tv Happening Now FOX News February 4, 2014 8:00am-10:01am PST
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jon: onward we go. jenna: we will see you tomorrow. "happening now" get started right now. jenna: breaking news on today's top headlines, you will see first. jon: the base ballplayer shot and killed. the three people murdering him for a thriller about to face the judge. and can too much sugar be deadly? we will tell you the results of this new study. and arizona woman accused of killing witnesses in the court case including a nine-year-old boy, police releasing audio recordings. it is all "happening now." jenna: president obama and
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bill o'reilly, round two of a fiery interview on where barack obama's presidency has been and where it is going. hope you are off to a great day, everybody. jon: our questions the commander-in-chief on issues facing this country. obamacare mandate, keystone pipeline, battle over the minimum wage. bill o'reilly pressing the president over african-american families in america. the president insisting he does address it. president obama: what is interesting to look at what is going on right now, you look at similar problems. when men cannot find good work, when the economy is shutting letters of opportunity off from a people, black, white, hispanic, it doesn't matter. that was pressure on the home. it is not generating enough good jobs for folks who traditionally
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could get blue-collar jobs even if they didn't have higher education. and legitimate social concerns that compound the problem. we want to hit both. jon: joining us now, allison barber. the interesting thing to me about that responses he addresses the economy as though it is this otherworldly thing that he has no control over. when he was a candidate, the economy was totally owned by george w. bush. he is five years into his presidency and blaming the economy for holding down job creation among all sorts of people. >> right. he never takes ownership for the policies he put into place. as a leader, you have to take this possibility for that because everything you implemented, the majority of your policies are going to go toward affecting the economy. one thing you see him doing is he focuses on the outcome rather than actually addressing issues of opportunity, which i think is
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what bill o'reilly was trying to get at by dressing family units. what they're talking about is income discrepancy. which really is not a thing most americans would say they hate because most people look at their own personal situations and think i work hard for my money, so i am happy with that. they don't talk about the root problems causing poverty and mobility. this other world thing of where people are really rich, people are really poor, but does not get to the heart of the problem. jon: many people think obamacare is holding down the rich in this country. and they reach a certain threshold, the health care cost increase dramatically. jenna: obamacare putting a heavy tax burden on those people that will be job creators in the middle class and small business owners that make hi them unableo successfully run businesses and create more jobs. that is a direct result of the policies he has put in that
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overburdened these small business owners with regulations. jon: he talked about and the number of people and rolling but you say he didn't fully answer the question. jenna: not really. what is a demographic breakdown on the state level. even a federal exchange, it is not a single-payer system so if you are buying insurance in georgia, where i am from, you are not paying facility in florida, you're only paying for high risk in georgia. that is the demographic breakdown of young people in a state-by-state basis in order to know if you reached the 40% threshold they need as necessary to prevent eight that spiral. jon: that is what kathleen sebelius, the secretary of health and human services, doesn't want to give. >> they have given one now on the federal level. but by that incident they said they need 40% to prevent a death
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spiral. you have to know it on the state level. jon: the president says fox has been unfair to him. what you think about that? >> i think just because you don't like the premise of an argument or a question asked doesn't mean they are unfair. the reason i like political journalism in specific is it has a unique responsibility to not only provide information to the public but also hold elected officials accountable. whether you love or hate will o'reilly, his only trying to make sure he is held accountable. i have a problem when people push back saying it is somehow unfair. you should be held responsible for your actions and that is what the president is supposed to do for the public. jon: does he feel that way or is it a convenient election issue as we approach the midterms for democrats? >> it is maybe a little bit of both. the president has a tendency to feel people are out to get him,
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but case in point how they often go back to discussing the economy and jobs, they put out an argument with it five times over the last year and any time they ran into a little bit of a problem that i to say we should be focusing on jobs and economy. that was used as a segue out to sidestep some of maybe what he felt were harder questions and be like you guys are not being fair to me. jon: you can read her in the washington beacon. thank you be at jenna: some new allegations over the benghazi terror attack. report the senate intelligence committee raising serious questions about whether the official talking points about what happened that night may have been altered for political reasons. or political correspondent live in washington with this part of the story. reporter: a second senator confirming the two months after the benghazi attack, the former director of the cia did not accept responsibility for editing the talking points,
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rather blamed law enforcement. when the fbi confronted with the allegations, they went ballistic and the cia later called the senators to correct the record. >> i was in that meeting, when susan rice was with them, blamed the fbi for those talking points and call the fbi can be fbi goes crazy and says we didn't change the talking points. they have received the e-mail the day before, what was going on? jenna: according to a bipartisan senate report one day before susan rice was on virtual appearance with things gone awry, they receive a critical you know that reported the attacks were "not not an escalation of protest." from the most senior intelligence officer on the ground we had >.
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>> he has been working 24 hours per day to nail every fact and is now reaching for days and e-mailed directly to the most senior levels of his organization saying again with a big red crane as loudly as he can, there were no protests. reporter: the senate report does not say why he read the e-mail. on that same day he edited the talking points excising about half the text. warnings were cut as well as the word "islamic." the next day, the same day susan rice was on tv, he then asked the staff in libya for more information. two days later the cia and fbi revealed closed-circuit tv that showed beyond any doubt there were no protests. he declined the offer to speak on camera about the senate report findings in his decisions before, during and after the attack in a written statement he insisted the senate support the cia position but the talking
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points were not politicized in any way. that was a view of democrats on the committee but not republicans, jenna. jenna: very interesting. thank you. >> you're welcome. jon: you concerns with u.s. relations over afghanistan at "the new york times" report they held the secret discussions with the taliban about reaching a peace deal without the involvement of america or its western allies. this comes as they continued to refuse to sign a long-term security agreement with the u.s. a look at that live from jerusalem. reporter: it is no secret the relationship between the president and the u.s. are toxic. both sides seem to loath each other. it sheds some light on my president karzai is refusing to sign the long-term agreement with the united states according to people around him. the afghan president seems to believe the u.s. and international presence in afghanistan has done little to
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help the war-torn country and a serious is considering breaking ties with america. there would be no need for continuing u.s. presence in afghanistan. the past two years he has tried to reach out to the taliban without u.s. or european help but the taliban and is long considered him as a western puppet and not engage with him opting for peace talks with international community. now the white house desperately wants him to sign this long-term security agreement for the pentagon can finalize levels in afghanistan past 2014. currently 30,000 or so american troops in afghanistan. the pentagon would like to keep 15,000 or so in afghanistan past 2014 to train the afghans and to
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battle extreme groups that may try to return to afghanistan. until he signs the agreement, a pentagon simply cannot make a final decision. according to u.s. officials, they say because of this delay the white house is seriously considering a zero option, no u.s. troops passed 2014. jon: that would be quite a development. thank you. jenna: now to a fox business alert, a live look at the dow looking better than it did yesterday after the big selloff we saw, it has been a very rough start to this year as far as what is going on with the stock market. down 7% as investors worry about a slowdown in the economy overall. that is the worst start to a year since 2011 for the context. thiit translates to $1.2 trillin worth of wealth that had essentially evaporated so far this year in the stock market.
