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tv   Hannity  FOX News  February 4, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm PST

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here he is, the very fit, very strong luke. he works so hard he gets a little tired and forgets. >> we loe.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e.e. sorry, ladies, he is spoken for. see you tomorrow night at 9:00. this is a fox news alert, there is new information tonight surrounding the death of phillip seymour hoffman. authorities are testing packets of heroin found in the actor's apartment. joining me now is fox's own julie banderas. >> circumstances surrounding the sad story of a drug addict who tried to get help but in the end couldn't beat the addition. police sources tell me they also found more than 50 small plastic bags containing heroin near the body. multiple used and unused hypodermic needles and multiple prescription drugs. his body was taken to the medical examiner's office for an
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autopsy on monday. he had recently separated from his partner of 15 years and renting an apartment a few blocks away from his family and aa and na meetings he had gone to. he atenneded a meeting as early as seven days ago. a tragic end for the 46-year-old who was called one of the greatest actors of his generation. he had several projects in the works at the time of his death. he even attended the sundance film festival. m mimi makes plans to bury her long time partner and the father of her children. president obama is trying to pick a fight with fox news, i think i know why. >> what some people are saying is that the irs was use d at a local level in cincinnati.
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>> absolutely wrong. >> how do you know that, we still don't know what happened. >> we do. that's not what happen ed. these kinds of things keep on surfacing, in part because you and your tv station will promote th them. >> no matter what you say about fox news, we're not going to stop reporting the truth. the cbo released numbers that prove obama care is the utter mess we've been telling you about. glad they finally caught up. cbo, health care law will mean 2 million fewer workers. and reuters, obama care to cut work hours by the equivalent of 2 million jobs. here with reaction to that, much more, fox business network's own stewart barney. stewart, your reaction? >> it's a bombshell in two ways. 2.3 million fewer jobs because of obama care? bombshell number one, number two, obama care is a disincentive to work. the cbo admitted it this
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afternoon. why don't you just spend more time with the family, let somebody else work, you go on obama care. it's a disincentive to work, and by the way, the president said, we have not engaged in a massive expansion of the welfare states. obama care is a massive extension of the welfare state. you're putting far more people on to free medical care paid by the government for taxpayers. >> your experience in the white house as press secretary. i don't remember the president, president bush blaming kiosks, atm's, karl rove, ed gillespie, any and everything for problems that go wrong. w why? >> he didn't even blame me. president obama i think is shooting down when he's talking about fox news. democrats they have an easier
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job as communicators and press people, they don't have to work as hard to overcome the initial skepticism. a big blow from cbo, the cbo number comes out around 11:30 in the morning jay carney has to explain it. he was not convincing. there's lots of nuances. it's worth reading to understand what cbo is saying. the white house, that was probably one of their worst days. >> juxta pose those headlines, let's go back to 2010. if you like your plan keep your plan, if you like your doctor, keep your doctor. this is nancy pelosi what the reality is. >> this bill is not only about the health security in america,
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it is about jobs. it will create 4 million jobs almost immediately. jobs again in the health care industry, but in the entrepreneurial world as well. >> not so fast. >> that is another classic sound bite from pelosi. the cbo report today said 2.3 million full time jobs lost an extra 1 trillion dollars added to the deficit. the direct opposite of what former speaker pelosi is saying right there, she's all in with obama care, and it's turning out in exactly the opposite way. >> dana, i think if you -- stewart do the economic analysis. i want to ask you the political side of this, in this interview with bill, three interesting things, they bring up the irs. they bring up health care, benghazi. in each case, we know that we've been lied to.
