tv The Five FOX News February 5, 2014 1:00am-2:01am PST
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this tonight on fbn. see you then. >> i'm dana perino along with andrea tantaros, bob beckel, eric bolling, and greg gutfield. it's 5:00 in new york city, and this is "the five." yesterday, you heard president obama complaining to bill o'reilly about fox news reporting on the administration's scandals. bill pressed him on that issue in part two of his exclusive interview. >> you think i'm unfair to you? you think i have -- >> absolutely. of course you are, bill. but i like you anyway. if you want to be president of the united states, then you know that you're going to be subject to criticism. >> but if it's unfair, i want to know if it's unfair. is it unfair? criticism is criticism. it's my job to give you a hard time.
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>> here's what i would say. regardless of whether it's fair or not, it has made fox news very successful. here's what you're going to have to figure out. what are you going to do when i'm gone. >> here's another interesting piece. the president doesn't see himself as all that liberal. >> are you the most liberal president in u.s. history? >> probably not. >> probably not? >> probably not. >> who would be? >> the truth of the matter is when you look at some of my policies, in a lot of ways, richard nixon was more liberal than i was. started the epa, you know, started a whole lot of the regulatory states that have helped make our air and water clean. >> holy smokes. greg, do you think hiding behind richard nixon to prove you're not as liberal, do you think we have gotten to a place you never imagined? >> this isn't new. what does it tell you when liberalism's most powerful, charismatic leader is embarrassed by his own
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namby-pamby fairy tale evangelists. there needs to be rehab for liberals and the first step is admitting you are one. >> bob, a lot of democrats think he's not liberal enough. >> he certainly is not. i could go back to lindyndon johnson was far more liberal. roosevelt was, truman was. >> truman? >> yes, truman was liberal. sure he was. he was the one who started the food -- the agricultural money for subsidies for agriculture. listen, this guy, you take health care, and you say, all right, that's his big entitlement program. but name me one other entitlement program he's made. >> food stamps. >> they were there. >> he expanded them. i got another one, the debt. $6.6 trillion added to the debt sipresident. >> in other words, you can't add one. >> obamacare is pretty much -- >> i gave that in the front end. i don't see that he's created a whole lot of things dpaesh. >> what about the stimulus?
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>> that's not an entitlement program. >> a lot of government spending. >> that's what it is. >> he doesn't do enough, as far as i'm concerned. >> grown government more under his watch from george washington up to today. >> we're proud to call ourselves liberal. >> you get the perfect segue award, because bill asked president obama about welfare last night. >> we have not massively expanded the welfare state. that's just not true. when you take a look at it, actually, the levers of support that we provide to folks who are willing to work hard are not that different than they were 30 years ago, 40 years ago, 50 years ago. i think self-reliance is alive and well in america. the problem is people don't see as many opportunities to get ahead. my job as president as long as i'm in office is to give them the tools to get ahead. >> i think that's a fairly good opinion, but let's start with you. >> because he sounded like a
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republican when he was talking about self reliance. i think it was his second inauguration as well when he talked about personal responsibility. he co-oped the language of the right, and he's almost embarrassed by the world liberal, because it's almost a dirty word, for not just me, but for him. under obamacare and especially under the expansion of medicaid, he has grown government. and we haven't even seen the beginnings of it. i mentioned the stimulus, a giant portion of the stimulus went to welfare reform, and people on food stamps have doubled. so he basically lied right to bill o'reilly's face. and the facts are very stubborn things. >> eric, you track these numbers quite a bit. so what numbers are -- what numbers are the president looking at that makes him say that welfare spending has not gone up? >> i'm not sure. i'm not sure why he would say that. take food stamps, for example, $39 billion the year before president obama took over. $80 billion if you add in other child food programs, almost $100
