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tv   FOX Report  FOX News  February 2, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm PST

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washington next fox news sunday. this is a fox report, and we're live tonight. president obama and our own bill o'reilly, one-on-one, before the super bowl, and we have it here. and one of hollywood's biggest stars, a husband, a father, an academy-award winner, dead at the age of 46. >> i feel like you're spiting me. do you think i took this job to spite you? >> philip seymour hoffman, known for his oscar-winning role as capote. and blockbusters such as "the hunger games." police say he is dead, found in his apartment. fox reports what happened to hoffman.
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and immigration may be one of the few areas republicans and democrats say they might come together. but there is a problem. the president has issued a threat to go around congress to pass his agenda for handling the millions of people who want to become american citizens. tonight, the brand new gop response to that. >> here's the issue that all republicans agree on. we don't trust the president to enforce the law. also, a surveillance camera catches a woman in action, doing all she can to whip out a weapon and fight off an intruder. i'm harris faulkner. president obama and fox news host bill o'reilly in a one-on-one exclusive this sunday about where his presidency has been and where it is going with less than three years left in office. and at times, it was dramatic. bill asking about the key issues facing the obama administration and our nation. including the terror attack in benghazi, libya, and the rocky rollout of the affordable care
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act, and one of the toughest questions centered around the president's broken promise that if you like your health care plan, you could keep it. >> was it the biggest mistake of your presidency to tell the nation over and over, if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance? >> bill, you've got a long list of my mistakes. >> no, really, for you. wasn't that the biggest one? >> this is one that i regret and i have said i regretted in part because we put in a grandfather clause in the original law saying that in fact you were supposed to be able to keep it. it obviously didn't cover everybody we needed to, and that's why we changed it so we further grandfathered in folks and many people who thought originally when they got the cancellation they couldn't keep it can keep it. >> it was in the past, but isn't that the biggest mistake? >> like i said -- >> you gave your enemies a lot of fodder. >> you were generous in saying i look pretty good considering i have been in the presidency for five years. i think part of the reason i try to focus not on the fumbles but
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the next play. >> house armed services testimony, general carter ham, you know the general. security in africa. he testified that on the day that the ambassador was murdered and the three other americans, all right, he told secretary panetta it was a terrorist attack. shortly after ham said that, secretary panetta came in to you. did he tell you, secretary panetta, it was a terrorist attack? >> you know what he told me was there was an attack on our compound. >> he didn't use the word terror? >> you know, in the heat of the moment, bill, what folks are focused on is what's happening on the ground. do we have eyes on it? how can we make sure our folks are secure. >> i want to get it on the record. did he dell you it was a terror attack? >> i'm answering your question. what he said to me is we had an attack on our compound. >> no terror attack? >> we don't know yet who's doing it. understand by definition, bill, if somebody is attacking our compound, that's an act of terror, which is how i
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characterized it the day after it happened. the question ends up being, who in fact was attacking us? >> but it's more than that because of susan rice. it's more than that because of susan rice goes out and tells the world that it was a spontaneous demonstration off a videotape, but your commanders and secretary of defense know it's a terror attack. >> bill, bill -- >> just as an american, i'm confused. >> i'm trying to explain it to you if you want to listen. in fact of the matter is people understood at the time something very dangerous was happening. that we were focused on making sure we did everything we can for the protectment. in the aftermath, what became clear is that the security was lax, that not all the precautions that needed to be taken were taken. and both myself and secretary clinton and others indicated as much. but at the moment, when these things happen, bill, on the other side of the world -- >> it's the people. >> people don't know at the very
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moment why something like this happens. when you look at the videotape of this whole thing unfolding, this is not some systematic, well-organized process. you see -- >> heavy weapons used. heavy weapons. >> bill -- bill, listen, i have gone through this. and we have had multiple hearings on it. what happens is you have an attack like this taking place. and you have a mix of folks who are just trouble makers, folks who have an idealogical agenda. >> all right. >> some who are afulliated with terrorist organizations, some who are not, but the main thing all of us have to take away from this is our diplomats are serving in some very dangerous places. >> there's more than that. >> and we've got to make sure that not only have we implemented all the reforms recommended by the independent agency, but we also have to make sure that we understand our folks out there are in a hazardous, dangerous situation. >> i think everybody understands that. >> not everybody does because what winds up happening is we