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we can't keep our plan, we can't keep our doctor, we're not saving $2500. on benghazi, we know it had nothing to do with the youtube video. the original claim about the irs, these were rogue agents in cincinnati has been proven false. three big lies and he just brushed them aside. >> one of the reasons president obama's team in my opinion would have agreed to do the interview with bill o'reilly, it's 111 million people that are going to watch the super bowl, it's a huge audience. it's coming five days after the state of the union address, in which usually a president will lay out a new plan something positive. there's nothing from the state of the union address that would drive bill o'reilly to ask him about it in that interview. he has to go back, because the white house has not answered satisfactorily about those three issues that you just mentioned, that's why the president was asked about it. >> he can't brush this aside. he cannot brush aside the cbo report. you can't do that.
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it's the democrats who won't let them brush him aside. this is around your neck? the exact opposite of what obama care was supposed to be all about. >> i have a prediction, president obama will start to do a lot more foreign travel, because foreign travel gets him out of the country. there are important things he needs to do overseas, that will get him out of the country and those democrats won't have to worry about anything happening in their state. >> let's imagine for a minute it's october and you're in north carolina. >> and it's not snowing. >> let's say you might be in louisiana, arkansas or any of these red state democrats -- up comes the ad, the obama care ad, and you know what, she voted with obama 90% of the time.
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she voted for obama care, she promised she could keep the plan, this and this and this. how impactful is that going to be. >> it's very impactful if you have good republican candidates that are running against them. mark beg itch raised over $50,000 in the last quarter. he's serious about trying to win re-election. the ad could hurt him at the polls, they have to have really good candidates. >> about 90% of the time is the democrats -- >> they will have to try to run out people that have benefited from obama care. i think it's a losing propositi proposition. >> you guys have fought about t
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it. who do you like, who do you see out there that you think in some of these states that impresses you. >> i think tom is going to help bring back that senate seat to the republican side. do you think one of the interesting races happening right now is in nebraska? >> the open seat? >> open seat. nebraska is a funny state, that could. if president obama were on the ballot, i think the republicans would not necessarily have nebraska in the win column. i do think a republican can win in nebraska, there's going to be a big fight, any time republicans are fighting, i'm fine with competition, that means the democrats have an open lane in order to try to get ahead. >> why would ted cruz back away from saying told you so. why would he back away from the fight. he said, this is what's going to happen if you go with obama care, i tried to stop it, now the bad things are happening.
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>> the defund? >> no, no, i don't know what you're going to do about it, i'm saying, what is ted cruise, what is he going to say? >> there's one missing component, everybody has their feelings about obama now set in concrete, what is the vision? in other words, i love newt gingrich contract with america, what five big things are you going to do to get people off of food stamps. create jobs, create energy independence. i think that is key, a positive agenda. real quick. >> republicans have to talk about portability. all the language is tough, you have to make sure they say, no one's going to go hungry in america. we have to make sure we take care of those, the incentive to work is available. and obama care is not. >> growth, growth and prosperity. >> we have to break. >> good to see you both.
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coming up next, the special hannity investigation tonight. we will delve deeper into phillip seymour hoffman's death, and why the heroin epidemic is spreading to small cities and small towns and it might be right in your backyard. what celebrities could be heading down the same deadly spiral? tonight we're going to name names and reveal our watch list. if you live in the northeast, janice dean is standing by with a weather warning, it will be impacts about 20 states. dear future olympian, one day you'll be standing on a podium. and here's exactly how you'll get there. you'll work hard, and you'll fall hard. you'll lose sometimes when you really should have won.