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lauren simonetti standing by with a breakdown what is happening with wall street today and what is ahead. jon: breaking new details and a case that shocked two nations. australian baseball player gunned down while out for a jog. they did it because they were board. the latest from oklahoma just ahead. anin a sequel to the snowstorm e northeast could already be in the works. and new storm dumping snow on the midwest right now. meteorologist maria molina joins us with her forecast right after the break. [ woman #1 ] why do i cook? because an empty pan is a blank canvas.
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police say they did it because they were board. there is no information about all three suspects when they appear in court. >> each teenager is charged with first-degree murder. two of them 16 and one is 18. i will show you photos a bit later. the tragedy unfolded last summer on a street in oklahoma when 22-year-old chris had done what he had done countless times, he went for a jog. on that day the college baseball player was shot while jogging. the three teenagers charged in the shooting did it because they were board. his life came to an abrupt and senseless end. >> they will not be any good coming out of this because it was so senseless.
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he was an athlete going for a jog like he would do five or six days per week in terms of his training schedule. it has happened, it is wrong, and we just try and deal with it the best we can. reporter: had just returned from melbourne with his girlfriend. he was preparing for his senior season playing catcher at nearby east central university. now police released photos of the suspect. jones, 18. edwards junior, and chauncey alan luna. here is luna's mother. >> he needs to be punished, everybody needs to be punished. anybody who does that needs to be punished. reporter: he is allegedly the one who pulled the trigger.
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since chris was shot in the back and died last august, a gag order for information from the case is kept it out of the public record but today that may change. they are expected in court for a hearing that could reveal details about the shooting. john. jon: it makes it all the more tragic. thank you. jenna: now i fox weather alert, round two of a nasty snowstorm taking aim at the midwest and then moving east, no rest for the weary for so many of the americans where many of us are still digging out after a rough few days. maria molina joins us with the latest. maria: over 8 inches of snow in portions of the tri-city area yesterday from the first snowstorm and we have already had our second one underway in the center of the country and an ice storm warning for little rock. in arkansas, significant ice accumulation expected.
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and he will between a an inch or even a half an inch of ice is possible out there, so power outages are concerned and tree branches are something to watch. otherwise, snow coming down right now across portions of missouri, portions of kansas. winter storm warnings very widespread across the plains and into the midwest and in effect across the northeast because we are going to be seeing some significant impacts from this storm system. forecast between six to 10 inches of snow in places like kansas city and possibly locally even a foot of snow not out of the question for some of these areas. including cities like indianapolis and into the northeast over a foot of snow in the interior sections and southern new england, some of the warnings state up to 15 inches of snow.
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and it is going to be a very tough forecast because they're going to pick up several inches of snow. at 6:00 a.m. we could see a switch over from snow to freezing rain or a tenth of an ice of ice accumulation as well, so it will be a very tough morning commute for so many of us across the northeastern region. thursday and friday high pressure in place, very quiet weather. i am sure you heard we have a possibility of a weekend storm heading into sunday and monday,r storm in the northeast. wanted to mention it, it is showing up on some of the computer models. jenna: a lot of travelers already weary. maria: it will be a big issue. jon: do we have to come to work tomorrow? jenna: i don't think maria has the power to forecast that.
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maria: thank you. jon: any warning of fresh eating zombies broadcast over several tv stations thanks to some cunning hackers who took advantage of lax security and public and private computer systems. so is there anything you can do to protect your information from preventing this kind of thing from happening to you? a cyber security analyst with some tips next. and a manhunt for an escape murder has ended. >> the county sheriff's department engaged in a vehicle pursuit of a stolen vehicle that was reportedly stolen. upon trying to make a traffic stop for the vehicle to vehicle sped away, and was reported a pursuit ensued. at the end the vehicle was stopped and the driver later identified as michael elliott was taken into custody and currently being held at the county sheriff's department.
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. imagine turning on your television and hearing a warning about this. jenna: watching an infomercial about pancakes and you get this alert about flesh eating zombies going on the attack. it is exactly what happened in one montana town after a group of hackers took control of the emergency alert system.
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it is not just television stations vulnerable to these types of cyber attacks. report just released says all sources of our government agencies are vulnerable and ill prepared to defend against even the most basic hackers. the cyber security analysts. morgan, can you imagine sitting at home? it can make your little nervous, right? >> never doubt the coming of the zombie apocalypse. jenna: you never know. we're mentioning a television station being hacked, but emergency alert system part of the federal communications commission, hackers were able to make that emergency alert which looked very real. this report saying basic hackers have access, how basic are we talking about? >> people didn't change the password, they were using the default password, they were not putting it behind a firewall. these are rookie mistakes you
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and i have talked so many times over the years, these are rookie mistakes. do simple stuff like encrypt things, use passwords, strong passwords, hold people criminally accountable for what is going on here. jenna: these are all in connection, nuclear regulatory commission as well, skewed in exchange commission, this report audited. what does the cyber security look like? there was a law created in 2000 that said if agencies have to make sure they keep their systems updated, but there is no consequence if you don't. so what would work? is it new legislation that says if you are head of an agency and you don't keep cyber secure, you can be fired? i don't know what else. >> the private sector sees it.
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you can make people accountable of the security of their network and you can hold people legally, personally liable, civilly liable. but because of the immunity of government and the politics involved, it is hard to pull the head of agency's person responsible for the information. untiand you get the accountabily factor in there, they can have all the authority they want. and talk true accountability, you will not see things change. jenna: what would it take to update everything? a dollar amount or time amounts to make sure there are agencies secured. what are we looking at? >> 10 years. you need a sea change of leadership, mentality, get out of the government mindset, put new processes in place and this bureaucracy ensures everything moves slow. we talked about this before with
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other guys about how long it would take to make certain changes. it will take 10 years because you need a new crop of leadership coming in with the proper mindset. it sounds like a long time, it really is, but it is a tough time because of his policies, getting the right people to make the right decisions that will stick to them. jenna: it is easy to point fingers at the government and be angry they are not protecting us. i open my ipad, don't put anything extra on there, using it for all sorts of things, i am trusting apple will protect me. it is about how even approach the web. is there anything we can do? apple is safe, it will be fine. how do we make sure we're doing our job if we want the government to do theirs? >> produces of information and consumers. we can take certain steps, jenna.
