tv Huckabee FOX News February 2, 2014 2:00am-3:01am PST
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interview. no super bowl here but everything else. tonight on huckabee. >> let's get immigration reform done this year. >> it is a history of illegal immigration. >> republican leaders join the president to campaign for amnesty. but who is asking the law enforcement for what they need? >> and movie star skarl on the johannson stands up for her belief. is she the new face for peace in the middle east? and super bowl mvp drew breeze on community service and leadership and football. ladies and gentlemen,
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governor mike huckabee. (applause) >> thank you. thank you very much! and welcome to huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city. you know, i actually felt a little sorry for president obama as he delivered the state of the union message. it was like watching a prizefighter that long since lost his stuff and signed on for another bout. and he took the applause from the congress he never tried to work with the one couldn't help but wonder what it might have been if he took his freshness and tried to govern the country instead of changes it in to a miniature version of europe. most state of the union addresses are rallying the country with hope and optimism and bring one idea to challenge the american imagination. it is typically a dish served
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hot and spicy like fresh new orleans's gumbo. the president dropped the bowl of over cooked grits on the table. grits without shrimp and butter and salt and pepper. bland. and soft food for people without teeth and taste who just need empty calories to maintain a pulse. the speech was so lacking in vision or ideas, that mark, a former george w. bush writer noted that president obama lifted several phrases from president bush's 2007 state of the union speech. that says it all. president obama once mocked everything that joefrj bush said and now he fills it with the gaps of his legacy. his one new idea. it seemed he was so unfamiliar that he stumbled over it like an old man in a downhill
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cobblestoned street. that was the proposal for something called a myra. more letters in the government alphabeat soup and helping individuals set up a retirement account. i was ready for him to promise us. if you like your fest veing, you can keep your nest egg. and one had to wonder if this was his version of a conservative concept of allowing the americans of having personal empowerment of retirement. surely he wouldn't just trust citizens and he knows how popular government run health care is and how we trust him to get in the bottom of the health care scandal and using its power to punish the enemies of the administration and how much the murder of four americans in benghazi was because of a lather
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about you town video and they used rocket propelled grenades & how the government is harvesting massive of e-mails and phone calls. we can trust they would not use it for anything but honorable means. even though that government lied about the existence until it was exposed by a computer geek who worked for an outside contractor. and considering all of the trust he endeared from america. why did he not go for the punch. he is out of gas is why. it was the least watched state of the union since 2,000 and more people tournd in to see the biggest lose are. that was the lead in to the speech.
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maybe they thought it was the thome of the speech. and he presented an honest to god american hero. sergeant first-class corey winberg, that is an hour and half of my life i can never get back. we ask you to tell me what you thought of the state of the union address on facebook and twitter. we had thousands of questions and comments. wendal conner wrote to us. if he continues to go around congress, how do we stop him? one thing to do is to perhaps get a senate elected that would be cooperative with the house and make sure that both of those chambers let the president know that there are three branches of government and not just one. that can be a start. this came from susan: she's talking about the president and not me. why won't you tell the truth
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about benghazi and fast and furious and irs scandal and nsa scandal and obama care? good question. why don't we get the truth about those issues. after all the president said he would get to the bottom of. it he hasn't gotten to the top of it yet. cheryl said. stop with the annoying clapping and save it for when the president said something exciting and new. yes, an hour and half of the state of the union could be reduced to a 15 minute speech if we told congress to sit through the whole thing without a sound. if they enjoy clapping, at the end of the speech they can sit and clap 45 empties while the rest of us watch something else. and a question from michael: why does he feel the need to use human propose. going back to president reagan, the first president that pointed to someone in the gallery and
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made an important part of the speech being about them, every president since then has someone sitting with the first lady and point to them. i admire him for. this i am glad the person he picked to sit up in the balcony with the first lady was a true american hero and we paid tribute and the most sustained applause for that night was for the wounded warrior and a true american hero. from susy. governor huckabee, my question is: what would you have most wanted him to say in the state of the union speech that he didn't say? >> i thought about that. i will recipe as of noon tomorrow. just kidding. okay. there was another president who once said that. and he could have borrowed that line, too since he borrowed so
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many from george bush. the other news is the chaos caused by the winter south and a crisis separates the wheat from the chaff. when the south was paralyzed by ice. some good people put their boots on and they took action. mark meadows owns a chick- fil- a restaurant he and his staff passed out hundreds of chicken sandwiches to the drivers. they didn't stop until all of the sandwiches ran out and they wouldn't accept a dime. in fact, they let stranded drivers catch zs in the dining room. thanks to mark medders and his staff in the birmingham chick- fil- a reminding us what good citizenship looks like. the president made it clear he wanted to pass immigration reform and the republicans want to work with the democrats on
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the issue. wouldn't it be a good idea to get input from the people who deal with illegal immigrants on a daily basis. we'll speak to the president of the immigration enforcement council. stay with us. if you would like to comment on tonight's show and share your thoughts. i welcome your response. go to my website at and connect with me on facebook and twitter and leave