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billion, so more than double, almost triple. the deficit, this is the most -- disingenuous thing the president has been saying. he said he cut the deficit in half. the problem is he cut his own deficit in half. when he took over, the deficit was $480 billion. he brought it up to $1.2 trillion. from $1.2, yeah he brought it back down, but he is still substantially above where it was before he took over. he didn't cut any deficit. he cut his own. >> counting the $1 billion in stimulus. >> no, no, i'm counting the deficit. the amount of money we spend over what we take in on an annual basis. no. >> and by the way, the stimulus package, just so we can correct that, the biggest recipient of the stimulus is small businesses. >> a huge portion is welfare. >> it didn't go to welfare. for what? >> bailing out blue states when it came to medicaid and a lot of other things. >> a lot of it did go there. let me ask you, greg, did bill
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o'reilly ask him the wrong question? so it's not necessarily about the money we spend on welfare, but about the lack of opportunity that president obama says isn't there for americans but he's been president for five years. >> opportunity gone. but the fact is, you know, i am pro-welfare, but i'm not for a welfare state. and i think progressive progressives like president obama refuse to connect the programs that thrive on dependents to the actual dependents that it creates. it's like ben & jerry's denying any link to their product and obesity. obesity kills more people than heroin and guns combined, but ben & jerry's doesn't have cholesterol on their hands because they're so progressive. it's the same way with him. he's for programs that basically extend democraciy, and then he denies it. >> if that's the case, the biggest ones are medicare and medicaid. and social security. would you do away with that? >> i would love to see an alternative, competition. >> and there could be reform. >> there are far fewer welfare
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programs, not when obama did, but when they did the welfare reform act, there were very few people getting welfare checks. >> you're letting it grow exponentially without any test to decide whether or not it should be grown. if things are getting better in the economy like president obama likes to talk about, why is our welfare spending and all of the other redistribution of wealth programs expanding. >> women and infant children, money has gone down. head start money has gone down. what you're talking about is increasing medicaid. you're right about that, but i don't consider that welfare. do you consider that welfare in. >> i think unemployment insurance going from 26 weeks to 98 weeks and then maybe further is a redistribution/welfare program. almost tripling the food stamp program is a welfare program. if you are expanding the redistribution. you take the people who are earning and give to the people who need it. >> we have a semantics problem.
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>> if you look at what he was rooting for with immigration reform, that was going to create another problem of additional unle independence for the nation. if i could say something on obama going after fox news, it seems like it's the last arrow in his quiver that he has when he goes after fox news because he has done it before. we used to say on campaigns, you don't go after people who buy ink by the barrel. i think he believes he'll win, but obama isn't at war with fox news. obama is at war with the truth. he comes out and says there are no scandals, period, whatsoever. but for fox news reporting on them, so if fox news didn't do its job and didn't exercise its first amendment right which i didn't know liberals were against, then we wouldn't have any of these stories, which is insane. >> in my block, i believe everyone gets a trophy. you get the second perfect segue, because i came up with this little chart that i wanted to show you about fox new's
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ratings. because president obama thinks he's made fox very successful. we were number one in total day in primetime for 145 consecutive months and was number one for 84 months before president obama became president, so we -- >> did a little better. >> can i answer the question, what is fox news going to do when i'm gone? we're going to continue to ask the questions of the president that aren't being asked by the other networks. he's mad at fox because we're asking him about benghazi, about the irs, about the labor participation rate being the lowest in 30 years when other networks don't want to do it because they're playing lapdog to the president. >> it's fair to say that o'reilly's questions were fair questions. they were uncomfortable questions for the president to answer. that's the difference. i don't think they're unfair. i think they're just things he didn't want to deal with. >> what does it say, greg, about the power of fox news if the president notices it this much and brings it up all the time. when every other media where look at seems to at least try to