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use strong passwords, don't use the same password for everything. don't do certain things in public where you talk on the phone and giving sensitive information. at some point you have to trust you will be on with apple and amazon. we have to have better credit cards to get rid of that. you have to do a lot of things technically from a technology standpoint that would reduce the risk at some point it is buyer beware. makes a more informed decisions about electronic behavior. jenna: we will be talking to what is going on at capitol hill next hour because the representatives for target and neiman marcus are talking about their responsibility and where the line is divided between the consumer and the company of who is responsible. thank you very much.
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jon: the manhunt for a killer is over now. michael david elliott in custody after escaping from michigan prison during the super bowl. how he was caught in a live report. wall street showing green arrows at the dow plunged 300 points yesterday. why are investors so anxious in 2014? it says here that a won's sex drive increases at the age of 80. helps reduce the risk of heart disse. keep hrt-healthy. live long. eat the 100% goodness of post shreddedheat. doctorrecommend it.
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jenna: a quick look at what is still to come this hour of "happening now." a killer goes on the run. police have him in custody. we will try you how it all went down in a live report. sour news for any sugar lovers. what researchers found in a brand-new study. the doctor will be joining us to explain. and accused of taking part in the kidnapping and hostage plot, now police say they have audio recordings to prove he ordered a hit on the with mrs. in the case. more on that coming up. jon: the dow was up a teeny tiny bit today. all in all it has been a tough start to 2014 for stocks with the dow down more than 7% since 2014 began. why? let's bring in lauren simonetti.
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lauren: let's call today's gains a green arrows we finally seeing the calm after the storm. was monday's selloff the worst shifting from the market, temporary blip from the radar? or was it a sign of more selling to come? some economists say just relax, it has been 2.5 years since the market correction. honestly we need one. this phenomenal run-up in stocks we saw last year, that was more shocking than the selloff we are seeing this year. the selloff is completely global. some markets are officially in correction mode. japan's nikkei dropping another 4% today and the hong kong market down nearly 3%. closing relatively flat with mixed results there. back in the u.s., with the recent economic data yesterday
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we told you the trailer manufacturing closed sharply last month but the cold weather largely to blame. today the government echoed similar concerns saying factories fell by the most since july and tomorrow state in for a report on job creation as a private sector ahead of the government jobs numbers due out friday. in the backdrop of all of this is the fed reducing its monetary stimulus. a top special banker says he expects the fed to continue cutting the bond buying despite the slower growth. investors also nervous lawmakers have yet to agree on a deal. if they don't agree, u.s. faces that process of defaulting on some of its debt. jon: haven't we heard that before? lauren: broken record, indeed. jenna: convicted murderer who escaped from prison is now back
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in police custody after a two-day manhunt. michael david elliott flipped out of a maximum security prison in michigan by peeling a whole with his own two hands before taking woman hostage and making her drive across state lines. live in chicago with more on this story. reporter: typical of prison break, the plan fell apart shortly after the prisoner got out of the fence. michael elliott hijacked a woman at knife point in michigan with a maximum security prison is located. they stopped for gas just below the state line when the hostage made a break, called 911. shortly after that he dumped the jeep, picked up a monte carlo and headed west toward chicago. when the monte carlo was reported stolen, the deputy spotted the monte carlo. the device was put to stop and
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deflate the tires and the fugitive was apprehended. >> he came from behind and we ended up pulling him out to the ground. it worked out great, everybody came together and we got the job done. reporter: governor rick snyder, investigation be getting into how the murderer got outside the walls of the maximum-security prison. authorities say he had a white kitchen uniform which helped him blend in with the snow. he pulled back the fence with his bare hands but it is supposed to be rectified, motion detectors should have picked up his movement. incidentally told the carjacking victim he wanted to get as far away from michigan as possible and in the end he made it about 10 miles from the state lines. jenna: thank you.
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jon: well, this week is the deadline for syria to turn over all of its chemical weapons, but only 5% of the total stockpile are safely out of the country right now. jenna: president assad agreed to turn over the chemicals after an agreement. new evidence that chemical weapons were used. president obama championed the policy the state of the union last week. president obama: american diplomacy enacted by the tour de force is why syria chemical
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weapons are being eliminated. [applauding] and we will continue to work with international community to usher in the future of the syrian people deserve. a future free of dictatorship, terror and fear. jenna: reports of the destruction of the chemical weapons are making many lawmakers nervous. equally unnerving, and reports from the daily be bloomberg and the "washington post" that revealed during a private meeting with lawmakers say terry of states john kerry admitted he no longer believes it is working and wants to change it. former cia officer and senior fellow at the heritage foundation and senior fellow at the institution. before we get started, let me be clear the white house has come out and disputes the report secretary carries it any of this with lawmakers. but the question remains, is our
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policy failing in syria? >> i'm afraid it is. this is not meant to be some broadside against the administration. why they were not given a lot of effort to support the opposition early on in this war. the policy has failed. 140,000 people are dead, 9 million people displaced from their homes. stronger than ever within the insurgency. i'm hoping the secretary kerry said what is being alleged because that would be the beginning of what is needed to get to a new more effective policy. jenna: is a hearing on capitol hill where officials are saying are very concerned of attacks on the american homeland from syria because what we have seen over the last several years. what do we do here? >> we have a real problem.
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we don't have a policy. it has been that way for three and half years, all of the numbers michael talked about. the rise of al qaeda and other extremists in syria and the fact they may be targeting the homeland, some of them may have european passports, five to 7000 may have moved from europe to fight there, the art of terrorism and the back to europe or try to come to the united states. we don't know exactly what they're talking about, but they feel they are becoming the epicenter of the islamist notate movement and america is in the crosshairs. jenna: maybe administration change immediately, what would it be? >> i think we are playing our second best level of effort, giving occasional nonlethal aid. meanwhile there giving president
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assad everything he needs. we have to get more engaged the lady of the site is fully engaged and work toward negotiated settlement something like a bosnia plan with federal arrangements and a weak central government and individual parts of the country predominantly one group or another. i don't see any other way to end this other than an iraq style invasion which none of us want. jenna: that is something they would have come into asia, providing them weapons. that plan over the last several years has come and gone. do you agree that is where we have to go now? >> we have to arm the right opposition, not just any opposition. i'm sure he would have said that. jenna: does it surprise you don't know exactly who that is three years in now? >> the fact is we haven't developed in opposition i can
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fight with syria. most is outside of syria and politically oriented. we need people on the ground it can fight for the principles we believe in. many people to fight, develop, arm and train to bring down this government. at the same time not allow the islamists and military islamists in a qaeda to fill in that security vacuum. it is very, very difficult. it has been three years but we should have gotten off the bench a long time ago and now there is no real good answers or choices, jenna. jenna: just want to present to opposing ideas. talking about an al qaeda affiliate that al qaeda decides they don't want to operate in syria. "wall street journal" says the syrian conflict is deepening sectarian tensions throughout the middle east.
