i think that does give less confidence that the government can fix the economy. i certainly don't believe that it's the government's role to fix the economy. i think it needs to get out of the way to allow the private sector to do that. >> what about republicans? don't they need a viable plan to create jobs? speaker boehner said the other day, he's going to make that the main gop theme in 2014. yet what do they really have? >> well, they have a few bills that they're trying to get the president to push the senate to act on. they already passed the house. it's a lot of small balls. not many big bills. again, you know, this is not what the government can do to get the economy going, what the government can do is get out of the way, reduce regulation and fix our long-term entitlement
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program. no one is really pushing that anymore. the republicans tried with the ryan bill. but that got nowhere with getting the democrats in the senate and president to get onboard. until you do those things, i'm not sure any of these small bills that they're pushing are going to have such a dramatic effect. even if each one of them is better than the alternative. >> america imports 6 million barrels a day of oil. opening up offshore drilling could eliminate foreign purchases. is that an idea republicans might push more aggressively? >> i think that the energy sector is an area where the united states has a huge advantage. we have tremendous amount of natural gas and oil we have found. i don't understand why this administration in particular, the keystone pipeline, prevents this from going forth. i think what the keystone pipeline alone, that's 10,000 t approved it. it seems to me that they have this kind of, on one hand there's a jobs program, on the other hand they'll upset the environmental base, the left wing base that doesn't like
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these type of energy programs. so they're getting in the way of creating jobs right there. that's one place to start. >> in just another hour, in the 6:00 hour, we'll be talking about oil and gas in america. jamie to see you. thanks very much. >> good to see you, thank you. a new battle among industry and the feds. what they're fighting over, and where we're waging the war. we're going to tell you in a full report coming up. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives.
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wasting resources that could be used to build homes and bring jobs environmentalists disagree ann springer has this report from oregon. sparked by lightning, this wildfire scorched 48,000 acres of forest last summer. crews are busy salvaging the trees killed by flames. charred logs of stacked and cut into lumber, ready for home building. >> it creates jobs, it creates housing for the counties. >> it's a different story right next door. red tape leaves valuable wood untouched and rotting. >> a big frustration for the private landowners is it makes a lot more sense to do the salvage logging on public land while they're already here hauling their dead trees out. also, these burned government
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trees will eventually fall, blocking their logging road and raising the risk of another catastrophic wildfire. >> if those standing trees are not physically removed from the forest, they're going to turn into snags, which turn into, as they degrade over time, large fuel on the forest floor that is susceptible to another dry lightning start. >> it's the same situation in northern california, where the rim fire blackened 140,000 acres. conservationists say the dead trees do have value when left, producing another forest than replanted seedlings. >> a tree form is usually one species, all one age, it has the biological complexity of a corn field. and a natural forest has lots of different shrub 1350eshs, lots of different tree species. >> combined, the california and oregon fires could produce 500
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million feet about enough lumber to build 25,000 homes and support 9,000 jobs. but with the timber wars still being fought, even after fires, chances are the wood is here to stay, and the logging jobs gone tomorrow. in roseburg, oregon, fox news. >> something to celebrate, take a look at this, fireworks lighting up the night sky in victoria harbor in hong kong. people ushering in year of the horse. believed to bring in favorable times. happy new year. that does it for us. we'll be joining you for another hour, 6:00 p.m., just an hour from now, we'll see you then. bye-bye. ♪ ♪
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president obama talks about his critics, his controversies. see the reaction on the next factor. and we hope to see you then. hello, everyone, i'm on super bowl boulevard in new york city. it's 5:00, and this is five. we have an amazing show planned for you today. an hour of five style fun. let's chic it off with new super bowl ads. we pulled the ones we think everyone will be talking about monday miami. this is a winner from volkswagen, watch. ♪ everybody have fun tonight everybody have fun
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