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tv   Justice With Judge Jeanine  FOX News  February 2, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST

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peer peer -- janeen piro is coming up next. i'm a happy person. i'm an optimist. i look are to the positives. to me it is the only way to get through life. broadway boasts "the sun will come out tomorrow" and i'm good with that. but too bad broadway's sun can't breakthrough washington's clouds. so don't tell me and lie to me and say the sun is out when it is pouring rain and don't give me a political speech all patriotic and sunny when the flood is so high the animals are lining up two by two. hello and welcome to "justice." thanks for being with us tonight. speaking of animals, i watched
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the president's 6th state of the union address with my poodles. i am not sure who the president was talking to, but none of it rang true to the three of us. right now by two poodles are camped out on a dock waiting for an arc to come by. but then again it is nothing new. to paraphrase another washington paragon, what difference does it make? well i'll tell you what difference it makes. lies threaten your future and your children's future. yet in an uncertain world with an uncertain economy and an uncertain future. future, the president's highlight a minimum wage increase for federal contractors only. really? you talk minimum wage while iran races toward a nuclear weapon and while you reversed the sanctions against iran as people with terminal illnesses lose their health care because
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you lied to all of them. and you are trumpeting the minimum wage? and then you pump up the night by telling us the economy has never been better. we have more manufacturing jobs than we did in the 1990s, that we have a great job recovery. the lowest unemployment rate in five years and that we, the united states of the -- are the envy of the world. >> the united states is better positioned for the 21st century than any other nation on earth. >> mr. president, who are you talking to? do you think any of us believe that a? our world standing is far lower than when you came into office. the middle east burns us in ep ep -- effigy and even you can't believe it yourself. >> china is no longer the number one place to invest. america is. >> according to whom? you are kidding, right?
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let me make this simple. china is our creditor. would you rather do business with a bank or a better? they say the best countries to do business with are ireland, china, india, brazil, canada, and we are even behind estonia, wherever that is. in this one, we have the lowest unemployment rate in five years. well, of course we do. people are so depressed they have stopped looking for jobs. and if they are such great job creation, why do we need to continuously extend unemployment benefits. #kwr* are there 20 million more americans on food stamps since you took office? you want to up the minimum wage so more can attain the american dream. i'm all for that. in fact, there is a teenager -- as a teenager i worked for
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a minimum wage for years in the dairy and as a telephone operbut if you are pushing the american dream, why the hell are you allowing in illegal immigrants who are competing for the same level of pay? now, of course everything in washington is everyone else's fault. you tell congress to get those bills to your desk to put more americans back to work. >> if congress wants to help you can look at proven programs that can connect c ready to be filled jobs. >> excuse me, ready to be filled jobs for ready to work americans? it sounds like the shovel ready jobs that weren't so shovel ready after you put 800 billion of our hard-earned tax dollars in the stimulus. that one didn't work out so well now did it? folks, the truth, it is all theater. speaking of theater, mr.
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president, what is with the mad men analogy? >> it is time to do with workplace policies that belong in a "mad men" episode. >> you say that women still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns? a woman deserves equal pay for equal work? last time i gave that speech was 20 years ago. have you fer -- have you ever heard of the equal pay askt 1963, title 7 of the civil rights act or the lily ledbetter fair pay act? how dumb do you really think we are? and mr. president, here is a thought, stop using my wallet and my reproductive organs to instill fear in me and co-op me into thinking only you and your party are on my side, and that everyone else has declared war on me. stop pandering and de seifing and bullying us into thinking we women are victims.
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we are doing just fine, thank you very much. speaking of bullying, you bring the full weight and authority of the united states department of justice against the little sisters of the poor who devoted their lives to caring for the sick and dyingy elderly because they it follow their religious beliefs? you even sound like a bully. i am going to do what i want, when i want. >> america does not stand still and neither do i. wherever and when ever i can take steps to expand opportunity for more american families that's what i'm going to do. >> where are you taking your lead from. this guy or the united states constitution which clearly outlines the separation of powers. and what is that? you've got a pen and you are going to use it?