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those who say syria is far away, it hasn't come home to roost yet, leave it alone. there is a strong vibe in the political discourse about this still to this day. what do you think about that? >> we are now tracking people coming and going especially from europe. it is relatively easy for them to get from europe to the united states, lot harder for intelligence and border folks to prevent that. that is where the risks are to get serious. jordan, lebanon, turkey and israel. they will be in perpetual chaos with al qaeda developing sanctuaries is almost unthinkable to me. jenna: interesting. we did not even get to the human rights violations as well. this is the worst humanitarian crisis since wand rwanda.
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great to see you as always. thank you. jon: a crisis of history as well. we talked a week or so about the historical sites been destroyed in this battle in syria, now there is another one. fighting moving even closer to an important monument there. first built in the 11th century. we have seen throughout this conflict no monument is safe. this could be the next damaged as fighting his raging near the site, the most famous crusader capital ever built, rebels control it now. it was damaged i syrian air force attack last year. the government says it wants to prevent further damage of that site. jenna: it is very fascinating country.
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jon: and so much history. jenna: unfortunately at this point a lot of it being destroyed. we will be right back with more "happening now." so you're telling me your mom has a mom cave? hi boys! i've made you campbell's chunky new england clam chowder. wow! this is incredible! i know. and now it has more clams! [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. what? [ male announcer ] it fills you up right. how did edward jones get so big? t me just put this away.
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jon: there's more bad bad news for sugar lovers. new research shows too much added sugar in our diet increases the risk of dying from heart disease. the latest study is by far the biggest of its kind analyzing health surveys done between 1988-2010. the authors used national data to calculate the risks of dying during 15 years of follow-up, and in all some 30,000 adults were involved. joining us now to explain some of the new research.
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sugar, we think of cholesterol and fat and all that kind of stuff contributing to heart disease, but sugar? >> we thought it was because it contributed to other things like maybe having high sugary diets or a diet high in sugar can contribute to obesity or diabetes or other things that could put you at risk for heart disease. it shows sugar by itself can cause heart disease. jon: do they know what triggers it? >> there are a couple of different theories. it could cause obesity or diabetes, high pressure, high cholesterol, but the other thing is sugar can cause high inflammation in the arteries that go to the heart and other blood vessels causing damage leading to heart disease or increased risk of dying. the other thing is we have genes
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that may be harmful. perhaps some related to obesity can put you at more risk to develop heart disease. jon: there is a shot of a jelly doughnut. i we talking about sugar that goes into coffee, how much? >> it is a pretty low amount. they might have 2000 calories in their diet, so what the researchers looked at was 25%. if you have 500 calories, which is actually relatively low amount cause i can put you over the edge. that could be lower for people who are smaller but if you have that amount come he can double your risk of dying of heart disease. if you have a can of soda, 150 calories, could be a sugary doughnut or dessert after dinner, they can kind of tape you over the edge.
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jenna: brand new developments and breaking news. jon: a few months from now, control of congress will be up for grabs. just about the same time, a new problem linked to obamacare rears its head. we're live with that story. then another winter wallop as the midwest gets pounded and the northeast digs out from the snow. a new storm now heading its way. plus gruesome testimony at the murder trial of a amanda hayes as investigators describe how they found the victim's dismembered remains. the impact it's having on the jury. all of it "happening now." well, there is more trouble for
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obamacare to tell you about and it is set to hit right before the critical midterm elections. hello to you. i'm jon scott. jenna: and democrats are facing a political disaster in the making with a number of cancellations because of obamacare expected to jump to the tens of millions. hitting small businesses and small group insurances the hardest and the timing couldn't be worse for the president and his party. it's all set to happen just ahead of the very important midterm elections where control of the congress is at stake. our chief national correspondent is live in washington taking a closer look at this. >> hello, jenna. president obama postponed the employer mandate for a year and urging that individual policies cancelled in 2013 be allowed to extend a year but the reprieve ends in 2014 for both the president and many policy holders. listen. >> it's going to be millions of people and it's probably going to be tens much millions of
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people but one thing we're sure of, there's going to be more cancellations this fall than last fall. >> we're going to see millions of cancellations late in 2014 and people will probably be getting the cancellation letters about the time they'll be going to the polls in november of 2014. >> pushing for individual policies to be extended was an effort by mr. obama to salvage his credibility after falsely promising that everyone can keep their plan and doctor, no matter what. 6.2 million of 17 million plans on the individual market were forced into obamacare but many of the other 11 million are likely to lose their new plans later this year. >> i don't think there's any doubt that in the individual health insurance market we'll ultimately see at least 80% of all existing policies cancelled. >> and tens of millions more will lose or have to change employer coverage just as officials predicted in 2010, predicting requirements of obamacare would indeed force
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millions of cans clagcellatioca. one extended them to 2014 showing 76% of small employer plans would be forced into obamacare along with 55% of large employer plans. >> that is going to be a big story because there are a lot more people with employer sponsored insurance than individually sponsored insurance. >> analysts don't doubt millions of plans will be cancelled. the question is if the obamacare plans are more expensive, will employers keep them and have workers pay more or just cancel the plans and send workers to the exchanges? jenna: we'll see. jim, thank you. >> you bet. jon: we are now awaiting a meeting between president obama and house democrats just a few hours from now amid word there is a growing sense of fear among democrats facing re-election this year that has them putting distance between themselves and the president. some even opposing his key
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positions on policies like health care, the keystone pipeline and trade. let's talk about it now with the chief at roll call and michael warren, writer at the weekly standard. mike em, some of this bubbled up in some surprising places. harry reid, for instance, the leader of the democrats in the senate, is opposing the president over the president's trade policy that he wrote last week. >> harry reid loves stories like these shows democrats in congress with distance from president obama because the fact is that in a lot of these important states for 2014, arkansas, louisiana, north carolina, west virginia, alaska, obama and his agenda aren't that popular so having that distance there and of course, this all falls spew the democrats' plan for 2014 which is not to talk about washington or obama or obamacare and talk about local issues or smaller issues like trade, like with louisiana, the flood insurance that democrat