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create a political agenda. >> absolutely. that's my next question. >> democrats and republicans should be unified in figuring out how to protect people. >> and back and forth they went. we'll have much more of bill o'reilly's exclusive interview with the president. they also talked about the scandal in the irs in which conservative groups in this country were singled out by the tax agency, and why the president is trying to completely transform the nation. that was based on a viewer's tweet, a question for the interview. we'll go indepths with the fox news political insiders later inside the fox report. for now, one issue where top republicans say they're willing to work with the president and democrats is immigration reform. congressional leaders speaking out about a new house gop plan which emphasizes border security and an improved employment verification system. paul ryan explains the approach. >> we don't think that we can
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allow this border to continue to be overrun, and if we can get security first, no amnesty before anything happens, we think that's a good approach. this is not -- this is a verify than trust approach. >> news in washington tonight, steve. >> harris, even though tea party conservatives are pushing back, some say there appears to be a growing consensus in favor now of immigration reform. >> i think there is broad agreement on, like you said, on legalization, broad agreement on letting people work here and contribute to our economy, if they learn the language, pay a fine, go past the criminal background check, and you heard in the president's nuinterview, secure the border first. >> republicans outlined their principles for immigration reform at a retreat last week. they're calling for border enforcement first, and then legal status but not citizenship for 11 million undocumented workers already in the u.s. the president hinted he might
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accept legal status without citizenship for those 11 million, but today his chief of staff reiterated the importance of a path to citizenship while expressing optimism republicans are moving forward on reform. >> the bottom line is he doesn't want to see an america where we have two permanent classes. citizens and non-citizens, as we perceive it. that's his principle. the principled laid out by the republican leadership towards the end of last week, we thank that's pretty good steps, pretty good progress in the debate coming from where they were to where they are now. >> republicans including eric cantor and paul ryan said today this isn't the time for immigration reform because they can't trust the president to enforce the law. harris. >> steve, thank you very much. oscar-winning actor philip seymour hoffman, who portrayed a wide range of scene-stealing characters on screen and on stage has died. new video showing the actor's body being removed just a short time ago from his new york city
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apartment. he was found dead there today of an apparent drug overdose. police sources reveal he died with a syringe still in his arm. hoffman was 46. tonight, friends, family, scleegs say they're all shocked by his death, despite hoffman's known struggle with drug abuse. dominic is following the story for us from our l.a. bureau. dom. >> hey, there, harris. as they're taking the body out, we're hearing police found as many as ten bags potentially containing hair weroin in them. two definitely having some substance. the others empty, perhaps indicating the size of the overdose that police say he apparently took. police found also a spoon, apparently, he may have used to overdose with. you can see his body on the screen right now being removed just 20 minutes ago. hoffman in the past has spoken candidly about his addiction, most notably in a 2006 interview where he addressed his problems with drugs and alcohol.
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listen. >> yeah, all that stuff. yeah. anything i could get my hands on. yeah. yeah. i liked it all. yeah. >> and why did you decide to stop? >> you get panicked. you get panicked. it was -- i was 22, and i got panicked for my life. it was just that. >> well, he was clean for about 23 years. but in 2012, he actually fell off the wagon again and he was worried that he might take heroin intravenously, which is why he was in rehab as early as may of last year. police say they might have taken, actually, a bad batch of heroin that has been going around the east coast. apparently, it's killed 100 people recently. the family obviously very distraught as they released this statement to fox news that they're devastated and
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appreciate the outpouring of love and support we received from everyone. he was supposed to meet his kids apparently this morning around 9:00, and friends became worried when he didn't turn up. they went to the apartment and that's when they discovered him in the bathroom in his underwear, and apparently he was unresponsive and unconscious. police declared him dead at the scene. this was an incredible loss to the entertainment industry here in the united states. he won the oscar for playing capote in 2005, and he recently played in the rouhugely popula g popularhunger game series. he had seven days left to film in what is going to be hunger games mockingbird part two. no indication if it affects the film, but from what we're hearing, it shouldn't. >> that's suggest a huge franchise. i was reading earlier jeff bridges on his facebook page, because they were in the big lebowski together, was talking about what a huge talent philip was and how they became friends on the film.
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such a sad loss. thank you very much. we'll be right back. [ female announcer hands were made for playing.