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you are not going to wait for congress and you are going to use it to help the middle class? here is an idea. take that pen and approve the keystone pipeline. your state department and environmental impact statements say it is safe. the issue, you are not even going to get to it until this summer. why? thousands of american jobs and not to mention a boom to the economy and long-term energy independence, sign it! you have a pen and are you going to use it. take that pen and send a memo to eric holder to stop your crusade against catholics and the little sisters. you are going after the little sisters and it is your war on women. you have a pen and you are going to use it? take that pen and force the private sector against our magnetic force.
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and your obamacare numbers ain't so rosy either. don't kid us into thinking all is well when people with terminal illnesses have lost their insurance and more are signing up for medic cade than -- medicaid than anything else. you won't reach across the aisle and you call your opponents arsonists and terrorists. you be little anyone who disagrees with you. this is all theater. unfortunately, mr. president, the sun ain't coming out tomorrow and gloomy skies are in the forecast until at least 2016. and that's my opening statement. with me now, former massachusetts senator and fox news contributor scott brown. senator, thanks for being with us tonight. do you really think we needed another campaign speech for the state of the union? >> first of all, judge, it is good to be on. you are on fire. what a great opening.
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i was used to it. i was there for three of them. i sat through them. i thought this was the same old, same old. the problem is there is a lack of trust between the american people and congress and the american people and the president. instead of being a great uniter he is a great divider. it is very sad quite honestly because this country needs somebody who is not going to pit us versus them and the have and the have notes. it is people making a good living and creating jobs versus people who don't do the concept of now income inequality. how about job creation and job opportunity and remembering that we live in the greatest country in the world. we need people to create jobs. >> you were in congress during the keystone pipeline thing. now his own state department says it will not have a negative environmental impact. he says maybe i will get to it this summer. if he was serious wouldn't he take that pen he is talking about? >> of course. everyone knows the keystone
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pipeline is a no brainer. it is good for union and nonunion jobs. it is good to get more oil on the world market to keep prices stable while we develop other alternatives. fixing the grid as you referenced to make sure it is there for generations to come. there is so much the president can do with congress if he reached out and tried to deal with congress in a professional, responsible and thoughtful manner. he is a divider and that is frustrating for folks. >> he is a divider and the problem is because of the way the country is right now people are starting to recognize it. senator, let me go to hillary clinton for a minute right now. she said this week and it got pushed aside with the other news, but she said her greatest regrect as secretary -- regret at secretary of state was benghazi. w45* do you think of her greatest regret?
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>> i think the greatest regret is the loss of life at benghazi and the fact they should have done more to make sure this didn't happen. i remember the hearings and it exceedingly frustrating. trying to get a response to basic questions not only from the secretary, but the people who worked for her. i don't think that's off. now you have a situation where they are investigating the state and and the feds and we have benghazi and fast and furious and all of these other things and they will get to it and they get to it. we have to figure out why bridge lanes were closed so fast. it is unbelieve believe a. >> fox news obtained an e-mail received by chris christie's offer denying he knew about the bridge closures. it is curious and he goes after this guy and the gloves are on. the port authority
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official who directed the lane closures and said christie knew. what i find interesting is the "new york times" when you talk about sloppy reporting, they say "christie linked to knowledge of shut lanes." but they don't say that the allegation at best about which we have no evidence is he knew about it when it was happening. and this is a guy who is looking for a deal with the feds. what do you make of that? >> you said it and i said it when it happened. if that's the case, the chips will fall where they may. until then the governor came out and addressed it and handled it professionally. he fired the people responsible. the person who is now making the allegations is looking for immunity. he is being held and in contempt by the new jersey legislature. he is looking for taxpayers to pay their legal bill. the "new york times" said they
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made 10 or 20 changes to the story as it was developing. how about getting it right so you don't have to put really a front runner or a gop front runner for president in the defensive and having to basically clarify the "new york times" story. it is the nature of the beast. >> you know, and it is very sad. when the "new york times" and the cells admit they were not right in terms of their own headline and they changed their story at least 20 times as you say, you have to wonder what political agenda is behind the reporting of the "new york times." senator scott brown, thanks so much for being with us. >> thank you, judge. it is great to see you. and coming up, the president thinks he is above the law. but now does he think he is above the lord? will the church be forced to provide contraception? and vote in tonight's insta poll. should the administration drop their obamacare fight against the little sisters of the poor?
