tv Stossel FOX News February 2, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm PST
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coming up next. judge janeen peer peer -- janeen piro is coming up next. neil: okay, thank you guys so much. john: at the wealth gap >> the wealth gap is getting worse. >> the super rich are getting richer. >> the 99 percent of other workers are suffering. >> you suffer these these people probably make more than you. >> she is the biggest earning female athlete in the entire world. >> you suffer because the ceo's make more than you. >> does it bother you others have more than others? >> everybody should get higher income and bigger taxes for rich. >> goltment programs. >> is that a good thing? >> it is run by democrats. >> equality verses liberty.
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that's our show tonight. >> and now, john stossel. >> if people are free some will be more successful than others. maybe they are smart error they work harder or they are luckyer. whatever reason in a global economy that success is magnified. michael jordan made good money playing basketball but he made more nmoney because he can do things like sell these t-shirts in china. because of the free market globalization, new technology, some people offer the ability to make even more off their talentses. as a result of that there is growing inequality. look at this video that caught fire on the internet. it will has been viewed 13 million times. >> here's the actual distribution of wealth in erk ma. the poorest americans don't even register. they are down to pocket change.
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the top 2 to 5 percent are actually off the chart of the scale and the top one percent, this guy, his stack of money stretches ten times higher than he can show. the average worker needs to work more than month to earn what the ceo makes in one hour. >> the level of inequality is wrong especially people on the left like bob beckel. >> you said the free market handles all of this. we shouldn't let the free market do that. it has been in place and income inequality has gotten worse and worse. you ask do people suffer because the ceo's make more money? >> yes. >> the reason that ceo makes 400 times the average worker at the plant makes. if he didn't it would be more money to distribute in wages. >> maybe the workers wouldn't have a job if the ceo wasn't --
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>> the ceo is worth 400 times more than the worker? >> that's what the market says. >> corporations in particular whether it be wal-mart mcdonalds, the top echelon of the corporate world makes an exceedingly larger amount of money than their workers do and that is flat wrong. >> why? it's not like this is a zero sum game and bill gates made a lot of money you think that hurts me? >> microsoft paid a very good wage a living wage. you think wal-mart pays a living wage? >> yeah. people live on that wage. >> very few do. they have to work 2 and 3 jobs. wal-mart is one of the most ago agreeing gus of all. they rip off people like small businesses on main street and doing business all of the time with china and building inferior
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products. >> should they do business with china? >> if they produced toys that weren't wet. >> those of us who appreciate premarkets told this squeeze this down in england in 1990 you were a lord in the british parliament. margaret thatcher responding to your argument. >> >> gas was taxed. down here. that or that? >> i agree with her, her point if you didn't get it, i would rather have a big gap with all of us up rather than together. >> the problem was rising yachts do not live like most. >> let's talk about this in terms of the very poor and the very wealthy. the very poor have a lot of
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programs to help them. there are ones that you don't agree with. i am talking about the working class in america which the free market gave reasonable income inequality if you would in the 50's, 60s and 70s. >> you would tax the rich more, raise the minimum wage, president obama wants to do these things. >> i am sure you would raise the minimum wage. it is crazy. i had 15 an hour fair minimum wage there has not been a study produced that shows increasing the minimum wage would cost more. >> that's wrong. >> that is just not right. you have to pay the minimum
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wage. >> if something costs more you will get less. >> what? >> if the worker costs 10 bucks an hour you are going to higher fewer that cost you 8 bucks an hour. >> you still have to make a burger. >> maybe they won't open the next mcdonalds. >> work 40, 60, 80 hours a week you can't expect them to live on that kind of income whenned koub prad c-u-error r daybreaki-- co ceo. you think any ceo is worth that kind of money. >> if the market says they are must be. >> the board of directors is usually employed by the ceo. >> i say the most important thing is individual liberty.