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welcome back to hannity, we're wlerning more about the
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details of the death of phillip seymour hoffman. investigators found 50 envelopes of what they believe is it heroin in his apartment. here with the expert analysis, my panel. here's what i'm hearing and the people i'm talking to, we have a heroin epidemic, in big cities, small cities, big towns, little towns. rich neighborhoods, poor neighborhoods. >> it's true. the oxycontin was $30 a pill, used to give you the similar hi high. now you can buy heroin, you don't know what they mixed it with. the kids start with snorting it, they don't get high enough they start injecting it. it was in the minority
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neighborhoods when i was a detective, now it's everywhere. >> what do we know about there's a bad batch of this heroin that's making its way and killing a lot of people in the northeast? he also mixed it with blood pressure medication, an addiction treatment drug, add drug, anxiety drug and a muscle relaxant. >> that said, you have an envelope with white powder in it. in that five or ten milligrams are heroin, it's a nickel bag or dime bag of heroin. the way it used to be, when bo and i were babies in the 1970s, when we had almost 1,000 deaths a year -- two or three deaths a day from heroin overdoses in new york city, it used to contain 5 milligrams of heroin, about 5 or
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10 milligrams of quinine. quinine was used do kill malaria. and milk sugar. >> what is it now? >> i think the price has gone down, they're trying to get more and more people into it. also, you're the doctor, what happens a lot of people don't realize, this guy's shooting up this heroin, even though it's a small amount. that stops your heart, you're going to die because your heart stops. if you inject enough of it, you're going to die. the kids were snorting heroin for a while. >> that was back -- >> here's what everybody wants to know, i know kids, i know neighborhoods in long island, their parents in wealthy neighborhoods, the kids are shooting heroin. >> when you hear heroin, you go oh, my god, their neighborhood,
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minority communities. heroin, and then they do it, a snort of cocaine, it's called a speed ball. >> yeah, when we were -- the '70s with the epidemic. this is what -- >> i'm a little younger than you. >> most heroin, we had a huge amount of heroin, much more than now, but it's increasing here. is that the poorer neighborhoods had heroin and the richer neighborhoods had cocaine. now, heroin is all over. >> let me ask you, when it was asked what he did for a living, he said, i'm an addict. we have pictures of him, his last flight from atlanta to new york, and part of the flight -- that's when he's on the flight, it was reported he was drinking heavily at a bar, there's pictures of him at a bar and going to the bathroom, makingtr. when you see him passed out like that, you see the drink, was it from drinking or likely? does that tell you another story? >> most probably the drugs that would be more quick --
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>> what would put him in that type of stupor? >> you ever see a heroin addict? >> they get very stuporish. >> euphoric, you have not a care in the world. you owe a lot of money to the bank for your mortgage, you forget about, and that's what you see in that seat. >> if you walked on that plane, somebody slumped over like that as soon as the plane was about to take off, you would say in your detective mind? >> it's like this, when you see him, i'll show you, i've been around them all my life. it's kind of like the quaalude, but quaalude are more muscle. this is more of a euphoric. >> it puts them into a groggy state and drooling state. but the thing about it is, that the heroin itself. as soon as it comes in will give you euphoria, put you to sleep after a few, half hour or an hour, after you take too much of
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it as happened here, you don't even have time to take the needle out of the arm, what happened with -- >> he didn't have time? >> he within to sleep immediately because it was such a big overdose, he went into respiratory depression and his heart stopped and he didn't have time to take the needle out of his arm. >> this should be a call out to parents, they should talk to their kids, let them understand about what heroin's all about, it will kill you. >> thanks so much, appreciate it many and coming up, in the wake of phillip hoffman's death, we examine the drug epidemic that is plaguing hollywood. we'll take a look at other stars who were gone too soon and some that may be headed down that path. later, believe it or not, americans think bill clinton is the most forgivable liar. [ male announcer ] did you know that if you wear a partial, you're almost twice as likely to lose your supporting teeth? try poligrip for partials. poligrip helps minimize stress
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♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ book with our app for an additional... $25.00 off your next hotel. while the country is focusing on the death of phillip seymour hoffman, the reality is, the actor joins a long list of celebrities who have lost their lives due to drugs and alcohol. >> we have a lot of news to tell you about here tonight, including that sudden death of a well known media celebrity, anna nicole smith, who died in florida late today at the age of 39. the actor heath ledger was found dead today in an apartment here