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help him and be on his side. >> again, it's the last cheerleader, you know, that won't date the quarterback, but i tell you, fox news also, i believe, is a proxy for everything that he finds disagreeable. remember, fox news, you know, we represent, i feel, a lot of traditional values that perhaps in the exceptional world is not so interesting anymore. and i think that he finds us antiquated and kind of in the way of the progressive, you know, march towards a better life. and he sees us as the people who cling to guns and religion. >> bitter clingers. >> yeah, and i think when he comes after fnc, it's kind of coming after everybody he finds square. >> it's interesting, he compared himself to nixon, so nixon did push title ix forward and advance women in sports and the epa, and gets no credit for it. also opened the doors to trading with china, which was genius, and was a true dependeiplomat iy
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sense, but nixon of all presidents, obama looks like nixon on lsd when it comes to a paranoid suspicion of the media. it's not just fox news. he went after the associated press, after cbs's sheryl atkinson. he goes after everybody he perceives in the media not carrying his water. >> can you tell me who besides nbc, where is this liberal media? >> cnn. how about the debate when candy crowley bailed president obama out in that debate? >> can give you that, but as a whole network? >> bailed his butt out because he was up against the wall. >> you're talking about these cheerleaders in the media. i want to see what you're talking about. be specific. >> we do this all the time. we used to run full screens of abc, nbc, and cbs. >> it was omission. by omission. >> i think it's also the subtlety. i get every woman's magazine,
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all the fashion magazines. >> so do i. >> and then we share. >> you can't pick up one up that doesn't have one support of obama. it permeates everything you do. you have to go out and try -- you have to subscribe to things like national review or the weekly standard or commentary, if you actually want to get a different point of view, a conservative point of view. the wall street editorial board, being a major exception and something that i think is the most helpful thing that i read every day. >> the atlanta constitution, the boston herald, the los angeles examiner. >> the los angeles examiner? >> yeah. >> really, how many people do you think read that? >> why isn't every television show the crazy guy, the republican, or he's part of a militia? we're not just talking about news. we're talking about the culture of entertainment, songs, music, movies. >> the bottom line is there's actual research that even the left agrees with. this is an industry that is overwhelmingly liberal, and every election, they vote 90%
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democrat. >> and why by omission, why are you saying that's okay? if the networks don't cover something that's important, how is that okay? >> i think you all whine much too much. why don't you get some journalists? why don't conservatives become journalists and do something about it? >> then we'll have to talk about the journalism schools. >> we're not the ones whining. the president is whining about us. we're not whining. >> you whine about how the media -- >> that's how some people have to work. we didn't get to that story. >> what was that supposed to mean? >> a cheap shot. it felt good. >> i guess. >> we didn't get to the story about health care, obamacare, and the cbo report, but i bet we'll get to it tomorrow. >> we didn't get to christie either. >> because we just talked for 13:25. jerry seinfeld doesn't like political correctness in comedy. he's going to explain why. and also, john elway tells fox news why he is a republican. you're going to hear from him when we come back.
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welcome back, everybody. time for another installment of the fastest seven minutes in tv, news, or otherwise. three absorbing stories. seven accelerated minutes, one animated host. first up, jerry seinfeld is funny, really funny, so what's the secret to his ability to make us laugh. >> funny is the world that i live in. you're funny. i'm interested. you're not funny, i'm not interested. >> okay. >> and i have no interest in gender, race, anything like that, but everyone else is kind of with their little calculating, is this the exact right mix? you know. i think that's -- to me, it's anti-comedy. anti-comedy. it's more about, you know, pc nonsense than are you making us laugh or not? >> that's what it should be, right, greg, are we funny or not? >> if comedy were sports,
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seinfeld is joe montana. he's so professional he makes it look easy. like any great athlete, when you assess your craft, you would find it insulting if anybody hired you for anything other than your talent and your skill. so they have no use for any of these other elements. there should be no quotas in olympics or comedy. >> it's not the census. you don't have the exact breakdown of the pie chart in your comedy. how refreshing. >> i love that. i have a new principle to limit my dinner dates only with people who are funny. otherwise, it's just such a drag. it's very boring. i also like it that i think what jerry seinfeld show s all of us for years and haepfully he's coming back for more, comedy is a great uniter and equalizer. some of the best comedy is the self-deprecating kind by yourself or your ethnicity, being irish, jewish, italian, those are the jokes everybody can relate to.