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the important thing is opportunity. we still have that in america. most of the poorest fifth gradually move up. here is part of a video made by the institute for humane studies. >> if we look at households in the bottom individual households from 1996 we will see that about 45 percent of them have moved up to higher. 32 percent who were in the top had fallen to a lower by 1996. >> there is a lot of truth to that. in a goody con me people can pull themselves out of poverty worldwide. if you look at the probust economic years and look worldwide at the expansion of the place a lot of countries with poor people rose out of poverty. i think that's a good thing. i agree capitalism is good. we are talking about gross
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inequality between those at the top who have rigged the system to make more money than those who work more. that is not free market capitalism that's cronyism at its worst. >> we agree to disagree about everything else. >> a real pleasure. >> i fear most americans agree with bob and that other bob robert riesh who has a movie out "inequality for all." >> of all of the developed nations the united states has the most unequal distribution of income. he became u.s. secretary of labor and made this movie. >> i had to protect people from the people who beat them up economically. >> he and the left say they are standing up for the little guy. so i turn to libertarian philosophy professor. aren't they? isn't bob? >> no way. i was under communism myself in
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my early years. >> you grew up in hungary. >> they are not helping the little guy. that is a myth. they talk a good game but as far as delivery is concerned the left does nothing but place ultimately people that the concentration camps because nobody will comply with their stupid vision. >> but neither bob nor president obama is putting people in concentration camps. >> not yet. under the left you have these people who are supposed to be getting on board willingly, but they don't come on board willingly. very few will just like with obamacare. >> i don't pay taxes willingly. i pay because i have to. >> income inequality hurt nobody unless the inequality came about through theft or through -- >> is it not gross that some people have more money? >> not more gross than kobe bryant throws basketballs much
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better than some of the people on the street. it is no worse than the fact that the kenyan marathon runners win every year over and over and over again. this is the way the world goes. >> any time when you cry to upset it with human meddling congress calls it the public choice problem. you put the matter in the hands of people who are just as imperfect as anybody else. the hole idea that you can get a person up do. i c it is fatal. >> the central planners can bring us together. they talk about a good game but they don't -- part of the talk
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is the moral outrage. you stayed there's a guy who is going to top the rich from enjoying this? >> he thought there was an elitist contest. well, dam it, so what if it was. golf is elitist. tennis is elitist. >> he would ban those things, too. he also said the cabbies should take them on long detours. >> the rich get richer at the expense of the poor. >> that's false. while the richest americans prosper the other 99 percent of workers are left to suffer. >> this is a story of the rich getting richer. >> while the poor are poorer. >> as the movie wall street says... >> it's a zero sum game. somebody wins and somebody loses. >> that's a mistake.
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you fresh bakeed by right from the rov ven. the sich take a big piece so we have little loeft. >> makers who get rich by baking more spots. bill gates mood hood good cot. economy is not a zero sub gain but both exchanges from the wounds. they tend to think they know better. if if he were they 'ole helm everything would work out bin. they know they are starter than anybody else.
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they will be on the touch eerie morning the most success teeing gus. >> if you it to whooz between all the and leb bert. you would use the hash tag bash war mare. souch one does any one. i yao they really date hab brerts. >> this isn't occurred to me that i am on. >> hey kevin...still eating chalk for heartburn? yeah... try new alka seltzer fruit chews. they work fast on heartburn and taste awesome. these are good. told ya! i'm feeling better already. [ male announcer ] new alka seltzer fruits chews. enjoy the relief!
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hey now do i hear 23.75? 24! hey 24 dollar, 24 and a quarter, quarter, now half, 24 and a half and .75! 25! now a quarter, hey 26 and a quarter, do you wanna pay now, you wanna do it, 25 and a quarter - sold to the man in the khaki jacket! geico. fifteen minutes could save you... well, you know. which 4g l map has the most coverage? this isn't real difficult. pretty obvious to me. i'm going to have to say verizon verizon. the choi is obvious. verizon is america's largest and most reliable 4g lte network, with data plans starting as low as $45 monthly access including unlimited talk and text. plus free world messaging unlimited for three months. that's powerful. verizon. act now and get the samsung galaxy s4-- now just $99.99. ing ) - okay, josh, do your stuff! okay, people, you know the drill. - canned foods only, guys! - ♪ sometimes you got to give and not receive ♪ ♪ sometimes you got to live what you believe ♪ ♪ open your arms, 'cause that's where it starts ♪ ♪ right here with you and with me ♪ ♪ what the world needs now is love... ♪
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>> maria sharapova. she is the biggest earning female athlete in the entire world. 23 million until endorsements. >> bet you didn't make that. does it bother you she took home so much more? she is not even the best tennis player. she is ranked 4 td. she makes the most because she is a good looking blonde. how unfair is that? i don't hear people complaining. people accept that.