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republicans and democrats in the senate have acted and i know that members of the both parties of the house want to do the same. >> this week house republican leadership released set of principles that immigration bill should contain. the next guest said they ought to meet with law enforcement officers and do this before they make drastic changes. joining me is president of the national ice council chris crane. welcome back. it is good to talk to you again. >> thank you, governor. >> we talked before. have people in congress sat down with people like you and other enforcement officers who have to deal with immigration every day? have they asked you what you think? what works and doesn't work? and in light of this new proposal, has anyone from congress or the white house approached the ice officers and
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asked for your input? >> well, the president of the united states continues to refuse to respond to our request to speak with him. no one from the white house had going to do with us. they have illegal aliens and special interest groups come to the white house. but ice agents and border patrol is excluded with the paepgz with the white house. for the most part, law makers have kind of kept us out of the process. the gang of eight did, we had no part in that. and on the house side we are headed down the same path. we hope paul ryan and speaker boehner and eric cantor, we hope they will meet with us and i would very much have an opportunity to speak to republican house members to discuss with them how the bills will affect us and things to feces our broken imgragdz
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system. >> what would you say to them. if they were in front of you and you could talk to speaker and various house leaders and before they push it through the house and get it to the senate, what is it that they need to know in developing immigration proposals? >> they need to know a lot. it is way too much to describe on your show. one thing i would like to tell them, for example, governor, at this moment, we have a humanitarian crisis on our southern border. it is overrun in certain areas by people coming here, seeking the dream act. and seeking amnesty and we are just talking about it at this point, and most problematic and troubling and alarming is the number of children coming across our border all by themselves, seeking the dream act, you know, being turned over to members of drug cartels and human traffickers. infants, nine months old and 14
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months old put in the arms of drug cartel members to carry them across the border and some of our offices, it is so out of control, that just one office, is averaging over 2,000 of these unaccompanied children each and every month. we are anticipating on the southern border to apprehend 50,000 of the unaccompanied children coming cross the border by themselves. everyone up on capitol hill and special interest groups that say what we are doing is the humane thing to do and right thing to do and christian thing to do, is dead wrong. >> it is shocking, chris. 50,000 unaccompanied children handed over the borders. any parent in america who let their kid get pushed off anywhere would be child abuse. you have brought to light shocking things that i have not
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heard. i don't hear anybody else talking about this and perhaps the reason is, only guys who deal with the issues every day would know. you have been outspoken and on our show before and clear in your criticism because you feel like the people who are dealing with these issues on the enforcement side are not listened to. i am curious what has happen in your career? is there any appreciation for what you have said or retaliation for what you have said openly and publicly? >> well, the american public has been overwhelmingly supportive. and i want to say thank you very much to america for. that personally for me, back in october, the agency, my managers approached me while i was doing my job as a law enforcement officer and told me i had to leave the building and i could no longer perform law enforcement duties and they were
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taking away 25 percent of my salary and i was scheduled for a foreign detail. and they told me i was taken off of that and they didn't care what the expense would be to the government to replace me but they were sending me home and i could no longer do law enforcement activities and i asked, is there an allegation if i committed misconduct and i was told no. i was told because i am the union president, i would not be able to perform law enforcement duties and take 25 percent of my pay away and until i was willing to step down and quit blowing the whistle on what is happening in the immigration system they would continue to do this to me. >> for you telling the truth you get a pay cut and all of the doubts that you are responsible for and told to just disappear and go away unless you are willing to shut up. that doesn't sound like the open
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government that we expect. but chris, thank you for the courage and stepping out and speaking out. we need to know the truth and we are so grateful to have you here today. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for your support, governor. >> after serving 40 years in congress. california democrat henry waxman has decided to call it quit. should washington politician be allowed to hold office that long. many want term limits. will that be a realtity. and later schedulelet let's say you pay your guy arnd 2 percent to manage your money. that's not much, you think except it's 2 peent every year. go to e*trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert. it's low. it's guidance on your terms not ours. e*trade. less for us, more for you.
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comments from you on book scombook twitter on suggestions on how to fix our system. set term limits for those who hold political office. this is term limits, get rid of those who made careers out of. this we have people in the office in the 70s and 80s. come on. harry said term limits. they get elected and forget why they are voted it. >> the self- serving stuff has to start and starting with term limits and 0 exemptions from the laws they impose on the rest of us. >> get rid of career politician. get rid of the outdated old guard and need fresh ideas and new blood. american citizens want term limits and politicians hate the very idea. is there a realistic possibility that we can get term limits in
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congress? joining me is tim jacobs who is the chairman of arkansas. we worked on a term limit back in 1992. and it is the largest ball on the initiative. and why do people want term limits. >> they want career politicians to stop and a shared responsibility in government. there are so many able and talented people in our state and every state. it needs to be a shared responsibility. we don't want people staying in there forever. >> and you know, the typical response is, we have term limits it is called an election. why is that not a term limit. >> incumbents get 88 percent of all campaign issues and we think it is a shared responsibility. there is no reason for someone to be in office for a career.