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i applaud a comedian who can do it well. >> dana pointed out self-deprecating. you can say it about yourself rather than say it about someone else. your thoughts on the pc comment? >> being self-deprecating. i'm self-deprecating. the pc thing, he's right. most people who are comedians, are, if you have noticed, people who are mostly white. that's the way it is, it just works out that way. >> i don't think that's true. >> chris rock, eddie murphy. >> chris rock, yeah. >> also, i'm going to go out on a limb. a lot of them are jewish because they're very funny. they're very funny. >> before we go in too much trouble, your thoughts on the pc? can i throw a curveball to you? sometimes comedians maybe do things they shouldn't do and they hide behind, hey t was just a joke. >> they can also get away with making fun of themselves if they are, say, a woman. you can poke fun at a women. if you're a gay comedian, you can make fun of gays. i think one of the funniest comedians is dave chappelle, so
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i disagree with you, boy can't theory everywhere. if you're not fit for the job, let's do away with saying we're box checking. she's a woman, she's a republican. >> a bunch of people would say you're racist and they're going to boycott us. how about this? facebook turns teb today. only a fifth grader if they were your kid. they have come a long way in a decade. listen to founder mark zuckerberg talking about his massive success creating the social media giant. >> it's been a pretty amazing journey. it's so rare to have the opportunity to touch a billion people's lives. i remember really vividly, you know, having pizza with my friends a day or two after i opened up the first version of facebook. you know, at the time, i thought someone needs to build a service is like nis for the world, but i never thought we would be the ones to lepdo it. i think a lot of what it comes down to is we cared more. i'm just so grateful to have the opportunity i had to serve so many people. and i really think that the best
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is yet to come. >> great. >> that's so wonderful and awesome. how awesome is that, eric? >> gee. >> $30 billion worth of awesome is what it is. >> i hate his guts. >> the last ten years are water under the bridge. next ten years of facebook, any thoughts? >> i think facebook will be around but not forever. and i think twitter is really where it's at. twitter has replaced newspapers with headlines, quicker to get the topics of the day. i think facebook is strong, from what i read, they found a way to up their profits and monetize and sell ads, but i think if one is going to go first, it's going to be facebook. it might not be five or ten years, but 20, 30, it will be gone. >> didn't princeton do a study saying they will lose 80% -- i can't believe that. they have a billion people, right? >> 1.1 billion in the next 20 years. >> right, right. dana, facebook tried to buy
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snapchat. >> eric bolling 2016. >> $3 billion in cash, and they said no. >> they should have taken into account that you have an account with snapchat that is eric bolling 2016, and we're still waiting to find out why eb2016. >> what is snap shooter? >> like the coolest thing ever. they should by buying that. your thoughts on that? 73% of people between 12 and 17 years old use facebook. that's a good advertising demo. >> there's more community in facebook than twitter. twitter, i use more, but it's look at me. facebook is how are you? that's why it has a community. but you have to remember one word, myspace. 2007, i was on the, i don't know, 18th, 13th floor, sharing with these snotty little brats on myspace. they put signs on the fridge telling us at red eye not to eat their food. they were jerks. >> was it kale and areg law. they got sold out because they sucks. >> john elway is one of the best
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football players of all time. that paid well. he then went on to start one of the most successful car dealerships in america. that paid even better. he's american capitalism personified, so which political party do john elway's beliefs align with? the pro free market party, of course. >> we're given the opportunity to succeed or not succeed. for us to be able to -- i don't believe in safety nets. obviously, we have to some kind of safety nets, but when you're given the opportunity, take advantage of that. that's when you get the best out of people. so my belief aligns best with the gop. i wouldn't say i'm way right. you know, i'm middle right. >> he's a walking advertisement for the republicans. i agree with that. he grew up with a privileged background. >> he did not. >> he did too. >> his dad was a college football coach. >> so. you should have very few safety
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nets. what would he know? >> there has been a lot -- many attempts to try to recruit him to run for office from colorado. he's decided not to do that. instead, he's running the broncos, which -- >> oops. >> they made it to the super bowl. >> they did a great job. >> no surprise he's a republican because keeping score is the most honest way to project achievement. they would redistribute the points before the game and pay people not to play. >> and working your butt off, what, six to eight hours, sometimes 12-hour days playing professional football. i have a feeling a lot of those players, the more they play after working for free in college and then going to the pros, i have a feeling more of them turn republican when they start getting the paycheck. >> hold that thought. >> that's not a bad deal. >> like a teacher. next up, is inequality a threat to america? when "the five" returns.
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new york city mayor bill de blasio went on the daily show. i wonder if he said the great threat to this country is inequality. >> the bottom line is, we know the great threat to this country is inequality. the great threat to the city is inequality. we have rampant growing inequality, it's unsustainable. people need a core hope in a democratic society so they can get somewhere. >> this is often said to nodding heads. all fearful that disagreement comes off as cold, mean, republican. you probably eat babies, free range. me, i don't care, for i have yet to see a solution to the issue that doesn't rhyme with socialism. people get paid more. it's a fact. as you age, you get raises. in order to get on that path, though, you need a low-paying job first.