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in new york city. he was just 28 years old. >> the associated press are now reporting michael jackson has died in los angeles this afternoon. >> a gifted singer, amy wi winehouse found dead in her home, she was just 27. >> whitney houston, one of the greatest voices of our generation has died. >> a star of the popular show "glee" found dead in his hotel room in vancouver, the body of cory monteith who played finn was found by the hotel staff. >> there you have it, each and every one of those celebrity deaths was caused by substance abuse, why doesn't hollywood take a stand to stop this trend? the independence co-host on our sister network, the fox business network, and also from
10:26 pm, cory fields. this is just a small list. we can go back to elvis, janis joplin and work our way through a lot more names, why? >> i think people in hollywood don't live in reality, they have lots of enablers, yes men around them. they don't have to face the consequences. if they get in trouble with drugs, they don't go to prison like everyone else. they hire a great attorney, and they end up in some beautiful resort in malibu for rehab. there are no consequences, they don't live in the same world we all live in. >> kennedy, i have to be honest. you look at the media, they build us up, they love taking the guys down. >> it's consumers of media, it's not just the media that decides. it's justin bieber is going to act like an idiot. they're going to do story after story documenting his down fall. >> pot, drugs. >> those are his choices he's making, could he be one of those people, like heath ledger? yes, you realize the actions,
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the ending, the consequences are because of the collective choices you make. >> i've never thought that fame is healthy for most people. i don't. i don't think it's natural. is there really anything different if you're doing something in the public eye versus the person that's waiting tables that's a contractor, a lawyer, a doctor, that is saving somebody's life, what's the difference not much? >> there's no consequences if you're a celebrity, especially young kids. look at lindsay lohan she's a perfect example. people think what's happening to her is hilarious, they love the pictures of her stumbling out of clubs, crying, ripping out her extensions. kennedy's right, what ends up happening to her she might die. >> i think you're hitting on a big point, season the it unnatural praise? who praises their contractor? >> right. >> somebody saves your life from cancer, you need brain surgery, a friend of mine is a brain surgeon. doesn't he deserve more praise
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than a public figure? >> you're a celebrity, right? >> not really. >> you have a show called hannity. >> you have a show called kennedy? >> no, i have a show called the independent. >> people come around and kiss your behind because you're sean hannity. >> i think we're a celebrity obsessed culture, when i was a contractor and working in restaurants, i didn't get as much attention as i do on radio and tv. >> and good for you, you are repe reaping the fruits of your labor, which is the american capitalist system, which you should. >> but how does phillip end up with a needle in his arm? >> a lot of them are not growing up with a healthy family unit. a lot of them are just emotional emotionally, spiritually empty.
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they have been used. they didn't have a real childhood. they have tons of money too soon. look at gabby douglas, she's not running around -- >> all these childhood stars, they're all screwed up. >> they're the earners in the family, when your mom has to be really nice to you and not discipline you, because you can cut her off, the roles get reversed. >> dina lohan is the biggest enabler in the world. she should have slapped her daughter upside the head ten years ago. >> lindsay lohan, justin bieber and miley cyrus. are we going to wake up? i hope this never happens, are we going to wake up, are we seeing all the evidence and look back and say, we saw that coming? >> when do you talk about the celebrities that do positive things?
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mayim bialik went and got a ph.d. and has a great life. >> i think it's happening right now. none of their parents are doing anything about it. justin bieber's father was with him during the drag race. lindsay lohan's mom is doing cocaine with her. miley cyrus' mom is cheering her on as she's half naked at the vma's. this has a lot to do with parenting and their family. >> what about the media industry that's built around the photos of them and tmz. i'm not blaming them, they're doing their job. there's a whole industry built around the tragedy as it's unfolding. >> not only that, if you're a celebrity, you call the paparazzi and stage these photos. and get half the money. >> tmz doesn't watch itself. >> what? >> us weekly does not read itself. >> what do you mean by that? >> there are people who buy magazines -- the daily mail in the u.k. has a fabulous gossip
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page. we all read that, we all stop and talk about miley cyrus. >> i don't. >> of course you do. >> i'm friends with billy cyrus, and i hope in the end she matures. britney spears, things settled out for her. >> she had to go through something tragic. she was in the throws of substance abuse and mental illness and everything else with two little kids. she has come out the other side. >> if someone stepped in and said no -- >> yeah, her father stepped in. >> in a few hours a very severe winter storm is going to pound the northeast, affecting hundreds of thousands of people, our own janice dean is coming up next to tell us how it's going to impact your family. and jerry sign field, he's not mincing words playing political correctness. [ male announcer ] this is jowoods' first day of work.