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facebook or tweet me. >> ♪ you're always a day away ♪ tomorrow ♪ tomorrow
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bet the reprieve to the sisters of the poor and the contraceptive mandate surprised the white house. this week hobby lobby at the center of the firestorm with 18 democratic senators arguing that christian businesses should be forced to supply employees abortion services even if it offends their religious beliefs. with me church of the holy family pastor. thank you for being with us. congress is now injecting themselves into this issue of, you know, obamacare and forcing a religious institution as well as hobby
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lobby from going against their religious beliefs. are these senators doing the president's dirty work? >> probably because the president has not backed down and now they are reinforcing them with their arguments. it is a big mistake. they are religious people. we don't like the government to use the coercive power to tell us what to believe and do. it is a big mistake. >> just to be really straight here, hobby lobby is not a religious institution like the little sisters of the poor. making the little sisters of the poor having to provide for their employees working in the hospice or the hospital with abortions is a little more outrageous than hobby lobby who is a company where the owners are very religious. >> that's true, but the free exercise of religion applies to individuals and not just corporate groups. that means religious orders or churches. if you incorporate a business with a couple of people because you want to propose a
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religious way to do business, the government shouldn't intier fear with that. interfere with that. how does a kosher butcher get a few allies and incorporate his biewcher shop and then be told you have to do something that violate your religion because everybody should be able to shop there. no, people run a kosher butcher should sell as they see fit. >> they are following their religion even if incorporated in a business. >> exact. >> let me shift gears. pope francis on the cover of "rolling stone" magazine with a quote here" the times they are a changing" suggesting the pope is bringing the church to a new area. vatican spokespeople say it is iewp official journalism because it seems to criticize pope francis' predecessor, pope benedict. >> i read the article and it puts pope benedict bad and pope francis good and that is super official. this is a false notion that
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this pope will change church teaching. not true. this pope is as loyal to christ and his doctrine as benedict. this is a cheap way to sell magazines. obviously take advantage of religion. when is the last time they consulted religion in a serious way? >> this is the same magazine that had the judgment to put one of the suspected it boston bombers on the cover. so actually pope francis was brought in according to statistics, 6.6 million more christians. >> absolutely. pope francis hopes people take interest in religion because it has something to tell us and catholicism was something people want to hear about. >> father murray thank you for being with us. >> thank you, judge. and coming up, the biggest sporting event in the land tomorrow, the super bowl. how about the security, is it enough? stay wit
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the broncos and the seahawks will battle it out in the super bowl tomorrow. but law enforcement is fighting a different battle. trying to secure met life stadium for the 80,000 plus people. th is not an easy stadium to protect. located a few miles from manhattan, one of the busiest commuter zones in the country not to mention it is surrounded by water. what is being done? with me the former advisor to the ministry of defense and michael kay. hello, michael. >> hello, judge. >> for the people at home watching the game on television, what are they not going to be seeing that law enforcement is doing tomorrow? >> hopefully everything. it will be like a swan swimming on top of the water
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very gracefully. but underneath the feet will be paddling away ferociously. 24 is one of the most prestigious events on the sporting calendar. you mentioned the stadium has a capacity at met life of 82,500. there will be 20,000 workers on top of that. that is 100,000 people within a square mile. that is a brilliant ingredient for a day out and fun packed event, but for officials and security organizers it is a security migraine. >> how do you protect 100,000 people? >> great question. it is a level one event and ever since 9/11 this has been -- >> homeland security, fbi, federal agencies and federal aviation. >> absolutely. that means they can apportion 400,000 security officials and government officials to the event, 4,000 people for 100,000 in a square mile. that's a lot of security. you have a no fly zone and a 300 foot -- >> i hear they have f-16's
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ready to enforce the no fly. >> blackhawks, chinooks, i mean, look, it is huge what is going on. they also have a 300 of foot sochi-style ring. >> is that a ring around the stadium? >> it means there are entry and exit points to get into the stadium. i think this is a really important thing we need to focus on is the fact that it is a stadium. it is actually contained. it is a lot easier than you think to provide security for. i will tell you what i am worried about is super bowl boulevard. you will have one million people coming to super bowl boulevard throughout the period of the day. >> yes, and you know what is interesting is that nypd and all of these agencies are conferring with boston pd. that's because of what happened at the boston
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marathon. this is an open area, and how do you protect that? >> this is what i was doing if i was the security official. i wouldn't be looking at what is the obvious target. i would look at the uncontained target. if you look a hez bough lieu -- these bough law, one of the most effective intelligence ways is through their own people that live in their own society. the people with the mobile phones and the school teachers. if they see something odd they will get the message through the network. we now live in a new landscape. we live in a world where there is global terror and terrorism , insurgency and where there is a jihad on the west. there is not going to be 80,000 fans at this event. keep your eye out. if you see a package or a suspicious package, it is not someone else's problem. it is our problem, and we shouldn't be leaving it to somebody else to let an official know or pick up the phone and alert one of the security officials.