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and this just coming in. fox news has confirmed now a member of new jersey governor chris christie's staff has resigned amid the bridge scandal. she was subpoenaed by the state legislature committee investigating allegations they closed lanes on one of america's busiest bridges as political retaliation. hae has denied that, even in a long statement, 700-word document yesterday. though tonight, we're told rena has stepped down and it happened on friday. she was the state director of departmental relations and reported to the former deputy chief of staff. a new state department report on the proposed $5.4 billion keystone pipeline playing down the project's
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impact on climate change. we have brynn reporting it wouldn't be a major negative effect, and that is giving supporters of it, which would carry crude oil from canada to refineries along the gulf coast, new ammunition against environmentalists who say they oppose it. brenda has more on the impacts of both building the pipeline or letting the project die. >> harris, the new report should add fuel to the push for the pipeline, and will put more pressure on the white house to give the xl an okay, but the white house chief of staff said it's not at all clear the president will act. >> his view is if this is to go forward, it should not significantly exacerbate the climate change in the country. >> didn't the report say it won't? >> we have other expert agencies, the epa, and many others who had an opportunity to look at this and make their determinations. the president wants to protect their ability to do that, make
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the decision based on the best analysis. >> keystone would move heavy crude from canada to the heart of the u.s. pipeline networks, but the more than 1,000-mile nourp leg will bring much more than energy here. the two-year construction project would add about $3.4 billion to the u.s. economy and about 100,000 new jobs. many in construction. >> if we're interested in blue collar, union, good paying jobs, affordable energy has to be a part of it. the canadians is going to get the oil in. the question is whether they sell it to us or the chinese. >> the question next goes to secretary of state kerry who is likely to feel more pressure over the pipeline after his department's report. >> thank you. a rough day for people in the south, as yet another blast of winter has moved across that region. texas particularly hit hard today with snow and sleet. texas is starting to look a
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little like minnesota this winter. maybe not quite. janice dean is in the fox weather center now. janice, it's tough down there. >> yeah, i think the groundhog is right. we have at least six more weeks of winter. i mean, it's just continuous. harris, look at the storm we're dealing with across texas, oklahoma, through the mid-mississippi river valley, up to the ohio river valley, and this has a bull's eye on the northeast for rush hour. this is monday around 3:00 a.m., pushing across portions of kentucky, west virginia, in towards pennsylvania, and then around 5:00 a.m., 6:00 a.m., pushing into philadelphia, new york city, long island, connecticut, massachusetts, as we go through time. by 4:00, it should be out of here, but we could see several inches of snow, especially during the rush hour. winter weather advisories and warnings in effect along the areas we showed you on the radar, and a new winter weather advisory for the central plains because we have another storm in back of this one.
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this one will drop several inches of snow, in some cases 6 to 12, and then the next storm system behind this, harris, bringing more snow, and if you could believe it, another system behind this. three in a row this week, as we head into the first week of february. it's not over yet. back to you. >> absolutely not. i don't want to give too much credit to the rodent, but gosh darn, it looks like he was right this time. >> i think he's right. >> thank you. caught on camera, a woman fight off a suspected intruder with her homemade weapon. wow. and two cell phone towers crash to the ground. people caught in the middle of it. this is for you.
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in california, a woman
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confronted an intruder and a surveillance camera was rolling. apparently, this person has been a problem over and over. in fact, on the first day, you can see the man run across the lawn, take a seat, and later appears to pass out. he came back the very next day. and that time, he was caught in the act. surveillance video from across the street showed the homeowner scuffling with the man. she said she was not afraid. she was fed up. >> he jumped into the car right here, and i jumped right in there with him, right on top of him. and we wrestled until i got the keys. when i went over and confronted him about it, he told me he had left a cell phone battery in my yard. >> wow, the homeowner used a homemade weapon, a stick with a rock attached, to protect herself. then he sheld the man's car keys until police arrived. no word on criminal charges in this. >> two cell phone towers collapse minutes apart with people caught in the path. it's our top story as we go across america.