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they accept movie stars and singers make millions, too. >> do you mind that they make millions of dollars? >> no it didn't occur to me. >> they have a talent and use it and they get made for it. >> does it bother you tiger woods made $78 million last year? >> no it doesn't bother me. if he can make it he needs to make it. >> what about business executives. oo too does bother you ceo's make millions and workers don't? >> yeah. i think everybody should be treated equal. they should make enough to be stable and comfortable. >> why does it bother people when ceo's are rich and okay when beyonce or tiger woods can be rich. >> we have all had success, we have been in school plays and tried to hit curve balls and failed doing it. we understand how the things they do are so extreme and make us so happy.
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we get that. >> we don't get what the businessman does. >> we see a businessman with the white shirt and tie and making all of that money. what is he doing? he's showing up 9-5 just like i am. why am i not making that much. you don't get the same connection as you do to an athlete or celebrity. >> earlier bob beckel argued when they take that much money they are taking it away from the workers because they could pay them more. >> you could use a pinata view. candy goes out one kid gets the candy. the reality is you try to give it to other people we are changing the incentives. people are making money because they are doing something productive. baseball players make a lot of money because they mado somethi a lot of other people can't do. >> the c,o? >> part of that is you are not head of a local company in your town. you are head of a company that is worldwide. the mistakes you make have vast
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consequences. we have a lot of other companies that want you to help their companies. automatic oo there are a lot of stockholders willing to get you to work with your company. >> i think the position taken by the owners of ben and jerry the ice cream company i have chunky monkey here. they said the inequality that exists between classes and their country is immoral. >> a few years before ben and jerry said they would pay executives no more than five times what they paid their lowest paid workers. they couldn't find a ceo they liked so they paid 14 times more. they had to fire someone else and pay them even more. these leftists are as clueless in their ideas -- well.
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>> bad metaphor. >> good intentions aren't enough. we have to change how people behave they don't have to say it is productive they take other people they do that instead of doing other productive things. that's something you can avoid. >> we are not avoiding in america. i think it is hilarious your point that people love the sports heros actresses actors. robert downey,jr. $75 million he made. beyonce # 53 million. jennifer law rohns 26 milli -- reasons 26 minutes. basketball, football. golf, soccer. it is all distributed making millions and millions of dollars and people love them. >> even when there is outrage about these athlete's salaries i think it's funny they don't realize by capping their salaries you are ensuring the
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billionaire owners are getting the money. it is focused on misunderstanding where the wealth comes from. >> the nba and nfl has salary caps. >> it's not like a real free market. he wants for entertainment value to have everybody relatively even. i don't care if apple makes the best telephone. >> baseball is far more competitive than it used to be and has no salary cap. it is far more competitive than nba. in baseball you don't have a dynasty like the patriots or pittsburgh steelers. we have a lot of other teams those companies -- there are teams that are trying to make money and they always find a way around it. >> is it fair that he's good
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looking? is it fair this he was 6 foot 4? it would seem fair to me that i was the shortest kid in middle school so i got picked on. part of the problem because government subsidizes rich people now. people like movie starsen in malibu. that's next. ♪ they lived ♪ they lived. ♪ they lived. ♪ (dad) we lived... thanks to our subaru. ♪ (announcer) love. it's what mas a subaru, a subaru.