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>> broncos or seahawks? >> that's a really good question. what i have been doing is a little bit of money ball analysis on the statistics and it failed miserably. i will go with my favorite color, the seahawks. >> i am going with the broncos. we'll see what what happens. >> i think you will be buying me a beer. >> a beer? you got it. thank you for being with us. >> coming up, las year the lights -- last year the lights went out at super bowl. what if the whole country loses power? or danger facing our power
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something. now back to "justice." >> one year ago the lights went out at the super bowl in the third quarter for 34 minutes. what if the power hadn't come back on. our power grid essential to our way of life can be compromised naturally or intentionally.
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mikebacker and retired -- mike baker, former nsa official cedric layton. good evening, gentlemen. mike, after discussing the dangers on the grid after last week's show the website for practical, the gentleman we had on, literally crashed after so many viewers logged on for more information. are the fears justified? >> they are, and what happens is people hears prepper and people roll their eyes. they think of compounds. the problem is we are talking about the world's larmingest and most -- largest distribution system. it is spread across 3,000 you at this -- utilities. the utilities spend an ungodly amount of money trying up to grade and improve the resiliency. by some estimates you need to
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spend twice as much to make it happen. you have to worry about natural disasters and worry about cyber security issues and you have to worry about physical terrorism on these things. frankly we are becoming pretty squishy. people go off the rails if their favorite flavoring at the coffee shop is not available. you put the power down for three weeks and you can pretty much put love thy neighbor out the window. >> colonel layton, let me go to you. mike mentioned psycher threats. cyber threats. we have a power grid and people call it vulcanized. we have a zillion power companies that are in charge of their own area. and then we have this organization that is over it called nerk as well as ferk. what is the government doing to make sure the local electric companies comply with
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the requirements and the advancements in technology to prevent us from a cyberattack a? >> well, judge, basically what they are doing is they are holding hearings and taking a look at the way they are implementing regulations. they have crafted regulations and they have done a lot of work through 2012. but none of the stuff has been promulgated in a way that makes sense and in a way that can be used by the utilities in a coherent fashion from a through z that you can be assured that they will protect their consumers. what we have is a haphazard approach of a utility system and regulatory regime that has not kept pace with the signer threats and any of the other threats out there. >> cedric, look, you are in intelligence and michael, you as well. you are in the military both of you. how can the united states government allow this to happen? how could they not require those local companies to comply as opposed to having a
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hearing after a a hearing. people can literally hack into our grid. >> part of the issue, judge is they are not sure what to do. they have cyber security issues and that has made a huge difference. there is no danger from the executive that impacts what the utilities are doing. there is direction when it comes to government, but it doesn't affect the utility part. >> that's crazy. >> i have to tell you -- go ahead. >> the colonel is spot on. it is not as if -- i will say this. it is not as if the government is not taking and hasn't been taking for years physical steps to try to improve the resiliency of the system. >> hog wash. they can't get a law passed to fight congress. michael -- they can't get a law out of committee. >> not too far from wyoming is the idaho national laboratory and they are doing fantastic
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work and trying to deal with the control and data systems which are an integral part and a key part whether it is cyber security or just the problems that we are facing in natural disaster. our biggest issues come from weather and natural disaster concerns and then i would argue we are actually looking at more potential damage in the short and medium term from physical terrorism as opposed to the cyber security issue. >> and so, mike, you just said idaho. i'm asking what the federal government is doing. i can't control new jersey with all due respect. you know? >> well, again my point being that, yes, the colonel is right in the sense that we are talking about regulation and we are talking about a very slow process. >> too slow. >> the system is in the hands of the state. >> the power companies. cedric, listen, let's go to you, colonel. they are on the same power grid as the rest of us.