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west virginia, two contractors working on one of the towers died when it fell over. a firefighter was also killed while trying to get there. police say the weight of the collapse put too much stress on guide wires connecting to the smaller tower, and that one gave way, too. they're investigating the cause of it all. michigan, police have arrested a suspect in a shooting near ferriss state university. it happened at an off-campus apartment, and in response, the school canceled classes and sporting events. people nearby were in shock. gr kind of scary because you never think something like that would happen. >> the person who was shot reportedly is recovering. california. the navy christening a new ship in honor of the first american to orbit the earth. the "usns john glenn" is a new staging ship. before being an astronaut, he was in the naval reserve in
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college and was a marine pilot in world war ii and the korean war. pennsylvania -- >> it's six more weeks of winter. >> the famous groundhog, punxsutawney phil, predicting a longer winter for us. rumor has it, if he sees his shadow, we have six more weeks of winter. if he doesn't, spring comes early. in reality, a group disspells his prediction a week ahead of time. you mean the rodent doesn't do it? that's the fox watch across america. president obama ruffling some feathers with his plans to bypass congress with a new series of executive orders. >> it's not the number of executive orders. it's the scope of the executive orders. it's the fact that he is actually contradicting law, like in the health care case, or proposing new laws without going through congress. >> the fox news political insiders are coming into the studio right now. they'll weigh in next and you can join in our conversation via twitter. is the president overstepping his bounds. tweet your response
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responses @harrisfaulkner. @foxinsider. chse two melt-in-your mouth ees, like n parmesan crusted chicken, 3 courses, 2 people, st $25 at olive garden! al enjoy weekday signature favorites, four classic pastas, now just $10! still runnng in the morning? yeah. getting your vegebles every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. two full servings of vegetables one day you'll be standing on a future olympian, and here's exactly how you'll get there. you'll work hard, and you'll fall hard. you'll lose sometimes when you really should have won. you'll win sometimes when no one thought you had a shot. and you'll never, ever stop. we know this. because you're one of us. at citi, we believe in everyone's potential,
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president obama sitting down for an exclusive interview with our own bill o'reilly today. the pair burning through a lot of topics in just a few minutes. including the irs scandal and benghazi. let's bring in our political insiders now. you can join our conversation on
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twitter,@harrisfaulkner. to my direct left, john, former republican congressman for new york. to the right, doug shown, former pollster for bill clinton and fox news contributor, and joining us via satellite from south carolina, pat caddell, a former pollster for jimmy carter and fox news contributor as well. hello, gentlemen in the gorgeous red ties. you watched the president. pat, i'm going to go to you first. you watched this interview. what stood out to you? >> i was amazed at the dissen jenniousness of the president. but i thought bill o'reilly pressed him on things no one has pressed him on from the media. about 157 businesses on the irs, the benghazi where he really was fumbling the talking points, and health care, where he continues to be in fantasy land. obamacare, telling us how great it is, and you know, saying never being able to apologize to people. >> you know what, i want to start off with the irs, because
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there was a section that we haven't aired yet for everybody to see with the president and bill o'reilly. let's queue that up and get your response on set. >> you're saying no corruption at all. >> that's not what i'm saying. that's -- >> you're the leader of the country, you're saying no corruption? >> none. there were some bone-head decisions. >> bone-head, but no mass corruption? >> not even mass corruption. not even a smidgen of corruption. >> john, your head is going to pop off, you're shaking it so hard. >> well, i don't want to use the whole show on this, because i could. number one, even o'reilly fell into the trap of saying maybe there's some people just in cincinnati who did something wrong. this thing goes all the way into the white house. this was the same thing they had an article of impeachment against nixon for. using the irs against the political enemies of the president. in this case, tea party groups and pro-israeli groups have been discriminated against. it is illegal, and i tell you
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where the blame is. the house gop has not investigated this thing aggressively and properly. that's why he could get off it today. >> harris, what concerned me about the whole interview is the president basically, to use a nixonian word, stone walled, bottom line, he pushed back on irs, again ghazi, indeed on every issue, harris, he just said the facts weren't the facts. >> you know, i want to go back to benghazi with you, pat, and this is coming frauom our natiol security correspondent, catherine herridge. she wrote this just a moment ago after watching the president. for those interested on benghazi, president obama's characterization of the attack as some systematic organized attack, not being that appears to be in direct conflict with the recent bipartisan senate intelligence committee report on the findings. your thoughts, pat? >> it's once again, as i said, the president, it's soft issues.
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he's telling things, a narrative that isn't true. it is basically to serve political expediency. it's the same narrative he used previously in the administration, and he smiles and thinks he can get away with it. today, he got pressed a little bit. but i go to john's point. the failure of the republican party to stand up for the esident's excuse, we have already had hearings about that, was the way he was able to slough everything off, because there haven't been real hearings. there have been half-based hearings. >> what is the ground the republicans are -- i don't want to say die on that hill, but politically so, are they willing to stick their neck out? >> on benghazi, no? >> why not? >> we have gone over it. the public wants it. 180 house members have signed on for a select committee. i think boehner is doing this makeover of the gop.