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we don't want a royal class here. this is a different type of a country and want citizens to participate in the government and many ways. >> we fought for term limits and this was before i was elected people say the lobbyist will have all of the power. my experience watching it 20 something years, the lobbyist have a lot less power when there are term limits. >> that's right. we are waiting for the first lobbyist in the last 20 years to support term limits. it is never going to happen and makes their job harder. and lobbyist have an important part in the political system but they are not king makers and need to be information source. >> there is good guys in congress and i like them. and every body had to go we would flush the system from time to time. can we make that happen? >> it is difficult.
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congress would have to term limit themselves and i will not hold my breath on. that >> you would turn blue. >> correct. >> this is an issue that had support of 85 or 90 percent of the people including independents. >> and it goes across the board. only people who don't like term limit system lobbyist and politicians. >> i just want to say, folks, on so many occasions on this show. we'll not change america in a fundmental way until people who go in congress who know they will have to go home and live under the laws they pass. congress should not be the roach motel. >> and peyton manning will make his claim for being the best quarterback. when he leads the broncos in the super bowl.
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later. i am harris falker. we are seconds away from huckabee. >> this weekend, the world's eyes are on the new york/new jersey for the super bowl. for the seattle seahawks and fierce defense to look to spoil peyton mannings dream season. drew brees knows what it is like to play peyton. the sans upset. he's taking part in the initiative to inspire others to serve the communities. it is called super service chvenlth drew and founder of super service challenge dave lindsay is with me now. >> drew, the super bowl weekend for heaven's sakes. and the reports that russell
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wilson for the seahawks has gotten advice from you and wanted to know what it is like to play against manning. what did you tell him? >> really, i told him to enjoy the moment and enjoy the journey. there is nothing leak it. and the second thing was ways to eliminate distractions and formulaate a routine and give him an idea of what to expect and best prepare himself. he is a sharp young man and impressed of what he has accomplished on the field and off. and his approach is what i am most impressed with. i am a russell wilson fan. >> speaking of humility. you had a remarkable on the field and off of the field and your leadership of the saints in a time when new orleans needed to know it could come back. and that was more than a football game and it brought
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the city together and reignighted something that you continued in community service. you are known as a person of faith. how much has that played in your spiritual leadership of the community projects that you are involved in on and off of the field? >> it is a huge part. i played in san diego five years and january 2006 was kind of let go of the chargers and was out there with a shoulder injury and no place to call home and was not sure i would play football again. and new orleans came calling and six months post katrina with a new head coach and in the same situation i was. rebuilding and resurrecting a career in the city. i felt like it was a calling to come to new orleans and be a part of the resurgence of a organization and team and a city and community, and it's
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been an amazing journey and the passion of the people of new orleans keeps us going every day to make that city better and better. it is it amazing to see the city versus where it was prekatrina, it has come back better than ever. >> you partnered with dave lindsay. tell me what it is. >> it is it a super service challenge. it is a contest where workers pick a charity, nonprofit and serve them and they get a chance to film a video, and upload it to our website, and then we give away million in prize money to the winning videos in the contest. >> that is significant. what is the result? what are you seeing in result of businesses turning their employees loose in a charitable nature? >> what is exciting about this. the employees choosing where
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they serve and seeing a connection in the team work. we all want loyalty and motivation out of our employees, but we can give them seminars, but when they go out and serve together and they come back to the work place, the water cooler conversation changes. >> drew, i can't think of anybody more popular in new orleans and all of louisiana. that could translate in a political opportunity. you could say there is another way to serve off of the field and office. that is a good question. i would not close the door. i just turned 35 and i hope i have a few more good years of football in me and we'll see where it shakes out after. that i certainly love the city of new orleans and the state of husband louisiana.
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i love everything about it. >> nothing would better prepare for politics than all of the hits as a nfl player. you are so prepared. and the thing i am most grateful for, you don't just play football, but you play life. and you play it as a father and a husband. and you show a role mod and he will what you are doing with dave lindsay and the super service challenge is remarkable stuff. you expect it will grow over the region and nation. is that your hope and goal? >> absolutely. since the inception of the super service challenge, it started locally in indianapolis with a million contribution in to that community centered around the super bowl and we partnered up and took the challenge down to new orleans with super bowl 47 and infuse million to a number of charities in the gulf coast region.