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[ male announcer ] introducing fedex one rate. wow, this hoh no.s amazing. who are you? who are you? wrong answer. wait, daddy, this is blair, he booked this room with priceline express deals and saved a ton. yeah, i didn't have to bid i got everything i wanted. oh good i always do. oh good he seemed nice. express deals. priceline savings without the bidding. john: the >> this is one thing i would like our government to do to increase equality. stop giving stuff to witch people. they proposed a millionaires subsidy elimination act? >> there's 100 to $2 billion a year of your money and my money that goes to people who make a
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million dollars or companies who have profits over a million dollars a year. we came up with this proposal why don't we cap these governmentment subsidies to these people who make less than a million a year. >> they called subsidies for the rich and famous. >> what like what? >> when you think about social security and medicare you are thinking about benefits that go to seen years and low income. they get social security benefits from bill gates to warren buff fit. do they really need a check every month from the federal government? let me give you another example. >> at least those go to everybody. >> true. what you are running 8 billion a year can you afford to send bill gates a list? >> the others go to mainly the
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wealthy. >> this is a classesic example the wheat subsidies. if they have an income over 950,000 dollars you know what the farmers do? they divide up their farm among the sister and wives so there's five farms each one gets 950,000 dollars. you have some farms when you combine them are getting 5, $10 million. >> another scam is flood insurance. >> are you really a beneficiary of that system? did you send the check back? >> i filled it out because i was guaranteed i couldn't lose. it is insane yet they brag about the blood insurance handout and government spends your money to add advertisement. >> protect your home with flood insurance. >> the flood insurance provide valuable protection for
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5.5 million homeowners. >> when see shade that it was 19 billion in the red now it is 30 billion in the red. people say i didn't plan this hurricane i didn't know the river was going to flood. we need to help these people. what is wrojs wrong with that. >> who are the people we are helping? people like you, people who are richer than you are. people building beach front r properties $10 million homes in miami beach or ball palm beach. >> derek jeter's mansion in florida. the kennedy family has a nice compound mentd>> the question is why should taxpayers pay for rebuilding their homes. we encourage people to over bill because guess what? if there is a big storm like sandy the taxpayers pay for the
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rebuilding of that house. i have a problem with that. >> i do, too. i ahole guys. i don't have a house insured by the government. government offers all kind of subsidies to through which people invest in green energy like windmills. you also have a subsidy if you install solar panels in your house. >> if you want to invest in solar energy we have tax credits to be there. >> when you look at homes in america that have solar panels there are people in beverly hills and some of the people in the richest areas with the biggest homes. we have a subsidy that mostly goes to millionaires and billionaires. >> the windmills with he showed the main investor was ge. >> you probably saw the story a few years ago that ge paid no
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corporate income tax. how can one of the most profitable companies bay no income tax? they take advantage of a lot of the corporate loopholes like the sole dar and wind subsidy. >> one of the solar breaks is a tax credit. if you don't make 40,000 a year you don't really benefit. if we got rid of all of these we would say -- >> 100 or 2 million a year. >> it would be more fair. >> coming up making incomes more equal. >> (chanting) >> most americans say raise the minimum wage. that's what the protestors want. they are grandmothers.
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(chanting) >> unions and fast food workers have been holding lots of raise the minimum wage protests. >> find higher wages. i need to get support for my family. >> i want her to be able to support her family. a recent poll says 66 percent of americans want the minimum wage raised. now $7.25. protestors say it could be $15 an hour. some told me it should be moerp. >> for minimum wage let's make it 20 and companies can thrive from there. >> for the moment president obama wants $10. 10.10. it is hard to live on 7.25 an hour. who would oppose a small raise? well this cruel young women does. terry shekel the contributor for forbes. >> take out the knife john, thanks. >> rich me think minute works
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f -- rich benjamin works for think tank. >> you want $10? >> we know this washington state has a minimum wage on the order of $10. their economy is no worse than other states who have a lower minimum wage. >> what's wrong with that? >> you hit the nail right on the head. that's washington state. we need to let companies decide which wage is correct. >> you wrote an article in forbes that made sense to me. if it is good to raise the wage why not 100 bucks an hour. >> exactly. that's the point. at the core i think the minimum wage is distorting the market. it is dictating what is the correct wage. >> why not $100? >> some corporations why not go 100 why not bottom which is 0.
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>> no minimum wage. have people volunteer. >> why not if people want to. >> people do. >> the real point is we don't want the bottom of the wage. we want a simple middle class. we have to be paying folks on the order of 10 for a minimum wage. if you want to go on the high end why not go on the low end? >> if government can make everybody better off why so cheap at 10 bucks? >> 100 is an extreme and we know it wouldn't necessarily work. >> there is no study bob beckel said it won't effect unemployment. >> if i pay more i would hire less. >> there is a cost when you raise the minimum wage. the question is whether that cost is worth the benefit. >> there is argument over whether it will cost jobs.