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he wants to look more cooperative rather than obstructive. he doesn't want to tick off the administration. pat and doug have said to me and on here that maybe the administration has something on the republican leadership. i don't know. but we're not getting what the public wants out of the republicans. they will not investigate this thing. >> okay, let's talk about executive orders now. i want to kind of jump here because we had asked people on twitter to respond to this. is the president overstepping his bounds? paul ryan today, out of wisconsin, wow. very strong on this point. and what is the point? is the president stepping legally outside his bounds? kwl i think ryan had it wrong. i understand he said the president is overstepping, and it's sort of extra constitutional behavior. that may be the case, more likely isn't. >> constitutional behavior? >> unconstitutional. i apologize. >> you might be, i don't know. maybe that's a legal term. >> maybe it is, but here's what i think the real point is. bottom line, what ryan didn't say and what the president
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didn't say is we need bipartisanship. we need to compromise, bargain, fix health care, deal with the jobs crisis, and work on every issue facing our country in a way that puts the american people first and not the political interests of the administration or the republicans. >> from twitter now, l.p. says, obama fill-i-flustered the interview. that's a new word. >> i like that, that's very good. i think he did. he basically, as i said, had his swat, his fly swatter, which is we had hearings. we haven't had hearings. about obamacare, he simply went through the talking points, and the fictional 9 million people, 6 million of whom, by the way, are essentially on welfare under this program. nothing about why it didn't work. nothing about how he receidecei people purposely, and back to benghazi, the most important issue, and the irs. there was real corruption there,
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and the president basically was not telling the truth. >> can i piggyback on what these two guys have said? the republicans in the house need to study the lesson on how to run an investigation from the new jersey democrats. right? >> wow. >> in a month, have destroyed chris christie. all right. number one, they need to learn how to run -- >> what did you say, pat? >> i just said, i'm sorry. john, maybe they should just hire those democrats. it would be easier. >> okay, i think they don't know how to investigate. and second -- >> do they want to, john? >> that's the thing, that's my other point. >> why wouldn't they? why is it expedient for them not to? >> pat and doug and i do not have a political motive. we want to truth. what was the cia doing in benghazi? what did they know? why were the talking points changed? all that stuff. that's what the public wants to know. but as political people, we would not be telling the truth,
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at least i wouldn't as a republican, if in the process of this, hillary clinton were to be hurt for 2016. well, too bad. that should be in the calculus of the republicans. you don't think the democrats in new jersey are thinking, we're going to destroy chris christie for 2016? >> will it eventually take over? >> very interesting. we're going to talk about the affordable care act/obamacare when we come back. today, the president and bill o'reilly talked about who should have been fired. and that was probably what i would call a term from hockey, pretty chippy. part of the interview. we'll take a look at that and also read some more of the tweets coming in. this was a great one. does the gop health care alternative move the political dial in any direction, or are we still helplessly stuck? can the gop do it? stick with us. mine was earned in korea in 1953.