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mary landreau was pushing so this is exactly what democrats have been hoping for. so that's where we're seeing these stories percolate to the top. jon: michael will get control of the camera, i promise. sorry about that. the democrats, i think, have been hoping that a lot of the issues with the rollout of obamacare would be fixed by the time the election comes around. that report we heard from jim engel suggests there will be millions of people perhaps kicked out of their insurance just in the months ahead of the upcoming elections. that's an issue that's not going to go away for democrats and really for the president. >> sure. and this report has democrats trucked but we haven't been talking about the health care law as much over the last few weeks and you're going to see a little of a shift focus to the debt ceiling. this new report does bring the conversation back into focus on that issue and as tax time approaches and they'll figure
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out what to do with penalties for the individual mandate and as you see the senate democrats pushing to maybe make some changes to the law, that could end up being a bigger issue but just to add to michael's point, he's right what the democrats are focusing on and we're talking about arkansas senator mark pryor, for example, or kay hagen in north carolina but they're also highlighting differences with republicans, whether that's the republican opponent or the primary ahead, she doesn't know who she'll be running against yet but highlighting differences on issues winning for democrats like the minimum wage proposal the president puts forth. he knows that's unlikely to pass congress but it helps them highlight a contrast and on women's issues, you'll see this continue to be a focus on races and that will get attention away from health care. jon: so much attention has been focus on the senate and democrats' prospect of hold and
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yet there are high members of the house who announce they're not going to run again. waxman is one of nancy pelosi's go-to guys, top lieutenant to her out in california. rob andrews just announced in new jersey. does it suggest they see trouble ahead in the house as well? >> it does suggest that the democrats have sort of given up on the house and are maybe putting all of their chips into holding on to the senate which they have a good shot of, especially if they can focus on some of the other issues that vote voters seem to agree on. let's think about how big obamacare is going to be. looking at conservative groups like americans for prosperity, they're spending millions of dollars not only on house races but also in senate races going after kay hagen for her support on obamacare in north carolina so that issue is not going to go away for democrats. they'll have to hold on to the local issues or to some of these issues they can separate themselves from obama and from
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the republicans on. we'll just have to see if the voters are buying. jon: seems like a long time between february and november but it's going to come quickly, especially if you're a candidate. thanks very much. jenna: fox weather alert now. millions across the broad section of the country getting a one, two punch from mother nature. watches and warnings in effect from oklahoma all the way into the northeast and this new storm could dump an additional foot of snow in many areas already hit. arkansas could get hit with half an inch of ice. pennsylvania is trying to recover from snow covered roads and check out these pictures from connecticut as well. the snow there turning side streets into a winter wonderland for some and a commuting nightmare for others. you know, you never know which way it's going to go. i guess it depends. janice dean is live in the fox extreme weather center. for matthew and theodore, a winter wonderland but maybe not for your husband.
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>> you're right. he has to stay home today or tomorrow because i'm staying herement i have the sleeping bag set up and we could get another storm sunday into monday for the northeast and this could be a big one. so yes, set up the sleeping bags and a lot of mothers and fathers are going, when are my kids going back to school? but look at the snow that's flying across kansas in towards missouri and even little rock. we're worried about you because we have an ice storm warning here meaning that the roads are coated in ice and that's going to make travel difficult if not impossible. i want to show you the temperatures where it's cold enough for snow in kansas city. you could get eight to 10 inches which is rare for kansas city itself. 33 in memphis. we'll watch you for the potential of ice. 31 in new york city. the storm is headed up to the northeast. so that's where we have the snow. that's where we have the ice and south of that, mainly a rain event. winter weather advisories posted for over two dozen states. in the purples, ice storm warning including you in little
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rock, up to ohio, indiana, kentucky and freezing rain advisory up to virginia, d.c., philadelphia, new york. so tracking the storm as we head into 3:00 a.m. on wednesday, certainly worried about the pink here. mainly snow event for interior sections of the northeast and then a rain event south of d.c. but philly and new york, i'm worried about you for your commute tomorrow morning. just be prepared because we certainly could have roads that are not good to travel on. there's your forecast precipitation in the pink. there's the ice. again, through kansas city, through indianapolis, six to 12 and look at the amounts over 12 inches for a lot of these areas that you see in the deeper shade of blue. that pink there is where i'm concerned with the ice and perhaps an ice storm and i was mentioning kansas city because it's rare to see over six inches of snow. they could have eight to 10 inches of snow when all is said and done and then as i was
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alluding to, we're going to watch this storm exit and then another storm form sunday into monday and again, this could be a classic setup for a nor'easter with tons of snow for all the kids to plan another snow day for the northeast, parts of the northeast, anyway. jenna: and your sleeping bag ready for that one. >> yes. sleeping bag is right here, actually. we'll drop by with provisions, jon and i. we'll make sure you have everything you need. jon: a lot of coffee. never like to see all the pink on the maps. george washington bridge saga continues. what governor chris christie of new jersey is doing to make sure those responsible for closing down the lanes on the country's busiest bridge face consequences. also a huge loss after the super bowl and it's not the broncos. how one furniture store bet big and now owes its customers millions. and remember this? >> i was only 12 years old when
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i met you. jon: a young woman who confronted a former teacher over sexual assault allegations. now that former teacher is facing charges. we'll tell you what's happening with her next. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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the coconut maine tail in new lober in paradise -- amazing! [ male announcer ] don't miss red lobster's lobsteest! with the year's largest selection of lobster entrees, you won't find choices like these anywhere else. my favorite is lobster lover's dream! the dueling lobster ils are both winners. [ male announcer ] two maine lobster tails, one crb-stuffed, anone topped with savory garlic shrimp. nobody does lobster like red lobster. [ male announcer ] hurry in to red lobster. and sea food differently. ♪ jim, i adore the pool at sion your to make. anna, your hotels have wondrous waffle bars. ryan, your hotel's robes are fabulous. i have 12 of them! 12? shhhh, i'm worth it... what i'm trying to say is, it's so hard to pick just one of you, so i'm choosing all of you with a loyalty program that requires no loyalty.