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we don't think it will. if you pay folks more they need to consume. there's a malt plier effect. they will be purchasers and consumers of products that are he is in. if you pay people with minimum wage that would add 15 million to the economy>> that's not true. you are going to be piping the price of food. >> you deny a higher minimum wage will take away some jobs? >> maybe to the take jobs. >> how do we know this? >> cost can he is paying a fair wage. >> that's costco. that's one business. >> the federal reserve in california city irvine found 85 percent of the studies show minimum wage causes job loss. if i am a businessman i have to pay people more i am going to hire a few less. >> the studies that salo people who make more money will
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inject the money back into the economy. >> that is true if they have more money they will inject it back. >> a $15 hamburger that's what he wants. >> you used to make minimum wage your parents were on welfare. >> i feel it from a very personal level. you know what got me out of that it was not increasing the minimum wage it was getting education. putting minimum wage at an unsustainable level per pit waits the cycle of poverty. >> let me hit you with a question from the late senator ted kennedy. >> do you have such disdain for hard-working americans? >> did ted kennedy ever work on minimum wage? i don't think so. >> we can boost educational opportunity and pay a minimum wage. >> artificially hiking the
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minimum cage causes students to drop their long-term education. it gets them stuck in these atrablth tive sweet jobs in the short term but in the long term they stop their income potential. >> let's make it $100. you could make the opposite and say why not $100. >> i agree. we are on the same page. >> only 5 percent are paid minimum wage 95 percent don't needed government rules. if a volunteer wants to work for 2 bucks. >> why can't we be free to let children work, why not get rid of the clean air laws. we need in some instances this government to be equitable. sometimes the government agency. >> parents want their kids to
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work and the kids are not slaves, shouldn't people have free choice? >> that 5 percent is an important 5 percent. we look at the 5 percent making a gazallion dollars on the top of the economic ladder. we can look at the 5 percent earning minimum wage. >> i think the defeatist mentality about this is there's income ability. you can move out of that 5 percent. you are incentivizing them to stay rather than work up the ladder. you are shaving off the motivation. >> in all of these falling arguments they never bear out raise the minimum wage. >> this is creep. government creep. >> on that note thank you, charn. rich, thinking about rich as we talk about inequality and poor?
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>> for me to be rich i would probably be able to stop at tiffanies. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. olet's say you pay your tguy around 2 percent to manage your money. that's not much, you think except it's 2 rcent every year. does that make a difference? search "cost of financial advisors" ouch! over time it really adds up. then go to e*trade and find out how much our advice costs. over tispoiler up. it's low. really? yes, really. e*trade offers investmen advice and guidance
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think of yourself as rich? >> 100 grand a year. >> 400,000. >> maybe a million dollars. >> we different concepts of what it means to be rich. no one in times square aid they were rich. most were tourists who spent a lot of money to be in new york city. what does rich mean in america? who better to ask than dave ramsey. he talked to people about saving money. >> if your household income is 34,000 a year or more you are in the top 1 percent of income earners in the world. by definition most of us are rich. >> i think some people are so much richer than others. >> i have that same tug at my heart because i spent my life to helping people win with money. i want to see folks win with
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money. just like a golf coach not everybody is going to be tiger woods or like a football coach not everybody is going to be payton manning. >> wouldn't it be better for america if they leveled the playing field bring the rich closer to the poor help the rich take from the poor? >> if we want to react to this unfairness the only answer to that is the loss of freedom. freedom and liberty are kind of chaotic and messy. they give the little guy a chance to win. we are moving away from socialism and communism and moving to freedom. >> reduce artificially by government imposition. what we did then we say america doesn't work. the game is rigged. i have a relative who says it's the corporations.