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that is not too smart. >> no, if are you targeting something and if you are going to be an add adversary that will go after us, you will find our vulnerability. as mike knows what we will do from a targeting perspective is go after the weakest areas. when you go after the weakest areas you pick things like the power grid to actually find the vulnerabilities and to lay us low. that is what they will try to do. they will try to create a situation where we are without power for a longtime and large stretches of the company. >> we have another guest. are we ready for this, colonel? >> no, no we are not. >> mike, are we ready? yes or no some. >> there is a long ways to go before we are ready. >> thanks of so. with me now, the pormer ohio congressman -- the former ohio congressman and dennis could you sin niche. the 2003 northeast blackout was caused by a local power
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company in your state. was anything done afterwards to protect us from that kind of thing happening again? >> well, the bottom line issue there was the utility hadn't invested in infrastructure and invest in people to trim trees. >> it was a free branch, wasn't it? >> it was a tree branch that started the tripping of various systems all around the northeast. and then you ended up with 50 million people in the dark. infrastructure has to be maintained. the issue you brought forward is a serious issue and i commend you for doing it. i am glad they introduced the shield act and other legislation in the congress to call attention for the need to make this a policy priority and to make sure that there is planning to protect our nation in the event of an attempt to bring down our grid. >> all right, but congressman, it is great what trent price
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is doing and we have had him on the show and as well as the secretary of energy richardson, but the bills are not getting out of committee. the one that got out of committee a few years ago out of the house didn't get through the senate. what is the problem? who is against this? who is fighting our making, our power grid safe enough to withstand a nuclear attack or a solar flare? >> well, keep a couple things in mind, judge, first of all, 1997 i believe there was a presidential commission report that pointed out the increasing technological evolution of our grid with connections not only to electricity, but to water and natural gas and tele come. it makes us vulnerable. the presidential commission had recommendations which were only partially implemented. you had the regulatory commission and then they passed off to a group called
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the north american electric liability corporation. >> and there in lies the rub. >> they have responsibility, but they don't have the power to tell the utilities what to do. essentially the regulated entities have to make up their minds to cooperate and protect their mutual interest. it creates a paradox that as we become more focused on the development of technology and the hardware and software, the vulnerability increases and if you don't have enough cooperation, any point is vulnerable to an attack that could cause the entire country's infrastructure to fail. >> well, and that really is a problem. i mean, it seems that nerk is as much a trade association as it is a regulatory commission. and this is really all about money in the end. congressman, what can the viewers at home do to get the members of congress to act and
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get some of the bills out of the committee. it is on the house committee on energy. >> keep in mind that what congressman frank is trying to do, he is focusing on the grid and protecting the security of the grid. this is a bipartisan issue. it doesn't matter whether you are a democrat, republican, liberal, conservative. we as americans have to protect our country. in this highly, evolved technological society we have to remember that state and nonstate actors could act against the united states. we have an obligation to our nation and that is why i think that this show and your consistent and persistent effort in focusing on this will cause more members of congress and the public to pay attention to know this has to be moved up as a matter of national security. >> well, you know what, we will keep pushing on this one, congressman. thank you so much for being with us. >> and coming up, for all of the talk of the war on women, the president still goes after the little sisters of the poor. and the little sisters are the
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topic of tonight's insta pal. insta poll. should the institution drop their obamacare fight against the sisters? facebook or tweet me at judge janeen.
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>> we are going to set up a health care website. why is it so hard to get a company to execute that competently? >> i don't know.