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i'm a taxpayer, and i'm paying kathleen sebelius' salary and she screwed up and you're not holding her accountable here? >> i promise you we hold everybody up and down the line accountable. when we're midstream, bill, we want to make sure that our main focus is how do we make this thing work? >> why didn't they fire kathleen sebelius when there was such a rocky rollout of the affordable care act? we're still talking about that now because the president has said early on, we're going to concentrate on getting it right. well, that point has passed. he said the website is working. >> and i think that's really the point. the president has not and did not today concede any real errors or problems. said things are working. why do you fire somebody like secretary sebelius if things have been resolved? >> and he pooh-poohed the big
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lie about you can keep your insurance if you like it, which we know is not true, and he wasn't apologetic about it. he wasn't apologetic about anything today. >> what is this president's legacy likely to be at this point? a lot can happen in three years? >> we don't know yet, but i think the history depends on if the people in the mainstream media are writing the history, it will be one thing. if real historians write it, it may be another. this president, essentially, he's gridlocked. i think he lives or dies by obamacare and the disaster going on overseas which we're about to see, but i think -- i thought today's interview was appalling, if you want to know the truth. but it was good for o'reilly. >> wow. let's talk immigration, because they did. so did donald trump today. my goodness. he said the new republican plan for immigration, what did he say, john? i know you want to say it. >> i didn't hear what trump
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said. >> he said it would be awful for this country, and i'm cleaning it up. >> he's wrong. i think the republican plan says, if you're here as an adult who came illegally as an adult, you could ultimately end up getting a green card, at legal status, work here, not worry about getting deported, but you can't get citizenship. i think that is a fair proposal. because you should not be able to break the law, break your way into america, and get rewarded with citizenship. >> harris, there are a couple problems. first, it isn't clear the republicans can or will unite around that plan. i don't think the tea party will. the other part of the problem is bottom line for the hispanic community. it may be okay for you, john. i don't think it's okay for hispanics because there's a clear sense if you live here, play by the rules, pay your taxes, you ought to ventually get citizenship. too little too late. i don't think it's going to
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really produce what the republicans want. >> how do you get these two sides to come together? because you know, this was supposed to be the issue that they would likely come together on. what will it take? >> i think there are real problems because i think the goalposts will kept being moved, the democrats want a particular set of objectives, and a lot of big business people want cheap labor, but i have to tell you something. we're dealing with a issue that most voters in the country don't think is important. i agree with doug to an extent, and somewhat with john, to the extent that the republicans will never satisfy. the question is, why aren't they on an agenda that will work for them? which is economic growth, and by the way, in the pursuit of obamacare, they seem to be desperate, and they're going to be desperate, i think, to surrender. >> real quickly, i read that tweet from a person about a gop health care alternative.
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you said you haven't really seen a complete plan yet. >> they went away for a retreat, the house republican, to the eastern shore of maryland, and during that time, they issued a one-page statement of principles which was this immigration thing we have debated. they have not done that yet on health care. wi have gift different republican senators and congressman each having a plan, and we have said on this show that boehner and mitch mcconnell need to get together, get all the members in a room, and hammer out a republican health care plan. that they all campaign on this year. >> you know what? cindy is not happy. she says the president, in her words, screws up and it's the republicans' fault. really? is that what you're saying? >> that's what the president is saying. the reason why john and i and pat are so frustrated is the obama administration is failing. 43% approval, but there's no republican narrative, either of criticism or more importantly, of positive change. >> we'll come right back. stay with us.
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beginning february 6th, experience the winter games everywhere. welcome to what's next. comcast nbcuniversal all right, political insiders are back. pat, john, and doug. as tweeted out, do you think president obama will say yes to go ahead on the keystone pipeline? >> i don't think he will. i think he's going to look to find reasons, other environmental concerns from other interest groups or other institutions of government. bottom line, the democratic left doesn't want it. they're protesting. he won't go for it. >> we're talking potentially about a lot of jobs, thousands of them. canada said if you don't hurry up and make up your minds, we're going to shop this to china. >> i think a lot of this will be how many senate seats this could affect in november. some of them want it, like the guy, begich, in alaska. he wants the deal. >> he needs the jobs.
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>> i'm not sure that obama won't do it. he doesn't have to run again. he could tick off the left. it is of the left. he could get away it. >> the other study was huge. >> where are the republicans. as we said off the air, they have gone silent just when this is moving in their direction. >> greg on twitter said would have already done it if he were going to, about the keystone pipeline. pat, your thoughts. >> i think if he were concerned about jobs and the middle class and energy independence, he would. but the truth of the matter is what matters most for barack obama and his internal calculation and his political minions is the money that comes from the very educated super rich environmental left. they are raising holy hell about this. they will, if he does this. it is the kind of breaking of a coalition the president doesn't want, and the truth of the matter is, the democratic party, not that the republicans have any concern, gave up caring
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about ordinary americans and real jobs long ago. and simply say, we're not the republicans. there's no excuse for not having done this. >> we're coming back in about six seconds. stay with us. money. that's not much, you think money. except it's 2 peent every year. go to e*trade and find out how much our advice and guidance costs. spoiler alert. it's low. it's guidance on your terms not ours. e*trade. less for us, more for you. always one step ahead with an intuitive motion activated lid and seat, kohler makes sure you'll never have to ask him again. peace of mind is important when so we provide it services you bucan rely on. with centurylink as your trusted it partner, you'll experience reliable uptime for the network and services you depend on. multi-layered security solutions keep your information safe, and secure.