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like the corporations are some big bogeyman. bill gates started with nothing. warren buffet started with money, tyler perry started with nothing. they are all billionaires. that is 7 out of 10 of them who started with nothing. the thought that it is rigged and you can't win, our president says he doesn't believe in freedom he doesn't belief in capitalism. what he is saying the underlying tone is we have to move toward government intervention to prevent this unfairness. >> if you look at household income over the years americans have gotten richer in 1901 average intomorrow $750 nowadays 27,000. today it is twice that 62,000. >> i am at 18,000 dollar first year out of college. three years later 250,000 dollars the next year i made
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$6,000. you know whose fault all of that was? mine. everything was my fault. when it was working and when it wasn't working. i am in an environment but it is not a crisis of inequality but belief. we sell young people on the idea they can't succeed because the game is rigged we are selling them that socialism is the answer. >> there is a big difference in the game. i had two parents. i was able to go to a good high school. many people have a much harder start. >> they do. some people start from different places than others. we all have different sets of challenges. if i had pa guy on twitter angry at me. you don't understand you are a middle class white guy. you started with an advantage like that. >> i have a young man making a lot of money who grew up in a
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single mom's moem in the projects. the idea what you can't win in this marketplace because. you can find plenty of excuses. it is not even distribution of air. >> not fair. all right. thank you dave ramsey. >> coming up, what is fair and is it all about money? >> i say it was unfair that i got picked on as a kid. i want a program to protect late bloomers next. [ male announcer ] research suggests cell health plays a key role throughout our lives. one a day men's 50+ is a complete multivitamin designed for men's health concerns as we age. with 7 antioxidants to support cell health. one a day men's 50+. chse two melt-in-yours mouth ees,t cell health. ole garden's st 2 for $25 yet is endinsoon! like n parmesan crusted chicken, 3 courses, 2 people, st $25 at olive garden! al enjoy weekday signature favorites,
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the choice is obvious. verizon is america's largest and most reliable 4g lte network, with data plans starting as low as $45 monthly access including unlimited talk and text. plus free world messaging unlimited for three months. that's powerful. verizon. act now and get a free droid mini, plus $100 to spend.
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announcer: get caught buzzed driving, and you could do some hard time. woman: craig. knock it off! sorry, mom. announcer: it could cost you around $10,000 in fines, legal fees, and increased insurance rates, and that could set you back a few years. buzzed, busted, and broke because buzzed driving is drunk driving.
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>> we are interrupting stossel to bring you the score. the seattle seahawks have won it. they have won the franchise first ever super bowl defeating the broncos 43-8. the celebration underway at the hawks net bar. they scored a safety on a messy snap from the certainty of payton manning and it was on like donkey kong. 12 seconds into the game the fastest growing score in super bowl history. they never looked back. russell ril son storcored a faif touchdowns. over and over payton manning was
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struggling. he through two picks. seattle was tackling like they were getting paid. matt, where they getting paid? they were getting paid. congratulations to seattle. the seahawks won 43-8. show you a denver celebration but a look in. we are looking for a bar in denver. we are finding a hard time finding lights on and camera on. payton manning 37 years old quarterback. he got a shot. he has a ring, though. let's get back to stossel. >> not only rich but they have other advantages. jennifer lawrence is pretty and talented george clooney is much smoother and better looking than i am. what is fair about that? i want to be a pro basketball player. not fair lebron james is so much taller than i and stronger. it is not my fault i am just 5, 9. it is not fair that i matured
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late so i was tiny in school. i got picked on because i had a little kid voice when everybody else's voice changed. that was definitely not fair. maybe what everybody needs is a handy capper general. a government official lie surgeon general to make sure no one has an unfair advantage over any on any one else. >> make them weaker intelligent ear pieces that kept them from taking unfair advantage of their brains. even the beautiful sometimes wore masks in situations where their beauty might be too distra distracting. >> the idea of redistributing income to the poor is more reasonable especially when americans are so rich. it is the fate of most of the poor does not depend on g government. the world's best poverty fighter is free market capital.
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it held withering attempt but they have millions of people who lift themselves out of poverty. fools in the media say capitalismhe rich at the expense of the poor. but that's not true. what everyone is free to trade they pay more money. never is the character black or white or brown. the people at the bottom need capitalism most. our partial free market is why even as government poverty programs fail, poor people in america don't suffer the way the poor suffer in most of the world. in america even people at the bottom of the ladder do pretty well. one of the health problems is obesity. you know we live in a good place when one of the big problems is being fat. it allows some people to get richer than others.
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many may seem unfair but the alternative is government force. that's our show. see you next week. >> how intensidiana sensitive a cold can you get? >> that's what i hear. >> we are talking about people we ought to be trushing to try to help. >> the needy gets benefit cards. three for six. bill o'reilly gets this one right. >> no matter what the evidence no matter what facts are presented, the line will be the same. it is society's fault. >> she wants to blame her parents for her bad attitude. nick carter flames his drug problems on
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