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>> let me get the house minority leader here. >> what do you mean you don't know? how do you not know? >> nancy pelosi doesn't know something. wrm shocked. i am shocked. with me, betsy mccoy. betsy, the president said this week that in the state of the union more than nine million have signed up for health insurance, private or medicaid. they were trying to take credit under obamacare. is any of it true? >> no. >> let's first say these are the know nothings. hillary knows nothing about benghazi. the president knows nothing about the irs and nancy knows nothing about the website. she doesn't want to go for it. >> she hadn't head it. >> and then the president in the state of the union speech uses these wees sell -- weasel words that 9 million recovered. in fact, they don't know and
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don't want to tell us how many have actually paid. now, you know when you shop on-line you don't own something until you have paid for it. you can pick out a thousand pairs of shoes, but if you don't pay for them, you don't own them. and as far as the six million on medicaid they will not tell you how many were already enrolled. so it is a trick. >> he is trying to make it sound like obamacare is really a success now. the trout is there are people who are upping for medicaid, reupping for medicaid. >> let's make it really clear. this year twice as many people will be losers as winners. even if the add -- administration's rosiest goals are met, twice as many people will lose their plans. five million to six million lost their individual plans and those losing coverage in the coming months. >> the government will not give us numbers.
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in the most transparent administration i say it over and over. >> the public is not fooled. 59% of americans according to the latest polls oppose this law. when voters go to the polls in november it will be a referendum. >> i want to get to something important and that is the contraception mandate. >> nothing in this law. >> talk about his war on women. >> it is the president's war. nothing on this law, not one word in this law requires that hobby lobby or any other employer provides contraception or morning after empower theempower the servicese what preventive services are covered. this president has decided to go to war against religion. >> so the contraception
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mandate is not in your happy book there of the law? >> no. >> it is something they came up with after the law as a preventative health service? >> it is under the term preventive services. >> preventive to who? >> and don't forget even the hobby lobby plan and the other employer plans they all cover your trip to the guy gnaw koll gist to get these -- guy gnaw koll gist to get the prescriptions. it is the $35 you pay when you get to the drug drugstore and want the morning after pill. $25, religious freedom. $35, religious freedom. freedom doesn't come that cheap. >> i'm with you. thank you for being with us. coming up, your last chance to vote in the insta poll. should the administration drop their fight against the little sisters of the poor? facebook or tweet me. we will read your answers next.
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now for the results of tonight's insta poll. should the obama administration drop their fight against the little sisters of the poor. we had overwelming response from all of you supporting the little sisters. doris tweets "yes, aren't there laws against bullying" and jones says" yes, did they not get the message? the little sisters help the poor so money is taken from the poor" i like that. and jennifer posts "yes, does the administration think they will be using con pro accept tiffs -- contraceptives? they are nuns for god sake" the little sisters do not have employees that are in religion
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order. so the government wants to be sure they have contraceptive avail -- availability. they are working where the little sisters work. and then some had a different take. robert says "no, don't drop the fight because we need the little sisters to win" i kind of agree with that. it would be sweet to win in the united states supreme court against the president on this contraception mandate that we now know is not even written into the law, but it is this administration's addendum they have added to the law. vince writes "no way. the nuns could be vicious terrorists." very funny, vince. you never know. i remember sister mary katherine. she may have had an ar-15 under her hat, but then again the ruler was enough to scare the hell out of me. and pete says "they were mistaken. they must have thought they were the little sisters of the
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wealthy." donald may sum the problem up best when he says "you go for the jugular from now on, judge. i don't think the guy in the white house is fully understanding your message." anyway, we love hearing from you all at home. so please keep it coming. your responses to our investigation in addition to the u.s. power grid's vol neither belt has been -- vulnerability has been enormous. here are a few of your e-mails. sandy writes on the power grid " if people are prepared for disaster they are paranoid a little crazy. you judge lend credibility to the idea of being prepared." thanks. sharon writes "you scared the hell out of my grandchildren with your solar flare crap. they were crying out of control." sharon, you know what, it may be time to talk to kids about things that are not so safe and sweet and wonderful.
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as parents our job is to make sure kids understand their world and are prepared for anything even if it scares them a little. that's it for us tonight. o'ries
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interview. no super bowl here but everything else. tonight on huckabee. >> let's get immigration reform done this year. >> it is a history of illegal immigration. >> republican leaders join the president to campaign for amnesty. but who is asking the law enforcement for what they need? >> and movie star skarl on the johannson stands up for her belief. is she the new face for peace in the middle east? and super bowl mvp drew breeze on community service and leadership and football.


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