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jeffrey on twitter wants me to know there's a little game going on, so we have brought in my friends here. our political insiders were able to move. these guys are immovable. pat, doug -- >> knock peyton over. >> everybody else is knocking him over, from what i understand. let's talk about the keystone pipeline. do you think there's a decision coming quickly? we ask about this on twitter. and lynn said no, president obama will not approve this. then he would approve conservative economics. i'm curious and i think pat said it, where are the republicans on this? >> they are so afraid of the image that they came out of the government shutdown with in october. >> what image was that?
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>> the party of no. >> the party of no, so boehner came out and said we're not the opposition party. we're the -- what is the word? alternative party. they have changed the lingo. they're doing an image makeover in front of our eyes. >> i don't know if alternative politics is better. pat? >> let me just say this. it's about, they think everything is about image. it's about message. you know, the keystone pipeline is a perfect example of a yes message. that more jobs. more energy independence. we found a way to do this. the president wants to take credit, but he won't do it. that state department report is devastating to his position, and still, they won't move on it. and the republicans should have been doing this for a long time. not just this week. >> pat, they had in the past tried to link it to other legislation, and they backed off that. now would be the time for them to float the idea out again,
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attach it to the debt ceiling. >> but they're not going to do it. >> that's an interesting thought. >> why not? >> boehner won't. he's afraid of his own shadow. >> they're afraid of another confrontation that they'll lose, even though they're down to 22% in gallup -- >> 19%. >> and even with what's going on, harris, they still are not really ahead much in the generic vote. >> they don't believe in fighting for anything. >> let's go back to the issue of executive order. because the president obviously is ready to fight. i mean, i'm not sure whether or not the alternative politics will work in this instance because he's ready to roll on without them. >> before i pick up on his good term, extra constitutional. >> i like that. i'm going to write it down. >> he said something very true, the president already has a case in the supreme court against him on unconstitutional recess appointments. >> for his own judges asking questions about what he did. >> that is correct.
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and that was before he was re-elected. now that he's re-elected and he can't run again, i'm telling you, he will push the envelope as far as he can go, and farther. >> all right, guys. i know everybody wants to continue the conversation. tweets are picking up now. and you guys can continue because they're going to be on twitter tonight. @fninsiders, an and @harrisfaulkner. and every week day morning, 10:30 eastern. thank you very much. we'll be right back. and i love that. look at that. we're right back, but we had to do that whole super bowl interview thing. did you see that intro? in case you didn't notice, i have a couple buddies behind me. peyton manning, who hasn't moved, and russell wilson, who also hasn't moved because they're cut-outs, but that's okay. the real deal in the new york/new jersey area is where
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rick leventhal is and they were expected and have had unprecedented security. >> just minor reports by the state police, and some delays for fans getting into the stadium through the heavy, heavy security. the only issue inside the stadium is the broncos failed to score in the first half. there was an issue reported at the train station by the associated press where thick crowds were trying to board trains to metlife stadium. 27,000 in one day riding new jersey transit. reports that ems workers had to push through to retrieve people who collapsed in the station. people squeezing together and making it through airport style security. as more trains arrived, the crowds thinned out, but new jersey transit says it safely and efficiently transported more than 27,000 customers to a level one security event. it's fay to say exactly what the planners of the first mass
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transit super bowl had in mind. one other record set here, first, it's 10 degrees warmer than they thought it would be at kickoff, 49 degrees, so we didn't set a record for coldest super bowl, and they set a record for the quickest score. 12 seconds in. >> rick leventhal, thank you very much. i have some cut-outs here so i can feel like i'm part of t although we have had our own pattal in the studio with the political insiders. so glad to have you in. the tweets are flying ferociously now. you guys are tweeting back. i think it must be pat. someone who said congress needs to stop talking and start doing its job. and some agreement there. thank you, gentlemen. that is how fox reports on this sunday, february 2nd, 2014. 2014 is whipping by, isn't it? i'm harris faulkner. thanks for joining us. have a great week. huckabee starts in just a few seconds. now you know all the politics to get you started. have a good one. o'rielly's
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interview. no super bowl here but tonight on huckabee -- >> let's get immigration reform done this year. >> honor what has been a history of legal immigration in this country. >> republican leaders join the president to campaign for amnesty. but who's asking law enforcement what they need? and -- >> better for you? >> movie star scarlett johansson stands up for her believes. is she the new face for peace in the middle east? >> plus, super bowl mvp drew brees on football, leadership, and community service. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee.


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