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this is a fox news alert, another major winter storm is making its way across the country tonight. freezing rain, sleet and up to a foot of snow expected in some regions in the northeast. here with all the details in the fox weather center, janice dean. >> look at the temperatures, much of the u.s. at or below freezing. that's the setup for this next winter storm that's going to make its way across the ohio river valley over to the northeast. you mentioned the freezing rain, ice. that's going to be a problem, especially in the commute tomorrow. new york city around 6:00 a.m. as people are trying to get in, long island -- see that pink there, that's freezing rain and/or ice. which is going to make travel difficult if not impossible. south of that mainly rain, north and west of that, that's where our storm system is going to be gives us the potential for 6 to 12 inches of snow.
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the dangerous area is along the coast, temperatures around the freezing mark, that's going to make for slippery driving. rain and ice on the power lines and roadways, it's going to be very dangerous. people need to pay close attention. your forecast precipitation in some cases 6 to 12 inches of snow. in the pink, that's accumulating ice including new york city. i'm concerned all along the i-95 corridor. north and west of new york, that's where we're going to see the big snow totals. at this hour, 24 states are under winter weather advisories, 100 million people ahead of this storm system, and we're going to see yet another storm moving in sunday and monday that could bring more blockbuster snow totals in the northeast. well known entertainer jerry seinfeld was asked about diversity during comedy and his answer is now making headlines, take a look at what he had to
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say. >> people think it's the census or something? i mean. we have to represent the actual pie chart of america. who cares? it's just funny. funny is the world i live in, you're funny, i'm interested. you're not funny, i'm not independent. and i have no ingt in gender, race or anything like that. but everyone else is kind of with their little calculating, is this the exact right mix? you know. i think that's -- to me, it's anti-comedy. anti-comedy. it's more about pc nonsense than are you making us laugh or not. >> funny is the world i live in. i have no interest in agenda, race or anything else like that, but everyone -- funny is the world he lives in. good answer. and he's getting criticized for it. >> gender and race should be
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irrelevant. either you're funny or you're not. i'm glad to see someone speaking the truth and not bowing to this politically correct group of people. >> jerry seinfeld is funny, jeff foxworthy is funny. >> it's one place you shouldn't have quotas at all. >> he's getting a lot of bad press for this. >> i'm more horrified that you think jeff foxworthy's funny. >> he is. >> what's wrong with you? >> ten years ago that was funny. >> listen. >> i've watched him tear down the house. >> some of the funniest people i can think of, dave chappelle, tina fey, they're women, they're hilarious. >> a great essay in vanity fair, making the case where women aren't funny. it prompted a great response from tina fey and amy poehler. >> what's the name of the woman on "the apprentice."
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she was a -- >> joan rivers can be funny. >> we need to update you on comedy. >> let's go to bill mahre and his comments about the country music awards and how well basically they need to have a shooting there. watch this? >> now that liberals have forwarded their agenda by inserting a mass gay wedding into the grammys, conservatives must match them tit for tat by having a mass shooting at the country music awards. >> i don't care what he says, i don't want him fired. but liberals do that to conservatives, any conservative said that, you know there would be a different reaction. >> why am i the person that is supposed to defend bill maher every time? >> i'm just asking. >> i don't agree with him. >> i'm talking about the double standard. >> if you said that, that you wanted everyone killed at the oscars, it would be all over the place. people would say, you should be fired. >> i would say, it's a joke.