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when your leaders view minimum wage as an end and not a start while welcoming low-wage foreign workers, good luck. some people also get rich because their jobs create more profit. what about actors? the on-set caterer gets $100 a day, but clooney, he gets milli millions. where is hollywood on this injustice. but de blasio is lucky. he's calling inequality a threat because the real threat gets creamed every day by cops. thanks to them, the city's crime rate has plummeted. the real measure of equality is security. under a liberal, a poor person is a sitting duck. giuliani and bloomberg narrowed the gap between life and death, which opened the door for progressives like de blasio. you need calm to let the crazies back in. of course, when it all goes detroit on us, we'll wonder, what were we thinking? sadly for criminals, by then, no one will be worth mugging. >> life and death. income inequality, a life versus
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death gap. well done. >> exactly. how can government do anything about this? this is what is driving me nuts, is there is no solution. redistribution doesn't build anything. >> get out of the way. you're going to say it's a rn cliche, but it's not. let the free market dictate wages. wages will go up on their own. the more you push them up, the more you drive a job out of whatever city, state, country. just get out of the way, the free market works best. we have so many resources, so many assets in the country, we cannot help ourselves but succeeding if we don't screw it up with liberal socialists. >> it's a great free market that got us into the recession. >> can i just ask you, the solutions that they're offering, how can restricting corporate pay lead to a birth of capitalism in the poor? >> let me say about de blasio. what he fails to recognize about new york city is new york city has been a city constantly re-energized by immigrants
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coming in, and their income is less and they work their way up. but probably the most unbiased of all polls, 60% of people surveyed believe the nation's economic system unfairly favors the wealthy. >> and they say the government should not get involved in this. that's the reality, the second part. andrea, people don't want to counter this equality argument because it seems like you're favoring the rich over the poor. >> because they do it under the guise of fairness, right? so if it was a third world country where there's only a handful of rich people and everybody else was impoverished, okay, that makes sense. that's not the case in the united states or new york city. 10 million people live in new york who make over $10 million a year. that's nothing. if many of these people leave in droves, you have major economic problems. who pays for the firefighters, the schools? he said, de blasio promises pre-k, so governor cuomo said
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i'll give you the money for it, and bill de blasio said, nope, i want to tax the new yorkers. he's gutting charter schools which is hurting the middle class and the poor, giving them fair footing because they're not unionized. they want to take all the money from the rich, is what they want to do, greg. i don't see how that helps the poor in any way. i just don't see it. >> what the political response to this for a republican? >> well, i think one is defining the problem better. because what de blasio is saying is it's not -- he's not connecting the dots so republicans can do it. what he says, i'm echoing what you said. they need a core amount of visibility and that's been slipping away. he doesn't connect to dots to how restricting corporate pay would provide for opportunities. you go into any small business, there are 27 certificates or permits up on the wall. the barriers to entry to being able to start a business in new york city is so daunting even to me, i would have the means to be
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able to maybe think about doing it, but it's so daunting, i wouldn't put my toe in the water. if you're an immigrant in the country -- not even an immigrant, a young person graduating, you leave college and come back to new york city to start a thriving business, it's rare that it happens, and andrea's statistics bear that out. >> that's a good point about the regulations. i only wish that wall street and the big industrials downtown had the same restrictions and regulations. they wouldn't have tried to scam us the way they did. >> too bad the democrats blocked all those reforms in early 2000s. >> we had dodd and frank. >> yeah, barney frank was really great. >> i say break up the big banks. >> one last point and we'll move on. this fact always stuck with me. they pointed out that forbes would not publish its 400 list of the richest if it were identical every year. because being rich isn't constant. you can go up, you can go down. >> that's why it's exciting to see the list coming out. >> exactly. is there nothing worse for a man
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romantic movies. do you love them or do you hate them? >> why didn't you write me? why? it wasn't over for me. >> i wrote you every day for a year. >> you wrote me? >> yes. it wasn't over. it still isn't over. >> i love that you get cold when it's 71 degrees out. i love that it takes you an hour and a half to order a sandwich. i love that you get a little cringle above your nose when you're looking at me like i'm nuts. >> you see? that is just like you, harry.