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and this year we expanded it naturally and locally to regionally and nationally a million infused in two different organizations in the country and additional 500,000 in the new york/new jersey for causes to help with the ongoing efforts with post sandy recovery. (applause) >> and next year take it internationally. we are talking about that and we are excited about it. >> one final question. you have begin coaching advice for russell wilson. >> are you taking the seahawks. >> i would not bet against either of these goigs. >> you are ready for politics drew. you are ready. so good to have you here. great to see you, thank you very much. >> coming up house majority leader eric cantor reflects on leader eric cantor reflects on a historic i'm tony siraga and i'm training guys o leak a little,
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government assembled when auschwitz and along with survivors of the holcast. they represent a strong and stable and prosperous democracy can many of them are descendants of survivors. and for every jew in the word. auschwitz and berkenal represent hitler trying to rid jews from the earth. they were transported to auschwitz. it was there and much larger berkena l that the germans murdered the human beings. it was the so called final solution. the bipartisan delegation. eric cantor and republican
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darril issa from california. majority leader cantor who is jewish reflected. >> i have been to the worst place on earth. the world went deaf and silence took hold and millions of innocent people, moms and dads and babies and grandma's died. it is with much sadness i stand here but hopefully we'll draw strength from this visit. >> auschwitz survivor described his first moments at this grizzly place? >> when the doors of the car opened, we were hit with spotlights and all areas of the camp were dim but the passenger areas had lamps. there was clothes with stripes and dogs were barking and there was a terrible smell. we could only see the chimneys with the flames. we didn't know it was a credit
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matorium. >> you can't come here without it impacting you regardless of whether you are jewish. this is evil and there is no other way to define it. >> a defense minister of israel was part of the delegation from israel and i asked him about his significance of standing on the grounds of auschwitz. >> 69 years ago, the jews massacred here. one day they would come to show solidarity and we are proud today. we come here, and we remember and we say that we can't rely on anyone and we'll never forget what happened here in auschwitz. >> it was brutally cold with a wind chill below 0. even with our coats and scarves we shieferred.
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90 percent of those murdered were jews. those who survived did so with nothing but striped pajamas. >> me, when i thought in the ceremonies. i thought of america. what america gave me and my family. as an american jew, i feel tremendously blessed. as majority leader visiting this place. this awful, awful place and hopefully will leave with renewed strength to live up to the ideals that our country was built on and to be there with freedom and never again to be silent. >> that's the lesson we all have to take from auschwitz. we can never be silent. as horrible and memorable as it was to be there, it is a reminder of a great hope, we saw the israeli flag march over the grounds of auschwitz, we
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realized that hate and evil did not win! that's the good news we learned from this historic event. (applause) there are many, many moments in our history that changed the world, and we mark the golden anniversary of the beatles, british invasion. we'll be paying tribute to the fab four next, so stay with us. [ male announcer ] it's simple physics...
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don't take celebrex if you have bleeding in the stomach or intestine, or had an asthma attack, hives, other allergies to aspirin, nsaids or sulfonamides. get help right away if you have swelling of the face or throat, or trouble breathing. tell your doctor your medical history. and find an arthritis treatment for you. visit and ask your doctor about celebrex. for a body in motion. >> we hope to see >> last week i expressed my admiration for actress scarlet johansson who refused to cave and withdraw her participation of a soda machine. they are an israeli company making sew law machine sh -- soda machine. mop of the pressure came -- mop of the pressure came from the ad agency ox fan. this week she severed her relationship with ox fan because she refused to ditch soda stream. steven baldwin wrote about their ties to a dozen
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communist guerrilla organizations. maybe they should relabel themselves ox sham. the support for the plo may explain its objection to anything positive about an israeli company like soda string which by the way hires israelis and palestinians to work together in the same facility. it pays them the same generous wages wages and gives them the same generous benefits. soda stream has done more to build bridges both economic and political between the israelis and the palestinians than ox fan, the u.n. and the u.n. state department. the peace prize that was given to yasser arafat, maybe it should go to soda stream. 234* all of this, scarlet johansson has proven to be more than a beautiful 29-year-old hollywood actress. she has shown courage and depth of knowledge about the real issues in the israeli-palestinian conflict and level headedness that is
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lacking in our own foreign policy. scarlet johansson has been an ambassador, but no more. maybe she should be made an ambassador to the middle east. she is showing more guts and intelligence than most of the people we sent there. [applause]. >> thank you for joining us tonight. until next time, this is mike huckabee from new york. "justice" with judge janeen peer peer -- janeen piro is coming up next.
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hey there, good morning. it is sunday, february 2nd, i'm anna kooiman. let's get ready to rumble in new york city! we are just hours away from kickoff, and we have everything you need to know from the food to the bedding to the game itself. we are live on the field. and we all remember when obama made this promise. >> if you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan. >> not only was that completely untrue, but now even the costs of the plans you're allowed to keep are skyrocketing beyond what many can afford. we've got details
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