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earn free nights worldwide with jenna: a fox news alert at la guardia in new york city. a tough travel day but now we're getting reports of a suspicious package at la guardia terminal c. it's about 30 degrees out there. terminal c has been evacuated completely. interesting description of the package. they're calling it a package, they're calling it a piece of luggage, apparently it was smoking. nothing more than that but that's what we have. and we don't have any information as to whether the luggage had made it to a plane or not. we're trying to piece together what we have but it was enough
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to evacuate terminal c at la guardia airport, already a busy day there as we mentioned. big travel day. a lot of weather delays so we'll keep you posted as to what is next but the suspicious package at la guardia causing a little issue out there. jon: some now pronouncements from chris christie in the george washington bridge saga. governor taking to the air waves to question the lane closures and how his internal investigation is working to find those responsible. >> if there's anybody else that needs to be held to account, i'll hold them to account. and then to make changes hopefully so i can ensure the people of new jersey that something like this won't happen again. jon: one staffer he's already fired is asserting her fifth amendment rights to avoid turning over documents that could incriminate her. eric is here with the latest investigation on that. >> and he calls it a game of
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gotcha. the fire storm surrounds the bridge scandal but some say this is about the abuse of government power against its own citizens and governor chris christie insisting he had nothing to do with it and did not know about it until he read about it a month later. his denials came on the radio program, the monthly ask the governor show. >> the most important issue is did i know anything about the plan to close these lanes, did i authorize it? did i know about it? did i approve it? did i have any knowledge about it? the answer is still the same. unequivocally, no. >> three top officials have indicated they will be taking the fifth. they're among 18 members of the inner circle campaign and port authority employees who have been subpoenaed. kelly ordered those closings,
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says she will not testify or hand over any documents the committee wants. in a letter to the committee, her letter writes providing the committee to unfetterred access to her personal diaries, calendars and electronic devices amounts to an unlimited invasion of miss kelly's personal privacy and would reveal highly personal, confidential communications. she joins others who have also been subpoenaed and former top port authority official who went to the same high school as the governor. he has already taken the fifth before the committee. last fall, the governor's office had nothing but praise for him. that changed this weekend when they trashed him after his lawyer claimed, quote, evidence exists the governor is lying when he denies knowing about the closings at the time. but the governor not only denies knowing about it at the time. he also, of course, denies lying
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about it. jon: keep on it for us. thank you. >> you're welcome. jenna: as the investigation continues over what his staffers knew, governor christie getting flacked over the weekend when he was booed at a super bowl event at times square. another bummer for a man who bet big on a denver win. we're not talking about jon scott. jon: it wasn't me. >> he would go for the broncos so -- jenna: interesting story out of texas for us. >> it is. so you know the song if i could turn back town, i'll bet this man would if he could and he would be $7 million richer. he is the c.e.o. of gallery furniture based in houston. and leading up to the super bowl, he promised to give customers who shopped at his stores their money back if the seahawks won sunday. we all know what happened. the broncos fell way short. now, the promotion was all done on a coin toss.
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anyone who spent more than $6,000 and had their furniture delivered by kickoff sunday would get a full refund if seattle won. roughly 1,000 people bought enough to be eligible for the promotion with an average bill of $7,000. in fact, one customer will get back $30,000. listen. >> as far as financially we didn't do well but we did a great job of building the brand and delighting customers and if we do that, the business will continue to grow. >> companies usually take out insurance to protect themselves from losing big money through proceed motions like this but he said the gambler in him told him forget about the insurance. being the betting man he is, he said he lost $7 million but he gained a whole lot more from the media attention that we're giving him. he said the law -- loss represents roughly 5% of the
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annual avenue. the big payback, customers will get their money back during two refund parties. one on february 9 and the second one on february 23. jenna: maybe they'll buy more furniture. >> you know that's the plan. jon: my broken broncos heart goes out to the guy. house lawmakers putting the spotlight on national security right now as experts testify about the growing threat from al qaeda andity affiliate groups. plus senate lawmakers trying to get to the bottom of one of the biggest cyber crimes in u.s. history as target executives take the congressional hot seat. we have the very latest in a live report just ahead.
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and 110,000 fighters from about 1,500 different groups. u.s. intelligence chief warned that the al qaeda linked insurgence in syria could potentially strike the u.s. home larnd, a change in their assessment from a years ago. >> complicating this further are the 7,500 or so foreign fighters from some 50 countries who have gravitated to syria. among them are a small group of al qaeda veterans who have aspirations for external attack in europe, if not the homeland. >> mike rogers, powerful chairman of the select intelligence committee attacked the leaks by n.s.a. leaker edward snowden in exchange with the head of the defense intelligence agency. he suggested snowden is working with the russians and that the russians likely have access to all of the snowden documents and the n.s.a. deepest secrets. >> do you believe that mr. snowden, who is in the custody of intelligence services
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in moscow today by your own information, has a possibility then to be under the influence of russian intelligence service snz >> yes. there's a possibility. jenna: committee white house, the top u.s. commander in afghanistan is meeting with the president and his team to brief them on the way ahead in afghanistan and how many troops he needs post 2014. jenna: jennifer, thank you. jon: jurors hear graphic testimony at the trial of amanda hayes, the woman accused of murdering her husband's former girlfriend as victims talk about looking for the body. plus a video seen a million times and that youtube confrontation between a former student and the teacher she claims sexually abused her, it just sparked some new legal action. we're live with that story. augh] smoke? nah, i'm good. [ male announcer ] celebrate every win with nicoderm cq,
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the unique patch with time release smartcontrol technology that helps prevent the urge to smoke all day long. help prevent your cravings with nicoderm cq. that helps prevent why do people count on sunsweet. pruneit's made only from prunes, the inothing else. it works, simple as that. it's a natural source of fiber and 5 essential vitamins. it's the smart choice for me. try sunsweet's amazing juices and new amazing prune light. how much money do you think you'll need when you retire? then we gave each person a ribbon to show how many years that amount might last. i was trying to, like, pull it a little further. [ woman ] got me to 70 years old. i'm going have to rethink this thing. it's hard to imagin how much we'll need for a retirement that could last 3years or mor so maybe we need to approach things dferently, if we want to be ready for a longer retirement. ♪
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[ computerized voice ] what is technology? [ keyboard keys clacking ] ♪ what can it do? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ hal ] when i lost my eye sight, i thought my painting days were over. [ computerized voice ] how far can we go? ♪ by using your has, you can actually control your x-ray. [ all ] hi! [ computerized voice ] technology has the power to unite us. hang on honey, hang on. there he is. can you see him? [ baby crying ] i see him. [ giggling ] papa. [ computerizedoice ] it inspires us.