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you say things like that, and you make it impossible for me to hate you. [ speaking foreign language ] >> yes. >> well, guess what, girls? there's a strong incentive to get your man to watch the chick flicks with you. new research shows that they can help save your relationship. so couples who watch romantic films together and discuss them have significantly reduced divorce rates, this according to a new study, especially if they're newnewlyweds, so why dou think that is, dana? most guys drag their feet when you put on a chick flick. >> first of all, all day long, i read topic, can romantic comedies save your marriage?
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romantic comedies, i love them. i think any man who says they don't like them, they secretly do. when you sit down, you watch them, i'm going to put peter out there. he does like them. he does. our marriage is like a romantic comedy. >> oh, god. >> it's so fun. we laugh all the time. we have like a big seinfeld discussion about how he's a compulsive door closer last night. why does he always have to close the bedroom door. it drives me nuts. we have so much fun, we watch these movies all the time. i love it. >> gee, that's fun. >> bob, listed movies in the study, a lot areantic comedy. >> it says whatever the number, $100,000, to robert redford. >> i don't think it's helpful in marriage. >> you're the one who calls your wife 15 times from the super bowl. >> i did that. >> women who watch, you realize you can be unrealistic and harsh on your loved one or partner and reminds you, back off a litt bid, if he doesn't pick up the
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tissues off the night stand after he has blown his nose. >> who could be be talking about? >> i tell you. there's a strong man right there. >> more romance in the relationship. well, honey, why don't we take more walks? >> when he says something about my carnation instant breakfast and has it ready for me in the morning, i love it. >> it wasn't just romantic comedies, it was romantic movies. >> still ahead on "the five," another donald trump election alert. bob has the scoop when we come back.
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i hate to say this, but donald trump's been dropping a lot of hints lately that he's going to run for governor of new york. now he's talking about what his platform might be. the dawn ltd has confirmed to "the five" if he were governor, he would cut taxes in the state by 50%. let me start off as much as i love the thought of having another trump discussion, this is like a guy, him pledging a 50% tax cut is like a kid in eighth grade running for president saying he's going to cut all homework out. it's ridiculous, absurd idea. first of all, can you imagine this guy being governor of
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anything? >> well, take a step back. he said him offering a 50% tax cut is like whatever your analogy was. no, it's not. in fact, we talk about this. there's an ad running across the country, if you want to bring your business to new york, we'll give you something like a ten-year window of tax free. you bring your business, we'll give you a tax-free holiday for ten years. >> a liberal city. >> here's the point. he's only saying something new york is trying to do under a democrat governor already. so you may not like donald, but don't dislike the policy. >> i don't dislike trump. it's hard to dislike him, i just dislike him as a politician. he gets bored and said he's going to run for something. if there was nothing to run for, he would run for governor of puerto rico. he doesn't know politics. >> well, do you have something to say about that? >> i think it would be helpful if more people in the business community put their money where their mouth is and decided to run for office. they have managed people, they know how to deal with accou
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accountability, so we could do worse than have more people from business want to run for office, and coming straight from universities to try to run. >> true. >> go ahead, greg. >> the irony about this whole election system is to get a liberal in power, things have to be really, really good. in order to get a conservative in power, things have to get really, really bad. >> yes, really bad here in new york. >> i see you don't want to talk about trump, either. you're all new yorkers. >> you're not letting me finish. >> sorry. >> the only way republicans and conservatives get elected is if they're the adults returning home to clean up the kids' party. >> that's trump. you like trump, don't you? >> we live in one of the most taxed states in the entire yoour uniwherein. what wrong with having a goal of cutting taxes in half? why is that so bad? republicans have to be specific with their legislative plans. democrats can just say change.
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and everyone goes along with it. >> equality. >> if you look around in new york, and i know you have, you see all these buildings that say trump on them. you can't just get that by being a total dummy. he's very shrewd. he's very smart. he understands foreign business. he understands domestic policy. i think he would be great. i don't think he's going to run, but i think he would be good. >> he had a daddy who gave him several hundred apartments. >> you always say this. his father gave him a small start, but he could have lost the money. look what he did with it. >> this guy gets to the starting line, and every time he backs off. i don't understand. if he wants to run, run. if you dont want to run, shut up. >> i would rather have a community organizer. >> guess what? you do. the president. [ male announcer ] meet mary. she loves to shop online with her debit card.