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>> but he's a comedian. >> bill maher can be funny, but he also cannot be funny. there are some things on his show that are entertaining, when he's off the mark, he seems like an angry person. and i'm surprised how -- >> calling on military cowards or sarah palin -- >> he seeks the lowest common denominator and panders to his audience. you heard someone whooping it up in the crowd. at least be clever. >> bill clinton talk tops the most forgivable liar poll. >> i want you to listen to me, i'm going to say this again, i did not have sexual relations with that woman, miss lewinsky. >> indeed i did have a relationship with miss lewinsky that was not appropriate. in fact, it was wrong. >> rand paul talked about the clintons, why is there this impression that conservatives have a war on women, big deal on romney and binders, he's trying to hire women. democrats make the charge, and
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this is the guy they defended? >> i'll tell you why, you ready? because i don't really care what bill clinton does. i do care about conservative politics. >> math if the ceo of a business took advantage of an intern he would be in jail. >> i don't care what he does. i don't. >> you're only talking about one thing. what about paula jones, what about kathleen willie, what about -- >> this is about a pattern of abusing women. >> he cheated on his wife, i don't care. >> by the way -- >> you forgive him? >> forgive him, i never -- >> i'm not a bill clinton fan, don't put me in that position. >> you're defending him. >> i will tell you what he did, he schooled everyone at the dnc. republicans don't have an alternative, mitt romney is he
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your bill clinton? john mccain. >> romney would have been a much better president than what we have now, by far. >> you have to live with that, dude. >> why not? >> what he did was disgusting and he took advantage of his position of power. >> did he come out and say, i have to tell you, monica with the blue dress. >> i think it's the pattern of abuse of women. >> yes. >> remember what paula jones said he did, kathleen willie said he did? >> there's no doubt about it, but if you're just taking monica lewinsky as the headline of his presidency -- >> and i wonder why you're bringing it up now, sean, you think hillary clinton's running? >> no. you're going to meet a guy who lost 7 milli$7 million on tr bowl. jay peacock signs off on thursday. jimmy fallon was a guest on last night's show.
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the broncos lost on sunday, was disappointing for everyone who bet on peyton manning, including myself. no one had as much on the line as my next guest. you probably heard about the big super bowl bet he made with his customers. if seattle won any purchase over $6,000 made in the last two weeks and delivered by game day would be completely refunded. as a result, mattress mac is out an estimated $7 million. here to tell us why he's still smiling about all this, jim, how are you, sir? >> great to be on the show. you. >> really lost $7 million?
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>> 7 million $385,000 to be exact, yes. >> obviously you can afford it or else you wouldn't have made the bet? >> it was a promotion if the customers bought $6,000 worth and i had it delivered before game time, they got it free if seattle mentioned. i was pulling for seattle to win the game to make all of our customers happy, that's exactly what happened. >> what were the overall sales, how many people were broncos fans? did they also come in, did you make it up in other sales? was this just money you had laying around in your mattress somewhere? >> normally when we have a promotion like that, we have a lot of customers that buy $6,000 plus. we did tons of business, much more thon normal, almost every customer bought 6,000 plus. we're a big loser on this deal, but at the same time we're a
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winner, because we had over 1,000 houston families that watched the big game sunday night. >> you probably couldn't pay for all the pr you've gotten, you've been all over the place. houston's been talking about you ever since? >> yeah, we've been a hot topic in houston, that's the whole idea, to make the store relevant, topical. to appeal to millennial customers to customers that are fluent. and 80% were brand new customers and never been to the store before. it was great. now our job is to make them customers for life. they've had a great first experience. now if we have ability to get them back, we'll win in the long term. >> they have $6,000 worth of furniture. would you do it again? >> i would do it again in a minute. because we had three times the normal volume we d a great exercise in free enterprise, customers were happy, salesmen were happy. staff was happy. all people
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working for us worked overtime to get them all extra paychecks tomorrow because of great efforts we lost money on the promotion but a great marketing gig. we'll make it up in the future. >> well, good luck to you mattress mack. a thousand folks, pretty nice. coming up as you prepares to sign off, jay leno offers a glimpse into his true feelings about conan o'brien, that and more, coming up next. the conversation about his car loan didn't start here. it began way, way back. before he had children. before he got married. it started in his very first apartment. see that overdue bill? it arrived after he moved out. and he never got it.