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technology has taken us places we only dream. [ cheering ] [ man ] now i can do whatever i want. computerized voice ] it gives hope to the hopeless. [ nurse ] so your device is on. can you hear me talking? [ crying ] [ computerized voi ] and it has given voice to the vceless. ♪ jenna: welcome back. new information on a youtube video that went viral. it showed a young woman calling her former teacher and confronting her about the seshgs wall abuse she claimed happened more than 10 years ago. now prosecutors discharged that person that was on the other side of the call. william is live in los angeles with more on this. william? >> well, jenna, among the one million viewers who saw the video was a second young girl, also allegedly assaulted by the same teacher who now faces life in prison for a past she
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apparently did not escape. this story begins to unravel last month when this woman, jamie, now 28, posted video on youtube of her trying to get justice for a former teacher who allegedly sexually abused her when she was a middle school student in 1997. so while on speaker phone, jamie confronts andrea cardoza. listen closely to her admission and the apology that may or may not be allowed at trial. >> why did you do that? why -- i was only 12 years old when i met you. do you realize that you brainwashed me and you manipulated me? and that what you did was wrong? >> yes. and i regret it. jon: cardoza was a principal at high school outside of l.a. when she got the phone call. it's illegal to record someone in california without their knowledge. given that there's likely very
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little or no physical evidence in this case, because it happened so long ago, expect a huge fight over whether prosecutors can admit the video as evidence: >> jamie had no idea that there was such a law in california when she made that recording and frankly in my opinion, i think it would be a travesty of justice to suggest she did something wrong with what she's done is gotten an administrator, school administrator off the streets out of the schools who has admitted to doing something horrible to this girl when she was young. >> cardoza appears in court on thursday. she worked at four schools. back in 1997 jamie apparently told administrators of her inappropriate relationship but cardoza was allowed to resign and move on to another school with a positive recommendation. it's called passing the trash and embarrassing if proven true as her lawyer claims.
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back to you. jenna: definitely a case to watch. thank you. jon: some graphic testimony to tell you about in the murder trial of amanda hayes. she's accused of killing her ex-husband's girlfriend after a long running custody dispute. but amanda hayes said she didn't know laura ackerson had been killed and she only helped her husband grant dispose of her remains after he threatened to kill her and their children. hayes was convicted of murder last year and he's now serving a life sentence. jurors now have to decide whether amanda hayes should join him in prison. they heard it from crime scene investigators who design the three day search of an alligator infested texas creek for ackerson's remains. >> it was, in fact, a decomposing body. >> we also found remains. jon: joining us is lis wiehl,
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fox news legal analyst and doug burns, a former prosecutor. stick with me here on this part of it. the remains ended up in texas. >> correct. jon: half a continent away from where this murder occurred. 11 days after they find the body in pieces. it was across the street from her sister's house. amanda hayes' house. why drive all the way across the country and dump the body in your sister's backyard basically if you -- if you knew this was the kind of trip you were going to make? in other words, what if he got her into the car by saying, let's go see your sister. >> and then they chopped her up after. both of them at that point. if you're taking that time line, they both chopped her up and that's still first degree murder for amanda. that's still first degree murder. here is what i find to be incredible. now she's saying i had nothing to do with it. i didn't know about the body, didn't know anything but she
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confessed to her sister -- talk about the time line, right after. i hurt her. she's dead. that shows consciousness of guilt and talk about consciousness of guilt, that's driving her all those states away. jon: they've got evidence of him, him on video buying hacksaw blades and things like that at a home depot but the evidence against her is a little less concrete. >> this is defense fundamentals 101, make sure you separate out two categories. one is the homicide and two is what happened afterwards and as a defense lawyer, do everything you can to try to set yourself up hopefully for a verdict on accessory after the fact. the point is real quick, with this kind of gory material, the prejudice in the courtroom is just staggering. it's overwhelming. and it's very difficult to combat. i would go for accessory after the fact with possible but you made a good point. was she forced to do it? why would she go to her sister's house? >> are we talking about rocket scientists here?
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are we talking about logical application? no. they're not rocket scientists. >> but put the body at the sister's house. ? >> i don't know. it doesn't make any sense. you two are applying such rationality to it that i don't think can be expected especially when you're talking about gory, gory details. >> i don't care what criminal you're talking b. you don't put a body at your sibling's house. jon: that's my question. maybe he didn't know she had been -- maybe she didn't know that she had been chopped up. maybe she didn't know -- >> have you been around too many chopped up bodies lately? it's not too easy to do that. take the fifth on that one. jon: they did take the jurors out and show them a little john boat which the boat was apparently transported before it was dumped into the creek. what does that do? what does that do for the jury? >> i think it just goes for the gory detailed nature of this and we have a long custody battle. we've got these people that absolutely hate each other, loathe each other. that goes to it as well.
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>> real quick, you've heard defense lawyers say why did they have to show you that gory stuff as opposed to proof? that's the argument of it. >> they have to show you the proof. the proof is there. >> it's stipulated that the person died. so why do you need to show the photo? >> you want to get the jury -- let's face it. you want to get the jury feeling so horribly against the defendant and one defendant has been convicted. i still think he'sing if to defend -- he's going to testify against her even though it hasn't happened yet. jon: there was mention made in court of surveillance video. nothing more has been said about that but if there's surveillance video that shows the two participating -- >> then it's over. it's done. but my guess is that there's probably not a whole lot of surveillance video. >> and criminal law is the mother of invention, you would still argue there she is doing it but she was forced to do it. jon: i just wonder why they drove from the east coast to get
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rid of a body but okay. lis wiehl and doug burns, thank you. jenna: will it end? another winter storm due tomorrow before yet another one this weekend. what to expect as the latest wave of storms makes their way across the country as you can see a big swath of the country is snowed in. a group of snowy owls are invading the united states and the record numbers are causing travel concerns. we'll tell you what's behind this mass migration and its effect next. [ susan ] though he had never left.
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the end. lovely read susan. but isn't it time to turn the page on your cup of joe? gevalia, or a cup of johan, is like losing yourself in a great book. may i read something? yes, please. of course. a rich, never bitter taste cup after cup. net weight 340 grams. [ sighs ] [ chuckles ] [ announcer ] always rich, never bitter. gevalia.
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and earn two times the points... plus a little extra inspiration. [ ♪ music plays ] the citi thankyou preferred visa card. earn two times the points on entertainment and dining out with no annual fee. citi, with you every step of the way. i'll believe it when i -- [ both ] oooooh... [ female announcer ] as you get older, protein is an important rt of staying active and strong. ensureigh protein... fifty percent of your daily value of protein. low fat and five grams of sugars. [ major nutrition ] ensure. nutrin charge! ♪ jenna: the latest winter storm isn't the only thing threatening air travel in the northeast. record numbers of snowy owls are migrating from the arctic and it's causing concern for
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flights. for bird watchers it's a chance to catch a rare sight. we have more from cape cod, massachusetts. >> snowy owls have been spotted as far south as florida but many more here in the northeast and plenty of spottings here in massachusetts. >> beautiful bird. unusual bird. >> experts say it's the largest migration of snowy owls to the u.s. in decades. how unusual is this year? >> well, if you put it in perspective, i've been doing snow owl research for 30 years and this is the biggest year i've seen. >> it's big enough to cause concern at the airport. norman smith has a catch and release effort at logan airport where more than 80 snowy owls have been caught this season. >> average season we remove six to eight a winter. >> they believe it's linked to a hardy foot supply. >> they breed up in the arctic
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and the population eats mostly a rodent, like a hamster sized rodent and they're doing really well so then you see the owl juveniles doing really well. >> they can be hard to spot but for avid bird watchers braving the cold is worth it. >> it's gracious. it's huge. i didn't realize snowy owls were that big. >> with a wing span more than four feet, these beauties are stunning in flight. and for smith, releasing them is always a thrill. there have been thousands of snowy owl sightings across the country and they're expected to hang out for another two months or so before they make the long flight home. jenna: it's nice that we could cheat and get an up close look without going out in the cold. molly, thank you very much. >> they're stunningly beautiful. thank you. jon: new questions about the deadly benghazi attack and the reaction from the obama administration. did the c.i.a. director overlook
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some important facts before testifying to congress? plus senate lawmakers looking into target's massive data breach. what it means for national security and how the government can prevent future cyber attacks like it. live report next. too big. too small. too soft. too tasty. [ both laugh ] [ male announcer ] introducing progresso's new creamy alfredo soup. inspired by perfection.