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it's a serious problem. we all have to protect ourselves. [ male announcer ] while identity theft can't be completely stopped, no one works harder to protect you than lifelock. you even get a $1 million service guarantee. that's security no one can beat. you have so much to protect and nothing to lose when you call lifelock right now and get 60 days of identity theft protection risk free. that's right. 60 days risk free. use promo code notme. order now and get this document shredder to keep sensitive documents out of the wrong hands. a $29 value free. don't wait until you become the next victim. ♪ ♪
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time now for "one more thing." i have no script so i don't know who to go to first, so i'm going to choose andrea. >> last week, i had the privilege of seeing travis the i was invited by our friend and colleague jenna lee. here's a preview of this incredibly powerful movie. >> i just had a normal day at work that turned ugly. six seconds, i guess, later, and i woke up. a medic came running up to me. >> i need blood, people. put orn a tourniquet. >> i kept saying, why, what's your big rush? look behind you. i have pictures of me and my wife and my daughter. i have family. i'm living in a hospital bed. get me out of here. every day is a challenge. if it's not a challenge, you can't overcome it. >> that will change your life, believe me.
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go to travis the to check it out. if you know anyone with a connection to a theater, they're looking to get theaters across the country to screen this film. you won't regret it. >> very good. all right, eric. >> that's really powerful. so i'm a free market capitalism guy. detroit needs a lot of economic help. you can run the vo. that's why it's interesting that georgiay and her husband started a new cafe, middle eastern cafe, but the name is what is really important. it's called the bomb fast food. you can't make this up. you know what, though? look. it's actually there's a lot of interest in the place. people are flocking to get to the place. i'm actually all right with this. >> like da bomb, or like -- >> i don't know. >> are they muslims? >> syrian. >> from syria? >> you get some roll aids with every order. >> sort of a sad story. joan mondale, the wife of my former boss, died yesterday in st. paul, minnesota. she was 83 years old.
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she was one of the nicest and sweetest people i ever met. her commitment to the arts was phenomenal. not just for people who were well known artists, but she would take people who were new to art and put their pictures up in the vice president's mansion. she did an enormous amount of things. she was a wonderful person. she will be missed, and god bless you for everything you have done for me over the years. >> indeed, all right, greg. >> from there to this. >> i hate these people! >> genderists. in the name of equality, we're suspended common sense. i was at the gym this morning. i went into the locker room to take a shower. there was a female health inspector in the showers walking that?d. >> there's a lot wrong with it. anyway, so i leave the locker room, i go to the employee in the middle and i go, you know there's a female health inspector in the locker room. she said, oh, yes, we do. i said, do you mind if a male health inspector goes into the
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women's locker room. he said, wow, that's a really good question. i don't know. idiots! >> that's a really good question. >> hypocrisy. >> i don't know what i would do. >> i know what you would do. >> really? >> i have no idea. >> i want to talk about a story i saw on the front page of the wall street journal about a collaboration between ten of the biggest pharmaceutical companies and the nih. they're going to combine money and the best and brightest of minds to find cures for diseases like alzheimer's and other things that especially affect the brain. this was a good example of public-private partnerships and way for americans to really put some muscle behind trying to figure out alzheimer's and other diseases. anybody else? >> done, done, done. going once, going twice. don't forget to set your dvress. we'll see you tomorrow. "special report" is up next.
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aut >> it is wednesday february 5th. round two. old man winter is at it again blasting the east coast. from half an inch of ice to a foot of snow maria molina tracking it all. >> breaking news while you were sleeping, four suspected heroin dealers arrested in the death of phillip seymour hoffman. plus new tests are revealing about the drugs that were found in the actor's apartment. >> are you willing to try anything to get a date. >> i am a lawyer. >> i went to harvard law school. >> i am a stewardess. >> how much it will cost you to land a date. "fox & friends first" starts right now.
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♪ >> waking you up where a little stevie nicks this morning. you are watching fox and friends first on this wednesday morning. >> i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am heather childers. thank you so much for starting your day with us. >> let's get right to the extreme weather alert for you. the second storm battering the east coast in just as many days. we have team coverage for you. laura engel is live in new york city. we are going to begin with maria molina who is tracking the storm from the weather center. >> the storm system hit hard yesterday producing close to a foot of snow across sections of kansas and over six inches across portions of the midwest including cities like indianapolis. it is still on the move
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