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♪ ♪ so you canet out of your element. so you can explore a new frontier and a dient discipline. get two times the points on travel and dining at restaurants from chase sapphire preferred. so you can be inspired by great food once again. welcome back to "hannity". it is jay leno he's last week as host of "the tonight show" last week he invited jimmy fallon to
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join him. >> we have a good time. and there are headlines saying jay and jimmy hate each other. grrr. >> thank you, jay leno for carrying on and being nothing but gracious with me for the past year, i will do my best to make you proud, thank you. >> and in an access hollywood interview, leno was not as kind to conan o'brien. >> didn't conan go for your, he said i want that guy's job or i've got to go? >> yeah. >> how did that work out? >> here to discuss the shake up from nbc, how are you? good to see you. >> i've been reading your stuff for years.
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>> couldn't -- how, one thing i don't understand and help me. usually if you're number one in every demo like leno is, you don't get replaced once then brought back, then a second time. why do you think they're doing it? do you think it's a good move? >> we're talking about being sports manager, remember when peyton manning left the colts? they knew they had to go young at some point. that said, jay leno is number one in the demo. 18-49 year olds so why get rid of him? i guess they're taking a chance on jimmy fallon who is an enormous talent. >> from my perspective they tried this once and it bombed. i mean, badly. they had to go back. and hand to knee saying please come back. i do think conan, i think is more acquired taste do you agree? >> absolutely. >> jimmy fallon they did a best
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of of him and his singing ability. talented guy. >> absolutely. jay leno says he may be looking at the next johnny carson. never had words for conan o'brien. he probably looks at johnny as the marker, the bar. johnny was 66. so now, leno being 63 this, isn't carson. he can be going to fox tv, fox television, late night host, could be going to cnn >> he'd never go to cnn. why would you? >> very powerful, too. sean.. >> i don't think money is a motivator to him. think about the money he gave to his staff. >> now, unfortunately they may be fired because the show is coming to new york >> didn't jay insist they get paid for six months? >> yes. he bonused that. it's hard to feel sorry for conan o'brien he got $45 million and another
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job. getting $12 million a year there. >> not feeling sorry for conan. he has his own audience. the question is, is there a risk here? do you think it's a calculated risk? >> with nbc? >> if it ain't broke don't fix it. manning got another piece of the super bowl, right sf >> only problem is that he did have surgery it and was a question mark about how is he going to be? >> true. jay leno can do this. it's not like athletics. he can do this until he's 83. >> last night i was laughing my head off. >> number one is number one. >> i agree. >> good to see you. >> sean, thank you so much. >> that is all the time we have left this evening. now is the time to stop and, you can post your comments on facebook and twitter with hash tag ask sean tomorrow night i'll answer questions and very no idea what they're going to be before i get them. otherwise record "hannity"
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each and every week night. don't forget start your day with "fox and friends" each day at 5:00 a.m . see you back here tomorrow night. can we get one thing straight? do you know what is unfair? when someone promises transapparently, doesn't deliver and then starts blamings or. >> do you think i'm unfair to you? >> absolutely, of course you are, bill. we just went through an teterview in which you asked ouout healthcare not working, irs where were we wholly corrupt. benghazi. >> i think he largely pretends that these are distractions that these are stuff invented by fox. >> with an endless distraction of political posturing and phony scandals and phony scandals. >> if he he think it's unimportant then is he delusional. >> these things keep on surfacing in part because


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