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into one of the biggest cyber crimes in u.s. history. the data breach at target stores during the holiday shopping season resulting in the theft of credit card data and personal information from more than 100 million americans. with target chief in the congressional hot seat apologizing and vowing to make things right. >> i want to say how deeply sorry we are for the impact this incident has had on our guests, your constituents. we know this breach has shaken their confidence in target and we are determined to work very hard to earn it back. target we take our responsibility to our guests very seriously. and this attack has only strengthened our resolve. we will learn from this incident and as a result, we hope to make target and our industry more secure for consumers in the future. jon: joining us from washington with the latest on these hearings, doug. >> hi, jon. recent target case resulted in the theft of about 40 million credit and debit card records and 70 million other records
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with customer information such as addresses and telephone numbers but neiman marcus, michael's craft stores have all been targeted, resulting in hundreds of billions of dollars of loss to businesses and consumers. biggest business today is malware. >> malware that was reportedly used in the neiman marcus and target breaches was sold to criminals overseas. this may just be the tip of the iceberg. >> this is truly disturbing. >> malware used to access your credit card information is sophisticated. >> we had in place multiple layers of protection including firewalls, malware, and data loss prevention tools. but the unfortunate reality is that we suffered a breach. >> neiman marcus' cruels were infiltrated with malware at a time when there was 1.1 million
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accounts. it didn't discover the intrusion until january of this year. >> a recent report prepared by the secret service crystallizes the problem when they concluded that a specific type of malware comparable and perhaps less sophisticated than the one in our case, according it our investigators, had a 0% detection rate by anti-virus software. >> overseas criminals sold the mal ware and are able to mu tight it so it can be used again. one security expert offered this advice. >> if your computer is trying to execute a file that we have never seen in the world and it comes from an unknown source, there's a high probability that it is malicious and it should be blocked. >> congress is working on a bill that data prief si security act that would set national standards for security but in the meantime, experts advise that consumers are better using credit cards rather than debit
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cards in any financial transaction. debit cards carry fewer legal protections if your account happens to be drained. it's happening to more and more americans. jon: that is really scary. jenna: we want to spend more time on this. dave is joining us, c.e.o. of immunity, a company that attempts to hack other companies to test their vulnerabilities. they are the good gois. we want to make that clear. nice to have you back on the program. >> thanks. jenna: is there something specific about these big retailers like target and neiman marcus and michael's, for example, that makes them particularly vulnerable to hackers? we heard from the target c.f.o. that they had, you know, the firewalls in place and malware detection in place but is there something that makes them more vulnerable? >> there's nothing in particular about that sector that makes them more vulnerable other than they're handling all of the important credit cards.
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they have almost every american's credit card is going to run through one of these companies and that's where the criminals go to get the money. and it's something that -- go ahead. jenna: how sophisticated were the criminals? >> you know, they would like to make you think they were uber sophisticated because it make them feel better but deep down, it's come out a lot of malware is living by 17-year-olds living in the ukraine and it's not nation state grade. it's simply better than the kind of defenses that they put into place. a lot of retailers will put the minimum in place that will allow them to become what they call p.c.i. compliant and if you only put the minimum in place, you're only looking at the base line compliance level security. then the criminals are going to hit you every time. jenna: regardless of what type of alarm system you have on your store, if something happens and someone breaks into your store, the cops arrive. right? they try to get the criminals and try to help the customers or they're going to try to help the business owners. how do you see it? you work for the government. you work for the n.s.a.
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is this the responsibility of the u.s. government to patrol, if you will, and protect americans like a local police force or is it up to the business owner? >> to be honest, the u.s. government people that ief talked to are frankly sick of trying to hunt down every credit card theft in america and they realize that it's almost an unending battle. it's painful for them to have to keep doing this. and the retailers themselves are feeling the same way. they're like, the banks are the ones that forced them to carry this very valuable data that the criminals are after and they would love to move wholesale to a much more secure mechanism anything that did not involve them being a primary target and the banks are pushing back a little bit as you saw in some of the hearings but deep down, they want to get off credit cards entirely and move to anything more secure, perhaps to leap frog the mobile payments. jenna: how do you stop?
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is it debit? cash all the time? is that something we have to do until we get more security? what's your average advice for the average consumer? >> deep down, shopping online is in some ways even more secure. those are companies that specialize in this sort of thing. and as a consumer, it's not something that you should really have to worry about. it's really the retail sector feeling the pain here from all the fraud. they're seeing it in their bottom line every day. jenna: great to see you. thank you. >> thank you. jon: well, can you smell this? it's bacon fest. a time of pure happiness for a crowd of consumers who love all things crispy crunchy. bob's heak
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we have just talked about this. this is sadness on the stick for gena. >> i didn't know the news. >> corn dog lovers are reeling because hot dog on a stick. i never have been for one. they filed chapter 11. they are known for striped hats and unforms. >> the girls were always in the mall and cute and did the hot dog on a stick thing and that's what i wanted to do when i was holder. >> they say it is time to restructure. high coast leases costing the company a bundle and starting in 1946 and they are filing for chapter 11 bankruptcy. >> that is traumatic news. we need to finish on a light note. >> you do okay. >> and bacon fest.
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10,000 pounds of pork products grilled for 11,000 babyingon fans. john and i are taking the show there next year. >> it is bacon fest. nblt's for everybody today. >> got to be here. >> thanks for joining us. >> america's news headquarters starts right now. thanks guys, there is a bomb new cvo report that finds that obama care will be much worse for the economy than previously predicted. >> i am bill hemmer. the affects over the next decade will be substantially larger and that adds a trillion to the debt and sheds 2.3 million jobs and lou dobbes is here on. this wow, this was dropped 90 minutes ago. what are we to think now?
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